Word for summarised writing

The text / article under review is named … — Текст / статья, которую мы рассматриваем, называется … 

The text / article under the title … — Текст / статья, озаглавленный (ая) …. 

The text consists of three parts / paragraphs – текст состоит из трёх частей / параграфов 

The text may be divided into three parts – Текст можно разделить на три части 

The text consists of three parts – Текст состоит из трёх частей 

The author draws our attention to the fact that … — Автор обращает наше внимание на тот факт, что … 

The article / text mainly deals with / covers / describes … — Статья / текст главным образом имеет дело с … / затрагивает / описывает 

At the beginning of the text / article the author writes / mentions / focuses on /describes / states / defines / stresses / enumerates — В начале текста / статьи автор пишет / упоминает / обращает внимание на / описывает / утверждает / даёт определение / подчёркивает / перечисляет … 

The author provides / gives the information on – Автор информирует нас о … 

The author provides / gives the example of – Автор приводит пример … 

The author gives a detailed analysis of … — Автор проводит подробный анализ … 

In the first paragraph / part – В первом параграфе /В первой части 

In the second paragraph / part – Во втором параграфе / Во второй части In the third paragraph / part – В третьем параграфе / В третьей части

In the third paragraph / part – В третьем параграфе / В третьей части 

Afterwards (formal) / Then / Next – После этого, следующее 

In addition – В дополнение к .. 

Moreover – Более того, … 

To conclude / In the conclusion / To sum up (informal) – В заключение 

At the end of the text / article – В конце текста / статьи

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writing cannot be done without thought and reworking. A successful
summary shows a thorough understanding of the piece that is
summarized, as well as exhibiting sound language skills such as
accuracy and range of vocabulary and grammar.

following steps will help you in writing summaries.

  1. Read
    through the text to be summarized at least twice.

  2. Isolate
    the information required for the summary.

  3. Check
    that the points you have decided on are the ones required by the

  4. Put
    the points in the correct order. (There may be a natural sequence,
    e.g. in a narrative, or you may have to decide on an order to
    emphasize the points you consider most important.)

  5. Check
    the number of words.

  6. If
    the text is too long, you must shorten it, by removing less
    important information, by combining sentences to reduce the number
    of words, or by using one word instead of a lengthy phrase. If the
    text is too short, you must lengthen it, by expanding some of the
    information already given or adding to it, and by elaborating some
    of the phrases.

  7. Check
    your amended draft for length, content and grammatical accuracy.

  8. Write
    out the correct and final version.

When writing your summary, avoid using exact words from the text.
Always try to paraphrase the information, using synonymous phrases
and different structures.

Don’t be tempted to include your own opinion in the summary, even
though you may disagree or agree strongly with what is being said.

Make your summary
easy to comprehend by using the following sequence words and linking

You should start your
summary with:

article/text under the headline … published in … deals with/is
devoted to/is about

You can use the
following linking phrases in the body of the summary:

is drawn to the fact that…

the opinion of the author it is…

author points out…

author goes on to say…

article discusses…

author of the article takes a critical view of…

author makes it clear that…

author expresses the view that…

the author’s opinion/view…

You can use the
following phrases to finish your summary:

conclusion the author suggests that…

author comes to the conclusion that…

author draws the following conclusion that…

basic approach of the author is…

following linkers will also help you to structure (signpost) your
ideas when writing summaries, reproductions, essays etc.






  • In
    addition (to)

  • Besides=кроме

  • Also=также

  • Moreover=более

  • Furthermore=более

  • Above

  • Not
    only,…but also

  • What
    is more

  • Another
    aspect/issue/problem is



  • Similarly=подобным
    образом (в начале предл.), точно также

  • Likewise=подобным

  • Equally=подобным

  • In
    также (в начале предл.)

