Word for this is vacation americans

The American English word for this is vacation перевод - The American English word for this is vacation русский как сказать

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The American English word for this is vacation


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Американский английский слово для этого является отпуск

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Американский английское слово для этого является отдых

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


американского английского слова это каникулы

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  1. Change the word

Edinburgh Castle is the top (1) ————— ATTRACT

not only in Edinburgh, but in (2) ————. SCOTTS

The Scotts are (3) ———— of it. PRIDE

Many tourists can see the crown jewels,

The “Stone of Destiny”, on which generations of

Scottish and (4) ———— kings BRITAIN

and (5) ———— have been crowned. QUEEN

If you will go to Scotland I (6) ————— ADVISE

to visit Edinburgh Castle (7) ———— of all. ONE

  1. Change the word

Museum of Childhood is a (1) ———— MAGIC

world of dolls, (2) ————, teddy bears, TOY

games, puzzles and other items for (3) ———. CHILD

Many children (4) ————- this museum VISITING

every day. It is the (5) ———— museum NOISY (шум)

in the world. And it is the (6) ———— ONE

museum to specialize in the history

of (7) —————. CHILD

  1. Fill in the gaps

There are a lot of (1) ————— in the world. They speak

different (2)—————, have different culture and (3) ————-.

But there is something what unite the nation. So, for example

the British are (4) ————- to be polite and (5) ————-.

They like traditions and don’t want (6) ———— anything in their


The French are (7) ————- to be stylish. They are not

conservative, they like (8) ————. Stylish and fashionable French

are (9) ————— all over the world.

As for (10) ————-, they are considered to be hard-working.

change considered nations traditions

the Germans fashion said conservative

languages famous

  1. Change the word

The West End of London is (1) ———— FAME

for its theatres. Going to the theatre has been

(2) —————- since the time of Shakespeare. POPULARITY

And nowadays a lot of theatre (3) ———— LOVE

go to the theatre with (4) ————. PLEASANT

The British are (5) ————- to be theatre SAY

lovers. Shakespeare’s plays are (6) —————- DIFFICULTY

to understand, even for English (7) —————- PERSON

but teenagers really like “Romeo and Juliet”.

  1. Fill in the gaps

As for (1) ———— I live in Russia and I’m (2) ————-

to be the Russian. (3) ————— of all Russia is a large country,

it has a rich (4) ————- and culture. The Russians are (5) ————

to be hospitable. Second, (6) ————- are helpful, they help people

not only in our (7) ———— but people in other countries,

for (8) ———— needy people in Ukraine.

Russia plays a big (9) —————— role in the world. My country

is (10) ———— in the world.

history the Russians country proud the best

me political first considered example

Change the word

In the 19th century railways were built from the big

(1) ———— cities to seaside towns. INDUSTRY

For the first time ordinary working (2) ————- PERSON

could go travelling. In the 1950s the (3) ————- ONE

package holidays were launched. The British began

to spend their

holidays not (4) ————— on seaside TRADITION

but in warmer (5) ———— like Greece and Spain. COUNTRY

In the 1990s the holiday habits of the (6) ———- BRITAIN

are continuing to change. Las Vegas, Dubai and

Cape Town are all (7) ———— places for weekends! FAVOUR

Change the word

Holidays means a special day of (1) ————, CELEBRATE

such as New Year’s Day and Christmas Day.

In British English, the same word also means time

spend away from work or school.

In American English word for this is vacation.

Americans (2) ———— have vacations of about USUAL

(3) ———- weeks. SECOND

Not many (4) ————— go to other AMERICA

(5) ————-, they stay in their country. COUNTRY

They visit (6) —————— parks, such as NATION

Yellowstone and see (7) ————— nature BEAUTY

and wildlife.

II Fill in the gaps

As far as I (1) ————, the English is one of the ancient

(2) ————. The English (3) ————- and traditions are

famous all over the (4) ————-. First of (5) ———— the

English are said to be polite and (6) ——————. They don’t

want change anything in their (7)————. Second the English

are (8) ————- to be unfriendly to the foreigners, though (хотя)

a lot of (9) ————— nations live in England. The English are said

to (10) ———————-.

