Word for surface of water

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren’t included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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Full list of words from this list:

  1. lough

    Irish word for a lake

  2. alluvial

    relating to deposits carried by rushing streams

  3. aquifer

    underground layer of rock or sand that yields groundwater

  4. berm

    a narrow ledge at the top or bottom of a slope

  5. brine

    a strong solution of salt and water used for pickling

  6. camber

    a slight convexity (as of the surface of a road)

  7. confluence

    a place where things merge or flow together

  8. effluent

    water mixed with waste matter

  9. escarpment

    a long steep slope at the edge of a plateau or ridge

  10. flume

    a narrow gorge with a stream running through it

  11. fluvial

    of or relating to or happening in a river

  12. interstice

    small opening between things

  13. levee

    an embankment built to prevent a river from overflowing

  14. moraine

    accumulated earth and stones deposited by a glacier

  15. noria

    a water wheel with buckets attached to the rim

  16. phreatic

    of or relating to ground water

  17. revetment

    a facing (usually masonry) that supports an embankment

  18. riffle

    a small wave on the surface of a liquid

  19. riparian

    relating to or located on the banks of a river or stream

  20. shoal

    a stretch of shallow water

  21. silt

    mud or clay or small rocks deposited by a river or lake

  22. slough

    cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers

  23. sluice

    conduit that carries a rapid flow of water

  24. slurry

    a suspension of insoluble particles usually in water

  25. subsidence

    a gradual sinking to a lower level

  26. thalweg

    the middle of the chief navigable channel of a waterway that forms the boundary line between states

  27. turbid

    clouded as with sediment

  28. weir

    a low dam built across a stream to raise its level or divert its flow

  29. eagre

    a high wave caused by tidal flow

  30. edema

    swelling from excessive accumulation of watery fluid

  31. effloresce

    come into or as if into flower

  32. Empedocles

    Greek philosopher who taught that all matter is composed of particles of fire and water and air and earth (fifth century BC)

  33. esker

    (geology) a long winding ridge of post glacial gravel and other sediment; deposited by meltwater from glaciers or ice sheets

  34. eutrophic

    (ecology) of a lake or other body of water rich in nutrients and subject to eutrophication

  35. aneroid

    containing no liquid or actuated without the use of liquid

  36. anastomosis

    a natural or surgical joining of parts or branches of tubular structures so as to make or become continuous

  37. anoxic

    relating to or marked by a severe deficiency of oxygen in tissues or organs

  38. toroidal

    of or relating to or shaped like a toroid; doughnut shaped

  39. antediluvian

    of or relating to the period before the biblical flood

  40. xeric

    being deficient in or requiring little moisture

  41. xylem

    plant tissue that conducts water and dissolved nutrients

  42. phloem

    plant tissue that conducts synthesized food substances

  43. wallow

    roll around

  44. waterworn

    (of rocks especially) worn smooth by the action of water

  45. usufruct

    a legal right to use and profit from someone else’s property

  46. tarn

    a mountain lake, especially one formed by glaciers

  47. tilth

    aggregation of soil and its condition for supporting growth

  48. turbid

    clouded as with sediment

  49. sapropel

    sludge that accumulates at the bottom of lakes or oceans

  50. scablands

    (geology) flat elevated land with poor soil and little vegetation that is scarred by dry channels of glacial origin (especially in eastern Washington)

  51. scarp

    a long steep slope or cliff at the edge of a plateau or ridge; usually formed by erosion

  52. scudding

    the act of moving along swiftly (as before a gale)

  53. seiche

    a wave on the surface of a lake or landlocked bay

  54. selva

    a rain forest in a tropical area

  55. sere

    having lost all moisture

  56. silt

    mud or clay or small rocks deposited by a river or lake

  57. slake

    satisfy, as thirst

  58. slough

    cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers

  59. souse

    immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate

  60. spate

    a sudden forceful flow

  61. spume

    foam or froth on the sea

  62. sump

    a well or other hole in which water has collected

  63. swale

    a low-lying area, especially a marshy area between ridges

  64. swash

    the movement or sound of water

  65. rhabdomancy

    searching for underground water or minerals by using a dowsing rod

  66. rheology

    the branch of physics that studies the deformation and flow of matter

  67. rime

    ice crystals that form a white deposit

  68. roily

    (of a liquid) agitated vigorously; in a state of turbulence

  69. runnel

    a small stream

  70. pelagic

    relating to, occurring in, or living in the open ocean

  71. plash

    the sound like water splashing

  72. purl

    flow in a circular current, of liquids

  73. ogee

    a molding that (in section) has the shape of an S with the convex part above and the concave part below

