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TOEFL iBT Exam Vocabulary List, 1700 Words.

   Welcome to Michael Buckhoff’s TOEFL iBT Vocabulary List. After many years of teaching students how to prepare for the TOEFL iBT Exam, Michael noticed he was seeing the same words over and over again. He began to make a list of these words and did not find a repetition until he reached 1,700 total words. There are 1,700 words in this list divided into two categories. The first category is 200 words of intermediate level reading. The second is 1,500 words of advanced level reading.

TOEFL iBT Exam Vocabulary List, 1700 Words

Absorb (verb)
to occupy the full attention of, for example, to take in moisture or liquid Therapists who believe in the reality of Multiple Personality Disorder generally believe it to be caused by very severe abuse during childhood violence so extreme that the child cannot absorb the trauma in its entirety.

Abandon (verb)
to give up without intending to return or claim again Vinland was the first European Settlement in the New World but now was abandoned.

Abdomen (noun)
the part of the body containing the digestive and reproductive organs In the middle of the abdomen lies a 20 foot long small intestine.

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словарь по английскому языку :: английский язык

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  • A Dictionary of Confusable Phrases, More Than 10 000 Idioms and Collocations, Dolgopolov Y., 2010 — This dictionary has been specifically designed to “diffuse” potentially confusable expressions. The dictionary pairs more than 10,000 idioms and collocations … English Dictionaries, Vocabularies
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  • The Facts On File, Student’s Dictionary of American English, Barnhart C.A., 2008 — The first purpose of any student’s dictionary is to provide the basic information necessary to be able to understand a … English Dictionaries, Vocabularies
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One of the most challenging aspects of studying for the TOEFL is developing good TOEFL vocabulary skills, but it is, in fact, one of the most vital. Many TOEFL questions either ask you to define a word or require you to know the definition of a word to answer a question correctly. Which words do you need to know out of the millions in the English language?

It’s a tough call, right? Do not worry; we have made the work easier for you and identified the top TOEFL words you should know before taking the test. They are listed below, together with their meanings and sample sentences for better comprehension. 

Ultimate TOEFL Vocabulary List: Top 150+ Words to Know

What is TOEFL?

The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a standardized test used to assess non-native speakers’ English language competence to enroll in English-speaking universities. 

It assesses all four language skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing in the same way that IELTS and Duolingo English Test do. 

The TOEFL Syllabus emphasizes polished vocabulary since it aids students in each exam segment. 

The TOEFL is a collection of tests, with the TOEFL IBT and TOEFL Essentials being the most popular.

TOEFL ITP (Institutional Testing Program), TOEFL Junior, and TOEFL Primary are the other tests in the TOEFL series.

These other TOEFL forms are only available through students’ schools.

In April 2021, the TOEFL PBT (Paper Based Test or Paper-delivered Test) was phased out.

Why is the Ultimate Vocabulary List for the TOEFL Special?

Accept the fact that the TOEFL will contain at least a few words that you are unfamiliar with. So, what’s the point of learning vocabulary? This is why: Each word will gradually become part of your functioning language as you learn vocabulary words. 

Consider this to be a toolset. Each phrase you add becomes another tool for whatever task you are working on. 

You have a toolbox of excellent TOEFL words to choose from, whether you are working on the TOEFL Reading test, the TOEFL Writing test, or simply having a conversation with a neighbor.

How Did We Compile This TOEFL Vocabulary List?

To compile this list, we went through official TOEFL practice resources and compiled a list of all the words that a TOEFL taker would have trouble with. This was our primary source, as it identifies words that are more likely to appear on the actual exam. 

The final TOEFL vocabulary list you see below includes words that emerged particularly frequently during our research, as well as a selection of other words judged particularly useful to know for the TOEFL

We provided a definition and a sample sentence to each of the 300 TOEFL words after compiling the list to assist you in better understanding the words and how they are used.

The 150 TOEFL Words You Need to Know

Topic: Food Crops

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
abandon  Verb To stop to support or care after (someone); desert “He abandoned his family for a better life in the city.”
adversely Adverb In a harmful way, negatively. “The medications she took during pregnancy have adversely affected her baby’s health.”
aggregate Adjective  Gathered into or amounting to a whole “There are seven small city parks with an aggregate area of 42 acres.”
cultivation Noun  Preparation of the land to grow crops; improvement for agricultural purposes “The area of wheat cultivation is 2.5% of the total area.”
fertilize Verb  To make a new individual by having the male reproductive material “You won’t need to fertilize as much if your grass was planted in good soil, to begin with.”
intensify Verb  To develop in power; to act with more strength “The debate is only going to intensify.”
irrigation Noun  The supplying of water to dry land Irrigation channels supply the needs of water in farming.”
obtain Verb  To gain possession of “You can obtain knowledge by practicing as well.”
photosynthesis Noun  The process where green plants develop their food by mixing salts, water, and carbon dioxide in the occurrence of light Photosynthesis changes light energy from the sun to chemical energy.”
precipitation Noun  Water that falls to the Earth’s surface “The precipitation of acid reduces forest productivity.”

