Word for things that do not exist


  • #1

I’m not satisfied with the translations that I found.
How can we say?
It’s an abstract word. «Something which does not exist»… Not a fairy-tale, more abstract than a tale…
Thank you!

  • VenusEnvy

    • #2

    Glaçon said:

    I’m not satisfied with the translations that I found.
    How can we say?
    It’s an abstract word. «Something which does not exist»… Not a fairy-tale, more abstract than a tale…
    Thank you!

    A myth? A fable?


    • #3

    A myth is OK, I think. The idea is that this «something which never existed» is looking into the sky and crying…


    • #4

    Glaçon said:

    I’m not satisfied with the translations that I found.
    How can we say?
    It’s an abstract word. «Something which does not exist»… Not a fairy-tale, more abstract than a tale…
    Thank you!

    Perhaps you could give us some context? This may help better I think.
    You could use illusion, delusion, imagining, myth, legend. All of these terms can sort of relate to what you may want, but I can’t be sure until you submit some more to go with it. Context means so much to the translation. I hope I have been a bit helpful to you. Have a wonderful day my dear.

    Sweet T. ;) ;) ;)


    • #5

    It’s difficult. It’s a song and there’s not much information.
    The song is about «IT». The word I’m looking for is in the 2nd line.

    Either a tear is rolling down,
    Either a myth (?…)
    Is crying like snow in the sky
    And it is looking into the sky.

    Shadows (phantoms?) of melancholy, of doubt
    Have sprung up.
    And a cra-crazy trouble (uneasiness?)
    Is again in my heart.
    Again It, again It.

    I swallowed a gulp of the air
    And understood that
    It’ll stay in me —
    This Word.

    This tender word and a snow avalanche
    Is keeping my senses
    Like a lump in my throat.
    Again It, Again It.


    • #6

    Glaçon said:

    It’s difficult. It’s a song and there’s not much information.
    The song is about «IT». The word I’m looking for is in the 2nd line.

    Either a tear is rolling down,
    Either a myth (?…)
    Is crying like snow in the sky
    And it is looking into the sky.

    Shadows (phantoms?) of melancholy, of doubt
    Have sprung up.
    And a cra-crazy trouble (uneasiness?)
    Is again in my heart.
    Again It, again It.

    I swallowed a gulp of the air
    And understood that
    It’ll stay in me —
    This Word.

    This tender word and a snow avalanche
    Is keeping my senses
    Like a lump in my throat.
    Again It, Again It.

    Well. OK. This is pretty deep to me. I like the imagery a lot. In my opinion, maybe use illusion or maybe muse. It seems that the author is telling of his/her emotions and this IT is maybe the feelings or the word that is being kept to him/her self. May I ask from which language you are translating? This may help others here too in helpoing you find your answer. The native speakers of that language may have an easier time.

    Sweet T.
    ps where may I find this song?? ;)

    • #7

    I am translating it from Russian.

    My friend who is going to edit her CD wrote it.
    Thank you for help!


    • #8

    Glasson said:

    I am translating it from Russian.

    My friend who is going to edit her CD wrote it.
    Thank you for help!

    Wow, makes me want to learn it!! Quite the challenge it seems. I’m not sure I’ve helped you much, but I have tried for you. Have a wonderful rest of the day!!

    Sweet T.

    • #9

    Thank you!

    As I started to ask questions about my translation,

    would this sound good?
    The idea is to start the sentence with «To find you», because it’s repeated. But I don’t know how to turn the phrase…

    To find you.
    In the vast expanses of the Earth
    It did’t happen to (I couldn’t) find you,
    Who have come from dreams.
    And your face (image) is living with me.
    My white boat is sailing
    Above the Earth, above the clouds,
    Only touching the sky.
    It’s sailing turning over
    The moments of infinity.
    And the sun is rising to meet it.
    To find you, who have come from dreams,
    In the vast expanses of the Earth —
    That’s what I’m trying to do.
    But you have melted through mirrors,
    My dream, my dream.


    • #10

    Glaçon said:

    It’s difficult. It’s a song and there’s not much information.
    The song is about «IT». The word I’m looking for is in the 2nd line.

    Either a tear is rolling down,
    Either a

    myth (?…)

    presence / ghost
    Is crying like snow in the sky
    And it is looking into the sky.

