Word for to keep something going

keep (one) going

1. To give someone or oneself enough energy, sustenance, etc., to survive or be satiated. Lost for days in the woods, we had to eat bugs and edible roots to keep us going. I am so anxious for the new movie in the series to come out this winter that I’m reading the novels again to keep me going.

2. To cause or enable some entity or endeavor to continue operating, progressing, etc. This grant from the government should be enough to keep the company going for at least the rest of the year. I was just about ready to give up on my freelance business, but a few lucrative gigs have kept it going.

keep going

To continue to persist or persevere (with some activity). It’s starting to get dark. Should we keep going for a bit longer or just finish the game now? Come on, you’ve almost got it—keep going!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

keep someone or something going

to sustain someone or something. I try to eat just enough food to keep me going. Enjoying food is just not an issue any more.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

ˌkeep ˈgoing

1 make an effort to live normally when you are in a difficult situation or when you have experienced great suffering: You just have to keep yourself busy and keep going.
2 (spoken) used to encourage somebody to continue doing something: Keep going, Sarah, you’re nearly there.

ˌkeep somebody ˈgoing

(informal) be enough for somebody until they get what they are waiting for: Why don’t you have an apple to keep you going till dinner time?

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • keep going
  • keep somebody going
  • for (one’s) (own) sake
  • for sake
  • keep (someone or something) in sight
  • keep in sight
  • keep sight of
  • keep sight of (someone or something)
  • keep sight of somebody/something
  • leave (someone, something, or oneself) (wide) open for (something)


: to make (someone) able to continue doing something at a difficult time

I don’t know what keeps her going after all these years.

Their grandson is the only thing keeping them going.


: to cause (something) to continue to exist or function

They tried everything they could think of to keep the business going.

He kept the conversation going.

Dictionary Entries Near keep (someone or something) going

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“Keep (someone or something) going.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/keep%20%28someone%20or%20something%29%20going. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Merriam-Webster unabridged

  • 1
    keep something going

    English-Dutch dictionary > keep something going

  • 2



    ► vb: pret, ptp kept




       c. ( = have ready) avoir

       g. ( = have) [+ shop] tenir ; [+ bees, chickens] élever

       h. ( = support) subvenir aux besoins de ; [+ mistress] entretenir

       i. ( = observe) [+ law, vow] respecter

       j. [+ accounts, diary] tenir

    keep him talking while… fais-lui la conversation pendant que…

    to keep + -ing

    «keep off the grass» « défense de marcher sur les pelouses »

    keep on this road until you come to… suivez cette route jusqu’à ce que vous arriviez à…

       b. [+ inflation, costs] maîtriser ; [+ number] limiter

    «keep out» « défense d’entrer »

    [+ promise] tenir ; [+ agreement, rules, schedule] respecter ; [+ plan] s’en tenir à

    slow down, I can’t keep up with you ralentis un peu, je ne peux pas te suivre

       a. [+ pressure, standards] maintenir ; [+ correspondence] entretenir ; [+ study] continuer

    * * *




    to keep somebody indoors — [person] garder quelqu’un à l’intérieur; [illness] retenir quelqu’un à l’intérieur

    to keep something/somebody clean — garder quelque chose/quelqu’un propre

    to be kept clean/locked — rester propre/fermé (à clé)

    to keep somebody talking/waiting — retenir/faire attendre quelqu’un

    4) () tenir [shop]; avoir [dog]; élever [chickens]

    6) () mettre, ranger

    8) () faire vivre, entretenir [family]; avoir [servant]

    9) () tenir [accounts, diary]

    12) () tenir [promise]; garder [secret]; se rendre à [appointment]; célébrer [occasion]; observer [commandments]

    14) () entretenir [car, house]


    ‘keep left’ — ‘tenez votre gauche’

    3) () [food] se conserver, se garder

    4) () [news, business] attendre

    ‘how are you keeping?’ — ‘comment allez-vous?’


    reflexive verb


    for keeps

    adverbial phrase

    pour de bon, pour toujours

    Phrasal Verbs:


    English-French dictionary > keep

  • 3

    n. inkomen, inkomsten; donjon (gevangenis in fort of kasteel)


    v. houden; bewaren; krijgen; onderhouden; volhouden; leiden; voeren; groot laten worden; eigenaar zijn van


    [ kie:p]

    donjon(hoofd)toren, burchttoren


    〈 informeel〉


    keeps voor altijd, voorgoed



    keep menens/voor het ‘echte’ spelen





    1   keep cool! houd je kalm!

         will you please keep still! blijf nou toch eens stil zitten!

         keep talking! blijf praten!

         how is John keeping? hoe gaat het met John?



