Word for to stick out

  • bulge
  • bulge out
  • jut out
  • poke out
  • protrude
  • stand out
  • beetle
  • come through
  • extend
  • extrude
  • jut
  • obtrude
  • outthrust
  • overhang
  • pouch
  • pout
  • project
  • protend
  • push
  • show

On this page you’ll find 35 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to stick out, such as: bulge, bulge out, jut out, poke out, protrude, and stand out.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING stick out

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use stick out in a sentence

That screech was so blamed genuwine I almost fergot to stick out my laig and trip Boston as he come by me.


If this is done, the corners will not stick out when the cloth is finished.


And I shall stick out that he placards on them a notice, that they were shot by you—shot fair and clean, by God!


And the pussy cat was washing his face with his paws, taking care not to let the claws stick out for fear of scratching his eyes.


Then one of us must go down the opening yonder, wade along the passage, poke the stick out through the hole, and shout.


Further on, the corner of a bit of paper would stick out from under the pedestal of a clock.


Some may think I stick out the elbow too much, but I don’t care for that, if by this means the scale becomes smooth and even.


His black hair was clipped close to his skull, making his ears appear to stick out amazingly.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • bag
  • balloon
  • beetle
  • billow
  • bloat
  • bug out
  • dilate
  • distend
  • enlarge
  • expand
  • extrude
  • jut
  • overhang
  • poke out
  • pop out
  • protrude
  • protuberate
  • puff out
  • stand out
  • stick out
  • swell
  • beetle
  • bulge
  • elongate
  • extend
  • impend
  • lengthen
  • overhang
  • poke out
  • pop out
  • pouch
  • project
  • protrude
  • protuberate
  • stand out
  • stick out
  • beetled
  • bulged
  • elongated
  • impended
  • lengthened
  • overhung
  • poked
  • popped
  • pouched
  • projected
  • protruded
  • protuberated
  • stood out
  • stuck out
  • be imminent
  • be suspended
  • beetle
  • cast a shadow
  • command
  • dangle over
  • droop over
  • endanger
  • extend
  • flap over
  • impend
  • jut
  • loom
  • menace
  • overtop
  • poke
  • portend
  • pouch
  • project
  • protrude
  • rise above
  • stand out
  • stick out
  • swing over
  • threaten
  • tower above
  • bag
  • balloon
  • beetle
  • belly
  • bilge
  • billow
  • bloat
  • blob
  • dilate
  • distend
  • enlarge
  • expand
  • extrude
  • jut
  • massive
  • overhang
  • oversize
  • poke
  • pop out
  • pouch
  • protrude
  • protuberate
  • puff out
  • sag
  • stand out
  • stick out
  • swell
  • arouse
  • awaken
  • bulge
  • butt
  • crowd
  • dig
  • elbow
  • goose
  • hit
  • jab
  • jostle
  • jut
  • nudge
  • overhang
  • prod
  • project
  • protrude
  • provoke
  • punch
  • ram
  • rouse
  • shoulder
  • shove
  • stab
  • stand out
  • stick
  • stick out
  • stimulate
  • stir

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

торчать, высовывать, высовываться, маячить


- бросаться в глаза, выделяться

to stick out a mile — быть совершенно очевидным
his real intentions stuck out a mile — его истинные намерения были яснее ясного
it sticks out a mile that he wants your job — слепому видно, что он целится на ваше место
to stick out one’s neck — поставить себя под удар; навлечь на себя гнев, критику и т. п.

- терпеть, выносить; стоять до конца

to stick smth. out a bit longer — потерпеть что-л. ещё немного
they were bored by the film but stuck it out for two hours — фильм показался им скучным, но они высидели все два часа
it was a long train trip but we stuck it out by playing cards — в поезде мы ехали долго, но мы коротали время карточной игрой

- (for) настаивать на чём-л.; требовать чего-л.

to stick out for better terms — добиваться лучших условий
the men are sticking out for the full amount of their wage claim — рабочие добиваются полного удовлетворения их требований о повышении зарплаты

Мои примеры


to stick out one’s chest — выпячивать грудь  
stick out like the balls on a bulldog — быть очевидным; высовываться; торчать  
stick out one’s chest — выпячивать грудь; выпятить грудь  
stick out like a sore thumb — обращать на себя внимание; оскорблять взгляд; бросаться в глаза  
stick out a mile — быть видимым невооружённым глазом; быть само собой разумеющимся  
stick out neck — поставить себя под удар  
stick out like a sore toe — привлекать внимание окружающих своими достоинствами  
stick out for better terms — добиваться лучших условий  
stick out for — настаивать на; настоять на  
stick out — настаивать на чем-л. требовать чего-л.; выдаваться; отлипающий; выпячивать  

Примеры с переводом

The house stuck out because of its unusual shape.

Дом выделялся своей необычной формой.

You may have to stick out for your pay rise longer than you expected.

Возможно, тебе придётся настаивать на повышении зарплаты дольше, чем ты думаешь.

The miners are determined to stick out until they get their demands.

Шахтёры намерены бастовать до тех пор, пока их требования не будут удовлетворены.

Somehow she managed to stick out the whole race despite her bad knee.

Она каким-то образом ухитрилась выдержать всю гонку, несмотря на больное колено.

You stick out like a sore thumb in that uniform.

В этой униформе ты как бельмо на глазу.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…no feet sticking out in the aisles, please…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren’t included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.