Topic: Disaster

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
anticipate Verb  To expect; to sense something before it happens Anticipate hazards when you walk through the trail.”
catastrophic Adjective  Involving or causing sudden significant damage or suffering “The catastrophic typhoon caused many residents to flee to the nearby town.”
collide Verb  To come together with great or violent force “Thank God, no one got hurt when we collided with another vehicle.”
eruption Noun  A sudden, often violent, outburst “The eruption of Mt. Krakatoa in Indonesia in 1883 caused thousands of deaths.”
famine Noun  Severe hunger; a drastic food shortage “Millions of people die because of famine yearly.”
flood Noun  An overflowing of water; an excessive amount “The rain was nonstop, and the drainage system was poor, hence, the flood.”
impact Noun  A strong effect “The way he talks has a powerful impact on people.”
persevere Verb  To continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success. “He persevered in his studies despite the challenges he had faced.” 
plunge Verb  To go down suddenly; to decrease by a great amount in a short time “Due to the current pandemic, the world’s economy has plunged.” 
unleash Verb  To cause (a strong or violent force) to be released or become unrestrained “The war would definitely unleash unstoppable economic and political changes.”

Topic: Evolution and Migration

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
adapt Verb  To become adjusted to new conditions “The new student has to adapt to his new school.”
diverse Adjective  Showing a great deal of variety; very different. “Thailand is arguably one of the most diverse countries in the world.”
evolve Verb  To develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form. “Species would develop, adapt, and evolve into newly formed organisms throughout millions of years.”
feature Noun  A distinctive attribute or aspect of something “The best feature of this house is the voice-controlled light settings.”
generation Noun  All of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively “Her books are more popular for the younger generation.”
inherent Adjective  Existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute “He strongly believes in the inherent kindness of all people.”
migration Noun  Movement of people to a new area or country to find work or better living conditions “Native American Indians’ forced migration was a perilous voyage.”
physical Adjective  Relates to the body and not to the mind “It was obvious she was in physical pain after the crash.”
process Noun  An action or step was taken in order to achieve an outcome “It will take probably a month to process your visa.”
survive Verb  To keep on living or existing, especially despite harm or hardship “He had no idea how to survive in the forest.”

Topic: Time Efficiency

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
adjust Verb  To permit small alterations or movements so as to allow a desired fit, appearance, or result to be achieved. “It didn’t take that long for my brother to adjust to his new job.”
arbitrary Noun  Based on casual choice or rather than any reason or cause The statement was arbitrary, based on no valid proof.”
exponentially  Adverb  More and more rapidly “The number of chemical contaminants has risen exponentially.”
infinitesimal Adjective  Extremely small “Even an infinitesimal rise in temperature will be recorded by the equipment.”
maximize Verb  To make it as large or great as possible “Our aim is to maximize the space given.”
parallel Adjective A person or thing that is similar or analogous to another “The road runs parallel to the highway.”
proportion Noun  A share, part, or number measured in comparative relation to a whole “Young teens in their twenties commit a large proportion of crime in any country.”
rate Noun  A measure, quantity, or frequency, typically one measured against some other quantity or measure. “The rate of unemployment is rapidly increasing every year.” 
sequence Noun  A particular order in which related events, movements, or things follow each other “Similar sequence of events happened in France thirty years ago.”

Topic: Computers

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
corrode Verb  To destroy or damage slowly by chemical action “When silver comes into contact with the sulfur in your body, it corrodes.”
derive Verb  To obtain something from (a source) “There are people who derive their self-worth from their work.”
detection Noun  The action or process of identifying the presence of something concealed “The early detection of any illness is crucial.”
expeditiously Adverb  With speed and efficiency “They will carry out the enquiry as expeditiously as possible.”
implement Verb  To put into effect “The new policy is set to be implemented next quarter.”
innovative Adjective  Featuring new methods; advanced and original “It is an innovative feature and striking to look at.”
installation Noun  The act of putting something in place so that it is ready to use “The telephone company offers cheaper prices and free installation.”
maintenance Noun  The act of keeping property or equipment in good condition by making repairs “He had to sell his car because of its maintenance cost.”
simulation Noun  The act of pretending or imitation  “The captain’s skills are tested through a simulation.” 

Topic: Memory

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
anomaly Noun  Something that is not the same as what is normal, standard, or expected “There is an unfair anomaly in the tax structure.”
consciously Adverb  In a deliberate and intentional manner  “Over time, we have become consciously picky of what we eat.”
degrade Verb  Treat or regard (someone) with contempt or disrespect “Bullies tend to degrade their victims.”
gap Noun  A space that is not filled or an interval; a break in continuity. “There was a long gap in between her two jobs.”
indisputable  Adjective  Unable to be challenged or denied “That mansion is a work of an indisputable genius.”
intervene Verb  To come between so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events. “The officers had to intervene to prevent the situation from worsening.”
intuitively Adverb  Without conscious reasoning; instinctively “He intuitively understood her to need to be by herself.”
recede Verb  To go or move back or further away from a previous position “The flood is expected to recede in the morning.”
retrieve Verb  To get or bring (something) back; regain possession of “He went back to retrieve her papers from the reception officer.”

