Word for summer in french

Summer or l’été in French language is one the favorite seasons of French people. It’s the ideal time to forget about work, to travel, go on vacation, go to the beach or sea and enjoy holidays with family.

These recent years, summer has been impacted by the the COVID -19 pandemic situation, but there are still ways to enjoy your vacations.

Today we will see some keywords and expressions about summer (l’été) such as clothing names and activities you can do during summer and verbs to use in French.

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How to talk about summer in french and impress everyone

Essential Words for talking about summer (l’été)

Let’s start with the must-know French word: l’été which means summer. The word été can also be used in compound tenses like passé composé, as the past participle of the verb être (to be). So, do not make the confusion!

For example :

  • L’été dernier, je suis allée au Canada. => Last summer, I went to Canada.

  • Hier, j’ai été malade .=> yesterday I have been sick.

When talking about summer, we think automatically of the words sun, beach and months like June, July, August. Here is how the essential words related to l’été are called in French.

  • le Soleil : sun

  • la chaleur : heat

  • la canicule : heat wave

  • la plage : the beach

  • la Mer : the sea

  • la Montagne : the mountain

  • les vacances d’été : summer holidays

  • juin : June

  • juillet : July

  • août : August

You will certainly need to know these verbs to be able to make a small talk about vacations and holidays.

  • Voyager : to travel

  • Partir en vacances : to go on vacation

  • Aller quelque part: to go somewhere

  • Visiter : to visit (talking about visiting places)

  • Nager : to swim

  • Se baigner : to swim

  • prendre son congé annuel : to take one’s annual leave

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12 Favorite Summer activities in French

In general to talk about activities that we do, we use the essential French verb faire. During vacations, people’s favorite activities can be :

  • faire du surf or surfer : to surf

  • faire de la plongée : to dive

  • faire de la natation : to swim

  • faire de la randonnée : to hike

  • faire du ski nautique : water skiing

  • aller dans les montagnes : to go in the mountains

  • aller à la plage : to go to the beach

  • la pêche : fishing (do not mix it up with the peach (fruit) which is written exactly the same way)

  • faire un pique-nique : to picnic

  • faire un barbecue : to have a barbeque

  • bronzer : to tan

  • se bronzer : to sunbathe

How to name Summer outfits in French?

Lady wearing French summer outfits

During summer, it’s the time to take out from your closets the light and easy-to-where clothes and accessories like your short, tank top, hat, sunglasses.

Let’s see how to call these summer essentials in French, the most common words and phrases.

  • un short : a short

  • un débardeur : a tank top

  • une robe : a dress

  • une jupette : a mini skirt

  • des tongs : flip flops

  • des Sandales : sandales

  • un sac en bandoulière : sling bag

  • une casquette : a cap

  • un chapeau : a hat

  • des lunettes de soleil : sun glasses

  • un maillot de bain : a swim suit

  • une serviette de plage : a beach towel

Linen (le Lin) and cotton ( le coton) are the fashion trend of summer season. Among the indispensables pour l’été, you will also need for sure your crème solaire (sunscreen) to avoid having des coups de Soleil (sun burns).

Practise your French summer vocabulary

Through the text below, you will discover examples of sentences and phrases about l’été. You will also be able to practice your understanding of the vocabulary related to summer holidays.

So, read it and answer the comprehension questions with true (vrai) or false (faux).


«J’adore les vacances d’été car c’est enfin le moment de passer du temps avec ma famille.

En général, nous allons au sud de la France. Nous allons tous ensemble à la plage. J’aime me baigner dans la mer; alors je prends toujours avec moi, ma crème solaire, mes lunettes de soleil et mon maillot de bain.

Ma sœur préfère ramasser des coquillages et construire des châteaux de sable. Quant à mon frère , il aime aller dans les montagnes pour faire des randonnées. Alors, pour satisfaire tout le monde, on passe quelques jours en bord de mer, et le reste du temps nous allons dans les montagnes. Cela nous occupe beaucoup et on ne s’ennuie pas du tout!

