Word for talking to myself

Are you trying to attribute a word to talking to yourself in your head or out loud? We’ll touch on words for both inner and outer conversations you might have!

Below are some of the best synonyms demonstrating how you might talk to yourself:

  • Reflect
  • Thinking out loud
  • Deliberate
  • Ruminate
  • Ponder
  • Think things through
  • Soliloquize
  • Monologuing
  • Musing
  • Brainstorming

The best words for “talking to myself” are “reflect,” “thinking out loud,” and “deliberate.”

Keep reading to learn more about these words and some other great choices to describe having a conversation with yourself.

1. Reflect

“Reflect” is a great word for talking to oneself. It shows that you converse with yourself in your head without bothering anyone else with the information.

People generally reflect when they need some peace and quiet while thinking things through.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “reflect” as “to think quietly and calmly.”

You might use it as follows:

  • I tend to reflect a lot when I’m on my own. It helps me clear my mind.

2. Thinking Out Loud

“Thinking out loud” (or “thinking aloud”) is a great synonym. You can use it to show that you are talking to yourself aloud, meaning that other people might hear you if they are close enough.

So, you should definitely be careful what you say when thinking out loud. While airing your thoughts is good, it could also get you in trouble if you think negatively.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “thinking out loud” as “to say one’s thoughts so that other people can hear them.”

Here is how you might use “thinking out loud”:

  • She keeps thinking out loud. I don’t think she realizes that we’re all within hearing range!

3. Deliberate

“Deliberate” is a great verb used to show that you are talking to yourself. Deliberating refers to systematic and careful thinking in your head without worrying about other people distracting you.

You can have full conversations with yourself when deliberating. This often helps people to figure out exactly what they need to do before coming up with any solutions.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “deliberate” as “to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully.”

Here is a quick example to help you with it:

  • You like to deliberate, don’t you? You do it so often; it feels like even I can hear the voices in your head!

4. Ruminate

“Ruminate” is a great term to show someone talking to themselves. It means you repeat things in your mind until you agree with yourself.

Yes, you can have a full debate in your mind when you ruminate. Most people can hear multiple voices in their heads when they ruminate, so it’s like a full discussion takes place in their minds before they make any decisions.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “ruminate” as “to go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly.”

Here is a quick look at how the term works:

  • I always ruminate when I’m in a quiet room. It gives me time to think things through properly.

5. Ponder

“Ponder” means to reflect or think about something. You can ponder yourself, meaning that you talk to yourself before making any decisions.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “ponder” as “to think about” or “reflect on.”

Here is a quick look at how to use it:

  • I like to ponder when things get a bit tricky. I can always trust myself to come up with a good solution.

6. Think Things Through

“Think things through” is a phrasal verb showing that you want to take your time thinking about things. This often means you will talk to yourself in your head before coming up with any relevant solutions.

“Through” suggests that you’ll spend a lot of time thinking about things before determining the best course of action. It implies that you will take longer than most to think about your options, which can result in a long conversation with yourself.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “think things through” as “to think about all the different parts or effects of (something) for a period of time, especially in an effort to understand or make a decision about it.”

Here is a quick example that will help you with this one:

  • You need to think things through more often. When I do it, I feel much more confident with my decisions.

7. Soliloquize

“Soliloquize” is a great term, although it might not be the most well-known. It comes from the term soliloquy, which is an utterance from one character in a play that gives the illusion of being a reflection of their thoughts rather than the spoken word.

You can “soliloquize” when thinking and talking to yourself. While nobody around you can hear your thoughts, the verb implies that people can hear the conversations with you as if they are your audience.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “soliloquize” as “talk to oneself.”

Check out this example to help you with it:

  • I like to soliloquize when I’m stressed. It helps me to understand what I need to do.

8. Monologuing

“Monologuing” is a slightly simpler variation of “soliloquize.” More native speakers are familiar with the term, making it more effective in most cases.

It comes from playwriting and performances where one character speaks for a long time. When used as a verb, it implies that you talk to yourself before deciding anything.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “monologuing” as “soliloquy” or “the act of talking to oneself.”

Here is a quick example showing you how to use it:

  • I’m monologuing in my mind. I don’t want people to disturb me because I’m on a roll!

9. Musing

“Musing” is a form of meditation that allows you to talk to yourself. You will find yourself having conversations or discussions in your mind when you muse correctly.

It’s great to use this term to show that you are reflecting. It lets people know you want to talk to yourself for a moment while you think of what to do.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “musing” as “meditation.”

Here is a quick example that might help:

  • Forgive my musing, but I must figure some things out. I hope you don’t mind.

10. Brainstorming

“Brainstorming” is a good choice to show that you talk to yourself when thinking through certain ideas. It suggests you want to find a solution with yourself before you give anyone a concrete answer to a question.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “brainstorming” as “the mulling over of ideas by one or more individuals in an attempt to devise or find a solution to a problem.”

Check out this example to help you with it:

  • I’m not sure why I’m always brainstorming. I could speak to others, but I prefer listening to myself!

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

I found one word soliloquy but its meaning lies in «act of speaking», where I want the meaning to be more general like just talking to your self, whether loud or silent. Also soliloquy is drama jargon, I want a common generic word.

BladorthinTheGrey's user avatar

asked Nov 25, 2016 at 11:20

Name's user avatar


«Reflect», «ruminate», «ponder», «deliberate» all refer to a thoughtful conversation with yourself.

answered Apr 5, 2017 at 17:47

Al Maki's user avatar

Al MakiAl Maki

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Thinking out loud.

Talking yourself through (something).

Thinking things through.

Dialogue with (your)self.

answered Nov 26, 2016 at 0:06

aparente001's user avatar


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Soliloquy is your ‘more general like just talking to yourself, whether loud or silent’ Both are quite distinct from a definition that might start with ‘act of speaking…’ but continues as ‘an act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers…’

The clue is the ‘sol’ from late Latin soliloquium, from Latin solus ‘alone’ + loqui ‘speak’. even ‘a part of a play involving a soliloquy.’

That it often refers to ‘a part of a play involving a soliloquy’ or even even ‘a part of a play involving a soliloquy’ doesn’t make it drama jargon… ask for instance https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=soliloquy&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB718GB718&oq=soliloquy&aqs=chrome..69i57.1158j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

answered Apr 20, 2017 at 10:37

Robbie Goodwin's user avatar

Robbie GoodwinRobbie Goodwin

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I rather like the word «musing».

answered Apr 20, 2017 at 10:46

Aled Cymro's user avatar

Aled CymroAled Cymro

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There’s a polish word for it, i think it’s juskah or something like that, (sorry I’ve only ever heard it be said, not seen it written down,) but basically it stands for «the hypothetical conversation that you convusively play out in your head» I really hope you read this and it’s not too late to let you know

answered Apr 25, 2017 at 6:42

Andrew's user avatar


Jouska refers to a hypothetical conversation you would compulsively play out in your head. Albeit there is probably more meaning to it, you should look it up and see if it fits what you are searching for.

answered Jul 14, 2018 at 10:13

user307403's user avatar


Hey! So that your story does not come out in a dry and simple statement of facts, try to put emotions and impressions into it.

Pay attention to words and phrases that often appear in the story of yourself in English.

A correct and competent story about yourself helps to create a good impression in an unfamiliar society, to reveal yourself from the best side and show your merits, as well as demonstrate communication skills.

Sometimes it is not so easy to cope with such a task due to psychological and social factors. If the speaker experiences difficulties, briefly speaking about himself in his native language, then when communicating in a foreign language, in addition to the language barrier and insurmountable excitement, he faces even greater difficulties.

In such situations, not coping with the excitement, the speaker runs the risk of showing himself not from his best side. Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to correctly present your biography and clearly understand how to tell about yourself in English.

Depending on the circumstances and purposes of communication, your story about yourself in English may differ slightly.

So, if you are applying for a position, the impression depends on the first step and on every word spoken. In such situations, you need to know how to correctly present information about your professional qualities and skills, as well as what aspects of your personality to focus on.

If you introduce yourself to a new circle of friends, like-minded people, colleagues, it will be appropriate to focus on personal qualities.

When you first meet, you must mention the main information about yourself. A classic autobiography in English includes a performance (like «my name is»). Further, your monologue will also differ slightly depending on the audience and listeners.

When it comes to an interview, after the presentation, you need to start the story with education (where, when and how), include information about existing work experience and skills. An important point is the mention of personality traits and their impact on work. Often during interviews, candidates are asked why exactly they should take the post / position. Therefore, you can finish your story about yourself in English with a couple of sentences on this topic.

If you are preparing to introduce yourself for a new campaign, your essay on yourself may be less formal and more lively. If you have a mutual friend, you can explain how and where you met. Tell where you are from, what are your hobbies.

Depending on the purpose, your monologue will be limited in time. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss this issue in advance in order to keep within the allotted time. For example, your essay at school will include about 10 sentences and will only take a couple of minutes, and an interview or exam at the university will be more capacious and meaningful.

So let’s move from words to action. This is what a standard plan for introducing yourself should look like:

A typical monologue in English begins with the words let me introduce myself (let me introduce myself), I would to speak about my biography (I would like to introduce you to my biography). Then comes my name is, I’m 35 years old.

