Word for things you need to do

What is the word for something that you have to do (mainly because someone is expecting you to do), even though you don’t want to do it, but you still do it. In other words, doing something that you are not interested in doing.

Example: Jenny hates babysitting her niece, but she has to do it for the sake of her sister and the love she has for her niece.

Community's user avatar

asked Jun 30, 2016 at 2:22

E.Groeg's user avatar


Perhaps you are thinking of an «obligation

See the definition at dictionary.com (link direct to word entry).

1) something by which a person is bound or obliged to do certain things, and which arises out of a sense of duty or results from custom, law, etc.

DCShannon's user avatar


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answered Jun 30, 2016 at 2:55

vpn's user avatar


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Housework that must be done is usually called a chore, whether it is done in the house or not.

Cambridge Dictionary

chore noun
A job or piece of work that is often boring or unpleasant but needs to be done regularly

answered Jun 30, 2016 at 8:58

dotancohen's user avatar


2,9351 gold badge30 silver badges39 bronze badges


I think the words burden and onus might be what you’re looking for. In particular, they both have the sense of a responsibility which is unwanted.

burden: that which is borne with difficulty; obligation; onus

onus: a difficult or disagreeable obligation, task, burden, etc.

answered Jun 30, 2016 at 5:48

ThomasW's user avatar


3411 silver badge5 bronze badges


I would call that a duty.

Duty doesn’t necessarily carry the connotation of something you don’t want to do, but it isn’t usually used to describe something that you’re excited about doing, but rather something that you need to do due to an external impetus.

From Merriam-Webster:

2 a: obligatory tasks, conduct, service, or functions that arise from one’s position (as in life or in a group)

3 a: a moral or legal obligation

Community's user avatar

answered Jun 30, 2016 at 16:54

DCShannon's user avatar


2,1071 gold badge17 silver badges26 bronze badges


  1. the laying on of something as a burden or obligation.
  2. something imposed, as a burden or duty.
  3. the act of imposing by or as if by authority.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary

answered Jun 30, 2016 at 17:50

blues's user avatar


2551 gold badge2 silver badges6 bronze badges


Jenny hates babysitting her niece, but she has to go through the motions the sake of her sister and the love she has for her niece.

go through the motions — to do something because you are expected to do it and not because you want to (often in continuous tenses) These days when we go out, cook a meal together or even make love, I get the feeling that he’s just going through the motions.
— Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd ed.

answered Jun 30, 2016 at 9:25

k1eran's user avatar


22.4k6 gold badges50 silver badges89 bronze badges

Another common one would be responsibility

Cambridge Dictionary

responsibility — noun
Something that it is your job or duty to deal with

answered Jul 1, 2016 at 0:39

BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft's user avatar

To do something begrudgingly is to give or expend with reluctance or resentment.

You can also begrudge a task, that is to be reluctant or resentful about it.

answered Jun 30, 2016 at 14:04

ognockocaten's user avatar


Necessary Evil perhaps?

Something you dislike doing but just has to be done.

For Jenny, babysitting her niece is a necessary evil. She really dislikes doing it but she has to for the sake of her sister and the love she has for her niece.

answered Jun 30, 2016 at 11:32

JimXC's user avatar


192 bronze badges

In one word, «duty«, as mentioned already in another answer, but there is an expression that perfectly fits your scenario, it is imported from French but used this way (in French) in English:

Noblesse oblige
is a French phrase literally meaning «nobility obliges». It denotes the concept that nobility extends beyond mere entitlements and requires the person who holds such status to fulfill social responsibilities, particularly in leadership roles.

In common practice, and the phrase exists in Spanish as well, it means that you do something out of noble duty (without bitterness) as a result of your elevated status (in your provided example, the status being «loving aunt/sister»).

answered Jul 2, 2016 at 1:02

insaner's user avatar


7651 gold badge7 silver badges14 bronze badges

You may use forced.

She isn’t really interested in doing it but is forced to do it for her sister and the love she has for her niece.

However, I think it depends on the situation. As you’re talking about babysitting here, you may use a more passive word, unlike forced. I’d prefer obliged
as mentioned in the other answer.

answered Jun 30, 2016 at 17:58

Yashwanth Reddy's user avatar

No Catlicks on this site? It’s called penance, my friends.

(Please note: It’s possible that only Catholics use this word for the purpose described in the question. — we’re conditioned that way.)

answered Jul 1, 2016 at 22:54

Oldbag's user avatar


13.2k20 silver badges41 bronze badges

Most of the time, it’s not too much of a challenge to describe the things we do everyday. We eat. We sleep. We talk. But what about stretching your arms after you wake up, or that sound of your stomach rumbling at lunchtime? Did you know there are single words for those everyday occurrences as well? Get ready to sound a whole lot smarter, because we’ve rounded up 30 words for things you do every day that you never knew had a name.

man fidgeting in front of a laptop, things you do that you didn't know had words


We’ve all been guilty of boondoggling—probably more than we’d like to admit. It’s the act of doing work that has little to no value just for the sake of looking busy. And trust us, your boss knows.

writing Life Easier


Make sure you take it slow when you jot down your grocery list. Because if you don’t, your griffonage, or illegible handwriting, could lead to you buying Cheerios when you really needed cheese.

microphone bad jokes


If you’re one of the millions of people who thought ‘NSYNC’s hit song was a springtime tune called «It’s Gonna Be May» (instead of the actual title, «It’s Gonna Be Me), you can call that mondegreen, which is what happens when you mishear a lyric that changes the meaning of a song.