Cette année, nous sommes en confinement et je doute qu’on puisse partir en vacances d’ici l’été.»

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France has four seasons: spring (le printemps), summer (l’été), autumn (l’automne), and winter (l’hiver), and each one has its own significance in French culture and everyday life.  

While we mostly associate summer with the south of France, the location of the famous Côte d’Azur, the summer weather and mood does reach the whole country and affect it in some important ways.  Let’s talk about all things summer in France.

How to say “summer” in French

The word “summer” in French is l’été. Although the French word for season, la saison is feminine, l’été is masculine.

When you want to use “summer” as an adjective in French, you would either say d’été or estival(e). It’s hard to say exactly why you should use either one, but as a general rule:

d’été is usually used with things that aren’t exclusively associated with summer. For example, as you’ll see on the list below, you would use it when talking about clothes, time, or rooms in a house. Be careful not to confuse this with de l’été (of the (this) summer), which I’ll talk about in the next section. 

estival(e) tends to be used with things we’d more likely associate with summer – for example, summer weather.

Again, this is just a general rule. If you’re in doubt, the good news is, people will understand what you mean if you use either one.

If you want to say “in summer”, “over the summer”, or “during the summer” in French, that would generally be “en été” or “pendant l’été”.  For example: En été, on va à la plage. (In summer, we go to the beach). And Il a bien grandi pendant l’été (He grew a lot over summer).  

La fin de l’été is “the end of summer”.

blooming lavender

Here are some common summer-related French words. As you read them, remember the general rule about using d’été or estival(e) that I mentioned in the previous section of this article.

de l’été – of the (this) summer. This is used when talking about the trends and tendencies of this particular summer. A very common example is the expression le tube de l’été – this summer’s hit song.

une robe d’été – a summer dress/a sundress.

l’heure d’été – daylight savings time. Passer à l’heure d’été means to switch to daylight savings time/set the clocks forward.

les vacances d’été – summer vacation. This can mean either a vacation from school or other organized activity, or an actual planned summer vacation getaway. 

une cuisine d’été – an outdoor, covered space for cooking, eating, and storing food. In addition to a standard indoor kitchen, this is a very common feature in lots of houses in the south of France, where, as other French people often remark, inhabitants like to live outdoors. A cuisine d’été lets them not only eat outside, but even prepare their meals and store food there, since it usually includes some kind of stove or oven as well as storage areas. You can see some examples of typical cuisines d’été here. 

How to say “Have a good summer” in French

Summer is a time of leisure, vacation, and festivities in France, but interestingly enough, it’s not extremely common for people to tell each other “Have a good summer!”, as you’ll learn if you do an internet search for it.

With friends who are going away for a long time in the summer, I usually say Passe un bon été or Passez un bon été if there’s a group of them. They always understand and appreciate this, but it’s not necessarily the way native French speakers would put it.

Instead, it seems if native speakers of French want to say “Have a good summer”, they would either be very formal and say Je te/vous souhaite un bon été (I wish you/you all a good summer) or they would focus more on the vacation aspect, and use a very common French saying, Bonnes vacances!(Have a nice vacation!).

Summer weather in France

Culturally, summer in France starts around late June and ends at la rentrée – the period at the beginning of September, when most people are back from summer vacation and school and other activities start again. 

From an astronomical standpoint, summer in France is officially from June 21 to September 21. But the weather can be very warm before and after that period. For example, this year we had several days where the temperature reached 30 degrees Celsius (about 86 degrees Fahrenheit) in April and May, even though overall temperatures for these months were a lot lower, at times even a bit chilly.

Even summer itself can be a bit unpredictable in France. Sometimes, the days can start or end up quite chilly, even if it’s hot in the afternoon. So if you’re planning to visit, you may want to bring a light jacket or shawl with you if you’ll be out very early or very late.

What is France like in the summer?

glass of red wine on table in French summer

By late June, French people are in the spirit of summer, with schools in their last weeks and travel plans fresh in many minds. People tend to want to spend more time outside, and in that spirit, most towns, cities, and villages will have some kind of festivities in the summer, from outdoor concerts and film festivals, to athletic competitions, novelties like Paris-Plages and more. If you’re traveling to France in the summer, definitely be sure to check the places you’re headed to see what’s on.