Смотреть что такое «stick out» в других словарях:

  • stick out — {v.} 1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. * /The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree./ 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. * /My house is the only brick one on the street.… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • stick out — {v.} 1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. * /The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree./ 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. * /My house is the only brick one on the street.… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • stick out — ► stick out be extremely noticeable. Main Entry: ↑stick …   English terms dictionary

  • stick out — *bulge, jut, protuberate, protrude, project, overhang, beetle Analogous words: *extend, prolong, elongate, lengthen: *expand, swell, distend: obtrude (see INTRUDE) stiff adj Stiff, rigid, inflexible, tense, stark, wooden can mean so firm, hard,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • stick out — [v] bulge beetle, come through, extend, extrude, jut, obtrude, outthrust, overhang, poke, pouch, pout, project, protend, protrude, push, show, stand out; concept 751 Ant. depress …   New thesaurus

  • stick out — index project (extend beyond) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • stick out — phrasal verb Word forms stick out : present tense I/you/we/they stick out he/she/it sticks out present participle sticking out past tense stuck out past participle stuck out 1) [intransitive] to continue further than the end of a surface or the… …   English dictionary

  • stick out — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you stick out part of your body, you extend it away from your body. to stick your neck out → see neck [V P n (not pron)] She made a face and stuck out her tongue at him… [V n P] He stuck his hand out and he said, Good evening …   English dictionary

  • stick out — v 1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree. 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. My house is the only brick one on the street. It sticks… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Stick Out — Infobox Album Name = Stick Out Type = studio Longtype = Artist = The Blue Hearts Cover size = 150 Caption = Released = February 10, 1993 Recorded = Avaco Creative Studio Genre = Punk rock Length = 41:40 Language = Japanese Label = East West Japan …   Wikipedia

  • stick out — v. 1) (D; intr.) ( to protrude ) to stick out from; into (the nail stuck out from the wall; his feet stuck out into the aisle) 2) (D; tr.) ( to extend ) to stick out to, towards (she stuck out her hand to us) * * * [ stɪk aʊt] towards (she stuck… …   Combinatory dictionary


  1. stick out
  2. Полезное
  3. Смотреть что такое «stick out» в других словарях:
  5. stick out
  6. См. также в других словарях:
  7. to stick out
  8. См. также в других словарях:

stick out

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь . 2001 .


Смотреть что такое «stick out» в других словарях:

stick out — 1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. * /The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree./ 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. * /My house is the only brick one on the street.… … Dictionary of American idioms

stick out — 1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. * /The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree./ 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. * /My house is the only brick one on the street.… … Dictionary of American idioms

stick out — ► stick out be extremely noticeable. Main Entry: ↑stick … English terms dictionary

stick out — *bulge, jut, protuberate, protrude, project, overhang, beetle Analogous words: *extend, prolong, elongate, lengthen: *expand, swell, distend: obtrude (see INTRUDE) stiff adj Stiff, rigid, inflexible, tense, stark, wooden can mean so firm, hard,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

stick out — [v] bulge beetle, come through, extend, extrude, jut, obtrude, outthrust, overhang, poke, pouch, pout, project, protend, protrude, push, show, stand out; concept 751 Ant. depress … New thesaurus

stick out — index project (extend beyond) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

stick out — phrasal verb Word forms stick out : present tense I/you/we/they stick out he/she/it sticks out present participle sticking out past tense stuck out past participle stuck out 1) [intransitive] to continue further than the end of a surface or the… … English dictionary

stick out — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you stick out part of your body, you extend it away from your body. to stick your neck out → see neck [V P n (not pron)] She made a face and stuck out her tongue at him. [V n P] He stuck his hand out and he said, Good evening … English dictionary

stick out — v 1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree. 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. My house is the only brick one on the street. It sticks… … Словарь американских идиом

Stick Out — Infobox Album Name = Stick Out Type = studio Longtype = Artist = The Blue Hearts Cover size = 150 Caption = Released = February 10, 1993 Recorded = Avaco Creative Studio Genre = Punk rock Length = 41:40 Language = Japanese Label = East West Japan … Wikipedia

stick out — v. 1) (D; intr.) ( to protrude ) to stick out from; into (the nail stuck out from the wall; his feet stuck out into the aisle) 2) (D; tr.) ( to extend ) to stick out to, towards (she stuck out her hand to us) * * * [ stɪk aʊt] towards (she stuck… … Combinatory dictionary



to stick out a mile — быть совершенно очевидным

his real intentions stuck out a mile — его истинные намерения были яснее ясного

it sticks out a mile that he wants your job — слепому видно, что он целится на ваше место

to stick out one’s neck — поставить себя под удар; навлечь на себя гнев, критику и т.п.

to stick smth. out a bit longer — потерпеть что-л. ещё немного

they were bored by the film but stuck it out for two hours — фильм показался им скучным, но они высидели все два часа

it was a long train trip but we stuck it out by playing cards — в поезде мы ехали долго, но мы коротали время карточной игрой

to stick out for better terms — добиваться лучших условий

the men are sticking out for the full amount of their wage claim — рабочие добиваются полного удовлетворения их требований о повышении зарплаты

бросаться в глаза, выделяться

a mile — быть совершенно очевидным

his real intentions stuck out a mile — его истинные намерения были яснее ясного

it sticks out a mile that he wants your job — слепому видно, что он целится на ваше место

one’s neck — поставить себя под удар; навлечь на себя гнев, критику и т. п.

1. терпеть, выносить; стоять до конца

to stick smth. out a bit longer — потерпеть что-л. ещё немного

they were bored by the film but stuck it out for two hours — фильм показался им скучным, но они высидели все два часа

it was a long train trip but we stuck it out by playing cards — в поезде мы ехали долго, но мы коротали время карточной игрой

2. (for) настаивать на чём-л.; требовать чего-л.

for better terms — добиваться лучших условий

the men are sticking out for the full amount of their wage claim — рабочие добиваются полного удовлетворения их требований о повышении зарплаты

You can’t lock your suitcase because there is a bit of cloth sticking out.

Some cloth stuck out of the top of the drawer.

1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. * /The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree./ 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. * /My house is the only brick one on the street. It sticks out and you can’t miss it./ * /Mary plays basketball very well. The others on the team are good, but she really sticks out./ 1c. Often used in the informal phrase stick out like a sore thumb. * /John is so shy and awkward that he sticks out like a sore thumb./ Syn.: STAND OUT. 2. To keep on doing something until it is done no matter how long, hard, or unpleasant. * /Bill is not a fast runner and he doesn’t have a chance of winning the marathon, but he will stick out the race even if he finishes last./ — Often used in the phrase «stick it out». * /Mathematics is hard, but if you stick it out you will understand it./ Compare: HANG ON(2), STICK WITH(1).

