For ‘time-consuming’, I tried
For ‘less time-consuming’, I tried researching synonyms for ‘productive’ (
But none of the above results pertain to time.
Example of ‘(less) time-consuming’ upon request:
As Googling each bus route (e.g. in Hong Kong, London) is too time-consuming, what are some less time-consuming methods to see all the bus routes on the same map?
asked Jan 10, 2014 at 17:21
More Time-Consuming
I can perhaps offer a few alternatives, in this order:
- Protracted = drawn out considerably, particularly in time.
- Exhaustive = comprehensive or thorough, but draining.
- Laborious ~ (As above — @Preetie Sekhon)
Less Time-Consuming
Again, in this order:
- Transient = brief, not lasting very long at all.
- Ephemeral = lasting a very short time, very brief, transitory.
- Brief = very fast, short-lived.
Be careful with ephemeral in particular, because almost no one typically knows what that means. It is a very uncommon word.
answered Jan 10, 2014 at 19:35
2561 silver badge2 bronze badges
You could describe a time-consuming task as involved or potentially engrossing for something that might be involuntarily time-consuming.
For something less time-consuming, I would think easy, quick, or simple might work.
answered Jan 10, 2014 at 17:31
9335 silver badges10 bronze badges
More time consuming :
requiring considerable time and effort.
Cannot think of anything for requiring less time
effortless is something that does not require much energy or inputs.
done or occurring quickly , may also work, depending on the context.
answered Jan 10, 2014 at 17:27
tedious (M-W):
boring and too slow or long
quick: this is obvious but here’s a definition for completeness sake (M-W):
done or happening in a short amount of time
Your examples:
Inasmuch as it’d be tedious to Google each individually,
what are some quick ways to find bestselling French nonfiction (either originally written in or translated into French) which are available as audiobooks?
answered Aug 6, 2016 at 11:12
27.5k6 gold badges44 silver badges99 bronze badges
1. Independent of time; eternal: the timeless struggle between good and evil.
2. Seemingly unaffected by time; ageless: a timeless village on the coast.
time′less·ly adv.
time′less·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. unaffected or unchanged by time; ageless
2. eternal
ˈtimelessly adv
ˈtimelessness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈtaɪm lɪs)
1. without beginning or end; eternal.
2. referring or restricted to no particular time: timeless beauty.
time′less•ly, adv.
time′less•ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj. | 1. | timeless — unaffected by time; «few characters are so dateless as Hamlet»; «Helen’s timeless beauty»
unaltered, unchanged — remaining in an original state; «persisting unaltered through time» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
adjective eternal, lasting, permanent, enduring, abiding, immortal, everlasting, ceaseless, immutable, indestructible, undying, ageless, imperishable, deathless, changeless There is a timeless quality to his best work.
passing, temporary, ephemeral, transitory, mortal, temporal, momentary, evanescent
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. Existing or occurring without interruption or end:
around-the-clock, ceaseless, constant, continual, continuous, endless, eternal, everlasting, incessant, interminable, nonstop, ongoing, perpetual, persistent, relentless, round-the-clock, unceasing, unending, unfailing, uninterrupted, unremitting.
2. Existing unchanged forever:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
لا يَنْتَهي، خالِد، أبدي
endalaus, eilífursígildur, eilífur
[ˈtaɪmlɪs] ADJ [book, experience] → intemporal
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[ˈtaɪmlɪs] adj (frm) (unchanging) → senza tempo; (unending) → eterno/a, infinito/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(taim) noun
1. the hour of the day. What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?
2. the passage of days, years, events etc. time and space; Time will tell.
3. a point at which, or period during which, something happens. at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.
4. the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc. This won’t take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!’
5. a suitable moment or period. Now is the time to ask him.
6. one of a number occasions. He’s been to France four times.
7. a period characterized by a particular quality in a person’s life, experience etc. He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.
8. the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo. in slow time.
1. to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something). He timed the journey.
2. to choose a particular time for. You timed your arrival beautifully!
ˈtimeless adjective
1. not belonging to, or typical of, any particular time. timeless works of art.
2. never-ending. the timeless beauty of Venice.
ˈtimelessly adverbˈtimelessness nounˈtimely adjective
coming at the right moment. Your arrival was most timely.
ˈtimeliness nounˈtimer noun
1. a person who, or a device which, measures the time taken by anything. a three-minute egg-timer.
2. a clock-like device which sets something off or switches something on or off at a given time.
times noun plural
1. a period; an era. We live in difficult times.
2. in mathematics, used to mean multiplied by. Four times two is eight.
