‘ABILITY TO READ AND WRITE’ is a 21 letter
starting with A and ending with E
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Synonyms for LITERACY
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8 letter answer(s) to ability to read and write
- the ability to read and write
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From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Literacy means the ability to read and write. Being able to read and write is an important skill in modern societies. Usually, people learn how to read and write at school. People who can read and write are called literate; those who cannot are called illiterate.
According to UNESCO, illiteracy is not being able to write or read a simple sentence in any language. They estimated that, in 1998, about 16% of the world’s population were illiterate.
World literacy rates by country
Illiteracy is highest amongst the states of the Arabian Peninsula, and in Africa, around the Sahara.[1] In those countries about 30% of men, and 40-50% of women are illiterate, by the UN definition. One of the causes of illiteracy is that someone who can manage to live without being able to read and write often does not have any reason to want to learn to read and write. Cultural factors also play a part, such as having a culture in which the oral tradition (communicating by speaking) is more important than writing. A tribe that mostly herds livestock, for example, may have no need to read or write.
There are two different kinds of illiteracy:
- People with primary illiteracy have never learned how to read or write.
- People who have learned some reading and writing, but not well enough for their work are called functionally illiterate. Perhaps they cannot write well enough to fill out a form, or to understand instructions in a manual. In most industrial countries, the main problem is functional illiteracy.
In English the word literacy has traditionally meant to be well educated.[2] It also meant to be familiar with literature (to know about books).[2] In the late 19th century the word came to include the ability to read and write. It still kept its larger meaning.[2] In modern usage, literacy also means being able to read print, visual, and sound texts.[3] To continue learning students must be literate in more than just reading and writing text.[3]
[change | change source]
- Aliteracy
- Writing
- Reading
- Literacy test
- Right to education
References[change | change source]
- ↑ «The Arab Population» (PDF). United Nations Population Fund. Retrieved 9 June 2015.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 «Understandings of Literacy» (PDF). UNESCO. Retrieved 9 June 2015.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 «Reflections about the Meaning of Literacy». Literacy in Learning Exchange. Retrieved 9 June 2015.
Presumably you want a word to describe a non-native or learner of the language. For Europeans learning other European languages (where the writing is in the Roman or Cyrillic alphabet and learning to read is trivial in comparison to speak and listen), you would say that a person has
having reading proficiency
in the language. For a single word adjective, I don’t think there’s a wod for any particular ability like ‘speakability’ or ‘readability’ (that means what you want it to mean).
For languages where the accepted writing system takes much more study like Chinese or Japanese, most people learn those languages academically where the proficiency in both go at about the same rate (it’s almost like learning two different languages at the same time, spoken and written).
For the other side, for native speakers, there is only the issue of whether they can read their own language and for that
captures the idea.
‘Literate’ could also work for the non-native learner, but even though intended for only the reading skill, might be misunderstood for ‘well-educated’ in the language, meaning both able to read -and- speak well.
successful employment in the future.
успешному трудоустройству в будущем.
Грамотность взрослого населения, определяемая как умение читать и писать на любом языке, оценивается среди лиц в возрасте от 15 лет.
In a fast-evolving techno-global world,
literacy has moved beyond its traditional meaning that is, ability to read and write at an adequate level of proficiency that is necessary
for communication in everyday life.
В быстроразвивающемся техноглобальном мире
понятие грамотности переросло свое традиционное значение способность читать и писать на необходимом для общения в повседневной жизни уровне.
men increased opportunities in life.
расширять свои возможности в жизни.
He asked the delegation
indicate how
Оратор просит членов делегации указать,
Although English is the national official language of communication,
literacy in Zambia is established by an individual’s ability to read and write in any of the local languages.
Хотя в Замбии государственным официальным языком является английский язык,
It is thus
clearly apparent that most Arab States focus exclusively on basic literacy(the ability to read and write), regardless of what language the individual knows.
Таким образом, очевидно,
что большинство арабских государств ориентируются исключительно на базовую грамотность( умение читать и писать), независимо от того, какой язык знает человек.
