Word for think they know everything

It’s never nice when you have to deal with someone who thinks they know everything. They often think they’re smarter than you, which can be a really grating thing to deal with. This article will explore some of the best words you can use to refer to people like this.

Best Words for Someone Who Thinks They Know Everything

The preferred words are “know-it-all,” “smart aleck,” and “smarty pants.” All of these words work to show that someone thinks they know a lot sarcastically. They often want to act as if they know better than people, even when those people realize that they are just faking it.


“Know-it-all” is one of the most common words you can use to refer to someone who thinks they know everything. It’s a very common informal synonym that native speakers use negatively toward other people.

It’s an insulting word that works when you’re trying to show that you don’t care what someone knows. It’s often used when someone thinks they know more than you, even if they don’t have the information to prove it.

The definition of “know-it-all,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who thinks that they know much more than other people.”

  • Jessie is such a know-it-all. Nobody wants to hang out with us anymore because she always acts like she knows everything.
  • You don’t have to be such a know-it-all. You can just let other people say things without trying to tell them whether they’re right.
  • I’ve always thought of him as a bit of a know-it-all. I’ve never liked the way he’s spoken to his friends about stuff like that.

Smart Aleck

“Smart aleck” is an idiomatic expression you can use to refer to someone who thinks they know a lot. It works when you’re referring to someone who tries to appear smart, even when it’s clear that that isn’t the case with the other people around them.

The definition of “smart aleck,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who tries to appear smart or who answers questions in a funny way that annoys other people.”

  • He’s a smart aleck, and he’s very annoying about these kinds of things. I wouldn’t pay too much attention to what he has to say.
  • Don’t listen to that smart aleck. He’ll always try to say something that makes him sound cleverer than he actually is.
  • We all know she’s a smart aleck, so we should all tell her how we feel. We need to air our grievances before it’s too late.

Smarty Pants

“Smarty pants” is another colloquial phrase you can use to insult someone for thinking they’re intelligent. If they’ve come out with a flippant comment that makes them sound like they know better than you, it’s appropriate to say “smarty pants.”

“Smarty pants” is a very mild insult. It’s not directly supposed to upset the person you’re talking to, but it’s supposed to remind them that they don’t know everything.

The definition of “smarty pants,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who wants to appear to be clever.”

  • Stop being such a smarty pants! Nobody is impressed by your comments! We already know most of those things too.
  • I’m a smarty pants through and through. I won’t apologize for being smarter than everyone! I know I’m able to think better than most.
  • He’s a smarty pants, and many of us don’t want to see him again. He’s too much to bear. We just want him to leave.


“Self-righteous” is a decent synonym you can use in this context. It shows that someone thinks their knowledge or ideas are better than other people’s. They will refuse to give other people’s ideas the light of day because of how much better a self-righteous person thinks theirs are.

The definition of “self-righteous,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “believing that your ideas and behavior are morally better than those of other people.”

  • Would you please stop being so self-righteous all the time? There’s so much more to life than trying to bring other people down.
  • You’re very self-righteous. What makes you think that you know any more about this type of stuff than I do?
  • I’m not saying you’re self-righteous, but you’re certainly close to that. I don’t really know how to talk to you anymore.


“Big-headed” relates to someone feeling more important or more intelligent than those around them. While they might not have a physically “big head,” the term is used to show that someone is very conceited and arrogant.

The definition of “big-headed,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “thinking that you are more important or more intelligent than you really are.”

  • She’s big-headed in all the bad ways. I don’t think I’ve ever had a conversation with her that I’ve actually enjoyed.
  • Without sounding too big-headed, I do know what we need to do next. If you will all listen to me, I can get us out of this.
  • They’re both too big-headed for their own good. They’re only going to end up getting themselves into more trouble than it’s worth.


“Overconfident” works well when you know that someone is acting one way but they can’t back it up. If someone is acting like they are smarter than you, they might be overconfident because they’re lacking in other areas and feel like they need to make up for those deficits.

The definition of “overconfident,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “having or showing too much confidence.”