ˈtiming noun
1. the measuring of the amount of time taken.
2. the regulating of speech or actions to achieve the best effect. All comedians should have a good sense of timing.
time bomb
a bomb that has been set to explode at a particular time.
ˈtime-consuming adjective
taking too much time to do. a time-consuming process/job.
time limit
a fixed length of time during which something must be done and finished. The examination has a time limit of three hours.
time ˈoff noun
a period of time away from work or studying.
time ˈout noun
1. (in basketball etc) a short break requested by the coach to give instructions etc.
2. a short period of rest from an activity. to take time out to relax.
ˈtimetable noun
a list of the times of trains, school classes etc.
all in good time
soon enough.
all the time
at times
occasionally; sometimes.
be behind time
to be late.
for the time being
meanwhile. I am staying at home for the time being.
from time to time
occasionally; sometimes. From time to time he brings me a present.
in good time
early enough; before a set time (for an appointment etc). We arrived in good time for the concert.
in time
1. early enough. He arrived in time for dinner; Are we in time to catch the train?
2. (with with) at the same speed or rhythm. They marched in time with the music.
no time (at all)
a very short time indeed. The journey took no time (at all).
one/two etc at a time
singly, or in groups of two etc. They came into the room three at a time.
on time
at the right time. The train left on time.
save/waste time
to avoid spending time; to spend time unnecessarily. Take my car instead of walking, if you want to save time; We mustn’t waste time discussing unimportant matters.
take one’s time
to do something as slowly as one wishes.
time and (time) again
again and again; repeatedly. I asked her time and (time) again not to do that.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
1) time; occasion
в пять раз — five times more, by a factor of five
во второй (третий и т.п.) раз — for the second time
несколько раз — a few times, several times, more than once
иной раз, другой раз — sometimes, at times, occasionally
на этот раз — this time, for (this) once; on this occasion
вот тебе (и) раз разг. — that’s done it!; well, I never!; can you beat that! амер.
раз за разом — over and over again, time and again
since; if
раз он не пойдет… — since he is not going…
Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > раз
— две,
род. п.
/предл. п. — двух,
— двум,
— двумя
два-три, две-три — a couple; two or three
в два счета — разг. in a jiffy, in no time, in two ticks
в двух шагах — a short step away, a few steps away, nearby
Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > два
Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > в
usu. parenth
)) this much, if not more, being true
to say the (very) least
to put it mildly (gently, lightly).
used with a quantit
) not less (and perhaps more) than
at least
at the very least.
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-75
по меньшей мере
1. [
sent adv
usu. parenth
⇒ this much, if not more, being true:
— to put it mildly (gently, lightly).
♦ «…Но при чём тут Чернышевский?» — «Упражнение в стрельбе», — сказал Фёдор Константинович. «Ответ по меньшей мере загадочный», — заметил инженер Керн… (Набоков 1). «…But what’s the point of Chemyshevski?» «Firing practice,» said Fyodor. «An answer which is, to say the least, enigmatic,» remarked the engineer Kern… (1a).
♦ [Анна Петровна:] Нелюбезно провожать даму и всю дорогу говорить с нею только о своей честности! Может быть, это и честно, но по меньшей мере скучно (Чехов 4). [А.Р:] When you take a lady out, it’s not very nice to keep on and on about how honest you are. Honest you may be, but you’re also, to put it mildly, a bore (4b).
2. [
used with a
quantit NP
⇒ not less (and perhaps more) than:
— at the very least.
♦ Два с половиной часа! За это время наш Лопахин можно было обойти по меньшей мере три раза (Каверин 1). Two and a half hours! Why, in that time you could walk round our Lopakhin three times at least (1a).
♦ Итого восемь сотен по меньшей мере уплачено (Терц 8). All in all they must have paid eight hundred rubles at the very least (8a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > по меньшей мере
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > восемь
См. также в других словарях:
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Hi Wordsmyth.
Your speculations are rather out of touch—in my unbiased opinion. Essentially you say that Ann, in your example, with 36 apples, has
«3 times more than John: 9 + 3×9). »
36, you say, is 3 times more than 9.
This is a well debated topic on the ‘net, e.g.,
and the ‘reasoning’ by ‘your’ side has always seemed a bit wacky to me. It reminds me of those who say, «I don’t know nothing» actually means, «I know something» because «two negatives make a positive.» But, to my mind, the realities of language use always trump such attempts at reason.
