Word for the root man

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Write down 13 compound words which contain the root man. Write them in the singular and in the
Запишите 13 составных слов, которые содержат корень man. Напишите их в единственном и множественном числе.


seaman - seamen
моряк — моряки


Englishman - Englishmen
Англичанин — Англичане


Frenchman - Frenchmen
Француз — французы


policeman - policemen
полицейский — полицейские


fisherman - fishermen
рыбак — рыбаки


spaceman - spacemen
космонавт — космонавты


businessman - businessmen
бизнесмен — бизнесмены


sportsman - sportsmen
спортсмен — спортсмены


snowman - snowmen
снеговик — снеговики


countryman - countrymen
земляк — земляки


gentleman - gentlemen
джентльмены — джентльмены


milkman - milkmen
молочник — молочники


postman - postmen
почтальон — почтальоны

ГДЗ — «Rainbow English — Лексико-грамматический практикум»

по предмету Английский язык за 6 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Баранова К.М., Михеева И.В.


Write down 13 compound words which contain the root man. Write them in the singular and in the plural.
Запишите 13 составных слов, которые содержат корень man. Напишите их в единственном и множественном числе.

The Latin root word man means “hand.” This root word is the word origin of a number of English vocabulary words, including manuscript, manufacture, and manicure. An easy way to remember that man means “hand” is through the word manual, an adjective which describes a task done by “hand.”

Then, what is the root word?

A root word is a word or word part that can form the basis of new words through the addition of prefixes and suffixes. Understanding the meanings of common roots can help you work out the meanings of new words as you encounter them. Once you pull off any prefixes or suffixes, the root is usually what remains.

Also, where did the word male come from?

Male, on the other hand, come from Old French “masle”, or as we know it in modern French “mâle”, that itself comes from the Latin word “masculus”, both of which mean “male human”.

What is the root word of worked?

Quick Summary. The Latin root word labor means “work.” This Latin root is the word origin of a “working” number of English vocabulary words, including collaborate, labor itself, and elaborate. The root labor is easily recalled via the word laboratory, for that is where scientists do their “work.”

What is man short for?

Man” was simply short for “Mankind” when it was being used to describe all of humanity. One doesn’t capitalize it when it is describing a single male person, or, as in “men”, more than one male person.

Write Your Answer

Quick Summary. The Latin root word man means “hand.” This root word is the word origin of a number of English vocabulary words, including manuscript, manufacture, and manicure. An easy way to remember that man means “hand” is through the word manual, an adjective which describes a task done by “hand.”

Why is mankind called mankind?

The term man (from Proto-Germanic *mann- “person”) and words derived from it can designate any or even all of the human race regardless of their sex or age. In traditional usage, man (without an article) itself refers to the species or to humanity (mankind) as a whole. The Germanic word developed into Old English mann.

What does the root PES mean?

‘Relating to feet’, in words (e.g. pedestrian, pedicure) derived from Latin pes, genitive pedis, ‘foot’, from the Proto-Indo-European stem *ped- with the same meaning.

What is the PES?

Price elasticity of supply (PES) measures the responsiveness of quantity supplied to a change in price. While the coefficient for PES is positive in value, it may range from 0, perfectly inelastic, to infinite, perfectly elastic.

What is a PED?

Medical Definition of PED : a performance enhancing drug : a substance (such as an anabolic steroid or human growth hormone) that is used illicitly especially to improve athletic performance.

What is a PED security?

A PCI PED Security Requirements are primarily concerned with device characteristics impacting the security of the PIN Entry Device used by the cardholder during a financial transaction. If the device is not properly managed, unauthorized modifications might be made to its physical or logical security characteristics.

What does PED stand for in PE?

performance-enhancing drugs

What is ped in project management?

For quick reference they are as follows: PED project execution department. IPMS Integrated Project Management System. PMI Project Management Institute. PMP Project Management Professional (PMP)

What does PDA stand for?

Personal Digital Assistant

What is a PDA in education?

Professional Development Awards (PDAs) extend or broaden professional or vocational skills and are linked to National Occupational Standards.

What is HNC childhood practice?

