Word for to make more expensive

make more expensive

/vt/ повышать … в цене

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

Смотреть что такое «make more expensive» в других словарях:

  • Make a Scene — Studio album by Sophie Ellis Bextor Released 18 April 2011 …   Wikipedia

  • make — 1 verb past tense and past participle made, PRODUCE STH 1 (T) to produce something by working: I m going to make a cake for Sam s birthday. | Did you make that dress yourself? | a car made in Japan | They re making a documentary about the Civil… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • make — make1 W1S1 [meık] v past tense and past participle made [meıd] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(produce)¦ 2¦(do)¦ 3¦(cook)¦ 4¦(cause)¦ 5¦(force)¦ 6¦(mark/hole etc)¦ 7 make it 8 make the meeting/the party/Tuesday etc 9¦(achieve something)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • more — 1 adverb 1 (+ adj/adv) having a particular quality or characteristic to a greater degree than someone or something else: more interesting/expensive etc: We can make the test more difficult byadding a time limit. | It could have been an infection… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Let’s Make a Deal — Infobox Television show name = Let s Make a Deal caption = Let s Make a Deal title card format = Game show camera = runtime = 25 30 min. director = Joe Behar producer = Stefan Hatos starring = Hosts: Monty Hall (1963 1977; 1980 1981; 1984 1986;… …   Wikipedia

  • Most expensive cars sold in auction — This is a list of the most expensive cars sold in auto auctions through the traditional bidding process, consisting of those that attracted headline grabbing publicity, mainly for the high price their new owners have paid. The current record is… …   Wikipedia

  • List of most expensive films — This is a non definitive list of the most expensive films. Due to the secretive nature of Hollywood accounting it is not clear which film is the most expensive film ever made. Spider Man 3 officially holds the record with an acknowledged cost of… …   Wikipedia

  • Barack Obama: A More Perfect Union (2008) — ▪ Primary Source       In March 2008, in the midst of his campaign for the U.S. presidency, Barack Obama (Obama, Barack) came under fire for his association with Jeremiah Wright, the fiery minister of Obama s church, Trinity United Church of… …   Universalium

  • List of most expensive music videos — This page lists the most expensive music videos ever made, with costs of $500,000 or more. Michael Jackson and Ayumi Hamasaki both have five videos each on this list. The latter also holds the record for being the only Asian artist to be featured …   Wikipedia

  • Something Very Expensive (Deadwood episode) — Infobox Television episode Title=Something Very Expensive Series=Deadwood Season=2 Episode=18 Airdate=April 10, 2005 Production=99762| Writer=Steve Shill Director=Steve Shill Guests=see main article Prev=Complications Next=E.B. Was Left Out… …   Wikipedia

  • Fake it till you make it — (also called act as if ) is a common catchphrase that means to imitate confidence so that as the confidence produces success, it will generate real confidence [ [http://www.davidbrandt.com/fakeitmakeit/ Fake It Till You Make It] , David Brandt.] …   Wikipedia

I love the concept of the word ‘endearing’ meaning ‘to make more dear/expensive’, but it is apparently obsolete. Is there any word or short phrase that can replace it?

Sample sentence: «Transport is the ‘endearing’ factor of the vacation»

asked Sep 27, 2015 at 11:51

DLA's user avatar


Make more expensive was the original, now obsolete, meaning of to endear :

  • to make dear, esteemed, or beloved: He endeared himself to us with his gentle ways.
  • ( Obsolete) — to make costly.

(Random House Kernerman Webster’s College)

From vocabulary.com

  • In the 1500s, endear meant «increase the value of,» though it quickly came to mean «make dear,» or perhaps to increase the emotional value, especially of another person.

Endear: (Etymonline)

  • 1580s, «to enhance the value of,» also «win the affection of,» from en- (1) «make, put in» + dear (adj.). Meaning «to make dear,» the main modern is from 1640s.
  • Regarding your sentence, You can express the concept saying that : transportation is the more expensive part of the vacation, or transportation is what makes the vacation expensive.

answered Sep 27, 2015 at 12:02

Sample sentence: «Transport is the ‘endearing’ factor of the vacation»

How aobut using «cost-fuelling» or «cost-raising» factor? instead of endearing factor?