Your example is self made, and not surprisingly, self serving—contrived by you to corroborate this wacky ratiocination. {Not that you, my friend, as less than entirely sane, rational and empirical, here, but maybe you’ve been bitten by some strange internet bug! }
The problem is greater with «three times more», because it makes sense in the first place. If John has nine apples, then Ann has 36 apples (not 3 times John’s, which would be 27, but 3 times more than John: 9 + 3×9). Unfortunately, some people use it to mean that Ann has 27 (instead of saying, correctly, «Ann has 3 times as many apples as John»). So the sentence «Ann has 3 times more apples than John», whilst not senseless, is actually useless: if I heard it, I wouldn’t have the slightest idea whether the speaker meant 36 or 27.
The best way to bring actual reason to the matter—and I say this dispassionately— is to start with the higher numbers, and take examples «from the wild» **. They are quite clear for the higher numbers, and very favorable (to my interpretation) for the lower. Two and three (times more) are debated, but my proposal is very simple «X times more than» something is means the same as «X times» [Corrected 4 pm EST, Feb 13](as many as that something or the measure of that something), assuming we’re talking of some things that are, respectively, countable or quantifiable) .
Here are some examples—I’ve chosen sources with numerical data so that matters are clear.…-two-times-more-snow-than-normal-for-december
[Alberta Can, newspaper]
County sees two times more snow than normal for December
By: Sara Wilson
| Posted: Monday, Dec 30, 2013 11:43 am
If you were thinking there’s more snow this month as there was last year, you are right – two and a half times more.
According to Environment Canada from the beginning of November until Dec. 18 a total of 70 centimetres (cm) has accumulated in Airdrie and surrounding county communities.
That’s two-and-half times the normal accumulated amounts of 28 cm.
“There’s been lots of snow,” said Bill McMurty, meteorologist with Environment Canada.
ZHIVAGO’S CHILDREN — Page 311 — Google Books Result
Vladislav Zubok — 2009 — History
In 1971–72 there were 105,000 Jewish students in Soviet universities, two times more than the number of university students in Israel. Among sixty thousand .
Lyme Disease Ten Times More Prevalent Than Previously Thought
The CDC now estimates that 300,000 Americans are infected with Lyme — and other tick-borne illnesses are a growing threat as well.
By Jeff Wheelwright, Breanna Draxler
When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated last summer that the number of people diagnosed with Lyme disease each year was 300,000 — 10 times as high as the official counts — the agency must have expected headlines, and it got them. The alarmingly high figure justified assertions by patient advocacy groups that the 30,000 cases reported annually were just the tip of the iceberg.
Hens: Why Women Are Different — Page 61 — Google Books Result
Carl Fors — 2006 — Social Science
Red meat has six times as much zinc as a chicken breast and ten time[s] more than fish. Men need 45% more zinc than woman.…children-with-brain-injury-or-concussion.aspx
Depression remains two times more likely in children with brain ..
Oct 25, 2013 — Adults with head injuries are known to be at high risk for depression, and yet little research had been done on the topic related to children. […]
Using data from the 2007 National Survey of Children’s Health, researchers identified more than 2,000 children with brain injuries, reflecting the national child brain injury rate of 1.9 percent in 2007; and 3,112 children with diagnosed depression, mirroring the 3.7 percent national child depression rate that year. Compared to other children, 15 percent of those with brain injuries or concussions were diagnosed as depressed-a 4.9 fold increase in the odds of diagnosed depression.
This same approach may be applied to «X times less than» and there are lots of examples (re Swift, in my post #5) showing that in common usage, the expression means «1/X times» whatever measured entity—typically a rate— is being spoken of.
**ADDED: James, below makes a good point about the ‘wilds’ of the internet. I should have said to look for «actual usage»—not constructed—preferably from published sources, e.g., books from well-known publishers, scholarly journals, respected magazines and better newspapers.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
меньше времени
меньшее время
мало времени
меньшее количество времени
больше времени
меньшего времени
более короткие сроки
меньшим временем
меньшим количеством времени
более короткое время
поменьше времени
меньший срок
сократить время
меньшего количества времени
сокращение времени
People have less time to cook.
It also means they spend less time looking for information.
Кроме того, они тратили меньше времени на попытки вспомнить нужные сведения.
Cheaper and less time to produce.
Имеет более низкую стоимость и меньшее время для возведения.
High-performing organizations spend 22 percent less time on unplanned work and rework.
Повышенное качество и оперативность: расходуется на 22 процентов меньше времени для незапланированных работ и доработок.
Those who make serious money have less time than ever for ethics.
У тех, кто делает серьезные деньги, есть меньше времени на этику, чем когда-либо.
Because everyone was so close, we had less time to observe.