  • There
    is a close/striking parallel/analogy/resemblance/similarity

(describing differences)


  • But

  • On
    the other hand

    другой стороны

  • While
    то время как

  • Whereas
    то время как

  • By/in
    (в начале предл.)=в отличие от

  • In
    contrast to/with=

  • Unlike=в

  • This
    contrasts with

  • As
    opposed to

  • As

  • This
    differs from

  • There
    is a sharp/striking contrast between



  • However=однако

  • Although=хотя

  • Nevertheless=Nonetheless=тем



  • For

  • For

  • A
    good/typical example/illustration of this is



  • Therefore=вследствие
    этого, поэтому, следовательно, таким

  • Consequently
    результате, таким образом, поэтому,
    вследствие этого

  • That
    is why

  • Thus=таким

  • So=итак,
    следовательно, поэтому

  • Hence=следовательно,

  • As
    a result

  • As
    a consequence

  • So
    (в середине предложения)=с тем чтобы

  • This
    этого является

  • This
    leads to smth.=
    приводит к



  • Because

  • As=так

  • Due

  • The
    cause of this is

  • The
    reason for this is

  • On
    the grounds of=

  • This
    arises/results/emerges/derives from

the main topic=


  • The
    article/book/chapter/paper/report concentrates on/
    with/ is devoted to/
    on/addresses/examines/explores/reviews/looks at/analyses

  • The
    main subject /theme/topic is

  • The
    emphasis is on

minor related topics and ideas=


  • As

  • With
    regard to

  • With
    respect to

  • As
    far as smth. is concerned

the first item in a list

  • First/Firstly

  • First
    of all

the second and following items

  • Second/Secondly

  • Third/Thirdly/

  • Fourth/Fourthly

  • Then

  • Next

the last item=


  • Finally

  • Lastly

in your words what someone has said or written=


  • The

  • In
    the writer’s opinion/view

  • According
    to the writer

  • The
    author goes on to say that



  • In

  • To

  • To
    sum up

  • Summing

  • In

  • In

  • In
    a nutshell=



  • In

  • To

personal opinions=


  • In
    my opinion

  • In
    my view

  • To
    my mind

  • From
    my point of view

  • As
    far as I am concerned

  • I

  • It
    seems to me that

phrases used to sequence events=

  • At
    началу=первое время)

  • First

  • In
    the end of=At last (=

  • But
    the beginning/end of smth.
    начале/конце чего-либо)

  • Then

  • Next

  • After

  • Before

  • By

  • While

  • When

  • As
    soon as

  • Until/Till


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

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In academic writing you often have to summarise part of a book or journal article. It is one of three ways of using another writer’s
work in your own (the other two being quotation and
paraphrase). Your summary may be just one or two sentences,
to explain the main idea of the article or compare it with another text, or it might be much longer, up to 50% of the original.
This section explains the
steps in writing a summary, as well as giving some
useful language for summary writing. There is also a
checklist to help you check your summary.

For another look at the same content, check out the
summary writing infographic ».

Steps in writing a summary

You cannot just read a text and produce a summary. If you do so, you will likely miss many of the main points, and include unnecessary detail. You
may also fail to
paraphrase appropriately, leading to a charge of
plagiarism. In order to write an effective summary, you need to follow certain steps.
This begins with skimming the text to get an overall idea. After this, you should read more carefully
and highlight the main points and supporting points (but ignore supporting examples and details). After this you will take notes, in your own
words. You are then ready to write the summary itself.
When this is done your task is not, as you should check the summary to make sure you have included all the main points and have a
reference to the source.

The following flowchart outlines the steps in writing a summary.


Skim the text, paying special attention to any headings or subheadings.


Read the text again more carefully, underlining/ highlighting important information.
Check any unknown words needed to understand the main points.


Make notes of the main points and supporting points (not supporting examples or details). Remember to use your own words so that you can
paraphrase and avoid


Write the summary using your notes. Make sure you do not add anything which does not appear in the original (e.g. your own comments).


Check the summary to make sure you have covered all the main points. Make sure you have included a
reference to the source.

Language for summary writing

Although most of the language in the summary will depend on the content, there are some
formulaic phrases which can be used
in a summary to help to make it clearer. These can be divided into three types: the frame,
which begins the summary;
reminder phrases, which are used throughout the summary; and
transition signals, which are used in certain parts of the summary.

The frame

The frame is the main idea of the article. This is usually included in the first sentence, with a
reference to the author and the main idea
or argument of the text. You will also need to use a
reporting verb. Some examples of frames are shown below, for an article titled «The Global Warming Crisis» by F. Brown, published
in 2014. These use the
Harvard style of referencing, but can be adapted to other styles.