  74. nadir

    the lowest point of anything

  75. neve

    the upper part of a glacier where the snow turns to ice

  76. maar

    a flat-bottomed volcanic crater that was formed by an explosion; often filled with water

  77. marl

    a loose and crumbling earthy deposit consisting mainly of calcite or dolomite; used as a fertilizer for soils deficient in lime

  78. mizzle

    very light rain; stronger than mist but less than a shower

  79. Indra

    chief Hindu god of the Rig-Veda; god of rain and thunder

  80. kelpie

    a water spirit in the form of a horse

  81. kibble

    an iron bucket used for hoisting in wells or mining

  82. lacustrine

    of or relating to or living near lakes

  83. lade

    fill or place a load on

  84. lahar

    an avalanche of volcanic water and mud down the slopes of a volcano

  85. lave

    wash or flow against

  86. lentic

    of or relating to or living in still waters

  87. Lethe

    a river in Hades

  88. lotic

    of or relating to or living in actively moving water

  89. loam

    a rich soil consisting of sand, clay and organic materials

  90. hoarfrost

    ice crystals forming a white deposit

  91. hummock

    a small natural mound

  92. Hyades

    7 daughters of Atlas and half-sisters of the Pleiades

  93. hydromancy

    divination by water

  94. gush

    flow forth in a sudden stream or jet

  95. fen

    low-lying wet land with grassy vegetation

  96. firth

    a long narrow estuary (especially in Scotland)

  97. floc

    a small loosely aggregated mass of flocculent material suspended in or precipitated from a liquid

  98. fjord

    a long narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs

  99. floe

    a flat mass of ice drifting at sea

  100. freshet

    the occurrence of a water flow resulting from sudden rain or melting snow

  101. friable

    easily broken into small fragments or reduced to powder

  102. debouch

    march out (as from a defile) into open ground

  103. deliquesce

    melt or become liquid by absorbing moisture from the air

  104. billabong

    a stagnant pool of water in the bed of a stream that flows intermittently

  105. boreal

    toward or located in the north

  106. ichor

    the rarified fluid said to flow in the veins of the Gods

Created on July 12, 2012
(updated July 12, 2012)

What is another word for surface water?

1 synonym found


[ sˈɜːfɪs wˈɔːtə], [ sˈɜːfɪs wˈɔːtə], [ s_ˈɜː_f_ɪ_s w_ˈɔː_t_ə]

Related words: water quality, watersheds, surface water flooding, surface water pollution, water type

Related questions:

  • What is surface water?
  • How to find surface water?
  • What is the surface water temperature?
  • What is an example of surface water?
  • What is the definition of surface water?
  • Which type of water is surface water?
  • What is the difference between ground and surface water?
  • Table of Contents

    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words:

      • hydrology.

    How to use «Surface water» in context?

    Surface water comprises all streams, rivers, lakes and ocean waters that are not groundwater. Surface water is crystal clear and free of sediment. It is often called the «lifeblood» of a region because it provides drinking water, irrigation, and other basic needs.

    • 1
      water surface

      water surface

      Англо-русский строительный словарь.

      Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > water surface

    • 2
      water surface

      1. зеркало водное
      2. водная поверхность

      Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > water surface

    • 3
      water surface

      Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > water surface

    • 4
      water surface

      Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > water surface

    • 5
      water surface

      поверхность, отделяющая воду от нефти

      English-Russian dictionary of geology > water surface

    • 6
      water surface

      Англо-русский геоэкологический словарь > water surface

    • 7
      water surface

      Англо-русский технический словарь > water surface

    • 8
      water surface

      Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > water surface

    • 9
      water surface

      водное зеркало; водная поверхность

      * * *

      * * *

      Англо-русский словарь по экологии > water surface

    • 10
      water surface

      2) Техника: зеркало воды, поверхность воды, свободная поверхность воды, уровень поверхности воды, уровень свободной поверхности воды

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > water surface

    • 11
      water surface

      водная поверхность, водное зеркало

      Англо-русский гидрогеологический словарь > water surface

    • 12
      water surface

      English-russian dictionary of physics > water surface

    • 13
      water surface

      English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > water surface

    • 14
      water surface

      Англо-русский морской словарь > water surface

    • 15
      water surface

      поверхность водоема

      Pipeline dictionary > water surface

    • 16
      water surface

      English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > water surface

    • 17
      water surface

      English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > water surface

    • 18
      water surface

      English-Russian scientific dictionary > water surface

    • 19
      water surface

      English-Russian small dictionary of medicine > water surface

    • 20
      water surface slope

      water surface slope

      Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.
      С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова.

      Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > water surface slope


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • water surface — vandens paviršius statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Upių, ežerų ir kitų vandens objektų viršutinis sluoksnis. Požeminiuose, nespūdiniuose, nepralaidžiuose vandens sluoksniuose vandens paviršių žymi viršutinė vandens riba.… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

    • Water supply and sanitation in Saudi Arabia — differs from most other countries in three significant aspects. First, it relies almost exclusively on two sources that are absent in most other countries: desalination and fossil water. Second, given the substantial oil wealth of the country,… …   Wikipedia

    • Water garden — Water gardens, also known as aquatic gardens, backyard ponds and garden ponds, have been made popular by Andy Holt in recent years. Usually referring to a man made feature, these gardens typically combine a pool with aquatic plants and often… …   Wikipedia

    • surface — [sʉr′fis] n. [Fr < sur (see SUR 1) + face,FACE, based on L superficies] 1. a) the outer face, or exterior, of an object b) any of the faces of a solid c) the area or extent of such a face …   English World dictionary

    • Surface Marker Buoy — (standard) = A Surface Marker Buoy, SMB or simply a blob is an inflatable buoy used by SCUBA divers, with a line, to mark the diver s position to their surface, safety boat while the diver is underwater.SMBs are inflated on the surface before… …   Wikipedia

    • Surface pressure — is the atmospheric pressure at a point of Earth s surface. It is directly proportional to the mass of air over that point.For numerical reasons, atmospheric models such as general circulation models (GCMs) usually predict the nondimensional… …   Wikipedia

    • Water resources — A natural wetland Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful. Uses of water include agricultural, industrial …   Wikipedia

    • Water — This article is about general aspects of water. For a detailed discussion of its properties, see Properties of water. For other uses, see Water (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

    • Water (molecule) — Chembox new Name = Water (H2O) ImageFileL1 = Water 2D labelled.png ImageSizeL1 = 120px ImageNameL1 = The water molecule has this basic geometric structure ImageFileR1 = Water molecule 3D.svg ImageSizeR1 = 100px ImageNameR1 = Space filling model… …   Wikipedia

    • Surface water — For water masses on the surface of the world ocean, see Surface water (ocean). : For water masses on the surface of land masses, see Surface water (land). Water collecting on the ground or in a stream, river, lake, wetland, or ocean is called… …   Wikipedia

    • Surface tension — For the work of fiction, see Surface Tension (short story). Surface tension is a property of the surface of a liquid that causes it to behave as an elastic sheet. It allows insects, such as the water strider (pond skater, UK), to walk on water.… …   Wikipedia

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    Surface water is a noun.

    A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


    surface water

    Surface water

    Surface water is water on the surface of the planet such as in a stream, river, lake, wetland, or ocean. It can be contrasted with groundwater and atmospheric water. Non-saline surface water is replenished by precipitation and by recruitment from ground-water. It is lost through evaporation, seepage into the ground where it becomes ground-water, used by plants for transpiration, abstracted by mankind for agriculture, living, industry etc. or discharged to the sea where it becomes saline.

    Definition of surface water in the English dictionary

    The definition of surface water in the dictionary is water found on the surface of the earth, for example in rivers, seas, lakes, reservoirs, etc.


    Synonyms and antonyms of surface water in the English dictionary of synonyms

    Translation of «surface water» into 25 languages

    online translator


    Find out the translation of surface water to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

    The translations of surface water from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «surface water» in English.

    Translator English — Chinese


    1,325 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Spanish

    agua superficial

    570 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Hindi

    सतह पानी

    380 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Arabic

    المياه السطحية

    280 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Russian

    поверхность воды

    278 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Portuguese

    água de superfície

    270 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Bengali

    পৃষ্ঠ পানি

    260 millions of speakers

    Translator English — French

    eau de surface

    220 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Malay

    permukaan air

    190 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Japanese


    130 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Korean


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Javanese

    Banyu lumahing

    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Vietnamese

    nước mặt

    80 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Tamil

    மேற்பரப்பு நீர்

    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Marathi

    भूतलावरील पाणी

    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Turkish

    Yüzey suları

    70 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Italian

    acque di superficie

    65 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Polish

    wody powierzchniowe

    50 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Ukrainian

    поверхня води

    40 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Romanian

    de apă de suprafață

    30 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Greek

    επιφάνεια του νερού

    15 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Afrikaans

    oppervlak water

    14 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Swedish


    10 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Norwegian


    5 millions of speakers

    Trends of use of surface water


    The term «surface water» is quite widely used and occupies the 33.670 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



    Quite widely used

    The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «surface water» in the different countries.