Поскольку все были так близки, у нас было меньше времени, что бы наблюдать.
Re-testing as part of the same project requires less time.
Повторное тестирование в рамках одного и того же проекта требует меньше времени.
Likewise, administrators spend less time managing physical client computers.
Кроме того, администраторы тратят меньше времени на настройку физических клиентских компьютеров.
This takes less time compared to emails and telephone calls.
Во-первых, это занимает меньше времени, чем звонки и электронная почта.
There may be domestic protests and that leaves less time for foreign adventures.
Там может иметь место внутренний протест, и поэтому у него остается меньше времени для иностранных авантюр.
Simple design always requires less time and money than sophisticated one.
Простой дизайн всегда требует меньше времени и денег для реализации, чем сложный.
Whoever sleeps too much has less time to live.
У тех, кто слишком много спит, остается меньше времени на то, чтобы жить.
Which means less time for her to spend bugging you.
Что значит, меньше времени, для того, что-бы подслушивать тебя.
They have less time for each other.
Кроме того, у вас останется еще меньше времени друг для друга.
Experience shows that it may sometimes take less time.
Опыт показывает, что для этого иногда может потребоваться меньше времени.
Spend less time passively learning and more time actively practising.
Постарайтесь тратить меньше времени на пассивное обучение и больше на активную практику.
You’ve got less time than me.
It takes far less time to destroy trust than to build it.
Требуется намного меньше времени, чтобы уничтожить репутацию, чем для того, чтоб ее построить.
It takes considerably less time to destroy it.
К сожалению, понадобилось намного меньше времени, чтобы его разрушить.
Especially lower income families who have less time to prepare food.
У семей с не очень низкими доходами, как правило, меньше времени, чтобы приготовить дома еду.
Предложения, которые содержат less time
Результатов: 5029. Точных совпадений: 5029. Затраченное время: 362 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
less time — перевод на русский
In less time than that, he will have attained powers we can’t understand and can’t cope with.
Ему понадобится меньше времени, чтобы развить способности, которые мы не сможем понять и с которыми не сможем совладать.
— They say touchdown at 1:28. — That’s less time than we figured.
Посадка в 1:28 Это гораздо меньше времени.
I’ve less time than I thought.
У меня меньше времени, чем я думал.
You should spend more time doing something with yourself… and less time trying to impress people.
Ты должен тратить больше времени на собственную жизнь… и меньше времени на попытки впечатлить людей.
I’d put more fiber into my diet and spend less time on the phone.
Я бы включила больше полезной пищи в мою диету и проводила меньше времени за телефоном.
Показать ещё примеры для «меньше времени»…
You ought to spend a little more time dealing with yourself a little less time worrying about what your brother does.
Тебе нужно больше времени посвящать себе… и меньше думать о том, чем занимается твой брат.
They sleep less time, they eat smaller meals.
Они меньше спят, меньше едят.
Perhaps it wouldn’t be empty if she’d spent more time layin’ and less time escaping’.
Возможно, оно не было бы пустым если бы Эдвина больше несла яйца и меньше пыталась сбежать.
So maybe this is exactly what I need to spend more time actually living life and less time reporting it.
Так может быть мне как раз это и надо? Проводить больше времени, проживая жизнь, и меньше — писать о ней.
And if you’d spend a little bit more time learning about the business and less time with tricks, you’d know that.
И если б ты уделил немного времени изучению бизнеса и меньше трюкам, ты бы знал это.
Показать ещё примеры для «меньше»…
yes, I will get there in less time that it takes a chick to tweet.
Да, да, я буду там быстрее пули.
In less time than it takes to write these words our ship was driven onto the rocks at the foot of the cliffs, we’d been watching for days.
Быстрее, чем я пишу эти слова, буря швырнула наш корабль на скалы утёса,.. …к которому мы так стремились.
It takes less time and it heals quicker.
Будет быстрее и заживает лучше.
She polished off them other two bottles of wine you bought in less time than it takes me to bend over and tie one shoe lace, and my emergency supply of medicinal brandy seems to have disappeared as if by magic as well.
Еще она выдула те две бутылки вина, что ты купил, быстрее, чем я завязываю шнурок на ботинке. И мой запас бренди в аптечке кажется, тоже испарился чудесным образом.
I thought you would be better and in less time.
Я думала, вы будете лучше и быстрее.
Показать ещё примеры для «быстрее»…
If you are so concerned about him, you should spend less time on your computer and more time down here keeping him company.
Если ты беспокоишься, сиди поменьше за компьютером и побольше здесь, чтобы у него была компания.
