На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Throughout the year the price changes due to demand.
Они стали меняться в течение года в зависимости от спроса.
Throughout the year, however, powers are delegated to a board of 24 executive directors (EDs).
Однако в течение года полномочия делегируются совету 24 исполнительных директоров (СЭД).
Throughout the year water is present in this canal.
На данном участке канала вода есть круглый год.
Throughout the year there is snow and ice
Throughout the year we have activities to raise funds for different causes.
В течение года они только и занимаются, что сбором средств на различные нужды.
Throughout the year security researchers identified a number of vulnerabilities in different medical equipment.
В течение года исследователи безопасности выявили ряд уязвимостей в различных медицинских устройствах.
Throughout the year, extreme weather led to considerable socio-economic losses in all regions of the world.
В течение года, экстремальные погодные условия привели к значительным социально-экономическим потерям во всех регионах мира.
Throughout the year, millions of containers with unidentified gas concentrations enter our ports around the world.
В течение года миллионы контейнеров с неизвестной концентрацией газа поступают в наши порты по всему миру.
Throughout the year, expeditions and examinations were conducted in different forest areas to predict the harvest.
В течение года экспедиции и экспертизи проводились в разных лесных районах, чтобы предсказать урожай.
Throughout the year, we faced a very challenging global business environment that slowed earnings.
«В течение года мы сталкивались со сложной глобальной деловой средой, которая замедляла прибыль.
Throughout the year a number of manifestations, festivals, meetings and gatherings are organized.
В течение года организуются различные выступления, фестивали, встречи и слеты.
Throughout the year, it was each buyer and seller for himself with neither a place nor a mechanism for organized, competitive bidding.
В течение года каждый покупатель и продавец были сами по себе, и никакого механизма для организованной конкурентной торговли не существовало.
Throughout the year, the defenders of the church held a series of pickets.
В течение года защитники храма несколько раз проводили пикеты.
Throughout the year a timetable of House based competitions further encourages team building and leadership skills.
В течение года расписание соревнований, проводимых на дому, также поощряет развитие команды и лидерские навыки.
Throughout the year, UNDP continued to reorient its programme to concentrate on the four focus areas defined in its new mandate.
В течение года ПРООН продолжала переориентацию своей программы с целью концентрации усилий на четырех основных областях деятельности, определенных в ее новом мандате.
Throughout the year, other similar attempts to block major Internet resources were recorded in individual regions.
В течение года в отдельных регионах были отмечены и другие подобные попытки блокировать крупные ресурсы.
Throughout the year, the Italian authorities engaged in large-scale evictions of Roma communities which contravened international human rights standards.
В течение года итальянские власти проводили массовые выселения общин ромов в нарушение международных стандартов в области прав человека.
Throughout the year Munich plays host to top quality domestic and international sporting events.
Первоклассные национальные и международные спортивные мероприятия проводятся в Мюнхене круглый год.
Throughout the year, the COHCHR maintained close contact with the Cambodian authorities on a wide range of human rights issues.
В течение года Отделение поддерживало тесные контакты с камбоджийскими властями по широкому кругу вопросов, касающихся прав человека.
Throughout the year, Armenia’s position has been toughened considerably.
Предложения, которые содержат Throughout the year
Результатов: 9375. Точных совпадений: 9375. Затраченное время: 175 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Gulls are observed in
South Crimea throughout the year, but only Larus cachinnans breeds there resident.
Чайковые встречаются в южной части Крыма круглогодично, гнездится( оседлая) только Larus cachinnans.
city has a semi-arid climate with high temperatures throughout the year, and relatively low rainfall.
weather in Bishkek, Kyrgyz hydromete,
Риск заболевания малярией высок на всей террритории страны круглогодично.
Aparthotel Martinez is also host to many weddings
Апарт- отель Martinez также принимает много свадеб и
Throughout the year,
Special Rapporteur regularly communicates with
Government on specific issues.
В течение всего года Специальный докладчик поддерживал регулярные контакты с правительством по конкретным вопросам.
За постоянные спортивные успехи в этом году этот кубок вручается Джону Диксону!