The HNC Award in Childhood Practice at SCQF level 7 will equip candidates to work effectively in a range of care settings with a variety of service users. Learners will gain an understanding of the values and principles of social care and will learn how to integrate those values with the necessary skills and knowledge.

What jobs can you get with HNC childhood practice?

Job options

  • Early years teacher.
  • Education consultant.
  • Family support worker.
  • Health play specialist.
  • Learning mentor.
  • Play therapist.
  • Primary school teacher.
  • Special educational needs coordinator (SENCO)

What is HNC Social?

The HNC in Social Services (SCQF level 7) will equip candidates to work effectively in a range of care settings with a variety of service users. Learners will gain an understanding of the values and principles of social care and will learn how to integrate those values with the necessary skills and knowledge.

What is a BA in Childhood Studies?

The BA Childhood Studies includes childcare policy at home and abroad; equality; inclusion; health and well-being; language; communication; and early literacy skills. Guest speakers will help to further improve your understanding of the subject.

What does BA Hons stand for?

Bachelor of Arts

What do you do in child studies?

Content of the Child Studies course

  • Preparing for parenthood.
  • Conception to birth.
  • Family interactions.
  • Newborn care.
  • Growth and development.
  • Play and the developing child.
  • Health and safety in childhood.
  • Food and nutrition in childhood.

Table of Contents

  1. What words contain the root word man?
  2. What is the prefix of man?
  3. What is root words and examples?
  4. What words have the root?
  5. What is the main difference between a root word and a root?
  6. What is the root word of impossible?
  7. Can a root word stand alone?
  8. What is root word of illegal?
  9. What is the root word for Impress?
  10. What does unlawful mean?
  11. What is another word for unlawful?
  12. What means coerce?
  13. What do you mean by unlawful assembly?
  14. What does section 144 say?
  15. What are the ingredients of unlawful assembly?
  16. Who is a member of unlawful assembly?
  17. What is the minimum number of persons required for an unlawful assembly?
  18. What is the punishment for member of unlawful assembly?
  19. Is unlawful assembly constitutional?
  20. What is a unlawful protest?
  21. What is the difference between an unlawful assembly and a riot?
  22. Is it legal to riot?
  23. Can you go to jail for rioting?
  24. What qualifies as a riot?
  25. What’s the difference between riot and protest?
  26. What is the definition of inciting violence?
  27. Is provoking someone illegal?
  28. Is inciting violence illegal?

I hope that you will now be able to automatically instead of manually know the “handy” root word man!

  • manipulate: operate by ‘hand’
  • manual: of being done by ‘hand’
  • manufacture: make by ‘hand’
  • manage: lead by ‘hand’
  • maneuver: a working by ‘hand’
  • manners: social ‘handiness’

What is the prefix of man?

Use of man- as a prefix and in composition usually denotes the generic meaning of “human”, as in mankind, man-eating, man-made, etc. In some instances, when modifying gender-neutral nouns, the prefix may also denote masculine gender, as in manservant (17th century).

What is root words and examples?

A root word is a word or word part that can form the basis of new words through the addition of prefixes and suffixes. For example, “egotist” has a root word of “ego” plus the suffix “-ist.” “Acting” has the root word “act”; “-ing” is merely the suffix.

What words have the root?

11 letter words containing root

  • scrootching.
  • rootinesses.
  • gingerroots.
  • bitterroots.
  • crinkleroot.
  • papooseroot.
  • multirooted.
  • grootebroek.

What is the main difference between a root word and a root?

Answer Expert Verified. A root word is a word that serves as the base of a new word, such as “love” in “lovely”. The main consideration is that a root word can stand alone as its own word. A root also generally is associated with a meaning, such as “ambi” in ambidextrous.

What is the root word of impossible?

The prefix in the word “impossible” is “im”. Prefixes are placed in front of the root of the word and change the meaning of the word. In this case, the root of the word “impossible” is “possible”—meaning that something is able to happen or occur. A prefix is a word part in front of a base or root word.

Can a root word stand alone?

Root words come from Latin or Greek. They aren’t actually words that can stand alone in English. They are also referred to as a “word root” or just a “root.” For example, aud is a Latin word root that means to hear or to listen.

What is root word of illegal?

Illegality is the state of being against the rules or the law. Sometimes you have to break the law to effect change. The root word of illegality is legal, which is from the Latin word legalis, which means related to or pertaining to the law.