Topic: Illness

Word Word Type Sample Sentence
aggravate Verb  To make (a problem, injury, or offense) worse or more serious “Lack of sleep and stress can aggravate your health.”
decrepit Adjective  Worn out or ruined because of age or neglect “A decrepit old woman was sitting on a park bench.”
disease Noun  A condition that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific place and is not a direct effect of physical injury “To identify the disease is half the cure.” 
fatally Adverb  With death as a result “Four people were fatally wounded in the crash.”
persist Verb  To continue obstinately or firmly in an argument despite failure, difficulty, or opposition. “In spite of constant denials, the rumors continued to persist.”
prognosis Noun  The likely cause of a disease or ailment “The illness carried a poor prognosis.”
terminal Adjective  Developing, or located at the end or extremity of something ‘She is suffering from a terminal illness.”
vein Noun  The tubes establish part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying oxygen-depleted blood toward the heart “His vein at the temple throbbed angrily.”
wound Noun  An injury caused by a blow, cut, or another impact, typically one in which the skin is broken or cut “The wound left a scar on his knee.”

Topic: Surgery

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
anesthesia Noun  Insensitivity to pain, especially as artificially induced by the administration of gases or the injection of drugs before surgical operations “Acupuncture anesthesia is quickly gaining popularity in surgical procedures.”
augment Verb  To make (something) greater by adding to it; increase “She needs to find an extra job to augment her family’s income.”
certifiable Adjective  Capable of being certified  “The Titanic film is a certifiable hit.”
complication Noun  A secondary disease exasperating an already existing one “One of the most common complications of diabetes is blindness.”
cure Noun  A treatment or substance that remedies a disease or condition “Antibiotics are an effective cure for colds.”
implant Verb  Insert or fix (tissue or an artificial object) in a person’s body, especially by surgery “The surgeons had implanted a new lens during the operation.”
inject Verb  To administer a drug or medicine by syringe to (a person or animal) “Jim is a diabetic and needs to inject himself with insulin every other day.”
obese Adjective  Grossly fat or overweight  Obese people need exercise and change the way they eat.”
procedure Noun  An established or official way of doing something “There are sets of procedures that you need to study and adhere to.”
scar Noun  A mark left on the skin where a burn, wound, or sore has not completely healed “The cut healed but left a scar.”

Topic: Culture 

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
assimilate Verb  To absorb and integrate (people, ideas, or culture) into a wider society or culture. “She needs to assimilate herself into the new community.”
cremation Noun  The disposal of a dead person’s body by burning it to ashes, typically after a funeral ceremony “In some nations, cremation is more frequent than burial.”
domestic Adjective  Relating to the running of a family or home relation Domestic violence is a serious problem that should be taken seriously.”
folklore Noun  The old-style customs, beliefs, and stories of a community, passed through the generations by word of mouth. “Anyone who has such a photograph, according to folklore, will have terrible luck.”
fossil Noun  The remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock Fossil fuels are running out, and they are non-renewable resources.” 
relic Noun  An object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest “This stone tool is a relic of ancient times.”
rite Noun  A religious or other solemn ceremony or act “Before construction began, a cleansing rite was performed.”
ritually Adverb  In a way that is done as a religious or solemn rite “The sheep were ritually slaughtered.”
saga Noun  A long, involved story, account, or series of incidents “He has been able to write an exciting and compelling family saga.”
vestige Noun  A trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists “I’m fighting every vestige of my being to believe in his innocence.”

Topic: Society

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
amend Verb  To modify formally, as a legal document or legislative bill “We discovered that Congress has the power to amend the constitution if certain circumstances are met.”
biased Adjective  Unethically meant for or not for someone or something “The plan was biased and seemingly in favor of the small party.”
burden Noun  A load, typically a heavy one. “I no longer hope to be a burden to you or our family.”
cooperate Verb  To work jointly toward the same end. “The relief efforts were cooperated by a number of organizations.”
de facto Adverb  In fact, or in effect, whether by right or not “Cindy has established herself as the de facto leader of the organization.”
discriminate Verb  To recognize a distinction; differentiate. Discriminating against someone based on their culture or gender is unethical.”
notion Noun  A conception of or belief about something “They have no concept of money’s worth and have a little notion for financial honesty.”
oppress Verb  To keep (someone) in subservience and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority. “The nobles were exhorted not to oppress the commoners.”
paradigm Noun  An example of a pattern of something; a model “Is it necessary to completely rethink the region’s development paradigms?”

