What is the accepted word for three times a year and once in three years?
like biannual and biennial for twice a year and once in two years
Ответы · 3
You could use triannual (3 times a year) and triennial (every 3 years). However, it is more common to use phrases like «once every 4 months» and «once every 3 years» as the words sound almost alike but the phrases are very clear.
In three month intervals = Quarterly
True: it is technically possible to continue using the latin numbers (tri-, quad-, quint-, sex/hex-, sept-) for such examples, but in most cases you wouldn’t use it for more than 2 or 3 times. It sounds too clumsy if you continue the pattern ‘ad nauseam’.
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Is there a word that means 3 times per year? (I am trying to find the right term for the 3 times/year review meetings we hold.)
We all know semiannually is 2/year, quarterly is 4/year, but 3/year???
I’ve seen quadmonthly used; isn’t there a better term based on a latin prefix that means «one-third»? (I thought maybe something related to tertiary, but that relates to being 3rd, not one-third.)
Craig in NJ
Is there a word that means 3 times per year? (I am trying to find the right term for the … latin prefix that means «one-third»? (I thought maybe something related to tertiary, but that relates to being 3rd, not one-third.)
I think I raised this at one point when I was working somewhere that also had a 3-meetings-per-year schedule and the upshot was that we should give up trying to use a Latinate prefix in favour of the unambiguous «thrice-yearly».
Cheers, Harvey
Canada for 30 years; S England since 1982.
(for e-mail, change to harvey.van)
«Thrice-yearly» sounds pretty good to me.
FWIW, I think I’ll adopt these abbreviations for the meetings: 2005 T1,
2005 T2, 2005 T3, etc. (Analogous to 2005 Q1, 2005 Q2, etc. forquarterly meetings or 2005 H1, 2005 H2, etc. for semi-annual meetings).
Thanks for the fast response.
Craig in NJ
«Thrice-yearly» sounds pretty good to me. FWIW, I think I’ll adopt these abbreviations for the meetings: 2005 T1, 2005 T2, 2005 T3, etc. (Analogous to 2005 Q1, 2005 Q2, etc. for quarterly meetings or 2005 H1, 2005 H2, etc. for semi-annual meetings).
Sounds good to me: if anyone wonders, they’ll soon learn what it stands for!
Cheers, Harvey
Canada for 30 years; S England since 1982.
(for e-mail, change to harvey.van)
Is there a word that means 3 times per year? (I am trying to find the right term for the … means «one-third»? (I thought maybe something related to tertiary, but that relates to being 3rd, not one-third.) Craig in NJ
Tri-annual or tri-annually.
For example: This is the second of our tri-annual newsletter. Our newsletter is published tri-annually.
In our last episode,
(Email Removed), the lovely and talented CraiginNJ broadcast on alt.usage.english:
«Thrice-yearly» sounds pretty good to me.
I agree. «Triannual» seems to have some following and is used in the title of publications by some educational institutions and governments, which do seem to mean «three times a year.» Unfortunately, many people are likely to think it means «once every three years.»
FWIW, I think I’ll adopt these abbreviations for the meetings: 2005 T1, 2005 T2, 2005 T3, etc. (Analogous to 2005 Q1, 2005 Q2, etc. for quarterly meetings or 2005 H1, 2005 H2, etc. for semi-annual meetings). Thanks for the fast response. Craig in NJ
Lars Eighner (Email Removed) / Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity. Horace Mann
«Thrice-yearly» sounds pretty good to me.
To me is sounds archaic. I’d just go with «every 4 months» if that is in fact the case, and «3 times a year» if they’re not that regular.
Mark Brader, Toronto > «I wish to God these calculations had been (Email Removed) > executed by steam!» Charles Babbage, 1821
«Thrice-yearly» sounds pretty good to me.
To me is sounds archaic.
I don’t think anyone I work with would think it archaic perhaps it’s a pondial thing?
I’d just go with «every 4 months» if that is in fact the case, and «3 times a year» if they’re not that regular.
Cheers, Harvey
Canada for 30 years; S England since 1982.
(for e-mail, change to harvey.van)
Thanks, everyone.
Yes, it does look like tri-annual should be the proper term even though many people think the only definition of bi-annual is its every-2-years definition.
«3 times a year» seems difficult to use the same way. E.g., «Our second 3-times-a-year meeting will be held this Tuesday» vs. «Our second tri-annual meeting will be held this Tuesday» vs. «Our second thrice-yearly meeting will be held this Tuesday.»
Unfortunately, if I use tri-annual around my office, a number of people will tell me (or think) I’m using the wrong term. It seems advisable to avoid using a word that some executive might see as evidence of my ignorance even though he’s/she’s the one who doesn’t understand.
