Word for tired of something

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for bored and lethargic?
  2. What’s a fancy word for bored?
  3. What is enervated mean?
  4. What does languorous mean?
  5. What does Befurbelowed mean?
  6. What does Imperceptibility mean?
  7. What does rebuked mean?
  8. What does rankled mean?
  9. What does fondness mean?
  10. What is Ardour mean?
  11. What’s another word for not caring?

Tired, exhausted, fatigued, wearied, weary suggest a condition in which a large part of one’s energy and vitality has been consumed.

What is another word for bored and lethargic?

What is another word for bored?

blasé nonchalant
pococurante emotionless
incurious spiritless
languid lethargic
unfeeling dispassionate

What’s a fancy word for bored?

In this page you can discover 73 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for boring, like: dull, tedious, monotonous, dreary, tiresome, humdrum, uninteresting, irksome, dry, wearisome and weary.

What is enervated mean?

enervated; enervating. Definition of enervate (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to reduce the mental or moral vigor of. 2 : to lessen the vitality or strength of.

What does languorous mean?

languid, languorous, lackadaisical, listless, spiritless mean lacking energy or enthusiasm. languid refers to an unwillingness or inability to exert oneself due to fatigue or physical weakness.

What does Befurbelowed mean?

Filters. (dated, possibly obsolete) Furbelowed; ornamented with frill. 1899, Kate Chopin, The Awakening, chapter V:”Children, freshly befurbelowed, were gathering for their games under the oaks.”

What does Imperceptibility mean?

: not perceptible by a sense or by the mind : extremely slight, gradual, or subtle imperceptible differences. Other Words from imperceptible Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About imperceptible.

What does rebuked mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to criticize sharply : reprimand. b : to serve as a rebuke to. 2 archaic : to turn back or keep down : check.

What does rankled mean?

intransitive verb. 1 : to cause anger, irritation, or deep bitterness. 2 : to feel anger and irritation.

What does fondness mean?

1 obsolete : foolishness, folly. 2 : tender affection. 3 : appetite, relish had a fondness for argument.

What is Ardour mean?

great enthusiasm or love

What’s another word for not caring?

What is another word for not caring?

uncaring indifferent
unmoved unemotional
unresponsive disinterested
nonchalant dispassionate
unsympathetic aloof

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

One can get tired of something that it no longer has any meaning for the person.

If she gets tired of something — she finds another entertainment for herself.

Если ей что-то надоест, она подыщет себе другое увлечение.

When you’re tired of something happening, you need to either figure out a solution or get out.

Когда вы устали друг от друга, надо либо искать какие-то выходы, либо расставаться.

So if you do get tired of something, you can always cover it up.

Если же вы устанете от нее, ее всегда можно прикрыть штукатуркой.

I don’t think it is possible to get tired of something this good.

If he does not want to go somewhere or he is tired of something, he may just sit or even lay down — and then nothing will make him to move.

Если он куда-то не хочет идти или ему что-то надоело, он может сесть или разлечься — и тогда уже ничего не поможет.

We all are tired of something.

fed up What it means: fed, to get tired of something, palled, grew hateful.

Что это означает: сыт, надоело, приелось, опостылело.

to leave alone What it means: to give a rest, not to disturb, to get off someone’s back, not to interfere, to be tired of something.

Что это означает: дать отдохнуть, не трогать, не приставать, не мешать, не надоедать.

Другие результаты

And just like autumn, it replaces what we are tired of, something fresh and refreshing.

И так же, как осень, она приходит на смену тому, от чего мы устали, чем-то свежим и освежающим.

I never get tired of learning something new.

sick and tired of (something)

Tired of gifting something cliché to your boyfriend?

Maybe I’m tired of reading something that’s not real?

Уже надоело читать то чего нет на самом деле.

Are you tired of paying for something you don’t use?

Вы устали платить за воду, которую не используете?

However, Zawinul started making changes with their third album, Sweetnighter, stating that he was «tired of waiting for something to happen».

Тем не менее, Джозеф начал делать изменения при записи их третьего альбома Sweetnighter, сославшись, что он «устал ждать, когда что-нибудь произойдет».

I really, I like him, and I’m tired of second-guessing something that feels so right.