  • According to Brown (2014), …
  • Brown’s (2014) article on global warming discusses
  • Brown (2014), in his article «The Global Warming Crisis», argues that

Reminder phrases

It is useful to remind the reader, especially in a longer summary, that you are summarising another text. This is done by using reminder phrases such as
the ones shown below. Using these also helps to avoid
plagiarism, as these phrases include a
reference to the source, thus making clear that the ideas are not your own (a mistake many beginning academic writers make is to just
include a reference at the beginning, but if the summary is long, this is not enough).

  • The author goes on to say that…
  • The article further states that…
  • The author further states that…
  • (Author’s last name) also states/ maintains/ argues/ believes that…
  • (Author’s last name) concludes that…

Note: In the last two examples, it is enough to include the author’s name without the year (if using the
Harvard or
APA style of referencing, which
require a year) as you have already given the year earlier in the summary, in the frame,
and you do not need to repeat the year throughout the summary.

Transition signals

Pay attention to the organisation of the original text, and use appropriate
transition signals when organising the ideas in your summary. For example, you may need
comparison and contrast signals,
cause and effect signals,
classification signals, and so on.

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Below is a checklist for summarising. Use it to check your own summary, or get a peer (another student) to help you.

Area Details OK? Notes/comment
Summarising skills All the main ideas and supporting points from the text have been included in the summary.
Supporting examples and details have not been included.
The text has been paraphrased enough to avoid plagiarism (no copied chunks).
Summary language The summary includes a frame which states the main idea or argument of the summary.
If the summary is long, it includes reminder phrases.
Referencing skills The paraphrase includes an in-text citation for the source text.
Meaning The meaning of the text is the same as the original. The writer has not added their own opinion or comments in the summary.
Length The length of the text is much shorter than the original.


Bailey, S. (2000) Academic Writing. Abingdon: RoutledgeFalmer

Summarize Written Text is the first task in on PTE Writing section. I will be sharing 3 different strategies, which helps to achieve either 50 or 65 or 79+ respectively. Before getting into the topic we shall know that dealing with insurance after a car accident can save our lives. Let us see what this item type has, the scoring structure and strategies, that I mentioned.

Understand PTE Summarize Written Text Task

In PTE summarize written text, after reading the passage write a single sentence with proper punctuations. A capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end. Don’t forget the full stop and don’t write more than one sentence. If you do so, the score will be zero. In the exam we will get either 2 or 3 questions with text up to 300 words. You will be having a maximum of 10 minutes for this task to respond. This looks more time but sometimes it will be hard to write within this time limit.

PTE Writing Summarize Written Text with three different strategies, which helps to achieve either 50 or 65 or 79+ respectively.

Moreover, we should maintain the word count between 5 to 75. However, keep it between 50 to 60 as it is appropriate limit and we can avoid much spelling and grammar mistakes. Summarize written text contributes marks for reading and writing sections. You can do cut copy paste of your response. But don’t use keyboard shortcuts as it is not working properly. Use the cut copy paste buttons available in the screen.

Scoring structure

PTE Summarize Written Text contributes around 10 marks for both reading and writing sections. ‘The quality of your text’ and ‘its key points’ are evaluated based on your response. Moreover, the score is calculated based on the below factors.

Content is scored by identifying the main idea of the passage and its supporting key points. It should not be irrelevant to the text. If it is not representing the topic or the purpose of the passage, your summary will be scored zero. Therefore, focus only on the main idea and its supporting key points.

As I already mentioned, if your summary contains lesser than 5 words or more than 75 words, you will not receive any score in PTE summarize written text.

Grammar and Vocabulary
‘Grammar’ is scored by determining the basic structure of the sentence. Use the complex and compound sentences or linking words appropriately. Paraphrase only the insignificant words (non-keywords) such as plenty to prolific, tired to exhausted. Don’t paraphrase the key points because if it is not relevant to the passage the score will be reduced. In addition, use academic vocabulary for paraphrasing.

The words such as absolute, tomorrow, opportunity: these words look simple but we may replace ‘a’ with ‘o’ or ‘o’ with ‘a’ and this will be a blunder mistake. Hence, PTE will reduce much marks if we make either one or couple of mistakes like this. Therefore, be careful about spellings and double check your response.