Two summer events that will definitely be going on to some extent, wherever you are in France, are the Fête de la Musique (Music Day) on June 21, and le 14 juillet (Bastille Day, July 14). 

La Fête de la Musique is a holiday celebrated in many countries, and quite the big deal in France. Anyone who wants to play music outside is welcome, and you can stroll the streets or even travel far distances across a region or city to attend concerts by amateurs and famous musicians alike.

“Bastille Day” in French is actually just called le 14 juillet (July 14), or sometimes La Fête Nationale (the national holiday). If you’re into history, this is because the date isn’t supposed to celebrate the storming of the Bastille, the event that kicked off the French Revolution in 1789, but the Fête de la Fédération, a sort of reconciliatory celebration celebrating the new nation, which occurred exactly a year later on July 14, 1790. If you’d like to read more about the turbulent and gruesome origins of the French Revolution and le 14 juillet, feel free to check out a blog post I wrote about it. The most common 14 juillet celebrations today are fireworks displays, which are put on by many French cities and towns.

Most French people have five weeks of vacation time, which they tend to spread out over the course of the year, but summer is when they tend to take the longest and most important trips. That’s why schools’ and other organizations’ summer breaks are often called les grandes vacances (literally, “the big vacation”)

It’s said that August is a time when things are dead in places like Paris, since so many people leave on vacation. It’s true that August is the most popular vacation month in France, but nearly as many people prefer to leave in July – and 31% of French people don’t go on vacation in the summer at all. 

So, if you visit France in August, especially if you’re in a major city or summer tourism area, you probably won’t find that the place has become a ghost town. That said, it can be harder or even impossible to make appointments with certain specialists, government workers, and so on.

Heatwaves and air conditioning phobia: How the French deal with summer heat

Nice city beach, France

Summer weather in France can be pretty variable, from unseasonably cold days, to heatwaves (la canicule). Sadly, due to global warming, canicules have become much more common, even over the past few years alone. 

Even when summer temperatures are at their seasonal average in France, though, you might find them hard to bear, depending on where you come from. This is because the French have an aversion to air conditioning, and even to electric and ceiling fans!

The French will very easily admit that hot weather can be hard to get through. But they prefer to use techniques like keeping their shutters drawn and airing out the house in cool morning weather or taking cold showers and eating cold meals, rather than relying on AC or a fan. 

The reason behind this may not be what you’re expecting. Sure, the French are motivated by ecology to some extent. And sure, home air conditioning units do exist here but aren’t cheap (a small one currently starts at around 150 euros). But the main reason most French people don’t have air conditioning or possibly even an electric fan in their house – or, if they do, they use them sparingly – is…they’re afraid of cold air.

Most French people consider air conditioning a source of sickness, whether due to the contrast of a cool or cold interior and hot outside air, or the idea of recirculated air in general. Fans are a source of courants d’air (drafts), which most French people are convinced will cause colds and sore throats.

Although extreme cold can cause certain illnesses, it’s pretty much scientific fact that a draft or breeze on a hot day cannot.  Still, most French people are unconvinced. Even my French husband who, to my utter shock, insisted we buy an air conditioning unit a few hot summers ago, is wary of letting my son sleep with a fan in his room.  “He’ll get a sore throat!” he moans every time I turn it on in the stifling room.  

So far, my son has not had a cold or sore throat from sleeping with a fan blowing on him, and more importantly, he hasn’t suffered from heat exhaustion, stroke, or fever. 

Even if cold air did cause colds or sore throats, I can’t wrap my mind around why avoiding those usually mild conditions would take priority over avoiding overheating and all of the very serious conditions this could bring on. But that’s the way most French people think. Recently, during a heatwave, I was at a grocery store checkout line when the cashier sneezed. “It’s this air conditioning,” she grumbled. “I don’t know why they have to turn it on.” It was 33 degrees Celsius (91.4 degrees Fahrenheit) outside!