You can’t lock your suitcase because there is a bit of cloth sticking out.

Some cloth stuck out of the top of the drawer.

1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. * /The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree./ 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. * /My house is the only brick one on the street. It sticks out and you can’t miss it./ * /Mary plays basketball very well. The others on the team are good, but she really sticks out./ 1c. Often used in the informal phrase stick out like a sore thumb. * /John is so shy and awkward that he sticks out like a sore thumb./ Syn.: STAND OUT. 2. To keep on doing something until it is done no matter how long, hard, or unpleasant. * /Bill is not a fast runner and he doesn’t have a chance of winning the marathon, but he will stick out the race even if he finishes last./ — Often used in the phrase «stick it out». * /Mathematics is hard, but if you stick it out you will understand it./ Compare: HANG ON(2), STICK WITH(1).

a mile — быть совершенно очевидным
his real intentions stuck out a mile — его истинные намерения были яснее ясного
it sticks out a mile that he wants your job — слепому видно, что он целится на ваше место

one‘s neck — поставить себя под удар; навлечь на себя гнев, критику и т. п.
[ʹstıkʹaʋt] phr v
1. терпеть, выносить; стоять до конца
to stick smth. out a bit longer — потерпеть что-л. ещё немного
they were bored by the film but stuck it out for two hours — фильм показался им скучным, но они высидели все два часа
it was a long train trip but we stuck it out by playing cards — в поезде мы ехали долго, но мы коротали время карточной игрой
2. (for) настаивать на чём-л.; требовать чего-л.

for better terms — добиваться лучших условий
the men are sticking out for the full amount of their wage claim — рабочие добиваются полного удовлетворения их требований о повышении зарплаты


stick out

1 stick out

2 stick out

3 stick out

4 stick out

I could see one end of the letter sticking out of John’s pocket.

Dad’s funny hat made him stick out in the crowd.

I know you don’t like it but you have to stick out the job for another month.

His new play’s boring, but since he’s my cousin we’d better stick it out.

5 stick out

6 stick out

his real intentions stuck out a mile — его истинные намерения были яснее ясного

it sticks out a mile that he wants your job — слепому видно, что он целится на ваше место

♢ to stick out one’s neck — поставить себя под удар; навлечь на себя гнев, критику и т. п.

to stick smth. out a bit longer — потерпеть что-л. ещё немного

they were bored by the film but stuck it out for two hours — фильм показался им скучным, но они высидели все два часа

it was a long train trip but we stuck it out by playing cards — в поезде мы ехали долго, но мы коротали время карточной игрой

the men are sticking out for the full amount of their wage claim — рабочие добиваются полного удовлетворения их требований о повышении зарплаты

7 stick out

they were bored by the film but stuck it out for two hours — фильм показался им скучным, но они высидели все два часа

it was a long train trip but we stuck it out by playing cards — в поезде мы ехали долго, но мы коротали время карточной игрой

8 stick out

9 stick out

The miners are determined to stick out until they get their demands. — Шахтёры намерены бастовать до тех пор, пока их требования не будут удовлетворены.

The house stuck out because of its unusual shape. — Дом выделялся своей необычной формой.

You may have to stick out for your pay rise longer than you expected. — Возможно, тебе придётся настаивать на повышении зарплаты дольше, чем ты думаешь.

10 stick out

The girl stuck out her tongue at me. His ears stick out. He doesn’t like to stick out in a crowd.

11 stick out

12 stick out

The guy stuck out that he hadn’t been present at the scene of the crime — Парень продолжал утверждать, что его не было на месте преступления

13 stick out

14 stick-out

15 stick-out

16 stick out

17 stick out

18 stick out

19 stick it out

I know you don’t like it but you have to stick out the job for another month.

His new play’s boring, but since he’s my cousin we’d better stick it out.

20 stick

He stuck his fork into a potato. — Он воткнул вилку в картофелину/подцепил картофелину вилкой.

He stuck his hands into his pockets. — Он засунул руки в карманы.

I could not stick the envelope. — У меня не получалось заклеить конверт.

The piece stuck to my fingers. — Кусочек пристал к моим пальцам.

The key stuck in the lock. — Ключ застрял в замке.

A fishbone stuck in his throat. — Рыбная косточка застряла у него в горле.

The car stuck in the mud. — Машина застряла в грязи.

The rock sticks out of the water. — Скала высовывается/торчит из воды

См. также в других словарях:

stick out — 1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. * /The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree./ 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. * /My house is the only brick one on the street.… … Dictionary of American idioms

stick out — 1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. * /The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree./ 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. * /My house is the only brick one on the street.… … Dictionary of American idioms

stick out — ► stick out be extremely noticeable. Main Entry: ↑stick … English terms dictionary

stick out — *bulge, jut, protuberate, protrude, project, overhang, beetle Analogous words: *extend, prolong, elongate, lengthen: *expand, swell, distend: obtrude (see INTRUDE) stiff adj Stiff, rigid, inflexible, tense, stark, wooden can mean so firm, hard,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

stick out — [v] bulge beetle, come through, extend, extrude, jut, obtrude, outthrust, overhang, poke, pouch, pout, project, protend, protrude, push, show, stand out; concept 751 Ant. depress … New thesaurus

stick out — index project (extend beyond) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

stick out — phrasal verb Word forms stick out : present tense I/you/we/they stick out he/she/it sticks out present participle sticking out past tense stuck out past participle stuck out 1) [intransitive] to continue further than the end of a surface or the… … English dictionary

stick out — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you stick out part of your body, you extend it away from your body. to stick your neck out → see neck [V P n (not pron)] She made a face and stuck out her tongue at him. [V n P] He stuck his hand out and he said, Good evening … English dictionary

stick out — v 1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree. 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. My house is the only brick one on the street. It sticks… … Словарь американских идиом

Stick Out — Infobox Album Name = Stick Out Type = studio Longtype = Artist = The Blue Hearts Cover size = 150 Caption = Released = February 10, 1993 Recorded = Avaco Creative Studio Genre = Punk rock Length = 41:40 Language = Japanese Label = East West Japan … Wikipedia

stick out — v. 1) (D; intr.) ( to protrude ) to stick out from; into (the nail stuck out from the wall; his feet stuck out into the aisle) 2) (D; tr.) ( to extend ) to stick out to, towards (she stuck out her hand to us) * * * [ stɪk aʊt] towards (she stuck… … Combinatory dictionary


to stick out

1 stick out

2 stick out

3 stick out

4 stick out

5 stick out

I could see one end of the letter sticking out of John’s pocket.

