Last Update: Jan 03, 2023
This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!
Asked by: Fae Von III
Score: 4.1/5
(14 votes)
: having eyes that are wet with tears I got a little teary-eyed at the end of the movie.
Is teary-eyed hyphenated?
The hyphen emphasized that this should not be read as «teary, eyed woman» (a woman who was both «teary» and «eyed»). Here the hyphen is not required since it is unlikely be read as «she was teary, eyed».
How do you spell teary eyes?
with tears welling up in one’s eyes: teary-eyed mourners.
Is there such a word as teary?
Filled with or shedding tears: lachrymose, tearful, weeping, weepy.
How do you use teary-eyed in a sentence?
Teary-eyed sentence example
- Miller describes getting teary-eyed at some of the letters. …
- When it’s time to say goodbye, remain upbeat and positive even if she gets a little teary-eyed. …
- Her teary-eyed acceptance speech is one of the best in Emmy history.
33 related questions found
What do teary eyes mean?
The most common cause of watering eyes among adults and older children is blocked ducts or ducts that are too narrow. Narrowed tear ducts usually become so as a result of swelling, or inflammation. If the tear ducts are narrowed or blocked, the tears will not be able to drain away and will build up in the tear sac.
What does teary mean in slang?
The definition of teary is someone about to cry or crying. An example of someone who would be described as teary is someone who is crying.
Is teary a legal scrabble word?
Yes, teary is in the scrabble dictionary.
Is teary in the dictionary?
Meaning of teary in English
crying or likely to cry: The actress was pictured looking teary on the movie set.
Is Verklempt a real word?
Verklempt (pronounced “fur-klempt”) means overcome with emotion, perhaps even choked or clenched by emotions. Verklempt is a Yiddish loanword.
What’s another word for teary-eyed?
In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for teary, like: watery-eyed, tearful, weeping, in-tears, happy, weepy, bleary, pouty, lachrymose and teary-eyed.
Why do people get teary-eyed?
Normally, tears flow out of the tear glands above your eye, spread across the surface of your eyeball, and drain into ducts in the corner. But if the ducts get clogged, the tears build up and your eye gets watery. Lots of things can cause the problem, like infections, injuries, even aging.
How do you use teary?
Teary sentence example
- The dramatic performance was rich in sad pathos and left the audience with teary eyes. …
- At the hacienda a teary Alondra met them at the door. …
- Teary eyes at my daughter’s award assembly, a quick late day shower, even the water play day at preschool, it stayed put.
Is teared up correct?
to get tears in your eyes, so that you almost start to cry, because you are experiencing strong emotion: She teared up as the award was presented to her.
Why do dogs eyes weep?
Watery, teary eyes — resulting in stained or smelly fur and/or infected skin — can also be the result of many conditions, including abnormal eyelashes, inflammation, allergies, corneal ulcers, tumors, eye pain, and more.
Is teary A adjective?
Of a person, having eyes filled with tears; inclined to cry. «No wonder Ryan was teary; He missed his parents.» Of eyes, filled with tears.
What is the noun of tearful?
tearfully ˈtir-fə-lē adverb. tearfulness noun.
Is Teariness a word?
The state or condition of being teary.
Is Tearies a scrabble word?
tearies is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc.
Is Qi a scrabble word?
About the Word:
Although it’s most commonly spelled CHI in standard usage, the variant form QI is the single most-played word in SCRABBLE tournaments, according to game records of the North American SCRABBLE Players Association (NASPA).
Is tarey a valid scrabble word?
Yes, tare is in the scrabble dictionary.
Is Crying an emotion?
Crying is a normal human response to a whole range of emotions that has a number of health and social benefits, including pain relief and self-soothing effects. However, if crying happens frequently, uncontrollably, or for no reason, it could be a sign of depression.
What does made me tear up mean?
(tear someone up) to make someone feel very unhappy or upset. It tears me up to leave you. Synonyms and related words. To make someone feel sad or upset.
What are tears?