PTE Summarize Written Text Strategies

Try to use complex and compound sentence to summarize the main point and its supporting details.

For 50 plus and 65 plus
Sentence1 from passage1 and Sentence2 of passage2 but/and Sentence3 of passage3.

For 79 plus
The text provides the information about <main topic>, which indicates that <key point1>, <key point2> and <key point3> are fundamental elements, furthermore, the unique aspects of <key point4>, <key point5> as well as <key point6> were delineated, however/moreover, the significance of <key point7>, <key point8> and <key point9> really could not be overestimated.

Understanding the template

Here ‘which indicates’ – this is what the complex sentence. The key point1 and key point2 may be in second sentence. To join them with the first sentence, we can use which clause. ‘Furthermore’ is a compound sentence to combine the sentences. You can use moreover, in addition, however, or besides which helps to link the sentences to single sentence.

You can use these two strategies to get your desired score. I cannot guarantee you to score 90 marks but for 79 plus this will do. On top of that make sure the other tasks such as write from dictation, reading drop-down fibs should be perfectly correct. If you do one or couple of mistakes in those tasks then your score may end up to 78 or 77. Because, in summarize written text we have to stick to below 75 words, therefore, we may not be able to capture more key points to fit with the template.

Moreover, if you use key points, make sure that the phrases should have 4 or 5 words and not more than that. Also if you write a perfect sentence without key points, the marks will be zero. As a result, using key points from the text is significant in PTE summarize written text. So keeping all these in mind you can use the template at your own risk. However, if we follow the method, we can capture all or most of the key points in summarize written text.

Let’s look at couple of examples with all these strategies.


When Namibia gained independence in 1990, teenager Pascolena Florry was herding goats in the country’s dry, desolate northern savannah. Her job, unpaid and dangerous, was to protect her parents’ livestock from preying jackals and leopards. She saw wildlife as the enemy, and many of the other indigenous inhabitants of Namibia’s rural communal lands shared her view.

Wildlife poaching was commonplace. Fifteen years later, 31-year-old Pascolena’s life and outlook are very different. She has built a previously undreamed-of career in tourism and is the first black Namibian to be appointed the manager of a guest lodge. Her village and hundreds of others have directly benefited from government efforts to devolve wildlife management and tourism development on communal lands to conservancies run by indigenous peoples. “Now we see the wildlife as our way of creating jobs and opportunities as the tourism industry grows”, she also says. “The future is better with wildlife around, not only for jobs but also for the environment” (Florry2004).

PTE Summarize Written Text – Strategy1

We will start with strategy1. This is a small text, so grab first, middle and last sentence from the passage.

Fifteen years later.. – this can be the middle sentence. However, if you are confused on which one to pick between these two sentences, read them and pick the important one. Here she has built a career which is more important than the above one. So pick that one. And finally the last sentence. So we can combine the selected sentences using the compound sentence like below.

Sample response

When Namibia gained independence in 1990, teenager Pascolena Florry was herding goats in the country’s dry, desolate northern savannah and she has built a previously undreamed-of career in tourism and is the first black Namibian to be appointed the manager of a guest lodge and the future is better with wildlife around, not only for jobs but also for the environment.

We got 61 words which is completely fine.

PTE Summarize Written Text – Strategy2

Now we will see the strategy2 to score 79 plus in summarize written text.

When Namibia gained independence in 1990, teenager Pascolena Florry was herding goats in the country’s dry, desolate northern savannah. Her job, unpaid and dangerous, was to protect her parents’ livestock from preying jackals and leopards. She saw wildlife as the enemy, and many of the other indigenous inhabitants of Namibia’s rural communal lands shared her view.

Wildlife poaching was commonplace. Fifteen years later, 31-year-old Pascolena’s life and outlook are very different. She has built a previously undreamed-of career in tourism and is the first black Namibian to be appointed the manager of a guest lodge. Her village and hundreds of others have directly benefited from government efforts to devolve wildlife management and tourism development on communal lands to conservancies run by indigenous peoples. “Now we see the wildlife as our way of creating jobs and opportunities as the tourism industry grows”, she also says. “The future is better with wildlife around, not only for jobs but also for the environment” (Florry 2004).

How to use the template

First type the template quickly in the text box on the screen and then grab the key points.