Man Holding His Stomach Out of Hunger Commonly Misused Phrases


That rumbling feeling in your stomach when you’re hungry? That’s wambling, and it means you need to take your lunch break ASAP.

confused older woman, every day words


Have you ever said «biting my time» instead of «biding my time»? That’s an eggcorn, which is when you mistakenly use a word or phrase because it sounds similar to the one you meant to use.

rubbing eyes, astonishing facts


If you rub your eyes too hard, you might start seeing phosephenes. Those are the bright spots you see when you close your eyes and put pressure on them.

woman soaking in sun in the winter as she lacks vitamin D


That magical moment when you feel the warm sun on your face on a cold day? That’s apricity, a name for the heat from the sun in winter.

woman trying to scratch her back between shoulders, everyday words


The acnestis is the part of your back that you just can’t reach, although we’d bet that you try and scratch it at least a few times a day.

coffee cup with a lid


Grabbing your morning coffee? Make sure you grab a zarf so you don’t burn your hands! That’s the cardboard holder you put around your coffee so you can hold it.

Asian man sits up in bed late at night with plate of noodles, things you didn't know there were words for


We’re sure you were told multiple times not to do this while you were growing up. In British English, accubation is the act of eating or drinking while lying down.

woman confused and thinking, weighing two choices, every day words


Your bad habits have a name: akrasia, or the act of doing something contrary to what you know is best. For example, a good example of akrasia would be going on a shopping spree at Target when you know you don’t have the extra cash.

person turning off tv


Electronic devise not working? Well, have you tried turning it off then turning it back on? That’s called power cycling.

older man with hairy ear, things you didn't know there were words for


Got that ringing in your ears? No, you’re not going crazy. It’s called tinnitus and many people experience it—with a large amount of people believing the sound is in E flat.

girl laying in bed with her legs out, every day words


A similarly annoying occurrence is the tingling you feel when your leg falls asleep. This is called paresthesia, i.e. the «pins and needles» feeling that can occur in any part of the body.

woman lying sick in bed with serious cold symptoms a headache and a fever


If you’re finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning, you’re experiencing dysania. While it’s not formally recognized, some people consider it to be an actual medical condition, according to WebMD.

Man Holding His Stomach in Pain, health questions after 40


You know that feeling you get before you speak in front of a large crowd? Or before you talk to a person you’re interested in? Those butterflies are technically called collywobbles.

young shirtless man looking in mirror, make yourself more attractive


Men are usually the ones practicing pogonothrophy (especially during No Shave November)—it’s the act of growing out facial hair.

morning people


Pandiculation is the act of stretching out those stiffened muscles, usually when you’re tired or first waking up.

windowsill, new windows, increase home value


Defenstrate is the act of throwing something or someone out of a window—both of which you should probably avoid.

man looking at his clothes in the mirror


That small fuss you make over the way you’re dressed right before you leave the house? It’s called prinking—and don’t worry, you probably look great!

woman thinking, every day words


Aren’t these words just fan-freaking-tastic?! Well, that brings us to the word tmesis. It’s when you separate one word into two by inserting another word for emphasis.

man walking away, every day words


Stuck at a party you don’t want to be at? Just absquatulate, which means to leave abruptly.

women look at food at party offered by male host, things you didn't know there were words for


If someone reluctantly offers you some of their food because they saw you eyeing it, that’s a classic example of accismus. It’s the irony in which someone pretends to be disinterested in something they actually want.

little girl looking at rain on the window, every day words


The word ambedo, which has Latin roots, is described as the «melancholy trance you experience when you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details,» like when you’re listening to the raindrops on a window or watching snow fall in front of a streetlamp.

Young black man with shaved head leans against brick wall and stares into distance, things you didn't know had words


Meanwhile, the act of absent-mindedly staring without focusing on your thoughts has a Japanese term: boketto. It’s similar to daydreaming, except it involves not thinking at all. Sounds kind of nice, doesn’t it?

sad woman eating ice cream in bed, every day words


That excess weight you gain from emotional over-eating is called kummerspeck in German. It literally translates to grief bacon.

Man Cleaning Home Romance


That last-minute, panicked cleaning session you engage in right before guests come over is called scurryfunge.

two coworkers talking outside, every day words


Have you ever had that dreaded moment where you go to address someone and completely blank on their name? The term for that act of hesitation is tartle, which is actually a Scottish word.

older friends talking over coffee


If you exchange a look with someone who you know feels the same way as you, it’s called mamihlapinatapai. The word is from the endangered Yámana language, but according to linguist Thomas Bridges, it basically describes a look shared between two people.

group of friends laughing, aging quicker


Anecdoche is a group conversation in which everyone is talking just to one-up each other, but no one is really listening. For instance, when someone just has to tell you about the time they broke their leg after you explained how you had been experiencing an odd leg pain. And for more words to add to your ever-expanding vocabulary, check out these 30 Useful Yiddish Words Anyone Can Use.

