Word for times nine

We all know that when something happens “once,” it happens one time. When it happens “twice,” it happens two times. We can also say that “thrice” applies when something happens three times. This article will explore whether there are any words that come after.

“Thrice” is the last official word related to multiple occurrences of the same thing. You often find that people use “four times” or “five times” (and so on) instead of giving them a specific word. However, informally, “quarce” or “quadrice” are both suitable for “four times.”

what comes after thrice

Perhaps this table will help you make a little more sense of it:

Once  One time
Twice  Two times
Thrice  Three times
Quarce/quadrice  Four times
Quince  Five times
Sence  Six times
Septence  Seven times
Octence  Eight times
Novence  Nine times
Tonce  Ten times

Of course, none of these words past “thrice” are officially correct. They are not grammatical words that follow language rules. However, some people like to use them to show that something occurs multiple times.

Is “Quadrice” A Word?

Officially, “quadrice” is not a word. It is not recognized in any dictionaries, and you will not be able to use it in formal contexts. However, informally, it can work to show that something occurs four times, though not many people will understand that.

Is “Quarce” A Word?

“Quarce” is an alternative to “quadrice.” We can also use it to show that something happens four times. It’s a little easier to understand, and more people will be inclined to use it. However, it’s still very uncommon, and it might take a bit of explaining.

What Is The Word For 5 Times?

The best way to use a word for something happening five times is simply by saying “five times.”

“Five times” works best without a special word. However, following the same trend as we’ve mentioned, people like to use “quince” to refer to something happening five times. This only applies to informal situations, though.

What Is The Word For 6 Times?

“Sence” works when talking about something that happens six times if you want a specific word. However, most people will stick to “six times” as the easiest option since it requires no explanation when you use it.

What Is The Word For 7 Times?

Like everything else, “seven times” is already the most suitable way to talk about a repeat occurrence. There are some who would use “septence,” which allows us to use the Latin prefix “sept-” to show that seven things have happened.

What Is The Word For 8 Times?

The Latin prefix “oct-” applies when talking about eight things. We can use “octence” to show that something happens eight times.

Again, you’re going to need to explain this to most native speakers. Many of them don’t know what it means or how to use it. If you want to use standard English rules, “eight times” is already perfectly acceptable.

What Is The Word For 9 Times?

“Nine times” is the best phrase to use when something happens nine times over. Again, there are always people who might use “novence,” which uses the “Nov-” prefix to refer to nine occurrences.

It’s dependent on the person, but most people will not understand “novence.” It’s not a word that you hear often as a native speaker, and it’s not referenced in any official dictionaries.

What Is The Word For 10 Times?

“Tonce” is apparently the word people might use for something happening ten times. Again, this only applies if you know what “tonce” means and have heard people use it.

In most standard cases, native speakers would simply use “ten times.” It’s much better to use this form since it’s more expected and requires no explanations when it comes to using it.

To most people, “tonce” just looks like a misspelling of “once.” That’s why it’s not common to see, and it’s much better to use “ten times” to be more obvious about what’s happening.

What Is The Word For 11 Times?

At this stage, there aren’t any useful words left that might be used as replacements. If you are talking about something that is happening eleven times, it’s much simpler just to use “eleven times” to show that it’s happening very often.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.


  • #1


I asked an elementary school if he knows how to count 7×5, 9×6, etc. Here people have a table from 1×1 to 9×9, I know native speakers call it nine time table.

I wonder if the bold is natural/

Can you say nine time table?

Thanks a lot

  • PaulQ

    • #2

    Yes, that’s what I’d say.

    • #3

    Maybe it’s a BrE/AmE difference, but the term I’m familiar with is «times table» («x times y is z»).


    • #4

    Thanks a lot, PaulQ and Waltern. Yeah, probably a BE&AE difference.

    Can I also say:

    Can you recite……?

    • #5

    I say «times» also (perhaps Paul was focused on the question:))
    Recite might be too adult for a young child.

    • #6

    I agree with Waltern and Julian (not Paul), except that I could only say it with a determiner: «Can you say the/your nine times table?»

    Here people have a table from 1×1 to 9×9, I know native speakers call it nine time table.

    Native speakers of what, Chinese? They call it «nine time table» in English?


    • #7

    Native speakers of what, Chinese? They call it «nine time table» in English?