When talking about where you live, you can use the phrases I’m from; I live in (I live in); I was born in (I was born in); My hometown home village (my hometown village), my biography begun in (my biography began in)

At this point, you should talk about parents, sisters / brothers, husband / wife, children, and what they do. Use the following phrases in your essay about yourself:

This part of the monologue should answer the question: where do I study? When talking about education, use the following phrases:

At this point, it is necessary to tell where I work, what professional skills I have. The following phrases will help you:

To describe a character, there are a huge number of adjectives. To introduce yourself in English, phrases such as:

To give a deeper understanding of yourself, tell us what you are passionate about. Text about yourself may include the following phrases:

11 nov.

Learning any foreign language usually begins with a story about myself. Indeed, what do we most often talk about in our native language? About family, work, friends, vacation plans, etc. Even when applying for a job, they ask to introduce themselves briefly. All these topics directly or indirectly relate to the story about yourself. Let’s highlight the main components of a «complex» story about yourself:

Of course, this set of components is minimal. At the same time, if for each of the listed questions you say at least a couple of sentences, consider that you have given the interlocutor a clear picture of your life. On the other hand, if you take each of these topics separately, you get a completely complete story. Let’s start with the minimum wage.

Want to improve your English? Take this 3 minute video tutorial for beginners. Thousands of schoolchildren and students are learning English online at LearnatHome.

Brief introduction in English

  1. Hello / Hi / Good morning / Good day / Good afternoon / Good evening — greet the other person.
  2. My name is / I am / Alexander Petrov — introduce yourself.
  3. I am 30 / I am 30 years old / I am 30 years of age / I am aged 30 — indicate your age (if necessary).
  4. I am a programmer / I work as a programmer / My job is a programmer / I am occupied as a programmer — name your profession.
  5. I work for Microsoft / I work with Microsoft / I do my job at Microsoft / My place of work is Microsoft / I am occupied at Microsoft — designate the organization in which you work.
  6. I — describe what exactly you do at work: for example, I write press releases; I write programs; I edit scientific articles, etc.
  7. Apart from work / besides work / outside my work I — name the activities that you do outside of work.
  8. I enjoy / / am fond of / am keen on — list your hobbies.
  9. It is a good way to relax / have fun / have a rest / get unstressed — so that your story does not look like a business report, insert remarks: for example, about a hobby is a good way to relax.
  10. Apart from me, there are 2/3/4 people in my family.

    They are: — since you started talking about NOT working life, mention family. Tell me how many people are in your family and who they are (brothers, sisters, wife, husband, etc.)

  11. My brother is — list who is who in your family. In short, whatever you said about yourself, tell about others. Mentioning their occupation will be sufficient.
  12. Usually we together with my family — To finish the story of your personal life with dignity, mention what you usually do with your family: for example, meet on Sundays, fish every Tuesday, etc.

An example of a story about yourself

Table 2.

Let me introduce myself. Let me introduce myself.
Hello, my name is Anna Fedorova. Hello, my name is Anna Fedorova.
I am twenty-eight and I work as a public relations specialist at “Learnathome”. I am twenty eight years old and I work as a PR specialist at Learnathome.ru.

Source: https://www.learnathome.ru/blog/about-myself

How to tell about yourself in English on a dating site

As an introduction, it’s good to mention that talking about yourself is not very easy, because you can be objectively assessed only from the outside.

It is hard to speak about myself as only people around me can see me objectively

 Further, the phrase “Let me introduce myself” will be quite appropriate, which turns your interlocutor into an attentive listener.

First of all, it is worth mentioning the first and last name (name / surname), your age (age). Talking about age, you can develop this section and tell when and where you were born (I was born on the (date) of (month) (year) in city / town / village). Several proposals dedicated to the place of your birth (city, village) will be appropriate here.
In order for a story about yourself in English to be logically built, you need to smoothly move from one section to another.

If you started talking about the day and city of birth, then tell us briefly about your family

I have a large / small family with brothers / sisters. I am an only child in a family

 It will be useful to mention the names and professions of your parents.

My mother — name — is a teacher. My father — name — is a doctor

 You can find the necessary information about the family in English in the article of the same name on our website.

If you are still in school, devote part of your story in English to the story of your school life.

I am a pupil form

Share which sciences you are interested in and which ones are difficult

Now I am getting a proper training in such subjects as — for example, English, Ukrainian Literature, Biology etc.

Tell us about your plans for the future, who would you like to become

I am to make an important decision — which profession to choose. I would to become (profession). I am interested in it because

 If you have already graduated from a secondary educational institution, and maybe even a higher one, talk about it in the past tense, devoting several sentences to each period of your life. By the way, if you are already working, you can assess whether your dreams about your future profession have come true.

When I was 15 I dreamed about being a vet. But my dream did not fulfill and now I am working as an accountant

You may need job titles in English.

In the story about yourself in English, your description of your appearance and character must be present. You can include this at the very beginning of the story after giving your name and age. Or after information about your studies and work.

For example, When I look at myself in the mirror I see (description of your appearance).

Read more about this topic in the article «Description of a person’s appearance in English». Just do not get too carried away with one appearance, smoothly go to the character (description of character), mentioning your advantages and disadvantages (drawbacks). Another article «Description of a person in English» will help you.

When sharing your thoughts about your character, name the qualities (qualities) that you appreciate in people (appreciate /), and those that you dislike (hate / irritate / dis).

For example: I to assosiate with polite and inteligent people, I appreciate sincerity and trust. I hate when people lie and betray. Those who are unreliable irritate me.

The final part of the story about ourselves in English is devoted to our preferencies, interests and hobbies.

For example: As for my interests, I am fond ofI am interested inI .I adoreI devote much time to It can be anything — reading, learning foreign languages, knitting, dancing, traveling (traveling) etc. Everything you love to do and what you enjoy. To help you spend less time looking for the words you need, use the thematic dictionary at ladyfromrussia.com.

You can finish your story in English with a couple of sentences stating that you strive to be a careful daughter / son, an efficient specialist, and just a good person.

You have the basis for a story about yourself in English. Depending on who and where you need to tell about yourself, you correct it: remove some sections, swap them. The main thing is that you sound interesting and competent!

When you talk about yourself, about who you are (I am a girl or I am a woman) or describe yourself (I am very nice or I am a beautiful lady), you don’t need to remember or know anything at all.

You just have to put it into your head: I am.
Because if you forget a little word amyou may be misunderstood. Or understand, but frown with disgust.

How would you like a letter from a stranger where he writes something like “I am a nice and very smart man”?

Simple Template

So, no wisdoms.
We take any formula that you like best:

I am a lady I’m a lady
I am a woman I am a woman
I am a girl I’m a girl
I am a person I («person» does not translate)
I am a student I am a student
I am a teacher I’am a teacher
I am a manager I’m a manager
I am an accountant I am an accountant

And we tell about ourselves. We say whatever you want, inserting adjectives from our dictionary instead of dots or directly from Dictionary 1.1, which is given at the end of this page.

I am a romantic lady I’m a romantic lady
I am a pretty girl I’m a pretty girl
I am a kind and caring woman I am a kind and caring woman
I am a reliable and honest person I am reliable and decent
I am a cheerful student I am a cheerful student
I am a creative teacher I am a creative teacher
I am a good manager I am a good manager

What should we get?

I love funny girl Я funny girl
I love good looking young woman. Я attractive young woman.
I love cheerful, sociable, witty person. Я funny, sociable, witty (a person).
I am a manager. I work as a manager (I’m a manager).
My friends say I am reliable and honest. My friends say that я reliable and decent.

When is the article needed?

We noticed that in the sentence I am reliable and honest. not enough word a?
It’s not a mistake! If there is no noun in the sentence (girl, woman, person, manager), then ARTICLE is not put.

We continue to praise ourselves in the same spirit.

I am creative and energetic, also caring and considerate. Я creative and energetic as well as caring, attentive and empathetic.

Pay attention!
If the word after the article a begin with vowel, then you need to write an:

I am an atractive woman Я attractive woman
I am an honest person (honest pronounced as he eats) Я decent people
I am an open, frank girl Я open, sincere girl

Choose a word with a precise meaning

Get used to working with every word. Never use a word if you are not sure that it means exactly what you mean.
Having found the right word in the Russian-English dictionary, write down all its English meanings, and then do not be too lazy to clarify what exactly each of them means. Synonyms do not always have close meanings.

For example

Equilibrium, balanced — balance, counterbalnce, poise, even tempere, well-balanced.

Now we look at each value:

  • Libra — scales, balance, pendulum, accounting balance, balance, weigh;
  • counterbalance — counterweight, balance on the scales;
  • poised — balance, demeanor, posture, balance, keep in balance, weigh in the mind;
  • Even — even, smooth, balanced, calm (about character), equal, the same, even (about numbers);
  • temper — soften, moderate, character, mood
  • even temper — balanced, calm character
  • well-balanced — a balanced person.

That is, out of five meanings, only two are suitable for us, and we must be careful with the use:

I am kind, patient and even tempered I am kind, patient with a calm character
I am a serious and well-balanced person I’m serious and balanced people


Source: http://lady-fidieva2012.narod.ru/index/0-20

It is very important to be able to talk about yourself in English, especially if you are applying for a job or want your English-speaking colleagues or friends to know more about you. Self-story in English language (about myself) is initially built on a kind of «template» around which a narrative can be built. It is enough to learn the «template» — the rest will be done for you by your vocabulary of spoken English.

So, if you correspond with foreigners, the story about yourself in English should be more detailed. If you are applying for a job and having an interview, the story about yourself should be more concise and full of facts. If you are writing an essay about yourself, then it is worth telling more about your parents, about your hobbies and plans for the future.

How to build a story about yourself in English (introducing yourself)

All topics about myself begin with introducing yourself. For a start, the phrase “Let me introduce myself” (let me describe myself) is suitable.