Dad’s funny hat made him stick out in the crowd.

I know you don’t like it but you have to stick out the job for another month.

His new play’s boring, but since he’s my cousin we’d better stick it out.

6 stick out

his real intentions stuck out a mile — его истинные намерения были яснее ясного

it sticks out a mile that he wants your job — слепому видно, что он целится на ваше место

to stick out one’s neck — поставить себя под удар; навлечь на себя гнев, критику и т. п.

to stick smth. out a bit longer — потерпеть что-л. ещё немного

they were bored by the film but stuck it out for two hours — фильм показался им скучным, но они высидели все два часа

it was a long train trip but we stuck it out by playing cards — в поезде мы ехали долго, но мы коротали время карточной игрой

the men are sticking out for the full amount of their wage claim — рабочие добиваются полного удовлетворения их требований о повышении зарплаты

7 stick out

they were bored by the film but stuck it out for two hours — фильм показался им скучным, но они высидели все два часа

it was a long train trip but we stuck it out by playing cards — в поезде мы ехали долго, но мы коротали время карточной игрой

8 stick out

9 stick out

The miners are determined to stick out until they get their demands. — Шахтёры намерены бастовать до тех пор, пока их требования не будут удовлетворены.

The house stuck out because of its unusual shape. — Дом выделялся своей необычной формой.

You may have to stick out for your pay rise longer than you expected. — Возможно, тебе придётся настаивать на повышении зарплаты дольше, чем ты думаешь.

10 stick out

The girl stuck out her tongue at me. His ears stick out. He doesn’t like to stick out in a crowd.

11 stick out

12 stick out

The guy stuck out that he hadn’t been present at the scene of the crime — Парень продолжал утверждать, что его не было на месте преступления

13 stick out

14 stick-out

15 stick-out

16 stick out

17 stick out

18 stick out

19 electrode stick-out

20 stick it out

I know you don’t like it but you have to stick out the job for another month.

His new play’s boring, but since he’s my cousin we’d better stick it out.

См. также в других словарях:

stick out — 1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. * /The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree./ 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. * /My house is the only brick one on the street.… … Dictionary of American idioms

stick out — 1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. * /The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree./ 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. * /My house is the only brick one on the street.… … Dictionary of American idioms

stick out like a sore thumb — (informal) To be painfully obvious, noticeable, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑sore * * * stick/stand/out like a sore thumb phrase to be very noticeable because of being different Any stranger to the town sticks out like a sore thumb … Useful english dictionary

stick out for — To insist upon • • • Main Entry: ↑stick * * * ˌstick ˈout for [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they stick out for he/she/it sticks out … Useful english dictionary

stick out of something — ˌstick ˈout (of sth) | ˌstick sthˈout (of sth) derived to be further out than sth else or come through a hole; to push sth further out than sth else or through a hole • His ears stick out. • She stuck her tongue out at me. • Don t stick your arm… … Useful english dictionary

stick out like a sore thumb — To be conspicuous; be different from the rest. * /When the foreign student was placed in an advanced English grammar class by mistake, it was no wonder that he stuck out like a sore thumb./ … Dictionary of American idioms

stick out like a sore thumb — To be conspicuous; be different from the rest. * /When the foreign student was placed in an advanced English grammar class by mistake, it was no wonder that he stuck out like a sore thumb./ … Dictionary of American idioms

stick out — ► stick out be extremely noticeable. Main Entry: ↑stick … English terms dictionary

stick out for — ► stick out for refuse to accept less than. Main Entry: ↑stick … English terms dictionary

stick out — *bulge, jut, protuberate, protrude, project, overhang, beetle Analogous words: *extend, prolong, elongate, lengthen: *expand, swell, distend: obtrude (see INTRUDE) stiff adj Stiff, rigid, inflexible, tense, stark, wooden can mean so firm, hard,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

stick out like a sore thumb — If something sticks or stands out like a sore thumb, it is clearly and obviously different from the things that are around it … The small dictionary of idiomes


What is another word for stick out?

446 synonyms found


[ stˈɪk ˈa͡ʊt], [ stˈɪk ˈa‍ʊt], [ s_t_ˈɪ_k ˈaʊ_t]

Related words: stand out, stick out from the crowd, stick out in the crowd, stick out like a sore thumb

Related questions:

  • What does it mean to stick out?
  • How do you stick out?
  • How do you stand out in the crowd?
  • How do you tell if someone is sticking out?
  • How can i make myself stick out?
  • Table of Contents

    • adj.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • oversized.

      oversized (adjective)

      • bloater,
      • oversize,
      • Blobber,
      • bellier,
      • poucher,
      • bagger,
      • beetler,
      • Sagger.
    • n.

      • jab,
      • heave,
      • strain,
      • jar,
      • shove,
      • prod,
      • shoulder,
      • thrust,
      • thrust aside,
      • push.

      • follow through,
      • press ahead,
      • persevere,
      • continue,
      • carry on,
      • stay the course,
      • go on,
      • keep on,
      • get on.

      • live dangerously,
      • run the risk (of something),
      • risk,
      • dare,
      • chance,
      • throw/cast caution to the wind(s),
      • hazard,
      • jeopardize,
      • gamble.