  • You come across as overconfident, and that’s not a good thing. I think it’s quite clear that you’re not ready to take on the challenge.
  • You’re overconfident, and it’s going to be your downfall. You’re clearly not as smart as most of the other men around here.
  • Aren’t you being a little overconfident? Surely, there’s more to this than you realize. You need to open your eyes a little wider!


“Hubris” is a great noun you can use to relate to this context. You can use it when someone is too proud and acts in a way that makes them seem more important than other people. This pride can be closely linked to the superior knowledge that someone thinks they have.

The definition of “hubris,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a way of talking or behaving that is too proud.”

  • Your own hubris is going to be your downfall. I don’t know when it’s going to happen, but I can tell you that it’s going to be big.
  • I’m sure I’ve told you to bring your hubris back a little bit. It’s too intense, and people are going to start hating you for it.
  • It was his hubris that brought him down in the end. We all knew that he couldn’t handle being the least intelligent person in the room.


“Braggart” relates to someone who likes to boast about themselves. This can relate to any character trait, so it’s not uncommon to hear someone brag about how much smarter they are than other people.

The definition of “braggart,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who proudly talks a lot about himself or herself and his or her achievements or possessions.”

  • Sandra is a braggart. She’s always flailing her arms around, trying to tell everyone just how wonderfully smart she is. It’s annoying.
  • You’re a bit too much of a braggart for my liking. You need to take it down a notch or two. Nobody cares about what you know.
  • I know you’re a braggart for the sake of it. I’m not going to sink to your level, though. I’m going to rise above it.


“Blowhard” is a great way to show that someone thinks they’re important. They will often try to talk about themselves and the things they know. Other people usually zone them out or ignore them, but blowhards tend to have some of the loudest voices in a room.

The definition of “blowhard,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who likes to talk about how important they are.”

  • Oh, there goes the blowhard! He’s always talking about how superior he is. It’s about time that we put him in his place.
  • I get that you’re a blowhard by nature, but you really need to bring it down a peg or two. It’s getting too much to bear.
  • She’s a bit of a blowhard. I don’t think there’s anything we can do to bring her back to reality, though.


“Sanctimonious” is a bit more specific than some of the others. It relates to someone feeling superior in knowledge based on their moral or religious beliefs. If other people don’t agree with their beliefs, sanctimonious people consider them to be stupid.

The definition of “sanctimonious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “showing that you believe you are morally better, or more religious.”

  • You’re so sanctimonious. It’s no wonder that all of your friends have decided to stop talking to you. I can hardly listen to you.
  • Stop being sanctimonious. It’s not a good look, and you’re turning everyone away from you. Start being more inclusive.
  • I’m sanctimonious. I get that, and I’m really trying to work on it. I’ve been told it a few times before, to be honest.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

conceited. someone who is conceited behaves in a way that shows they think they are very intelligent, skillful, or attractive.

In this post

  • 1 What to call a person who thinks they know everything?
  • 2 What’s a word for someone who always thinks they are right?
  • 3 What do you call a person who thinks they know everything but doesn t?
  • 4 What causes a know-it-all personality?
  • 5 How do you deal with someone who thinks they’re always right?
  • 6 What do you call a person who never admits they’re wrong?
  • 7 What do you call a know it all?
  • 8 What do you call someone who justifies everything they do?
  • 9 How do you shut down a know it all?
  • 10 Is a know it all a narcissist?
  • 11 How do you deal with people who are know it alls?
  • 12 What is toxic personality disorder?
  • 13 How do you deal with someone who thinks they are never wrong?
  • 14 What do you call someone who always starts arguments?
  • 15 What do you call a person that never apologizes?
  • 16 Can a narcissist admit they are wrong?
  • 17 What does it mean when someone tries to justify their actions?
  • 18 Why do I try to justify everything?
  • 19 What does it mean when you justify yourself?
  • 20 Why do I always feel the need to be right?

What to call a person who thinks they know everything?

One who is omniscient literally knows all.

What’s a word for someone who always thinks they are right?

Self-righteous is a word for someone who thinks they are always right. Stubborn is the most common word for somebody who refuses to change their opinion about something.

What do you call a person who thinks they know everything but doesn t?

someone who is conceited behaves in a way that shows they think they are very intelligent, skillful, or attractive.

What causes a know-it-all personality?