Further it is necessary to name name — name, surname — surname (for example — My name is Sergey. My surname is Belov), indicate your age — age.

Also, if you wish, you can indicate where you were born. For example — I was born in Russia in Volgograd City.

If you talk about yourself in English in more detail, you can also mention the composition of your family (I have a large family with two brothers and two sisters — I have a big family — 2 brothers and 2 sisters).

You can also specify the parent’s occupation, for example — My mother Svetlana is a dentist (my mother Svetlana is a dentist), etc.

If you are a schoolboy and you need to compose a story about school life, you can stipulate in which class you study (I am a pupil of 5 form — I’m a 6th grade student). You can indicate which lessons you like the most — my favorite subjects are maths, geography, literature and history (my favorite lessons are mathematics, geography, literature and history).

You can also say about the choice of your profession — I would to become a teacher (I would like to become a teacher).

In the course of telling about yourself in English, you also need to describe your personal qualities and appearance.
For example, in order to describe yourself to the employer, you need to indicate advantages — dignity and drawbacks — limitations. Celebrate your qualities — qualities (for example — I am polite and intelligent).

At the end, you can indicate your hobbies, hobby, interests. For example — I love football (I like football). You can indicate what you like to do and do.

At the very end of the story about yourself (about myself), you can indicate that you strive to become a good person — I want to become a good person.

Next, let’s look at a few stories about ourselves.

Stories — topics about yourself in English with translation into Russian

Option 1 — A short story about yourself and your day

My name is Sveta. I want to describe my daily routine. I wake up at 5.30. Then I go to a bathroom, I wash, I brush my teeth. Then I do my body exercises. Then I put on a make-up. Then I go to the kitchen and make a breakfast to all family. At 6.30 I leave the house and go to work.

It takes me 15 minutes to get there. The working day comes to an end at 16.00 and I go shopping. Then I go home. At home I wash hands and go to the kitchen to make supper. After supper I watch I sit in front of the computer and work under my sites. At 22.

00 I take a bath, I brush my teeth and go to bed at 23.00. I love my life.

Option 1. Translation into Russian

My name is Sveta. I want to tell you about my daily routine. I wake up at 5.30. Then I go to the bathroom, wash, brush my teeth. Then I do my exercises. Then I put on my makeup. Then I go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for the whole family. At 6.30 I leave the house and go to work.

It takes me 15 minutes to get to work. The working day ends at 16.00 and I go to the store to shop. Then I go home. At home I wash my hands and go to the kitchen to cook dinner. After dinner, I look at the computer and work on my sites. AT 21.

00:22.00 I take a bath, brush my teeth and go to bed at XNUMX:XNUMX. I love my life.

Option 2 — A small schoolgirl story about herself

My name is Regina. I am 14. I study at school number 18 in the town of Oktyabrskiy. My favorite hobby is painting. I’ve been doing it since I was 8. I study Russian, English language, mathematics and geography in school. It is not always I have time to walk. And if I am in time, I walking with my friends and have fun time. I want to become a teacher of painting. I want to become a good person.

Option 2. Translation into Russian

My name is Regina. I’m 15. I study at school number 18 in the city of Oktyabrsky. My favorite hobby is dancing. I started doing this when I was 8. I study Russian, English, mathematics and geography at school. I don’t always have time to walk. And when I have free time, I go out with my friends and have fun. I want to become an art teacher. I want to become a good person.

Option 3 — A detailed story about yourself

I am a boy of seventeen. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a boy with short black hair, brown eyes. As to my appearance I’m rather tall and slim. I think that I’m calm and modest. I my friends, I to laugh and joke. I have got a good sense of humor. There are many things in our life I and some I dis. I when everything is good /

I was born on the 15th of February 1996 in the town of Samara where I live now together with my parents and my two sisters and elder brother. I was born in a family of a builder and a doctor.

I am a pupil of 10 form. I to study because knowledge is useful sometimes. I’m fond of reading.

My favorite subjects are English, Russian and literature. I usually did a lot of home preparation for them and I d everything I was doing in them. I really tried hard in them. I am sociable, so I have got a lot of friends among my schoolmates. As for me I appreciate people’s hornesty, kindness, sense of justice and intelligence. I don’t when people are rude and aggressive. I am stubborn at times. Also I never leave things half done. I think I am hard-working and diligent.

Source: https://www.comenglish.ru/rasskaz-o-sebe-na-anglijskom-yazyke-about-myself/

How to correctly tell about yourself in English?

By Natalia August 1, 2018

English is becoming more popular. It is useful in very different situations. Sometimes you need to be able to tell about yourself in English. You write a resume for a prestigious international company, pass an interview, introduce yourself at a university or school for a lecture or a foreign language lesson, communicate with people from abroad.

You do all this using English. Don’t know the language? No problem. This article will help. She will tell you where to start, what is appropriate to say, how to make up the most typical phrases in English, and how to end your “About myself” story. So how do you tell about yourself in English?

Forming a story plan

You need to start by drawing up a story plan. «About myself» — «About myself» translated from English.

In different situations, it consists of information about your:

  • name and surname;
  • age;
  • place of residence;
  • family composition;
  • education;
  • present or future work;
  • hobbies, hobbies, talents;
  • character: advantages and disadvantages;
  • plans for the future.

The composition of the story about yourself in English includes an introduction and a conclusion, where you talk about the reasons that prompted the beginning of the story, and summarize everything that has been said.

Listing in English, these are:

  • Introduction — introduction;
  • General information — general information;
  • The place where you were born and live — the place where you were born and where you live now;
  • Who does your nuclear family consist of — who is your nuclear family (next of kin);
  • Education — education;
  • Job — Work;
  • Hobby, interests and talented — interests;
  • Character — character;
  • Plans for your future — plans for the future;
  • Conclusion — conclusion.

Of course, the content of what you will be talking about in English will vary depending on the situation. Focus on the context in which you were asked to provide some information.

The most common situations when you may be asked to introduce yourself using English:

  • You are interviewing for an international companywhose official language is English, and during it you talk about yourself, or make a resume in a similar situation;
  • You are in an English lesson at school or higher educational institution, and in order to get a high score you need to tell about yourself;
  • You communicate with foreignerswho do not know Russian, but use the English language, and want to tell more about yourself.

How to tell about yourself or write an essay «About myself»?

Not a problem if you do not speak English and you need a written text. We will help you cope with this problem.

For translation, there is a table of typical expressions used in variants of such narratives. Following it, you can easily tell about yourself even in English. Pick up the necessary amount of valuable information: you will not only talk about a hobby at an interview. Let’s take a look at all the points listed above.

How to tell the main information about yourself in English?

Basic information is the main thing in any case. You talk in English about your name, how old you are.

The main phrases for this are shown in the table:

My name is My name is (literally — «My name»)
My surname is my surname
I am years old. I’m years old.

Examples of the use of these words and phrases in sentences in Russian and English:

  • My name is Alexandra… — My name is Alexandra.
  • My name is very famous around the world. — My name is very famous all over the world.
  • My surname is Petrova. — My surname is Petrova.
  • My surname is very popular in Russia. — My name is very popular in Russia.
  • I am 23 years old… — I am twenty three years old.

How to tell in English about your hometown and where you are?

It is also logical to mention this point when talking about yourself in English.

Relevant language vocabulary:

I was born I was born (/ was born)
I am from I’m from
Town Small town
City Big City
My native town / city is My hometown
was founded was founded

Examples of the use of these words and phrases in sentences in Russian and English:

  • I was born on 7th of December— I was born (/ was born) on December 7th.
  • I was born in a small village. — I was born (/ was born) in a small village.
  • Your native town is the place where you were born. — Hometown is the place where you were born.
  • I am from France. — I’m from France.
  • I am from San Marino. — I’m from San Marino.
  • Kolomna it is not a big town. — Kolomna is a small town.
  • This town is old. — This city is ancient.
  • Moscow it is a very big city. — Moscow is a very big city.
  • Saint Petersburg was the capital of Russia, because it is a very important city for the country. — St. Petersburg was the capital of Russia because it is an important city for the country.
  • My native town is small. — My hometown is small.
  • My native city is Voronezh… — My hometown is Voronezh.
  • Saint Petersburg was founded in 1703. — St. Petersburg was founded in 1703.
  • This society was founded for fundraising… — This society was founded to collect money.

What can you tell in English about your family?

Talking about your family in English in the story about yourself is appropriate when the amount of information provided is proportionate. So, at school you can tell more: who it consists of, how do you communicate; the student needs to be less emotional, and for work, you can be content with the minimum.

The story about the family should start with the phrase My family consists of — My family consists of.

Members of the family Family members
parent (-s) Parent (s)
Mother Mother
Mum, mommy, mom Mama
Father Father
Dad Dad
stepfather Stepfather
Daughter Daughter
Conclusion Son
S Sister
Brother Brother
Twin Twin
half-sister Sister by one parent
half-brother Brother by one parent

Source: https://eng911.ru/interesting/rasskazat-o-sebe.html

Story about myself

Each of us has ever had a task to tell about ourselves in writing or orally. It could be when applying for a job, when meeting new people, when filling out a questionnaire, passing an exam, or simply it was the topic of your school essay.

It is important to immediately determine how deep and extensive your story about yourself should be. Of course, it all depends on the situation. If you are preparing for an interview, then the story should be clear, concise, businesslike.

You should focus on your education, work experience, your business qualities, and in general, your strengths and prospects as an employee. If your story is focused on new acquaintances, then most likely you will mainly talk about your hobbies, hobbies, habits, character, etc.

