Word for telling someone what to do

6 years, 9 months ago

4k times

I’m looking for a word or phrase somewhere between telling and asking someone to do something.
Example 1: xyz clean up your workspace when done
Example 2: I needed to xyz the programmer to modify the program.

asked Jul 18, 2016 at 7:06

AndersJ's user avatar


1231 silver badge5 bronze badges


English is absolutely full of alternatives for polite demands! English seems to be to be one of the most understated languages whereby a polite request is in fact a demand in disguise.

Example 1

  • I would really appreciate your cleaning your workspace
  • I would be grateful if you could clean your workspace when you are finished
  • We should all clean our workspaces at the end of the day
  • It is good practice to clean your workspace when complete
  • It would please me greatly if you could clean your workspace when your task is complete
  • Would you mind awfully, cleaning up your workspace? (and the meaning of «awfully» in this case is «very», as in would you mind a lot)

Example 2

  • Do you think it would be a good idea to modify the program to do xyz?
  • Could you please modify the program as per the jira task?
  • I would be grateful if you could modify the program by end of day tomorrow
  • Do you need any help in modifying the program per the user feedback?
  • When do you think the xyz modification will be complete?
  • Please could you raise the xyz modification to the top of your priority list
  • The xyz change to the program is important, please you could you work on it as a priority?

answered Jul 18, 2016 at 7:30

Bella Pines's user avatar

Bella PinesBella Pines

4752 silver badges7 bronze badges

instruct. verb. formal to tell someone to do something, especially officially or as their employer.

Herein, what is a word that means to help others?

altruistic. This word comes from the Old French altruistic and means «other people» and before that the Latin alter, which means «other.» Our current word comes from the nineteenth century and comes from philosophy. It means that it’s important for people to be concerned with the good of others and to act unselfishly.

Likewise, what declare mean?

to make known or state clearly, especially in explicit or formal terms: to declare one’s position in a controversy. to announce officially; proclaim: to declare a state of emergency; to declare a winner. to state emphatically: He declared that the allegation was a lie.

Do tell me meaning?

A phrase used to express surprise about something, as in Jane’s getting married again? Do tell. This expression does not necessarily ask the speaker to provide more details but merely expresses one’s astonishment.

How do you describe a helpful person?


  1. helpful. adjective. a helpful person helps you by doing something or by giving you useful advice or information.
  2. friendly. adjective. someone who is friendly is always pleasant and helpful towards other people.
  3. kind. adjective.
  4. caring. adjective.
  5. good-hearted. adjective.
  6. generous. adjective.
  7. forthcoming. adjective.
  8. good. adjective.
Write Your Answer

I’m looking for a word or phrase somewhere between telling and asking someone to do something.
Example 1: xyz clean up your workspace when done
Example 2: I needed to xyz the programmer to modify the program.


English is absolutely full of alternatives for polite demands! English seems to be to be one of the most understated languages whereby a polite request is in fact a demand in disguise.

Example 1

  • I would really appreciate your cleaning your workspace
  • I would be grateful if you could clean your workspace when you are finished
  • We should all clean our workspaces at the end of the day
  • It is good practice to clean your workspace when complete
  • It would please me greatly if you could clean your workspace when your task is complete
  • Would you mind awfully, cleaning up your workspace? (and the meaning of “awfully” in this case is “very”, as in would you mind a lot)

Example 2

  • Do you think it would be a good idea to modify the program to do xyz?
  • Could you please modify the program as per the jira task?
  • I would be grateful if you could modify the program by end of day tomorrow
  • Do you need any help in modifying the program per the user feedback?
  • When do you think the xyz modification will be complete?
  • Please could you raise the xyz modification to the top of your priority list
  • The xyz change to the program is important, please you could you work on it as a priority?

Source : Link , Question Author : AndersJ , Answer Author : Bella Pines


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    Практически свободно говорящий

To command, to order: nakazać
To instruct: poinstruować
To warn: ostrzegać

Coś w tym stylu?

  • Польский

@alenebbia Thanks for your answer… but not really. It should be one word conveying “ to point someone gently that something, what they did was wrong”
Coś w stylu: zwrócić komuś uwagę

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To point out…
To bring up…
To draw attention to…
To correct…
To mark (the errors)…
To bring into line…

Any of those?