Something to Think About
Consider that the know-it-all may display this personality trait because of a deep-seated insecurity and lack of confidence. Some people who feel inferior try to act superior as a defensive mechanism.

How do you deal with someone who thinks they’re always right?

  1. Don’t take it personally.
  2. When possible, walk away from the conflict.
  3. Stay out of the blame game.
  4. Keep the conflict focused on one topic.
  5. Avoid the trap of supporting witnesses.

What do you call a person who never admits they’re wrong?

The definition of infallible is someone or something that is always perfect and right, without any errors or mistakes. An example of infallible are the decisions of God.

What do you call a know it all?

smart aleck, wise guy, braggart, brain, intellectual, windbag, wiseacre, smart-ass, smarty-pants, walking encyclopedia.

What do you call someone who justifies everything they do?

Self-righteous, or if that’s two words, sanctimonious.

How do you shut down a know it all?

Here’s how.

  1. Thank Them For Their Advice.
  2. Use The “Yes, But” Tactic.
  3. Respond In Nonthreatening Ways.
  4. Agree To Disagree.
  5. Introduce Alternative Thoughts.
  6. Start Asking Them Questions Instead.
  7. Lead By Example.
  8. Keep A Sense Of Humor.

Is a know it all a narcissist?

Extreme narcissists can be know-it-alls. They may bully, blame, and humiliate others, refusing to take responsibility for their own mistakes, explains Joseph Burgo, author of The Narcissist You Know. And they can be vindictive.

How do you deal with people who are know it alls?

8 Tips For Dealing With A Know-It-All Coworker

  1. Do you have a coworker who thinks he knows everything?
  2. Be empathetic.
  3. Pick your battles.
  4. Lead by example.
  5. Be armed with your own facts.
  6. Keep your sense of humor.
  7. Ask probing questions.
  8. Take the person aside and offer constructive feedback on their behavior.

What is toxic personality disorder?

The toxic traits of a toxic person include unsupportive and unpleasant behavior, being manipulative, judgmental, controlling, and self-centered. Such people can be the cause of various negative feelings and emotions that you may be experiencing like depression, anxiousness, worthlessness, and unhappiness.

How do you deal with someone who thinks they are never wrong?

How To Deal With A Partner Who’s NEVER Wrong

  1. Accept That the Root of That Is Pride. Or Insecurity.
  2. Avoid Personalizing Their Pride. Or Insecurity.
  3. Try to Deactivate Your “Need to Have the Last Word” Trigger. media.giphy.com.
  4. Present Things in Question Form.
  5. Get Off of the Eggshells.
  6. Create a Safe Haven for Them to Be Wrong.

What do you call someone who always starts arguments?

truculent. adjective. formal easily annoyed and always ready to argue or fight.

What do you call a person that never apologizes?

Narcissists make you believe it’s your fault
We know that narcissists don’t apologize. This can lead to something even more complex and contradictory. It might not seem like it, but narcissists struggle as well. They suffer a lot because they always feel frustrated and bitter.

Can a narcissist admit they are wrong?

Remember that you’re not at fault
A person with narcissistic personality disorder isn’t likely to admit a mistake or take responsibility for hurting you. Instead, they tend to project their own negative behaviors onto you or someone else.

What does it mean when someone tries to justify their actions?

To justify a decision, action, or idea means to show or prove that it is reasonable or necessary.

Why do I try to justify everything?

Overexplaining might be a type of response to past trauma, also known as the fawn response, Nobrega says. (The others, which you might be more familiar with, are fight, flight, and freeze.) “Fawn is a trauma response where a person reverts to people pleasing,” she explains.

What does it mean when you justify yourself?

Definition of justify oneself
: to provide an explanation for one’s actions Why should I have to justify myself when it was their fault?

Why do I always feel the need to be right?