    Shadows (phantoms?) of melancholy, of doubt
    Have sprung up.
    And a cra-crazy trouble (uneasiness?)
    Is again in my heart.
    Again It, again It.

    I swallowed a gulp of the air
    And understood that
    It’ll stay in me —
    This Word.

    This tender word and a snow avalanche
    Is keeping my senses
    Like a lump in my throat.
    Again It, Again It.

    Perhaps ghost or presence could be used?? Poetry, even in the form of lyrics can be difficult to translate.

    Sweet T. :D


    • #11

    Glasson said:

    Thank you!

    As I started to ask questions about my translation,

    would this sound good?
    The idea is to start the sentence with «To find you», because it’s repeated. But I don’t know how to turn the phrase…

    To find you.
    In the vast expanses of the Earth
    It did’nt happen to (I couldn’t) find you, (which of these?? They do not make sense together)
    Who have come from dreams.
    And your face (image) is living with me.
    My white boat is sailing
    Above the Earth, above the clouds,
    Only touching the sky.
    It’s sailing turning over
    The moments of infinity.
    And the sun is rising to meet it.
    To find you, who have come from dreams,
    In the vast expanses of the Earth —
    That’s what I’m trying to do.
    But you have melted through mirrors,
    My dream, my dream.

    Put where the phrase to find you comes in and I wil try for you again. You only have it in here twice, is this it?? This is a most beautiful poem/song.

    SWeet T. :D

    te gato

    • #12

    Glaçon said:

    I’m not satisfied with the translations that I found.
    How can we say?
    It’s an abstract word. «Something which does not exist»… Not a fairy-tale, more abstract than a tale…
    Thank you!

    Well if you are looking for a word for something that does not exist..how about..’Figment’…or….’Apparition’..

    Just a thought..
    te gato;)

    te gato

    • #13

    Glasson said:

    Thank you!

    As I started to ask questions about my translation,

    would this sound good?
    The idea is to start the sentence with «To find you», because it’s repeated. But I don’t know how to turn the phrase…

    To find you.
    In the vast expanses of the Earth (Expanse)
    It didn’t happen to (I couldn’t) find you, (It didn’t happen, I couldn’t find you)
    Who have come from dreams.
    And your face (image) is living with me. (I personaly like image)
    My white boat is sailing
    Above the Earth, above the clouds,
    Only touching the sky.
    It’s sailing, turning over
    The moments of infinity.
    And the sun is rising to meet it.
    To find you, who have come from dreams,
    In the vast expanses of the Earth — (expanse)
    That’s what I’m trying to do.
    But you have melted through mirrors,
    My dream, my dream.

    I suggested a few things…just ideas..

    te gato;)

    • #14

    G’day forum
    Poetry is my vice and my reading of the poem leaves me to the conclusion that the question was framed incorrectly and that the word sought has nothing directly to do with myth in a literal sense.

    I would humbly suggest the missing word to be flown.

    Flown adds to the vaguries of the myth.
    The myth is a distant tale removed further by the allusion to flight or escape or loss.
    Flown is gentle and soft and quiet.
    Something that has flown can not be touched or examined too closely and must be taken in completely at a glance or not at all.

    This is a glorious piece and whoever wrote it understands Art.

    If I have been of even the slightest assistance to such a work would you mind letting me know.

    See you later


    • #15

    There IS a word for that but I cannot remember it. It describes the physical symptoms that affects a human being when they are treated as though they have never existed.

    • #16

    There IS a word for that but I cannot remember it. It describes the physical symptoms that affects a human being when they are treated as though they have never existed.

    I have also been looking for that word.


    • #17

    I don’t know what word you’re looking for, gwaganyo, but maybe this article has it: The Pain of Rejection By Social Groups — Abuse

    There’s more of treatment like you don’t exist now than that you never existed, but I’m not sure how they differ anyway. Other sites say the physical symptom of this is mostly pain; which is not a word you are probably looking for, but apparently it’s treatable by painkillers (people felt less socially disconnected when treated with over the counter pain killers!)

    8 years, 9 months ago

    37k times

    Is there a single word for the text within quotation marks in the citation below?