In a school essay, you will definitely have to tell about your family and friends and about your plans for the future. The situations in which you need to tell about yourself can be very different.

Making a plan for a story about yourself «About myself»

If you are faced with the task of telling about yourself in English, then ready-made phrasal templates will come to your aid, supplementing which you will receive a full-fledged essay. First you need to determine personally for yourself what exactly you want to talk about and draw up a clear plan for the story.

I suggest that you explore a “one-size-fits-all” plan for talking about yourself that will work for just about any situation. You yourself can decide which points in your essay will be covered in more detail, and which will not.

For each item, you will be offered template phrases with translation, which you will need to supplement with information about yourself.

The outline of our story will be as follows:

1. Introduction and general information about myself 2. The place where I live 3. Information about family 4. Education 5. Place of work (My job) 6. My hobbies, talents and interests (My hobby, talents and interests) 7. Character traits (Сharacter)

8. Plans for the future

Phrases-templates are the main helpers in composing a story about yourself

Writing a story «About myself»

As an introduction, if the situation permits, you can say this phrase:

  • It’s hard to speak about myself as only people surrounding me can see me objectively — It is very difficult to talk about yourself, because they can objectively perceive me only from the outside

Then you can insert the phrase:

  • Let me introduce myself — Let me introduce myself
  • Let me tell you a few words about myself — Let me tell you a little about myself

First of all, state your name:

  • My name is Valentin — My name is Valentin

If your loved ones call you differently, you can add the following words:

  • But my friends call me Vel — But friends usually call me Val
  • But people usually call me Valea — But they usually call me Valya
  • But you can call me Vel — But you can call me Val

You can indicate the origin of your name or something interesting about it:

  • It is a Latin name — This is a Latin name
  • I was named after my grandmother — I was named after my grandmother
  • My name is quite unusual and I it — My name is quite unusual and I like it

After that, you can specify the age:

  • I am 25 years old — I am 25 years old
  • I was born in 1988 — I was born in 1988
  • I will be 30 in three months — I will turn 30 in three months
  • I will be 20 next Octomber — I will turn 20 next October

This was your general data. Next, you should tell about the place where you live:

  • I am from Saint Petersburg — I am from Saint Petersburg
  • I come from France, I live in Paris — I am from France, I live in Paris
  • I used to live in Saint Petersburg, but now I live in Moscow — I used to live in Saint Petersburg, and now I live in Moscow.
  • I was born in London and I have lived there all my life — I was born in London and have lived there all my life
  • I was born in Balta. It is a small town near Odessa. When I was 16 I moved to Saint Petersburg with my family — I was born in Balta. It is a small town not far from Odessa. When I was 16, I moved to St. Petersburg with my family

If your interlocutor is interested, then you can devote a couple of sentences to your city, its location and attractions. In America, when meeting a new person, this item is simply a must. For some reason, this is very important for Americans. A person can be born, for example, in the state of Illinois and in early childhood move to another state, but when meeting, he will certainly mention that he is from the state of Illinois.

  • My home town is very big, one million people live there.
  • It is located in the south of the country — It is located in the south of the country
  • My home city is the center of light industry — My home city is the center of light industry
  • My home town is famous for its theater — My hometown is famous for its theater

If you are writing an essay about yourself in English, then you definitely need to mention your family:

  • I come from a large / small family — I come from a large / small family
  • All members of my family are helpful and friendly — All members of my family are friendly
  • There are five of us in the family — There are five of us in the family
  • We get on well with each other — We get on well with each other
  • I have a father a mother and two younger brother / sister — I have a father, mother and two younger brothers / sisters

If necessary, include general facts about each family member. Tell us about how old they are, what they do, who is by education, where they live, etc. But don’t get too carried away. The whole story is about you, not about your family members.

The next item in our plan concerns education. It will most likely be required in any case. If you are still in school, but you can use the following phrases:

  • I go to school. I am in the ninth form — I go to school. I’m in ninth grade
  • I am good at German and Math — I do well in German and Math
  • My favorite subjects are Spanish and Literature — My favorite subjects are Spanish language and literature

If you have already graduated from high school and are a student, then the following phrases are for you:

  • I finished school in 2010 — I finished school in 2010
  • I am a student of London University of the Arts — I am a student at London University of the Arts
  • I am a first-year / second-year student — I am a first / second year student
  • I am in my first / second / third year — I am a first / second / third year student

Source: https://englishfull.ru/topiki/rasskaz-o-sebe-na-anglijskom.html

Telling Yourself in an English Job Interview

A job interview can be attributed to the most important events in our life. And in order for this event to go off with a bang, it is extremely important to properly prepare for the questions we are asked.

One of the most popular questions on a job interview, one might say, an indispensable attribute of it, is the traditional question: «Could you describe yourself?» («Could you describe yourself?») And its variants: «Please describe yourself», «Tell me about yourself», «Walk me through your background», «What should I know about you?»

This question is a great opportunity to present yourself and tell about yourself in English. This is your chance to make a profitable first impression on the other person (perhaps your future employer)!

In addition, it is a useful exercise for those who seek to «know themselves», critically reflect on their achievements and failures, draw conclusions and reach a new level of development.

A common mistake is talking about personal

However, many untrained job seekers get lost, begin to talk in detail about themselves in English, about their private life, children, pets, hobbies, etc. (more about how to talk about a hobby).

Do not forget — the question is asked at a job interview and the answer should only relate to the professional aspects of your life. The sole purpose of the interviewer asks you this question is to make sure that you are the ideal candidate for a particular job.

Therefore, concentrate on your professional qualities that are useful to the employer (and to find out which of your merits the employer will appreciate, optimize your story about yourself in English by studying the company profile and a detailed job description in advance).

3 ingredients for a successful self-story in English:

1. Introduce yourself and indicate who you are professionally.

I’m an HR manager with 8 years of experience for Fortune 500 companies. I am an HR manager with eight years of experience in the top 500 companies in the United States.
— Brief but informative. Not right:
Well, I grew up in Cincinnati. Well, I grew up in Cincinnati.
As a child, I wanted to be a fireman, then later became interested in dinosaurs. As a kid, I wanted to be a firefighter, but then I became interested in dinosaurs.
I excelled in the sciences from early on, placing first in my fourth-grade science fair. From an early age, I excelled in the sciences: in the fourth grade, I won first place in a natural science exhibition.
Funny story about that I’ll tell you a funny story about this
— Too much unnecessary information.

2. In a nutshell, tell us about your education relevant to the selected vacancy (for example, if you are applying for the position of a system administrator, you do not need to mention the completion of astrology courses).

3. Briefly describe your professional experience. Mention especially the most reputable and well-known firms in which you have worked.

I have spent the last six years developing my skills as a customer service manager for Megacompany Inc., where I have won several performance awards and been promoted twice. For the past 6 years, I have been cultivating my customer service manager skills at Megacompany Inc., where I have received multiple awards for excellence and two promotions.
— The emphasis is on experience and recognition of professional achievements. Not right:
My first job was as an administrative assistant for Macy’s in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. My first job was as an Administrative Assistant at Macy’s in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
I learned a great deal in that role that served me well over the next 12 years. In this position, I learned a lot that served me well for the next twelve years.

Source: https://skyeng.ru/articles/gotovimsya-k-sobesedovaniyu-na-anglijskom-yazyke-rasskaz-o-sebe

Self-story in English — phrases and examples of ready-made stories

›Learning a language› Vocabulary ›Topics› How to write a story about yourself in English, as well as ready-made examples

Foreign languages ​​are primarily studied for communication, so it is extremely important to learn coherently and speak freely. And one of the leading exercises of this kind for beginners is telling about yourself in English.

Such an essay includes in the work all the baggage of acquired knowledge (vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation) and allows you to quickly learn how to express your thoughts in English. Of course, the task is difficult, so today we will learn to talk about ourselves in English.

Here are some tips for writing text, we will study standard phrases and speech clichés, and, for example, consider samples of stories about ourselves in English for children, students and adults. So let’s get started!

What to include in a story about yourself in English

Let’s start the analysis with general recommendations on the content of the text, since the first difficulty for any student is the question of what to tell about me. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, and there is no need to invent some fascinating story of your life.

To compose an essay about yourself in English, it is enough to focus on the standard structure, which one way or another occurs in any text on this topic.

If we generalize the examples of essays and deduce a certain pattern, then the template for a story about yourself in English looks like this:

  • Introduction (greeting, introduction);
  • Brief information about yourself (name and surname, place of residence, age, education);
  • A story about a close social circle (family, friends, colleagues);
  • Enumeration of personal qualities and hobbies (character, hobbies, habits);
  • Conclusion (final thought, plans for the future, questions to the interlocutor).

That’s all. In fact, the essay simply requires detailed disclosure of the five points listed above. Moreover, it is desirable to do this rather succinctly.

No, of course, the English language about yourself allows you to compose any volume and style — it is no accident that in total it has more than 1 million words. But our task when writing a story is both to describe ourselves in English and to learn how to correctly formulate our thoughts.

In other words, an excessive heap of phrases, epithets and uninteresting information can significantly spoil the impression of your independent essay “business card”.

At the same time, it is clear that in one or two sentences, a story about yourself in English will not work even for grade 1 of school. Here you need to find a middle ground, i.e. to describe your life as interestingly, competently and, so to speak, without spreading thoughts along the tree. The optimal volume for a story about yourself is 10-20 sentences, depending on the situation and the audience for which the essay is designed.