The need to be “more right” is mostly based on fear, uncertainty, and our desire to feel connected to each other: Anxiety of abandonment. The need to be right can be a symptom of anxiety of abandonment. Many of us unconsciously worry that people close to them will leave.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the word for when you think you know everything?
  2. Whats another word for a know-it-all?
  3. What do you call someone who knows everyone?
  4. What do you call someone who pretends to know everything?
  5. What is a pretentious person?
  6. What is a person who always thinks they are right?
  7. What’s a word for a controlling person?
  8. What is it called when someone thinks they do no wrong?
  9. How do you deal with someone who always thinks they are right?
  10. What is someone who thinks they are better than others?
  11. How do you argue with someone who is never wrong?
  12. How do you argue intelligently?
  13. What is a quidnunc?
  14. What does a Cruciverbalist mean?
  15. What is a medler?
  16. What does Sesquipedalian mean?
  17. What is the meaning of Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?
  18. What does Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness mean?
  19. What does Pellucidity mean?
  20. What does loquacious mean?
  21. What is a Librocubicularist?
  22. What is a Nemophilist?
  23. What is a logophile mean?
  24. Who is someone who is good with words?
  25. What is a loquacious woman?
  26. How do you describe someone who talks a lot?
  27. What is a loquacious pedant?

Contemptuous, disdainful, insolent (kind of, depending on the situation), lordly, overbearing, egotistic, presumtuous, arrogant, pretentious… ? I would just use know-it-all. Or, if I really wanted to make a point I’d use them all in one long hateful sentence.

Whats another word for a know-it-all?

Find another word for know-it-all. In this page you can discover 25 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for know-it-all, like: smart aleck, wise guy, smarty, brash, walking encyclopedia, witling, smarty-pants, know-all, wisenheimer, wiseacre and malapert.

What do you call someone who knows everyone?

The neighborhood quidnunc is the person who seems to always know everyone’s business. Quidnunc is archaic — it’s hardly ever used these days. It’s too bad, because it’s a fun way to describe a busybody or rumormonger.

What do you call someone who pretends to know everything?

Use the adjective disingenuous to describe behavior that’s not totally honest or sincere. It’s disingenuous when people pretend to know less about something than they really do.

What is a pretentious person?

(prɪtɛnʃəs ) adjective. If you say that someone or something is pretentious, you mean that they try to seem important or significant, but you do not think that they are. [disapproval]

What is a person who always thinks they are right?

People who always think they are totally right are either borderline personality disorder, narcissist, or both. It is their ego’s reaction to the fear of being exposed, they can’t even be honest with themselves. Tthey actually believe they are right because they filter the facts that they are willing to perceive.

What’s a word for a controlling person?

Controlling Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for controlling?

domineering manipulative
overbearing tyrannical
despotic autocratic
authoritative authoritarian
peremptory bossy

What is it called when someone thinks they do no wrong?

The definition of infallible is someone or something that is always perfect and right, without any errors or mistakes.

How do you deal with someone who always thinks they are right?

  1. Stay Calm and Cool.
  2. Recognize What’s Really Going On.
  3. Understand the Scope of Right and Wrong.
  4. Why Does it Matter?
  5. Dealing with an Imbalanced Relationship.
  6. Appeal to Their Higher Self.
  7. Stay Away From Heated Topics.
  8. Don’t Fight About It.

What is someone who thinks they are better than others?

adjective. someone who is arrogant thinks they are better or more important than other people and behaves in a way that is rude and too confident.

How do you argue with someone who is never wrong?

How to Win an Argument with Someone Who is Never Wrong …

  1. stay calm and strong.
  2. support claims with evidence.
  3. state facts vs opinions.
  4. choose your battles wisely.
  5. stay away from sarcasm.
  6. consider alternatives.
  7. let it go.

How do you argue intelligently?


  1. Stay calm. Even if you get passionate about your point you must stay cool and in command of your emotions.
  2. Use facts as evidence for your position.
  3. Ask questions.
  4. Use logic.
  5. Appeal to higher values.
  6. Listen carefully.
  7. Be prepared to concede a good point.
  8. Study your opponent.

What is a quidnunc?

: a person who seeks to know all the latest news or gossip : busybody.

What does a Cruciverbalist mean?

: a person skillful in creating or solving crossword puzzles.

What is a medler?

a person who tries to change or have an influence on things that are not their responsibility: Critics of the war are hypocritical meddlers. He is a troublemaker, an unwelcome meddler. See. meddle.

What does Sesquipedalian mean?

1 : having many syllables : long sesquipedalian terms. 2 : given to or characterized by the use of long words a sesquipedalian television commentator.