    All such statements [entity doesn’t exist] are casual short-hand for a more elaborate and technical statement: “this alleged entity has no place in any scientific equations, plays no role in any scientific explanations, cannot be used to predict any events, does not describe any thing or force that has yet been detected, and there are no models of the universe in which its presence is either required, productive, or useful.”

    tchrist's user avatar


    132k48 gold badges366 silver badges566 bronze badges

    asked Jun 22, 2014 at 19:07

    Ultimate Hawk's user avatar


    . . . this alleged entity has no place in any scientific equations, plays no role in any scientific explanations. . . .

    Sciosophy: supposed knowledge of natural or supernatural phenomena or forces, usually based on tradition, as astrology or phrenology.

    Kit Z. Fox's user avatar

    Kit Z. Fox

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    answered Jun 22, 2014 at 21:22

    Third News's user avatar

    Third NewsThird News

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    The word you are probably after is nonexistent.

    If the thing used to exist but no longer does, then you could also use nonextant, although that doesn’t seem to be that case in your example.

    Janus Bahs Jacquet's user avatar

    answered Jun 22, 2014 at 19:21

    smithkm's user avatar


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    I’d go with phantom, as it can be applied as both a noun or an adjective.

    tchrist's user avatar


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    answered Jun 22, 2014 at 19:58

    RaneWrites's user avatar


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    English is a living language, which means it’s continually growing and adapting to reflect vernacular usage.

    Even words that don’t exist in English (officially) can find their way into casual conversation. 

    It doesn’t really matter if we insist they’re “not real words.”

    What makes a word real, anyway, if not the fact that real people are using them? 

    Fake words have a way of catching on.

    And sometimes, there’s a good reason for that. 

    Some commonly used words that don’t exist in “proper” modern English may eventually fade from use — words like irregardless, for example. 

    man writing in notebook words that don't exist

    That said, we don’t really see them disappearing anytime soon. And we don’t see a point in shaming or insulting those who use them. 

    1. Aks / Ax — The “ks” to “sk” consonant reversal isn’t a new thing with English words. But for most English speakers, the word “ask” has the upper hand—for now. 
    2. Hisself — Listed as “chiefly dialectical,” this is a less-accepted form of the word “himself.” The first known use was in the 12th century.  
    3. Refudiate — Made famous by Sarah Palin, refudiate is a hybrid of the words “refute” (or “refuse”) and “repudiate.” The generally accepted meaning is “to reject.” 
    4. Runner-ups — The correct form is runners-up. In compound words like this, the plural “s” goes after the main word rather than the last one. 
    5. Unhabitable — Means uninhabitable. But since the most-accepted antonym is habitable (rather than inhabitable), unhabitable actually makes more sense. 
    6. Overwhelmed — Who knew overwhelmed is essentially the overkill version of the word “whelmed”? That said, the word overwhelmed is used far more often. 
    7. Reiterate — The word “iterate” implies the same; reiterate is like re-repeat. That said, you probably see and hear the word “reiterate” more often than “iterate.” 
    8. Expresso — Merriam-Webster lists it as a “less common variant” of espresso. But, given how the latter is made, “expresso” actually makes sense.
    9. Misunderestimated — Listed in the political dictionary as a malapropism invented by former president George W. Bush, the word means “to underestimate by mistake.” Generally, though, underestimating someone is always a mistake. 
    10. Brung (and Brang) — The past tense and part participle form of bring are both brought—not brang and brung, both listed as substandard or “chiefly dialectical.”
    11. Firstly — along with secondly, thirdly, and so on, the -ly ending is unnecessary and implied by “first” when it’s used as an adverb. 
    12. Inflammable — A derivative of the word “inflame,” inflammable is a confusing synonym for flammable and one we really don’t need to keep. 
    13. Unthaw — For some reason, this word is used (in both American and British English) to mean the same as “thaw.” 
    14. Nonplussed — It means something like “perplexed” or “unimpressed.” While it started as made-up word, it’s become more or less accepted as a real one.
    15. Alot — This is the incorrect joining of the words “a” and “lot,” which should always remain separate (“a lot”) — as in the opposite of “a little.” 
    16. Participator — Someone suggested this word as an alternative to the correct word, “participant.” Oddly enough, participator is listed as one of participant’s synonyms. 
    17. Preventative — This is a slightly longer version of the word, “preventive,” and has become so widely-accepted, you’ll see and hear it used everywhere. 
    18. Unequivocably — Listed as “nonstandard,” this is a less-common alternative to unequivocally,  meaning “unquestionably” or “leaving no doubt.” 
    19. Interpretate — An archaic form of the word interpret, this word essentially means the same: to explain, understand, or artistically express the meaning of something. 
    20. Mischievious — Not listed as a legit term in any dictionary, this word with its extra “i” (for “incorrect”) is still heard often enough to make it worth mentioning here. 
    21. Expecially — Often heard from people who find it more familiar or easier to pronounce, even when they know the correct spelling is “especially.” 
    22. Prolly — You’ll hear this used in British English as a slang abbreviation for “probably.”  
    23. Ain’t — This slang form of “am not,” “are not,” and “is not” has never made it to formal English status, but that doesn’t stop people from using it, either in informal speech or with phrases like, “Say it ain’t so,” and “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”
    24. Thusly — means “thus” or “in this manner” and doesn’t actually need the -ly at the end. That said, Shakespeare used it, and he’s not alone. Who are we to judge?