That’s all with regard to general recommendations for the essay plan. But how to correctly and easily make a translation into English for a Russian text about yourself — we will tell you in the next section.

English phrases for composing a story about yourself

So, what is an essay about your life in English in terms of content, we told, now let’s move on to the difficulties of grammar and translation. After all, it is not enough to write an interesting essay, you also need to submit it correctly.

Typical words and phrases of the English language, which are often found in the stories of schoolchildren, students and adults about themselves, will help us to correctly form the story.

And in order to make the information readable and easy to perceive, we have divided speech clichés into several thematic subsections. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.


This is the opening paragraph of the essay, in which you greet your listeners / readers and briefly say the most important things about yourself. As a rule, this is the first and last name, age, city and country of residence.

Compiling such a short story about yourself in English takes a separate paragraph, which includes only a couple of sentences. Writing it is easy, but still, each style of storytelling has its own characteristics.

Therefore, here are some introductory phrases for a story about yourself in English with translation.

English expression Russian translation
First of all let me introduce myself. First of all, let me introduce myself.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Let me introduce myself, my name is
Let me tell you a few words about myself. Let me tell you a few words about myself.
My name is My name
My surname is my surname
I was named after my great-grandfather. I was named after my great grandfather.
You can call me You can call me
People usually call me People usually call me
I was born in (year) I was born in (year)
I was born on the (date) I was born (full date)
I am years old. Me (years).
I am (age) Me (age)
I will be (age) next summer. I will be (years old) next summer.
I will be (age) in two weeks. I will be (years old) in two weeks.
I was born in Russia in (city) I was born in Russia in (city)
I am from (country, city) I’m from (country, city)
I come from (country, city) I came from (country, city)
I live in (country, city) I live in (country, city)
My hometown is located My hometown is located
My hometown is (description) My hometown (characteristic)


Relatives, friends, close circle — this is the topic, without which an essay about your life would definitely be incomplete.

You should not, of course, strongly devote listeners or readers to the history of the family and describe in detail everyday situations, but in short you need to write a story in English about relatives or close friends.

Most often, the essay reports on the age of relatives, their qualities, professions and hobbies. Again, a single paragraph of text with several sentences will be enough to tell the story of a family.

English expression Russian translation
Now let me tell you a little about my family. Now let me say a few words about my family.
I live at home with my parents. I live in a house with my parents.
I live with my husband (wife) and children. I live with my husband (wife) and children.
My family is small. My family is small.
My family is big. My family is big.
My family is not very large. My family is not very big.
I have a big family. I have a big family.
I have a mother, a father, an elder sister and three younger brothers. I have a mom, dad, an older sister and three younger brothers.
I come from a small (large) family. I am from a small (large) family.
There are (number) of us in the family. We are in the family (number, for example, five, four).
I have a lot of relatives. I have many relatives.
My parents have one more child (or number children), besides me. Besides me, my parents have one more child (or (number) more children).
I have neither brothers nor sisters. I have no brothers or sisters.
My father’s name is My father’s name is
My mother is a (profession) My mom is by profession (profession).
My elder brother (sister) is married. My older brother / sister is married.
My mother / father / sister / brother s My dad / mom / sister / brother likes
All members of my family All my family members love
All members of my family (description) All members of my family (description, e.g. kind, helpful, etc.)
My family always supports me. My family always supports me.
I am happy to have such a friendly family. I am happy to have such a close-knit family.

Education and work

Also, you cannot compose a story about yourself in English and not share information about your current place of study, work or your profession. The following phrases will help you write this paragraph.

English expression Russian translation
I go to school / gymnasium / lyceum number I attend school / gymnasium / lyceum room
I am a pupil of (number) form. I am a student (number) of the class.
I am in the (number) th grade now. I am currently in (number) class.
My favorite subjects are My favorite subjects are
I am good at I am doing well in
I try to get on well in all the subjects. I try to do well in all subjects.
I’m doing quite well at school. I study well at school.
After school I plan to enter the University. After school, I plan to go to university.
I would become a (profession) I want to get a profession (profession name)
I want to be a (profession) in the future. In the future, I want to become (profession name).
I finished school in (year) I finished school in (year).
I am a student. I am a student).
I am a student of the faculty of economics. I am a student at the Faculty of Economics.
I study the history of East Asia. I am studying the history of East Asia.
At University I study many subjects. I study a lot of subjects at the university.
I am a third year student of (University / Instinute) I am a third year student (name of university, institute)
I am in my first / second / third year. I am a freshman / sophomore / third year student.
I graduated from University in (year). I graduated from university in (year).
My major is My speciality
[/ sayit] I graduated with honors. [/ sayit] I graduated with honors.
Now I am looking for an appropriate job. Now I am looking for a suitable job for myself.
I work as a (profession) I work (name of profession).
I work for (the name of the company) I work for (company name)
I am unemployed at the moment. At the moment I am unemployed.

Personal qualities

Be sure to include a list of personal qualities and character traits in the text about yourself in English. But this must be done quite carefully so that the impression is not created that the speaker in the story in English praises himself or, conversely, suffers from low self-esteem. The table below will help you find the right words for your essay.

English expression Russian translation
As to my appearance As for my appearance
I have blue eyes and dark hair. I have blue eyes and dark hair.
I am quite tall. I’m pretty tall.
I am slim. I’m slim.
My hair is curly. I have curly hair.
My eyes are brown. My eyes are brown.
I know that telling a lot of nice words about yourself is not modest but I am I know that it is not customary to say a lot of good words about myself, but I
My friends say that I am quite handsome. My friends say that I am very handsome.
My friends find me rather attractive. My friends find me pretty attractive (oh).
As of my traits of character Talking about my personality traits
My best qualities are My best qualities are
cheerful hilarity
responsive responsiveness
creative creativity, fantasy
faithfull loyalty, devotion
ambition ambition

Source: https://speakenglishwell.ru/rasskaz-o-sebe-na-anglijskom-yazyke-primery/

How To Easily Write About Yourself in English (About Myself)

It’s not so difficult to tell about yourself in English if you follow to the plan and have all the necessary vocabulary. The outline of the story depends on the purpose. What is such a story for? There are several situations in which we need to talk about ourselves in English.

This article provides a story outline, words to describe physical appearance, personal characteristics, things people like to do, watch, and listen to, and examples of small school essays. 
General important points about how to write any essay or essay in English, we wrote in the article «How to write an essay in English.»

And now specifically on the topic: «About myself in English.»

Here are some ideas that might serve as a blueprint for writing a self-story in English.

You don’t have to talk about everything, choose what you like, what you want to talk about.
1. What is your name, what name do your relatives call you:

My name is Monica. My nickname is Mo.

2. How old are you or date of birth:

 I’m 13 years old. My birthday is on the 5th of February 2004.

3. You can describe your appearance, if appropriate:

 I’m tall and slim. I have short fair hair and brown eyes.

4. Where do you live: city or village, small apartment or large house:

I’m from Russia. I live in Novgorod.

5. Your room:

I have my own room in our flat.
It is not very big but I love it very much because I can relax there.

6. Your family: parents, brothers or sisters, may you live with your grandparents:

 There are four people in my family. They are my mom, dad, I and my younger sister. My father is a driver and my mother is an accountant.

7. Pets:

  I have a nice pet. It is a cat which is very funny.

8. Your personal qualities:

 I am a very honest, friendly, and sincere person. I am very hard working and easy going person.

9. What do you like: what kind of movie, what kind of music, what games do you play:

I to play different games. I also love to listen to music, and my favorite music is rock. As for movies, I prefer action movies and science fiction. They are very interesting.

10. What food and drinks do you prefer:

My favorite food is pizza and sandwiches. My favorite drink is tea.

11. Your hobbies, what do you like to do in your free time:

My hobby is playing the guitar. In my free time, I also reading, painting and playing futball.

12. What you don’t like to do:

I don’t cleaning my house, washing dishes, and taking out the trash.

13. Your friends:

I have my best friend. Her name is Anna. We often go hiking to different places where we can see interesting animals, birds, flowers, and rivers.

14. A little about the class or university:

I am a student of Aerospace University.

15. What subjects are you interested in, and what — on the contrary:

My favorite subject is Math because I think it’s important for my future profession.

16. Something interesting about yourself that you can tell others:

The most important thing / person to me is ..
You might not know this about me, but I dancing. However I don’t go to any dance schools, because I have not enough time.

17. Who would you like to become:

I would to be a computer programmer because I think it’s a very interesting and high-paying job.

Vocabulary you need to tell about yourself in English

Source: https://lingvana.ru/about-myself.html

How to tell about yourself in English

The title speaks for itself, so I will just clarify that in this article you will find 4 of the most important, in my opinion, points that are worth mentioning in a story about yourself — personal data, place of residence, hobby and profession.

So, we don’t waste a minute!

1. Personal data

Where to begin? Of course, from the name.


I am My name is

Both variants in Russian mean «my name is». Substitute your name after the verb «am» or «is».


My name is Alisa I am Alisa

The choice of «am» or «Is» depends on what your subject is — if «I» (I), then you should say «am». If «my name», then you should say «is».


Again, there are two options:

My surname is My last name is

After the verb «is» just substitute your last name.


Here you need to remember just one sentence, by the way, we have already seen it in the section about the name:

I am / I am years old — I am years old
We substitute the desired number and we get: I am 20

I am 32 years old

3. Hobby

Well, how can you not mention your hobby in a story about yourself? This is what we will do just now. Here I will briefly outline this topic, but I have a separate article (with a list of various hobbies in English) in which I describe in detail possible grammatical and lexical constructions for a detailed story about my hobby. There she is.