What is the root word for Impress?

Impress is derived from the Latin verb premere, meaning “press” and the source of press in all its senses. It usually is a verb and can mean “imprint by applying pressure” or “affect significantly.” (It is also a synonym for transfer and transmit.)

What does unlawful mean?

1 : not lawful : illegal. 2 : not morally right or conventional. Other Words from unlawful Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More about unlawful.

What is another word for unlawful?

Unlawful Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for unlawful?

illegal criminal
illicit illegitimate
actionable banned
felonious forbidden
outlawed prohibited

What means coerce?

transitive verb. 1 : to compel to an act or choice was coerced into agreeing abusers who coerce their victims into silence. 2 : to achieve by force or threat coerce compliance coerce obedience.

What do you mean by unlawful assembly?

Unlawful assembly is a legal term to describe a group of people with the mutual intent of deliberate disturbance of the peace. If the group is about to start an act of disturbance, it is termed a rout; if the disturbance is commenced, it is then termed a riot.

What does section 144 say?

Section 144 is a ruling that prohibits public gatherings in a given jurisdiction. This constitutional provision empowers the district or any executive magistrate in a state or union territory to impose the said law during anticipated emergencies.

What are the ingredients of unlawful assembly?

Ingredients of Unlawful Assembly in India – Section 141 of I.P.C.

  • Ingredients:
  • (i) Overawe by criminal force:
  • (ii) Resist legal process:
  • (iii) Commit “Mischief” and “Criminal Trespass”:
  • (iv) Take or obtain possession of any property by criminal force:
  • Incorporeal rights:
  • Enforcement of right or supposed right:
  • Unlawful assembly when right of private defence exceeded:

Who is a member of unlawful assembly?

Whoever, being aware of facts which render any assembly an unlawful assembly, intentionally joins that assembly, or continues in it, is said to be a member of an unlawful assembly.

What is the minimum number of persons required for an unlawful assembly?

five persons

What is the punishment for member of unlawful assembly?

Whoever is a member of an unlawful assembly, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine, or with both. Punishment: Imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine, or with both.

Is unlawful assembly constitutional?

n. although freedom of assembly is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution, it is unlawful to assemble for the purpose of starting a riot or breaching the peace, or when such an assembly reasonably could be expected to cause a riot or endanger the public.

What is a unlawful protest?

Demonstrators who engage in civil disobedience – defined as non-violent unlawful action as a form of protest – are not protected under the First Amendment. If you endanger others while protesting, you can be arrested. A protest that blocks vehicular or pedestrian traffic is illegal without a permit.

What is the difference between an unlawful assembly and a riot?

Riot, in criminal law, a violent offense against public order involving three or more people. Like an unlawful assembly, a riot involves a gathering of persons for an illegal purpose. In contrast to an unlawful assembly, however, a riot involves violence.

Is it legal to riot?

Riots are destructive events that can cause significant harm to life and property. Under California Penal Code Section 404.6 PC, it is unlawful to incite a riot, even if the defendant does not participate in the riot or actually commit a violent act as part of the resulting riot.

Can you go to jail for rioting?

Consequences for Rioters Can Include Jail Time Those convicted of a riot-related offense could face up to 180 days in jail and a fine of up to $2,000. Riot charges can also be upgraded depending on the facts of your case. If convicted, however, jail time and fines won’t be your only concerns.

What qualifies as a riot?

Under United States federal law, a riot is defined as: Penal Law, “A person is guilty of inciting to riot when one urges ten or more persons to engage in tumultuous and violent conduct of a kind likely to create public alarm.”

What’s the difference between riot and protest?

Generally speaking, a protest in the sense relevant here is “a usually organized public demonstration of disapproval” (of some law, policy, idea, or state of affairs), while a riot is “a disturbance of the peace created by an assemblage of usually three or more people acting with a common purpose and in a violent and …

What is the definition of inciting violence?

“Incitement to violence” is a term that refers to speech that creates an immediate risk of harm to another person. It’s kind of like a threat, except it’s done through another person.

Is provoking someone illegal?

In law, provocation is when a person is considered to have committed a criminal act partly because of a preceding set of events that might cause a reasonable person to lose self control.