Topic: Academics

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
curriculum Noun  The subjects making up a degree of study in a school or college “Students may not be required to create entirely new curriculum.”
distinctly Adverb  In a manner that is easily distinguished by the senses; clearly “I distinctly recall her attempting to read a short story for the first time.”
erudite Adjective  Having or showing great knowledge or learning  “She is the author of an erudite book on English history.”
fortify Noun  Strengthen (someone) mentally or physically. “You need to have some hot soup to fortify you against the cold.”
implicitly Adverb  In a way that is not directly expressed; tacitly “Her family are the only people she trusts implicitly.”
parochial Adverb  Relating to church or parish “Local newspapers are notoriously parochial.”
rigor Noun  An abrupt feeling of cold with shaking accompanied by an upsurge in temperature, often with copious sweating, especially at the onset or height of a fever “In approaching this subject, academic rigor is required.”
roster Noun  A list or plan showing turns of duty or leave for individuals or groups in an organization. “The event has a total of 500 participants on the roster.”
secular Adjective  Denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis “We live in a secular society..”
suspend Verb  To temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect “He was suspended from the game because of his conduct.”

Topic: Military

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
allegiance Noun  Loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or cause “We all owe allegiance to our own country.” 
artillery Noun  Large-caliber guns used in warfare on land “The adversary possesses sufficient heavy artillery to win the battle.”
battle Noun  A sustained fight between large organized armed forces “The enemy was defeated in the battle.”
cease Verb  To come to an end “The company has ceased operations since June of this year.”
scale Noun  A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority “She rose rapidly through the political hierarchy to become the leader.”
troop Noun  A group of soldiers, especially a cavalry unit commanded by a captain, or an airborne unit “The troop made their way through the hills and valleys.”
mobilize Verb  To organize and encourage (people) to act in a concerted way to bring about a particular political objective. “They were not able to mobilize their resources efficiently.”
rank Noun  A position in the hierarchy of the armed forces “He was promoted last month to the rank of colonel.”
ratio Noun  The quantitative relation between two amounts shows the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other. “The school is trying to improve its teacher/student ratio.”
strategic Adjective  Carefully designed or planned to serve a particular purpose or advantage. Strategic partnerships are being forged with major companies.”

Topic: History

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
chronologically  Adverb  In a way that follows the order in which events or records occurred “Applicants are asked to list chronologically the schools they have attended.”
coincide Verb  To occur at or during the same time “The party coincided with the meeting.”
consequence  Noun  An effect or a result of an action or condition “The accident was a consequence of someone’s carelessness.”
clash Verb  A violent confrontation “They are going to clash in the near future, mark my word.”
deny Verb  To state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of “She denied being in the place of the murder at that time.”
depict Verb  To show or represent by a drawing, painting, or another art form “The painting depicts the life in the ancient times.”
diminish Verb  To make or become less. “I don’t wish to diminish his accomplishments, but he did get a lot of aid.”
milieu  Noun  A person’s social environment “She found life as an actor’s wife unusual at first, having come from a different milieu.”
optimal Adjective  Best or most favorable; optimum “At that time, it seems to be the optimal solution.”
reconciliation  Noun  The act of reconciling two opposing points of view or beliefs “It has also served as a reconciliation bridge between Northern and Southern America.”

Topic: Finance

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
allocate Verb  To distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose “She allocates half of her income for the charity.”
commodity Noun  A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee “Clean water is indeed a precious commodity all over the world.”
decline Verb  To diminish in strength or quality; deteriorate “The profit of the company declined this year.”
equity Noun  The value of a mortgaged property after deduction of charges against it “She sold her equity in the franchise two years ago.”
inflation Noun  A general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money “The business has done a good job at maintaining inflation.”
net Noun  The overall profitability of a company after all expenses and costs have been deducted from total revenue. “It is interesting to know that the net of the company has doubled this year.”
per capita Adjective  Relating or applied to each person “The per capita consumption of tobacco has decreased over the last few years.”
regulate Verb To control or maintain the rate or speed of (a machine or process) so that it operates properly. “They are at a point of reaching an agreement to regulate child labor.”
subsidy Noun  Money is granted by the government or a public body to help an industry so that prices of commodities or services may remain low or competitive. “The government provides a significant subsidy to the corporation.”
tangible  Adjective  Perceptible by touch “We cannot accept his explanation without tangible proof.”

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
accumulate Verb  To gather relatively or get an increasing number or quantity of “He has accumulated a lot of properties during his reign as the town governor.”
affluence Noun  The state of acquiring a huge deal of money; wealth “The affluence of others exacerbates the poverty of some.”
elite Noun  A select group that is greater in terms of capacity or qualities than the rest of a group or society “Would you believe that education used to be a privilege for the elite only?”
impoverish Verb  To make someone poor. “Reduced income will further impoverish these families and may entice a criminal to commit more crimes.”
luxury Noun  The condition of having great comfort and an extravagant lifestyle “A car used to be a luxury item rather than a necessity.”
nobility Noun  The quality of being noble in mind, rank, character, or birth “The ultimate meaning of nobility is to be better than one’s prior self.”
prestige Noun  The prevalent respect and appreciation felt for someone or something on observation of their achievements or quality. “The monarch desired to raise his prestige through war.”
privileged  Adjective  Having special rights, advantages, or immunities “She considers herself highly privileged to have the opportunity to finish her studies.”
prosper Verb  To succeed in material terms; be financially successful “She hopes her company will prosper this year.”
wealthy Adjective  Having a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich “The new student comes from a wealthy family.”