French people’s distrust of cold air in hot weather is a common complaint for visitors and residents from many other countries – especially Americans like me. I’ve spent significant time in places like Atlanta, Georgia, and various locations in Florida, where it regularly gets much hotter than a very hot day in France. But because air conditioning is just about everywhere in America – and it’s set to full-blast – you don’t really notice the outside temperature as much. In France, on the other hand, you have to learn strategies for keeping cool, and slog through the hot days.

This cultural difference makes for many amusing (and relatable) articles like this one. But there’s a darker side, too. That aversion to cool air can be lethal.

In August 2003, there was a two-week heatwave in France, with record high temperatures. Because of a lack of air conditioning even in places with vulnerable populations, like nursing homes, an estimated 14,000-20,000 people died. 

Let that sink in for a minute.

Up to 20,000 people died over two weeks, in temperatures that were high but not the highest on earth, because air conditioning and fans weren’t widespread or used by a majority of the population.

Some things have changed since then. For example, there are awareness campaigns and warnings when une canicule is coming, cool rooms in public places like city halls, and obligatory air-conditioned common rooms in nursing homes. But most French people are still at least a little bit wary when it comes to fans and air conditioning.

 How to dress like a French woman/man in the summer

In lieu of or in addition to relying on air conditioning, the French deal with the heat in a number of ways, including taking cold showers, drinking lots of water, splashing themselves with water or using a water mister (un brumisateur),keeping their shutters closed against the hot sun, and more. The way they dress can be another strategy.

You’ll see people wearing many different styles in France, from what you probably imagine when you picture a French person, to street or vintage or hippy clothes. Whatever the style, the general rule in hot weather is to favor light colors (making for a strange contrast from us Parisians’ usual “uniform” of blacks and grays), cotton, linen, and other light, natural fabrics, and light sneakers or sandals. People often wear hats or baseball caps, as well, especially children.

That being said, French people tend to wait until really hot weather to wear their absolute lightest clothing. I think it has to do with what I talked about before, that wariness of being cold. So, if you come to France in the summer, you’ll probably see people wearing sundresses and shorts, but you’ll also likely see at least a few others in long-sleeved blouses and trousers. Elderly French people often tend to stay covered up, as well, especially men. I know several older Frenchmen who wear a suit pretty much year-round. This isn’t for professional reasons; they’ve been retired for decades. It just goes back to another era, I guess. But I can’t understand how they don’t transform into a puddle of sweat.

One thing that you can be pretty sure of is that an overwhelming majority of French people don’t wear flip-flops. There are some exceptions, especially among younger kids who like streetwear and/or American culture. But in general, flip-flops are rare here, and until recently, even looked down upon as impractical and inelegant.

Still, if you come to France in the summer, your priority should be to enjoy the sites and culture, not to look like a native. So if you feel most comfortable in flip-flips and want to dress light even if it’s only in the low 20’s (high 60’s to low 70’s Fahrenheit), go for it. Don’t get overheated or uncomfortable and ruin your trip or stay.  

Well, maybe swap out flip-flops for more elegant summer footwear if you’re attending a formal event or meeting a client, celebrity, or other figure you want to show respect towards. 

One thing you should note, though, is that many churches frown upon mini-skirts and very short shorts, as well as plunging cleavage and uncovered shoulders. In general, French churches aren’t as policed as ones in places like Italy, so you may be able to get in regardless of how you’re dressed, but just so you’re sure not to miss out on admiring their beautiful architecture and artwork, if you’re not covered in those areas, make sure to bring a shawl or poncho that you can slip on over your clothes.    

French summer foods

salade niçoise

As befits the French love of food, certain meals are another way the French keep cool in summer. In very hot weather, French  people will tend to eat cold foods that don’t have to be heated or cooked, like salads (des salades) that are filling all the same (for example, a recent meal I had with French friends involved a huge salad made up of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, shallots, mozzarella cheese, and olives, with cold cuts (charcuterie) and baguette on the side) , caprice (tomate-mozza), and avocados sliced in half and pitted, then topped with canned tuna and mayonnaise (un avocat au thon) or shrimp (often in a mayonnaise-based sauce) (un avocat crevettes), to name a few popular choices. 