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Hi Guys.
What is the proper word for telling someone do do or not to do. I mean something more gentle than “to reprimand someone”

 It should be one word conveying the sense of “ to point someone gently that something, what they did was wrong”

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tell someone what to do

Американский английский: учить жить

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «tell someone what to do» в других словарях:

  • tell someone what to do with something — tv. to tell someone to do something rude with something. (With the unspoken notion that one should stick it up one’s ass.) □ I’ll tell you what you can do with it. □ If that’s the way he wants to be, you can just tell him what to do with it …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • tell someone’s fortune — tell someone’s fortune phrase to say what will happen to someone in the future using what are claimed to be magic powers Thesaurus: to use, or to be affected by magical or supernatural powershyponym Main entry: fortune * * * I make predictions… …   Useful english dictionary

  • tell someone where to go — informal phrase to say very rudely to someone that you are not interested in them or in what they are suggesting Josh asked me out, but I told him where to go. Thesaurus: to insult or offend someonesynonym Main entry: tell …   Useful english dictionary

  • tell someone where to put something — tell someone where to put (or what to do with) something informal angrily or emphatically reject something I told him what he could do with his diamond …   Useful english dictionary

  • tell someone where to get off — tell (someone) where to get off informal to angrily refuse to do what someone wants you to do, usually using direct or rude language. She wanted to borrow money again so I told her where to get off …   New idioms dictionary

  • tell someone’s fortune — to say what will happen to someone in the future using what are claimed to be magic powers …   English dictionary

  • tell someone where to go — informal to say very rudely to someone that you are not interested in them or in what they are suggesting Josh asked me out, but I told him where to go …   English dictionary

  • tell — [ tel ] (past tense and past participle told [ tould ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 give information ▸ 2 order/advise to do something ▸ 3 recognize something ▸ 4 have clear effect ▸ 5 fail to keep secret ▸ 6 count something ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) transitive to give… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • tell */*/*/ — UK [tel] / US verb Word forms tell : present tense I/you/we/they tell he/she/it tells present participle telling past tense told UK [təʊld] / US [toʊld] past participle told Get it right: tell: Unlike the verb say, the verb tell is usually used… …   English dictionary

  • tell — W1S1 [tel] v past tense and past participle told [təuld US tould] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(communicate something)¦ 2¦(show something)¦ 3¦(what somebody should do)¦ 4¦(know)¦ 5¦(recognize difference)¦ 6 tell yourself something 7¦(warn)¦ 8¦(tell somebody about… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • what — W1S1 [wɔt US wa:t, wʌt] pron, determiner, predeterminer [: Old English; Origin: hwAt] 1.) used to ask for information or for someone s opinion ▪ What are you doing? ▪ What subjects did you enjoy most? ▪ What colour is the new carpet? ▪ What s… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

Hi Everyone,

Today I thought we’d review the topic of passwords. Yes, those annoying, often forgotten, but necessary codes we use to protect our data.

If you’re like me, I have scraps of paper and post-it notes all over with my passwords! I know that they are necessary, but, sometimes they can just be a pain! So, let’s look at some vocabulary related to computers and passwords. Then we’ll read an article about password security, and for grammar we’ll review two common verb patterns : verb + infinitive and verb+-ing.

Do you ever have trouble remembering your passwords?

Ok, before we read that article on passwords, take a look at these 6 statements and decide if they are True or False. Remember to go through all 6 statements and then check your answers at the end.

Click on this link below to start the True/False quiz


How did you do? Now, read the article and you can check your ideas.

Do we really need strong passwords?
A way to know

  1. Complex passwords don’t usually stop attackers, but
    they make everyday life much more difficult for
    computer users, says the UK security agency GCHQ.
    They recommend using a simpler approach.
  2. GCHQ gives some helpful advice for people who
    work in IT, as well as normal users. They warn people
    not to keep their default passwords. They also say
    that people should avoid storing passwords as plain
    text because other people, including attackers, can
    easily read these documents.
  3. The organization says we should stop using too many
    complex passwords if we don’t want to suffer from
    “password overload”. This is what happens when
    people create too many long passwords for different
    websites and write them down so they can remember
    them. Writing down passwords is unsafe.
  4. People often use complex passwords because of
    organizations’ rules. For example, to be considered
    “strong”, passwords must be a certain length or
    include numbers or special characters, like ! or *.
    Companies should allow people to use their own
    simpler passwords.
  5. These simple passwords might consist of just three
    short words, for example. Or people could consider
    using password managers, software that creates
    and stores passwords. The passwords might be
    complex, but people will never need to remember
    them because their computer will do that for them.
    Computers don’t mind storing and remembering
    complex passwords – it’s what they’re designed to do.
  6. The report says that software password managers
    can help, but, like all security software, they can be
    hacked and are an attractive target for attackers.

You’ll notice some verbs in the article are bold and underlined. Please match those words with their meanings below and one verb is extra.