Topic: Employment

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
compensate Verb  To give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury incurred; recompense. “She did not have the means to compensate for her finances.”
dynamic Adjective  Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress “My teacher is energetic and dynamic.”
enterprise Noun  A project or undertaking is typically one that is difficult or requires effort. “They are adamant about continuing the enterprise.”
exploit Verb  To use and gain benefit from (a resource) “You should exploit every opportunity that comes your way.”
incentive Noun  A thing that inspires or boosts one to do something “You will receive a substantial incentive as well as freeboard and housing.
industrious Adjective  Diligent and hardworking “His industrious parents are his role models.” 
marginal Adjective  Small in amount or effect “The gap between the two figures is marginal.” 
merit Noun  The quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially to deserve praise or reward “She is hoping to get the job on her merit.”
promote Verb  Support or actively encourage to further the progress of (something, especially a cause, venture, or aim). “The policy of the government should promote citizen’s welfare.”
resign Verb To voluntarily leave a job or other position “The CEO of the company is under great pressure to resign.” 

Topic: Trading

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
distill Verb  To purify (a liquid) by vaporizing it, then condensing it by cooling the vapor, and collecting the resulting liquid “The saltwater was distilled to be drinkable.”
entrepreneurial Adjective  Taking of financial menaces in the hope of profit; enterprising Entrepreneurial governments are attempting to alter these incentives and rewards.”
extract Verb  To eliminate or take out, especially by force “Oil can be extracted from shale.”
haggle Verb  To dispute or bargain persistently, especially over the cost of something. “She is so good at haggling that she got the painting at half its original price.” 
intrepid Adjective  Fearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical or humorous effect) “Those who are intrepid still proceeded with the journey.”
merchant Noun  A company or person involved in wholesale trading, particularly one dealing with supplying merchandise to a particular trade “During the pandemic, the greedy merchant hiked the price of bread and milk.”
property Noun  A thing or things that belongs to someone “Simon inherited the property from his parents.”
prototype Noun The first, preliminary model of something from which other types are developed or copied “They are working on a digital tiny camera prototype.”
reward Noun  A thing that is given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement “The reward was not intended for her.”
shuttle Noun A mode of transportation that regularly travels between places “The store provides a free shuttle service.”

Topic: Politics

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
advocate Noun  A person who openly supports or endorses a particular cause or policy “Through the website, you can talk with an advocate.”
authority Noun  The power or prerogative to give orders makes decisions and requires obedience. “The police have the authority to arrest those who break the law.”
bitterly Adverb  In an angry, hurt, or resentful way “She was bitterly opposed to the thought of relocating abroad.”
candidate Noun  A person who applies for a job or is nominated for election “He is an ideal candidate for the vacated position.”
coalition Noun  An alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or of states “The two groups joined forces to form a coalition.”
contest Verb  Engage in competition to attain (a position of power) “He had to contest against an extremely strong contender for the championship.”
election Noun  A formal and organized choice by a vote of a person for a political office or other position “At the station, students were passing out election flyers.”
inaugurate Verb  To begin or introduce (a system, policy, or period) “The citizens thought that the new administration would inaugurate a new era of progress.”
policy Noun  A principle of action assumed or planned by a party, government, business, or individual “The authoritarian policy failed to deliver results.”
poll Noun  The process of voting in an election “According to the poll, 80% of the respondents support regional self-government.”

Topic: Court

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
accuse Verb  To charge (someone) with an offense or crime “You have no right to accuse him of being lazy.”
allegedly Adverb  Used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof “He was fired because he was allegedly incompetent.”
civil Adjective  Relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters “The criminals’ civil rights were taken away.”
convict Verb  To state (someone) to be guilty of a criminal act by the judgment of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of justice.a judge’s decision “The evidence to convict him is insufficient.”
guilty Adjective  Responsible of or accountable for a specified wrongdoing “She feels extremely guilty at forgetting his birthday.”
offense Noun  Something that creates a violation of what is judged to be right or normal “Driving an automobile without lights at night is a major offense.”
peer Noun  A person of the same status, age, or capability as another stated person “Young kids are subjected to a lot of peer pressure.”
suspect Noun  A person believed to be guilty of a crime or offense “I have always suspected that she is a liar.”
verdict Noun  A pronouncement on a doubtful issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquiry “The verdict of the jury is unanimous.”
witness Noun  A person who sees an event takes place. “Only one witness was able to identify the suspect positively.”