world life different reticent know

all conservative culture considered


  1. Change the word

Hobby is what people like doing in their (1) ———— FREEDOM

time. There are a lot of (2) ————- hobbies. DIFFER

For some teenagers there is nothing more

(3) ————— than dancing. IMPORTANCE

It’s really good fun and (4) ————- . ENJOY

A lot of teenagers go in for (5) ————. SPORTLY

It’s very good for their (6) ————. HEALTHY

Sport makes you healthy and (7) ————. FITNESS

  1. Fill in the gaps

In my (1) ————— Russia is the (2) ———- country in the

world. The Russians are (3) ————— of their country and they

like Russia very much. Russia has rich history and (4) ————,

a lot of traditions and (5) ———-. The Russians are (6) ————

to be helpful and (7) —————. We have great (8) ————

in science, culture, industry and (9) ————-. We were the best

in Winter Olympic (10) ————- in Sochi in 2014. That’s why

I’m proud of my country.

holidays patriots Games hospitable

opinion culture achievements best sport


Change the word

South Africa is one of the most (1) ————- BEAUTY

countries in the world and a favorite destination

for many (2) ————-. TRAVEL

If you (3) ————- South Africa, make sure VISITOR

your stop in Cape Town. There’s always something

happening in this (4) ———— city, and it has great EXCITE

shops too. (5) ———- and more tourists spend MANY

their holidays in this (6) ————- country. WONDER

South Africa is a (7) ——— place that GOOD

everyone should visit.

Change the word

Many Welsh don’t go abroad in holidays, they

stay in (1) —————. WALES

They like visiting (2) ————- parks. NATION

There are three national parks in Wales. They are

protected by law because of their (3) ———- beauty. NATURE

The most (4) ————- of the parks is Snowdonia. FAME

Many men, women and (5) ————- travel CHILD

to the park for special holidays. These include

a large number of outdoor (6) ————- such as ACTIVITY

walking, climbing, (7) ————-. RIDE

People camp and live without all usual comforts of home.

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I sent an email to a European colleague this summer and got the following automatic message in return:

Dr. So and So is on holiday for the month of July. Consistent with university policy, all email sent to her during this period is automatically deleted. If you wish to contact her, please do so next month.

Now there’s a place that understands what it means to be on vacation. Can you imagine coming back to no email? Not receiving email during your vacation? I can’t, because I work in America.

Throughout my brief vacation I got email after email from Americans that opened with some variant of the phrase “I know you are on vacation, but”, as if making this statement somehow changed the fact that I was supposed to be on vacation. The worst offender was a committee chair who was told repeatedly that I would not be attending a meeting during my family vacation, but the day before the meeting nonetheless emailed me a 300-page long document with a note that read “I know you can’t attend the meeting because of your vacation, so I am sending you the material that we will be discussing so that you can email in your analysis of it for us”. I think she believed this was unusually accommodating on her part.

A friend had an even worse experience. He went on a family vacation to a remote area where he had no email or cell phone signal. When he returned two weeks later he found out that he had been demoted. While he was on vacation, his company had announced a re-organization. His boss said “I expected you to be calling me and emailing me every day communicating your vision of how you fit in with the new structure. When you didn’t I knew you weren’t really committed to the company.” Never mind that he couldn’t even have known that the re-org had happened and never mind even more than he was on freaking vacation.

Employees of the U.S. unite. Do not email your co-workers on vacation, ever. Do not call them or fax them or text them either. And if your boss asks you to do so, state firmly that your hard-working colleague is on vacation, and ask your colleague to do the same for you when the situation is reversed.

Capitalism is a mighty thing that can produce much good. But if we don’t place limits on it, it will eat our bodies, our souls and our families alive. So American workers, look up “vacation” in the dictionary, commit the words to memory and live by them always.

[Cross-posted at The Reality-Based Community]

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Keith Humphreys is a Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University and served as Senior Policy Advisor in the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy in the Obama Administration. @KeithNHumphreys

More by Keith Humphreys

Table of Contents

  1. What is the root word of vacation?
  2. What is the meaning of the word vacation?
  3. When did the term vacation start?
  4. What’s another word for vacation?
  5. What is the difference between vacation and holiday?
  6. How do you say have a good vacation?
  7. What is the American word for holiday?
  8. Why is it called a vacation?
  9. How do you describe a vacation?
  10. Why is a vacation important?
  11. How long is the perfect vacation?
  12. Is 2 weeks too long for a vacation?
  13. Is a 3 day vacation worth it?
  14. How many days does it take to relax on vacation?
  15. How often should you take a vacation day?
  16. Are Staycations worth it?
  17. How do I relax while on vacation?
  18. How can I enjoy my vacation?
  19. Do you think vacation is a good time for you to relax?
  20. How do I stop thinking about work while on vacation?
  21. Are vacations stressful?
  22. How do I uncompress a vacation?
  23. How do you take a vacation?
  24. How far in advance should you ask for time off?
  25. How do I maximize my vacation?
  26. What do you do in your vacation time?
  27. How do you spend a vacation meaningfully?
  28. Should I use my vacation time?
  29. How do you spend a vacation at home?

part of speech: intransitive verb. inflections: vacations, vacationing, vacationed.