    Sorry, it should be «nine times table», from some native speakers of English. We Chinese say, literally, «nine nine table».

    • #8

    I would say, Do you know your nine times table? If they know it, I presume they can say/recite it (unless they have some sort of speech disorder).


    • #9

    Here people have a table from 1×1 to 9×9

    I will add that the practice when I was in school was to learn the «times table


    » from 1×1 through 12×12.


    • #10

    Can I also say:

    Can you recite……?

    Recite what? The nine times table? Maybe…it is common for grade school children to «recite» things for a teacher, for parents, or to the class. But «recite» normally means an exact word-for-word repeating of something memorized: something like a poem, or the alphabet. In AE we do not memorize some exact wording for the «9X table» (nine times table). All that matters is the correct numbers. So I would probably not call it «reciting». If someone did use «reciting», it would be understand.

    One other opinion: «nine times table» is not a very standard term. If that was all that was said, I probably would not recognize it. «Multiplication tables» is the standard, universally understood term. It has 81 elements, not just 9. Once it was clear you were talking about that, it would be possible to ask about «all the nine times ones», and one way to ask would be to say «repeat the nine times table».

    • #11

    I agree with Waltern and Julian (not Paul), except that I could only say it with a determiner: «Can you say the/your nine times table?»

    I missed that part :(— and I agree. The «X times table» is the one that goes from 1 times X to 12 times X

    • #12

    When I learned multiplication, «the nine times table» began with «nine times one, nine times two . . . «. I believe each «X times table» went from «X times one» up to «X times twelve».


    • #13

    The way we were taught, and obediently chanted in unison was «Once nine is nine, two nines are eighteen, three nines are twenty-seven, four nines are . . . up to twelve nines are . . . er . . . um . . .».


    • #14

    The way we were taught, and obediently chanted in unison was «Once nine is nine, two nines are eighteen, three nines are twenty-seven, four nines are . . . up to twelve nines are . . . er . . . um . . .».

    Another transatlantic difference. In my class, we obediently chanted «One times nine is nine, two times nine is 18, three times nine is 27, four times nine is» … up to «twelve times nine is 108» (and Sister Quentin, O.P., would


    have accepted «er, um…»)

    Hermione Golightly

    • #15

    It’s an interesting and easy one. The first digit increases by one and the second diminishes by one up to 90 and of course the answer always adds up to nine, except for 99.Thereafter you take two off the first digit so 12×9=108.
    Always called the ‘times tables’ half a century ago. «Do you know all your ‘times tables’?». «Say the ‘four times table’ please.»
    I can’t recall using the plural verb ‘are’, though, except that now I say ‘seven nines are 63’.

    «One times one is one». «Seven times nine is sixty three».

    Do they learn them these days?


    • #16

    All of which reminds me of a Simpsons scene:

    Teacher: Do you know multiplication tables?
    Bart: I know of them.


    • #17

    Here people have a table from 1×1 to 9×9, I know native speakers call it nine time table.

    Umm, something wrong there. 1×1 to 9×9 is not called any sort of nine times table. Did you mean to write «1×9 to 9×9»? I think most others have made it clear that the nine times table runs from 1×9 to 12×9 (with some variants). I understand that it is still normal practice in our schools to include everything up to 12 times, even though we have dropped shillings from our currency. I’ll have to check that with my daughter, the primary school teacher, next time I see her.


    • #18

    Umm, something wrong there. 1×1 to 9×9 is not called any sort of nine times table. Did you mean to write «1×9 to 9×9»?

    I think I’d misunderstood something. Children here learn times table when they are very young. When I was a first grader, the teacher taught us one times one is one to nine times nine is 81, (1×1=1, 1×2=2, 1×3….,2×1,2×2…..3×1,3×2…..)When I grew to be a second or third grader, I learn more about the multiplication. I’ve put this down for future reference, Andy. Thanks a lot for letting me know.


    • #19

    ‘Have you learnt your 9 times table?’, ‘Do you know your 9 times table?’, ‘Can you say your 9 times table?’ all work for me.

    At school, everything went up to 12. And additionally we learnt the 16 times table for doings lbs and ozs. I’m sure my children, who went to primary school in the late 1990s and early 2000s also had times tables going up to 12.