What is the meaning of Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary — and, in an ironic twist, is the name for a fear of long words. Sesquipedalophobia is another term for the phobia.

What does Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness mean?

Originally Answered: What does “Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness” mean? It means “the use of a lot of unnecessarily long words,” especially when speaking.

What does Pellucidity mean?

1 : admitting maximum passage of light without diffusion or distortion a pellucid stream. 2 : reflecting light evenly from all surfaces.

What does loquacious mean?

Loquacious is an adjective we use to describe someone who talks easily, fluently, and a lot.

What is a Librocubicularist?

What Is a ‘Librocubicularist’? A fancy word for someone who reads in bed. The sesquipedalian librocubicularist is the name for a person who reads books in bed.

What is a Nemophilist?

One who is fond of forest or forest scenery; a haunter of the woods.

What is a logophile mean?

: a lover of words.

Who is someone who is good with words?


What is a loquacious woman?

1 : full of excessive talk : wordy. 2 : given to fluent or excessive talk : garrulous.

How do you describe someone who talks a lot?

A loquacious person talks a lot, often about stuff that only they think is interesting. You can also call them chatty or gabby, but either way, they’re loquacious. Of course, if you’ve got nothing to say, a loquacious person might make a good dinner companion, because they’ll do all the talking.

What is a loquacious pedant?

As adjectives the difference between pedant and loquacious is that pedant is pedantic while loquacious is talkative or chatty, especially of persons given to excess conversation.

they that think they know everything, know nothing


«люди, которые думают, что знают всё, не знают ничего»

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. — М.: «Русский язык-Медиа»..

Смотреть что такое «they that think they know everything, know nothing» в других словарях:

  • know — know1 W1S1 [nəu US nou] v past tense knew [nju: US nu:] past participle known [nəun US noun] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(have information)¦ 2¦(be sure)¦ 3¦(be familiar with somebody/something)¦ 4¦(realize)¦ 5¦(skill/experience)¦ 6¦(know somebody s qualities)¦ 7… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • know — 1 verb past tense knew, past participle known INFORMATION 1 (intransitive, transitive not in progressive) to have information about something: Who knows the answer? | Do you happen to know the time? | When are they arriving? Maybe Mrs. Mott knows …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • know — v. & n. v. (past knew; past part. known) 1 tr. (often foll. by that, how, what, etc.) a have in the mind; have learnt; be able to recall (knows a lot about cars; knows what to do). b (also absol.) be aware of (a fact) (he knows I am waiting; I… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Everything That Happens Will Happen Today — Everything That Happens Will Happen Today …   Wikipedia

  • Nothing Good Happens After 2 A.M. — Nothing Good Happens After 2 A.M. How I Met Your Mother episode Episode no. Season 1 Episode 18 Directed by Pamela Fryman Writt …   Wikipedia

  • That Mitchell and Webb Look — Format Comedy sketch show Starring David Mitchell Robert …   Wikipedia

  • that — I [[t]ðæ̱t[/t]] DEMONSTRATIVE USES ♦ (Please look at category 20 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.) 1) PRON You use that to refer back to an idea or situation expressed in a previous sentence or… …   English dictionary

  • Mr. Know It All — Single by Kelly Clarkson from the album Stronger Released September 5, 2011 …   Wikipedia

  • The Chaser’s War on Everything — season two intertitle Genre Comedy, Satire Created by The Chaser …   Wikipedia

  • Don’t Let Me Be the Last to Know — Single by Britney Spears from the album Oops! …   Wikipedia

  • Dying Changes Everything — House episode Episode no. Season 5 Episode 1 Directed by Deran Sarafian …   Wikipedia

If someone thinks they are always doing the right thing, and believes others are wrong, what would I call them?

Say, for example, I did something that person considers wrong. But then on another occasion, the same person does the same thing I did and believes they are right. So they feel like they’re an exception, but at the same time, others are wrong and can’t act like that.

Decapitated Soul's user avatar

asked Apr 24, 2014 at 12:00

Ryan's user avatar



confident of one’s own righteousness, esp. when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.