Activities held throughout the year have generated additional information on progress towards universalization.
Мероприятия, проводившиеся на всем протяжении года, генерировали дополнительную информацию о прогрессе в направлении универсализации.
Средние температуры почти неизменны на протяжении всего года около 27° C.
Через год он открывает библиотеку для школьников и взрослых людей.
and subtropical fruits and vegetables.
и субтропических фруктов и овощей.
Сотрудники службы безопасности проходят обучение навыкам пожаротушения в течение всего года.
It offers very consistent waves and
Она предлагает стабильные волны и
более 300 солнечных дней в году.
В этой программе содержится график работы Группы на год.
Орду имеет высокое и равномерное количество осадков за год.
Добыча рыбы и морской капусты увеличивались с каждым годом.
Места гнездования постоянно используются птицами в течение многих лет.
целом характеризуется обилием солнечных дней в году.
На комитете лежит ответственность за все что происходит с клубом в отчетном году.
Небольшое количество осадков характерно для всего года.
Results: 2032,
Time: 0.0266
Предложения с «throughout the year»
In pre-Christian times evergreens, trees that remain green throughout the year. |
В предхристианских вечнозеленых растениях времен, деревья, которые остаются зелеными в течение года. |
There is a popular belief that wearing three new things on Easter will bring good luck throughout the year. |
Существует поверье, что ношение трёх новых вещей на Пасху принесет удачу в течение года. |
The islands enjoy a tropical climate tempered by trade winds that blow throughout the year. |
Самым крупным островом территории площадью 122 квадратных километра является остров Св. Елены, на котором находится административный центр территории — Джеймстаун. |
Throughout the year, sporadic fighting in the provinces continued unabated and assassinations have claimed the lives of major Administration officials. |
На протяжении всего года в тех или иных провинциях непрестанно вспыхивали бои, и в результате покушений гибли высокопоставленные должностные лица Администрации. |
The assumption that the price of mailing a letter or shipping a package should remain constant throughout the year is ripe to be challenged. |
Постулат о том, что стоимость отправки письма или посылки должна быть постоянной в течение года, пора бы поставить под сомнение. |
Will the eurozone crisis end in 2013, or will it drag on throughout the year, and perhaps even deteriorate anew? |
Закончится ли кризис еврозоны в 2013 году или же он затянется еще на год, а может даже ситуация снова ухудшится? |
The war there dominated headlines throughout the year, and leaving it off the list could draw more attention than actually including it. |
Сирийская война была самым обсуждаемым событием на протяжении всего года, и если бы она не была включена в список госдепа, это привлекло бы еще больше внимания, чем то, что ее в этот список включили. |
This enables users to have access to the latest material throughout the year. |
Это позволяет пользователям иметь доступ к последним материалам в течение всего года. |
But they decided they have to — meet systematically, every year, well planned in advanced, — in addition to other smaller meetings throughout the year. |
Они решили делать это систематически, каждый год, всё тщательно планируя заранее. Это в дополнение к другим, не столь значительным встречам на протяжении года. |
You’ve been having a closing down sale throughout the year haven’t you? Selling clothes no one wants to wear in public |
У тебя тут год уже распродажа перед закрытием, продаешь вещи, которые надеть — то стыдно, |
There should be a record of every appointment booked throughout the year, and a description of the case. |
У меня там отмечены все консультации, которые я давал за последний год, и собраны истории болезни. |
The dates on which clocks shift also vary with location and year; consequently, the time differences between regions also vary throughout the year. |
Даты, на которые сдвигаются часы, также различаются в зависимости от местоположения и года; следовательно, временные различия между регионами также различаются в течение года. |
As a guru, he had two ashrams, one in Serampore and another in Puri, Odisha, between which he alternated his residence throughout the year as he trained disciples. |
Как гуру, он имел два ашрама, один в Серампуре и другой в Пури, Одиша, между которыми он чередовал свою резиденцию в течение всего года, обучая учеников. |
Thermally, a temperate glacier is at melting point throughout the year, from its surface to its base. |
Термически умеренный ледник находится в точке таяния в течение всего года, от его поверхности до основания. |