Tears are a clear liquid secreted by the lacrimal glands (tear gland) found in the eyes of all land mammals (except for goats and rabbits). Their functions include lubricating the eyes (basal tears), removing irritants (reflex tears), and aiding the immune system.
How do you treat teary eyes?
Remedies for watery eyes include:
- prescription eye drops.
- treating allergies that make your eyes watery.
- antibiotics if you have an eye infection.
- a warm, wet towel placed on your eyes several times a day, which can help with blocked tear ducts.
- a surgical procedure to clear blocked tear ducts.
Asked by: Fae Von III
Score: 4.1/5
(14 votes)
: having eyes that are wet with tears I got a little teary-eyed at the end of the movie.
Is teary-eyed hyphenated?
The hyphen emphasized that this should not be read as «teary, eyed woman» (a woman who was both «teary» and «eyed»). Here the hyphen is not required since it is unlikely be read as «she was teary, eyed».
How do you spell teary eyes?
with tears welling up in one’s eyes: teary-eyed mourners.
Is there such a word as teary?
Filled with or shedding tears: lachrymose, tearful, weeping, weepy.
How do you use teary-eyed in a sentence?
Teary-eyed sentence example
- Miller describes getting teary-eyed at some of the letters. …
- When it’s time to say goodbye, remain upbeat and positive even if she gets a little teary-eyed. …
- Her teary-eyed acceptance speech is one of the best in Emmy history.
33 related questions found
What do teary eyes mean?
The most common cause of watering eyes among adults and older children is blocked ducts or ducts that are too narrow. Narrowed tear ducts usually become so as a result of swelling, or inflammation. If the tear ducts are narrowed or blocked, the tears will not be able to drain away and will build up in the tear sac.
What does teary mean in slang?
The definition of teary is someone about to cry or crying. An example of someone who would be described as teary is someone who is crying.
Is teary a legal scrabble word?
Yes, teary is in the scrabble dictionary.
Is teary in the dictionary?
Meaning of teary in English
crying or likely to cry: The actress was pictured looking teary on the movie set.
Is Verklempt a real word?
Verklempt (pronounced “fur-klempt”) means overcome with emotion, perhaps even choked or clenched by emotions. Verklempt is a Yiddish loanword.
What’s another word for teary-eyed?
In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for teary, like: watery-eyed, tearful, weeping, in-tears, happy, weepy, bleary, pouty, lachrymose and teary-eyed.
Why do people get teary-eyed?
Normally, tears flow out of the tear glands above your eye, spread across the surface of your eyeball, and drain into ducts in the corner. But if the ducts get clogged, the tears build up and your eye gets watery. Lots of things can cause the problem, like infections, injuries, even aging.
How do you use teary?
Teary sentence example
- The dramatic performance was rich in sad pathos and left the audience with teary eyes. …
- At the hacienda a teary Alondra met them at the door. …
- Teary eyes at my daughter’s award assembly, a quick late day shower, even the water play day at preschool, it stayed put.
Is teared up correct?
to get tears in your eyes, so that you almost start to cry, because you are experiencing strong emotion: She teared up as the award was presented to her.
Why do dogs eyes weep?
Watery, teary eyes — resulting in stained or smelly fur and/or infected skin — can also be the result of many conditions, including abnormal eyelashes, inflammation, allergies, corneal ulcers, tumors, eye pain, and more.
Is teary A adjective?
Of a person, having eyes filled with tears; inclined to cry. «No wonder Ryan was teary; He missed his parents.» Of eyes, filled with tears.
What is the noun of tearful?
tearfully ˈtir-fə-lē adverb. tearfulness noun.
Is Teariness a word?
The state or condition of being teary.
Is Tearies a scrabble word?
tearies is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc.
Is Qi a scrabble word?
About the Word:
Although it’s most commonly spelled CHI in standard usage, the variant form QI is the single most-played word in SCRABBLE tournaments, according to game records of the North American SCRABBLE Players Association (NASPA).
Is tarey a valid scrabble word?
Yes, tare is in the scrabble dictionary.
Is Crying an emotion?