The text provides the information about <main topic>, which indicates that <key point1>, <key point2> and <key point3> are fundamental elements, furthermore, the unique aspects of <key point4>, <key point5> as well as <key point6> were delineated, however/moreover, the significance of <key point7>, <key point8> and <key point9> really could not be overestimated.

Try to understand the passage, identify the main topic and pick whatever is connected with the main idea, ignore the other details. Mostly the topic will be present in the first sentence and rarely in the second sentence. So here the topic is about her job. After we find the topic we need to identify the the supporting points. Grab only what she is doing, for what purpose she is doing and so on. Just ignore the details like where, when and how.

If the sentence is following the previous sentence, use ‘moreover’. If it is opposing the previous sentence, use ‘however’. Here, “jobs and opportunities are created by wildlife”, hence use ‘moreover’. If it is spoiling by wildlife then use ‘however’.

Sample response

The text provides the information about Pascolena Florry’s job, which indicates that she was herding goats, protected livestock and saw wildlife as enemy are fundamental elements, furthermore, the unique aspects of career in tourism, benefits of village, wildlife management as well as tourism development were delineated, moreover, the significance of creating jobs, opportunities and environment really could not be overestimated.

Use as many keywords as possible and stick to the word limit. We got 60 words for this text, which is more than enough. This is small text, therefore, with this template we can capture more keywords. Suppose if the passage is lengthy we will not be able to capture many key phrases. That is why we can get 79 plus but not sure about 90. We will see that as well in the next example.

Now let’s look at the method for this text.

PTE Summarize Written Text – Strategy3

When Namibia gained independence in 1990, teenager Pascolena Florry was herding goats in the country’s dry, desolate northern savannah. Her job, unpaid and dangerous, was to protect her parents’ livestock from preying jackals and leopards. She saw wildlife as the enemy, and many of the other indigenous inhabitants of Namibia’s rural communal lands shared her view.

Wildlife poaching was commonplace. Fifteen years later, 31-year-old Pascolena’s life and outlook are very different. She has built a previously undreamed-of career in tourism and is the first black Namibian to be appointed the manager of a guest lodge. Her village and hundreds of others have directly benefited from government efforts to devolve wildlife management and tourism development on communal lands to conservancies run by indigenous peoples. “Now we see the wildlife as our way of creating jobs and opportunities as the tourism industry grows”, she also says. “The future is better with wildlife around, not only for jobs but also for the environment” (Florry 2004).

Sample response

When Namibia gained independence in 1990, Pascolena Florry was herding goats, protected livestock and saw wildlife as the enemy, however, fifteen years later, she has built a career in tourism, which benefited her and her village to devolve wildlife management and tourism development, furthermore, wildlife created jobs and opportunities through tourism, and ameliorated the future.

Here she has built a career in wildlife, but she saw this as enemy. Even though this is negative point, she has done something positive. Therefore, mention however instead of moreover. “Creating jobs and opportunities as the tourism industry grows”. This is supporting the previous sentence. So use furthermore or moreover.

Here you can paraphrase the words: protected to guarded, saw as considered, devolve to transfer. Wherever possible use the synonyms but don’t paraphrase the entire key points. The words such as livestock, tourism, wildlife – keep these words as it is. But try to use the academic vocabulary such as ameliorate instead of better, use only if you are confident. Otherwise keep it as it is. So using the method we got 55 words.

Let’s see how to respond for lengthy text.

Reduce Crime Rates

Armed police have been brought into NSW schools to reduce crime rates and educate students. The 40 School Liaison Police (SLP) officers have been allocated to public and private high schools across the state. Organizers say the officers, who began work last week, will build positive relationships between police and students. But parent groups warned of potential dangers of armed police working at schools in communities where police relations were already under strain.

Among their duties, the SLPs will conduct crime prevention workshops,You can also check here as they are talking to students about issues including shoplifting, offensive behavior, graffiti and drugs, and alcohol.

Armed police have been brought into NSW schools to reduce crime rates and educate students. The 40 School Liaison Police (SLP) officers have been allocated to public and private high schools across the state. Organizers say the officers, who began work last week, will build positive relationships between police and students. But parent groups warned of potential dangers of armed police working at schools in communities where police relations were already under strain.