What is the root word of vacation?

vacation (n.) and directly from Latin vacationem (nominative vacatio) “leisure, freedom, exemption, a being free from duty, immunity earned by service,” noun of state from past-participle stem of vacare “be empty, free, or at leisure,” from PIE *wak-, extended form of root *eue- “to leave, abandon, give out.”

What is the meaning of the word vacation?

A vacation (American English), or holiday (British English), is a leave of absence from a regular job, or a specific trip or journey, usually for the purpose of recreation or tourism. Vacations are often spent with friends or family.

When did the term vacation start?

Until the middle of the 19th century, Americans used the word vacation the way the English do, the time when teachers and students vacate the school premises and go off on their own.

What’s another word for vacation?

What is another word for vacation?

break leave
trip furlough
tour holidays
respite getaway
sabbatical sojourn

What is the difference between vacation and holiday?

Vacation isn’t used much in British English, except to refer to a period of time when a university is closed, but holiday is used in American English, where it means a national, legal day off, like Thanksgiving or Independence Day. So, if you’re in America, it’s possible to have a holiday during a vacation.

How do you say have a good vacation?

Vacation Wishes To Colleague Wishing you the best vacation of your life. Wishing you a great vacation! Hope your vacation is the greatest, and may each new day bring you happy memories to cherish when you get back! Have a wonderful time!

What is the American word for holiday?

In American English, a holiday is a special day like Christmas or Independence day, and a vacation is time off from work when you usually travel. But in British English, the word holiday is used for both these things.

Why is it called a vacation?

Like so many words that joined the language in the Middle English period, vacation comes from Anglo-French, the particular kind of French spoken in medieval England, and ultimately from Latin: vacātiōn-, vacātiō means “exemption from service, respite from work,” and traces back to vacāre, “to be empty, be free, have …

How do you describe a vacation?

Here are some adjectives for vacation: nice six-week, eastern seaside, overdue galactic, hottest long, unabashedly amusing, slow two-week, marvelously restful, senior midterm, merry and healthy, autumnal long, all-expenses-paid tropical, momentary and frivolous, short, obligatory, carefree all-expenses-paid, abrupt and …

Why is a vacation important?

Studies have shown that taking time away from the job can have physical and mental health benefits. People who take vacations have lower stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life, and more motivation to achieve goals.

How long is the perfect vacation?

eight days

Is 2 weeks too long for a vacation?

“One of the biggest reasons not to take a two-week vacation is returning with a ton of stress because there is too much on your plate,” she says. “Even if you vacation for one full week and the two adjoining weekends, it can be manageable, but two full weeks is just too much and the stress begins to accumulate.

Is a 3 day vacation worth it?

Especially when you consider the average American receives just 10 paid vacation days a year. Indeed, a three-day vacation can make you feel less stressed because they can be far less stressful to plan, cheaper than a long getaway, easier to execute, and will give you more vacations to look forward to.

How many days does it take to relax on vacation?

It Takes 4 Days of Vacation to Actually Unwind, Study Finds It takes Americans four days of vacation before they stop thinking about work, according to new research.

How often should you take a vacation day?

Ideally, you should take at least two longer trips per year, in addition to a few other smaller trips. The total amount that you should spend on vacation is 30-45 days per year. I know getting one month off per year can seem hard for some, but it’s a very effective way to stay healthy, live happier, and longer.

Are Staycations worth it?

Yes. A staycation is worth it. The whole point of this website is to stress the notion that adventure is never far away. Adventure can be found in your hometown.

How do I relax while on vacation?

Here are a few strategies you can use to make your next vacation a more relaxing experience.

  1. Plan a Relaxing Schedule.
  2. Create a Realistic Budget.
  3. Unplug from Work.
  4. Be Honest with Yourself.
  5. Bring a Relaxed Mindset with You.

How can I enjoy my vacation?