Мне он на самом деле нравится, и я устала сомневаться в том, что кажется правильным.

I just feel kind of tired or something.

Personal life of Sergey Belikov was destroyed by him, as he himself admits, due to the fact that tired of fighting for something that, in his opinion, deserved.

Личная жизнь Сергея Беликова была разрушена им самим, как он сам признается, из-за того, что устал бороться за то, чего, по его мнению, заслуживал.

In other words, we literally are tired of waiting for Apple something radically new.

Иными словами, мы буквально устали ждать от Apple чего-то радикально нового.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 34561. Точных совпадений: 9. Затраченное время: 850 мс


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  • 1
    sick and tired of something

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > sick and tired of something

  • 2
    to be sick of something/to be sick and tired of something

    to be sick of something/to be sick and tired of something

    estar farto, cansado, Braz sl cheio, de saco cheio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to be sick of something/to be sick and tired of something

  • 3
    be tired of something

    English-Dutch dictionary > be tired of something

  • 4
    be tired of something

    English-faroese dictionary > be tired of something

  • 5
    be tired of something


    eine Sache überdrüssig sein ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > be tired of something

  • 6
    be tired of something

    English-Papiamento dictionary > be tired of something

  • 7

       b. ( = bored) to be tired of sb/sth en avoir assez de qn/qch

    to be getting tired of sb/sth commencer à en avoir assez de qn/qch

    * * *



    1) () gen fatigué; [voice] las/lasse

    to be tired of something/of doing — en avoir assez de quelque chose/de faire

    to grow ou get tired of something/of doing — se lasser de quelque chose/de faire

    4) () [machine] usé; [clothes, curtains] défraîchi

    5) () [lettuce] fané

    English-French dictionary > tired

  • 8


    be tired of something/doing something — etwas satt haben/es satt haben od. es müde sein, etwas zu tun

    get or grow tired of somebody/something — jemandes/einer Sache überdrüssig werden

    3) : abgegriffen; abgedroschen

    * * *

    1) müde

    * * *

    <-er, -est or more tired, most tired>

    [ˈtaɪəd, AM -ɚd]

    you make me tired! du regst mich auf!

    to be tired of sth/sb einer S./einer Person gen überdrüssig sein

    to be tired to death of sth etw gründlich leid sein

    to be sick and tired of sth/sb von etw/jdm die Nase gestrichen voll haben fam

    to get [or grow] tired of sb/sth jdn/etw sattbekommen fam

    tired excuse lahme Ausrede

    the same tired old faces dieselben langweiligen Gesichter

    tired phrase abgedroschene Phrase

    * * *




    to be tired of sb/sth — jds/einer Sache müde or überdrüssig sein , jdn/etw leid sein, jdn/etw satthaben

    to get tired of sb/sth — jdn/etw sattbekommen

    I’m tired of telling you —

    3) müde

    a tired, worn-out organization — eine müde, verbrauchte Organisation

    * * *

    tired1 [ˈtaıə(r)d] adj (adv tiredly)

    1. ermüdet, müde:

    be tired of sth einer Sache überdrüssig sein, etwas satthaben;

    2. abgegriffen, abgedroschen (Redensart etc)

    tired2 [ˈtaıə(r)d] adj TECH bereift

    * * *


    be tired of something/doing something — etwas satt haben/es satt haben od. es müde sein, etwas zu tun

    get or grow tired of somebody/something — jemandes/einer Sache überdrüssig werden

    3) : abgegriffen; abgedroschen

    * * *


    müd adj.

    English-german dictionary > tired

  • 9

    1) cansado

    2) cansado (de)



    cansado, agotado, fatigado


    taɪrd, ‘taɪəd


    to be tired OF something/somebody/-ING — estar* cansado or harto de algo/alguien /+ inf

    to get/grow tired of something/somebody/-ing — cansarse or hartarse de algo/alguien /+ inf

    c) ( hackneyed) < joke> trasnochado, trillado, manido

    d) (old, faded) <lettuce/salad> mustio; <sofa/chair> (viejo y) gastado



    1) cansado; cansino

    to be/feel tired — estar/sentirse cansado

    my legs/eyes are tired — tengo las piernas cansadas/los ojos cansados

    to get tired — cansarse

    to look tired — tener cara de cansancio

    to be tired of sb/sth — estar cansado or aburrido de algn/algo

    to get or grow tired of (doing) sth — cansarse or aburrirse de (hacer) algo

    sick 1., 3)

