Word for the way you look at things

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Q: What word means the way you look at things?

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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

look /lʊk/USA pronunciation  

  1. to turn one’s eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see: [+ at]I’m looking at this book.[no object]She looked out the window.
  2. to use one’s sight in seeking, searching, examining, watching, etc.:[no object]to look through the papers.
  3. to appear to the eye as specified:[+ adjective]You look pale.
  4. See look like below.

  5. to appear to the mind;
    seem: [+ adjective]Things are looking pretty grim.[+ noun]He looked a perfect fool.
  6. See look like below.

  7. to direct attention or consideration:[+ at]Let’s look at the facts.
  8. to face or give a view:[not: be + ~-ing* no object]The room looks on the garden.
  9. to give (someone) a look:[+ object]Can you look me in the eye and say that?
  10. to have an appearance appropriate to or that fits (one’s age, circumstances, etc.):[+ object]began to look his age.
  11. (used in the imperative form, and sometimes followed by a word like «who, what, when, where, how» etc.) to observe or pay attention to: [+ object]Now look what you’ve done! Look how beautifully he skates.[no object]Look, I’m tired of this![+ at]Look at what’s happened.
  12. look after, [+ after + object] to take care of:a babysitter to look after the kids.
  13. look ahead, [no object] to think about or plan for the future:Our leaders have to look ahead.
  14. look back, [no object]
    • to review past events:looking back to his childhood.
    • never look back, to have great success:started her own business and never looked back.

  15. look down on or upon, [+ down + on/upon + object] to regard with a feeling of superiority or contempt.
  16. look for, [+ for + object]
    • to seek;
      search for:I’ve been looking for you.
    • to anticipate;
      expect:I’ll look for you at the reception.

  17. look forward to, [+ forward + object] to anticipate with eagerness or pleasure:She’s looking forward to working here.
  18. look in (on), [+ in + (on) + object] to visit briefly:The doctor looked in on her patient.
  19. look into, [+ into + object] to inquire into;
    examine:The detective was looking into the kidnapping.
  20. look like, [not: be + ~-ing]
    • [+ object] to resemble:She looks just like her father.
    • [+ clause] to have the appearance of;
      seem to the eye to be:He looks like he’s working.
    • [+ clause] to seem to the mind to be:Things look like they can’t get much worse.
    • [It + ~ + clause] to be probable that:It looks like we’ll be late.

  21. look on:
    • [no object] to be a spectator;
    • Also, look upon. [+ upon + object + as + object] to consider;
      regard:She looked on him as a son.

  22. look out, [no object] to be alert to danger;
    be careful:Look out; here she comes.
  23. look out for, [+ out + for + object] to take watchful care of:My boss was always looking out for me.
  24. look over, to examine, esp. briefly: [+ over + object]I looked over your term paper.[+ object + over]I looked it over.
  25. look to, [+ to + object]
    • to depend on:to look to the president for leadership.
    • to expect or anticipate:We look to a brighter future for our children.

  26. look up:
    • [no object] to become better or more prosperous;
      improve:The business is looking up.
    • to search for, as an item of information, in a reference book or the like: [+ object + up]looking words up in the dictionary.[+ up + object]Don’t look up every word.
    • to seek out, esp. to visit: [+ up + object]to look up an old friend.[+ object + up]to look him up next time.

  27. look up to, [+ up + to + object] to regard with admiration or respect:A lot of people look up to you, so don’t let them down.

n. [countable]

  1. the act of looking:Have a look at these figures.
  2. the way in which a person or thing appears;
    aspect:the look of an honest man.
  3. fashion;
    style:the latest look in furniture.
  4. looks, [plural]
    • general aspect;
      appearance:We didn’t like the looks of the place.
    • physical appearance esp. when attractive:all looks and no brains.

    See see.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(lŏŏk),USA pronunciation v.i. 

  1. to turn one’s eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see:He looked toward the western horizon and saw the returning planes.
  2. to glance or gaze in a manner specified:to look questioningly at a person.
  3. to use one’s sight or vision in seeking, searching, examining, watching, etc.:to look through the papers.
  4. to tend, as in bearing or significance:Conditions look toward war.
  5. to appear or seem to the eye as specified:to look pale.
  6. to appear or seem to the mind:The case looks promising.
  7. to direct attention or consideration:to look at the facts.
  8. to have an outlook or afford a view:The window looks upon the street.
  9. to face or front:The house looks to the east.