I don’t think people will have difficulty in understanding what they mean.

answered Sep 27, 2015 at 13:55

You could also turn your sentence the other way around and say:

transportation is the most empoverishing factor of vacationing

answered Sep 28, 2015 at 0:38

Elian's user avatar


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I would just say expensive, because that is exactly what it is.

answered Sep 27, 2015 at 21:08

Jaimsy's user avatar


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Автоматический перевод

дорогой, более дорогой, более дорогостоящий, более затратный, дороже, подороже, гораздо дороже, намного дороже, еще дороже, подорожать, стоить дороже

Перевод по словам

more  — более, больше, еще, гораздо, больший, дополнительный, большее количество
expensive  — дорогой, дорогостоящий


Petrol is becoming more and more expensive.

Бензин становится всё дороже и дороже.

It was a lot more expensive than I had expected.

Это было намного дороже, чем я ожидал.

The tickets were way more expensive than I thought.

Билеты оказались гораздо дороже, чем я думал.

It’s more expensive to live in the city than in the country.

В городе жить намного дороже, чем в деревне.

Certain kinds of medical care are more expensive than others.

Определённые виды медицинской помощи являются более дорогостоящими, чем другие.

The salesman tried to interest me in a more expensive computer.

Продавец попытался заинтересовать меня более дорогим компьютером.

Generally speaking, the more expensive the stereo, the better it is.

В большинстве случаев, чем стереосистема дороже, тем она лучше.

Carmakers are betting that people will want to buy larger, more expensive cars this year.

Автопроизводители делают ставку на то, что в этом году люди будут склонны покупать автомобили побольше и подороже.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He would not let himself be persuaded into buying the more expensive stereo.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Англо-русский перевод MAKE MORE EXPENSIVE

повышать в цене

English-Russian dictionary of economics.

     Англо-Русский словарь по экономике.



1    assemble, build, compose, constitute, construct, create, fabricate, fashion, forge, form, frame, manufacture, mould, originate, produce, put together, shape, synthesize  

2    accomplish, beget, bring about, cause, create, effect, engender, generate, give rise to, lead to, occasion, produce  

3    cause, coerce, compel, constrain, dragoon, drive, force, impel, induce, oblige, press, pressurize, prevail upon, railroad     (informal)   require  

4    appoint, assign, create, designate, elect, install, invest, nominate, ordain  

5    draw up, enact, establish, fix, form, frame, pass  

6    add up to, amount to, compose, constitute, embody, form, represent  

7    act, carry out, do, effect, engage in, execute, perform, practise, prosecute  

8    calculate, estimate, gauge, judge, reckon, suppose, think  

9    acquire, clear, earn, gain, get, net, obtain, realize, secure, take in, win  

10    arrive at, arrive in time for, attain, catch, get to, meet, reach  

11    make it        (informal)   arrive     (informal)   be successful, come through, crack it     (informal)   cut it     (informal)   get on, get somewhere, prosper, pull through, succeed, survive  

12    brand, build, character, composition, constitution, construction, cut, designation, form, kind, make-up, mark, model, shape, sort, structure, style, type, variety  

13    cast of mind, character, disposition, frame of mind, humour, kidney, make-up, nature, stamp, temper, temperament  

make as if      , though  
act as if or though, affect, feign, feint, give the impression that, make a show of, pretend  

make away  

1    abscond, beat a hasty retreat, clear out     (informal)   cut and run     (informal)   decamp, depart, do a runner     (slang)   flee, fly, fly the coop     (U.S. & Canad. informal)   hook it     (slang)   make off, run away or off, run for it     (informal)   scoot, skedaddle     (informal)   slope off, take a powder     (U.S. & Canad. slang)   take it on the lam     (U.S. & Canad. slang)   take to one’s heels  

2      (with)
   with   abduct, cabbage     (Brit. slang)   carry off, cart off     (slang)   filch, kidnap, knock off     (slang)   make off with, nab     (informal)   nick     (slang, chiefly Brit.)   pilfer, pinch     (informal)   purloin, steal, swipe     (slang)  