      • be nothing like.

      jump out (noun)

      • jump out.

      jut out (noun)

      • jut out.

      leap out (noun)

      • leap out.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • bulbous,
      • perceptible,
      • proud,
      • discernible,
      • protuberant.

      poke out (noun)

      • poke out.

      reach out (noun)

      • reach out.

      stick out (noun)

      • jump.
    • v.

      bulge (verb)

      • extend,
      • come through,
      • protrude,
      • extrude,
      • pout,
      • jut,
      • pouch,
      • show,
      • Protend,
      • outthrust.

      overhang (verb)

      • swang over,
      • over hang,
      • wert suspended,
      • being suspended,
      • ex-tending,
      • are suspended,
      • end angered,
      • art suspended,
      • flapped over,
      • ex-tended,
      • over-tops,
      • end-anger,
      • am imminent,
      • ex-tend,
      • wast imminent,
      • casts shadow,
      • dangling over,
      • were imminent,
      • being imminent,
      • ex tends,
      • are imminent,
      • casting a shadow,
      • end-angers,
      • ex tending,
      • ex-tends,
      • droops over,
      • end-angering,
      • over tops,
      • was suspended,
      • swinging over,
      • dangles over,
      • over-topping,
      • am suspended,
      • wert imminent,
      • art imminent,
      • end angers,
      • flaps over,
      • were suspended,
      • rises above,
      • is imminent,
      • wast suspended,
      • end anger,
      • swung over,
      • over-hanging,
      • over-hang,
      • rose above,
      • over-hangs,
      • swings over,
      • ex tended,
      • cast shadow,
      • over hangs,
      • is suspended,
      • casts a shadow,
      • was imminent,
      • over-topped,
      • over topped,
      • casting shadow,
      • drooped over,
      • over topping,
      • drooping over,
      • ex tend,
      • dangled over,
      • end angering,
      • flapping over.

      project (verb)

      • hung over,
      • hangs over,
      • thrusts out,
      • pushes out,
      • pro-long,
      • wast conspicuous,
      • pushed out,
      • being prominent,
      • pro-longed,
      • art conspicuous,
      • are prominent,
      • hanged over,
      • were prominent,
      • pushing out,
      • wast prominent,
      • thrusting out,
      • was prominent,
      • pro longing,
      • was conspicuous,
      • wert prominent,
      • is conspicuous,
      • are conspicuous,
      • am prominent,
      • is prominent,
      • pro longs,
      • art prominent,
      • wert conspicuous,
      • pro-longs,
      • being conspicuous,
      • pro long,
      • stretching out,
      • pro-longing,
      • were conspicuous,
      • am conspicuous.

      stand out (verb)

      • being highlighted,
      • are striking,
      • is distinct,
      • attracted attention,
      • wert striking,
      • art striking,
      • attracting attention,
      • wert highlighted,
      • being distinct,
      • caught eye,
      • catches the eye,
      • catching the eye,
      • am striking,
      • were distinct,
      • wast distinct,
      • being striking,
      • am highlighted,
      • were striking,
      • are distinct,
      • is striking,
      • am distinct,
      • are highlighted,
      • attracts attention,
      • caught the eye,
      • is highlighted,
      • wast striking,
      • were highlighted,
      • catching eye,
      • was highlighted,
      • wert distinct,
      • catches eye,
      • wast highlighted,
      • was striking,
      • art highlighted,
      • was distinct,
      • catch eye.

      strike (verb)

      • hits the bricks,
      • are on strike,
      • were strike,
      • was on strike,
      • goes strike,
      • goes on strike,
      • refuses work,
      • hitting the bricks,
      • am strike,
      • refuses to work,
      • hitting bricks,
      • going strike,
      • sate down,
      • sate in,
      • hit bricks,
      • wert on strike,
      • sitting in,
      • sitting down,
      • re-volt,
      • sits in,
      • re volt,
      • go strike,
      • being on strike,
      • art strike,
      • refused to work,
      • wast strike,
      • sits down,
      • going on strike,
      • re volts,
      • am on strike,
      • refusing work,
      • being strike,
      • refused work,
      • hits bricks,
      • refuse work,
      • re-volts,
      • is strike,
      • went on strike,
      • slows down,
      • are strike,
      • is on strike,
      • wast on strike,
      • were on strike,
      • went strike,
      • be strike,
      • wert strike,
      • was strike,
      • slowing down,
      • refusing to work.
    • Other synonyms:

      • obtrude,
      • jump out at,
      • shine through,
      • protuberate,
      • leap out at.

      • overpower,
      • differ,
      • disagree,
      • balloon,
      • beetle,
      • differentiate,
      • belly.

      • collide,
      • fill,
      • vary,
      • distinguish,
      • greet.

      • dominate,
      • contrast,
      • glare.

      • hang out,
      • overlay.

      • hang,
      • separate.

      • float.

      • draw.


      • puff out,
      • Beetled,
      • pop out,
      • blobbed,
      • beetling,
      • bugged out,
      • beetles,
      • puffed out,
      • Pouching,
      • Bilged,
      • bug out,
      • bellied,
      • popped out,
      • blobbing,
      • sticks out,
      • bellying,
      • pouched,
      • Bilging.


      • impend.

      Other relevant words:

      • strike,
      • stretched out,
      • be on strike,
      • hang over,
      • sit down,
      • sat in,
      • bulge,
      • stick,
      • sit in,
      • push out,
      • project,
      • stretch out,
      • refuse to work,
      • slowed down,
      • hanging over,
      • be conspicuous,
      • goosed,
      • Mutinied,
      • be prominent,
      • stretches out,
      • striking,
      • position,
      • poke,
      • struck,
      • Picketing,
      • slow down,
      • sat down,
      • goosing,
      • stand out,
      • thrust out,
      • go on strike,
      • gooses,
      • hit the bricks,
      • overhang.