How to Enjoy a Vacation: 6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Holidays

  1. Remember it’s impossible to do it all. One thing that’s guaranteed to ruin any vacation?
  2. Keep your vacation expectations in check.
  3. Go with the flow.
  4. Take time to unplug.
  5. Ease back into work.
  6. Don’t do it for the ‘gram.

Do you think vacation is a good time for you to relax?

Vacations Improve Health Taking a vacation relieves stress. When on vacation you might move more, sleep more, and give your brain a rest from everything it normally does. After an extended break, your body and mind will feel much better and restored.

How do I stop thinking about work while on vacation?

Here’s how to put a stop to that, sharpish.

  1. Set up boundaries before you go on holiday.
  2. Try not to leave anything half done.
  3. Set up a detailed out of office email.
  4. And for the love of god, don’t check your emails while you’re away.
  5. If you absolutely *need* to check your emails or social media, schedule a time to do that.

Are vacations stressful?

In our study, 74% find the most stressful aspect of travel to be figuring out the details: travel uncertainty, transportation, wasting time figure things out on the trip, and being unfamiliar with the location. Instead of suffering, ask for help. Find a good travel agent to plan some of this for you.

How do I uncompress a vacation?

7 Tips to Actually Decompress During Vacation

  1. Do your Prep Work.
  2. Be Accountable.
  3. Unplug.
  4. Rejuvenate + Recharge.
  5. Go Somewhere New.
  6. Be Flexible.
  7. Lastly, Just Do You.

How do you take a vacation?

If you’d like to take a vacation without sacrificing your career advancement, follow these six easy steps:

  1. Plan Ahead. Before you plan your trip, consider when the best time of year to take a vacation may be.
  2. Prepare for Your Trip.
  3. Delegate Tasks.
  4. Make Yourself Available.
  5. Inform Clients.
  6. Plan for Your Return.

How far in advance should you ask for time off?

two weeks

How do I maximize my vacation?

How to maximize your annual vacation days

  1. Planning is half the fun.
  2. Spread your vacation time across several trips.
  3. Book nonstop flights.
  4. Pick hotels in prime locations.
  5. Travel during non-peak times.
  6. Use holidays to squeeze out longer trips.
  7. Plan one trip per quarter.
  8. Visit hard-to-reach locations.

What do you do in your vacation time?

Here are 7 things you can do during your summer vacations:

  • Restyle Your Room:
  • Volunteer at an NGO:
  • Form a Hobby Club With Your Relatives and Friends:
  • Start a Blog:
  • Take up a Summer Job:
  • Learn a New Skill:
  • Family Time:

How do you spend a vacation meaningfully?

The Best Ways To Utilize The Summer Holidays Beneficially, Profitably And Meaningfully By Your Child

  1. Swimming.
  2. Take coaching in an interesting sport.
  3. Fine arts.
  4. Attending Yoga classes.
  5. Mind Games.
  6. Visiting Places.
  7. Make them spend some time with nature.
  8. Make them read story books.

Should I use my vacation time?

In general, yes, employers may require the use of vacation/paid time off (PTO) and restrict its use. For example, a California DLSE internal memorandum indicates employers must provide a minimum of a 90-day advance notice when requiring exempt employees to take mandatory vacation/PTO.

How do you spend a vacation at home?

Creative Ways to Take a Vacation at Home

  1. Set a Budget.
  2. Send Your Brain to the Beach.
  3. Turn Routine on its Head.
  4. Empower Your Kids.
  5. Be Spontaneous.
  6. See Your Hometown Through Foreign Eyes.
  7. Book a Mini-Vacation.
  8. Visit a Faraway Place—at Home.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Jillian VonRueden

Score: 5/5
(32 votes)

When referring to one vacation, it would be singular. P.S.-> You would say it’s plural or it’s in the plural, with the article.

What is the difference between vacation and vacations?

vacation is a countable noun. So you’d say «Last vacation, I visited my mother.» You’d use the plural form only to refer to more than one vacation: «Our last three vacations have been disasters. It rained nonstop every year.»

Is vacation plural or singular?

The noun vacation can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be vacation. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be vacations e.g. in reference to various types of vacations or a collection of vacations.

What is correct summer vacation or vacations?

As vacation is both singular and plural. The second option is correct — to be grammatically correct, a single noun should always have a singular verb, and a plural noun have a plural verb. You could also say the summer vacations are over.

Is vacation an American word?

Vacation is an American term and is used for when someone goes to another place for a break. Holiday is used in both American and British English. American – A holiday is a time of year when people are celebrating a festival, usually religious. That’s why when Christmas comes, Americans say Happy Holidays!