  1. to give (someone) a look:He looked me straight in the eye.
  2. to have an appearance appropriate to or befitting (something):She looked her age.
  3. to appear to be;
    look like:He looked a perfect fool, coming to the party a day late.
  4. to express or suggest by looks:to look one’s annoyance at a person.
  5. [Archaic.]to bring, put, etc., by looks.
  6. look after:
    • to follow with the eye, as someone or something moving away:She looked after him as he walked toward the train station.
    • to pay attention to;
      concern oneself with:to look after one’s own interests.
    • to take care of;
      minister to:to look after a child.

  7. look back, to review past events;
    return in thought:When I look back on our school days, it seems as if they were a century ago.
  8. Idioms look daggers, to look at someone with a furious, menacing expression:I could see my partner looking daggers at me.
  9. look down on or upon, to regard with scorn or disdain;
    have contempt for:They look down on all foreigners.
  10. Idioms look down one’s nose at, to regard with an overbearing attitude of superiority, disdain, or censure:The more advanced students really looked down their noses at the beginners.
  11. look for:
    • to seek;
      search for:Columbus was looking for a shorter route to India when he discovered America.
    • to anticipate;
      expect:I’ll be looking for you at the reception.

  12. Idioms look forward to, to anticipate with eagerness or pleasure:I always look forward to your visits.
  13. look in:
    • Also, look into. to look briefly inside of:Look in the jar and tell me if any cookies are left.
    • Also, look in on. to visit (a person, place, etc.) briefly:I’ll look in some day next week.

  14. look into, to inquire into;
    examine:The auditors are looking into the records to find the cause of the discrepancy.
  15. look on or upon:
    • to be a spectator;
      watch:The crowd looked on at the street brawl.
    • to consider;
      regard:They look upon gambling as sinful.

  16. look out:
    • to look to the outside, as from a window or a place of observation:From her office window, she could look out over the bustling city.
    • to be vigilant or on guard:Look out, there are dangers ahead.
    • to afford a view;
      face:The room looks out on the garden.

  17. look out for, to take watchful care of;
    be concerned about:He has to look out for his health.
  18. look over, to examine, esp. briefly:Will you please look over my report before I submit it?
  19. Idioms look sharp:
    • to be alert and quick:If you want to get ahead, you must look sharp.
    • British TermsAlso, look slippy. to hurry:You’d better look sharp! It’s getting late.

  20. look to:
    • to direct one’s glance or gaze to:If you look to your left, you can see the Empire State Building.
    • to pay attention to:Look to your own affairs and stay out of mine.
    • to direct one’s expectations or hopes to:We look to the day when world peace will be a reality.
    • to regard with expectation and anticipation:We look to the future and greater advances in science and technology.

  21. look up:
    • to direct the eyes upward;
      raise one’s glance:The other guests looked up as she entered the room.
    • to become better or more prosperous;
      improve:Business is looking up.
    • to search for, as an item of information, in a reference book or the like:Look up the answer in the encyclopedia.
    • to seek out, esp. to visit:to look up an old friend.
    • Naval Terms[Naut.](of a sailing ship) to head more nearly in the direction of its destination after a favoring change of wind.

  22. look up to, to regard with admiration or respect;
    esteem:A boy needs a father he can look up to.


  1. the act of looking:a look of inquiry.
  2. a visual search or examination.
  3. the way in which a person or thing appears to the eye or to the mind;
    aspect:He has the look of an honest man. The tablecloth has a cheap look.
  4. an expressive glance:to give someone a sharp look.
  5. looks:
    • general aspect;
      appearance:to like the looks of a place.
    • attractive, pleasing appearance.