      • overtops,
      • flap over,
      • swing over,
      • towering above,
      • Overtopping,
      • rising above,
      • dangle over,
      • droop over,
      • be suspended,
      • overhanging,
      • over hanging,
      • be imminent,
      • overtop,
      • Overtopped,
      • rise above.

      stand out

      • catch the eye,
      • be distinct,
      • be striking,
      • Bulked,
      • Bulking,
      • be highlighted,
      • attract attention.

      sticking out

      • prominent,
      • bulging,
      • From,
      • protrusion.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • reach,
      • be staunch,
      • distend,
      • weather,
      • stretch,
      • suffer,
      • abide,
      • come across,
      • stick with it,
      • hang in there,
      • be pertinacious,
      • stick up,
      • tough it out,
      • outreach,
      • stand firm,
      • walk out,
      • manage,
      • hold out,
      • be intractable,
      • stick it,
      • be untiring,
      • bear up,
      • speak for itself,
      • Outstretch,
      • start,
      • swell,
      • stare someone in the face,
      • survive,
      • persist,
      • be obstinate,
      • ride out,
      • crop out,
      • bristle up,
      • hold fast,
      • loom,
      • stomach,
      • hang on,
      • live through,
      • be inflexible,
      • cast a shadow,
      • be adamant,
      • be exposed,
      • be indefatigable,
      • hold up,
      • undergo,
      • carry through,
      • be assiduous,
      • stand,
      • be obdurate,
      • face,
      • be persistent,
      • hang in,
      • brook,
      • shout,
      • stand fast,
      • be stubborn,
      • stick with,
      • withstand,
      • be plucky,
      • sweat out,
      • resolve,
      • cling to,
      • be steadfast,
      • see through,
      • pop,
      • be manifest,
      • see,
      • brazen out,
      • take,
      • be intransigent,
      • be no secret,
      • endure,
      • be tireless,
      • decide,
      • bag,
      • be patient,
      • goggle,
      • keep up,
      • aller sans dire,
      • keep at,
      • shoot up,
      • Exsert,
      • be constant,
      • keep going,
      • tolerate,
      • bug,
      • be sedulous,
      • bloat,
      • stick to,
      • stick it out,
      • be diligent,
      • live with,
      • digest,
      • sustain,
      • be tenacious,
      • support,
      • last,
      • bear,
      • hold on.

    How to use «Stick out» in context?

    A «stick out» is an attitude or behavior that declares someone or something as different or unusual. In the business world, it’s a common strategy for a company to become known for its unique approach and products.

    Some people adopt a «stick out» attitude simply because they want to stand out. They may enjoy the feeling of being different and want to share that experience with others. Others stick out because they feel like they have to. They may feel like they need to prove themselves to others or because they feel like they have to stay away from the crowd.

    Homophones for Stick out:

    • staccato, switch-hit, stockist, sawtoothed-edged, side-to-side, stockade, set-aside, stuck with, stage set, swat squad, sawdust, sweat duct, stick with, sadist, sweatsuit, stick to, seed coat, staged, south side, stocked with, sit tight, stichaeidae, set shot, South Dakota, stitched, stocked, sweat suit, stakeout, stickweed, stacked, southeast, sixty-eight, sweat equity, stizidae, set aside, staghead, Schick Test, stacte, St. Jude, south-west, south-east, shaktist, southwest.


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    Photo search results for Stick out

    Happy man funny sticking tongue out A Pair of Women in Close-up Excited Labrador with sincere sight looking at camera sticking out tongue while having rest Positive adult ethnic couple in casual clothes giving high five to each other while resting on bed in small bedroom with sticking out pipe Labrador Retriever with tongue out standing near modern furniture and footwear in stylish room Adorable Chihuahua dog with white and beige fur sitting and looking at camera while sticking out pink tongue

    Image search results for Stick out

    animal, cat, portrait beef, bull, pasture giraffe, cheeky, stick out tongue smiley, emoticon, face impala, flock, center boston terrier, dog, small dog

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    Synonyms for Stick out. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/stick_out

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    Synonyms for Stick out. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/stick_out.

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        • tng.
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        • To Kill a Mockingbird
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    WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

    stick1 /stɪk/USA pronunciation  
    n. [countable]

    1. Botanya branch of a tree or shrub that has been cut or broken off.
    2. a long, slender piece of wood, for use as fuel, in carpentry, as a wand, rod, etc.
    3. British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]a walking stick or cane.
    4. a long, slender piece or part of anything:a stick of celery.
    5. Sportan implement used to strike and drive a ball or puck, as a hockey stick.
    6. Informal Terms the sticks, [plural],any region or place distant from cities or towns;
      the country:He thought a move to the sticks would relax him.

    stick2 /stɪk/USA pronunciation  
    v., stuck/stʌk/USA pronunciation  stick•ing, n. 
    v. [+ object]

    1. to pierce or puncture with something pointed;
      stab:He stuck the watermelon with a knife.
    2. to thrust or push (something pointed) in, into, through, etc.:[+ object]stuck pins into the pincushion.
    3. to (cause to) be fastened in position by pushing a point or end into something: [+ object]to stick a peg in a pegboard.[no object]The arrow stuck in the tree.
    4. to fasten in position by or as if by something thrust through:[+ object]to stick a painting on the wall.
    5. to put on or hold with something pointed;
      impale:[+ object]to stick a marshmallow on a fork.
    6. to thrust or poke into a place indicated: [+ object]The dog liked to stick his head out the car window.[no object]The dog’s head stuck out the car window.
    7. to place or set in a specified position;
      put:[+ object]Stick the chair in the corner.
    8. to (cause to) be fastened or attached;
      adhere: [+ object]to stick a stamp on a letter.[no object* (~ + to + object)]The stamp won’t stick to the letter.
    9. to be unable to move:[no object]As soon as I put on my pants, the zipper stuck.
    10. [Informal.]to force (someone) to accept something disagreeable, such as a difficult task:[+ object + with + object]I got stuck with the job of handling all the customer complaints.
    11. to remain, esp. for a long time or permanently;
      persist:[no object]a fact that sticks in the mind.
    12. stick around, [no object][Informal.]to wait in the same place or nearby;
      linger:Stick around; I’ll be right back.
    13. stick by or to, [+ by/to + object] to remain loyal, esp. during difficulties:Her husband stuck by her, even in times when she didn’t have a job.
    14. stick out:
      to (cause to) be pushed out;
      extend out: [no object]His ears stuck out.[+ object + out]She stuck her tongue out at the teacher.[+ out + object]She stuck out her tongue at the teacher.
      [no object] to be easily noticed, as by being unusual:She sticks out in a crowd, perhaps because of her purple hair.See stick it out below.