Is inciting violence illegal?

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees free speech, and the degree to which incitement is protected speech is determined by the imminent lawless action test introduced by the 1969 Supreme Court decision in the case Brandenburg v. Incitement to riot is illegal under U.S. federal law.

What words contain the root word man?

I hope that you will now be able to automatically instead of manually know the “handy” root word man!

  • manipulate: operate by ‘hand’
  • manual: of being done by ‘hand’
  • manufacture: make by ‘hand’
  • manage: lead by ‘hand’
  • maneuver: a working by ‘hand’
  • manners: social ‘handiness’

What is the prefix of man?

Use of man- as a prefix and in composition usually denotes the generic meaning of “human”, as in mankind, man-eating, man-made, etc. In some instances, when modifying gender-neutral nouns, the prefix may also denote masculine gender, as in manservant (17th century).

What is root words and examples?

A root word is a word or word part that can form the basis of new words through the addition of prefixes and suffixes. For example, “egotist” has a root word of “ego” plus the suffix “-ist.” “Acting” has the root word “act”; “-ing” is merely the suffix.

What words have the root?

11 letter words containing root

  • scrootching.
  • rootinesses.
  • gingerroots.
  • bitterroots.
  • crinkleroot.
  • papooseroot.
  • multirooted.
  • grootebroek.

What is the main difference between a root word and a root?

Answer Expert Verified. A root word is a word that serves as the base of a new word, such as “love” in “lovely”. The main consideration is that a root word can stand alone as its own word. A root also generally is associated with a meaning, such as “ambi” in ambidextrous.

What is the root word of impossible?

The prefix in the word “impossible” is “im”. Prefixes are placed in front of the root of the word and change the meaning of the word. In this case, the root of the word “impossible” is “possible”—meaning that something is able to happen or occur. A prefix is a word part in front of a base or root word.

Can a root word stand alone?

Root words come from Latin or Greek. They aren’t actually words that can stand alone in English. They are also referred to as a “word root” or just a “root.” For example, aud is a Latin word root that means to hear or to listen.

What is root word of illegal?

Illegality is the state of being against the rules or the law. Sometimes you have to break the law to effect change. The root word of illegality is legal, which is from the Latin word legalis, which means related to or pertaining to the law.

What is the root word for Impress?

Impress is derived from the Latin verb premere, meaning “press” and the source of press in all its senses. It usually is a verb and can mean “imprint by applying pressure” or “affect significantly.” (It is also a synonym for transfer and transmit.)

What does unlawful mean?

1 : not lawful : illegal. 2 : not morally right or conventional. Other Words from unlawful Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More about unlawful.

What is another word for unlawful?

Unlawful Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for unlawful?

illegal criminal
illicit illegitimate
actionable banned
felonious forbidden
outlawed prohibited

What means coerce?

transitive verb. 1 : to compel to an act or choice was coerced into agreeing abusers who coerce their victims into silence. 2 : to achieve by force or threat coerce compliance coerce obedience.

What do you mean by unlawful assembly?

Unlawful assembly is a legal term to describe a group of people with the mutual intent of deliberate disturbance of the peace. If the group is about to start an act of disturbance, it is termed a rout; if the disturbance is commenced, it is then termed a riot.

What does section 144 say?

Section 144 is a ruling that prohibits public gatherings in a given jurisdiction. This constitutional provision empowers the district or any executive magistrate in a state or union territory to impose the said law during anticipated emergencies.

What are the ingredients of unlawful assembly?

Ingredients of Unlawful Assembly in India – Section 141 of I.P.C.

  • Ingredients:
  • (i) Overawe by criminal force:
  • (ii) Resist legal process:
  • (iii) Commit “Mischief” and “Criminal Trespass”:
  • (iv) Take or obtain possession of any property by criminal force:
  • Incorporeal rights:
  • Enforcement of right or supposed right:
  • Unlawful assembly when right of private defence exceeded:

Who is a member of unlawful assembly?

Whoever, being aware of facts which render any assembly an unlawful assembly, intentionally joins that assembly, or continues in it, is said to be a member of an unlawful assembly.