While droughts occasionally occur in the state, rainfall totals are distributed relatively equally throughout the year. |
Хотя в штате время от времени случаются засухи, общее количество осадков распределяется относительно равномерно в течение года. |
While temperature does not vary greatly throughout the year, there is a wetter monsoon season from November to January. |
В то время как температура не сильно меняется в течение всего года, существует более влажный сезон муссонов с ноября по январь. |
The company was founded in 1963 by Sir Tyrone Guthrie as a prototype alternative to Broadway, and it produces a wide variety of shows throughout the year. |
Компания была основана в 1963 году сэром Тайроном Гатри в качестве прототипа альтернативы Бродвею, и она производит широкий спектр шоу в течение всего года. |
In tropical areas, seasonal variation was less evident and the disease was present throughout the year. |
В тропических районах сезонные колебания были менее заметны, и болезнь присутствовала в течение всего года. |
The library includes a local coffeeshop, Arsaga’s, and hosts several events, including film festivals, book signings, and public forums throughout the year. |
Библиотека включает в себя местный кофейный магазин Arsaga’S и проводит несколько мероприятий, в том числе кинофестивали, подписание книг и общественные форумы в течение всего года. |
However, the abundance of rainfall changes throughout the year creating distinct moist and dry seasons. |
Однако обилие осадков меняется в течение всего года, создавая различные влажные и сухие сезоны. |
Most halachic times are based on some combination of these four times and vary from day to day throughout the year and also vary significantly depending on location. |
Большинство галахических времен основаны на некоторой комбинации этих четырех времен и изменяются изо дня в день в течение года, а также значительно варьируются в зависимости от местоположения. |
The eligible candidates receive offers throughout the year as and when the vacancies are created in the Chambers of Justices. |
Соответствующие кандидаты получают предложения в течение всего года, когда и когда создаются вакансии в палатах судей. |
Tunisia provides good quality drinking water throughout the year. |
Тунис обеспечивает хорошее качество питьевой воды в течение всего года. |
At periodic intervals throughout the year, Fark Parties are organized, usually in conjunction with the travels of Curtis. |
Периодически в течение года организуются вечеринки ФАРК, обычно в связи с поездками Кертиса. |
However, the government hosts several open houses throughout the year, during which the public can tour the monument. |
Тем не менее, правительство проводит несколько открытых домов в течение всего года, во время которых общественность может осмотреть памятник. |
This has more evenly spaced out public holidays throughout the year. |
Это привело к более равномерному распределению государственных праздников в течение всего года. |
The climate in this area is characterized by relatively high temperatures and evenly distributed precipitation throughout the year. |
Климат в этой местности характеризуется относительно высокими температурами и равномерно распределенными осадками в течение всего года. |
Precipitation is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year, but summer is usually the wettest season, the bulk falling during thunderstorms. |
Осадки довольно равномерно распределяются в течение всего года, но лето обычно самое влажное время года, основная масса выпадает во время грозы. |
The borer is present throughout the year and so pesticide treatments with a strong persistent spray should be carried out monthly. |
Бурильщик присутствует в течение всего года, и поэтому обработка пестицидами с сильным стойким распылением должна проводиться ежемесячно. |
Water provided the main source of transport during rainy seasons, and throughout the year in areas such as the vast delta of the coastal southeastern Sundarbans. |
Вода служила главным источником транспорта в дождливые сезоны и в течение всего года в таких районах, как обширная Дельта прибрежных юго — восточных Сундарбанов. |
In rainforest climates the dry season is very short, and rainfall is normally heavy throughout the year. |
В тропическом климате сухой сезон очень короток, и осадки обычно обильны в течение всего года. |
These rain forests are uniformly and monotonously wet throughout the year. |
Эти дождевые леса равномерно и однообразно влажны в течение всего года. |
They may be produced throughout the year, including mild weather in winter. |
Они могут быть произведены в течение всего года, включая мягкую погоду зимой. |