___________ make or change a rule to say someone can do something
____________ try not to do something
___________ think about
__________ feel that something is necessary
___________ feel that something is a problem
__________ give someone advice about the best thing to do
_________ do not continue with an activity
_________tell someone what to do in a dangerous situation
Verbs and Meanings
allow = make or change a rule to say someone can do something
avoid = try not to do something
consider = think about
need = feel that something is necessary
mind = feel that something is a problem
recommend = give someone advice about the best thing to do
stop = do not continue with an activity
warn = tell someone what to do in a dangerous situation

want is the extra word.

Ok, now that you’ve defined some verbs, let’s review that common verb patterns. Take a look at the underlined, bod verbs in the article and you will see the the verb patterns are verb + infinitive and verb + –ing. Look at these sentences from the article.

They warn people not to keep their default passwords.

They also say that people should avoid storing passwords as plain text …

The organization says we should stop using too many complex passwords if we don’t
want to suffer from “password overload”.

Here are some helpful tips when we use these verb patterns:

  1. The verbs avoid and stop are followed by a verb + -ing / an infinitive with to.
  2. The second verbs in the sentences with warn and want are verbs + -ing / infinitives with to.

3. In these examples, the use of warn is different to the use of want because warn is immediately
followed by the second verb / an object.

This can be confusing, so let’s practice by making some sentences.

In this table below unscramble the words in each box and make complete sentences. Change the verb forms and tenses where you need to. I did the first sentence as an example for you.

The boys / dislike / wash / the car.
1.The boys dislike washing the car.
My dog / can’t stand / have / a bath.
2. ____________________________________________________
We / hope / visit / Australia / next year
3. _________________________________________________
I / not mind / wait / for you / after class.
4. ________________________________________________
She / need / practice / her pronunciation.
5. _________________________________________________
They / promise / help me / with my homework.
6. __________________________________________________
The teacher / tell / the students / speak English.
7. ___________________________________________________________
The police / warn / us / not go / into that area / yesterday.
8. __________________________________________________________
Verb Patterns Infinitive or -ing

Ok, here are the completed sentences:

The boys / dislike / wash / the car.
1.The boys dislike washing the car.
My dog / can’t stand / have / a bath.
2. My dog can’t stand having a bath.
We / hope / visit / Australia / next year
3. We hope to visit Australia next year.
I / not mind / wait / for you / after class.
4. I don’t mind waiting for you after class.
She / need / practice / her pronunciation.
5. She needs to practice her pronunciation.
They / promise / help me / with my homework.
6. They promised to help me with my homework.
The teacher / tell / the students / speak English.
7. The teacher told the students to speak English.
The police / warn / us / not go / into that area / yesterday.
8. The police warned us not to go into that area yesterday.

Now, since practice is so important, take a look at these sentences below and select the correct form of verb + infinitive or verb + -ing.

  1. My parents never allow me to come home / coming home after midnight.
  2. They considered to sell / selling their second car.
  3. Most people enjoy to spend / spending time with their families.
  4. When will you finish to clean / cleaning the kitchen?
  5. I am learning to ride / riding a horse.
  6. What do you plan to do / doing this weekend?
  7. My father suggested to visit / visiting the museum.
  8. He wanted to see / seeing some new paintings.

It helps sometimes if you say the sentences out loud, even to just yourself, and that way you can hear how the verbs sound and it might be easier to pick the correct one!

How do you think you did?


  1. My parents never allow me to come home after midnight.
  2. They considered selling their second car.
  3. Most people enjoy spending time with their families.
  4. When will you finish cleaning the kitchen?
  5. I am learning to ride a horse.
  6. What do you plan to do this weekend?
  7. My father suggested visiting the museum.
  8. He wanted to see some new paintings.

Hope you are all doing well on this rainy day.

Remember to relax and practice!

Presentation on theme: «Important Words Today WOULD -Asking for a help -Inviting -What you like SHOULD -Telling someone what to do COULD -Asking for permission -Able to do something.»— Presentation transcript:


Important Words Today WOULD -Asking for a help -Inviting -What you like SHOULD -Telling someone what to do COULD -Asking for permission -Able to do something


Practice: Would, Should, or Could? ______ you like to go to dinner? I think we ______ eat KFC for dinner. _____ I borrow money for dinner? If you have no money, I ______ buy you dinner.


Practice: Would, Should, or Could? Would you like to go to dinner? I think we should eat KFC for dinner. Could I borrow money for dinner? If you have no money, I could buy you dinner.




What kinds of American Food do you know? Try to think of 20 different foods that people eat in America.