And of course, fruit is always a favorite. While the iconic summer fruit in America is probably watermelon, in France it’s le melon. This word stands in for various regional varieties of melon. The most famous is from the Charente-Maritime region. Most melons taste similar to cantaloupe.  

Eating ice cream is another great way to keep cool. Ice cream stands can be found just about anywhere people are doing outdoor activities in France, and you can also find lots of different varieties of ice cream and sorbets in French grocery stores, not to mention frozen food chains like Picard (this particular ice cream flavor is my personal favorite – it is amazingly delicious).

Italian ice drinks, also known as slushees or icees, are called granités in France. They’re somewhat popular in the summer, but they can be very pricey, especially when you consider they’re often sold in small cups, not the huge goblets you get at gas stations in the US.   

Despite the wide selection of cold desserts, most French people tend not to overindulge. As I’ve written before, regardless of the delicious pastries and other sugary delights here, the French seem to prefer savory over sweet.

When it comes to drinks, water is the go-to in very hot weather. But remember that most French people – and French restaurants – don’t put ice in drinks, so if you want ice water, you should ask for de l’eau avec des glaçons, s’il vous plait. (Water with ice cubes, please.)

An alternative to water that’s great for kids as well as adults with a sweet tooth (like me) is cold bottled water with a flavored syrup added to it. You can read more about that here. 

If you want something with a bit more of a buzz, a cold glass of white or rosé wine is a popular choice in the south of France, while a cold beer is a favorite in the north. 

There are, of course, lots of other cold drinks that you can enjoy in France, from une limonade (a carbonated beverage that tastes a bit like Sprite or 7-UP), to a range of cocktails (here’s a list of the French’s favorites).

How can you learn French during the summer?

Maybe summer means you’re on vacation from school or have more free time in general. This may mean you’re looking for a way to up the ante on your French learning. There are lots of ways to do this.

One option that many people consider is taking summer courses in France. An online search should help you find the right one for you. Remember to consider your budget, what’s included in the price (just lessons, or accommodations and other benefits like excursions, as well?), the timing, and other important factors, like whether or not it’s an immersive French language program. If you’re not sure about what’s important, an online search for “how to choose the best French summer program for me” will result in a bevy of helpful articles (just be sure none of them have the ulterior motive of trying to sell you their specific courses).

But what if you don’t have the time or budget to take summer courses in France?  Don’t worry! There are other ways you can practice and perfect your French. 

For one thing, see if there are local French learning programs at universities, schools, and French organizations near you.

You can also opt for personalized French tutoring sessions. Check out websites, community message boards, and printed-out job ads at schools and community gathering spots to find a local French tutor. Ideally, they should be a native speaker.  

An online French tutor is another option. One of the advantages of this is that the tutor is more likely to be a native speaker, since the distance from your house to France doesn’t matter. Another good thing: You don’t have to worry about issues like transportation problems, a noisy meeting place, etc.

Whether or not you opt for face-to-face French lessons this summer, don’t forget that there are also lots of online French learning platforms and courses that can help you boost your French skills, too (including the French Together app). These can be used on their own, combined, or along with lessons, to really give you an edge on all things French. 

And one word of advice: Whether you go the distance, by signing up for a summer French immersion course, or use online resources to practice and learn, it’s your desire to learn and your curiosity that will give you an important edge. You could be in a total immersion course in France, but if you’re too tired or distracted, you may not learn as much as someone who’s doing online tutoring or using language learning platforms and is super-motivated back at home. 

I say this from personal experience. I wasn’t able to do immersion programs, and when I studied abroad, many of my classes were still in English. And yet, because I loved French and wanted to learn, I used all the other resources available to me and voilà – I’m a fluent French-speaker today. Well, okay, voilà is kind of a simple stand-in for years of work, but hopefully you get the point.

With that in mind, I’ll leave you with a famous French quotation about summer (sort of) by Albert Camus: Au milieu de l’hiver, j’apprenais enfin qu’il y avait en moi un été invincible. (In the middle of winter, I learned at last that within me there was an invincible summer.)