    (from) uit de buurt blijven (van), wegblijven (van)



    verstopt/verborgen blijven, beneden/onder blijven



    you fool! bukken/kop omlaag, idioot!



    verboden toegang!

    houdenzich houden aan, bewaren

    houdenonderhouden, eropna houden; (in dienst) hebben

    (in bezit) hebben/houdenbewaren; 〈 bij uitbreiding ook〉 in voorraad hebben, verkopen

    hoedenbeschermen, bewaren

    houdenaanhouden, blijven in/op


         will you keep this record for me? wil je deze plaat voor me bewaren?

    〈 informeel〉 you can keep it je mag het houden, ik hoef het niet

    4   may God keep you God behoede/beware u

         what kept you (so long)? wat heeft je zo (lang) opgehouden?



    tegenhouden, op een afstand houden; achterhouden, geheimhouden

         we will keep


    10% of the cost till July as agreed zoals overeengekomen betalen we de laatste 10% pas in juli

         keep your head



         keep your voices


    niet zo hard (praten)!

         keep that kid away


    those wheels! hou dat jong bij die wielen vandaan!

         keep your hands


    me! blijf met je fikken van me af!

         keep your seat! blijf (toch) zitten!

    English-Dutch dictionary > keep

  • 4
    keep the ball rolling

    få gang i ting; holde gående

    * * *

    få gang i ting; holde gående

    English-Danish dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 5
    keep the ball rolling

    poner en marcha, emprender; mantener en marcha


    mantener el fuego ardiendo


    English-spanish dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 6
    keep the ball rolling

    halda hlutunum gangandi, brjóta ísinn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 7
    keep the ball rolling

    English-Hungarian dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 8
    keep the ball rolling

    English-Portuguese dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 9
    keep the ball rolling

    English-Slovenian dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 10
    keep the ball rolling

    • pitää vireillä

    * * *

    käynnistää, ylläpitää keskustelua

    English-Finnish dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 11
    keep the ball rolling

    sette i gang, holde gående

    English-Norwegian dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 12
    keep the ball rolling

    tenere viva la conversazione

    English-Italian dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 13
    keep the ball rolling

    English-german dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 14
    keep the ball rolling

    zacząć, podtrzymywać (rozmowę)

    English-Polish dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 15
    keep the ball rolling

    turpināt kaut ko iesāktu; neļaut apsīkt (sarunai)

    English-Latvian dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 16
    keep the ball rolling

    pradėti/palaikyti pokalbį

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 17
    keep the ball rolling

    hålla konservationen i gång; fortsätta med affärerna

    * * *

    sätta (hålla) i gång

    English-Swedish dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 18
    keep the ball rolling

    rozbehnúť, rozprúdiť

    * * *

    • udržiavat v chode (nieco)

    English-Slovak dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 19
    keep the ball rolling

    a întreţine (o conversaţie)

    English-Romanian dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • 20
    keep the ball rolling

    ξεκινώ διαδικασία ή/και κρατάω αμείωτο το ρυθμό της

    English-Greek dictionary > keep the ball rolling

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • keep someone going in something — To keep someone supplied with something • • • Main Entry: ↑keep …   Useful english dictionary

    • keep something quiet — keep quiet about something or keep something quiet to not tell anyone about something Can we trust him to keep quiet about what he s seen? We re going to keep her decision quiet for the moment …   English dictionary

    • keep something up — keep up the good work Syn: continue (with), keep on with, keep going with, carry on with, persist with, persevere with …   Thesaurus of popular words

    • keep something away (from something) — ˌkeep sb/sth aˈway (from sb/sth) derived to prevent sb/sth from going somewhere • Her illness kept her away from work for several weeks. Main entry: ↑keepderived …   Useful english dictionary

    • keep something away (from somebody) — ˌkeep sb/sth aˈway (from sb/sth) derived to prevent sb/sth from going somewhere • Her illness kept her away from work for several weeks. Main entry: ↑keepderived …   Useful english dictionary