    5 Words That Don’t Exist But Should 

    Some words that aren’t words are way too good to write off as mistakes. We’ll offer a brief sampling, but you can probably think of more. 

    1. Fauxmotion (fo-mo’-shun)  —  a fake promotion that results in greater responsibility without an increase in income (because capitalism). 
    2. Phonesia (fo nee’ zhuh)  — The annoying but relatable affliction from dialling a phone number and then forgetting whom you were calling just as they answer. Sometimes, wouldn’t you just rather forget you have a phone? 
    3. Hiberdating (hy’-brr-day-ting) — when someone ignores their friends to focus entirely on their new boo. It’s all cozy for the new couple but everyone else gets left out in the cold. 
    4. Textpectation (tex-spect-tay-shun) —  the anticipation felt when you’re waiting for a response to a text (or texts) you’ve sent. Somehow this word conveys the worry, dread, self-doubt and general torture that goes along with the waiting game.
    5. Bolitics (ball-it-ticks) — the time-honored practice of talking utter bollocks about politics and acting as if you know all there is to know about it. It’s a fun word. 

    More Related Articles

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    Real Words that Sound Fake

    1. Administrate — While the word “administer” is typically used to provide or dispense, though it can also mean “to manage or supervise”), administrate is a derivative of “administration” and refers specifically to managing or overseeing.
    2. Conversate — Another nonstandard variant, conversate, essentially means “converse” or have a conversation. While less common (and grating to some), conversate has been part of the English language for over 200 years. 
    3. Irregardless — This one’s been around for well over 200 years. It means the same as “regardless,” and Merriam-Webster lists it as a “nonstandard” but real word. 
    4. Supposably is a less-used relative of supposedly, but they’re both considered real words with different meanings. Supposably means “conceivable” or “capable of being supposed,” which supposedly is generally synonymous with “allegedly.” 
    5. Themself –This word has actually been around for centuries. In the late 1300s, it was the default. It’s now making a comeback as a gender-neutral singular alternative for themselves, himself, or herself. 
    6. Undoubtably — Though often used interchangeably with undoubtedly, the meaning of this word is slightly different. Undoubtedly means literally “without a doubt,” while undoubtably stems from “undoubtable” and means “cannot be doubted,” though it’s often used to back up an opinion rather than a fact.  

    Now you know plenty of words that perhaps, according to some experts, don’t “exist” in modern English but that many English speakers use. Some have been around for centuries, while others are newer additions. 

    Can you think of any words we missed or that you’d like to see added to the dictionary? 

    We often hear words that sound a bit sketchy to the ears. The possibility of that word being non-existent is high. Learn the words that don't exist and some words that should exist. Plus, learn the words that sounds fake but are actually in the dictionary.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    несуществующих вещей

    то, чего не существует

    вещи, которые не существуют

    вещи, которых нет

    вещей, которые не существуют

    несуществующее, как существующее

    то, что еще не существует

    несуществующих предметов

    Hallucinations often involve hearing and seeing things that do not exist.

    Can anyone explain the logic of this phantom economy that produces nothing and is sustained by buying and selling things that do not exist?

    Может ли кто-нибудь объяснить логику этой призрачной экономики, которая ничего не производит и поддерживается покупкой и продажей несуществующих вещей?

    People are taught to believe in things that do not exist.

    Sometimes you try to find things that do not exist.

    Since intentional objects need not exist, according to intentional-object theorists, there are things that do not exist.

    Поскольку, согласно теоретикам интенциональных объектов, интенциональные объекты необязательно должны существовать, то есть вещи, которые не существуют.