  • bef. 900; (verb, verbal) Middle English lōk(i)en, Old English lōcian; cognate with Middle Dutch lœken, akin to dialect, dialectal German lugen to look out; (noun, nominal) Middle English loke act of looking, glance, countenance, derivative of the verb, verbal

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See watch. 
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See seem. 
    • 33.See corresponding entry in Unabridged gaze, glance.
    • 34.See corresponding entry in Unabridged appearance, air.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

look /lʊk/ vb (mainly intr)

  1. (often followed by at) to direct the eyes (towards): to look at the sea
  2. (often followed by at) to direct one’s attention (towards): let’s look at the circumstances
  3. (often followed by to) to turn one’s interests or expectations (towards): to look to the future
  4. (copula) to give the impression of being by appearance to the eye or mind; seem: that looks interesting
  5. to face in a particular direction: the house looks north
  6. to expect, hope, or plan (to do something): I look to hear from you soon, he’s looking to get rich
  7. (followed by for) to search or seek: I looked for you everywhere
  8. to cherish the expectation (of); hope (for): I look for success
  9. (followed by to) to be mindful (of): to look to the promise one has made
  10. to have recourse (to): look to your swords, men!
  11. to be a pointer or sign: these early inventions looked towards the development of industry
  12. (followed by into) to carry out an investigation: to look into a mystery
  13. (transitive) to direct a look at (someone) in a specified way: she looked her rival up and down
  14. (transitive) to accord in appearance with (something): to look one’s age
  15. look alive, look livelyhurry up; get busy
  16. look daggers
    See dagger
  17. look herean expression used to attract someone’s attention, add emphasis to a statement, etc
  18. look sharp, look smart ⇒ (imperative) to hurry up; make haste
  19. not look atto refuse to consider: they won’t even look at my offer of £5000
  20. not much to look atunattractive; plain


  1. the act or an instance of looking: a look of despair
  2. a view or sight (of something): let’s have a look
  3. (often plural) appearance to the eye or mind; aspect: the look of innocence, I don’t like the looks of this place
  4. style; fashion

sentence connector

  1. an expression demanding attention or showing annoyance, determination, etc: look, I’ve had enough of this

See also look after, look backEtymology: Old English lōcian; related to Middle Dutch læken, Old High German luogen to look out

See at like1

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Change The Way You Look At Things – Inspirational Speech by Fearless Soul Ft Eddie Pinero

Change The Way You Look At Things And The Things You Look At Change – Inspirational Speech by Fearless Soul Ft Eddie Pinero

Wayne Dyer once said “Change The Way You Look At Things And The Things You Look At Change”. He was so right.
When you change the way you see the world, when your intentions are positive and powerful, when you search only for the good, then you life transforms into the amazing adventure it was designed to be. After all, anything and everything in life is all up to interpretation. In other words, there is no such thing as reality, you create your own reality with the thoughts you think.

If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. #WayneDyer

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Change The Way You Look At Things And The Things You Look At Change – Inspirational Speech by Fearless Soul – Watch Free on Youtube
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Download – Change The Way You Look At Things And The Things You Look At Change – Inspirational Speech Music Track on iTunes | Google Play or Amazon MP3
Lyrics & Music Copyright: Fearless Motivation & Fearless Soul
Speaker: Eddie Pinero (Your World Within)

Lyrics – Change The Way You Look At Things And The Things You Look At Change – Inspirational Speech by Fearless Soul & Eddie Pinero

I’m a big believer that some of the most important, worthwhile lessons in life are often the most simple, the most overlooked.

One of my greatest realizations is that any situation is far less important 
than your interpretation of it.
In fact, I go as far as to say that anything in life is simply a product of the meaning that we give it.

As Wayne Dyer said:
“If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.”

And this is extremely significant because it unblocks any door in the world.
To be able to have that perspective,
that understanding, that you are the one in control.
Knowing that will undoubtedly take you places.

The question of course is what are you doing about it. Right? It’s no secret that if you look at things with a negative lens they’re going to appear negative.
If you look at life as this giant tragedy and you’re always the helpless victim, guess what? You will remain that way.
You’re essentially enabling a self-fulfilling prophecy.

We are who we believe we are. The world around us exists as we allow ourselves to see it.

Words like difficult, impossible… They have no meaning. They don’t even exist until we give them life
Think about it. We are creating negativity, You know, constructing barriers that have absolutely no reason to be up.
I like to simplify this equation, 
because to me it’s about having a goal and achieving it. That’s it.
You’re at point A and you want to get to point B
Then there are really 2 options:
You can map out your path and make it happen or you can create reasons that it’s not possible
That you can’t do it. That success isn’t for you

Starting with the little things, like waking up early or changing, you know, eating habits, we look at what’s in front of us and we ask WHY, we don’t ask WHY NOT.

