Word for three times as much

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three times as much

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1. She earns three times as much as I.

2. She earns three times more than I.

Are these two sentences grammatically correct?

StoneyB on hiatus's user avatar

asked Oct 21, 2015 at 13:04

bart-leby's user avatar


I disagree with Usernew. I interpret both to mean that if you take home £1000 per month, «she» takes home £3000 (for simplicity, ignoring tax)

While «as much as» does mean «the same quantity as» when used alone:

I love you as much as you love me.
These two people have equal amounts of love

In your example it is being modified by the «three times»

She earns      three     times     as much as     I.  
Her income  =    3         x          (1x)        "Your income"

Both options for as much as / more than are fine. However I would change the end of the sentence slightly:

She earns three times as much as / more than me.


She earns three times as much as / more than I do.

From your comment on another answer:

My wife and I work the same hours but I earn twice as much.

This is grammatical and means that if your wife brings home £1000 per month, you bring home £2000

answered Oct 21, 2015 at 13:55

James Webster's user avatar


Thanks to JamesWebster for correcting the big mistake.

As far as I can tell, She earns as much as I means that you both earn the same amount of money.

I recommend reading this news article published on The Guardian.

«As much as» means as same quantity as as provided by thefreedictionary

She earns three times more than I.

It means that she earns 3x of what you earn.

So, if you earn $100, she earns $400.

She earns three times as much as I.

This means that if you have $100, she earns $300.

If you earn X dollars, «three times more than x» means 3x + x — «more than» means «add».

«Three times as much» means 3x.



answered Oct 21, 2015 at 13:15

Usernew's user avatar


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n times as much definitely differs from n times more. Try making them equivalent when buying or selling a house, in computer code, or in a court of law and you’ll be wrong every time. You’d better hope that the pharmacist preparing your meds understands the difference.

If you think they are the same, try the reverse and write a given math statement as English. Problem 1.: write «3n + n = x.» answer, 3 times n plus (more than) n is x.
Problem 2.: write «3n = x.» answer, 3 times n is x.

This is NOT a case where a majority can agree and make the two equivalent. If you have no way to express exactly what you mean the statements are useless. The problem is not with an ambiguity in the English language. I’ve had hundreds of student ask me what they will ever use math for, and here you have the answer.

answered Jan 3, 2021 at 0:04

Franklin Thomas's user avatar

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My father has three times more money than my mother.
My father has three times as much money as my mother.

Is there any difference in meaning between the above sentences?


Original Post

According to our school’s maths teachers, if the mother has 100 dollars:

1)» the father has 3 times more money than the mother » means the father has 400 dollars.

2) «the father has 3 times as much money as the mother» means the father has 300 dollars.

Hope to hear from teachers from this forum too.

Yes, bc has it right. People might say «three times more» when they mean «three times as much» but it usually isn’t what they really mean.

If the mother has x dollars, «three times more than x» means 3x + x — «more than» means «add».

«Three times as much» means 3x.

I think it is worth mentioning that native speakers of English often use/misuse the two terms interchangeably (to mean what bc tan described in #2 above).

When it comes to big numbers,the ambiguity disappears naturally.
A is 1000 times bigger than B
Whatever, 1001B equals, approximately, 1000B Smile

I can’t understand Mengxin2009’s reply.

Could somebody help me?

Mengxin means that when we are dealing with big numbers, it does not make a big difference to use one term in place of the other because the result will be almost the same. You know, for example, 1000 is not very different from 1001. However, in your case, the difference between 3 and 4 is noticeable.

Well, I’m not really sure if I could clarify it.Smile

I think Mengxin2009 should clarify. I am still puzzled.

You’re no more than asking me to make a summary of the above posts. Smile

Ok, let me present here what I understand about “n times larger than ” vs “n times as much as”.

As above posts have said, “n times larger than” may be understood in two ways, but the correct version is “If A is n times larger than B, then A = (n+1)B”. However, we can’t expect people are always so precise about arithmetic things in daily life, so on many occasions the two terms are used interchangeably.

I think what you are worried about is whether natives will misunderstand the intended meaning if the two terms are used interchangeably, aren’t you? Of course the chances are rare. You know, if the speaker is aware of the possible misunderstanding or needs to make difference about such things, s/he may avoid using the “larger than” thing. On the other hand, seldom would people make great efforts to differentiate 1001 and 1000. Would you?

I am sorry for not amswering your question technically.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

втрое больше

три раза дороже

З раза больше

три раза больше

два-три раза больше

3 раза больше

три раза превышает

три раза чаще

These seven hundred people possess three times as much land as do 600,000 small owners.

У этих семи-сот человек втрое больше земли, чем у шестисот тысяч мелких землевладельцев.