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planner to do list templateplanner to do list templateplanner to do list template
There are plenty of creative options for a Microsoft to do list template for Word. This premium template is available on Envato Elements.

A to do list template doc file can be an awesome way to organize your tasks. Microsoft Word gives you the flexibility to digitally add in content or print your template and write things in by hand. If you’re looking for a to do list template Word free download, it could be a great fit for personal or family projects.

In this article, check out a list of free Word to do list templates, some design inspiration, tips, and more. 

Why Use a Premium To Do List Template Word Doc?

So, why consider a premium to-do or task list template Word template?

Free templates tend to be more simplistic, with less options. Plus, they may have limited use. If you’re looking for a Word to do list for your business, keep an eye on any applicable usage terms. Just because a download is free doesn’t mean it’s free of copyright or licensing terms.

A premium Word to do list template comes with these perks:

  • You can use the content commercially. This is perfect is you plan to use this content for business or professional purposes.
  • You get more options. This can include things like extra file types, graphics, and more page designs.
  • You often get more robust designs. Premium means professional quality.

Free is everyone’s favorite price tag, so a to do list free template for Word has its appeal. But there’s an option for price savvy users too.

Check out this awesome to do list template Word Doc. It comes with so many different page designs that you can mix, match, and print. It’s a lot more than what you’d get with a basic to do list in a free template.

word template to do listword template to do listword template to do list

Download this premium to do list template Word doc on Envato Elements.

Premium Word Doc To Do List Templates for 2022 (Unlimited Use)

If you’d like to use premium designs at a bargain price tag, then check out Envato Elements. One price gets you unlimited access to an entire library of Microsoft Word document templates. It’s an awesome deal.

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Find your next Microsoft to do list template for Word on Envato Elements.

Choose from thousands of professionally designed files and download as many as you’d like. With unlimited downloads, you can help yourself without the price tag adding up. Even better, Envato Elements also includes:

  • stock photos
  • illustrations
  • fonts
  • and more

So, you can download all kinds of professionally designed assets and incorporate them into your to do list too.

You can find plenty of other Microsoft Word templates to look at, like this Microsoft Word resume set. Download resumes, invoices, newsletters, and more, all ready to edit with Microsoft Word. Better yet, many of these templates include multiple file types for your convenience.

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This premium Microsoft Word template is available for download on Envato Elements.

But if you’re not looking for access to an entire library of content, you can also check out GraphicRiver. It’s the perfect choice for a la carte downloads. Find the perfect to do list template doc file, pay once, download it, and you’re done. 

If you’re just looking for one or two files, it’s a simple and easy choice. Check out GraphicRiver today. 

5 Premium Templates to Download Now

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the awesome content you can download on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver right now: 

1. Daily Planner Word To Do List Template

Daily Planner TemplateDaily Planner TemplateDaily Planner Template

Check out this stylish design from Envato Elements. It comes with a whole collection of pages you can customize. This is perfect for to-do lists, planners, and more.

2. To Do List Template Word

Do To List Template WordDo To List Template WordDo To List Template Word

Here’s a clean and elegantly designed to do list template for Microsoft Word. Customize it to suit your project or daily tasks. You can download this one on GraphicRiver.

3. Diet and Lifestyle Planner Task List Template Word

Diet PlannerDiet PlannerDiet Planner

This is another set of stylish layouts you can download on Envato Elements. Choose from so many different to do list and task templates. Edit them all in Microsoft Word.

4. Premium Word To Do List Planner

To Do List PlannerTo Do List PlannerTo Do List Planner

There’s other file types on Envato Elements too, like this stylish to do list. Add this JPG file to Microsoft Word to easily print it out and start using it today.

5. Clean To Do List Template Word

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This elegant Microsoft Word to do list template is an excellent choice for many projects. Download it now, on demand, on GraphicRiver. Use it as is or customize it to meet your needs.

20 Top Free MS Word Doc To Do List Template Examples to Download (2022)

Before we dig into free downloads, did you know that you can download free files on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver too?

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Each month Envato Elements offers a different selection of free files for you to try. You can also find free files each month on GraphicRiver.

The free offerings change regularly too, so it’s a great idea to check back often.

  • You can get 12 free files on Envato Elements, every month! All you’ve got to do is create a free account to take advantage of these freebies. The free downloads include things like graphics, fonts, and more.
  • There’s also free finds over on Envato Market and Graphic River. Create a free account and take advantage of the monthly free downloads today.

Now, let’s check out some awesome free downloads you can take advantage of today:

1. To Do List Template Word Free Download

to do list templateto do list templateto do list template

This free to do list template is plenty versatile. Open it in Microsoft Word and add your content. Or print it out as is and you can write in your tasks.

2. Free Weekly Task To Do List Free Template for Word

Prefer to organize your content by week? Check out this free, weekly task list template Word doc. 

3. Project Log To Do List Word

To do lists are also a great fit for project logs. Keep track of your project and all its requirements with a to do list like this free template.