    Abstract objects are those things that do not exist at any particular time or place, like an idea.

    Абстрактный предмет — это тот, который не существует в каком-то конкретном времени или месте, это идея или абстракция.

    You see things that do not exist.

    Many users see or hear things that do not exist.

    Stop being afraid of things that do not exist.

    Psychosis can involve delusions — false beliefs and detachment from reality, or hallucinations — sensing things that do not exist.

    Психозы могут включать заблуждения — ложные убеждения и отстраненность от реальности, или галлюцинации — ощущение вещей, которых не существует.

    It brings us to search for things that do not exist.

    The things that do not exist now will be created.

    Less commonly, the person may experience visual hallucinations, in which they see things that do not exist.

    Менее часто человек может испытывать зрительные галлюцинации, при которых он видит вещи, которых не существует.

    Rather, it’s the ability to transmit information about things that do not exist at all .

    Humans have a uniquely remarkable capacity to imagine things that do not exist.

    We build things that do not exist yet.

    Were created for things that do not exist

    Sometimes folks see things that do not exist.

    He thus assumed that one can correctly and coherently deny the existence of things that do not exist.

    Тем самым он допускает, что мы можем верно и последовательно отрицать существование несуществующих предметов.

    Only psychologists invent words for things that do not exist.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 53. Точных совпадений: 53. Затраченное время: 115 мс


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    Перевод по словам

    things [noun]

    noun: вещи, принадлежности, багаж, имущество, утварь, личные вещи, пожитки

    • identify things — определить вещи
    • other things like — другие вещи, как
    • few things — несколько вещей
    • to keep things interesting — чтобы держать вещи интересными
    • things go bump — дела идут шишка
    • any of the things — любой из вещей
    • do things my way — делать вещи мой путь
    • the things we did — вещи, которые мы сделали
    • do those things — делать те вещи,
    • things will happen — вещи будут происходить

    that [conjunction]

    conjunction: что, чтобы

    pronoun: то, тот, который, та

    adverb: так, до такой степени

    • unlikely that — маловероятно, что
    • entity that — юридическое лицо,
    • nor that — ни что
    • model that — модель
    • that seemingly — что, казалось бы,
    • that inevitably — что неизбежно
    • reassuring that — заверяя, что
    • that glove — что перчатка
    • that we have that — что мы имеем, что
    • that time that — что время,

    do [noun]

    verb: делать, выполнять, заниматься, поступать, проделать, действовать, принимать, деть, вести себя, исполнять

    noun: до, успех, надувательство, вечеринка, обман, мошенничество, прием гостей, распоряжение, приказание, развлечение

    abbreviation: то же самое

    adverb: таким же образом

    • do something useful — сделать что-то полезное
    • to do welding — сделать сварки
    • to do at — сделать на
    • then what do you want to do — то, что вы хотите сделать
    • you do what you need to do — Вы делаете то, что вам нужно сделать
    • what do they do — что они делают
    • do to me — делать мне
    • do they think — как они думают,
    • do not entail — не влечет за собой
    • you do now — вы делаете сейчас

    not [adverb]

    particle: не, нет, ни

    • not personified — не персонифицированный
    • not this — не это
    • not awesome — не удивительный
    • not unrealistic — не нереально
    • not stressful — не стрессовое
    • not annoying — не раздражает
    • not continually — не постоянно
    • not commissioned — не введен в эксплуатацию
    • not chained — не прикован
    • not lengthy — не длинный

    exist [verb]

    verb: существовать, быть, находиться, жить, иметься, просуществовать, влачить существование

    • exist in parallel — существуют параллельно
    • exist for — существуют
    • may exist — может существовать
    • cease to exist as — перестанет существовать как
    • continues to exist — продолжает существовать
    • may exist between — может существовать между
    • exist and that — существуют и что
    • i do exist — я существую
    • do you exist — вы есть
    • it may exist — она может существовать

    Предложения с «things that do not exist»

    Engineers try to make things that do not exist in nature.

    Инженеры пытаются создавать вещи, которых нет в природе.

    Abstract things are sometimes defined as those things that do not exist in reality or exist only as sensory experiences, like the color red.

    Абстрактные вещи иногда определяются как те вещи, которые не существуют в реальности или существуют только как чувственные переживания, например красный цвет.