    • #20

    On a side note, in India the multiplication table taught in most/almost all of the schools includes the times tables of 2 to 20. Each number (from 2 to 20) is multiplied 10 times (1 to 10). The tables of 17 and 19 are usually the best favourites of teachers and elders when it comes to testing students/children’s knowledge.:p Children are made to cram the table. Our parents and grandparents’ childhood was even tougher — they had to learn the tables of 2 to 40! :oops:

    I thought it was always «times table» in this context.

    Last edited: May 22, 2016


    • #21

    When I was in grade school we only learned up to 10×10 — no elevens or twelves.


    • #22

    I had a chance to ask my daughter, the primary school teacher. She told me that in English schools:
    They are recited until learnt.
    They are called «times tables» — four times table, nine times table, etc.
    They teach up to 12 — so, for example, the nine times table runs up to 12×9 and the highest they go is 12×12.
    They require recitation to be in the form «three times nine is twenty-seven, four times nine is thirty-six» etc.

    • #23

    I had a chance to ask my daughter, the primary school teacher. She told me that in English schools:
    They are recited until learnt.
    They are called «times tables» — four times table, nine times table, etc.
    They teach up to 12 — so, for example, the nine times table runs up to 12×9 and the highest they go is 12×12.
    They require recitation to be in the form «three times nine is twenty-seven, four times nine is thirty-six» etc.

    That was exactly what I was taught and how I learnt them in Australia fifty odd years ago, Andy. Some things never change! :)

    What is another word for nine times?

    2 synonyms found


    [ nˈa͡ɪn tˈa͡ɪmz], [ nˈa‍ɪn tˈa‍ɪmz], [ n_ˈaɪ_n t_ˈaɪ_m_z]

    Related words: nine times out of ten meaning, nine out of ten, nine out of ten probability, nine out of ten phrases, nine out of ten people

    Related questions:

  • What does nine times out of ten mean?
  • What is nine times out of ten probability?
  • What nine out of ten probabilities?
  • What is the meaning of the phrase nine times out?
  • Table of Contents

    • adv.

      all (adverb)

      • nine times.
    • n.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • ninefold.

    How to use «Nine times» in context?

    There is no definite answer to this question as it would depend on the situation. However, some popular possibilities include the following:

    1. nine times out of ten, people who study hard end up achieving their goals.

    2. Nine out of ten times, people who take their time will eventually achieve their goals.

    3. Generally speaking, it is a good idea to take your time when making decisions.

    4. Time and again, it has been shown that putting in the extra effort pays off.

    5. The odds are definitely in your favor if you work hard and persist.

    Homophones for Nine times:

    • neotenic, nude mouse, nudeness, nutmeg, nothing, neotenous, nothings, netting, neatness, nattiness, nudnick, Neediness, notomys, nudnik, nonautonomous, nutmeg-yew, nodding, nonmonotonic.

    New words and phrases get introduced to English continually. Not all of them become widely used or etched in the minds of the people. The expression «a stitch in time saves nine» arguably is one of the most famous idioms the language has ever had, but still quite mysterious.

    «A stitch in time saves nine» means «if a problem is addressed or sorted out immediately, it will most likely save additional work later». The idiom is used in texts to stress the importance of getting work done right away and not procrastinating. It can be shortened as «a stitch in time» in text.

    As mentioned before, the phrase «a stitch in time saves nine» is relatively well-known but not easily deciphered. If you were ever left to scratch your head when someone used the phrase in their text or speech, continue reading.

    if not now when sign on clip board

    «A Stitch in Time Saves Nine» – An Introduction

    As mentioned above, «a stitch in time saves nine» denotes «it’s better or advisable to address an issue immediately than letting it take shape and become a bigger problem». In short, it means «to not postpone».

    The phrase stems from the thought that sewing up a minor rip right away will ensure the tear doesn’t get bigger. When left unattended, the fabric tear will grow larger and require multiple stitches.

    Does the Phrase Denote «Precaution»?

    Though precautionary in intent, it’s not necessarily so – at least not in action, as the idiom implies waiting for a «sign» of damage to the surface before prompting action. On the other hand, a precautionary measure is springing into action as a preventive measure, or even when there are no signs of an apparent malaise.

    For example, when coronavirus started to spread, countries worldwide began shutting down as soon as cases of the virus were reported in regions nearby. That’s a «precautionary» measure.

    However, some states chose to close their movie theaters, malls, restaurants, etc., only after the infection cases were reported in their regions so that the virus didn’t spread further and infect more people. The slightly delayed yet not-too-late approach is a perfect real-world example indicating «a stitch in time saves nine».