Topic: Government

Word Word Type Definition Sample Sentence
bribery Noun  The act of offering someone money or something else of value, usually immoral, to encourage them to do something “He was adamant about proving the bribery charges wrong.”
cynically Adverb  In a distrustful way that expresses a belief that people are motivated purely by self-interest “He had tried to take advantage of her cynically for his personal benefit.”
erode Verb  To gradually wear away. “Around this time, the dollar’s value began to erode quickly.”
evade Verb  To escape or avoid, especially by cleverness or trickery “You risk going to prison if you try to evade paying your taxes.”
grotesque Adjective  Comically or repulsively ugly or distorted “The treatment of captives was grotesque by today’s standards.”
integrity Noun  Having honesty and strong moral principles; moral uprightness “Working hard even when no one is looking is a practical approach to demonstrate integrity.”
prevalent Adjective  Common in a particular area or at a particular period of time “Infant fatalities were particularly prevalent among the impoverished.”
reform Noun  The process of changing an institution or practice “She refuses to admit that reform is required.”
scandal Noun  An event viewed as morally or legally wrong and instigating general public disgrace. “After the scandal and following investigation, the actor went into hiding for a few months.”
unmask Verb  To expose the real character of or concealed truth “She can only hope to be rid of the horror if she can unmask the killer.”

How to Use This TOEFL Vocabulary List

One of the best ways to make yourself ready for the TOEFL is to enhance your vocabulary. Have a set of vocabulary list (just like above) to study. Eliminate all of the common TOEFL words from the vocabulary list that take too much room. 

Similarly, you should eliminate any words that are unknown to you and that you have never heard before. These two processes are necessary since you cannot just memorize many new terms right before your TOEFL exam.

This is where a tutor can assist you in filtering out extraneous terms that are irrelevant to your level. The words you employ should match the rest of your language to sound natural. 

If you want to make this yourself, use some online dictionaries whenever you come across a word that you think you have heard before but cannot remember the meaning of. 

If you do not know how to use a new word, do not worry about it. Instead, concentrate on the new ones you can recall easily.

How to Customize Your Vocabulary List?

Assessing your abilities ahead of time can save you time and allow you to concentrate solely on the areas you are weak at. Most vocabulary lists and publications often collect around 5000 TOEFL words to achieve a high TOEFL score. 

No one expects you to know 5000 TOEFL words off by heart. The ability to use words appropriately in specific settings, rather than the number of words you know, is used by TOEFL examiners to determine your fluency.

“Learn five words a day,” is the golden rule. You cannot, however, memorize five words from a random list. The greatest approach to remembering new terminology is utilizing them in different scenarios, dialogues, and compositions.

If you already know at least 50-60% of the terms in the vocabulary list, your learning strategy will be completely different. Remember that an ideal list should be between 600 and 800 words long.

The Best Way to Use Your TOEFL Flashcards

Ensure that you are having fun while you are learning. We have all grown up with familiar vocabulary games like scrabble and Pictionary. 

Flashcards, on the other hand, are the most effective. You do not require a partner for this, so you can do it whenever you like.

As a result, while studying for the TOEFL words, construct flashcards. Use different colors to categorize your flashcards based on the categories you have chosen. 

The word should be mentioned on one side, and “a definition” and “contextual examples” should be described on the other. When you have a five-minute break, have a look at these flashcards. Make sure you get at least five of these breaks every day. 

Additional FAQs – TOEFL Vocabulary

Should You Pick Up a Ready-Made Vocabulary List?

While there are a variety of TOEFL vocabulary lists available, we recommend creating your own. When it comes to acquiring language, one approach does not suit all. Every student memorizes words at a different rate and with a distinct aptitude. 

Some people are better at picking up new words and adding them to their already large vocabulary. 

On the other hand, others will need to spend more time memorizing each term because they haven’t used many distinct words before. Determine your present level of TOEFL word knowledge and start from there. Taking a TOEFL sample exam is the simplest way to achieve this. 

Why Do I Need to Have a Vocabulary List Based on Categories?

You must prepare a set of TOEFL words that are based on categories. This will make it less challenging to remember the words because they are connected and related. 

Having 20 sets of vocabulary with ten words each is easier to study than having a set of 200 words. 

How Can I Memorize TOEFL Words?

Memorizing TOEFL words is challenging, and a technique that works for others may not work for you. 

However, one of the most proven ways to memorize them is by creating categories. In this way, you will remember the terminologies easier and better because you have a common topic. Just like the table above, you can start by choosing the different categories of your interest and listing the related words. 

Should I Study American English or British English for the TOEFL?

Even though the exam was designed and administered by an American organization (ETS), it is expected that test-takers are worldwide. 

As a result, when taking the TOEFL, it is noted that you may use either of the two, British English or American English, but must remain consistent throughout the exam.