    First thing: we want to be the only political party in the world whose main aim was to no longer need to exist .

    Первая: мы хотим быть единственной политической партией в мире, чья главная цель — перестать быть нужной.

    It doesn’t really exist in that part of the world, and I feel it’s really the right of everybody to know how these things work.

    Но в этой части мира его фактически нет, и я чувствую, что это право каждого человека — знать, как всё это работает.

    Does such a thing really exist in this country?

    Действительно ли что — то подобное существует в этой стране?

    All these things really did exist , but at the same time they remained beyond his everyday experience.

    Все это реально существовало и в то же время оставалось за гранью повседневного.

    You read about these things but you don’t imagine they exist .

    Вы читали об этих вещах, но вы не представляли, что они существуют .

    One of the most basic things we are taught in school science classes is that water can exist in three different states, either as solid ice, liquid water, or vapour gas.

    Одна из базовых вещей, которые мы узнаем на уроках естествознания в школе, это то, что вода может существовать в трех разных состояниях: в виде твердого льда, жидкой воды или газообразного пара.

    “Many things can go wrong, but I would like to see something like this exist .”

    — Ошибки, конечно, случаются; но нечто, похожее на эту программу, должно обязательно появиться».

    Investigation of this increasingly unusual planet continues, and we are seeing things that cannot possibly exist .

    Мы продолжаем исследование этой все более необычайной планеты, наблюдая вещи, существование которых невозможно.

    But give it sleep, deep lasting sleep, and those three things cease to exist for it.

    Но я погрузил ее в сон, глубокий продолжительный сон, и три эти вещи перестали для нее существовать .

    He always looked straight at people and his damnable eyes never missed a thing, it was only that he made people feel as if they did not exist .

    Он всегда смотрит на людей в упор, и его проклятые глаза ничего не упускают. Один его взгляд внушает людям, что их как будто и не существует .

    Global health initiatives exist for things like malaria, Uh, infectious diseases, immunizations,

    Всемирные организации занимаются малярией, инфекционными болезнями, прививками…

    I suppose it’s because, in their natural habitats, things like the ability to punch stoutly on the nose don’t exist .

    Полагаю, потому что в их естественной среде просто некому давать им по носу!

    When people exist under one roof, a tiny society forms… the stuff of novellas… masters and servants unconsciously dancing in lock step… so that when things go wrong… traumas converge.

    Когда люди сосуществуют под одной крышей, возникает крохотное сообщество как в новеллах. Хозяева и слуги невольно шагают в ногу друг с другом и поэтому когда происходит что — то не то.

    In politics and this other the first thing is to continue to exist .

    И в том и в другом первое дело — это уметь сохранить свою жизнь.

    But in return, you exist for one thing and one thing only. And that is whale oil.

    Но взамен вы должны жить ради одного — ради китового жира.

    We will remind them that things exist between heaven and earth that they don’t think could be possible, even in their wildest dreams.

    которые они не в состоянии представить даже в самых диких фантазиях — мы заставим их вспомнить.

    Stepan Trofimovitch assured me on one occasion that the very highest artistic talents may exist in the most abominable blackguards, and that the one thing does not interfere with the other.

    Степан Трофимович уверял меня однажды, что самые высокие художественные таланты могут быть ужаснейшими мерзавцами и что одно другому не мешает.

    Stopping off in a garage for some mechanical problem solving exposes an intriguing linguistic problem… how do you describe things that simply didn’t exist in the Bible?

    Визит в автосервис, для решения механической проблемы, ставит перед нами насущный вопрос: как описать вещь, которой нет в Библии.

    There are certain things that should never exist , and one of those is this depressingly long list.

    Есть вещи, которые не должны существовать в мире. и одна из них — этот удручающе длинный список.

    We spend our lives struggling to hold on to the things we value most to the people and things we believe we could never exist without.

    Мы проводим жизнь сражаясь за то, чем дорожим больше всего… за людей и вещи, без которых , как нам кажется, мы не сможем существовать .

    Jean Valjean had arranged things so that he could exist there, and he could almost breathe.

    Жан Вальжан устроился в нем так, чтобы сохранить жизнь, чтобы можно было хоть и с трудом, но дышать.

    Though neither knows where lie the nameless things of which the mystic sign gives forth such hints; yet with me, as with the colt, somewhere those things must exist .