    In regions where infections were rising and the state continued with business as usual, the damage to the economy and the populace would have gone up.

    Phrases Similar to «A Stitch in Time Saves Nine»

    «A stitch in time saves nine» isn’t the only phrase to stress the importance of time and/or acting quickly. A few other idioms that could mean the same or similar thing include «an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure» and «there’s no time like the present».

    Contrary to general perception or even logic, the idiom has nothing to do with «sewing», «stitching», «fabric rips», etc. – at least, there’s no clear evidence to prove the link.

    But theories are going around that the phrase is rooted in «sewing». Some people who believe in the backstory posit that women weary of their kids’ patching clothes may have been the idiom’s inspiration.

    The phrase has been used in texts for centuries. It was first used in 1723 in a book by Thomas Fuller. It’s, however, not clear whether Thomas Fuller coined the phrase. He could have borrowed or referenced it from another source, which may not have been published or documented.

    The author, however, was known for using proverbs in his works. In the particular book mentioned above, he includes an explanatory preamble highlighting the use of proverbs in the book and why they were structured the way they were.

    False rhymes were used in most of his sayings so that they clicked with the people and were catchy enough for the readers to remember and recollect. In the phrase, «a stitch in time saves nine», the words «time» and «nine» rhyme with each other.

    now in sticky note and similar time related synonyms

    Phrases Similar to «A Stitch in Time Saves Nine»

    «A stitch in time saves nine» isn’t the only English phrase/expression to use numbers to foster instant action or communicate why immediate effort is much better than putting things on the backburner.

    A few other idioms that employ numbers to denote immediate action or the significance of not wasting time include:

    • One year’s seeds, seven year’s weeds
    • The early bird catches the worm.
    • Procrastination is the thief of time.

    Why Use «Nine» in the Phrase?

    In the phrase «a stitch in time saves nine», the number «nine» has no specific purpose or background. It certainly doesn’t denote that stitching a cloth with just one rip could save the need to sew nine more tears in the future. Instead, the numeric expression is employed to convey the savings that could be had through «swift action». It’s used as an incentive or push.

    But why «nine»? «Nine» could have been «seven», «twenty», or even «hundred» if the stress was primarily on the «incentive» aspect of the phrase. The idiom’s intended meaning or message would not have changed anyway, and a greater number would have only implied a much larger incentive.

    The term «nine» was chosen because it rhymed with «time», which made the phrase sound catchy and easy to remember as a result. Such poem-like rhyming has been incorporated into quite a few other terms, such as «many a little will make a mickle», «nearest and dearest», «shop till you drop», etc.

    More fun idioms: «Many Moons Ago»

    Ways to Incorporate the Phrase in Your Texts

    The idiom «a stitch in time saves nine» is long and can be tricky to incorporate into sentences as it is. Though there are several instances of the idiom getting included in texts untouched, not using the phrase is also quite common. In other words, the phrase’s meaning alone is taken into consideration, and the phrase may not be included in the text.

    Another option is to use related or synonymous words, such as «instantly», «instantaneously», «swiftly», etc. Alternate idioms that may fit within texts a lot more easily could also be included, such as:

    • Waste no time
    • Off the bat
    • Then and there
    • In/at one fell swoop
    • No sooner said than done

    Like other idioms, it’s possible to truncate the phrase or use its shorter term. But since the expression is relatively long, writers may get confused about which part to cut and which portion to keep. «A stitch in time» is an acceptable smaller version.

    As a standalone phrase, this compact version may not mean anything. But people who are familiar with the original idiom will recognize the shortened saying or relate it to its parent term.

    Other Idioms

    • Up In The Air
    • Waste Not, Want Not
    • Lost At Sea

    Example Sentences with «A Stitch in Time Saves Nine»

    It’s not common to see idioms, particularly «a stitch in time saves nine», get used in texts or standard speeches. However, the phrase could get used in communications to assert or bring to notice the seriousness of an issue to the concerned in a light-hearted way.