So, in Russian, we say this: «I like to draw», «He likes to play football.» In English, the verb «» will come to our rescue — just keep in mind that an English sentence must begin with a noun or a personal pronoun, no «Me» — I like it — it can’t be, only «I». «We like» — «We».

Going further, in English, as a rule, the second verb is placed either in the infinitive (this is “to”), or the ending “ing” is added to it. We were lucky with the verb «», because to the next verb after it, you can freely add both «To» and «ing» — both will be correct. Therefore, let’s take a look at these examples:

I cooking / I to cook — I love to cook
I to travel / I traveling — I like to travel

The phrase «I to» is pretty simple, and if you want to complicate your speech a little, to make it more sophisticated, let’s add synonyms.

The phrase below also means “I like it,” but the structure is grammatically different.

TO BE KEEN ON — to like

Let’s first understand what «to be» is and how to work with it. First, «to be» is a verb. And, since we need the present tense (we’re talking about what we like now), «TO BE» breaks down into three verbs AM, IS, ARE, depending on the subject (what or who is referred to in the sentence ):

I (I) — amShe (she) / He (he) / It (it) — isYou (you, you) / We (we) / They (they) — are either a noun (books, music, films), or a gerund — a verb with the ending «ing» (reading — reading, swimming — swimming, shopping — shopping).


I am keen on sport — I like sports I am keen on books — I like books I am keen on good food — I like good food I am keen on shopping — I like shopping

I am keen on cooking — I like to cook

4. Job

There are several options for how you can talk about your work.

1. You just say who you work.
We need a construction: I am a After the article «a» (it comes before the professions), you just name the profession. I am a teacher — I am a teacher I am a bank manager — I am a manager in a bank

I am a police officer — I am a police officer

2. You name the area in which you workI work in — I work in (area) Below, as an example, I have listed different areas. Oil industry — oil industryFashion industry — fashion industryFinance — financeMarketing — marketingIT — information technologyEducation — education

Research — research

Examples: I work in finance — I work in finance

I would to work in fashion industry — I would like to work in the fashion industry


Name the company you work forI work for — I work for (a company) In addition to specific company names (American Airlines, KIA Motors), this construction will be suitable for «generic names» For a bank — in a bank For a law firm — in a law firm For a hospital — in a hospital For myself — to myself

In fact, if you have to say: “I work in a bank”, you intuitively want to put the preposition “in”, but if the sentence sounds “I work in a bank”, this does not mean that you are somehow connected with finance. or banking. «In a bank» means «in a bank building», that is, you can work with anyone from a security guard to a lawyer. If your activity is connected with banking, “for a bank” is the right choice.

That’s all for me, success in learning English!

Source: https://linguafromhome.com/blog/kak-rasskazat-o-sebe-na-anglijskom/

How to prepare for a job interview in English. Telling Yourself in an English Job Interview

Any interview in English begins, it would seem, with the simplest question: “Tell me about yourself”. Self-story in English often sets the tone for the rest of the interview and increases your chances of success.

The most important thing about an interview is to express enthusiasm in a believable way.

~ Joan Harris

For many job seekers, this is the hardest question to answer, as it is not clear what the interviewer really wants to know “about you”. In this article, you will learn how to properly tell about yourself in English, which should include selling self-presentationto impress a potential employer.

How to prepare for a job interview in English

The purpose interviews in English maybe not only find out if you are suitable professionally, but also assess your level of English proficiency.

After you put together a great resume in English and your cover letter was so convincing that you were invited to job interview, you need to thoroughly prepare for it, because this is the last test on the way to the work of your dreams and you need to overcome it with dignity.

What you need to know before your job interview in English

Preparing carefully for your interview is the key to your success. Make sure you can clearly, concisely, and logically explain everything on your resume and cover letter, and provide specific examples of tasks and accomplishments (especially those related to job requirements).

Be sure to prepare and practice a speech in which you need to briefly tell:

  • about your education, and how it relates to the requirements of the vacancy;
  • previous work experience (which may include internships, volunteer work, employment in student unions, etc.).
  • structure your speech so that it is clear how you can effectively use your previous experience in doing the job you are applying for;
  • why do you want to work for this company and in this position.

Remember that your time will be very limited (most interviews last from 30 minutes to an hour), you will worry and may get confused, forget something, or start repeating yourself.

The best impromptu is a well-prepared impromptu.

Therefore, preparing and practicing your speech is very important. We recommend that you work out the answers to the most likely questions in the form of a rehearsal interview with your parents, friends or classmates.

You can also practice the answers to the most common questions using the video simulator.

Take the time to find information about the organization where you are scheduled to interview. Check out the information on their website, read materials about them in the press, check their social media profiles, find out who their main competitors are, try to find information about the people who will be present at the interview.

“Tell me about yourself” — This simple but important question can motivate candidates to tell their life stories. But do potential employers want to hear this?

Tell about yourself at the interview employers ask you to understand how well you prepared and whether you are suitable for this position.

You need to unobtrusively show yourself to the interviewer from the best side — «sell yourself», briefly tell about yourself — «present yourself», while not going into unnecessary details.

We also recommend that you watch the video on How to tell about yourself in English.

When preparing for a story about yourself, you can use ready-made templates. The highlighted phrases can be used as a basis for any vacancy.

Sentence in EnglishTranslate into Russian

I graduated from the Technical University and I have a degree in Information Systems and Technologies. Я graduated Technical University, and i have a degree in the field of information systems and technologies.
I have been working as a system administrator for five years. I am working system administrator for five years.
My professional experience includes LAN (local area network) administration, equipment maintenance and negotiation with suppliers. My professional experience includes local area network (LAN) administration, equipment maintenance and negotiations with suppliers.
I am currently working for the IT company which specializes in website creation and Provides hosting for its clients. I am currently working in IT companies, which specializes in website creation and provides hosting for their clients.

Source: https://ienglish.ru/blog/business-angliiskiy-po-skype/resume-na-angliiskom/rasskaz-o-sebe-na-angliyskom-sobesedovanii

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

I am just talking for myself I am not representing any side of the organization.

Now, I’m just talking for myself, because I found out that I was Ásatrúar when I was very young, and I don’t know why.

Сейчас я говорю только о себе, потому что я поняла про себя, что я Ásatrúar в ранней юности, и не знаю почему.

I am talking for myself, if I was looking from outside of an alien race looking down on human kind, it’s not a pretty view.

Я говорю себе, что если бы я был инопланетянином и наблюдал сверху за родом человеческим, то это было бы не очень приятное зрелище.

I will be talking for myself.

Другие результаты

I’m just sort of talking it out for myself and you apparently.

I’m not going to discuss anyone else, I’m talking about myselffor me it’s organic.

Я не собираюсь обсуждать никого другого, я говорю о себедля меня это органично.

I thought I was talking to myself for a minute in here.

Okay, so I guess I’ve avoided talking about myself for long enough.

Sorry for talking about myself here.

Excuse me for talking about myself too much, but I had been practicing Kendo and Judo at that time while a student of Keio University.

Извините, если я говорю о себе слишком много, но я тогда занимался кэндо и дзюдо, будучи студентом университета Кэйо.

I would think I was talking to myself for all the attention that he paid.

Я бы подумал, что он говорит сам с собой, настолько он был рассеян.

Talking about myself for an entire week has been incredible.

ask pardon for talking about myself.

If I woke up late on a particular day, I’d be talking down to myself for most of the rest of the day.

The band most recently released album «One More Light» earlier this year, as well as a music video for «Talking to Myself» earlier Thursday morning.

В этом году группа выпустила альбом «One More Light», а также презентация клипа на песню «Talking to Myself» состоялась утром 20 июля.

I’ve been talking about this myself for the last few years.

I knew that it was vital to maintain the positive programming and that putting myself in a relaxed state of mind and talking positively to myself for fifteen minutes everyday, was a part of the programming process I should in no way interfere with.

Я знал, что было жизненно важно поддержать положительное программирование, и что помещение в смягченное настроение и разговор положительно мне непосредственно в течение пятнадцати минут, трех раз каждый день, было частью программного процесса, с которым я никоим образом не должен столкнуться.

I’ve been talking to myself for days, and still I don’t know what to do, or if there really is anything to do, other than do what Adrian says and just stay out of it.

Я разговаривал сам с собой весь день, и всё ещё не знаю как поступить, если вообще можно чтото сделать, или сделать как сказала Эдриан и бросить это дело.

Just tired of talking myself in circles

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Talking to myself
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And, by the way, I didn’t even… know that you were gone, so-so that’s interesting.

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И между прочим, я даже… не заметил, как ты уже ушел, что интересно, так как выходит,

That’s right, boys, they picked me up on the street talking to myself and gave me something called Edison’s Medicine.

context icon

Это правда, парни, они выгоняют меня на улицу разговаривать с собой и подарили мне кое-что под названием» лекарство Эдисона.

I decided


stop walking in my brother’s shadow… and


stop talking to myself and walking in zigzags.

Iz. I want


go on a date with you,

denny. I want to… eat dinner at a restaurant and not look like a crazy person talking to myself.

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хочу пойти


тобой на свидание,

His last books of verse, Epistle


a Godson(1972) and the unfinished Thank You, Fog(published posthumously, 1974) include reflective poems about language(«Natural Linguistics»,»Aubade»), philosophy and science(«No, Plato, No»,»Unpredictable but Providential»),

and his own aging»A New Year Greeting»,»Talking to Myself«,»A Lullaby.