    15. stick to, [+ to + object]
      • to remain firm in one’s opinion, in keeping to one’s task, etc.:He stuck to it and eventually finished the job.
      • Also, stick with. to continue with something and not turn away in a new direction:Stick to your original plans.

    16. stick together:
      • to (cause to) be fastened or attached;
        adhere: [no object]After you glue them the pieces will stick together.[+ object + together]He stuck the pieces together with glue.
      • [no object] to stay loyal to one another:The two former Army buddies stuck together after the war.

    17. stick up, [+ up + object][Informal.]to rob, esp. with a gun:They stuck up a bank and shot two guards.
    18. stick up for, [+ up + for + object] to speak in favor of;
      support:He always stuck up for his sister when people insulted her.

    n. [countable]

    1. an act of pushing or thrusting with a pointed instrument;
      a stab:a stick in the ribs.


    1. Idioms stick it out, [no object] to endure something patiently to the end;
      persevere:Finishing college seemed to take forever, but he stuck it out and got his diploma.
    2. Idioms stick to the or one’s ribs, to be substantial, filling, and nourishing, as a hearty meal:This stew will stick to your ribs.

    WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

    (stik),USA pronunciation n., v., sticked, stick•ing. 

    1. Botanya branch or shoot of a tree or shrub that has been cut or broken off.
    2. a relatively long and slender piece of wood.
    3. a long piece of wood for use as fuel, in carpentry, etc.
    4. a rod or wand.
    5. a baton.
    6. British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]a walking stick or cane.
    7. a club or cudgel.
    8. something that serves to goad or coerce:The threat of unemployment was the stick that kept the workers toiling overtime.Cf. carrot (def. 3).
    9. a long, slender piece or part of anything:a stick of candy; sticks of celery.
    10. any of four equal parts in a pound of butter or margarine.
    11. Sportan implement used to drive or propel a ball or puck, as a crosse or a hockey stick.
    12. Aeronauticsa lever, usually with a handle, by which the longitudinal and lateral motions of an airplane are controlled.
    13. Nautical, Naval Termsa mast or spar.
    14. PrintingSee composing stick. 
    15. Informal Terms the sticks, any region distant from cities or towns, as rural districts;
      the country:Having lived in a large city all his life, he found it hard to adjust to the sticks.
    16. [Mil.]
      • Militarya group of bombs so arranged as to be released in a row across a target.
      • Militarythe bomb load.

    17. Informal Terms, AutomotiveSee stick shift. 
    18. Slang Termsa marijuana cigarette.
    19. Informal Termsan unenthusiastic or uninteresting person.
    20. Informal Termsa portion of liquor, as brandy, added to a nonalcoholic drink.
    21. Slang Terms short or dirty end of the stick, the least desirable assignment, decision, or part of an arrangement.


    1. to furnish (a plant, vine, etc.) with a stick or sticks in order to prop or support.
    2. Printingto set (type) in a composing stick.
    • bef. 1000; Middle English stikke, Old English sticca; akin to Old High German stehho, Old Norse stik stick; akin to stick2

    stickless, adj. 
    sticklike′, adj. 

    (stik),USA pronunciation v., stuck, stick•ing, n. 

    1. to pierce or puncture with something pointed, as a pin, dagger, or spear;
      stab:to stick one’s finger with a needle.
    2. to kill by this means:to stick a pig.
    3. to thrust (something pointed) in, into, through, etc.:to stick a needle into a pincushion.
    4. to fasten in position by thrusting a point or end into something:to stick a peg in a pegboard.
    5. to fasten in position by or as if by something thrust through:to stick a painting on the wall.
    6. to put on or hold with something pointed;
      impale:to stick a marshmallow on a fork.
    7. to decorate or furnish with things piercing the surface:to stick a cushion full of pins.
    8. to furnish or adorn with things attached or set here and there:to stick shelves full of knickknacks.
    9. to place upon a stick or pin for exhibit:to stick butterflies.
    10. to thrust or poke into a place or position indicated:to stick one’s head out of the window.
    11. to place or set in a specified position;
      put:Stick the chair in the corner.
    12. to fasten or attach by causing to adhere:to stick a stamp on a letter.
    13. to bring to a standstill;
      render unable to proceed or go back (usually used in the passive):The car was stuck in the mud.
    14. [Carpentry.]to start (a nail).
    15. [Ceram.]to join (pieces of partially hardened clay) together, using slip as an adhesive.
    16. [Chiefly Brit. Informal.]to tolerate;
      endure:He couldn’t stick the job more than three days.
    17. to confuse or puzzle;
      nonplus:He was stuck by the very first problem on the test.
    18. [Informal.]to impose something disagreeable upon (a person or persons), as a large bill or a difficult task:The committee persistently stuck him with fund collection.
    19. [Informal.]to cheat.
    20. [Slang](often vulgar). to go to hell with: often used imperatively.