Crying is a normal human response to a whole range of emotions that has a number of health and social benefits, including pain relief and self-soothing effects. However, if crying happens frequently, uncontrollably, or for no reason, it could be a sign of depression.
What does made me tear up mean?
(tear someone up) to make someone feel very unhappy or upset. It tears me up to leave you. Synonyms and related words. To make someone feel sad or upset.
What are tears?
Tears are a clear liquid secreted by the lacrimal glands (tear gland) found in the eyes of all land mammals (except for goats and rabbits). Their functions include lubricating the eyes (basal tears), removing irritants (reflex tears), and aiding the immune system.
How do you treat teary eyes?
Remedies for watery eyes include:
- prescription eye drops.
- treating allergies that make your eyes watery.
- antibiotics if you have an eye infection.
- a warm, wet towel placed on your eyes several times a day, which can help with blocked tear ducts.
- a surgical procedure to clear blocked tear ducts.
tears in her eyes — перевод на русский
And with tears in our eyes, we drove off to look for another place to put the garbage.
Со слезами на глазах, мы отправились на поиски другой свалки.
And as they’re lying in the gutter, the wee dog looks up with tears in his eye…
Лежат они в грязи, собака смотрит на хозяина со слезами на глазах…
The wee dog looks up with tears in his eyes.
Собака смотрит со слезами на глазах.
With tears in our eyes/
Со слезами на глазах.
It’s a feeling of joy at having succeeded, but you have tears in your eyes because so many died there.
Это чувство радости от успеха со слезами на глазах потому что столько людей погибло там.
Показать ещё примеры для «слезами на глазах»…
He begged for his life with tears in his eyes.
Он со слезами умолял сохранить ему жизнь.
I wake up every morning with tears in my eyes for my son.
Каждое утро я просыпаюсь со слезами по моему сыну.
I can’t see for the tears in my eyes.
Не могу смотреть без слёз.
Then Dad, with tears in his eyes, makes me promise I’ll do one final screening to undo the vow.
Тогда папа, в слезах, заставляет меня пообещать, что я устрою последний сеанс, Чтобы отменить зарок.
I think of that day with tears in my eyes.
Не могу без слёз вспоминать об этом дне.
Показать ещё примеры для «слезами»…
Just show up with tears in your eyes.
Просто иди и плачь.
Later, in the bath, I noticed my Mom had tears in her eyes
Когда она отвела меня в ванную, я вдруг увидел, что она плачет.
Then why are there tears in your eyes?
Так почему же ты плачешь?
There were tears in your eyes, and now it’s just a pair of hairy hounds.
Ты чуть не плакала над ними, а они оказались просто парой лохматых псин.
It says in your notes that there were tears in your eyes during your surgery.
В истории болезни написано, что вы плакали во время операции.
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tears welling up in one’s eyes
דמעות גודשות את העיניים
* * *
◙ םייניעה תא תושדוג תועמד◄
English-Hebrew dictionary > tears welling up in one’s eyes
tears welling up in one’s eyes
tranen vloeien uit zijn ogen
English-Dutch dictionary > tears welling up in one’s eyes
tears welling up in one’s eyes
med gråten i halsen, med ögonen fylla av tårar
English-Swedish dictionary > tears welling up in one’s eyes
См. также в других словарях:
tears welling up in one’s eyes — eyes are very tearful, state of being about to cry … English contemporary dictionary
teary-eyed — adjective with eyes full of tears • Syn: ↑teary, ↑watery eyed • Similar to: ↑tearful * * * /tear ee uyd /, adj. with tears welling up in one s eyes: teary eyed mourners. * * * adj [more teary eyed; most teary eyed] : having eyes that are wet … Useful english dictionary
teary-eyed — /tear ee uyd /, adj. with tears welling up in one s eyes: teary eyed mourners. * * * … Universalium
well — I. /wɛl / (say wel) adverb (better, best) 1. in a satisfactory, favourable, or advantageous manner; fortunately or happily: affairs are going well; to be well supplied; well situated. 2. in a good or proper manner: he behaved very well. 3.… …
