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Woman in Black Tank Top Sitting on Wooden Dock Man in Blue Dress Shirt Beside Woman in Black Brassiere Man in Black Jacket Sitting on Brown Wooden Bench Man in Black Suit Jacket and Woman in Black Tank Top Woman in Black Tank Top and Pants Doing Push Up Man in Green Polo Shirt Sitting on Brown Wooden Bench

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Synonyms for Break the law. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/break_the_law

Synonyms for Break the law. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/break_the_law>.

Synonyms for Break the law. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/break_the_law.

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break a/the law

To do something that is illegal. If you shoplift, you are breaking the law, period. The statutes are different in different places so sometimes you can break a law without even knowing it!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

break a law

 and break the law

to fail to obey a law; to act contrary to a law. Lisa broke the law when she drove the wrong way on a one-way street. If you never break the law, you will never get arrested.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:

  • break a/the law
  • sung
  • left, right and centre
  • left, right, and center
  • left, right, and centre
  • go in a different direction
  • here and there
  • knock the habit
  • knock the/(one’s) habit
  • make into

to break a law

нарушать закон

English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics.

Смотреть что такое «to break a law» в других словарях:

  • break a law — index disobey, offend (violate the law) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • break the law — index disobey, offend (violate the law), trespass Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • break a law — verb To violate a law. See Also: break the law …   Wiktionary

  • break — / brāk/ vb broke / brōk/, bro·ken, / brō kən/, break·ing, / brā kiŋ/ vt 1 a: violate transgress break the law …   Law dictionary

  • break the law — Synonyms and related words: breach the law, care naught for, circumvent the law, commit a crime, contravene, defy, disobey, disobey the law, disregard, disregard the law, flout, go counter to, ignore, infract, infringe, not conform, not heed, not …   Moby Thesaurus

  • break the law/rules — not obey the law, commit a crime    If you rob a store, you are breaking the law …   English idioms

  • break-up fee — USA Also known as a break fee or a termination fee. This term has a number of meanings. In the context of: • Mergers and acquisitions, a payment from the seller to the buyer if a merger or acquisition transaction is not completed as a result of… …   Law dictionary

  • break clause — A provision in a lease allowing either landlord or tenant to give notice to the other to terminate the lease at a fixed time before the end of its full period. Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. UK law terms. break clause …   Law dictionary

  • break fee — Fee payable by one party to the other if the deal does not proceed for a specified reason (e.g., seller has agreed to sell the business to another party). Provision can be unenforceable if not drafted properly; in particular, it needs to be a… …   Law dictionary

  • break in — vi: to enter something (as a building or computer system) without privilege (as consent) or by force Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. break in …   Law dictionary

  • break fees — Also known as failure costs agreements. A payment from the buyer or seller to the other (or possibly payable by the target itself) if the deal does not proceed to signing or closing. Common situations that trigger a break fee payment are breach… …   Law dictionary

Should we break the law, nurse?
Мы цто, должны нарушить закон, сестра?

People who break the law are punished.
Люди, которые нарушают закон, подлежат наказанию.

Why would you break the law for them?
Почему ты нарушил закон ради них?

But Miles would never break the law intentionally.
Но Майлз никогда бы не нарушил закон преднамеренно.

He breaks the law, you break the law.
Он нарушает закон, вы нарушаете закон.

I never told anybody to break the law.
Я никого не призывал нарушать закон.

He has to break the law by leaving.
Сначала он должен нарушить закон, выйдя отсюда.

They believe these companies break the law with impunity.
Они уверены, что эти компании безнаказанно нарушают закон.

You break the law, I’m breaking your head.
Ты нарушил закон, за это, я оторву тебе голову.

And nobody’s asking you to break the law.
И никто не просит тебя нарушать закон.

Why break the law simply to watch me work?
Зачем нарушать закон, чтобы посмотреть на мою работу?


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Translation examples

  • нарушать закон

It is evident that those who break the law will be prosecuted.

Ясно, что лица, нарушающие закон, будут привлечены к ответственности.

However, we will not hesitate to send to jail those who break the law.

Тем не менее, мы не колеблясь будем отправлять в тюрьмы тех, кто нарушает закон.

The fact that some citizens might break the law does not make the law less important.

Тот факт, что некоторые граждане могут нарушать законы, не умаляет их значения.

A member of the Tatmadaw who breaks the law is punished by both the military and civil courts.

Служащие армии Татмадав, которые нарушают закон, наказываются как военными, так и гражданскими судами.

A member of the Armed Forces who breaks the law is punished both by the military and civil courts.

Военнослужащий вооруженных сил, который нарушает закон, наказывается как военным, так и гражданским судом.

— Reinforcement of inspection services with a view to identifying employers who break the law in their use of child labour;

— дальнейшее укрепление инспекционных служб с целью выявления работодателей, нарушающих закон при использовании детского труда;

In cases of prostitution, both the women and the male clients were breaking the law, so both were subject to arrest.

В случаях проституции и женщины и мужчины, пользующиеся их услугами, нарушают закон и поэтому подлежат аресту.

58. Sweden reiterated that organizations involved in racist activities were breaking the law and were being countered through legislation and the police.

58. Швеция подтвердила, что организации, участвующие в расистской деятельности, нарушают закон и что им противостоят законодательство и полиция.

In this regard, the Mission reiterates that it is unacceptable and harmful to combat unlawfulness by means that are also unlawful and that, moreover, breaking the law is unnecessary.

В этой связи Миссия вновь заявляет, что нельзя и опасно бороться с беззаконием не менее беззаконными средствами и, кроме того, необходимости нарушать закон нет.

I didn’t know I was breaking a law.

Не знал, что нарушаю закон.

I did hear in the yard that that guard wasn’t exactly squeaky clean,so Maybe she’s going after anybody that breaks a law,like me.

Я слышал во дворе, что этот охранник был не слишком чист, так что, может, она убивает всех, кто нарушает закон, вроде меня.

“The Minister wouldn’t want you to break the law, Professor Umbridge!” cried Hermione.

— Министр не позволил бы вам нарушать закон, профессор Амбридж! — крикнула Гермиона.

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