    Here are a few sentences that correctly employ the phrase:

    • Tom said to his friend, «Drive the car to the mechanic while you can still drive it. Do not wait for it to completely breakdown and tow the vehicle, as a stitch in time saves nine
    • The prompt inspection helped us identify the issue in its beginning stages. Had we waited for a few days, it could have turned into a significant repair. A stitch in time saves nine!
    • It looks like there is some issue with my bike. I shall get it checked right away because a stitch in time saves nine.
    • Get compromised with your neighbor before you end up meeting each other in court. A stitch in time saves nine!
    • We should spring into action right away because a stitch in time saves nine.
    • We inflated the tire when it was slightly low in air pressure because a stitch in time saves nine. In other words, we did not want to wait for the tire to lose more air and go flat, causing us more headaches eventually.

    As the sentences above make it clear, it’s not that easy to incorporate the phrase «a stitch in time saves nine» seamlessly into texts. Quite often, it’s a standalone sentence used to emphasize the significance of the actions initiated.

    The following is a sentence that does not incorporate the phrase but conveys its meaning or uses the idiom in spirit:

    • Resolving the issue when it was relatively small prevented the almost-impending big scare.

    Also, the idiom perfectly suits contexts or sentences discussing road repairs. For example, the maintenance expenses of a relatively decent road cost $5. If the administration doesn’t continue maintaining the street, the costs will only go up. Putting in efforts to ensure the road is maintained while still in a good state will help save money on its upkeep.

    dont procrastinate sign in paper with coffee and pen


    As popular or cliched as it may seem, not everybody knows the meaning of «a stitch in time saves nine». Unlike most other phrases, it’s hard to discern the idiom’s purpose just by reading it. A bit of decoding might be needed, which this article hopefully did for you. The next time anyone uses this phrase in their texts or speech, you’ll know what they meant.

    Shawn Manaher

    Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

    ten times as great; tenfold. noun. a tenfold quantity or multiple. verb (used with object), dec·u·pled, dec·u·pling.

    A savoir, What’s the word for 7 times?

    See also

    Coefficient Noun Result
    6 sextuple hextuple sextuplet hextuplet
    7 septuple heptuple septuplet heptuplet
    8 octuple octuplet
    9 nonuple nonuplet

    Et, Does quadruple mean times 4?

    The definition of quadruple is something made up of four, or four times as many. … The definition of a quadruple is an amount four times as many.

    Ensuite What is a group of 10 called? A collection of ten items (most often ten years) is called a decade.

    What is a Decuplet?

    1 : a combination of 10 of a kind. 2 : a group of 10 notes performed in the time of 8 or 4 of the same musical value. — called also decimole.

    What is the word for 5x?

    adjective. 5. An amount five times as much or as many. noun.

    What is the word for 8?

    What is another word for eight?

    octad octagon
    octave octet

    What is the word for 20 times?

    having twenty sections, aspects, divisions, kinds, etc. being twenty times as large, great, many, etc. twenty times in amount or degree.

    What does quadruple f mean?

    Quadrupleverb. to be multiplied by four; to increase fourfold; to become four times as much. Etymology: [L. quadruplus, from quattuor four: cf. F.

    What’s the word for 4 times?

    Fortunately we usually continue the sequence with fourfold, fivefold and so on. Also if u follow up with Single, Double, Triple then there is « Quadruple« , meaning Four Times.

    What is the name for 4 times?

    fourfold; consisting of four parts: a quadruple alliance. four times as great.

    What is a group of 5 called?

    A quintet is a group containing five members.

    What is a group of 13 called?

    Boron group element, any of the six chemical elements constituting Group 13 (IIIa) of the periodic table. The elements are boron (B), aluminum (Al), gallium (Ga), indium (In), thallium (Tl), and nihonium (Nh).

    What is a group of 11 called?

    Also called the G-11. An informal group of developing nations seeking to reduce their collective debt burden so they can use their resources to pursue economic growth. The G-11 works with the G-8 (which consists primarily of the wealthiest countries) to achieve this goal.

    What do you call 11 babies born at the same time?

    Quintuplets occur naturally in 1 in 55,000,000 births. The first quintuplets known to survive infancy were the identical female Canadian Dionne Quintuplets, born in 1934. Quintuplets are sometimes referred to as « quins » in the UK and « quints » in North America.

    What is the word for having 6 babies?

    A Simple Chart of Multiple Birth Terms

    Number of Babies Term Used
    5 Quintuplets (quints)
    6 Sextuplets
    7 Septuplets
    8 Octuplets

    What is the word for 3 times?

    three times; thrice; threefold.