The four seasons in French are: le printemps (pronounced pʀɛ̃tɑ̃, l’été (pronouced ete), l’automne (pronounced ɔtɔn) and l’hiver pronounced (ivɛʀ). This post will cover the correct ways to pronounce the seasons, which prepositions to use, as well as example sentences and expressions.

Four seasons in French in a nutshell:

  • le printemps spring / au printemps in the spring
  • l’été summer / en été in the summer
  • l’automne fall, autumn / en automne in the fall, in autumn
  • l’hiver winter / en hiver in the winter

Seasons in French

Le Printemps – Spring

In French, “spring” is “le printemps”. The pronunciation of this word is a bit difficult. The “in” is a nasal “ɛ̃” and the “emps” is a nasal “ɑ̃”. Do not pronounce the -p or the -s. Our friend, Julien, on YouTube explains how to pronounce “printemps”.

Talking about spring in sentences

The word “printemps“ is masculine. Thus, it’s “le printemps”. When speaking about spring in the general sense, “le” (the) must precede the noun. For example:

  • J’adore le printemps! I love (the) springtime!.

To say, “in the spring”, “in springtime”, the word “printemps” takes the preposition “au”. For example:

  • Que faites-vous au printemps? What are you doing in the springtime?
  • Il commence a faire beau au printemps. The weather gets nice out in the spring.

To say “this” spring, “printemps” is preceded by “ce”. For example:

  • On part en vacances ce printemps. We’re going on vacation this spring.

“Ce” is a demonstrative adjective, meaning “this”. This page on our site covers demonstrative adjectives in detail.

A fun French expression with the word “printemps” is: “Une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps”, meaning “One swallow does not make a summer”.

L’été – summer

The French word for “summer” is “été“. The pronunciation is quite simple: ay-tay. “Été” s a masculine noun. Note that “été” is also the past participle of the verb “être” (to be). Hence, “été” in French also means “was” or “been”. This page on our site covers “être” in detail.

In the following video, Julien on YouTube teaches how to pronounce “été“.

Talking about summer in sentences

When speaking about the summer in general, “été” takes the direct article “l’”. Hence, l’été means “the summer”. For example:

  • J’aime l’été parce qu’il fait beau. I like (the) summer because it’s nice out.

To express “during the summer” or “in the summer”, “été” is preceded by the preposition “en”. For example:

  • En été, on va à la plage. People go to the beach during the summer.

To say “this” summer, “ete” is preceded by “cet”. For example:

  • Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire cet été? What are you going to do this summer?

“L’heure d’été“ refers to daylight saving time, the time of the year when the clocks are moved one hour ahead. “Passage à l’heure d’été” refers to the act of putting the clocks forward in the springtime.

L’automne – fall, autumn

The French word for “fall” or “autumn” is “l’automne”. Unlike English were the -m is pronounced, the -n is pronounced in French. Hence, if you end the word with the -m sound in French, it’s wrong. The correct pronunciation is “oh-tun”.

Julien on YouTube teaches how to pronounce “l’automne”.

Talking about the fall (autumn)

“Automne” is masculine noun and is preceded with the article “l’” to mean “the fall (autumn)”. For example:

  • J’adore les couleurs de l’automne. I love the colors of (the) fall.

To say “in the fall” or “in autumn”, the French word “automne” is preceded by the preposition “en”. For example.

  • Les cours commencent en automne. Classes start in the fall.

To express “this fall”, “automne” is preceded by “cet”. For example:

  • Je prépare mon voyage cet automne. I’m preparing for my trip this fall.

L’hiver – winter

The French word for winter is “hiver”. The -h is a silent or aspirated and not pronounced at all. Hence, the pronunciation is “ee-ver”. You must pronounce the -r. Julien on YouTube teaches how to pronounce “hiver” in the following video.