Thanks again, everyone! I really appreciated the discussion.
Craig in NJ
Is «tri-quarterly» a real English word meaning 3 times a year? Are there any other words that mean 3 times a year?
96.4k39 gold badges305 silver badges399 bronze badges
asked Sep 22, 2012 at 18:50
If «tri-quarterly» means anything, surely it would be every third quarter (every nine months). Or possibly three times a quarter, which is monthly. You can’t redefine a quarter as a third, though.
Three times a year is triannual — not triennial which is every three years. You could also say every four months; «every four months» is preferable because it removes the possibility of confusion between triennial and triannual.
answered Sep 22, 2012 at 18:59
Andrew Leach♦Andrew Leach
98.4k12 gold badges188 silver badges306 bronze badges
A word that I find used a lot is: tertial
Tertial is a foreign word from Latin meaning a third . In the temporal sense, a third is understood to mean a third of a year , i.e. a period of four months .
answered Nov 30, 2021 at 11:45
Ola StrömOla Ström
5501 gold badge5 silver badges15 bronze badges
Trimester Trimester · Academic term, a trimester system divides the academic year into three terms
answered Oct 2, 2022 at 1:39
What is the accepted word for three times a year and once in three years (like biannual and biennial for twice a year and once in two years)?
triannual — occurring three times a year
triennial — occurring every three years
Last edited: Feb 12, 2010
Обратите особое внимание на эту конструкцию оnce, twice, three times (thrice) + промежуток времени. Данная конструкция значительно отличается русского эквивалента. Мы употребляем ее, когда нам необходимо сообщить, с какой регулярность совершается действие. В русском языке в таком случае мы говорим “раз в неделю”, “два раза в месяц”, “три раза в год”. При этом в английском языке мы говорим once a week, twice a month, three times a year или thrice a year. Как вы видите, в русском языке употребляется предлог “в”, в то время как в английском языке для выражения подобной регулярности мы используем неопределенный артикль.
Формула выражения регулярности будет следующей: в начале мы говорим с какой периодичностью происходи действие.
Затем мы ставим неопределённый артикль в нужной форме. Чаще всего это будет форма “a”.
После чего идет промежуток времени, в которой данное действие регулярно совершается.
Таким образом, первое слово задает частотность “один, два, три и т.д.” раза, а второе слово (после неопределенного артикля) показывает промежуток времени.
При этом частота и промежутки времени могут быть совершенно разными.
Если действие происходит чаще двух раз в отведенный промежуток времени, в таком случае мы обычно используем слово times. Однако три раза, например, в неделю мы можем сказать и с помощью наречия thrice.
Наречие thrice /θraɪs/ является устаревшим и в современно английском языке почти не употребляется. Его более современным аналогом является three times + в какой промежуток времени.
I go to the gym thrice a week.
Я хожу в спортзал три раза в неделю.Устаревшее выражение
I go to the gym three times a week.
Я хожу в спортзал три раза в неделю.Современный английский язык
Переходя непосредственно к выражениям, который показывают частоту в английском языке, давайте выделим самые употребительные. При этом вместо слова day вы, конечно, может вставлять другие промежутки времени, такие как hour, week, month, year.
Выражение | Значение | Пример употребления |
once a day | один раз в день | He brushed his teeth once a day. Он чистил зубы один раз в день. |
twice a day | дважды в день два раза в день |
She has a shower twice a day. Она принимает душ два раза в день. |
three times a day | трижды в день три раза в день |
I eat three times a day. Я ем три раза в день. |
four times a day | четырежды в день четыре раза в день |
They check Facebook’s* website four times a day. Они проверяют сайт Facebook четыре раза в день. |
*Meta (Facebook) признана экстремистской организацией, запрещена на территории России.
Once in a lifetime
Выражение once in a lifetime употребляется в значении “раз в жизни”.
An opportunity as good as this arises once in a lifetime.
Такой хороший шанс выпадает раз в жизни.
‘Once in a lifetime event’: London queues to pay respects to Queen Elizabeth.
«Событие, которое бывает раз в жизни»: Лондон выстраивается в очередь, чтобы отдать дань уважения королеве Елизавете.
Все упомянутые выражения мы можем считать словами-маркерами определенных времен. Как вы знаете, если речь идет про какую-либо периодичность, мы обычно употребляем времена группы Simple.
She goes to London once a year.
Она ездит в Лондон раз в год.Present Simple
They went hiking in the mountains once a month when they were younger.
Когда они были моложе, они ходили в горы раз в месяц.Past Simple
Упражнения на неопределенный артикль
Упражнения на артикли
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