Among their duties, the SLPs will conduct crime prevention workshops,You can check here as they are talking to students about issues including shoplifting, offensive behavior, graffiti and drugs, and alcohol or you can also

Armed police have been brought into NSW schools to reduce crime rates and educate students. The 40 School Liaison Police (SLP) officers have been allocated to public and private high schools across the state. Organizers say the officers, who began work last week, will build positive relationships between police and students. But parent groups warned of potential dangers of armed police working at schools in communities where police relations were already under strain.

Among their duties, the SLPs will conduct crime prevention workshops,You can also check here as they are talking to students about issues including shoplifting, offensive behavior, graffiti and drugs, and alcohol.They can also advise school principals. One SLP, Constable Ben Purvis, began to work in the inner Sydney region last week, including at Alexandria Park Community School’s senior campus. Previously stationed as a crime prevention officer at The Rocks’ he now has 27 schools under his jurisdiction in areas including The Rocks, Redfern and Kings Cross.Workshops concluded that

Armed police have been brought into NSW schools to reduce crime rates and educate students. The 40 School Liaison Police (SLP) officers have been allocated to public and private high schools across the state. Organizers say the officers, who began work last week, will build positive relationships between police and students. But parent groups warned of potential dangers of armed police working at schools in communities where police relations were already under strain.

Among their duties, the SLPs will conduct crime prevention workshops,You can also check here or you may want to hire a lawyer when the issues is serious. Workshop serves the purpose as they are talking to students about issues including shoplifting, offensive behavior, graffiti and drugs, and alcohol.They can also advise school principals. One SLP, Constable Ben Purvis, began to work in the inner Sydney region last week, including at Alexandria Park Community School’s senior campus. Previously stationed as a crime prevention officer at The Rocks’ he now has 27 schools under his jurisdiction in areas including The Rocks, Redfern and Kings Cross.

Constable Purvis said the full-time position would see him working on the broader issues of crime prevention. “I am not a security guard”, he said. “I am not there to patrol the school. We want to improve relationships between police and schoolchildren, to have a positive interaction. We are coming to the school and giving them the knowledge to improve their own safety.”

The use of fake ID among older students is among the issues he has already discussed with principals.
Parents’ groups responded to the program positively, but said it may spark a range of community reactions.

It is a good thing and an innovative idea and there could be some positive benefits”, Council of Catholic School Parents executive officer Danielle Cronin said. “Different communities will respond to this kind of presence in different ways.

Constable Purvis said the full-time position would see him working on the broader issues of crime prevention. “I am not a security guard”, he said. “I am not there to patrol the school. We want to improve relationships between police and schoolchildren, to have a positive interaction. We are coming to the school and giving them the knowledge to improve their own safety.”

The use of fake ID among older students is among the issues he has already discussed with principals.
Parents’ groups responded to the program positively, but said it may spark a range of community reactions.

It is a good thing and an innovative idea and there could be some positive benefits”, Council of Catholic School Parents executive officer Danielle Cronin said. “Different communities will respond to this kind of presence in different ways.

They can also advise school principals. One SLP, Constable Ben Purvis, began to work in the inner Sydney region last week, including at Alexandria Park Community School’s senior campus. Previously stationed as a crime prevention officer at The Rocks’ he now has 27 schools under his jurisdiction in areas including The Rocks, Redfern and Kings Cross.

Constable Purvis said the full-time position would see him working on the broader issues of crime prevention. “I am not a security guard”, he said. “I am not there to patrol the school. We want to improve relationships between police and schoolchildren, to have a positive interaction. We are coming to the school and giving them the knowledge to improve their own safety.”

The use of fake ID among older students is among the issues he has already discussed with principals.
Parents’ groups responded to the program positively, but said it may spark a range of community reactions.

It is a good thing and an innovative idea and there could be some positive benefits”, Council of Catholic School Parents executive officer Danielle Cronin said. “Different communities will respond to this kind of presence in different ways.

They can also advise school principals. One SLP, Constable Ben Purvis, began to work in the inner Sydney region last week, including at Alexandria Park Community School’s senior campus. Previously stationed as a crime prevention officer at The Rocks’ he now has 27 schools under his jurisdiction in areas including The Rocks, Redfern and Kings Cross.