    What do you call 6 times?

    sextuple. / (ˈsɛkstjʊpəl) / noun. a quantity or number six times as great as another.

    What is quintupled mean?

    : to make five times as great or as many. intransitive verb. : to become five times as much or as numerous. Other Words from quintuple More Example Sentences Learn More About quintuple.

    What is another word for 9?

    In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for nine, like: niner, novenary, nonuplet, enneadic, nonagon, five, ninth, 9, ix, nina-from-carolina and fifteen.

    What is the word for 9 times?

    adj. Ninefold. Noncuple to: nine times as great as.

    What is a Nonuple?

    1 : consisting of nine : being nine times as great or as many : ninefold. 2 : taken by nines or in groups of nine.

    Is there a word for 11 times?

    What’s the word for 11 times? Decuple | Definition of Decuple at Dictionary.com.

    What is 6 of something called?

    A sixth is one of six equal parts of something.

    What is five times called?

    quintuple; fivefold; five times.

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    маркеры времени в английском языке таблица

    Вы изучили все аспекты времен в английском языке, но, составляя текст, чувствуете неуверенность в правильном выборе грамматической основы? Подобные чувства испытывают практически все люди, изучающие английский. Но мало кто знает о небольшой хитрости, которая избавляет от постоянного страха ошибок и придает уверенности в своих знаниях. Речь идет про сигнальные слова, связанные с конкретным временным аспектом. Сегодня мы подробно познакомимся с этим явлением и постараемся запомнить весь список подсказок. А поможет изучить маркеры времени в английском языке таблица, которую мы составили специально для данного материала. Но для начала следует понять, как работают эти сигналы.


    • Что такое указатели времени?
    • Сигнальные слова для Simple
      • Present
      • Past
      • Future
    • Маркеры времени для Continuous
      • Present
      • Past
      • Future
    • Индикаторы употребления Perfect
      • Present
      • Past
      • Future
    • Указатели времени для Perfect Continuous
    • Маркеры времени в английском языке таблица (c переводом слов)

    Что такое указатели времени?

    Обстоятельства в английском языке не просто выражают условия и время, но еще и выступают как индикаторы для употребления определенного аспекта. Давайте проследим эту взаимосвязь на практике.

    • I go to the gym every Friday – Я хожу в спортивный зал каждую пятницу.

    Обратите внимание на словосочетание every Friday. Именно оно указывает на то, что в предложении необходимо употребить Present simple, а не, например, Present Perfect. Если мы заменим эти указатели времени, то изменится и грамматическое построение всего предложения.

    • I haven’t gone to the gym this week – Я не ходил в спортивный зал на этой неделе.

    Примеры доказывают влияние обстоятельств на употребление того или иного аспекта. Но, сразу оговоримся, что не все показатели времени употребляются только с одним аспектом. Они не панацея, но достаточно твердая опора для тех, кто изучает английский не так давно.

    Далее узнаем, какие бывают подсказки у отдельных аспектов. Слова можно не выписывать, т.к. в конце материала обобщит все маркеры времени в английском языке единая таблица всех глагольных времен.

    Сигнальные слова для Simple

    Простые времена связаны с периодичностью, регулярностью или постоянством. Соответственно, сходным должно быть и значение их маркеров. Приведем список обстоятельственных спутников для разных аспектов группы Simple и примеры их употребления.


    Настоящее время связано со следующими подсказками:

    • usually (обычно), regularly (регулярно);
    • often (часто), as a rule (как правило);
    • seldom (редко), rarely (очень редко);
    • always (всегда), sometimes (иногда), from time to time (время от времени);
    • every day/week/month (каждый день, каждую неделю, каждый месяц).


    • I rarely use metro – Я очень редко пользуюсь метро.
    • She usually doesn’t watch TV in the morning – Она обычно не смотрит утром телевизор.
    • They always send Christmas cards to their friends – Они всегда отправляют своим друзьям рождественские открытки.


    Для простого прошедшего характерны такие спутники, как:

    • ago (давно, лет назад), in those times (в те времена);
    • that day (в тот день), the other day (на днях);
    • yesterday( вчера), the day before yesterday (позавчера);
    • last Friday/week/month (в прошлую пятницу, на прошлой неделе, в прошлом месяце).


    • The incident happened the day before yesterday – Этот случай произошел позавчера.
    • They met the other day – Они встретились на днях.
    • I saw it last week – Я видел это на прошлой неделе.