3      (with)
   with   blow away     (slang, chiefly U.S.)   bump off     (slang)   destroy, dispose of, do away with, do in     (slang)   eliminate, get rid of, kill, murder, rub out     (U.S. slang)  


      n   charade, dream, fantasy, imagination, play-acting, pretence, unreality  

      adj   dream, fantasized, fantasy, imaginary, imagined, made-up, mock, pretend, pretended, sham, unreal  
,       n   actuality, fact, reality, truthfulness  
      adj   authentic, genuine, real, unfeigned  

make believe     
act as if or though, dream, enact, fantasize, imagine, play, play-act, pretend  

make do     
cope, get along or by, improvise, manage, muddle through, scrape along or by  

make for  

1    aim for, be bound for, head for or towards, proceed towards, steer (a course) for  

2    assail, assault, attack, fall on, fly at, go for, have a go at     (informal)   lunge at, set upon  

3    be conducive to, conduce to, contribute to, facilitate, favour, promote  

make off  

1    abscond, beat a hasty retreat, bolt, clear out     (informal)   cut and run     (informal)   decamp, do a runner     (slang)   flee, fly, fly the coop     (U.S. & Canad. informal)   hook it     (slang)   make away, run away or off, run for it     (informal)   skedaddle     (informal)   slope off, take a powder     (U.S. & Canad. slang)   take it on the lam     (U.S. & Canad. slang)   take to one’s heels  

2      (with)
   with   abduct, cabbage     (Brit. slang)   carry off, cart off     (slang)   filch, kidnap, knock off     (slang)   make away with, nab     (informal)   nick     (slang, chiefly Brit.)   pilfer, pinch     (informal)   purloin, run away or off with, steal, swipe     (slang)  

make out  

1    descry, detect, discern, discover, distinguish, espy, perceive, recognize, see  

2    comprehend, decipher, fathom, follow, grasp, perceive, realize, see, suss (out)     (slang)   understand, work out  

3    complete, draw up, fill in or out, inscribe, write (out)  

4    demonstrate, describe, prove, represent, show  

5    assert, claim, let on, make as if or though, pretend  

6    fare, get on, manage, prosper, succeed, thrive  


1    cosmetics, face     (informal)   greasepaint     (Theatre)   maquillage, paint     (informal)   powder, war paint     (informal, humorous)  

2    arrangement, assembly, composition, configuration, constitution, construction, form, format, formation, organization, structure  

3    build, cast of mind, character, constitution, disposition, figure, frame of mind, make, nature, stamp, temper, temperament  

make up  

1    compose, comprise, constitute, form  

2    coin, compose, concoct, construct, cook up     (informal)   create, devise, dream up, fabricate, formulate, frame, hatch, invent, manufacture, originate, trump up, write  

3    complete, fill, meet, supply  

4      (with)
   for   atone, balance, compensate, make amends, offset, recompense, redeem, redress, requite  

5    bury the hatchet, call it quits, come to terms, compose, forgive and forget, make peace, mend, reconcile, settle, shake hands  

6    make up one’s mind      choose, come to a decision, decide, determine, make a decision, reach a decision, resolve, settle  

7    make up to        (informal)   chat up     (informal)   court, curry favour with, flirt with, make overtures to, woo  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  

Wall-paper for a bathroom: 9 simple rules how to make expensive design by means of inexpensive means.

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Обои для ванной комнаты: 9 простых правил как сделать дорогой дизайн с помощью недорогих средств.

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With growth of consumer goods in the market,

urban residents and rural residents make expensive purchases, overestimating their financial capacities.

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С возрастанием на рынке потребительских товаров,

горожане и жители села делают дорогостоящие покупки, переоценивая свои финансовые возможности.

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It is universal, fits all and any attire makes expensive— that is why this fashionable deserved first place.

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Она универсальна, подходит ко всему и любой наряд делает дорогим— именно поэтому эта модная сумка заслужила

почетное первое место.

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The work demonstrated the possibility of numerical

simulations to optimize the design of LED modules without making expensive experimental samples.

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Показано, что с помощью численного моделирования можно

оптимизировать конструкцию светодиодных модулей без необходимости изготовления дорогостоящих экспериментальных образцов.

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Of the equipment of rooms it is worth noting that the apartment was made expensive renovation, as well as imported luxury

furniture of increased comfort.