Also from Wikipedia:

Self-righteousness (also called sanctimoniousness, sententiousness, and holier-than-thou attitudes) is a feeling or display of (usually smug) moral superiority derived from a sense that one’s beliefs, actions, or affiliations are of greater virtue than those of the average person.

Self-righteous individuals are often intolerant of the opinions and behaviors of others.

Also pharisaical fits to your example:

Someone who is pharisaical preaches one thing and then does another — not a good trait for politicians or even playground pals.

Why use pharisaical when you could say hypocritical? In general, you would probably use the word in especially severe cases of hypocrisy, particularly when someone is not only a hypocrite, but acts superior and is being particularly annoying about it.

Community's user avatar

answered Apr 24, 2014 at 15:53

ermanen's user avatar


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Consider the definition found in the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, found online at education.yahoo.com for the term know-it-all

One who claims to know everything and rejects advice or information from others.

answered Apr 24, 2014 at 12:20

bib's user avatar


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A big-headed or overconfident person may fit your description.

answered Apr 24, 2014 at 12:23

from vocabulary.com:

Hubris is an excess of confidence: a boxer who shouts «I’m the greatest!» even though he’s about to get pummeled by a much stronger opponent is displaying a lot of hubris.

Hubris is from Greek, where it meant «excessive pride, violating the bounds set for humans» and was always punished by the gods. We no longer have the Greek gods, so in English it just refers to over-the-top self-confidence. If you call yourself the best in something, you better have the goods to back it up, since too much hubris can lead to embarrassment and humiliation. It’s an age-old human failing: pride goeth before the fall.

from Merriam-Webster.com:

noun ˈhyü-brəs

: a great or foolish amount of pride or confidence

Examples of HUBRIS

His failure was brought on by his hubris.

Community's user avatar

answered Sep 18, 2014 at 13:08

Saeid's user avatar


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You could go with grandiose, which makes it clear that this is an unrealistic sense of superiority that they are carrying around with them.

… a sustained view of oneself as better than others that causes the narcissist to view others with disdain or as inferior — as well as to a sense of uniqueness: the belief that few others have anything in common with oneself and that one can only be understood by a few or very special people.

answered Apr 24, 2014 at 13:20

LindaCamillo's user avatar


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«Do as I say, not as I do,» i.e. take my advise, even though I’m acting contrary to it.

That person is a hypocrite.

answered Apr 24, 2014 at 23:51

Elian's user avatar


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When the talk is about the knowledge the closest term will be:

  • know-all | know-it-all (noun British informal) – a person who acts as though he or she knows everything and who dismisses the opinions, comments, or suggestions of others.
    noun: know-all; plural noun: know-alls; noun: knowall; plural noun: knowalls

The closest informal synonyms would be:

  • smart alecknoun, a person making wise remarks;
  • wiseacrenoun, one who claims full knowledge;
  • braggartnoun, a person who talks boastingly;

or even synonyms which describe even more negative attitude alike:

  • smart-arse | smart-assnoun, a person who is irritating because they behave as if they know everything;
  • smarty-pantsnoun, someone who wants to appear to be clever.

You may also consider the adjective arrogant, but the meaning would be a bit different – «a person having exaggerated self-opinion».

answered Oct 25, 2016 at 12:44

Farside's user avatar


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Consider «Psychopath» or «Sociopath» or «Narcissist»

Such people are known as narcissists and will hate you if you find fault with them. You cannot win with such people. They have a grandiose, inflated sense of self-importance. Narcissism is a mental illness and a serious personality disorder.

Isabel Archer's user avatar

answered Apr 24, 2014 at 23:33

Oldcat's user avatar


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I think, they are Castigator type person.

answered Apr 24, 2014 at 13:19

kuldeep's user avatar


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In extreme form, the term megalomaniac might fit.

answered Apr 24, 2014 at 23:55

GMB's user avatar


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«Arrogant» is the right word to use. It also delivers the meaning that they are very proud of themselves and underrate others.

answered Sep 18, 2014 at 9:42

Unihedron's user avatar


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Переводы в словарях Lingvo

smart ass? — человек, который всех раздражает тем, что думает, что знает все (или сарказмом)s ass

Есть же в словаре, посмотрите, прямо в этой программе. У слова много значений, какой смысл перечислять их все, не зная контекстаassumption

Если бы они не знали ничего другого кроме того, что их народы (страны) будут однородны в настоящее время, они не были бы бесконечно разнообразны.Had they experienced nothing but that, their nations would be homogeneous today, not endlessly diverse.