4. Free Versatile Word To Do List Template

basic to do list templatebasic to do list templatebasic to do list template

Check out this to do list free template for Word. It’s well organized and could be customized to meet a wide variety of project goals. 

5. Free Microsoft Word Task List with Progress Bar

How about trying a visual addition to your to do list, like a task bar? This fun, free to do list Word template has just that. Download it free and give it a try.

6. Free Basic To Do List Template Doc

If you’re looking for something simple and clean, this free Word template might be just what you’re looking for. 

7. Free To Do List Tasks for Teaching and Education

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This to do list template was designed with teaching in mind. Customize it to meet any goal or industry. Download it free and customize it in Microsoft Word.

8. Free Project Tracker To Do List for Word

The project tracker focus on this free template could work for a wide variety of projects. Whether you’re organizing personal matters or professional ones, a to do list can help.

9. Daily Planner To Do List Template Word

Here’s another to do list free template for Word you can download today. Remember, you can take these free templates and push them further.

10. Free Word To Do List

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This to do list template Word free download is simple but has potential. Add your content or spruce it up further with custom images and colors.

11. Free Packing List for Microsoft Word

To do list templates are a great fit for packing lists too. Try this template before your next trip or adapt it into a different kind of to do list.

12. Daily Schedule Free To Do List for Word

Organize your daily schedule with this Word to do list template. It’s simple, clean, and easy to customize in Microsoft Word.

13. Free To Do List Word Task Schedule

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This task list template Word doc is great for managing tasks that span across multiple days. Get organized with this free template.

14. Free To Do List for Group Projects

Working on a group project or something else with many people? Then give this Microsoft to do list template for Word a look.

15. Blue To Do List Template Doc Free

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Here’s a blue to do list template doc that you can download for free, today. Use it as is or try mixing it up with custom colors and your own background image.

16. Custom Free Microsoft Word To Do List

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Here’s a more detailed to do list template Word doc with lots of extras. Fill in your to do list, add to the progress bar, and check out your weekly progress too.

17. Simple To Do List Template Free Word Doc

If you’re looking for something really simple, this to do list template Word free download is perfect. It’s bare bones, but you can build upon it.

18. Detailed Word To Do List Schedule Free

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You can really get detailed with your tasks in this free Microsoft Word template. Color code your tasks, take a look at a larger overview, and more. 

19. Free Exercise Planner To do List for Microsoft Word

This task list was designed with exercise in mind. But you can mix and remix it in any way you prefer, for any tasks or to-do lists.

20. Multi List Free Word To Do List Template

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Working with many to do lists in one day? Try color coding your tasks, like we see in this free Microsoft Word to do list template. Download it and try customizing it today.

5 Quick Tips To Make Better To Do Lists in Word for 2022

Trying to figure out the best to do list for your needs? Take a look at these quick tips. They’ll help you find, create, and design the perfect to do or task list:

1. Keep Things Organized

To do lists and task lists are all about organizing your content. So, make sure the list itself is well organized too. This might not seem like a big deal when your list is small but imagine larger lists. You might also have different categories of tasks, or you may have content to complete over more than one day.

Design elements can be fun, but keep in mind the functionality of your to do list. Consider whether you need to separate your tasks into sections or categories. Things like numbers, time, and date can be helpful too.

project plan to do list wordproject plan to do list wordproject plan to do list word

Use a to do list Word template to organize your tasks, like we see in this premium template from Envato Elements.

2. Type or Writing? Consider What’s Best

You’ve got a choice with your Word to do list. You could work with a to do list template doc, print it out, and then write your tasks. This is handy because you can print and reuse this list over and over again.

Or use your to do list digitally, filling it in all within Microsoft Word. This is convenient because then there’s no printing involved. DOC files can also be opened elsewhere, like in Google Docs, for your convenience.

There’s no wrong answer here, so consider what would be most convenient for you.

3. Consider Larger Uses and Reusability

To do lists and task lists have larger potential too. For example, you could work them into your bullet journal, food log, organizer, or planner. They work well for health goals, financial planning, business projects, and much more. Try incorporating your to do list with your calendar, so you can easily gauge your time. 

Do you plan to reuse your to do list? You may want to choose a to do list template doc that’s got the potential to be mixed, remixed, and reprinted.

For example, if you want to have a monthly to do list, will you make each month unique? Or leave boxes and lines, so you can fill in the dates by hand? Consider what would make your list most convenient to use and reuse.

word to do listsword to do listsword to do lists

These beautiful planner layouts work well with a Word to do list template. Download them on Envato Elements.

4. Design Can Be More Than a Pretty Face

A lovely designed to do list can make your task list more visually appealing. Visuals have the potential to help with organization too. Here are some ways design elements can help push your to do list further:

  • Consider using color as a tool to help you manage and organize your tasks.
  • Experiment with different fonts and styles, especially in new sections or headers.
  • Be careful not to overdo it. Too many design elements can make your to do list distracting and chaotic on the eyes.