    И он, как и я, не знает, где таятся неизреченные ужасы, которые нам с ним дано учуять, но оба мы знаем, что где — то они существуют .

    I mean, do we really believe there’s going to be a let’s talk things out with the zombies phase once the human population learns we exist ?

    Вы правда верите, что когда люди узнают о нашем существовании , они сначала всё обдумают?

    So not only does this thing exist , but now you have deprived everyone of cake.

    Мало того, что эта гадость существует , так ты ещё и с тортом всех обломал?

    There is no end to the visual effects you find nowadays, making things appear as they exist in reality, making things that don’t exist !

    Теперь делают такие визуальные эффекты вещи кажутся реальными вещи, которые на самом деле не существуют !

    And the way things are going, pretty soon, the Coopers, we’re not gonna exist anymore.

    И если так пойдет, очень скоро, Куперы больше не будут существовать .

    Look, there’s never been a single shred of evidence… to show that these things exist materially.

    У нас нет ни одного доказательства того, что эти мотыльки… — …действительно существуют .

    Your lives will always be decided for you by politicians who build on things that don’t exist .

    О вашей жизни будут принимать решения политики, опираясь на то, чего нет.

    Pretending I don’t exist is not the mature or nice way to handle things.

    Делать вид, что меня не существует — не взрослый или хороший выход.

    The things I’ve witnessed are no less miraculous, but your son is not an abomination, a thing that should cease to exist .

    Я не сомневаюсь, что вещи, которым я была свидетелем, как минимум удивительны. Но твой сын — это не мерзость, которая должная прекрать своё существование .

    We can hardly credit that such things still exist , A girl in a light summer dress, with a red patent-leather belt about her hips!

    Нам кажется непостижимым, что подобные вещи еще существуют на свете. Там, например, изображена девушка в светлом летнем платье и с красным лакированным пояском на талии.

    The other, the thing inside you, your — oh, don’t misunderstand me, I’m not talking religion, but there’s no other word for it, so I’ll say: your soul — your soul doesn’t exist .

    О, не пойми меня превратно. Я не говорю о религии, просто для этого нет другого слова, поэтому я скажу: твоя душа… твоей души не существует .

    She imagines many things that don’t exist .

    Она часто выдумывает то, чего на самом деле не существует .

    He summoned all the ideas which could possibly exist in his mind, around the great thing which he was doing.

    Он напрягал все свои умственные способности, чтобы как можно лучше разрешить трудную задачу, стоявшую перед ним.

    Yet I knew what the offering had to be, I knew…. There’s only one thing I can offer Him, to show Him nothing else will ever exist in my heart before Him.

    И все — таки я знал, чем должен пожертвовать, знал… Только одно могу я принести в дар Г осподу, только этим показать, что в сердце моем ничто и никогда не станет превыше его.

    He can certainly destroy all things that have been made, so that they do not exist now.

    Он, конечно, может уничтожить все, что было создано, так что теперь они не существуют .

    In other words, ideas of non-existent things are without meaning for Spinoza, because an idea of a non-existent thing cannot exist .

    Иными словами, идеи несуществующих вещей для Спинозы лишены смысла, потому что идея несуществующей вещи не может существовать .

    Finally, policies and guidelines exist because they make things run more smoothly.

    Наконец, политика и руководящие принципы существуют потому, что они делают все более гладко.

    Conspiracy theories exist , conspiracy theorists/believers exist , and this documentary documents those things from the perspective of a believer.

    Теории заговора существуют , теоретики заговора / верующие существуют , и этот документальный документ документирует эти вещи с точки зрения верующего.

    I cannot exist without you – I am forgetful of every thing but seeing you again – my Life seems to stop there – I see no further.

    Я не могу существовать без тебя – я забываю обо всем, но снова вижу тебя – моя жизнь, кажется, останавливается на этом – я не вижу дальше.

    Since it is possible for such things not to exist , there must be some time at which these things did not in fact exist .

    Поскольку для таких вещей возможно не существовать , должно быть какое — то время, когда эти вещи фактически не существовали .

    It seems to be mostly an American thing, but they definitely exist .

    Кажется, что это в основном американская вещь, но они определенно существуют .

    Consequently, a thing than which nothing greater can be conceived cannot be conceived not to exist and so it must exist .

    Следовательно, вещь, выше которой ничего не может быть понято, не может быть понята как не существующая , и поэтому она должна существовать .