You might want to spend a little more time paying attention to your cards, and a little less time staring at my breasts.
Ты мог бы уделять побольше времени своим картам, и поменьше пялиться на мою грудь.
Perhaps less time admiring your wells and more time guarding your walls, and you wouldn’t be here.
Если бы поменьше занимались источниками и защищали город, не оказались бы здесь.
Maybe you should spend a little less time trying to be a hero.
Может, тебе поменьше пытаться быть героем?
If that lazy, fat fucker spent less time dreaming about Hollywood and more time promoting me, then the streets would be safer for everybody.
И если бы этот толстый засранец поменьше грезил о Голливуде и чаще думал о моем повышении, то улицы стали бы намного безопаснее для всех.
Показать ещё примеры для «поменьше»…
With a large one, I can turn a calf into a cow in even less time.
Вскоре я смогу превращать теленка в корову даже за меньшее время.
King George forgave America in less time than it’s taking you—
Король Георг простил Америку. за меньшее время, чем это занимает у тебя…
Exactly, and I’ve conquered entire realms in less time.
— Вот именно, за меньшее время я покоряла целые королевства. Ты можешь открыть эти бутылки?
I got to do a whole lot more in a lot less time.
Я должен сделать намного больше за меньшее время.
We’ve collapsed entire governments in less time.
Мы целые правительства уничтожали за меньшее время.
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A complete search of the internet has found these results:
less time is the most popular phrase on the web.
More popular!
less time
46,300,000 results on the web
Some examples from the web:
- There’s less time for worry and contemplation.
- The resolution took less time than you anticipated.
- Proceedings therefore take much less time.
- After that I had less time.
- Father, train sets are for 6- year-olds and impotent middle-aged men looking to spend less time with their wives.
- You spend less time with children.
- It-it-it took much less time than I expected.
- Spend a little less time on the dark side of the street.
- Means he struggled for less time.
- It will take even less time if this woman remembers me.
- It takes less time for you to travel.
- Maybe you need to spend a little less time peeping.
- Of course, it could take less time to Japan.
- The less time I spend in there, the better.
- Fathers spend less time than mothers on domestic and family tasks.
- Means I got less time than I thought.
- It also conveniently gives me less time to build my case.
- You might have slightly less time than that.
- She had even less time when she was playing soccer.
- A letter like that takes less time than cooking ramen.
fewer time
66,900 results on the web
Some examples from the web:
- He’s also slept with her far fewer times than you have.
- Lance was always a man of few words, but even fewer this time out.
- There are 31 times fewer accidents amongst holders of US licences.
- I am mentioning this because my country, Bulgaria, has 35 times fewer donors than Spain.
- I spoke to her no fewer than nine times in period between 3 October to 23 December.
- However, there are seven times fewer women than men working at a senior level in scientific and educational establishments: the average is 15%.
- We’re selling fewer sewing machines, times are tough.
- Full-time jobs are becoming fewer and only part-time jobs are increasing.
- I look forward to reading the new issue, hopefully this time with fewer surprises.
- There are many people who end up on the far left on this distribution who are talked about 10 times fewer than they should have been.
- Now, just to put that into perspective, that’s about 400 times fewer than the best estimates of how many intelligent extraterrestrial life forms there are.
- At the same time, fewer and fewer countries are abiding by the agreements of the Geneva Convention.
- Public expenditure is reduced, but at the same time fewer and fewer families and businesses invest in insulating roofs or homes, employment declines in this sector and the objective of reducing energy consumption by 20 % is jeopardised.
- India has four times fewer cars than France, though it suffers 20 times more road-related deaths — that is, 80 times more accidents per car.
- Even the beautiful bumblebee, with its mere one million brain cells, which is 250 times fewer cells than you have in one retina, sees illusions, does the most complicated things that even our most sophisticated computers can’t do.
- The justification for the refusal was that, because of the restrictive reception policies pursued by its government in recent years, Italy had taken in up to three times fewer the number of immigrants and refugees than other European countries.
- Another probable reason is that, in a development that has taken place over a relatively short space of time, fewer and fewer people have any direct experience and perception of the importance of biodiversity and countryside areas, and the changes that are taking place there.
- It is only natural that in this system, which is going to get Europe moving again, women will play a special role, especially at a time when fewer and fewer people are in employment.
- My question is: Can you give us the reasons why you have fewer specific programmes this time than last?
- A weightier status for the Charter can lead to two quite conflicting results, namely more scope for propaganda on the part of the EU and, at the same time, fewer guarantees for rights of EU residents.
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