    На употребление простого будущего указывают следующие маркеры времени в английском языке:

    • tomorrow (завтра), the day after tomorrow (послезавтра);
    • soon (скоро), one of these days (на днях);
    • in a week/month (через неделю, через месяц);
    • next week/year/ (на следующей неделе, в следующем месяце);
    • in the near future (в ближайшем будущем).


    • It will be hot tomorrow – Завтра будет жарко.
    • My grandfather will visit us soon – Мой дедушка скоро навестит нас.
    • We will go to Italy next week – На следующей неделе мы поедем в Италию.

    Маркеры времени для Continuous

    Для аспектов группы Continuous, или как их еще называют Progressive, характерно указание конкретного времени или (в редких случаях) временного промежутка.


    Настоящее продолженное время описывают такие обстоятельства, как:

    • now (сейчас), right now (прямо сейчас);
    • at the moment (в данный момент);
    • at present (в настоящее время);
    • next (в следующем(ую), soon (скоро)*
    • constantly (постоянно), always (всегда)**

    *Данные указатели времени используются в том случае, когда речь идет о запланированном будущем, а в предложении используются либо глаголы движения, либо оборот to be going to.

    **Обозначение регулярности применяется в продолженном времени для выражения раздражения и недовольства от каких-либо постоянно происходящих действий (напр. вредных привычек).


    • We are playing chess now – Мы сейчас играем в шахматы.
    • My friend is leaving soon – Мой друг скоро уезжает.
    • Jane is always losing her gloves! – Джейн постоянно теряет свои перчатки!


    Прошедшие события также помечаются конкретным указанием времени:

    • at 10 o’clock yesterday (вчера в 10 часов);
    • while (в то время, как…), when* (когда);
    • the whole day (целый день);
    • still (все еще), all day long (на протяжении всего дня).

    *when является союзом, присоединяющим придаточное предложение, поэтому может использоваться с различными аспектами времени.


    • While I was cleaning my room, Jack was cooking supper – Пока я убиралась в своей комнате, Джек готовил ужин.
    • Children were still sleeping when their father left – Дети все еще спали, когда их отец ушел.
    • She was watching the TV show at 7 o’clock yesterday – Вчера в 7 часов вечера она смотрела телешоу.


    Для продолженного будущего характерны уже перечисленные маркеры, только с поправкой на предстоящие события:

    • at this time next Sunday (в это время в следующее воскресенье);
    • at 7 o’clock tomorrow (завтра в 7 часов);
    • in a week (через неделю);
    • all day long tomorrow (весь завтрашний день).


    • In a week she will be meeting with her friends – Через неделю она встретится со своими друзьями.
    • I will be working at 5 o’clock tomorrow – Завтра в 5 часов я буду работать.
    • At this time tomorrow we will be flying to Moscow – Завтра в это время мы будем лететь в Москву.

    Индикаторы употребления Perfect

    Перфектные времена указывают на завершенные (или близкие к завершению) действия и обладают довольно внушительным списком сигнальных слов.


    Совершенное настоящее помогают обозначить такие обстоятельства, как:

    • ever ( когда-нибудь), never (никогда);
    • already (уже) , not… yet (еще нет);
    • just (только что) , before (прежде чем, до того, как…);
    • lately(в последнее время), recently (недавно);
    • for (в течение), since(с тех пор).
    • this week(на этой неделе), today (сегодня)*

    *Характерны и для других аспектов.


    • My little brother has never been to Norway – Мой младший брат никогда не был в Норвегии.
    • They have already written it – Они уже написали это.
    • I have been in hospital for six days – Я пробыл в больнице 6 дней.


    Для Past Perfect употребляются схожие сигнальные слова:

    • for (в течение);
    • since (с…);
    • by (к…, к тому моменту);
    • after (после), before (до того, как…).


    • We had cleaned our room by 3 o’clock – К трем часам мы убрали нашу комнату.
    • She had bought the dress the week before her wedding – Она купила это платье за неделю до ее свадьбы.
    • I was hungry. I hadn’t eaten for 10 hours already – Я был голоден. Я не ел уже 10 часов.


    Данный аспект употребляется не очень часто, поэтому не имеет уникальных маркеров времени:

    • by the time (к тому времени);
    • by (к…);
    • before (до того, как…).