    There is no machinery part named crossheead piston, such thing does not exist .

    Нет никакой детали механизма, называемой поперечным поршнем, такой вещи не существует .

    There is no such thing as women literature for me, that does not exist .

    Для меня нет такой вещи, как женская литература, которой бы не существовало .

    At that point the Turks didn’t exist-there was no such thing.

    В то время турок еще не существовало — их вообще не существовало .

    However, he extends the term to created things, which need only the concurrence of God to exist .

    Однако он распространяет этот термин на сотворенные вещи, для существования которых требуется лишь согласие Бога.

    Some things exist for decades or even centuries before a retronym is coined for them.

    Некоторые вещи существуют в течение десятилетий или даже столетий, прежде чем для них придуман ретроним.

    Modern idealists believe that the mind and its thoughts are the only true things that exist .

    Современные идеалисты верят, что разум и его мысли — единственные истинные вещи, которые существуют .

    Of those things which appear to exist , nothing exists more than it does not exist .

    Из тех вещей, которые кажутся существующими , ничто не существует больше, чем оно не существует .

    There can be no such thing as co-existence of God and not-God; Reality and falsity cannot co-exist as cannot light and darkness.

    Не может быть такого понятия, как сосуществование Бога и не — Бога; реальность и ложь не могут сосуществовать, как не могут существовать свет и тьма.

    Life as we know it might not exist if things were different, but a different sort of life might exist in its place.

    Жизнь, как мы ее знаем, могла бы не существовать , если бы все было иначе, но на ее месте могла бы существовать другая жизнь.

    Get the plenteous sources that exist on this subject, write about all of the missing things, and try not to be such unproductive One Note Charlies.

    Найдите обильные источники, которые существуют на эту тему, напишите обо всех недостающих вещах, и постарайтесь не быть таким непродуктивным, как одна заметка Чарли.

    When such data does not exist , estimates are made by comparison to known similar toxic things, or to similar exposures in similar organisms.

    Когда таких данных не существует , оценки производятся путем сравнения с известными аналогичными токсичными вещами или с аналогичными воздействиями на аналогичные организмы.

    Andrew Loke replies that, according to the Kalam Cosmological Argument, only things which begin to exist require a cause.

    Эндрю Лок отвечает, что, согласно космологическому аргументу Калама, только то, что начинает существовать , требует причины.

    As far as I know, such a thing does not exist .

    Насколько мне известно, такой вещи не существует .

    However, the motives that lead to those paradoxes—being able to say things about all types—still exist .

    Однако мотивы, которые приводят к этим парадоксам— — способность говорить о всех типах вещей — все еще существуют .

    Things that actually are supernatural are outside of science, and don’t exist .

    Вещи, которые на самом деле являются сверхъестественными, находятся вне науки и не существуют .

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    Posted by11 years ago


    r/atheism - Words are only for things that exist.

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    level 1

    Ahhh I see, so by that logic evolution and big bang MUST exist as well, so they can’t argue with us… wow, if the world went by that logic the amount of contradictions would be terrible.

    level 2

    Did you guys know that topooochebucketmacheeshees exist? You do now, because there’s a word for it.

    level 2

    Thats how the bible goes. If there is a word written in the bible, it’s real because they wouldn’t write anything that isn’t real.

    level 1

    This has got to be the laziest possible version of the ontological argument.

    level 2

    There is a character limit on twitter, sooo

    level 1

    Dude! I knew wizards were real!

    level 2

    Duh, didn`t you see the Harry Potter movies? It was based on a book, books always tell the truth man.

    level 1

    I love that the person who listed all the imaginary things ended with, «You fucking moron.»

    I mean, really, how can anyone with the intelligence of a snail buy into «words are for things that exist»???

    level 2

    I hated that ending. If you really want people to start to overthink their superstitions you should not insult them.

    level 2

    For the love of me I can’t figure out why atheists are so disliked

    level 2

    I say the same thing every time I come to r/atheism…

    «People like this really exist? If God really does exist, he has a pretty shitty sense of humor.»

    level 2

    this is whats wrong with the atheist movement. Not everybody is equipped with the knowledge to think outside the box (god). Believers are pushed further into their religion when arrogant cunts insult them instead of teach them.

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  • Word for things happening at the same time
  • Word for things getting in the way
  • Word for things getting better
  • Word for the love of nature
  • Word for the love of life