And here’s my take: If human beings got a man on the moon you can come up with a strategy to wake up early without hitting the snooze button.
It is that simple and this applies all the way up the ladder to larger things to running the marathon, getting the promotion, on and on and on, getting out of a particular situation.

See yourself as someone who wins, who succeeds, Leave all that other baggage behind you, it helps no one.
They say some of life’s greatest accomplishments were achieved by people who didn’t know
they were once considered “impossible”. They had a target and they hit it.

Before you even think about your specifics you have to know that a solution is out there that it exists, it’s just a matter of whether you will make it happen

And that’s where it’s so important to set yourself up to succeed, to brush the negativity aside and to analyze what’s in front of you with the lens of someone who can and will get the job done

Surround yourself with positive people.
Quit associating with things that tell you anything but yes. Life is hard enough as it is. You don’t need additional hurdles.
It’s about you and that goal. You and your objectives, not CAN you, but HOW WILL you

Surround yourself with positive people.
Quit associating with things that tell you anything but yes

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Change The Way You Look At Things And The Things You Look At Change

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JGI/Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Getty

by Kate Woodford

What did you last look for? Was it your phone, a key or maybe a book? If you’re anything like me, it was probably a pen that works! Most of us search for something from time to time so let’s take a look at the language of searching.

A number of words and phrases describe someone looking for one particular thing in a place where there are many things. They suggest that someone moves things around in the attempt to find what they are looking for. For example, there are the slightly informal phrasal verbs root around and poke around: I was just rooting around in my drawer, hoping to find a red pen. / If you poke around in that cupboard, you’ll probably find some glue. The verb rummage is used with the same meaning: She rummaged in her bag and pulled out a small, green bottle. / It was a video of a bear rummaging through a pile of trash.

Meanwhile, if you turn a place upside down, you search every bit of that place in order to find something, often leaving it very untidy: We turned the apartment upside down but we still couldn’t find the letter.

A verb with an extra meaning is ‘rifle’. If you rifle through somewhere, you search it quickly, often in order to steal something: Someone had obviously rifled through the drawers.

Some verbs describe someone searching a particular place or thing to find an item. For example, if you trawl, you often search through a large quantity of information in order to find what you want: The software is used to trawl for information on the Internet. If you scout for something, you look all over an area for it: I’ve been scouting around for somewhere to live. Other verbs suggest that you are looking for a particular thing. For example, if police or detectives comb an area, they search it very carefully in order to find weapons or other evidence: Police are combing the area for clues. If you forage, you go from place to place, looking for food. Wild and foraged food features prominently on the menu.

I’ll finish with two colourful idioms. If something is extremely difficult to find, often because there are so many things to look through, you might say it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. (A needle is a very thin piece of metal that is used for sewing and a haystack is a large pile of dried grass in a field!) There are so many pieces of paper here – it’s like finding a needle in a haystack! Meanwhile, if a search is a complete waste of time, often because the person or thing being searched for does not exist, we may call it a wild-goose chase. What, I wonder, are the equivalent idioms in your language?

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. – Wayne Dyer

"Quick, I need a blue piece." But does it need to be blue? Or will a gray piece do? There are lots of both, but what if you needed one which was red?

“Quick, I need a blue piece.” But does it need to be blue? Or will a gray piece do? There are lots of both, but what if you needed one which was red? What is the issue you are solving?

What does that mean?
This is another twisted quote chiastic. It says change the look, and how you look will change. We all see things through our own filters.

We often see what we expect to see. If you are looking for blue cars, you don’t really notice the other cars. You might even be surprised at how many the other cars are, and how few the blue ones are.

But if you look for cars in general, you suddenly notice how many non-blue cars there are, because now you notice them far more often. To me, that is what this quote is about.

Consider if you are looking for your flaws. How many will you find? How many more will you invent? If instead you look for your strengths, how many flaws will you find? And how would your life change in the process?

Why is focus important?  
We tend to find more of the things on which we focus. Have you ever been looking everywhere for something, and have someone else say “you mean this?” Grrrr. Yes that. Were you too focused? Were you focused on all the wrong spots? That’s what usually happens to me, how about you?