Talking about the winter

To talk about the winter in the general sense, the word “hiver” is preceded by “l’”. For example:

  • J’aime l’hiver pour faire du ski. I like the winter for skiing,

To say “in the winter” or “during the winter”, the word “hiver” is preceded by “en”. For example:

  • Il fait froid en hiver. It’s cold out during the winter (in wintertime).

“L’heure d’hiver“ refers to the time of the year when the clocks are put back by one hour. “Passage à l’heure d’hiver” is the act of putting the clocks back.

Seasons in French – Conclusion

On this page you learned the seasons in French. All four seasons are masculine take the preposition en, with the exception of le printemps (spring), which takes au. The following table offers the names of the seasons as well as their respective dates.

French season and preposition What season is it? Dates
Spring au printemps
in the springtime
c’est le printemps
it’s springtime
du 21 mars au 20 juin
from March 21 through June 20
Summer en été
in/during the summer
c’est l’été (m)
it’s the summer
du 21 juin au 20 septembre
from June 21 through Sept. 21
Autumn en automne
in/during the fall
c’est l’automne (m)
it’s fall/autumn
du september 21 au 20 décembre
from Septembre 21 through Dec. 20
Winter en hiver
in/during the winter
c’est l’hiver (m)
it’s winter
du 21 décembre au 20 mars
from Dec. 21 through March 20

Discover more:

  • How to tell time in French
  • French days of the week
  • French weather vocabulary

More resources:

  • How to talk about the seasons in French (Frenchtoday.com)
  • French seasons with audio (ielanguages.com)

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David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he’s the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site, FrenchLearner.com, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

Surely many of you use French tongue twisters to improve pronunciation but what about improving your French vocabulary?

Do you have the terms and phrases for seasons in French in your ‘personal dictionary’?

Do you know which words we typically use in summer or autumn?

When fall (or autumn) comes, people usually like to improve their skills and work on themselves mentally and physically.

Perhaps it has to do something with going back to school, the beginning of learning and achieving something bigger than just lying the whole day on a sofa.

So, this is an ideal opportunity to learn new French words.

In this post, we are going to introduce you to seasons in French and help you improve your vocabulary.

Also, you can download and print the vocabulary list with all these words in the end.

Now, prepare yourself and start taking notes.

Introduction to Seasons in French

The word for season in French is une saison.

This noun is
feminine, so when you have to use it, you use articles une, and la.

Moreover, if you use adjectives with this word, adjectives also have to be in the feminine gender.

For example, if you want to say favorite season, you say it saison préférée. So, as you see, the adjective préférée is feminine.

For plural form the -s is added to the word so if you want to say seasons, you say les saisons

Seasons in French

As for the seasons in France, like in most parts of the world, there are four seasons:

spring, summer, autumn, or fall, and winter.

Spring or le printemps is the masculine noun, like the other three seasons.

L’été or summer, l’automne or autumn/ fall, and l‘hiver or winter begin with vowels, so when adding the article you have to use the apostrophe.

Le Printemps (Spring)

Au printemps or in the spring, nature awakens.

Everything is full of colors, optimism, and positive thoughts.

This season consists of avril, mai, and juin, that is, April, May, and June.

Flowers bloom and trees are filling the landscape.

One of the popular holidays is celebrated au printemps. It is La Fête du Travail ( Labour Day).

Le Printemps Vocabulary

In the following lines, you can find some of the words which are associated with spring.

Il fait frais It’s cold
L’arc-en-ciel Rainbow
La fleur Flower
La pluie Rain
Le nuage Cloud
Le papillon  Butterfly
Le tulipe Tulip
Un imperméable  Raincoat
Un oiseau  Bird
Une abeille  Bee

And now, here are some of the examples of the words we use in spring.

  • Au printemps, tout est coloré.- In spring, everything is colorful.

  • J’aime les fleurs et les arbres verts au printemps.- I like flowers and green trees in the spring.

  • Au printemps, les oiseaux retournent du sud. — In spring, the birds return from the south. 

L’ Été (Summer)

The word summer in French is été. 

July, August, and September or in French, juillet, août, and septembre are summer months.

Use warm and sunny weather and, en été ( in the summer) go to France on holiday.