Additional Reading – TOEFL Vocabulary

Additional Reading – TOEFL Vocabulary


[ kɔ:n ]

кукуруза зерно
кукурузная водка
банальные или сентиментальные мысли
зерновые хлеба
мозоль клиновидная
сеять пшеницу
сеять кукурузу
наливаться зерном


[ ‘bʌfələu ]

буйвол бизон


[ ə’baid ]

оставаться верным


[ i’venʧəli ]

в конечном счете в конце концов
со временем


[ iks’piəriəns ]

знать по опыту
убеждаться на опыте


[ sju:’piəriə ]

начальник превосходный


[ ə’grɛəriən ]

крупный землевладелец
сторонник аграрных реформ


[ ə’sidjuəs ]



[ ‘enər‚veɪt ]

лишать воли
лишать мужества


[ ri’leit ]

иметь отношение


[ ri’lai ]

основываться, основывать на чем-л.


[ in’fi(ə)riə ]

низший нижестоящее должностное лицо
нижестоящая инстанция
младший по чину
сто `ящий ниже


[ ig’zɔ:stiŋ ]



[ kwiz ]

викторина опрос
проверочные вопросы
проверка знаний
предварительный экзамен
проводить проверочные испытания
смотреть насмешливо
смотреть с любопытством
проверять знания
производить опрос


[ kɑ:m ]

спокойствие безветрие
зеркальное море

at once

[ ət wʌns ]

сразу тотчас
в то же время
вместе с тем


[ teim ]

делать неинтересным


[ ‘riəlaiz ]

отдавать себе отчет
представлять себе
получать прибыль
превращать в деньги
приносить доход


[ ‘væli ]

долина впадина


[ ‘fə:tail ]

плодородный плодоносящий


[ ‘rezəl(j)u:t ]

решительный твердый


[ nəu’mædik ]

кочевой бродячий


[ ʃeim ]



[ di’fi:t ]

наносить поражение
расстраивать планы


[ ,i:kwi’libriəm ]

равновесие сбалансированность


[ sɔil ]

почва, земля, грунт пачкать


[ kei’ɔtik ]



[ ‚ʌndər’gəʋ ]

претерпевать подвергаться


[ ‘rezəl(j)u:tlɪ ]



[ ə’sɪdʒu:əslɪ ]

усердно истово


[ in’sleiv ]

делать рабом


[ ʌn’derwent ]



[ ‘enər‚veɪtɪŋ ]


to pass through

[ tu: pɑ:s θru: ]

пройти через


[ ʃæmɪŋ ]

стыдить симулирующий


[ teimɪŋ ]

укрощение культивирование

«Life can be divided into two stages; first — no brains, second — no health.» — Жизнь делится на два этапа — сначала нет ума, потом здоровья

 Friday [ʹfraıdı] , 14 April [ʹeıprəl] 2023


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Michael Buckhoff’s TOEFL iBT Exam Vocabulary List. 200 Words of Intermediate TOEFL iBT Vocabulary


















carry out
















deal with



be on one’s own














along with






























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If you’re anything like me, then you want quick answers to complicated problems.

You know that you need to know more vocabulary for the TOEFL, but you don’t know where to look or what to study.

Well, we have taken the best TOEFL vocabulary pdf list, also known as the Academic Word List by Dr. Averil Coxhead, and repackaged it for TOEFL takers just like you.

Now I know some of you are in a hurry (this is the Internet after all), so I will put a link to Your Ultimate Vocabulary List for the TOEFLTest right here so you can download it right away.


Downloading a vocabulary list will not help you much for the TOEFL.

Not only do you have to know these words, but you have to learn why they are important, what they mean, and how to use them on test day.

Why is the Ultimate Vocabulary List for the TOEFL special?

Applied linguist Averil Coxhead developed the Academic Word List in 2001.

She wanted to determine if certain words showed up in an academic text, regardless of the subject.

  • law 
  • finance
  • history
  • psychology
  • biology
  • chemistry 

After her research, Professor Coxhead found that these 570 words show up with great frequency across multiple disciplines, no matter the subject.

This is the only TOEFL vocabulary list you need to study if you need vocabulary help, especially for the TOEFL reading section.

The TOEFL text in the reading and the content in the listening are academic texts to contain the same vocabulary from the academic word list.

We have taken her list one step further and included all of the forms of each headword, so you can see how words are connected.

The Academic Word Family List

abandon (v./n.) abandonment abandoned
abstract (adj./v./n.) abstraction, abstractor,
abstractionism, abstractionist
abstracted abstractedly, abstractly
academy (n.) academics, academism, academia,
academicism, academician
access (n./v.) accessibility accessible accessibly
accommodate (v.) accommodation, accommodationist accommodative,
accompany (v.) accompaniment, accompanist accompanying
accumulate (v.) accumulation, accumulator accumulative
accurate (adj.) accuracy accurate accurately
achieve (v.) achievement, achiever achievable

After you download this powerful TOEFL Vocabulary pdf list, follow the steps below so you can actually remember their meaning and use them on test day.

Step 1 – Identify your vocabulary weaknesses

First, review the list and circle the words you don’t know. You should find that there are a bunch of words you actually already know the meaning of.