The circulation of rainfall throughout the year remains less than other rain forest regions in the world. |
Круговорот осадков в течение всего года остается меньшим, чем в других районах тропических лесов в мире. |
The average monthly rainfall in nearly the whole region remains under 100 mm throughout the year. |
Среднемесячное количество осадков почти во всем регионе остается ниже 100 мм в течение всего года. |
Capuchins are polygamous, and the females mate throughout the year, but only go through a gestation period once every 2 years between December and April. |
Капуцины полигамны, и самки спариваются в течение всего года, но только проходят период беременности один раз в 2 года между декабрем и апрелем. |
The school lasts approximately three months with four classes running throughout the year. |
Школа длится примерно три месяца с четырьмя классами в течение всего года. |
Annual precipitation is fairly even throughout the year across New York state. |
Ежегодные осадки довольно равномерны в течение всего года по всему штату Нью — Йорк. |
Throughout the year, there are a number of festivals celebrated locally or island-wide according to the traditional calendars. |
В течение всего года в соответствии с традиционными календарями проводится ряд местных или островных праздников. |
In this setup low concentrations of these toxic gases are commonly noted throughout the year. |
В этой установке низкие концентрации этих токсичных газов обычно отмечаются в течение всего года. |
As with the rest of the UK, Kington benefits from a maritime climate, with limited seasonal temperature ranges, and generally moderate rainfall throughout the year. |
Как и в остальной части Великобритании, в Кингтоне преобладает морской климат с ограниченным сезонным диапазоном температур и, как правило, умеренным количеством осадков в течение всего года. |
Rainfall is spread fairly evenly throughout the year. |
Осадки распределяются довольно равномерно в течение всего года. |
Like many Mexican butterworts, P. elizabethiae is seasonally dimorphic, in that it undergoes two distinct growth habits throughout the year. |
Как и многие мексиканские маслобойки, P. elizabethiae сезонно диморфна, так как в течение года она претерпевает два различных способа роста. |
Occurrences of precipitation are evenly distributed throughout the year, being heaviest from October to December, and from April to June. |
Выпадение осадков равномерно распределяется в течение всего года, наиболее интенсивно с октября по декабрь и с апреля по июнь. |
Of these the fruit perishes not nor fails in winter or in summer, but lasts throughout the year. |
Из них плоды не погибают и не погибают ни зимой, ни летом, но сохраняются в течение всего года. |
The Indian crested porcupine is usually monogamous, and both parents live in the den with their offspring throughout the year. |
Индийский хохлатый дикобраз обычно моногамен, и оба родителя живут в берлоге со своим потомством в течение всего года. |
The centre also offers educational public and school programs which can be booked throughout the year. |
Центр также предлагает образовательные общественные и школьные программы, которые можно заказать в течение всего года. |
Throughout the year, the Court of Appeals holds hearings on the adoption or amendment of rules of practice and procedure. |
В течение всего года Апелляционный суд проводит слушания по вопросу о принятии или изменении правил практики и процедуры. |
In most of these regions, lechón is prepared throughout the year for special occasions, during festivals, and the Thanksgiving. |
В большинстве этих регионов Лечон готовится в течение всего года для особых случаев, во время праздников и Дня Благодарения. |
In the lowlands rainfall is most likely to occur throughout the year during the night or morning hours, and least likely in mid-afternoon. |
В низменностях осадки чаще всего выпадают в течение всего года в ночные или утренние часы, и реже всего в середине дня. |
Generally, Alabama has very hot summers and mild winters with copious precipitation throughout the year. |
Как правило, в Алабаме очень жаркое лето и мягкая зима с обильными осадками в течение всего года. |
His publicist who worked with him throughout the year suffered a burst appendix by the end of his busy year at the Pavarotti War Child Concert event in Modena with U2. |
Его публицист, который работал с ним в течение всего года, получил разрыв аппендикса к концу его напряженного года на концерте Pavarotti War Child в Модене с U2. |
The museum sponsors many events throughout the year including children’s events. |
Музей спонсирует многие мероприятия в течение всего года, в том числе детские. |
The museum holds many workshops and conferences throughout the year and regularly welcomes groups of students from universities from across the United States. |