    2) (fig) raído, gastado; cascado; manido, trillado

    * * *

    [taɪrd, ‘taɪəd]


    to be tired OF something/somebody/-ING — estar* cansado or harto de algo/alguien /+ inf

    to get/grow tired of something/somebody/-ing — cansarse or hartarse de algo/alguien /+ inf

    c) ( hackneyed) < joke> trasnochado, trillado, manido

    d) (old, faded) <lettuce/salad> mustio; <sofa/chair> (viejo y) gastado

    English-spanish dictionary > tired

  • 10



    [English Word]

    be tired of

    [Swahili Definition]

    kuwa umechoka kwa ajili ya kitu fulani [Masomo 278]

    [Swahili Example]

    mimi hakika nimechoshwa na maisha ya kitumwa [Sul]


    [English Word]

    be tired of something

    [English Example]

    the tourists are tired of the trip

    [Swahili Example]

    watalii wamechoka safari


    [Part of Speech]



    English-Swahili dictionary > tired

  • 11

    adj. moe

    [ tajjəd]


    English-Dutch dictionary > tired

  • 12
    bear the brunt (of something)

     принимать удар на себя

    Why don’t you talk with her the next time? I’m tired of bearing the brunt.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > bear the brunt (of something)

  • 13
    bear the brunt (of something)

     принимать удар на себя

    Why don’t you talk with her the next time? I’m tired of bearing the brunt.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > bear the brunt (of something)

  • 14
    unaccustomed to (someone or something)

     быть непривычным для кого-либо чего-либо

    On the hike Bob soon got tired, because he was unaccustomed to walking.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > unaccustomed to (someone or something)

  • 15
    unaccustomed to (someone or something)

     быть непривычным для кого-либо чего-либо

    On the hike Bob soon got tired, because he was unaccustomed to walking.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > unaccustomed to (someone or something)

  • 16


    1) enjoado

    2) doente

    3) cansado

    4) chateado

    5) de mau gosto



    — sickening
    — sickeningly
    — sickly
    — sickness
    — sick-leave
    — make someone sick
    — make sick
    — the sick
    — worried sick

    * * *

    [sik] n 1 Brit coll vômito. • adj 1 doente, enfermo. I feel sick / sinto-me mal. 2 coll enjoado, com náuseas. he was sick / ele vomitou. 3 indisposto, adoentado. 4 cansado, esgotado. 5 aborrecido, aflito, triste. 6 farto. I am sick of the whole thing / estou farto disso tudo. he is sick and tired of waiting for her / ele está farto de esperar por ela. sick bulding syndrome conjunto de sintomas (alergias, cansaço) causados por exposição constante ao ar-condicionado. the sick os/as doentes. to be home sick sentir saudades de casa. to be off sick estar ausente por doença. to be sick as a dog coll vomitar sem parar. to be sick of something/ to be sick and tired of something estar farto, cansado, Braz sl cheio, de saco cheio. to be worried sick estar extremamente preocupado. to make someone sick irritar, aborrecer alguém it makes me sick to think of them / fico doente só em pensar neles.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sick

  • 17

       d. ( = fed up) to be sick of sb/sth/doing sth en avoir marre (inf) de qn/qch/faire qch

    * * *




    the sick — (+ v pl) les malades mpl

    2) (colloq) GB () vomi m



    1) () malade

    off sick — GB absent pour cause de maladie

    to go sick — (colloq) se faire porter malade

    3) () [joke, story] malsain, de mauvais goût

    4) () [mind, imagination] malsain

    to be sick of something/somebody — (colloq) en avoir assez or marre (colloq) de quelqu’un/quelque chose

    to be sick and tired of something/somebody — (colloq) en avoir ras le bol (colloq) de quelque chose/quelqu’un

    to be sick of the sight of something/somebody — (colloq) ne plus supporter quelque chose/quelqu’un