5. Collaboration, Presentation, and More

There are so many possibilities when it comes to designing a to do list. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • To do lists and task lists are right at home in the classroom. Whether you’re developing a course or tackling your own studies, use lists to help you organize and track your progress.
  • Collaboration benefits from organization. Keep track of your group work with a collaborative task list. This is where services like Google Docs can be really handy. 
  • If you’re working your task list or to do list into a workbook or planner, remember to keep things visually consistent. Branding like this helps make your presentation look more professional.
  • It can be a good idea to think of functionality first. If it looks good but it doesn’t function well, the objective has been lost.

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This professionally designed workbook for Microsoft Word also uses to do lists. Download it on Envato Elements.

5 Cool Trends You Need to Try When Editing Your Microsoft Word To Do List Premium Template

A to-do list is more than just assignments on a piece of paper, there are many ways to expand your designs from something simple to a to-do list worth sharing on your social media.

In this section, we’ll share some design trends that’ll make your to do list templates’ check boxes satisfying to cross out: 

1. Choose Aesthetic Designs 

Aesthetic To Do List Premium Template for Microsoft wordAesthetic To Do List Premium Template for Microsoft wordAesthetic To Do List Premium Template for Microsoft word

Try using this aesthetic premium to do list template design

To do lists templates can be a lot of fun. So why don’t you work on a premium design that’s cool to look at? Since you’ll be updating this list regularly, make sure that it represents you. It’ll be easier going back to it in the future.

Readability is a key factor when editing a Microsoft Word to do list template. Choose fonts that help your information look stunning and easy to read. Remember, we don’t want overloaded lists that’ll stress you out later. Good-looking fonts give harmony and help you get things done instead of overlooking your tasks.

A to do list template can help you manage your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Adding a calendar to your task list template makes your life much easier. Our Daily Planner Creator Premium Template includes customizable weekly and monthly planners.

Give your task list template a personality. Edit and create sections that’ll work for you and help you stay organized. Go ahead and add charts, checklists, goals, and even inspirational quotes to keep you motivated.

We all agree that a to-do list should fit your life and be easy to access. We’ve got two options for you to make your list more portable:

Looking for even more Microsoft Word templates? Check out these inspiring collections, here on Envato Tuts+. There’s plenty of free content, design inspiration, and much more to see today.

This is your cue to start designing smart with our easy-to-use premium templates. Improve your to-do list with many design options to choose from. 

Here are five reasons to get you started with a Microsoft Word to do list template in 2022:

Start working with to do list templates now by subscribing to Envato Elements. Get access to premium design assets with unlimited downloads, commercial licenses, and more. Also, upskill your talents with free video courses and eBooks.

Join Envato Elements and start creating. 

Are you new to Microsoft Word templates? Well, you’ve come to the right place. This section answers frequent questions that might come along the way when using our to do list templates with this popular software:

Color palettes help you give harmony and cohesion to your design. This is how you create them:

Highlighting text gives more relevance to information in your Microsoft Word to do list template. Just follow these steps:

There’s plenty more to learn about Microsoft Word too. You can push your Microsoft Word skills further right here, for free, on Envato Tuts+.

How will you customize your Microsoft to do list template for Word? There are so many possibilities. From home tasks, health tracking, financial planning, to business ventures and academia, there’s so much you could do with to do and task lists.

Remember, if you’re looking for premium Microsoft Word to do list templates, check out Envato Elements. One low fee gets you unlimited access to an entire library of Microsoft Word templates, as well as fonts, graphics, and more.

Or check out GraphicRiver if you’re just looking to download one Word to do list template. It’s a great choice for single downloads.

Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Gonzalo Angulo. Gonzalo is a staff writer with Envato Tuts+. 

What is another word for thing to do?

lark activity
caper hobby
pastime task
entertainment amusement
recreation interest

In this manner, What does to a great extent mean?

Definitions of to a great extent. adverb. to a considerable degree. synonyms: heavily.

Keeping this in view, What is a list of things to do called?

checklist. noun. a list of all the things you need to do or consider.

Furthermore, What is another word for the right thing to do?

What is another word for do the right thing?

act in good conscience act in good faith
behave uprightly behave virtuously
do the decent thing do the proper thing
act ethically act morally
act properly act in a conscionable manner

What is it called when you have something to do?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Secondly, What does full extent mean?

The full extent of something is like the limit — that’s the end of it. If you’ve reached the extent of your patience, you’re out of patience. If an earthquake destroyed your house, the extent of the damage was severe. Definitions of extent. the point or degree to which something extends.

What does to a larger extent mean here?

to a large extent to some extent to a certain extent

or to some extent. phrase. You use expressions such as to a large extent, to some extent, or to a certain extent in order to indicate that something is partly true, but not entirely true. [vagueness] It was and, to a large extent, still is a good show.

How do you use to what extent?

You use expressions such as to what extent, to that extent, or to the extent that when you are discussing how true a statement is, or in what ways it is true. It’s still not clear to what extent this criticism is originating from within the ruling party.

What can I say instead of bucket list?

What is another word for bucket list?

goal aim
aspiration mission
resolution destination
Holy Grail wish
bourn bourne

What is another word for a list of items?


  • canon,
  • catalog.
  • (or catalogue),
  • checklist,
  • listing,
  • menu,
  • register,
  • registry,

What is a list called in English?