Музей проводит множество семинаров и конференций в течение всего года и регулярно принимает группы студентов из университетов со всех концов Соединенных Штатов. |
Throughout the year there a plethora of festivals which take place of varying scales and themes. |
В течение всего года здесь проводится множество фестивалей различного масштаба и тематики. |
The programs include online learning, individual faculty-student mentoring and assessment, and in-person events of various types in many locations throughout the year. |
Эти программы включают в себя онлайн — обучение, индивидуальное наставничество и оценку преподавателей и студентов, а также индивидуальные мероприятия различных типов во многих местах в течение всего года. |
The church had prescribed that Roman Catholics observe fasting or abstinence on a number of days throughout the year. |
Церковь предписала католикам соблюдать пост или воздержание в течение года в течение нескольких дней. |
Malaysians observe a number of holidays and festivities throughout the year. |
Малайцы отмечают целый ряд праздников и торжеств в течение всего года. |
At times, the average annual precipitation may be more evenly distributed throughout the year, or a spring maximum is present. |
Иногда среднегодовое количество осадков может быть более равномерно распределено в течение года, или же наблюдается весенний максимум. |
The beetle is currently only found in warmer climates, allowing for transmission of the fungus throughout the year. |
В настоящее время Жук встречается только в более теплом климате, что позволяет передавать гриб в течение всего года. |
- throughout the year
Общая лексика: круглый год, в течение года
Универсальный англо-русский словарь.
Смотреть что такое «throughout the year» в других словарях:
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Wheel of the Year — Sabbats redirects here. For other uses of sabbat or sabbath, see Sabbath (disambiguation). For Wheel of time, see Wheel of time (disambiguation). This article is about the modern Wiccan Sabbat. For the historical and legendary Witches Sabbath,… … Wikipedia
Midlander of the Year — is an annual award, recognising people deemed to have made an outstanding contribution to the social, sporting, political or cultural life of the English Midlands. The original Midlander of the Year award was set up by the local brewers,… … Wikipedia
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Word of the year — The word(s) of the year, sometimes capitalized as Word(s) of the Year and abbreviated WOTY or WotY, refers to any of various assessments as to the most important word(s) or expression(s) in the public sphere during a specific year. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Major League Baseball Comeback Player of the Year Award — The Major League Baseball Comeback Player of the Year Award is presented by Major League Baseball (MLB) to the player who is judged to have re emerged on the baseball field during a given season. [1] The award was developed in 2005, as part of a… … Wikipedia
Websites and phone numbers in the Year Zero alternate reality game — The story of the Year Zero alternate reality game is primarily told through the Year Zero album and a number of fictitious, in game websites and phone numbers. The appearance of these websites and phone numbers from the year 2022 (Year 0 BA in… … Wikipedia
I have heard people saying these two phrases, do they have any difference from each other?
For example
I have accomplished a lot across the year.
I have accomplished a lot throughout the year.
Is there any difference, or is either wrong?
62.6k10 gold badges141 silver badges211 bronze badges
asked Jun 21, 2022 at 13:46
For USA standard English speech and writing, «across the year» is unusual and uncommon, although it is understandable as a phrase referring to a one-year time period (a calendar year or the previous 12 months). These phrases are much more common:
I have accomplished a lot over the course of the year.
I have accomplished a lot during the year.
I have accomplished a lot throughout the year.
I have accomplished a lot this year.
I have accomplished a lot in the last year
answered Jun 21, 2022 at 15:53
2,91512 silver badges16 bronze badges
The «across» version is quite unusual, and the «throughout» version sounds a bit stilted. The most common way of expressing this (I’m imagining an annual performance review):
I’ve accomplished a lot this year.
If the context doesn’t make clear that this refers to the past twelve months, one could also say
I’ve accomplished a lot this past year.
My answer holds for US English — I can’t vouch for other flavors.