Below is an example:

The Academic Word Family List

abandon (v./n.) abandonment abandoned
abstract (adj./v./n.) abstraction, abstractor,
abstractionism, abstractionist
abstracted abstractedly, abstractly
academy (n.) academics, academism, academia,
academicism, academician
access (n./v.) accessibility accessible accessibly
accommodate (v.) accommodation, accommodationist accommodative,
accompany (v.) accompaniment, accompanist accompanying
accumulate (v.) accumulation, accumulator accumulative
accurate (adj.) accuracy accurate accurately
achieve (v.) achievement, achiever achievable

Notice how I only circle the headwords on the left. Don’t try to study every single word in a given row. They all have a similar meaning to the headword. All you need to understand is that each form of the word (verb, noun, adjective, adverb) is connected to the meaning of the headword on the left.

If you know the meaning of the headword, you know the meaning of all the other words in the same row.

Once you have identified the words you need to study, it’s time to move on to flashcards.

Wait, wait, wait… flashcards?


Flashcards are amazing for studying vocabulary because they use a spaced repetition system. When you open up your flashcard app, they will show you the vocabulary your brain is about to forget.

Believe it or not, there is actually an algorithm for how likely you are to remember something, and it is built into some of the more popular flashcard apps. Check out the graph:

Notice how likely you are to forget something if you don’t review it after 3 days! That’s what makes flashcards such a powerful tool for building your TOEFL vocabulary.

Pretty cool, right?

No? Well, I’m a teacher, I get excited by educational apps!

Step 2 – Find your flashcard app

Flashcards are your number one tool for studying TOEFL vocabulary words.

Here are some apps you can try. Find the one that suits you best.

  • Anki – The most powerful flashcard app on the market, but hard to use.
  • Quizlet – This is a popular choice amongst teachers and students
  • Cram – A free and simple flashcard app.

There are dozens of flashcard apps out there. Do a bit of Googling and find the one that’s right for you!

Step 3 – Choose your flashcard style

Make your own flashcards.

When you start to use these flashcard apps, you will notice pre-made decks. While downloading a pre-made deck may look like a great way to save time, in the long run, it will have a negative impact on the amount of information you retain.

One of the best ways to remember new TOEFL vocabulary is to think about it on your own. Figure out the meaning and write out a few example sentences on your own. You can even take it one step further and imagine you are a teacher who has to help another student learn this new word.

Use this list of words to create your own flashcards and feel free to experiment with the design.

Here’s an example from Magoosh’s flashcard app.

These are the elements included in this example:

  1. The vocabulary word along with an audio file of the pronunciation
  2. The definition of the word and part of speech
  3. An example sentence

Here’s another example of one of my own flashcards when I was studying Japanese with Anki:

There are a few things added to this example:

  1. An image to provide a visual association with the word
  2. The word in Japanese along with an audio file
  3. A mnemonic to help me recall the word
  4. Three options contingent on how well I remembered the word.

***Also, keep in mind, when you are studying, you will just see the word on one side and then you will have to guess the meaning or example sentence before revealing the answer. Think of flashcards like mini-tests.

Testing is how to measure whether you truly know something. Consistent testing is how to remember what you have learned.

Step 4 – Create your study schedule

I got this idea from a friend of mine who wanted to cook more homecooked meals. He was eating out for lunch and gaining weight.

Like all of us, he struggled to find the time to prepare well-balanced homecooked meals daily (and don’t forget all the dishes!).

He started to prepare his meals for the week on Sunday. He batched all of his cooking and washing time to a single day. He separated his lunch for each day in the refrigerator to save time each day and eat healthy without even thinking about it.

Do the same for your TOEFL vocabulary studies. Plan out the when and where you plan to study each day and what material you will go over. Actually, write it down, or use a spreadsheet like the example below.

8:00 AM 8:00 — 8:15 — Review flashcards
8:15 — 8:30 — Create new flashcards
8:00 — 8:15 — Review flashcards
8:15 — 8:30 — Practice writing example sentences
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
12:30 PM 12:30 — 1:00 — Meet teacher,
share example sentences, edit
1:00 PM

The very fact that you physically write out your weekly study schedule will make it far more likely that you stick to it.

In Conclusion

Again, don’t forget to pick up your copy of your Ultimate Vocabulary List for the TOEFL test.

This Academic Word List has been proven to contain 570 of the most frequent words that show up in academic texts across multiple disciplines.

But remember…

Downloading this vocabulary list isn’t enough to remember the meaning and usage of all these words.

You have to practice, and the best way to practice is by creating your very own flashcards.

Here are the steps you need to take to improve your TOEFL vocabulary with flashcards:

  • Step 1: Identify your vocabulary weaknesses
  • Step 2: Find your flashcard app
  • Step 3: Choose your flashcard style
  • Step 4: Create your study schedule

I know this TOEFL stuff can get a bit frustrating sometimes. So don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know if you have any questions or concerns: [email protected]

Did I miss anything? Or do you have a comment?

Please add your ideas in the comments section below.

I promise to respond to every single one!

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