And three times as much solar power was built in 2020 than analysts predicted just back in 2015.

А в 2020-м было построено втрое больше солнечных электростанций, чем это прогнозировалось в 2015-м.

I’ll pay three times as much if you just come out here…

Я заплачу втройне, если вы подъедете сюда…

Currently, when compared to prices of fossil fuels, biofuel costs twice or even three times as much.

В настоящее время биотопливо стоит в два или даже три раза дороже, чем ископаемое топливо.

That’s about three times as much as standard container ships of similar size.

Это примерно в три раза дороже обычного контейнерного корабля такого размера.

Demining organizations cleared almost three times as much land in 2005 as in 2004, with similar survey and clearance capacity.

Саперные организации в 2005 году разминировали почти втрое больше земель, чем в 2004 году, применяя схожие техники оценки и разминирования.

He could not refuse a lucrative deal to sell UMH three times as much as its real value.

Не смог он отказаться и от выгодной сделки по продаже в три раза дороже его реальной стоимости.

Something like this in Sarasota would cost three times as much.

В то же время, аналогичное жилое помещение в Сараево будет стоить в три раза дороже.

Basically we are adding three times as much silver.

Thus business uses almost three times as much electricity as do households.

Таким образом, бизнес использует почти в три раза больше электроэнергии, чем домашние хозяйства.

And you can charge three times as much.

Americans drink three times as much coffee as tea.

Remember muscle weighs three times as much as fat.

Нужно помнить, что мышечная ткань весит в З раза больше, чем жир.

The difference is that this material can hold three times as much oxygen.

Единственной разницей является тот факт, что представленное вещество может иметь в три раза больше количество кислорода.

Clearly NOT three times as much.

Some studies show youngsters inhale two to three times as much of a pollutant per unit of body weight compared to adults.

Согласно некоторым исследованиям, дети вдыхают в два-три раза больше загрязнителя относительно массы тела, чем взрослые.

Many of these cars cost two to three times as much as a regular vehicle.

Такая поездка обойдется в 2-3 раза дороже, чем на обычном авто.

You can end up spending twice or even three times as much money.

В итоге же вы потратите в два, а то и в три раза больше денег.

Do good to someone and you will receive three times as much good in return.

Сделайте кому? нибудь добро, и взамен вы получите в три раза больше положительной энергии.

You’re charging me three times as much as what you’re advertising here.

Я буду платить в три раза больше, чем вы обычно берете за консультацию .

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three time as much — перевод на русский

I paid three times as much for him! He’s my best!

И я за него в три раза больше дал.Он мой наилучший.

Your body will weigh three times as much.

Ваше тело будет весить в три раза больше.

And he earns three times as much as I do.

Он раза в три больше моего зарабатывает.

Your men will earn three times as much in half the time… not facing a single sword or pistol in the process.

Твои люди будут получать больше в три раза за половину этого же времени… не доставая меча и пистолета.

That’s three times as much as the first one.

Это в три раза дороже, чем первая.

I started looking at apartment ads-— three times as much as Schlobohm and so filthy, I wouldn’t keep pigs there.

— Я посмотрела, какие квартиры сдают. В три раза дороже Шлобома, а грязь такая, что свинью не поселишь.

They threw a couple bucks at us, and they expect us to take the chump change and buy something in a neighborhood that costs three times as much.

Они бросили нам пару баксов и ждут, что мы возьмём эти смешные деньги и купим что-нибудь по соседству, что стоит в три раза дороже.

Would that mean, pro rata, three times as much drugs is getting in?

Найдено? Значит, пропорционально в 3 раза больше ввезено в Америку?

{pos(192,230)}Someone of your pedigree could earn three times as much as I have… {pos(192,230)}…would.

С твоей родословной, ты заработаешь в 3 раза больше, чем заплатили мне бы… Заплатили бы.

I got a job making three times as much money and my rent’s just about the same and I’m right by the beach and I got a convertible. Right here next to the mirror, honey.

У меня етсь работа с которой я получаю в три раза больше денег как на пляже и ожу кабриолет к зеркалу давай, крошка.

With the Moldovans, I have to make three times as much.

Эти молдаванки едят за троих.

No, it’s about three times as much house as you need and… there are plenty of other likely wiser choices.

Он больше, чем тебе нужно раза в три, и вариантов получше можно найти массу.

And over the last month, Newton accessed the radiology department three times as much as any other area.

И за последний месяц Ньютон посещал радиологию в 3 раза чаще, чем любое другое отделение.

Bid on a job in Afghanistan, bank three times as much ’cause of the hazardous working conditions.

Предложили свою цену за работу в Афганистане, заработали втрое больше благодаря опасности работы там.

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