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-French dictionary > sick

  • 18
    fed up




    fed up (WITH somebody/something/-ING) — harto (de alguien/algo/+ inf)

    to be/get fed up — estar* harto/hartarse




    to be fed up (with sth/sb) — estar harto (de algo/algn)

    * * *

    fed up (WITH somebody/something/-ING) — harto (de alguien/algo/+ inf)

    to be/get fed up — estar* harto/hartarse

    English-spanish dictionary > fed up

  • 19



    1) krank

    go sick, fall — or

    somebody is sick at or to his/her stomach — jemandem ist [es] schlecht od. übel

    2) :

    be sick over somebody/something — sich über jemanden/etwas erbrechen

    somebody gets/feels sick — jemandem wird/ist [es] übel od. schlecht

    3) elend [Aussehen]; leidend [Blick]


    be/get sick of somebody/something — jemanden/etwas satt haben/allmählich satt haben

    be sick and tired or sick to death of somebody/something — von jemandem/etwas die Nase [gestrichen] voll haben

    be sick of the sight/sound of somebody/something — jemanden/etwas nicht mehr sehen/hören können

    5) pervers; krank [Gesellschaft]; makaber [Witz, Humor, Fantasie]



    * * *


    1) Brechreiz verspüren

    2) krank

    4) enttäuscht

    5) schlecht


    das Erbrochene


    — sickening
    — sickeningly
    — sickly
    — sickness
    — sick-leave
    — make someone sick
    — make sick
    — the sick
    — worried sick

    * * *



    to be off sick krankgemeldet sein

    are you sick or something? (fam!) spinnst du oder was?

    3. pred (in stomach)

    to feel sick sich akk schlecht fühlen

    I feel sick mir ist schlecht [o übel]

    to make oneself sick sich dat den Magen verderben; ( fig)

    it makes me sick to my stomach when I think of… mir dreht sich der Magen um, wenn ich daran denke,…

    to feel sick to one’s stomach sich akk vom Magen her schlecht fühlen

    it makes me sick the way he always complains ich kann sein Gejammer nicht mehr hören

    to be sick about [or at] [or AM over] sth über etw akk entsetzt sein

    to be sick of doing sth es satthaben, etw zu tun

    to be sick and tired [or sick to death] of sth etw [gründlich] satthaben

    to be sick of sth/sb von etw/jdm die Nase voll haben fam

    6. (angry) [wahnsinnig] wütend

    it makes me sick… es regt mich auf…

    sick humour schwarzer Humor

    sick joke makab[e]rer Witz


    to feel [as] sick as a dog AM, AUS sich hundeelend fühlen

    I was sick as a dog mir ging es hundeelend

    to be sick at heart [äußerst] niedergeschlagen sein

    to be sick as a parrot BRIT ( hum) völlig fertig sein

    to be worried sick ( fam) krank vor Sorge sein

    II. n

    1. (ill people)

    the sick pl die Kranken pl

    to sick up ⇆ sth etw erbrechen




    to sick a dog on sb auf jdn einen Hund hetzen

    * * *



    1) krank

    to fall or take sick, to be taken sick — krank werden


    to be sick — brechen, sich übergeben, kotzen ; spucken

    that smell/that food makes me sick — bei dem Geruch/von dem Essen wird mir übel or schlecht

    it makes me sick to think that… — mir wird schlecht, wenn ich daran denke, dass…

    I am worried sick, I am sick with worry — mir ist vor Sorge ganz schlecht

    to be sick of sth/sb — etw/jdn satthaben

    4) (inf) geschmacklos; makaber, geschmacklos; abartig, pervers

    a comedy about life in Dachau, how sick can you get! — eine Komödie über das Leben in Dachau, das ist ja schon pervers!

