Word for the weary

«The Sovereign LORD has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.» Isaiah 50:4 (NIV)

I was not a happy person.

I was struggling in my faith and failing to be the woman God called me to be. My responses to life’s hiccups were harsh. My words to loved ones were rude. My disposition toward others was judgmental.

It was during this period in my life when I was introduced to Isaiah 50:4, «The Sovereign LORD has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed» (NIV). My heart was gripped when I read the word weary. I remember thinking, I’m weary. I need sustaining.

The sustaining part of the verse sounded soothing and comforting; however, the morning wakeup call felt obtrusive and demanding. Why couldn’t I receive a sustaining word later in the day? Though I didn’t want to wake up earlier, it was the only way I could spend time with God in my full schedule. And I did want my life to be different, so I thought, Why not? Things can’t get any worse.

I picked a time and a place to pray and read my Bible. The sun would rise and I would too, grumbling … a lot! But day after day, I dragged myself out of bed, marched up the stairs, sat in the same place I called my «Jesus chair» and whined about getting out of my snuggly covers. Our morning meetings were rote and ridged, nothing like what I expected when my weary heart was first gripped by that verse in Isaiah.

I couldn’t help but wonder, Why aren’t the issues in my life being resolved? When is the Lord going to fix all the people in my life? What good is this quiet time thing anyway?

Even though I was frustrated, I was determined. So I continued to roll out of bed, put on my robe and sit in my Jesus chair with my Bible and devotion book. Little by little my heart softened. There was less complaining and more contentment. My ears began to listen like one being instructed, just like the verse in Isaiah says.

Over time, God’s Word took root in my heart, and I experienced its sustaining power. My weariness started to subside as I turned my focus from it to the presence of God. In the morning, I greeted my family with a smile and cheerful disposition. Moments of panic were now met with peaceful words. Unforeseen schedule changes were calmly resolved. If the day didn’t go as planned, I could still praise.

Are you looking for a word to sustain your weary soul? Are you desperate enough to dedicate time each day in God’s Word? For me, it has to be in the morning, in my Jesus chair, before the rush of emails, carpool and work demands.

Perhaps your Jesus chair is the front seat of your car with your Bible during your daughter’s ballet class. Maybe your Jesus chair is at your desk with a devotional book as you eat lunch and pray.

You see, it really doesn’t matter where or when you meet with God, it only matters that you spend time together each day. His Word is our sustaining power. We can’t live life without it!

Pull up a Jesus chair. Grab your Bible and maybe a devotional book. Then listen like one being taught. He has much to say.

Dear Lord, I am desperate and need a word to sustain my weary soul. I am willing to commit time in Your Word each day. Help me sit still and listen like one being taught. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Related Resources:

Looking for something to help you pull away from all that is pulling you down? Do you long for daily encouragement, inspiration, and hope? Encouragement for Today: Devotions for Everyday Living is for you! Proverbs 31 Ministries has compiled 100 devotions full of wit, wisdom and words to sustain you when you’re weary. Click here to purchase your copy.

Click here to find out more about considering Wendy Pope as your next retreat / event keynote speaker.

Visit Wendy’s blog to hear more teaching from Isaiah 50.

Reflect and Respond:

Pick a Jesus chair where you will spend time with Him each day.

Write a prayer of commitment to God. Tuck the prayer in your Bible where you can pray it often.

Power Verses:

Psalm 46:10a, «Be still, and know that I am God.» (NLT)

Matthew 11:28, «Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.» (NIV)

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48 episodes

Speaking about books and The Bible to enlighten, encourage, and equip the weary woman.

Speaking about books and The Bible to enlighten, encourage, and equip the weary woman.

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    Purchase your copy here: https://www.amazon.com/Cleaning-Your-Mental-Mess-Scientifically/dp/0801093457/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1677811549&sr=8-3-spons

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утомленный, уставший, утомительный, устать, утомлять, утомляться


- усталый, утомлённый

weary sigh — усталый вздох
weary in body and mind — уставший телом и душой
weary with resistance [with excitements of the day] — уставший от сопротивления [от дневных волнений]

- изнывающий от скуки

to make weary — надоедать, наскучить
they were weary of the subject — им наскучила эта тема

- утомительный, надоедливый; скучный

weary wait — томительное ожидание
to walk ten weary miles — пройти десять миль, показавшихся бесконечными

- (of) уставший, потерявший терпение (от чего-л.)