In composition, a list is a series of particular images, details, or facts. Also called a series, a catalog, an inventory, and (in classical rhetoric) enumeratio.

What it means to do the right thing?

To do “the right thing” means to make a choice among possibilities in favour of something the collective wisdom of humanity knows to be the way to act.

What does Conscionable mean?

Legal Definition of conscionable

: guided by conscience : characterized by fairness and justice — compare unconscionable. Other Words from conscionable.

Do you think is right synonym?

do what you think is right: fancy; please; think fit; like; do what you think is right.

How do you explain the extent of something?


  1. 1a : the range over which something extends : scope the extent of her jurisdiction.
  2. b : the amount of space or surface that something occupies or the distance over which it extends : magnitude the extent of the forest.
  3. c : the point, degree, or limit to which something extends using talents to the greatest extent.

What does to a certain extent mean?

◊ If you say that something is true to an extent, to some extent, or to a certain extent, you mean that it is partly but not completely true.

What does extent of problem mean?

1 the range over which something extends; scope. the extent of the damage. 2 an area or volume.

How do you say to a large extent?

to a great extent

  1. considerably.
  2. decidedly.
  3. greatly.
  4. notably.
  5. obviously.
  6. remarkably.
  7. clearly.
  8. especially.

What does to a great degree mean?

phrase. You use expressions such as to some degree, to a large degree, or to a certain degree in order to indicate that something is partly true, but not entirely true. [vagueness]

How do you say to a certain extent?

to a certain extent

  1. moderately.
  2. partly.
  3. somewhat.
  4. by degrees.
  5. by installments.
  6. fractionally.
  7. halfway.
  8. piecemeal.

How do you answer to what extent do you agree?

Conclusion. Any ‘To what extent…’ custom essay must end with a concluding summary which answers the overall question. Then conclude whether you agree the statement is true ‘to a certain extent’, ‘to a great extent‘ or ‘to a very small extent’.

What is extent example?

Extent is defined as how far something goes or extends. An example of extent is the amount of damage done by a flood. noun. 2. The space, amount, or degree to which a thing extends; size; length; breadth.

What does to what extent meaning?

: how far : how much To what extent can they be trusted?

Last Updated: 22 days ago – Authors : 15 – Contributors : 24 – References : 39 interviews and posts; 12 Videos.

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what you need to do — перевод на русский

But we’re gonna work together as a team and do what we need to do.

Но мы будем работать вместе, одной командой и делать все, что нужно.

I’ve only done what I needed to do to survive.

Я сделал только то, что нужно для выживания.

You do what you need to do to save your family.

Ты делаешь все, что нужно, чтобы спасти свою семью.

So you have about five minutes to do what you need to do before we resume.

У тебя есть 5 минут, чтобы сделать все, что нужно, пока мы не продолжили.

Do what you need to do.

Делайте всё, что нужно.

Показать ещё примеры для «что нужно»…

But I’ve thought about it and I know what I need to do.

Но я все обдумала и знаю, что делать.

well, now we know what we need to do, and i already have everything in place.

Что ж, теперь мы знаем, что делать И у меня все уже готово

— I know what I need to do now.

— Теперь я знаю, что делать.

What we need to do is get into the state of mind we were in last night. That way, we can retrace our steps. -Yeah.

Я знаю, что нам делать Мы должны вернуться во вчерашний день, чтобы вспомнить каждый наш шаг.

Just tell us what we need to do.

Просто скажи что нам делать.

Показать ещё примеры для «что делать»…

— I’ve informed him of what we need to do. He’s eager to meet Unas of other worlds.

Я сообщил ему что нам нужно сделать, Он хочет встретить Унасов с других миров.

— You know what we need to do?

— Знаешь, что нам нужно сделать?

What we need to do, with or without the cooperation of Hani is get our own man inside Al-Saleem’s tent.

То, что нам нужно сделать, с помощью Хани или без это ввести своего человека в лагерь Аль-Салима.

Look, let’s leave the choice of the place for a moment and get down to what we need to do first.

Послушай, давай оставим выбор места на минуту и займемся тем, что нужно сделать сначала.

— Just tell me what I need to do.

— Просто скажи мне, что нужно сделать.

Показать ещё примеры для «что нам нужно сделать»…

I know exactly what you need to do.

Я точно знаю, что тебе нужно делать.

What you need to do is, you need to bang the drum.

Все, что тебе нужно делать, так, это бить по барабану.

Just think about what you need to do.

Подумай, что тебе нужно делать.

I know what I need to do.

Я знаю, что мне нужно делать.

I’ve got his best friends here, and I can’t let him die. So please just tell me what I need to do.

Со мной его лучшие друзья, и я не могу позволить ему умереть пожалуйста, скажите, что мне нужно делать

Показать ещё примеры для «что тебе нужно делать»…

Go speak to your man, ’cause that’s what you need to do.

Иди поговори со своим мужиком, это именно то, что тебе надо сделать.

You know what you need to do.

Ты знаешь, что тебе надо сделать.

Yeah, but I know what you need to do now.

Да, но ты знаешь, что тебе надо сделать теперь.

You need to get back on that board… is what you need to do.

Тебе нужно вернуться на доску вот что тебе надо сделать.