What is the minimum number of persons required for an unlawful assembly?

five persons

What is the punishment for member of unlawful assembly?

Whoever is a member of an unlawful assembly, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine, or with both. Punishment: Imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine, or with both.

Is unlawful assembly constitutional?

n. although freedom of assembly is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution, it is unlawful to assemble for the purpose of starting a riot or breaching the peace, or when such an assembly reasonably could be expected to cause a riot or endanger the public.

What is a unlawful protest?

Demonstrators who engage in civil disobedience – defined as non-violent unlawful action as a form of protest – are not protected under the First Amendment. If you endanger others while protesting, you can be arrested. A protest that blocks vehicular or pedestrian traffic is illegal without a permit.

What is the difference between an unlawful assembly and a riot?

Riot, in criminal law, a violent offense against public order involving three or more people. Like an unlawful assembly, a riot involves a gathering of persons for an illegal purpose. In contrast to an unlawful assembly, however, a riot involves violence.

Is it legal to riot?

Riots are destructive events that can cause significant harm to life and property. Under California Penal Code Section 404.6 PC, it is unlawful to incite a riot, even if the defendant does not participate in the riot or actually commit a violent act as part of the resulting riot.

Can you go to jail for rioting?

Consequences for Rioters Can Include Jail Time Those convicted of a riot-related offense could face up to 180 days in jail and a fine of up to $2,000. Riot charges can also be upgraded depending on the facts of your case. If convicted, however, jail time and fines won’t be your only concerns.

What qualifies as a riot?

Under United States federal law, a riot is defined as: Penal Law, “A person is guilty of inciting to riot when one urges ten or more persons to engage in tumultuous and violent conduct of a kind likely to create public alarm.”

What’s the difference between riot and protest?

Generally speaking, a protest in the sense relevant here is “a usually organized public demonstration of disapproval” (of some law, policy, idea, or state of affairs), while a riot is “a disturbance of the peace created by an assemblage of usually three or more people acting with a common purpose and in a violent and …

What is the definition of inciting violence?

“Incitement to violence” is a term that refers to speech that creates an immediate risk of harm to another person. It’s kind of like a threat, except it’s done through another person.

Is provoking someone illegal?

In law, provocation is when a person is considered to have committed a criminal act partly because of a preceding set of events that might cause a reasonable person to lose self control.

Is inciting violence illegal?

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees free speech, and the degree to which incitement is protected speech is determined by the imminent lawless action test introduced by the 1969 Supreme Court decision in the case Brandenburg v. Incitement to riot is illegal under U.S. federal law.

What words contain the root word man?

Alex Heath


What words contain the root word man?

-man- , root. -man- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “hand. ” This meaning is found in such words as: amanuensis, legerdemain, maintain, manacle, manage, maneuver, manual, manufacture, manure, manuscript.

How many words have the word man in them?

1582 results for words containing man.

What does skirmish mean?

1 : a minor fight in war usually incidental to larger movements. 2a : a brisk preliminary verbal conflict. b : a minor dispute or contest between opposing parties the debate touched off a skirmish.

What means man?

The term man (from Proto-Germanic *mann- “person”) and words derived from it can designate any or even all of the human race regardless of their sex or age. In traditional usage, man (without an article) itself refers to the species or to humanity (mankind) as a whole. The Germanic word developed into Old English mann.

What qualities make a man?

  • He’s smart.
  • He makes you laugh.
  • He actively supports your career.
  • He makes as much effort with your friends and family as you do with his.
  • He’s emotionally intelligent.
  • He respects your opinions and listens to what you have to say.
  • He’s willing to put the work in.
  • He celebrates your achievements.

What is the definition of man made?

: manufactured, created, or constructed by human beings specifically : synthetic man-made fibers.

What do we call man in English?

/mana/ mind countable noun. Your mind is your ability to think and reason.

Why is it called man made?

The definition of man made refers to something that was created by humans, as opposed to by God or nature. An example of man made is a lake that was dug by a company using machines. An example of man made is an artificial fiber used to make a piece of fabric. Created by a human.

What is the suffix of man?

AS A SUFFIX, “-man” almost always is derived from mann meaning a person. It is “technically” a gender neutral term. Examples are policeman, fireman, salesman. AS A PREFIX, or as a part of a word root, “man-” is more often derived from manus meaning hand or force.