I am weary of life — жизнь мне наскучила
I am weary of his complaints — мне надоели его жалобы

- редк. невесёлый, безрадостный

weary life — безрадостная жизнь
weary world — горестный мир


- утомлять; надоедать

to weary smb. with idle chatter — надоедать кому-л. пустой болтовнёй

- утомляться
- изнывать от скуки
- (for) тосковать, стремиться (к чему-л.)

to weary for quiet — жаждать покоя
to weary for sleep — томиться без сна
to weary for a letter — с нетерпением ждать письма
she wearies for her children — она тоскует по детям

- (of) потерять терпение; испытывать раздражение; наскучить

she wearied of loneliness — одиночество ей наскучило
he wearied of too much gaiety — постоянные развлечения ему надоели

Мои примеры


a colonial-era tavern that has been serving weary travelers for two and a half centuries — таверна колониальной эпохи, в которой обслуживали усталых путников в течение двух с половиной веков  
with a weary hang of the head on one side — устало склонив голову набок  
to weary smb. with questions — надоедать кому-л. расспросами  
the weary yoke of business — утомительное бремя деловых обязательств  
weary with resistance — уставший от сопротивления  
dog weary — усталый как собака; измотавшийся  
dog-weary — усталый как собака; измотавшийся  
grow weary — утомляться; уставать  
weary for a letter — с нетерпением ждать письма  
weary for quiet — жаждать покоя  
weary for sleep — томиться без сна  

Примеры с переводом

I am weary of her.

Она мне надоела.

I returned hungry, weary and dry.

Я вернулся голодный, уставший, и вдобавок очень хотелось пить.

I weary when I am alone.

Мне плохо, когда я один.

The work wearies me sometimes.

Работа утомляет меня иногда.

She was weary from years of housework.

За долгие годы работа по хозяйству ужасно ей надоела.

They grew weary of his preaching.

Им стало скучно от его нравоучений.

This song is an evergreen and can be listened a 100 times without getting weary.

Эта песня — неувядающий шлягер, и ее можно слушать без устали хоть сто раз.

ещё 13 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

‘aweary’ is archaic

Holman let a weary sigh escape from his lips.

As the day wore on, we wearied of the journey.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

dog-weary  — усталый как собака
wear  — износ, одежда, ношение, изнашивание, платье, носиться, носить, одевать, изнашиваться
wearer  — владелец, тот, на ком надето платье
weariness  — усталость, утомленность, скука, утомительность
wearing  — ношение, утомительный, скучный, нудный
world-weary  — уставший от жизни, пресытившийся
aweary  — усталый, утомленный
overweary  — изнуренный, переутомленный, уставший, изнурять, переутомлять
wearied  — утомленный
outweary  — истощать, доводить до изнеможения

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: weary
he/she/it: wearies
ing ф. (present participle): wearying
2-я ф. (past tense): wearied
3-я ф. (past participle): wearied

срав. степ. (comparative): wearier
прев. степ. (superlative): weariest

But those who wait on the LORD

Shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with wings like eagles,

They shall run and not be weary,

They shall walk and not faint.  (Isaiah 40:25-31)

I’m wore slap out!  For those who may not understand southern
mountain language that means I am extremely exhausted!  Whether we knew the expression, we certainly
know the experience.  Maybe you are weary
and worn this day.  Your get up and go
got up and went!  I have good news.  Isaiah has some words for the weary to
reenergize us.

The first word is EXHAUSTING
(v.29-30).  This is a word about
weakness.  It isn’t enough to see the
symptoms and diagnose the disease—we need a cure for the hectic schedule and heavy
stress life brings.  You won’t find a
cure until you admit the cause. 
The hectic schedule will drain
us.  Running wide open, full-throttle,
event after event, deadline after deadline, multi-tasking—all the while
notifications going off on your phone—if you can check them between replying to
e-mails, sending texts, and fielding calls! 
There are no margins, no sacred pauses to catch our breath.  Did God mean for us to live that way?  With that comes the heavy stress that
depletes us.  Chronic pain, on-going
sorrow, financial hardship, family misery, crushing disappointment—life can be
unbearably heavy and takes its toll physically, emotionally, mentally,
relationally, and spiritually!  We cannot
carry such schedules and stresses by trying harder.

The second word is EXCHANGING
(v.31a).  This is a word about
waiting.  The word, “renew,” can be translated, “exchange.”  The Hebrew word pictures an eagle
molting—shedding its old feathers for new ones that the regal bird may continue
to fly.  It isn’t just that you need to
change some things in your life, but that you need to exchange who you are in
facing these pressures for all that Jesus is in overcoming them.  I learned as a child in a song, “[We] are
weak, but He is strong.”  So, rather than
trying to strengthen myself, I surrender to Him.  Let Jesus be Jesus in you!  We are invited to exchange our ignorance for
His wisdom and our impotence for His power. 
The key word is, “wait.”  The promise of power is conditional.  We must stop setting our agenda and stop to
seek His.  We must still our soul before
God—feeding on the Word and meeting Him in prayer—a daily quiet time.  We must rest in Him by faith. I can’t, but He

The third word is EXCELLING
(v.31b).  This is a word about
wings.  We are promised that if we
surrender our will and submit to His work we can soar on eagle’s wings!  Soaring above, “They shall mount up with wings like eagles.”  Eagles rise on thermals—hot air currents lifting
them.  The very pressure cookers of life
can cause the heat, that if we spread our wings in faith, will not remove our
problems, but enable us to rise above them! 
Speeding along, “They shall run
and not be weary.” 
Life is a
marathon and we can race to win if we load up with Bible truth, so as not to,
“hit the wall.”  Stepping ahead, “They shall walk and not faint.”  There is a time to run, but also a time
to walk—still there is progress day by day. 
The key is to learn to say, “For this I have Jesus!”  He is enough—no, He is more than enough!

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