    1. to have the point piercing or embedded in something:The arrow stuck in the tree.
    2. to remain attached by adhesion.
    3. to hold, cleave, or cling:The young rider stuck to the back of his terrified horse.
    4. to remain persistently or permanently:a fact that sticks in the mind.
    5. to remain firm, as in resolution, opinion, statement, or attachment;
      hold faithfully, as to a promise or bargain.
    6. to keep or remain steadily or unremittingly, as to a task, undertaking, or the like:to stick to a job until it is finished.
    7. to become fastened, hindered, checked, or stationary by some obstruction:Her zipper stuck halfway up.
    8. to be at a standstill, as from difficulties:I’m stuck on this problem.
    9. to be embarrassed or puzzled;
      hesitate or scruple (usually fol. by at).
    10. to be thrust or placed so as to extend, project, or protrude (usually fol. by through, from, out, up, etc.).
    11. stick around, [Informal.]to wait in the vicinity;
      linger:If you had stuck around, you’d have seen the fireworks.
    12. stick by or to, to maintain one’s attachment or loyalty to;
      remain faithful to:They vowed to stick by one another no matter what happened.
    13. stick it, [Slang](often vulgar). See shove 1 (def. 5).
    14. stick it to (someone), [Slang.]to take advantage of;
      treat unfairly.
    15. stick it out, to endure something patiently to the end or its completion:It was a long, dusty trip but we stuck it out.
    16. stick it up your or one’s ass, [Slang](vulgar). See shove 1 (def. 6).
    17. stick one’s neck out. See neck (def. 20).
    18. stick out, to extend;
      protrude:Stick out your tongue. Your shirttail is sticking out.
    19. stick to one’s guns. See gun 1 (def. 11).
    20. stick to the or one’s ribs, to be substantial and nourishing, as a hearty meal:Hot cereal sticks to your ribs on those cold winter mornings.
    21. stick up, [Informal.]to rob, esp. at gunpoint:A lone gunman stuck up the gas station.
    22. stick up for, to speak in favor of;
      come to the defense of;
      support:She always sticks up for him, even though he doesn’t deserve it.


    1. a thrust with a pointed instrument;
    2. a stoppage or standstill.
    3. something causing delay or difficulty.
    4. the quality of adhering or of causing things to adhere.
    5. something causing adhesion.
    • bef. 900; Middle English stiken, Old English stician to pierce, thrust; akin to German stechen to sting, Latin -stīg- in instīgāre (see instigate), Greek stízein (see stigma)

    sticka•ble, adj. 
    stick′a•bili•ty n. 

      • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged penetrate, spear.
      • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged transfix.
      • 9.See corresponding entry in Unabridged pin.
      • 12.See corresponding entry in Unabridged glue, cement, paste.
      • 22.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Stick, adhere, cohere mean to cling to or be tightly attached to something.
        Adhere implies that one kind of material clings tenaciously to another; cohere adds the idea that a thing is attracted to and held by something like itself:Particles of sealing wax cohere and form a mass that will adhere to tin.Stick, a more colloquial and general term, is used particularly when a third kind of material is involved:A gummed label will stick to a package.
      • 29.See corresponding entry in Unabridged stickle, waver, doubt.

    Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

    stick /stɪk/ n

    1. a small thin branch of a tree
    2. any long thin piece of wood
    3. such a piece of wood having a characteristic shape for a special purpose: a walking stick, a hockey stick
    4. a baton, wand, staff, or rod
    5. an object or piece shaped like a stick: a stick of celery, a stick of dynamite
    6. informal the lever used to change gear in a motor vehicle
    7. a group of bombs arranged to fall at intervals across a target
    8. a number of paratroops jumping in sequence
    9. slang verbal abuse, criticism: I got some stick for that blunder
    10. physical power, force (esp in the phrase give it some stick)
    11. (usually plural) a piece of furniture: these few sticks are all I have
    12. (plural) informal a rural area considered remote or backward (esp in the phrase in the sticks)
    13. (plural) a declaration made by the umpire if a player’s stick is above the shoulders
    14. (plural) goalposts
    15. US obsolete a cannabis cigarette
    16. a means of coercion
    17. informal a dull boring person
    18. (usually preceded by old) informal a familiar name for a person: not a bad old stick
    19. in a cleft stickin a difficult position
    20. wrong end of the sticka complete misunderstanding of a situation, explanation, etc

    vb (sticks, sticking, sticked)

    1. to support (a plant) with sticks; stake

    Etymology: Old English sticca; related to Old Norse stikka, Old High German stecca

    stick /stɪk/ vb (sticks, sticking, stuck)

    1. (transitive) to pierce or stab with or as if with something pointed
    2. to thrust or push (a sharp or pointed object) or (of a sharp or pointed object) to be pushed into or through another object
    3. (transitive) to fasten in position by pushing or forcing a point into something: to stick a peg in a hole
    4. (transitive) to fasten in position by or as if by pins, nails, etc: to stick a picture on the wall
    5. (transitive) to transfix or impale on a pointed object
    6. (transitive) to cover with objects piercing or set in the surface
    7. when intr, followed by out, up, through, etc: to put forward or be put forward; protrude or cause to protrude: to stick one’s head out of the window
    8. (transitive) informal to place or put in a specified position: stick your coat on this chair
    9. to fasten or be fastened by or as if by an adhesive substance: stick the pages together, they won’t stick
    10. (transitive) informal to cause to become sticky
    11. (when tr, usually passive) to come or cause to come to a standstill: we were stuck for hours in a traffic jam, the wheels stuck
    12. (intransitive) to remain for a long time: the memory sticks in my mind
    13. (transitive) slang chiefly Brit to tolerate; abide: I can’t stick that man
    14. (intransitive) to be reluctant
    15. (tr; usually passive) informal to cause to be at a loss; baffle, puzzle, or confuse: I was totally stuck for an answer
    16. (transitive) slang to force or impose something unpleasant on: they stuck me with the bill for lunch
    17. (transitive) to kill by piercing or stabbing
    18. stick in one’s throat, stick in one’s crawinformal to be difficult, or against one’s conscience, for one to accept, utter, or believe
    19. stick one’s nose into
    20. stick to the ribsinformal (of food) to be hearty and satisfying


    1. the state or condition of adhering
    2. informal a substance causing adhesion
    3. obsolete something that causes delay or stoppage

    See also stick around, stick byEtymology: Old English stician; related to Old High German stehhan to sting, Old Norse steikja to roast on a spit

    to stick out‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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