You know what you need to do to be accepted in this village?

Знаешь что тебе сделать, чтобы тебя тут приняли? Что?

Показать ещё примеры для «что тебе надо сделать»…

What you need to do… is learn how to press a girl’s buttons.

Всё что ты должен сделать… это выучить как нажимать на некоторые кнопки девчонок.

That is what you need to do.

Это то, что ты должен сделать.

What you need to do is call the police.

То, что ты должен сделать — это позвонить в полицию.

Just tell me what I need to do, to make you and the supervisory more at ease.

Скажите, что я должен сделать, чтобы успокоить вас и комитет.

At least I know where Jeremy is and what I need to do.

По крайней мере, я знаю теперь, где найти Джереми и что я должен сделать.

Показать ещё примеры для «что ты должен сделать»…

Well, Adam… what we need to do… is start thinking about why we are here.

Ну что ж, Адам… мы должны подумать… Во-первых, почему мы тут оказались?

What we need to do is figure out where that is.

Мы должны проверить его.

— I think what we need to do is…

— Я думаю, мы должны…

I did what I needed to do.

Мы сделали то, что должны были.

You do what you gotta do, what you need to do. I’ve been hiding all my life.

Делайте то, что должны, что нужно сделать.

Показать ещё примеры для «мы должны»…

Do what you need to do. I’m okay.

Делайте, что необходимо, я в порядке.

That being said, if they engage us, do what you need to do.

Но имейте в виду, если они заденут нас, делайте, что необходимо.

What you need to do is freeze your eggs. I’m sorry?

Тебе необходимо заморозить яйцеклетки.

i have only done what i needed to do to survive.

Я просто делал всё необходимое для выживания.

What you need to do is make sure that when you come up on this side, it’s got to be clean brush strokes.

Необходимо всего лишь убедится, что когда красишь — не оставляешь просветов.

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  • #1

Hello there,

It is not that remote, either — just a half-hour or so from Roanoke and Lynchburg. So, before too many people catch on and commercialization takes hold, visit Smith Mountain Lake for a weekend. The first thing you’ll need to do is decide where. (Source: the book «Romantic Weekends in Virginia, Washington DC and Maryland» written by Norman Renove — 2000)

My questions:
— Are all of the following items correct to you?
— What is the difference?

A. The first thing you’ll need to do is decide where.
B. The first thing you’ll need to do is to decide where.
C. The first thing you’ll need to do is deciding where.

Thanks in advance.

  • Uncle Jack

    • #2

    A and B are the same, it is just that «to» is omitted in A because it is a repetition of the «to» before «do». The full sentence with no omissions would be:

    The first thing you’ll need to do is you’ll need to decide where.​

    Repeating «to» sounds unnatural to me.

    C probably does not work. However, since I thought that «where» had already been established (Smith Mountain Lake), the sentence does not make much sense to me, and without making sense, it is impossible to determine the correct form of words. Is this the complete sentence? Was there nothing after «where»?


    • #3

    A and B are correct, as the infinitive marker «to» is optional here.

    I see C as incorrect.

    As to whether the full infinitive is as good a choice as the bare infinitive, there are other threads, some beginning all you need to do is.. I seem to remember one particularly detailed discussion, but so far I haven’t been able to find it.

    Last edited: May 19, 2019


    • #4

    My questions:
    — Are all of the following items correct to you?
    — What is the difference?

    A. The first thing you’ll need to do is decide where. -> This sentence has a lot of ellipsis: The first thing you’ll need to do is to decide where in Virginia you want to go.

    B. The first thing you’ll need to do is to decide where.-> This has less ellipsis.

    C. The first thing you’ll need to do is deciding where. -> this has ellipsis and is wrong. The problem is a lack of parallelism ->
    The first thing you’ll need to do is deciding where. To do is the full infinitive, but deciding is a participle.
    The first thing you’ll need to do is to decide where. :thumbsup:
    The first thing you’ll be doing is deciding where.:thumbsup:


    • #5

    However, since I thought that «where» had already been established (Smith Mountain Lake), the sentence does not make much sense

    Wikipedia tells me it’s not a small lake, so maybe they are talking about the best places to choose for lodging.


    • #6

    Thank you everyone for you contribution to this thread.

    Is this the complete sentence? Was there nothing after «where»?

    Sorry, I was careless. I have already missed some words.

    A. The first thing you’ll need to do is decide where to stay.
    B. The first thing you’ll need to do is to decide where to stay.
    C. The first thing you’ll need to do is deciding where to stay.

    this has ellipsis and is wrong. The problem is a lack of parallelism

    I always thought that parallelism was some sort of arbitrary construction that intends to make your writing more effective, I didn’t see it as a must.

    Last edited: May 19, 2019



    Moderator: EHL, Arabic, Hebrew, German(-Spanish)

    • #7

    Personally, I don’t think I would ever use B.


    • #8

    Personally, I don’t think I would ever use B.

    Thank you elroy. May I know your idea about «C»? Does it work for you?

    C probably does not work. However, since I thought that «where» had already been established (Smith Mountain Lake), the sentence does not make much sense to me, and without making sense, it is impossible to determine the correct form of words. Is this the complete sentence? Was there nothing after «where»?