What does the root word tele mean?

Tell students that the Greek root tele means “distant or far away.” Then print the following mathematical sentence on the board and read it aloud: tele + phone = telephone. Say:The other Greek root in telephone is phone; it means “sound.”

Is Manu Latin or Greek?

Root Meaning in English Origin language
man-, manu- hand Latin
mand-, -mend- order, commit Latin
mar- sea Latin
mas- male, man Latin

Is ped a Latin or Greek root?

Ped- conveys multiple meanings, from different Latin and Ancient Greek root words: ‘Relating to feet’, in words (e.g. pedestrian, pedicure) derived from Latin pes, genitive pedis, ‘foot’, from the Proto-Indo-European stem *ped- with the same meaning.

What is the root word of centipede?

Centipedes (from the New Latin prefix centi-, “hundred”, and the Latin word pes, pedis, “foot”) are predatory arthropods belonging to the class Chilopoda (Ancient Greek χεῖλος, kheilos, lip, and New Latin suffix -poda, “foot”, describing the forcipules) of the subphylum Myriapoda, an arthropod group which also includes …

What does podiatrist mean?

Podiatrists are medical specialists who help with problems that affect your feet or lower legs. They can treat injuries as well as complications from ongoing health issues like diabetes. You might hear them called a podiatric physician or doctor of podiatric medicine.

What does meter mean?

meter. The basic unit of length in the metric system; it was originally planned so that the circumference of the Earth would be measured at about forty million meters. A meter is 39.37 inches. Today, the meter is defined to be the distance light travels in 1 / 299,792,458 seconds.

What does the Greek word meter mean?


What is the meaning of logy?

-logy is a suffix in the English language, used with words originally adapted from Ancient Greek ending in -λογία (-logia). The suffix has the sense of “the character or deportment of one who speaks or treats of [a certain subject]”, or more succinctly, “the study of [a certain subject]”.

What does Meter mean in literature?

Meter is the basic rhythmic structure of a line within a work of poetry. Meter consists of two components: The number of syllables. A pattern of emphasis on those syllables.

What is verse in English literature?

In the countable sense, a verse is formally a single metrical line in a poetic composition. However, verse has come to represent any division or grouping of words in a poetic composition, with groupings traditionally having been referred to as stanzas.

What is the diction of a story?

Diction refers to the linguistic choices a writer makes to effectively convey an idea, a point of view, or tell a story. In literature, the words used by an author can help establish a distinct voice and style.

What is blank verse in literature?

Blank Verse is any verse comprised of unrhymed lines all in the same meter, usually iambic pentameter. It was developed in Italy and became widely used during the Renaissance because it resembled classical, unrhymed poetry. Iamb- two syllables, unstressed-stressed, as in “today”.

Who first introduced the blank verse in English?

the Earl of Surrey

What is a blank verse example?

Blank verse is poetry written with regular metrical but unrhymed lines, almost always in iambic pentameter. The play Arden of Faversham (around 1590 by an unknown author) is a notable example of end-stopped blank verse.

What type of poetry is blank verse?

What Is a Blank Verse Poem? Blank verse is poetry written with a precise meter—almost always iambic pentameter—but that does not rhyme. When a poem is written in iambic pentameter, it means each line contains five iambs—two syllable pairs in which the second syllable is emphasized.

What is a rhymed verse?

What Is a Rhymed Poem? A rhymed poem is a work of poetry that contains rhyming vowel sounds at particular moments. (Common vowel sounds are also known as “assonance”—not to be confused with “consonance” which refers to common consonant sounds.) Free verse makes no requirements for meter or rhyme.

What is a Cinquain poem?

A Cinquain is a five-lined poem (hence the name!) and is a favorite poetic form for many kids because, as one of our Brave Writer students pointed out: “They are easy and fun to write and they don’t require a whole lot of words!” They also reinforce some basic grammatical parts of speech.

What is a free verse in poetry?

Free verse is verse in lines of irregular length, rhyming (if at all) very irregularly. Note: nowadays some poets and critics reject the term ‘free verse’ and prefer to speak of ‘open form’ poetry or ‘mixed form’ poetry.

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