    • We will have read this book by the time – К тому времени мы прочтем эту книгу.
    • She will have cooked supper before her son return – Она приготовит ужин до того, как вернется ее сын.

    Указатели времени для Perfect Continuous

    Эта группа времен призвана описывать процессы, которые уже дали какие-либо результаты, но при этом действие все еще не завершено. Соответственно, в любом времени обстоятельства будут описывать продолжительность событий. Типичные показатели аспекта:

    • for (в течение…);
    • since (с…);
    • all day/night (весь день, всю ночь);
    • by (к…);
    • when (когда).


    • The dog was tired. It had been running all day. Собака устала. Она бегала целый день.
    • I have been writing this novel since 2012 – Я пишу этот роман с 2012 года.
    • We have been playing this game for 2 hours already – Мы играем в эту игру уже два часа.

    Теперь, когда вы ознакомились с этими полезными подсказками, вопрос о том, какое время следует употребить в том или ином предложении, не будет для вас затруднительным. Для того, чтобы обобщить полученную информацию и заучить список сигнальных слов, ниже представлена сводная таблица времен английского языка с маркерами времени. Ее можно легко распечатать и носить с собой как шпаргалку, постепенно заучивая информацию наизусть.

    Маркеры времени в английском языке таблица (c переводом слов)

    Present Past Future
    Simple tense
    usually (обычно), regularly (регулярно), often (часто), as a rule (как правило), seldom (редко), rarely (очень редко), always (всегда), sometimes (иногда), from time to time (время от времени), every day(каждый день). ago (давно, лет назад), in those times (в те времена), that day (в тот день), the other day (на днях), yesterday (вчера), the day before yesterday (позавчера), last week (на прошлой неделе). tomorrow (завтра), the day after tomorrow (послезавтра), soon (скоро), one of these days (на днях), in a week(через неделю), next week (на следующей неделе), in the near future (в ближайшем будущем).
    Continuous tense
    now (сейчас), right now (прямо сейчас), at the moment (в данный момент), at present (в настоящее время).

    next (в следующем(ую), soon (скоро)*

    constantly (постоянно), always (всегда)**

    at 10 o’clock yesterday (вчера в 10 часов), while (в то время, как…), when*** (когда), the whole day (целый день), still (все еще), all day long (на протяжении всего дня). at this time next Sunday (в это время в следующее воскресенье), at 7 o’clock tomorrow (завтра в 7 часов), in a week (через неделю), all day long tomorrow (весь завтрашний день).
    Perfect tense
    ever ( когда-нибудь), never (никогда), already (уже) , not… yet (еще нет), just (только что) , before (прежде чем, до того, как…), lately(в последнее время), recently (недавно), for (в течение), since(с тех пор). this week(на этой неделе), today (сегодня)**** for (в течение), since (с…), by (к…, к тому моменту), after (после), before (до того, как…). by the time (к тому времени), by (к…), before (до того, как…).
    Perfect Continuous tense
    for (в течение…), since (с…), all day/night (весь день, всю ночь), by (к…), when (когда).
    * Употребляются с глаголами движения и оборотом to be going to.

    ** О раздражающих постоянных действиях, привычках.

    ***when союз придаточного времени, характерный для разных аспектов.

    **** Встречается употребление с другими аспектами.

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    1. ninefold, nine timesadverb

      by a factor of nine

      «my investment has increased ninefold»


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    1. D. H. Lawrence:

      For whereas the mind works in possibilities, the intuitions work in actualities, and what you intuitively desire, that is possible to you. Whereas what you mentally or «consciously» desire is nine times out of ten impossible; hitch your wagon to star, or you will just stay where you are.

    2. Latheefa Koya:

      This is a record, being charged nine times and using the sedition law. It is excessive and targeted at silencing vocal critics.

    3. Liam Phillips:

      Someone can come underneath you in a corner, an elbow can catch you, suddenly you’re on the floor, nine times out of 10 it stays on the track. There is a mutual respect, but I’ll make Liam Phillips heard when I need to.

    4. Ranger Brody Young:

      He shot me nine times, i ’m lucky to be here, vertical and mobile, to be honest.

    5. Liza Sueme:

      I’ve watched it about nine times today and still get the chills.


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    Synonyms for Nine times. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/nine_times

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    Synonyms for Nine times. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/nine_times.

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