    • keep something up — CONTINUE (WITH), keep on with, keep going, carry on with, persist with, persevere with. → keep …   Useful english dictionary

    • keep going — verb 1. continue uninterrupted The disease will run on unchecked The party kept going until 4 A.M. • Syn: ↑run on • Hypernyms: ↑continue, ↑go on, ↑proceed, ↑go along, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

    • keep — [kiːp] verb kept PTandPP [kept] 1. [transitive] to store something that will be useful: • The Credit Reference Agency keeps files on individuals debt records. • You should keep a supply of forms. 2 …   Financial and business terms

    • keep quiet about something — keep something quiet phrase to not tell anyone about something Can we trust him to keep quiet about what he’s seen? We’re going to keep her decision quiet for the moment. Thesaurus: to keep something secretsynonym Main entry …   Useful english dictionary

    • keep a lid on — keep a (or the) lid on informal keep (an emotion or process) from going out of control she was no longer able to keep the lid on her simmering anger ■ keep secret she keeps a very tight lid on her own private life * * * keep a lid on 1 : to keep… …   Useful english dictionary

    • keep quiet about something — or keep something quiet to not tell anyone about something Can we trust him to keep quiet about what he s seen? We re going to keep her decision quiet for the moment …   English dictionary

    ‘KEEP SOMETHING GOING’ is a 18 letter
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    More clues you might be interested in

    1. blow one’s own trumpet
    2. solvable
    3. river of northern france
    4. erg
    5. not persuaded
    6. not very nice
    7. affecting the whole body
    8. brighten
    9. autonomy
    10. take the blame
    11. lacking grace
    12. gothic arch
    13. inexperienced person
    14. sculls
    15. tell a story
    16. take a risk
    17. be wise to
    18. black post-punk style
    19. officially approved
    20. fencing maneuver
    21. toad
    22. flaky material
    23. laze around
    24. clarets, for example
    25. not get involved
    26. affray
    27. political coalition
    28. oblique
    29. insurrection
    30. princess



    Автоматический перевод

    помочь материально, сохранять чью-л. жизнь

    Перевод по словам

    keep  — держаться, держать, сохранять, содержание, прокорм, главная башня, пища
    go  — идти, ехать, ходить, переходить, ездить, ход, движение, попытка, ходьба


    Keep going; you’re getting warm.

    Продолжайте идти, вам будет становиться теплее.

    Keep going until I tell you to stop.

    Продолжайте идти, пока я не скажу остановиться.

    Try to keep going for as long as possible.

    Постарайся продержаться как можно дольше.

    Don’t stick at small difficulties, but keep going.

    Не расстраивайтесь из-за пустяков, идите вперёд.

    Persevere and keep going until you reach your ideal weight.

    Проявите упорство и продолжайте работать до тех пор, пока вы не достигнете идеального веса.

    He had to call upon his inner reserves of strength to keep going.

    Ему пришлось призвать все свои внутренние резервы силы, чтобы продолжать идти.

    Sales can’t keep going up, but that doesn’t mean the industry is going in the tank.

    Продажи не могут всё время идти вверх, но это не означает, что данная отрасль идёт на спад.

    ещё 12 примеров свернуть

    Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    That woman’s been through such a lot — I don’t know how she keeps going.  