    * * *

    sick1 [sık]

    A adj

    1. (Br meist attr) krank:

    he’s a very sick man er ist ein schwer kranker Mann;

    2. a) be sick Br sich erbrechen oder übergeben (müssen);

    b) Übelkeit erregend, widerwärtig (Geruch etc)

    3. Kranken…, Krankheits…:

    4. fig krank (of vor dat; for nach):

    a) todunglücklich, niedergeschlagen,

    b) angsterfüllt;

    6. (of) umg angewidert (von), überdrüssig (gen):

    7. a) blass, fahl (Farbe, Licht)

    b) besonders US umg look sick alt aussehen;

    9. SCHIFF schadhaft

    10. schlecht (Eier, Luft etc)

    12. umg makaber (Witz etc):

    B s

    2. besonders Br umg Kotze f

    C v/t sick up bes Br umg auskotzen

    sick2 [sık] sic1

    * * *



    go sick, fall — or

    somebody is sick at or to his/her stomach — jemandem ist [es] schlecht od. übel

    2) :

    be sick over somebody/something — sich über jemanden/etwas erbrechen

    somebody gets/feels sick — jemandem wird/ist [es] übel od. schlecht

    3) elend [Aussehen]; leidend [Blick]


    be/get sick of somebody/something — jemanden/etwas satt haben/allmählich satt haben

    be sick and tired or sick to death of somebody/something — von jemandem/etwas die Nase [gestrichen] voll haben

    be sick of the sight/sound of somebody/something — jemanden/etwas nicht mehr sehen/hören können

    5) pervers; krank [Gesellschaft]; makaber [Witz, Humor, Fantasie]



    * * *


    Kranken- präfix.

    krank adj.

    unwohl adj.

    English-german dictionary > sick

  • 20




    transitive verb


    intransitive verb

    weary of something/somebody — einer Sache/jemandes überdrüssig werden

    * * *






    — weariness
    — wearisome
    — wearisomely

    * * *

    [ˈwɪəri, AM ˈwɪri]

    1. (very tired) müde, erschöpft

    weary to death sterbensmüde, total erschöpft

    to be weary of sth etw leid sein [o satthaben]

    to grow weary of sth einer S. gen überdrüssig werden

    weary of life lebensmüde

    weary joke abgedroschener Witz

    II. vt

    to weary sb [with sth]

    1. (make tired) jdn [mit etw dat] ermüden

    III. vi

    to weary of sth von etw dat genug haben, etw satthaben

    * * *


    1) müde; lustlos; matt

    to be/grow weary of sth — etw leid sein/werden, einer Sache überdrüssig or müde sein/werden

    2) ermüdend


    * * *

    A adj (adv wearily)

    1. müde, matt, erschöpft ( beide:

    with von, vor dat):

    2. müde, überdrüssig ( beide:

    of gen):

    3. ermüdend:

    a) lästig, beschwerlich

    b) langweilig

    B v/t

    1. ermüden

    2. langweilen

    C v/i überdrüssig oder müde werden (of gen)

    * * *





    transitive verb


    intransitive verb

    weary of something/somebody — einer Sache/jemandes überdrüssig werden

    * * *


    müd adj.

    English-german dictionary > weary

  • The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

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    tire of (someone or something)

    To lose interest in or patience with someone or something. He always tires of his toys after a few months, so we sell them online. I tired of working in finance and decided to pursue a career in writing.

    See also: of, tire

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    tire of someone or something

    to grow weary of someone or something. She tired of him and left him. I am beginning to tire of the furniture in the living room.

    See also: of, tire

    McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

    tire of


    To have one’s interest or patience exhausted by something or someone: Soon after the semester started, I tired of the boring morning lectures. My parents never tired of giving me unwanted advice.

    See also: of, tire

    The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

    See also:

    • this/that is the last straw
    • (something) is the straw that broke the camel’s back
    • camel
    • (something) is the last straw
    • last straw
    • last straw, the
    • conceive of (someone or something) as (someone or something)
    • conceive of as
    • patience
    • (one’s) patience is wearing thin



    Автоматический перевод

    устал от этого

    Перевод по словам

    tire  — шина, покрышка, бандаж, колесный бандаж, утомлять, утомляться, уставать, надоедать


    She was tired of his cheap jibes.

    Она устала от его дешёвых насмешек.

    I’m tired of working for peanuts.

    Мне надоело работать за гроши.

    I’m tired of picking up after you!

    Мне надоело за тобой убирать!

    I’m tired of watching silly movies.

    Мне надоело смотреть глупые фильмы.

    We’ve grown tired of your charades.