I checked the link you provided in a comment. The speaker’s context is quite different from «I accomplished a lot [preposition] [time period].» In the TED talk, the speaker was talking about the calendar, the months of the year. «Across the year» makes sense in that context. We can see the months ticking by as we go along the timeline. In that context, «across» is probably better than «throughout,» because «throughout» suggests that something is constant, or fairly constant, for all 365 days.
answered Jun 21, 2022 at 19:08
21.4k10 gold badges53 silver badges91 bronze badges
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A complete search of the internet has found these results:
through the year is the most popular phrase on the web.
More popular!
through the year
1,050,000,000 results on the web
Some examples from the web:
- People with certain illnesses like sickle cell disease or cancer need multiple transfusions through the year.
- Bourgas Airport is open for flights from the country and abroad through the year.
- This must mean earth in a reverse orbit, the stars gradually moving from west to east through the year.
- Thus this describes earth in a reverse orbit with the five planets moving backwards against the stars through the year.
- The maritime climate means that the Lake District experiences relatively moderate temperature variations through the year.
- Water temperature is rather constant through the year, averaging 26-28 ºC in summer and 25 ºC in winter.
- Streams and rivulets, that used to flow through the year, are getting dried up within a month after the monsoon.
- There are in-depth meetings held by the Swiss National Bank on four occasions through the year, in March, June, September and in December.
- However, Internet metrics firm Net Applications on Friday reported that Firefox still clung to second place in the browser market although Chrome has steadily narrowed the gap through the year and was closing in.
- Beside being a clock with date display the app is very educational in showing the inner planets and moons in relation to the Earth moving through the year.
- Finally, Mr President, I thank you and your excellent staff for all the cooperation through the year, and wish you a Merry Christmas.
- Looking at the history of used cars from 1980 through the year 2000, the reliability of vehicles has improved by leaps and bounds.
- Thus the sun in a reverse orbit would appear to move from east to west through the year, through the stars, just as it does though the day.
- The sun would appear to rise through the zodiac through the year in the reverse orbit.
- Phil doesn’t play continuously through the year but more like start, stop, start, stop but whatever his strategy it paid dividends of $3 million for the times he played.
- Not all parts of the globe experience autumn; the tropics experience few changes in sunlight through the year, and polar regions lack a transitory season between summer and winter.
- All three drivers have shown tremendous speed and improvement through the year, all taking turns at the pointy end of the field and running inside the top-five.
- In the second chapter Oddi specifies the sun’s position over the year and in the last chapter the direction of dawn and nightfall through the year is described.
- These are called «seasonal» or «variable» hours because they depend on the length of time between sunrise (or daybreak) and sunset (or nightfall), and those vary through the year.
- In a reverse orbit of the sun the stars would move west east through the year. East west each night but west east through the year.
throughout the year
286,000,000 results on the web
Some examples from the web:
- There is considerable humidity throughout the year.
- You will admire it. Just behold the beauty throughout the year.
- This advisory body will provide advice to the board throughout the year.
- The unemployment rate remained close to 5 % throughout the year.
- An internal research forum 22 discussed these topics throughout the year.
- It can be used as decoration throughout the year.
- The kids come here throughout the year.
- 1 outward flight Albenga — Rome on Saturday morning throughout the year.
- northerly winds that prevail throughout the year
- The debate on toys and safety should really be held throughout the year.
- In addition, the utilization of capacity varies considerably throughout the year.
- The EU passed strong messages to both sides throughout the year.
- Isoglucose is produced on an ongoing basis throughout the year and is difficult to store.
- Apart from the highest mountain heights, this area enjoys an oceanic climate, temperate with mild rains, though persistent throughout the year, and a moderate thermal fluctuation.
- We’d be tranquil throughout the year!
- The Chinese renminbi continued to appreciate gradually against the US dollar throughout the year, although movements in effective terms were more subdued.
- This initial delay, particularly regarding the signature of a contract with advertising service and product suppliers, continued to have effects throughout the year.
- At least two round trips per day, throughout the year.
- Thus, through various generations, the production of Prleška tünka became a traditional method of preserving meat throughout the year.
- There were notable declarations concerning Nepal, which improved significantly in quality and balance throughout the year, particularly in their criticism of the Nepalese government.
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Which preposition should I use in this sentence:
Through/throughout the years, I have learned many things at this company.