well — I [[t]we̱l[/t]] DISCOURSE USES ♦ (Well is used mainly in spoken English.) 1) ADV: ADV cl You say well to indicate that you are about to say something. Sylvia shook hands. Well, you go get yourselves some breakfast. … Well, I don t like the look … English dictionary
Laurie Strode — is a fictional character in the Halloween horror film series, portrayed by actresses Jamie Lee Curtis and Scout Taylor Compton. She appears in five of the films and is referred to in most of the others. The character was Jamie Lee Curtis first… … Wikipedia
well — I UK [wel] / US adverb Word forms well : comparative better UK [ˈbetə(r)] / US [ˈbetər] superlative best UK [best] / US *** Collocations: Well is used for making many compound adjectives (=formed from two or more words). In this dictionary, these … English dictionary
2003 American League Championship Series — Infobox LCS alcs = yes year = 2003 champion = New York Yankees (4) champion manager = Joe Torre champion games = 101 61, .623, GA: 6 runnerup = Boston Red Sox (3) runnerup manager = Grady Little runnerup games = 95 67, .586, GB: 6 date = October… … Wikipedia
C. Everett Koop — Vice Admiral C. Everett Koop, USPHS Surgeon General of the United States 13th Surgeon General of the United States In office January 21, 1982 – October 1, 1989 … Wikipedia
Jack Hawksmoor — Superherobox| caption= Jenny Sparks : The Secret History of the Authority #3 (of 5). Art by John McCrea and James Hodgkins, giving the origin of Jack Hawksmoor. comic color=background:#8080ff character name=Jack Hawksmoor real name=Jack Hawksmoor … Wikipedia
David Sinclair (Numb3rs) — David Sinclair First appearance Pilot (1×01) Portrayed by Alimi Ballard Information Gender Male Occupation FBI Special Agent … Wikipedia
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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
слезами на глазах
слезы на глазах
слезы в его глазах
слезы на его глазах
в глазах стояли слезы
в глазах слезы
With tears in his eyes, he looked at the dying child.
He resisted at first, but finally did so with tears in his eyes.
Сначала он отказывается, но потом всё же выполняет её просьбу со слезами на глазах.
He had tears in his eyes.
My director of photography would have tears in his eyes.
And I could see tears in his eyes.
She apologized to the audience and began to sing first, with tears in his eyes.
Она извинилась перед публикой и начала петь сначала, со слезами на глазах.
With tears in his eyes, he speaks of the early days of the revolution.
He talked on the air about his involvement in corruption and apologized with tears in his eyes to the people.
Он рассказывал в эфире о своей причастности к коррупции и извинялся со слезами на глазах перед народом.
He touched my feet with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.
He looked at me with tears in his eyes.
With tears in his eyes, he tried to embrace me, with incredible force.
«I couldn’t resist,» he remembers with tears in his eyes.
With tears in his eyes, he asked his teacher for help.
A boy came home from school with tears in his eyes.
But as you know, this day, and with tears in his eyes.
An enemy has tears in his eyes.
He listened very carefully with tears in his eyes.
It is said he worked in ecstasy, with tears in his eyes.
With tears in his eyes, he left his beloved teacher.
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I honestly don’t which one of them would work, but I think you can also say, …I saw her eyes were moist with tears.
But could you please tell me how they differ in this sentence. I am sure that I cannot use these three choices («b», «c» and «d») wherever interchangeably. Then I wonder if you help me to discover their semantic nuances to be able to use them in their own places in my conversations.
Let’s take your example sentence (which I have corrected):
When he shouted at his wife I saw that the woman suddenly went silent. Then she looked at her husband and I saw that
b) her eyes brimmed with tears
c) tears gathered in her eyes
d) her eyes filled with tears
They all sound perfectly good to me although I must say that in conversation I would quite definitely use the past continuous tense, i.e.:
…and I saw that her eyes were brimming with tears/ tears were gathering in her eyes/ her eyes were filling with tears.