If you’re looking for a way to get to your vacation, and you usually take a plane, do you even consider the train or a boat? Yes, there will be places a train or boat cannot go, but the point remains the same. If you already have something in mind, the other possibilities fade into the background.

If we focus on solving the problem, rather than on one specific part of it, it will be easier to get to a satisfactory result, right? Otherwise your focus could easily lead you astray. At least that is the way it works for me.

And should you ever find yourself in a place where you were ‘stuck,’ you could well find that a simple change in the way you look at things could change the whole look of the issue at hand. At least it often does for me.

Where can I apply this in my life?
very rule has an exception. I call the exception to the ‘find what you are looking for’ the “Lego Exception.” I have spend hours searching for that one piece I need to finish my masterpiece. It’s in there, I know it, but I just can’t find it.

In my case, it’s usually because I see it in my mind in a certain position and orientation, and if it isn’t, I look right past it. That’s a little too much focus. Instead of being focused on what I needed, I had a vision of exactly what I wanted, and anything less than a perfect match was discarded.

Recently, I was talking with my son about trying to solve a particular issue. He came up with a potential solution, but it had a flaw. When I pointed out the flaw to him, he came up with a new solution, based solely on fixing the flaw. It was a horrible fit to the issue at hand.

By focusing on the flaw, he lost track of the original object of the exercise. How often does that happen to you? How often do you come up with plans to fix the last thing that went wrong, without keeping in mind all the other things which were issues before?

Can you imagine how interesting your life would be if you dated in this manner? Each time looking for someone with the sole criteria that they weren’t going to have the issue which doomed the last relationship, and without any consideration to any other issue they might have? Ouch!

Where in your life are you feeling suck or otherwise not able to find a solution? Might it be how you are looking at things? Or might it be that your idea regarding the proper solution might not be the best possible way of getting there from where you are?

If you’ve solved a similar problem before using a particular method, you might simply go back to something with which you are familiar, even if it isn’t the best way of overcoming this obstacle. There are plenty of situations where ‘autopilot’ kicks in, and things happen without a lot of thought.

To me, these situations are just what the quote is about. Take a moment and reconsider what you are doing, and what you are actually trying to accomplish. Sometimes that is all the more it takes to get things done. Sometimes seeing something with fresh eyes can be a big help.

Consider trying this. If you find yourself stuck, or frustrated, take a step back. Make sure you are seeing things properly. Are you solving the proper problem? Are you looking too hard for the one perfect piece? What other options have you ignored because you don’t usually use them?

Changing the way you look at things can bring clarity and aid in the discovery of new options. It can help you discard old habits which no longer serve you. And it can help you make better observations from your new perspective. Try it, you might like it.

From: Twitter, @wisdomsquote
confirmed at : http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/w/waynedyer384143.html
Photo by C Slack

When you change the way you look at things
The things you look at change
I can see the world so differently
Seeing things your way
There’s a path that’s right in front of me
That’s been calling me for days
And I know that when you walk with me
It will be for always

You give me everything I have
Everything I need
You are the reason why I believe
All my love
I wanna give to you all my life
I wanna see you in my dreams
You opened up my eyes to a world I have never seen
I’m coming home

When I see the way the early dawn drives the night away
To reveal a world that’s holding on to see a brighter day
I can only hope for everyone to feel the way I do
Live their life to love someone the way I love you

You give me everything I have
Everything I need
You are the reason why I believe
All my love
I wanna give to you all my life
I wanna see you in my dreams
You opened up my eyes to a world I have never seen
For always I will remain faithful to the faith you have in me
Can’t believe how much I have grown with you
I’m finally coming home

Through you I see the light that will take me home
All the days of my life

For always I will remain faithful to the faith you have in me
Can’t believe how much I have grown with you
I’m finally coming home

При изменении , как ты смотришь на вещи
То, что вы смотрите на изменения
Я вижу мир так по-разному
Видя вещи свой ​​путь
Там в путь, который прямо перед мной
Это звонил мне в течение нескольких дней
И я знаю, что , когда вы идете со мной
Это будет для всегда

Вы даете мне все, что я
Все, что я нужна
Вы причина, почему я считаю,
Вся моя любовь
Я хочу дать вам всю свою жизнь
Я хочу видеть тебя во сне
Вы открыли мне глаза на мир, который я никогда не видел
Я иду домой