Если бы они не знали ничего другого, их народы были бы однородны в настоящее время, и не было бы такого бесконечного многообразия.had they experienced nothing but that , their nations would be homogeneous today, not endlessly diverse.

Но проблема в том, что многие люди не знают ничего о правильном питанииBut the problem is that many people do not know anything about nutrition

Если бы они не знали ничего другого кроме того, что их страны будут однородны в настоящее время, а не бесконечно разнообразны.Had they experienced nothing but that, their nations would be homogeneous today, not endlessly diverse.

неnot; no, not…any; no; without

не знаюMusic is the art of thinking with sounds

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

они знают все

они все знают

что знают все

им все известно

что знает все

им известно все

что все знает

они узнают все

она знает все

Они в курсе всего

Unfortunately, some think they know everything.

Stay away from the people who think they know everything and instead, use these up-to-date tips on purchasing property…

Держитесь подальше от людей, которые думают, что они знают все и вместо этого используют эти современные советы по приобретению недвижимости.

Keep away from people who act like they know everything.

Избегайте людей, которые действуют так, как будто они все знают.

A dangerous thing happens when people think they know everything.

Это обычный случай, когда людям кажется, что они все знают.

I’m used to stroppy kids thinking they know everything.

Я привык к строптивым детям, которые думают, что знают все.

People who think they know everything.

They think they know everything and usually do.

Они считают, что знают все, и, как правило, так оно и есть.

Many people think they know everything about Franklin.

Most people think they know everything about their partner.

Большинство людей считают, что знают все о своих способностях.

Leaders who think they know everything better than anyone else in their organization is likely to fail.

Лидеры, которые считают, что знают все лучше, чем кто-либо другой в своей организации, вероятно, терпят неудачу.

Worse, some people are obviously incompetent in a particular subject yet confidently insist that they know everything.

Хуже того, некоторые люди явно некомпетентны в определенной теме, но уверенно настаивают на том, что они знают все.

Again, this is because they already believe they know everything.

Опять же, это потому, что они уже верят, что знают все.

Therefore, they know everything about the influence of different forces on hydraulic structures.

Так что они знают все о влиянии разных сил на гидротехнические сооружения.

In other words, poor performers believe they know everything in a particular subject and therefore they tend to be overconfident about it.

Другими словами, плохие исполнители считают, что они знают все по определенной теме, и поэтому они склонны быть слишком самоуверенными в этом.

Unsuccessful people think they know everything already.

Don’t believe people who claim that they know everything.

It’s like they know everything about us.

Как будто они знают все о нас. как будто кто-то рассказывает им…

It’s no secret, they know everything about everything.

Leaders who feel they know everything much better than any individual else in their organization are probably to are unsuccessful.

Лидеры, которые считают, что знают все лучше, чем кто-либо другой в своей организации, вероятно, терпят неудачу.

Humble people do not believe that they know everything.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 396. Точных совпадений: 396. Затраченное время: 195 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Nothing’s more dangerous than the confused when


think they know something.

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The DEA doesn’t believe him and think they know how to nail him:


bring in Tuco’s uncle Hector to identify him, but Hector refuses to cooperate with the authorities.

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они приводят дядю Туко, чтобы опознать его, но он отказывается сотрудничать с властями.


think they know where the three airmen are, who’s got them and how to get them back.

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Они думают, что знают, где находятся военнослужащие, кто их похитил и как их вернуть обратно.

I guess it just proves that being dismissed by people who think they know better is not an obstacle to winning a Nobel prize.

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Я думаю, это доказывает,


если ты отвергнут людьми, которые считают, что знают лучше, это никак не помешает выиграть Нобелевскую премию.

Especially if it comes from good men who think they know the mind of Christ better than



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Особенно если подобное отношение будет со стороны« хороших» людей, которые думают, что знают ум Христов лучше других.

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Results: 47,
Time: 0.0226





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