I’d use through. Perhaps this is just me, but I tend to use throughout only when referring to a specific time (or place), e.g., «throughout the week» or «throughout the year.» So with something undefined such as «the years,» I’d stick with through. I’m very interested to see if other people have a different idea.
The -out suffix is cognate with the adverb ‘out’ that indicates completeness. (Cf. «The shoes are worn out.» and «The shoes are worn.» )
«… the years» is indefinite and therefore cannot have ‘completeness’, therefore ‘through’ is correct.
In English, there are several ways to express an experience that happened across a number of years. This article will review the meaning of the phrases “throughout the years” and “over the years.” And also, give examples of how they can be used in a sentence.
What Is The Difference Between “Throughout The Years” And “Over The Years”?
There is a significant difference between “throughout the years” and “over the years”. “Throughout the years” is used in a context where the situation has remained the same over time. While “over the years” is used when a situation is no longer the same as it was as time passed.
Take, for example, this sentence,
- Use of performance-enhancing drugs by athletes has remained a problem throughout the years.
Here, the phrase “throughout the years” is used to clearly show that athletes’ use of performance-enhancing drugs has remained a problem from year to year and has not changed.
On the other hand, if I say,
- Over the years, the use of performance-enhancing drugs by athletes has reduced drastically and is no longer a major problem.
In the sentence above, I have successfully shown a change in the situation by using the phrase, “over the years”.
What Does “Over The Years” Mean?
“Over the years” is used to express a lengthy period of time when referring to an event that happened or will happen. For example, “The company has grown from medium size to a multi-million-dollar enterprise over the years since John resigned as the CEO”.
Here are more examples to help you grasp how the phrase is used in a sentence.
- Over the years, you will come to appreciate the significance of the early health care you received.
- She has a collection of gold pieces of jewelry that has become valuable over the year
What Does “Throughout The Years” Mean?
“Throughout the years” is a preposition that is used to imply that something happened all through a certain period of time. The phrase “throughout the years” is used in a sentence when trying to show that a certain situation has not changed over time.
Take a look at the correct sentences below to further understand how the term is used in a sentence.
- Her parents’ marriage has remained peaceful and loving throughout the years.
- Throughout the years, I have learned a lot as an intern at my company.
- My opinion on the use of marijuana has remained the same throughout the years.
Note that there is no element of change in any of the sentences above, hence the use of the phrase “throughout the years”.
Is It Correct To Say “Throughout The Years”?
Yes, it is correct to say “throughout the years”. But only when the person, thing or situation being referred to has remained constant or static over time. For instance: My appetite for fried chicken has remained the same throughout the years – this means my appetite for fried chicken is still intact.
According to the Google Ngram Viewer graph, the usage of “throughout the years” has gradually reduced with an increase in the use of the phrase “through the years”.
It is, however, still correct to say “throughout the years” as they very much mean the same thing.
Is “Over The Years” Or “Throughout The Years” Used The Most?
The Google Ngram Viewer graph reveals that “over the years” is mostly used than “throughout the years”.
The reason is not far-fetched given the fact that a lot of situations have changed over time. Throughout the years sound too static for a world that is constantly changing and evolving.
Do “Over Years” And “Over The Years” Mean The Same?
“Over years” and “over the years” do not mean the same thing. “Over years” refers to an undefined number of years while “over the years” is used to refer to a long time period, mostly in sentences that talk about the evolution of a certain person or situation.
For example:
- My passion for golf has grown over the years of absence from Paris.
This statement refers to all the years or the entire period that the speaker has been away from Paris (which may not be many years).
If, on the other hand, the sentence read:
- My passion for golf has grown over years of absence from Paris.
Then the listener would infer that the speaker had been away from Paris for a long time.
“Throughout The Years” And “Over The Years” – Synonyms
Now that you are here, you must have fully understood the meaning of and differences between the phrases “throughout the years” and “over the years”. Let’s take a look at a few phrases that have similar meanings to the previously mentioned ones.
- As time goes by
- As the years passed
- In the course of time
- As the years go by
- As time passed
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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.