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Последней прозаической книгой Одена стало собрание рецензий и эссе« Предисловия и послесловия»( 1973), а последним сборником стихов стало« Послание крестнику»( 1972) и неполный сборник« Спасибо тебе, туман»( опубликована уже после смерти Одена, в 1974 году), в которую вошли его стихи о языке(« Естественная лингвистика»)

и его собственном старении« Новогоднее поздравление»,« Разговор с собой»,« Колыбельная».

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Предложения с «talking to myself»

But if I speak without visiting, it looks like I’m talking to myself.

Но если я говорю без посещения, создаётся ощущение, что я говорю сам с собой .

If I jumped every time a light came on around here, I’d end up talking to myself.

Если бы я вскакивал всякий раз, когда загорится лампочка, я бы уже давно сам с собой разговаривал .

Talking to myself to seem crazy… moo-goo!

Разговор самой с собой , чтобы выглядеть чокнутой…

Now I just find myself on a roof talking to myself like a loon.

Сейчас я просто сижу на крыше и разговариваю сам с собой как сумасшедший.

If things have gone wrong, I’m talking to myself… and you’ve got a wet towel wrapped around your head.

Если дела плохи, я советуюсь с собой , и ты обёртываешь голову мокрым полотенцем.

Okay, I’m talking … to myself… But… you’re gonna give me a run for my money.

хорошо, я говорю… сама..но… вым нужно дать мне мои деньги

And not look crazy talking to myself.

И не походить на психа, разговаривающего с самим собой .

Counseling a fellow psychologist is like… It’s like talking to myself.

Консультировать психолога — это как разговаривать с самим собой .

Was I talking to myself?

Или я сам с собой разговаривал ?

And I recognized it as the voice that for many a day of late had been sounding in my ears. So I knew that all this time I’d been talking to myself.

Я узнал в нем тот самый голос, который уже много дней звучал в моих ушах, и понял, что все это время я вслух разговаривал сам с собой .

I feel like I’m talking to myself but the focus of this article is nationalism in Pakistan, not the history of Pakistan.

Я чувствую, что говорю сам с собой , но в центре внимания этой статьи — национализм в Пакистане, а не история Пакистана.

And nobody talks me down like myself in a video talking me down.

И никто другой не сможет так меня поддержать, как я сам в том видео.

The day after, when really it became a lot of talking , I said to myself, and my wife said to me, I also want a poster, so this is her.

На следующий день, когда я уже слышал об этом отовсюду, моя жена сказала мне, что тоже хочет такой плакат. Кстати это она.

I was talking about myself, you little gnome.

Я говорила про себя, ты маленький гном.

The captain, the mate, the surgeon, and myself, talking it over, resolved not to increase the daily whack of half a pound of meat.

Капитан, штурман и я, переговорив, решили не увеличивать ежедневной порции в полфунта мяса.

I keep talking of myself. How are you getting on with the reviewers now? what about your new novel? Is it going well?

Все о себе говорю; ну, как же теперь твои дела с журналистами? Что твой новый роман, подвигается ли?

We were talking about golf and something called a handicap, the next thing I know, I’m sitting with a cappuccino, muttering to myself in a very soothing voice.

Мы говорили о гольфе и о чём — то под названием гандикап, и следующее, что я помню как я сижу с капучино, ворча на себя очень успокаивающим голосом.

And I remember dear David talking to the president and myself about the absurdity of allowing multiple filibusters on a single bill.

И я помню, как дорогой Дэвид говорил с президентом и со мной о нелепости разрешения нескольких обструкций в рамках одного закона.

Actually, talking of style I had a fairytale wedding myself.

Говоря о стиле, у меня самого была сказочная свадьба.

I kept talking endlessly about myself and not a word about yourself.

Я продолжала рассказывать о себе а о тебе даже и не спросила.

I summoned you to a consultation and did all the talking myself.

Позвал вас за консультацией, а сам почти рта не закрывал.

You know, I pride myself on being this great listener but whenever I meet somebody new, I find I’m doing all the talking .

Я прекрасно умею слушать и всегда этим гордился. Почему с вами, я только и делаю, что говорю.

I could see myself now, attending literary events, talking books with cute boys, bantering over coffee.

Я вижу себя посещающей литературные кружки, говорящей о книгах с милыми парнями, флиртующей за чашечкой кофе.

I would be quiet if he liked, and as to talking rationally, I flattered myself I was doing that now.

Успокоиться я могу, что же касается разумности, то я льщу себя надеждой, что говорю разумно.

And if not, then please stop talking and leave me alone, because all the rest is uninteresting to me, and I can’t answer for myself.

А если нет, то замолчите, пожалуйста, и оставьте меня в покое, потому что все остальное неинтересно мне, и я за себя не отвечаю.

So, with them having passed on, I decided to sell it on myself to some folks from the city that Martin, George and Eve, God rest the lot of them, had been talking to.

Ну, и когда они преставились, Я решила продать свою землю ребятам из города о которых Мартин, Джордж и Ив, земля им всем пухом, рассказывали мне.

I’ve not felt so bad myself for years as when I were standing talking to him the other day.

Я давно так плохо себя не чувствовала, как в тот день, пока стояла и разговаривала с ним.

It’s like… the whole time she was talking to me… I just kept trying to wish myself back to a happier place.

Пока она со мной спорила, я мечтал оказаться в каком — нибудь другом месте.

Do you know that in the middle of all the madness tonight, I found myself talking to Sarah, and I was telling her to take a leap?

Ты знаешь, сегодня в разгар всего этого сумасшедшего вечера, я говорила с Сарой, и сказала, что ей нужно преодолеть препятствие?

How many seconds did it take you to realise I was talking about myself?

Как скоро ты догадался, что речь идёт не о друге, а обо мне самом?

I said it more to convince myself than Jem, for sure enough, as we began walking, I heard what he was talking about.

Это я доказывала не Джиму, а себе, потому что, как только мы пошли, я поняла, про что он.

I’ve asked myself, and the answer came back I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Я задал себе вопрос и получил ответ, Я не знаю, что за чушь ты несешь.

And then he catched hold of us, and kep on a talking to her, and answering of her, till I half believed I see her myself.

А потом вцепился в нас, и давай с ней разговаривать , и отвечать ей, так что мне уж стало мерещиться, будто я и сам ее вижу.

I get nervous talking about myself.

Меня нервируют разговоры обо мне

I’ve been talking about myself all night long.

Я проговорила о себе весь вечер.

I have never found myself talking directly to a hotel owner.

Мне еще не приходилось беседовать непосредственно с владельцем отеля.

I will be talking to the consultant myself again, Dad, in case you were thinking about trying to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes with your medical rhetoric.

Поговорю — ка я сама с врачем, пап, на случай, если ты тут пытаешься нам вкручивать со своими медицинскими познаниями.

I had lost the thread of conversation long ago, when they quit talking about Tom Robinson’s wife, and had contented myself with thinking of Finch’s Landing and the river.

Я давно уже не прислушивалась к разговору, с тех пор, как перестали говорить про жену Тома Робинсона, гораздо интересней было вспоминать Пристань Финча и реку.

I’m talking about myself and my spicy Latino lover.

Я о себе и своем латиноамериканском любовнике.

At first it was I who led the conversation, talking a little of myself.

Сперва разговором завладел я, рассказав Амелии немного о себе.

That’s all very well, Anna Sergeyevna, but you must excuse me … I am not in the habit of talking freely about myself in general, and there is such a gulf between you and me . . .

Все это прекрасно, Анна Сергеевна, но вы меня извините… я вообще не привык высказываться, и между вами и мною такое расстояние…

Look, you don’t think I tried talking myself out of this?

Неужели Вы считаете, что я не пытался отговорить себя от этого?

Умение рассказать о себе — одно из ключевых на английском языке. Оно пригодится и при знакомстве с иностранцами, и при собеседовании при устройстве на работу и много еще где. В зависимости от уровня владения языком и возраста рассказчика ключевые моменты монолога о себе будут меняться.

Существует определенный шаблон, вокруг которого может строится повествование «About Myself». Достаточно будет лишь запомнить этот шаблон, остальное сделает за вас ваш словарный запас. Итак, о чем желательно упомянуть в рассказе о себе на английском:

    1. Имя, возраст, место жительства.
      Let me introduce myself. Му name is John Smith. I’m 12 years old. I’m from the USA. I live in New York.
    2. Внешность.
      I’m tall and slim. I have big blue eyes and brown hair. 
    3. Семья (состав, возраст, род деятельности).
      I have a big family. I live with my mother, farther, and two sisters. Their names are Ann and Joan. They are 5 years old and they are twins. My mom is a teacher and my farther is a dentist.
    4. Род деятельности (учеба, работа, любимые предметы, планы).
      I study at school number 2014. I am in the 6th grade now. My favourite subjects at school are Math and Physics. After school I plan to enter the Technical University. I want to be an engeneer in the future.
    5. Хобби, увлечения.
      I’m fond of swimming and chess. I go to the swimming pool twice a week and take part in competitions. I also love reading books and watching TV. My favourive writer is Joanne Rowling, the author of Harry Potter. As for TV, I watch sitcoms and news programs.
    6. Личные качества, ценности.
      I’m trying to be kind and polite. I always help my mother to  look after my sisters. For me it’s very important to be a good boy in all situations.

Ниже вы найдете еще примеры рассказов «About Myself» в зависимости от возраста рассказчика.