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Из оснащения комнат стоит отметить, что в квартире был произведен дорогостоящий евроремонт, а также завезена элитная мебель повышенного комфорта.

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Managers had to make more expensive orders, in order to


delivery faster.

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Менеджерам приходилось делать более дорогие заказы, для того, чтобы доставка осуществлялась быстрее.

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Overcapitalization of State-owned enterprises may make securities expensive, hurting new and small investors in the secondary market.

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Чрезмерная капитализация государственных предприятий может сделать ценные бумаги дорогостоящими, что нанесет ущерб интересам новых и мелких инвесторов на вторичном рынке.

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The potential to improve inland

waterways transport faces a host of difficulties which make it expensive and inefficient.

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Возможности улучшения положения в секторе внутреннего

водного транспорта не реализуются из-за множества трудностей, которые делают его дорогим и неэффективным.

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He also argues that the

procedures are ineffective as legal costs make them prohibitively expensive.

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Он также утверждает, что процедуры неэффективны,

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The hikes of the Fed alone, however, can make money more expensive and may slow down some economies.

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Однако подъем ставок одной только ФРС может сделать деньги более дорогими и замедлить некоторые экономики.

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Attacking the Cardassians now will only escalate the conflict, and make peace more expensive in the long run.

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Если вы нападете на кардассианцев, то это только усугубит конфликт и в будущем сделает мир куда дороже.

Picture books: These require a lot of illustration, usually in full color, which can make printing more expensive.

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Книги с иллюстрациями: для них необходимо много цветных картинок, что делает публикацию более дорогой.

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Deep blue, Dekton stone,

Gubi chairs and Faro Barcelona lamps make it exquisite and expensive.

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Глубокий синий цвет, камень Dekton,

стулья фабрики Gubi и светильники Faro Barcelona делают ее изысканной и дорогой.

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Although such large casts make shows more expensive to produce, the writers are benefited with more flexibility in story decisions.

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Хотя такое большое количество ролей сделало шоу более дорогостоящим, сценаристы имели возможность проявить большую гибкость в написании фабулы.

It is that limitation that may make future borrowings relatively expensive(and thus less attractive) for the debtor.

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Это ограничение может сделать будущие заимствования относительно дорогостоящими( и тем самым менее привлекательными) для должника.

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When the banks make borrowing more expensive, companies might not borrow as much

and will pay higher rates of interest on their loans.

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Когда банки делают займы более дорогими, компании могут занимать не так много,

а платить по своим займам будут по повышенным процентным ставкам.

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the upgrades to the stadium and make the players less expensive or give more coins per win something between 200-400 a match.

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модернизацию стадиона и сделать игроков менее дорогие или дать больше монет за выигрыш что-то между 200- 400 матч.

Gorgeous set made of expensive, environmentally-friendly porcelain.

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The reluctance of employers to recruit persons with disabilities

can often originate in a fear of having to


expensive workplace adjustments.

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Нежелание работодателей нанимать инвалидов зачастую

обусловлено опасениями по поводу необходимости проводить дорогостоящую корректировку рабочего места.

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Thanks to our patented form of suspension, low-frequency compaction stations, also calling vibratory stations, put markedly more energy into the part to be compacted as compared with the plants from other manufacturers,

which can avoid the need to


expensive modifications to the recipe for the concrete.

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Благодаря нашей запатентованной подвеске наши низкочастотные уплотняющие устройства, называемые также виброплощадками, передают в уплотняемый материал значительно больше энергии, чем оборудование других производителей,

что позволяет экономить на дорогих модификациях рецептуры бетона.

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We chose to


Bolas expensive but powerful.

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Мы сделали Боласа дорогим, но могучим.

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Instead, we want to


certain requests»expensive.

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That’s because I


efforts to resist expensive habits.

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А все потому, что я стараюсь не поддаваться дорогостоящим привычкам.

Your child will not be able to make an expensive call by accident.

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Producing low-budget films gives later on an opportunity to


an expensive movie.

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Съемки малобюджетных фильмов дают потом возможность снять дорогую картину.

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Since falling rates make state bonds more expensive and vice versa.

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Поскольку падение ставок делает государственные облигации дороже и наоборот.

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