Population in the urban areas aged 10 years old
Население в городских районах в возрасте 10 лет
social services in a more efficient manner.
пользоваться ими более эффективно.
But while spoken language’is an innate part of the human operating system,’something we have been
Но в то время как речь
This grants the user who dropped or
Это предоставит пользователю, направившему или создавшему
or those who have been married is highest in the governorate of South Lebanon(100%), falling
83.2% in the districts of Akkar
которые ранее состояли в браке, является самым высоким в провинции Южный Ливан( 100 процентов), снижаясь до 83, 2 процента в округах Аккар
Миния- Данния.
Technology can accomplish many tasks, but the ability to read and write is so fundamental
our interaction with the world in which we live,
braille delivers that for blind people.
Технологии могут решать многие задачи, но способность читать и писать остается важнейшим способом взаимодействия с миром, в котором мы живем,
брайль дает эту возможность слепым людям.
Mean years of schooling is not always commensurate with the quality of education, but it is a better measure of a person’s knowledge than adult literacy rates,
Показатель средней продолжительности школьного обучения не всегда соизмерим с качеством образования, но это более эффективный показатель знаний человека, чем показатели грамотности среди взрослых,
In multi-lingual countries, however, information on the ability to read and write in a particular language may be essential
for the determination of educational policy
would, therefore, be a useful additional subject of inquiry.
значение для разработки общей политики в области народного образования,
поэтому этот вопрос может быть полезным дополнительным признаком.
When we look at concepts of illiteracy in the Arab States,
Bahrain(2001), Mauritania(2000)
Egypt(2005), the last-named country having added failure
complete primary education.
Говоря о понятии неграмотности в арабских государствах, следует отметить,
что они очевидно ориентированы на умение читать и писать, как, например, в Алжире( 2000 год), Бахрейне( 2001 год), Мавритании( 2000
Египте( 2005 год), при этом в Египте добавляется незаконченное начальное образование.
for women
men 10 years old or older are almost equal at 92.3 percent
92.0 percent, respectively, or a gender gap of 0.3 percentage point NSO 2003h.
В 2000 году показатели элементарной грамотности( касающиеся умения читать и писать простые сообщения на любом языке)
для женщин
мужчин в возрасте 10 лет
старше составляли почти 92, 3 процента
92, процента соответственно, иными словами разница в соотношении между лицами женского
мужского пола составила, 3 процента NSO 2003h.
resources in a more efficient manner.
Образование не только дает возможность читать или писать, но и позволяет получить доступ к основным услугам
пользоваться ими более эффективно.
The Japanese government provides the Kanji kentei(日本漢字能力検定試験 Nihon kanji nōryoku kentei shiken;»Test of Japanese Kanji Aptitude»),
Кандзи кэнтэй-« тест на знание японских кандзи»( 日 本 漢 字 能 力 検 定 試 験 Нихон кандзи но: реку кэнтэй сикэн)
The 83 pieces of graffiti found at CIL IV,
not be expected.
Часть граффити, обнаруженная в CIL IV, 4706- 85,
делает очевидным умение читать и писать тех слоев общества, которые считались безграмотными.
having access
advanced education, including education in the issues of life women face.
иметь доступ к более высокой ступени образования, включая обучение по вопросам, связанным с решением жизненных проблем, с которыми сталкиваются женщины.
Although the most recent survey by the Haitian Institute for Statistics
Information Sciences(IHSI) on Living Conditions in Haiti(ECVH-2001) shows that the rural population is declining,
the gap between it
urban residents in terms of ability to read and write indicates that school infrastructure is clearly insufficient
that schools are poorly equipped. Only 47.1% of girls in rural areas receive schooling.
По данным Обследования условий жизни в Гаити( ОУЖ- 2001), проведенного Институтом статистики
информатики Гаити( ИСИГ), численность сельского населения сокращается,
а его отставание от жителей городов в показателях умения читать и писать свидетельствует о том, что школ здесь остро не хватает,
они плохо оборудованы,
их посещают лишь 47, 1 процента сельских девочек.