Try organizing your vacation on July the 14th, the day when the French celebrate
Bastille Day.

It is an ideal opportunity to
improve your vocabulary and walk the streets with native speakers shouting Vive la France! ( Long live France!)

L’ Été Vocabulary

To be prepared for the summer in France, you have to boost your ‘summer vocabulary.’ Here are some of the common words.

Il fait chaud It’s hot
J’ai chaud I’m hot
La canicule Heatwave
La chaleur Heat
La piscine Pool
La plage Beach
La pastèque Watermelon
La crème solaire Sunscreen
La tempête Storm
Le parasol Beach umrella
Le maillot de bain Swimsuit
Le short Shorts
Le soleil Sun
Les lunettes de soleil Sunglasses
Les tongs Flip flops
Les vacances Vacation
Nager Swim
Les sandales Sandals

And now, here are some examples.

  • En été, je vais souvent à la plage. — In summer, I often go to the beach.

  • J’aime nager et manger de la place-  I like to swim and eat ice-cream.

  • En été, il fait très chaud- In the summer it is very hot.

L’Automne (Autumn/ Fall)

In the end of September comes the new season, l’automne, or autumn.

Months en automne ( in the autumn/ fall) are octobre, novembre, and décembre, that is, October, November, and December.

Even though this season is not as warm as spring, there are, however, warm days filled with colors such as yellow, orange, purple, red, and brown or in French, jaune, orange, violet, rouge, and marron.

In case you don’t get to visit France in the summer, you should consider going en automne on

Halloween, October 31st and on All Saints Day, November 1st.

L’Automne Vocabulary

Be prepared for l’automne with some specific words used in this season.

La citrouille Pumpkin
La feuille Leaf
La récolte Harvest
La rentrée Return to school
La tarte aux pommes Apple pie
Le changement de couleur des feuilles The changing colour of the leaves
Le maïs Corn
Le vent Wind
Un arbre Tree
Un pull Sweater
Un couple-vent Windbreaker
Un râteau Rake
Un tas de feuilles A pile of leaves
Tailler une citrouille To carve a pumpkin

Let’s take a glance at some examples:

  • En automne, j’adore faire une tarte aux pommes.- In the autumn I love to bake apple pie.

  • En automne, la citrouille est très populaire.- In the autumn pumpkin is very popular.

L’Hiver (Winter)

L’hiver or winter in France is ideal for winter sports lovers. 

Janvier, février, and mars or January, February, and March snow are usually expected in most regions in France.

En hiver (in winter),
Christmas and New Year is celebrated, but let’s not forget the most romantic

Valentine’s day February 14th.

L’Hiver Vocabulary

To improve your vocabulary with l’hiver vocabulary, take a look at the following words:

Faire du ski To ski
Il fait froid It’s cold
J’ai froid I’m cold
La boule de neige Snowball
La glace Ice
Le neige Snow
Le planche à neige Snowboarding
Le bonnet Hat
Le bonhomme de neige Snowman
Les gants Gloves
Le glaçon Icicle
Le manteau Coat
Le patin à glace Ice skating
Le ski Skiing
Les bottes Boots

And here are some of the examples:

  • En hiver je porte des gants.- In the winter I wear gloves.

  • En hiver, il y a beaucoup de neige.- In the winter there is a lot of snow.

  • Beaucoup de gens aiment le ski.- A lot of people like skiing.

Don’t forget to download the PDF File with the words and phrases associated with seasons in French.

Download PDF Season In French

Final Thoughts

Knowing the names of seasons in French is important.

And now you know them and much more. 

You can also take the vocabulary list anywhere with you, so now, use your new knowledge to talk about any season with
French tutors on Justlearn.

What could be more fun than learning the French word for “summer” by watching an animated dog dive off a diving board? This video clip is from Whistlefritz’s video LES SAISONS a year-round adventure in which kids learn French words for the seasons, seasonal clothing, and seasonal activities like sledding, swimming, splashing in puddles, playing in leaves, and more!

Video from the Whistlefritz video LES SAISONS.

Buy Video


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