36 related questions found

Do English people use the word vacation?

Vacation isn’t used much in British English, except to refer to a period of time when a university is closed, but holiday is used in American English, where it means a national, legal day off, like Thanksgiving or Independence Day. So, if you’re in America, it’s possible to have a holiday during a vacation.

What holiday mean in us?

In American English, a holiday is a single day or group of days when people do not work, often to commemorate an important event. In British English, a day like this is called a bank holiday or a public holiday.

How do you ask someone for vacation?

Happy travels!

  1. What surprised you the most?
  2. What was the biggest difference in how people live there, compared to here?
  3. How was the language barrier/your ability to communicate with people?
  4. What did you do for transportation?
  5. What super-touristy thing did you do that was surprisingly awesome?

What is the meaning of summer vacation?

Summer vacation or summer break is a school break in summer between school years and the break in the school academic year.

Do we say holiday or holidays?

We use the plural noun holidays and holiday in similar ways: We are all going to Croatia for our holidays this year. We are all going to Croatia for our holiday this year.

Do we say vacations?

They are essentially the same. The first, using the singular vacation rather than the plural vacations, might allow for the idea that you are talking only about this year’s Summer and Winter vacation. Unlikely.

What is the plural form of grocery store?

The plural form of grocery store is grocery stores.

How many days should a vacation be?

According to research published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, the ideal length of a vacation is exactly eight days. As the researchers noted, a vacationer will feel an increase of happiness over the first several days of vacation, with that feeling peaking on the eighth day, The Times-Picayune explained.

Are vacations necessary?

Studies have shown that taking time away from the job can have physical and mental health benefits. People who take vacations have lower stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life, and more motivation to achieve goals.

What does have a nice vacation mean?

A vacation is traveling somewhere, to a cottage or another country. For holidays, when there is time off but someone is doing anything, «Have a good holiday». If someone is going to Hawaii «Have a nice vacation!» See a translation.

Is vacation pay same as PTO?

The terms PTO and vacation often are used interchangeably by employees, but they’re not actually the same thing. PTO is considered to be any time an employee is getting paid while away from work—it’s more all-encompassing than “vacation.” Think of it like this: all vacation is PTO while not all PTO is vacation.

Where should I go on vacation this summer 2020?

From classic American destinations to even a surprise European entrée, below are the 10 best places to travel this summer.

  • Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Getty Images. …
  • Montecito, California. …
  • Mykonos, Greece. …
  • San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. …
  • Watch Hill, Rhode Island. …
  • Ojai, California. …
  • Montego Bay, Jamaica. …
  • Sonoma County, California.

Why is school off in the summer?

It’s commonly believed that school kids started taking summers off in the 19th century so that they’d have time to work on the farm. … They went to school during the hottest and coldest months and stayed home during the spring and fall, when crops needed to be planted and harvested.

Is in summer or on summer?

‘In summer‘ usually refers to a typical summer activity/occasion as in: In summer we enjoy the benefits a garden has to offer. ‘In the summer’ often refers to a particular summer and often after summer has finished as in: In the summer we decided to redecorate our house. That’s right, of course.

What do you say to someone coming back from vacation?

What do you say to someone coming back from vacation?

  1. You’ll soon be able to get back to your previous routine.
  2. Hope you’ll once again learn to enjoy working.
  3. It’s noble of you to come back to work after the holidays.
  4. You’ll like being back at work now that you’ve been promoted and gotten a pay raise.

How do you talk about vacation?

The first set are basic questions that usually require some basic details to be answered:

  1. Where did you go?
  2. When did you go?
  3. Who did you go with?
  4. How did you get there?
  5. What did you do during the day?
  6. What did you do at nights?
  7. What did you eat?
  8. Did you enjoy your last vacation?

What is the most popular holiday in America?

Americans’ favorite holiday: Christmas

Christmas is the favorite national holiday in the United States, placed before Thanksgiving. It is celebrated on the 25th of December, as Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus. Approximately 85 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas.

What is the most celebrated holiday in the world?

Top 15 Most Celebrated Holidays Around the World

  • Valentine’s Day. When: February 14. …
  • Easter. When: March/April/May. …
  • Christmas. When: December 25. …
  • Thanksgiving. When: 4th Thursday in November (U.S.) …
  • St. Patrick’s Day. …
  • Halloween. When: October 31. …
  • New Year. When: January 1. …
  • Chinese New Year.

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