    Principal search tendencies and common uses of surface water

    List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «surface water».


    The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «surface water» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «surface water» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

    Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about surface water


    Discover the use of surface water in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to surface water and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


    Ground Water and Surface Water: A Single Resource

    Sections include: natural processes of ground-water and surface-water interaction; effects of human activities on the interaction of ground water and surface water; and challenges and opportunities. Charts and tables.


    Urban Surface Water Management

    This book covers all the major methods, and discusses other available, but little-known, concepts, tools, and techniques.


    Groundwater and Surface Water Pollution

    The book defines groundwater, aquifers and surface water and discusses the physical properties of soils, liquids, vadose zones and aquifers.

    David H.F. Liu, Bela G. Liptak, 1999


    Principles of surface water quality modeling and control

    This book teaches the fundamentals and principles which underlie the mathematical modeling techniques used to analyze the quality of surface waters.

    Robert V. Thomann, John A. Mueller, 1987


    Ground and Surface Water Hydrology

    The text makes use of internet resources, such as free modeling tools, to help solve more complicated and real-world problems more quickly, and motivate interest in the topics.


    Kinematic Wave Modeling in Water Resources, SurfaceWater

    This is the first book to provide a thorough reference to the application of KW methods to such problems as the spatial representation of watersheds, overland flow routing, and channel flow routing.


    Surface Water-Quality Modeling:

    Chapra has organized this user-friendly text in a lecture format to engage students who want to assimilate information in manageable units.


    Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations, …

    The primary sources of freshwater include: • Captured and stored rainfall in
    cisterns and water jars • Groundwater from springs, artesian wells, and drilled or
    dug wells • Surface water from lakes, rivers, and streams • Desalinized seawater
    or …


    Isotopic Tracers in Surface Water

    Additional Isotopes Other isotope tracers have been used as source and process
    tracers in surface water systems, but are beyond the scope of this investigation.
    The reader is encouraged to read Ingri et al. (1997) and Robinson and Botrell …


    Calibration, Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis in Surface

    QUAL2K (or Q2K) is a USEPA sponsored river and stream water quality model that was recently developed at Tufts University to represent a modernized version of the QUAL2E (or Q2E) model.


    Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term surface water is used in the context of the following news items.

    Lake Mead surface water level dips to new record low

    LAS VEGAS (AP) — Federal water managers let the closely watched and regulated surface level at Lake Mead go to a new record low overnight, before guiding … «KRNV My News 4, Jun 15»

    Don’t let Texas’ excess water go to waste

    The past few weeks have highlighted a challenge for water resource managers … The prime locations for surface water reservoirs have already been developed … «TribTalk, Jun 15»

    EPA: Fracking has polluted surface water but not groundwater (+video)

    A long-awaited EPA report on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to drill for oil and gas, says the practice has not contaminated US water supplies, yet. «Christian Science Monitor, Jun 15»

    California Agriculture To Face Strict Mandatory Water Cuts, Officials …

    Agriculture, despite using 80 percent of the state’s developed water supply, wasn’t … The curtailment of surface water might send some farmers in search of … «ThinkProgress, May 15»

    Agriculture is 80 percent of water use in California. Why aren’t …

    California has a complex system of water rights, which evolved from a system of first dibs instituted by its early settlers. In the Western states, where surface water … «Washington Post, Apr 15»

    California Has Only One Year of Water Left, Warns NASA Scientist

    Thus far the Golden State has been relying on water in reservoir storage to survive, … up for surface water lost from drought-depleted lakes, rivers and reservoirs. «Nature World News, Mar 15»

    California has about one year of water stored. Will you ration now?

    Farmers have little choice but to pump more groundwater during droughts, especially when their surface water allocations have been slashed 80% to 100%. «Los Angeles Times, Mar 15»

    Rights to California surface water far greater than average runoff

    California over the last century has issued water rights that amount to roughly five times the state’s average annual runoff, according to new research that … «Los Angeles Times, Aug 14»

    Viewpoints: Groundwater can’t be regulated without increasing …

    For two years in a row, most of the family farms that depend on the state and federal water systems have received little to none of the surface water supplies they … «Sacramento Bee, Aug 14»

    Western US states using up ground water at an alarming rate

    A new study shows that ground water in the basin is being depleted six times faster than surface water. The groundwater losses, which take thousands of years … «Science AAAS, Jul 14»


    « EDUCALINGO. Surface water [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/surface-water>. Apr 2023 ».

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