About Myself для ученика начальной школы

My name is Valentin. I was born on the 15th of May 2010, so I’m 7 years old. I’m from Russia, I live in Moscow. I come from a small family. There are three of us: a mother, a farther and me. I go to school. I am in the second form. I am good at Painting and Math. In my free time I usually read books and go to the gym. I have a lot of friends. In future I want to be a designer.


Меня зовут Валентин. Я родился 15 мая 2010 года, поэтому мне 7 лет. Я из России, я живу в Москве. Я родом из маленькой семьи. Нас в семье трое: мама, папа и я. Я хожу в школу. Я учусь во втором классе. Я хорошо успеваю по ИЗО и математике. В свободное время я обычно читаю книги и хожу в спортзал. У меня много друзей. В будущем я хочу стать дизайнером.

About Myself для ученика старших классов

Let me introduce myself. My name is Anna Kaufman. I am sixteen. I am a student of the Rostov Secondary School. At the moment I am in the tenth grade.

I am easy-going, cheerful and responsive. I love my family and friends and I am always eager to help them and divide their joy and sorrows. I adore outdoor activities, picnics, rafting and travelling. I like to sit by the fire with my friends and enjoy the natural beauty of the world. Besides, I am a very versatile person.

I am fond of fashion, photography, music, English and painting. In my free time I can spend hours out in the open air. On my way to school I always listen to my favorite songs on my iPod. Twice a week I go to the gym where I practice yoga and ballet. I also like to play volleyball and basketball with my friends.

As to my appearance, I am quite tall and slim with big blue eyes and plump lips. My hair is curly and brown. I have lightly tanned skin. My friends find me rather attractive.

My family is not large. My parents have one more child, besides me. Thus I have got an older sister. Her name is Mary. She is in her late twenties. She works in a bank as a chief accountant. She is married and has a wonderful daughter named Alice.

I have the best parents in the world. Both of them are understanding, kind and patient. They always support me and give me sound advice. My
mother is very beautiful and elegant and always inspires me. My dad is a surgeon. Every day he saves lives of many people. I am happy to have such a friendly family. On our weekends we often go to the country and stay with my grandparents. I help my grandma with gardening or go fishing with my granddad. My grandparents are retired but work part-time as teachers at school.  I appreciate every minute of my life spent in the circle of my family.


Позвольте мне представить себя. Меня зовут Анна Кауфман. Мне шестнадцать. Я ученица Ростовской средней школы. На данный момент я нахожусь в десятом классе.

Я беззаботная, жизнерадостная и отзывчивая. Я люблю свою семью и друзей, и я всегда готова помочь им и разделить их радости и печали. Я обожаю активный отдых, пикники, рафтинг и путешествия. Мне нравится сидеть у костра вместе со своими друзьями и наслаждаться природной красотой мира. Кроме того, я очень разносторонний человек.

Я увлекаюсь модой, фотографией, музыкой, английским языком и живописью. В свободное время я могу проводить часы на свежем воздухе. По дороге в школу я всегда слушаю мои любимые песни на своем iPod. Два раза в неделю я хожу в спортзал, где я занимаюсь йогой и балетом. Я также люблю играть в волейбол и баскетбол с друзьями.

Что касается моей внешности, я довольно высокая и стройная с большими голубыми глазами и пухлыми губами. Мои волосы курчавые и коричневые. У меня слегка загорелая кожа. Мои друзья считают меня довольно привлекательной.

Моя семья невелика. У моих родителей есть еще один ребенок, кроме меня. Таким образом, у меня есть старшая сестра. Ее зовут Мэри. Ей около тридцати. Она работает в банке главным бухгалтером. Она замужем и имеет прекрасную дочь по имени Алиса.

У меня лучшие родители в мире. Они оба очень понимающие, добрые и терпеливые. Они всегда поддерживают меня и дают мне хорошие совети. Моя мама очень красивая и элегантная и всегда вдохновляет меня. Мой отец — хирург. Каждый день он спасает жизни многих людей. Я рада, что у меня такая дружная семья. В выходные мы часто ездим в деревню и остаемся у моих бабушки и дедушки. Я помогаю бабушке с садоводством и люблю рыбачить с дедушкой. Мои дедушки и бабушки — пенсионеры, но работают неполный рабочий день  учителями в школе. Я ценю каждую минуту моей жизни, проведенную в кругу моей семьи.

About Myself для студента ВУЗа/техникума

Let me introduce myself! My name is Peter Golubev. I come from Novosibirsk, the city in the east of Russia. Next winter I will be 20.

I know that telling a lot of nice words about yourself is not modest but I am a kind and easy-going young man. My friends say that I am quite handsome and cheerful. They also consider me to be a reliable and sincere friend. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a slender man, neither tall nor short. My hair is brown and wavy. My eyes are green.

Now let me tell you a little about my family. It takes an important part in my life. I have a lot of relatives and we are close to each other. I live at home with my parents. My mother is a dressmaker and my father is a chief cook in a restaurant. My elder brother is 25 and he is married. He and his wife went to work in Germany last year.

As for my interests I spend my free time studying English, swimming, riding a bike, hiking in the countryside and surfing the Internet. I also devote 2 or 3 evenings a week to the gym. Sport is my passion! I am not interested in watching TV, I remember about this device only once a year – on New Year’s Eve.

I am not married but I am in a relationship with a nice girl whose name is Dasha. We’ve been dating for 2 years already. We love cooking food, watching movies and playing tennis together. We are also fond of listening to English rock music.

I am a third year student of Moscow Aviation Institute at the faculty of aircraft engineering. I am enjoying the course a lot. My weekdays are usually busy with studies and I must work hard to become a good aviation engineer after I graduate. I want to be a well-educated person, to develop myself and become the best son for my parents.


Позвольте представиться! Меня зовут Петр Голубев. Я родом из Новосибирска, города на востоке России. Следующей зимой мне будет 20 лет.

Я знаю, что говорить много приятных слов о себе не скромно, но я добрый и спокойный молодой человек. Мои друзья говорят, что я довольно красивый и веселый. Они также считают меня надежным и искренним другом. Когда я смотрю на себя в зеркало, я вижу стройного мужчину, ни высокого, ни низкого. Мои волосы коричневые и волнистые. Мои глаза зеленые.

Теперь позвольте мне рассказать вам немного о моей семье. Она играет важную роль в моей жизни. У меня много родственников, и мы близки друг к другу. Я живу дома с родителями. Моя мать — портниха, а мой отец — шеф-повар в ресторане. Моему старшему брату 25 лет, и он женат. В прошлом году он и его жена переехали работать в Германию.

Что касается моих интересов, я провожу свободное время, изучая английский, занимаясь плаванием, катанием на велосипеде, поездками в деревню и серфингом в Интернете. Я также хожу 2 или 3 раза в неделю в спортзал. Спорт — моя страсть! Мне не интересно смотреть телевизор, я вспоминаю об этом устройстве только раз в год — в новогоднюю ночь.

Я не женат, но встречаюсь с хорошей девушкой по имени Даша уже 2 года. Мы любим готовить еду, смотреть фильмы и играть в теннис вместе. Мы также любим слушать английскую рок-музыку.

Я студент третьего курса Московского авиационного института факультета авиастроения. Мне очень нравится курс. Мои будни, как правило, заняты исследованиями, и я должен много работать, чтобы стать хорошим инженером авиации после окончания учебы. Я хочу быть образованным человеком, развиваться и стать лучшим сыном для своих родителей.

About Myself для взрослого человека

Let me introduce myself. Hello, my name is Anna Fedorova. I am twenty-eight and I live in Moscow in my own flat.

I graduated from Moscow State University, the faculty of journalism. So my job is bound to it. I work as public relations specialist at “Learnathome”. In this position I am responsible for keeping in touch with mass media, such as television and radio channels as well as written media – newspapers and magazines. Apart from work, I am involved in a charity organization “Nochlezhka” which helps homeless people get food and shelter every day.

As for my hobbies, I enjoy skating in winter and roller-blading in all the other seasons. It is a good way both to relax and to keep fit.

I love having a good time with my family in such a way. It consists of my parents, my husband and my son. My parents are retirees, my son goes to school and he is in the 1st year. My husband is the head of human resources department at “Learnathome.ru”. Being involved in family, professional and charity life requires from me such personal qualities as ambitiousness, energy, leadership and communicative skills. They help me cope with all the tasks in my daily life.


Позвольте мне представиться. Привет, меня зовут Анна Федорова. Мне двадцать восемь, и я живу в Москве в своей квартире.

Я окончила МГУ, факультет журналистики. Поэтому моя работа связана с этим. Я работаю специалистом по связям с общественностью в «Learnathome». На этом посту я отвечаю за поддержание контактов со средствами массовой информации, такими как телевидение и радиоканалы, а также письменными СМИ — газетами и журналами. Помимо работы, я участвую в благотворительной организации «Ночлежка», которая помогает бездомным получать еду и жилье каждый день.

Что касается моих увлечений, я люблю кататься на коньках зимой и на роликах во все другие сезоны. Это хороший способ расслабиться и поддерживать себя в форме.

Мне нравится так проводить время с моей семьей. Он состоит из моих родителей, моего мужа и моего сына. Мои родители — пенсионеры, мой сын ходит в школу в первый класс. Мой муж является начальником отдела кадров на «Learnathome.ru». Участие в семейной, профессиональной и благотворительной жизни требует от меня таких личных качеств, как амбициозность, энергия, лидерство и коммуникативных навыков. Они помогают мне справляться со всеми задачами в моей повседневной жизни.

Также на YouTube очень много обучающих видео о том, как рассказать о себе. Например, вот это:

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