    Hello again Uncle Jack. Would you please tell me what do you think about «C», considering that the complete sentence has been provided in post 6?

    Uncle Jack

    • #9

    Hello again Uncle Jack. Would you please tell me what do you think about «C», considering that the complete sentence has been provided in post 6?

    I agree with other posters, and I am sure Paul has the correct explanation. Sometimes parallelism is a matter of style, but often it is a way of ensuring that two parts of a sentence follow correct grammatical rules. English often omits repeated words, as I tried to explain in post #2. If you can reconstruct the omitted words to make a grammatically correct clause that can stand on its own, then all is well, but there is no way of restoring «The first thing you’ll need to do is deciding where to stay» to turn the «deciding» clause into a grammatically correct clause:

    The first thing you’ll need to do is you’ll need deciding where to stay :cross:

    The first thing you’ll need to do is you’ll need to deciding where to stay :cross:

    Paul’s sentence, on the other hand, is fine:

    The first thing you’ll be doing is you’ll be deciding where to stay​

    I cannot imagine anyone actually saying this sentence, and in any case «you’ll be deciding where to stay» is not a natural construction in most versions of English, but it is grammatically correct, whereas your version is not.



    Moderator: EHL, Arabic, Hebrew, German(-Spanish)


    Updated on February 2, 2023 by

    Tired Person As A Symbol Of How To Stop Avoiding Things You Need To Do

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    Picture Portraying How To Stop Avoiding Things You Need To Do + Free Printable To Do List

    Do you ever feel like there are so many things you need to do but you just don’t have the energy to deal with it? It’s like you wake up every day with a gigantic task list, but all you want to do is to be left alone.

    OR you have one big, difficult task but again – you don’t even want to look at it for a second.

    You try to avoid it by doing your everyday stuff, other “just as important” thingies, trying not to think about it…

    But deep down in your heart, you know that task is not going anywhere. You start to think about it every single day, and the feeling of impending doom keeps growing and growing.


    I have to be honest. The reason I decided to write about this topic is because I have a huge task to do and I’ve been avoiding it like crazy.

    It’s boring, it’s repetitive, it’s long and basically a massive pain in the you know what – a perfect example of something you would probably avoid if you could.

    I tried to compensate for my lack of action with a lot of work on other things, like this Blog. But honestly, every single day of avoidance just makes me feel worse and worse.

    So What’s a Girl To Do?

    The good thing is I’ve been in such situations in the past.

    In fact, I’ve been in them so many times that I’ve sort of developed a method of dealing with them.

    I want to share it with you, so you don’t have to waste your time trying to figure it out on your own!

    You see, avoidance is like a vine plant – you have to pull it out with its roots or, otherwise, it will keep spreading and spreading.

    If you’re avoiding a particular task, you’re probably avoiding other important things too. It’s not the best idea to skip on important stuff so you have to stop growing that vine plant ASAP.

    3 Step Plan On How To Stop Avoiding Things You Need To Do

    1. Pull out your avoidance with its roots.

    The best way to do that is by having a perfect “Get Your Life Together” day.

    A day like this helps you to create a new attitude, prepare yourself for the work and set you on the right track. It’s also quite fun once you start with it!

    2. Make a plan.

    I know everyone is telling you the same, but honestly, it’s just how it is. If you want to help yourself to do something, you have to give yourself instructions you can follow.

    • For big, complex tasks, use a Project Planner. I can’t count how many times this tool has saved me tons of time, nerves and sanity. It helps you to make your task feel easier because you set everything you need before the start, and then tackle it step by step. It also makes the whole process much more comfortable and more enjoyable.
    • If you’re dealing with a lot of smaller tasks, make a sorted to do list  instead. Then add those tasks to a simple daily schedule. Start with the most critical tasks.

    3. Take that first step (or task).

    You’ve done your preparations so now it’s the time to take that action which shouldn’t feel that bad anymore.

    This step is essential. You don’t have to do it all at once because it’s overwhelming. But you can take a single action, which is a lot easier.

    Related: How To Start Achieving Your Goals Right Now

    Why it works

    After a good “Get Your Life Together” day you should feel refreshed and ready with the right mindset (and your mindset is vital for your success).

    After step 2, you will also have a plan that tells you exactly what to do, so the hard part of thinking is taken care of.

    And while you still may not like what you have to do, trust me, taking that first step at this point is much easier than before those first steps.

    The tasks don’t go away. We have to tackle them.

    The sooner you start, the sooner it’s finished.

    Free To Do List Printable

    When there’s stuff to do, a to-do list is everything. Lightweight, minimalistic and free To Do Checklist is based on a simple task sorting system to help you focus on most important tasks first. Write the tasks down and quickly feel less overwhelmed! It is so much easier with a list.

    To Do List Printable

    To Do List Printable

    To Do List Printable

    To get your free printable to do list, simply choose the size that fits your needs:

    Printable To Do List US Letter – free by ShineSheets

    Printable To Do List A4 – free by ShineSheets

    *Personal use only.

    I hope these tips and a printable to do list will be helpful to you! Scroll down for more helpful content below.

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