Когда я вижу, как на рассвете приводит всю ночь напролет
Для выявления мир, который держит дальше, чтобы увидеть более яркий день
Я могу только надеяться на все , чтобы чувствовать себя так, как я
Жить своей жизнью , чтобы любить кого-то так, как я люблю тебя

Вы даете мне все, что я
Все, что я нужна
Вы причина, почему я считаю,
Вся моя любовь
Я хочу дать вам всю свою жизнь
Я хочу видеть тебя во сне
Вы открыли мне глаза на мир, который я никогда не видел
Для всегда буду оставаться верным вере у вас есть во мне
Не могу поверить, насколько я вырос с вами
Я, наконец, возвращаюсь домой

Через вас я вижу свет , который возьмет меня домой
Все дни моей жизни

Для всегда буду оставаться верным вере у вас есть во мне
Не могу поверить, насколько я вырос с вами
Я, наконец, возвращаюсь домой


Обновлено на

15 авг. 2018

  • Русский
  • Английский (британский вариант)

Вопрос про Английский (британский вариант)

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

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  • Английский (британский вариант)

When you change your perception and think positive , things around you change

Когда вы меняете свое восприятие и думаете положительно, все вокруг меняется

  • Английский (британский вариант)

It means when you change your point of view, the way you see things change.

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Что значит When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change?

  • Что значит when you sit around complaining, about how terrible you life is, you life will be terr…


    It means, if you complain and get upset about the bad things in your life you won’t get any positively or good things happen to you. Because …

  • Что значит Be as you wish to seem?


    It means act and be like how you want people to see you as. So your Type of personality.

  • Что значит Things will be feeling different for you ?


    The first one is right

  • Что значит If you don’t challenge yourself, you will never realize what you can become.?


    Firstly, realize is the American spelling, realise is British English :)

    Here, the word realise is being used as a synonym for achieve, or…

  • Что значит When you feel attractive and want to dress a certain way and flirt.?


    Hi @taichihi !


  • How do I say «be good at» in another way?
  • Which is the best way to learn an accent or to become fluent on speaking without a very bad pronu…
  • Какой by the way, when i see planes i get reminded of an ex-boyfeiend. звучит наиболее естественно?
  • Что значит 1. what does cream pie means? is it slang?

    2. when this word is suitable in use «pupp…

  • Что значит cupine ? it has to do with pork something?
  • Что значит sub , dom , vanilla , switch ?
  • Что значит scran?
  • Что значит breedable?
  • Что значит Это напрягает меня ?
  • Что значит Ты вообще кто такой
  • Что значит Будь что будет ?
  • Что значит Раз на раз?
  • Что значит Я убит на кайфах ?
  • Что значит Это напрягает меня ?
  • Что значит Besides, I already told you I’m taking the next guy.
    Not sure why you’re casually fra…
  • Что значит From this blood is born divine children, kids with godly powers. He (or she) will be e…
  • Что значит A-No, it was my fault for asking in the first place.
    B-Well, if there’s any life or d…
  • Что значит Ты вообще кто такой

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level 1

Any one else see a pussy or is that just me

level 2

I feel like its trying to tell us the pussy is also a delicious drink

level 2

lol it took me way to long to see the glass

level 2

It’s called quote porn for a reason

level 2

You are not alone. Very odd image for a Wayne Dyer quote.

level 2

Anyone else see a glass or its just me?! XD

level 2

I wanna know where you can get those thigh gap martini glasses.

level 2

I think what he’s trying to say is that if you look at a martini glass different it’s a pussy

level 2

I’m inspired to finna jerk it 🤔😤

level 2

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

level 2

Does no one read the title before posting anymore?? It’s the one thing you can’t edit…

Edit: And I just realized the OPs whole purpose is book quotes! I can’t trust anyone.

level 1

When you look into the puss, the puss looks back.

level 1

My wife saw a glass and only a glass!

level 1

Someone took the porn in QuotesPorn quite literally.

level 1

«If you look at things they change.»

-Werner Heisenberg

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Max Planck > Quotes > Quotable Quote


Max Planck

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Max Planck

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Max Planck

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