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Subject English Russian Makarov. don’t stick at small difficulties, but keep going не расстраивайтесь из-за пустяков, идите вперёд Makarov. he manages to keep going он как-то тянет gen. he manages to keep going он как-то тянет, ему удаётся держаться Makarov. if there’s shooting going on, keep down если услышишь стрельбу, ложись progr. instance variable that is going to keep track of the current state переменная экземпляра, в которой будет храниться текущее состояние (ssn) gen. keep a conversation going поддерживать разговор (How to Keep a Conversation Going and Never Run Out of Things to Say george serebryakov) Makarov. keep a strike going продолжать забастовку gen. keep one’s career going продолжить карьеру (WiseSnake) polit. keep dialogue going продолжать диалог (VLZ_58) Makarov. keep someone from going on a journey удерживать кого-либо от поездки saying. keep one’s front going сохранить лицо (Lu4ik) Makarov. keep one’s front going сохранить лицо gen. keep going поддерживать жизнь в (ком-либо) inf. keep going! не сходи с дистанции (george serebryakov) gen. keep going продолжать ехать (z484z) gen. keep going содержать (AlexandraM) jarg. keep going! продолжай! (Damirules) tech. keep going поддерживать (напр., процесс) cliche. keep going поддерживать (на том же уровне: Exercising routine can become too much after a few weeks, so how do you keep motivation going? — поддерживать мотиващию ART Vancouver) sociol. keep going помочь материально gen. keep going продолжать идти намеченным курсом (Nrml Kss) gen. keep going держаться (he feels he must keep going at all costs Maria Klavdieva) gen. keep someone going оказать материальную помощь gen. keep going сохранить жизнь inf. keep going! продолжай в том же духе (Your logic seems flawless, dude, keep going! joyand) inf. keep going! иди до конца (george serebryakov) inf. keep going! не сдавайся (VLZ_58) inf. keep going! не останавливайся (VLZ_58) Makarov. keep something going поддержать нормальную деятельность (чего-либо) Makarov. keep something going поддержать бесперебойную работу (чего-либо) gen. keep going помогать кому-либо деньгами Makarov. keep something going поддерживать (процесс, работу и т.п.) gen. keep going поддерживать кого-либо материально polit. keep going after the wrong thing продолжать бороться не за то, что надо (Alex_Odeychuk) fig.of.sp. keep going over the same ground продолжать ходить всё по тому же кругу (/MZ333/) idiom. keep it going продолжать (We’re having so much fun, we want to keep it going. We definitely want to keep it going. ART Vancouver) idiom. keep it going продолжать в том же духе (ART Vancouver) gen. keep me posted how things are going держите меня в курсе дел Makarov. keep momentum going поддерживать темп наступления media. keep momentum going поддерживать темп (bigmaxus) idiom. keep one’s momentum going не сбавлять темпа (ART Vancouver) neapolitan. keep on going не останавливаться («If you’re going through hell, keep on going.» (Sir Winston Churchill) ART Vancouver) media. keep recovery going продолжать процесс оживления экономики (push recovery along bigmaxus) Makarov. keep revolution going продолжать революцию inf. keep somebody going стимулировать (Баян) inf. keep somebody going мотивировать (Баян) inf. keep somebody going подстёгивать (You have been in this sport for quite a long time and do not plan retirement any time soon, what keeps you going after all these years? || One small cup of coffee keeps me going for about 8 hours Баян) irish.lang. keep the craic going! поехали! (ad_notam) irish.lang. keep the craic going! давайте, ребята, веселей! (ad_notam) shipb. keep the lead going беспрерывно брать глубину (ручным лотом) nautic. keep the lead going непрерывно измерять глубину ручным лотом nautic. keep the lead going беспрерывно брать глубины (ручным лотом) gen. keep the lead going! бросай лот беспрестанно! navig. keep the led going непрерывно измерять глубину ручным лотом mil. keep the momentum going продолжать операцию (New York Times; контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk) sport. keep the momentum going продолжать (в том же духе VLZ_58) Makarov. lambs are to be sold to those who are going to keep them ягнята должны быть проданы тем, кто собирается их выращивать gen. let’s keep going давай дальше (i.e., going through a list) gen. let’s keep going Поехали дальше (i.e., going through a list) inf. let’s keep our journey going! Продолжим наше путешествие! Makarov. make oneself keep going перемочься Makarov. make oneself keep going перемогаться Makarov. one must feed coal to a stove to keep it going чтобы печь не погасла, нужно всё время подбрасывать в неё уголь Makarov. one must feed coal to stove to keep it going чтобы печь не погасла, нужно всё время подбрасывать в неё уголь Makarov. she manages to keep going ей удаётся держаться inf. they keep going somehow и ничего, живут (Например: «Все люди болеют. И ничего, живут.» Technical) gen. they only keep going by dip ping into capital saved from better years они сводят концы с концами исключительно за счёт сбережений, сделанных в лучшие годы Makarov. try to keep going перемочься Makarov. try to keep going перемогаться Makarov. we got the terrorists on the run. And we’re going to keep them on the run мы обратили террористов в бегство. И мы будем их преследовать gen. when you go to the club you always keep it up too late когда вы отправляетесь в клуб, вы всегда остаётесь там слишком долго gen. you have got to keep going to get anywhere если хочешь до чего-то дойти-надо идти Makarov. you must keep the fire going тебе нужно поддерживать огонь

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