American Foods















Scrambled Eggs





Could, Should, Would? When ____ you eat bagels, pancakes, waffles, doughnuts, scrambled eggs, and bacon? What meal? Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner


When should you eat bagels, pancakes, waffles, doughnuts, scrambled eggs, and bacon? What meal? Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner







Should this guy eat hamburgers?


What _____ happen if the hamburger ate the man?


What would happen if the hamburger ate the man?




Hot Dogs



French Fries





______ you eat a sub this big? (able to)


Could you eat a sub this big?



How many people _____ eat this sub? (able to)


How many people could eat this sub?


This sub _____ feed 100 people.


This sub could feed 100 people. Or This sub could feed one very big person.



??? When _____ you eat hamburgers, hotdogs, subs and french fries? What meal? Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner


??? When should you eat hamburgers, hotdogs, subs and french fries? What meal? Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner





???? What ______ you put on your favorite pizza?


???? What would you put on your favorite pizza?


Would your pizza look like this?


Pizza Toppings in America Sausage Peppers Olives Mushrooms Cheese Onions Pepperoni


What _____ a Chinese student put on a pizza?


What would a Chinese student put on a pizza?


What would you put on your pizza? Make your own pizza. Choose 5 toppings for your pizza. Toppings: PepperoniSausagePeppersOnions CandyShrimpTunaMushrooms BaconHamburgersFrench FriesChicken RiceApples I would put ______, ______, ______, _____, and _____ on my pizza.



Spaghetti and Meatballs



Macaroni and Cheese



Barbecue (BBQ)












Do you know where burritos, tacos, and nachos come from? What country?




Do you know where burritos, tacos, and nachos come from? What country? Mexico 墨西哥


When _____ you eat tacos, burritos, barbecue, nachos, spaghetti and meatballs, and macaroni and cheese? What meal? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner


When should you eat tacos, burritos, nachos, spaghetti and meatballs, and macaroni and cheese? What meal? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner


Speaking Practice A: _____ you like to go to dinner tonight? B: OK. Where _____ we go to dinner? A: You ____ choose the restaurant. I chose last time. B: I really want to eat _____ (food). We ____ go to McDonalds. A: OK. I like McDonalds, but I have no money, ____ you pay for me? B: OK. Next time we eat dinner, you ____ pay for me.


Speaking Practice A: Would you like to go to dinner tonight? B: OK. Where should we go to dinner? A: You should choose the restaurant. I chose last time. B: I really want to eat hamburgers. We could go to McDonalds. A: OK. I like McDonalds, but I have no money, could you pay for me? B: OK. Next time we eat dinner, you should pay for me.


Game Today we learned many foods. How many foods can you remember?


Food Review Game 2 teams One person from each team come to the chalkboard. This person only looks at the chalkboard. I will show a picture. Other team members SCREAM OUT the answers for your team member to write. WRITE AS FAST AS YOU CAN!! The first team to write the word AND correctly spell the word wins a point.









_____ you like to go to dinner tonight? Would, Should, or Could?







I have no money, _____ you pay for me? would, should, or could?







You _____ choose the restaurant. I chose last time. would, should, or could?





Review Try to unscramble the following words, when you are finished, say ‘Mr. Pat’ and I will come look at your answers.





  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for Tell

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for Tell

to give a verbal account of

to make known

to disclose in a breach of confidence

to impart information to

to give orders to

to recognize as being different

to note (items) one by one so as to get a total

tell off: to reprimand loudly or harshly

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for Tell

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


  • #1

1. Say someone to do somthing
2. Tell someone to do something

In none of the dictionaries I could find number 1. I think number one does not exist in English. Does it?

For example:

1. Please say Alex to close the door. :confused:
2. Please tell Alex to close the door. :tick:

In my opinion 1 is incorrect but 2 is correct.

Source: self-made
Thank you

    • #2

    You are correct. :)



    • #4

    What about this one:

    3. Say to someone to do something = ?

    Example ==> Please say to Alex to close the door. :confused:

    Is it ok?

    • #5

    What about this one:

    3. Say to someone to do something = ?

    Example ==> Please say to Alex to close the door. :confused:

    Is it ok?

    It’s very unidiomatic in my opinion. I wouldn’t use «say to someone to».


    • #6

    Unlike tell, say can’t be used to mean «give instructions».

    • #7

    Unlike tell, say can’t be used to mean «give instructions».


    That’s a problem for many learners, whose native languages have words similar to «say», but allow this.


    • #8

    Thank you. What about these ones used in direct speech:

    4. He told me, «get away.»
    5. He said to me, «get away.»

    Are both [told] and [said] natural in the above examples?

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