    Нам надоело, что ты постоянно ломаешь комедию.

    I am sick and tired of your don’ts.

    Мне надоели ваши запреты.

    I’m tired of his lies and evasions.

    Я устал от его лжи и увёрток.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    «I am tired of strawberry leaves.»  

    We’re tired of their childish games.  

    We were all tired of his macho bluster.  

    I got tired of him going on about all his problems.  

    He’s tired of always being carped at by his critics.  

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    «Tired from something» and «tired of something» do not overlap.

    As in your definition, «tired from something» means to be physically tired, exhausted by something.

    «Tired of something» means to be bored or fed up with something one has been experiencing and to want to discontinue the cause.

    In 2 – «The salesladies, though smiling, were clearly tired of a long days work….» «of» does NOT work, at least in American English. The sentence would be: «The salesladies, though smiling, were clearly tired from a long day’s work.»

    As for «tired with,» it appears to occur, mostly, in Englishes other than American. Here are nine recent internet examples along with their sources cited. In examples 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15, «tired with» seems to mean «tired of.» Example 4 certainly does not mean «tired of.» It may mean «tired because of (an injured/ broken?) leg.» Examples 8, 9, and 12, too, probably mean «tired because of» or «tired from.»

    It’s interesting to note that from sources in the USA, three of the four are from New England in the Northeast.

    1) (East African Standard online newspaper)
    Analysts saw the changes as a warning by Kibaki that he was tired with the wrangling in Narc.

    2) pitpass.com, UK — Jul 2, 2004
    … Leinders. Twenty-four minutes into the session, and clearly tired with the lack of action, Heidfeld and Wirdheim venture out.

    3 )North County Times, CA — Jul 2, 2004
    PALA INDIAN RESERVATION —— Tired with the relative obscurity of Savannah, Ga., Chavelle Hallback moved to Temecula two months ago with the belief that a …

    4) elegraph.co.uk, UK — Jun 28, 2004
    … African and Asian influences. Not forgetting the Carthaginians, of course. Figo’s mind grows tired with his legs. While the old master …

    5) TechTV — Jun 22, 2004
    … Quests are similarly tired with the real fun coming in large-scale player organized battles often only fun for mid- to high-level players. …

    6) Malaysia Kini, Malaysia — Jun 25, 2004
    … What are the risks of economic disruption by undesirable elements? Clearly, I’m tired with having to make a point. I would have expected more sound judgements. …

    7) The Globe and Mail, Canada — Jun 24, 2004
    … owner TSX Group Inc., said no precise conclusions can be drawn from the numbers but the results clearly suggest that investors are growing tired with the high …

    8) Kavkaz Center, Turkey — Jun 25, 2004
    … This is number three. I’m not going to make my readers tired with this enumeration. There are not enough fingers and toes to count that. …

    9) Straits Times, Singapore — Jun 26, 2004
    … But it also sounds like you work better at night. It is only normal for you to feel tired with only five or fewer hours of sleep at night. …

    10) AllAfrica.com, Africa — Jun 18, 2004
    … He said though he is head of state, he knows the feeling of the ordinary Liberian, noting that all Liberians are tired with war and want peace. …

    11) EUbusiness, UK — Jun 6, 2004
    … The Polish people are tired with Polish politicians,» Marek Sarjusz-Wolski, a journalist at Unia and Polska magazine, told AFP

    12) Brockton Enterprise, MA — Jun 19, 2004
    … I would have liked to coach Timmy, but that kind of stuff is hard because he gets so tired with the muscle weakness.». Today, Timmy stands 5 feet tall. …

    13) Shrewsbury Chronicle, MA — Jun 16, 2004
    By Deborah E. Gauthier. Are you bored and tired with your job? Are you overworked and underpaid? Would you consider a career change …

    14) Portsmouth Herald, NH — Jun 6, 2004
    … People are tired with the big box and no knowledge on the product,» Stock says. «I think most of us like to have (our) hand held and someone to listen to us.». …

    15) Philippine Daily Inquirer, Philippines — Jun 19, 2004
    … The senator said there was a public clamor that the canvass be finished soon. «Pagod na sila (They are already tired) with too much politicking. …


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