Constable Purvis said the full-time position would see him working on the broader issues of crime prevention. “I am not a security guard”, he said. “I am not there to patrol the school. We want to improve relationships between police and schoolchildren, to have a positive interaction. We are coming to the school and giving them the knowledge to improve their own safety.”

The use of fake ID among older students is among the issues he has already discussed with principals.
Parents’ groups responded to the program positively, but said it may spark a range of community reactions.

It is a good thing and an innovative idea and there could be some positive benefits”, Council of Catholic School Parents executive officer Danielle Cronin said. “Different communities will respond to this kind of presence in different ways.


This has 5 paragraphs. But for strategy1 we just need 3 sentences. But it’s fine to pick even 4 sentences as well.

Sample response

Armed police have been brought into NSW schools to reduce crime rates and educate students and Constable Purvis said the full-time position would see him working on the broader issues of crime prevention and it is a good thing and an innovative idea and there could be some positive benefits but different communities will respond to this kind of presence in different ways.

The last two sentences are contradicting to each other, so we should use ‘but’ instead of ‘and’.


Similar to the previous example, type the template first.

The text provides the information about <main topic>, which indicates that <key point1>, <key point2> and <key point3> are fundamental elements, furthermore, the unique aspects of <key point4>, <key point5> as well as <key point6> were delineated, however/moreover, the significance of <key point7>, <key point8> and <key point9> really could not be overestimated.

Find the main idea from the first line. Here, this is to teach students on how to reduce crime rates. Mention this in the main topic and now find the supporting points. Again focus on what they are going to teach and what the students are going to learn. Ignore the rest of the details. ‘Parent groups…’: connect this sentence with main idea. When compared to educating students, this seems to be an extra detail. Hence, ignore this.

Sample response

The text provides the information about reducing crime rates and educate students, which indicates that it will build positive relationships, conduct crime prevention workshops and talking about issues are fundamental elements, furthermore, the unique aspects of having a positive interaction as well as improving their own safety were delineated, moreover, the significance of innovative idea and positive benefits really could not be overestimated.

Now review it and correct the grammar.  Here, I just grabbed only 9 key points. For that itself we are getting 63 words. Though we didn’t capture all the key points, this will do. We will also see the other strategy quickly.


Armed police have been brought into NSW schools to reduce crime rates and educate students. The 40 School Liaison Police (SLP) officers have been allocated to public and private high schools across the state. Organizers say the officers, who began work last week, will build positive relationships between police and students. But parent groups warned of potential dangers of armed police working at schools in communities where police relations were already under strain.

Among their duties, the SLPs will conduct crime prevention workshops, talking to students about issues including shoplifting, offensive behavior, graffiti and drugs, and alcohol. They can also advise school principals. One SLP, Constable Ben Purvis, began to work in the inner Sydney region last week, including at Alexandria Park Community School’s senior campus. Previously stationed as a crime prevention officer at The Rocks’ he now has 27 schools under his jurisdiction in areas including The Rocks, Redfern and Kings Cross.

Constable Purvis said the full-time position would see him working on the broader issues of crime prevention. “I am not a security guard”, he said. “I am not there to patrol the school. We want to improve relationships between police and schoolchildren, to have a positive interaction. We are coming to the school and giving them the knowledge to improve their own safety.”

The use of fake ID among older students is among the issues he has already discussed with principals.
Parents’ groups responded to the program positively, but said it may spark a range of community reactions.

“It is a good thing and an innovative idea and there could be some positive benefits”, Council of Catholic School Parents executive officer Danielle Cronin said. “Different communities will respond to this kind of presence in different ways.”

Sample response

Armed police have been brought to public and private schools to reduce crime rates and educate students by building positive relationships, conducting crime prevention workshops, talking about issues, having a positive interaction and improving their own safety, furthermore, parents’ groups responded positively, and there could be some positive benefits, however, different communities will respond in different ways.

Parents group responded.. – this is partially supporting as it talks about the positive response and the benefits of educating students. So we can include this as well.

Different communities… – Even this as well. Now make the grammatical corrections. Here the last two sentences are contradicting each other. Therefore, use however. Finally use the vocabulary wherever is possible such as reduce – diminish, improve – develop etc. But leave as it is if you are not sure. Now without the template we are getting 57 words. With this strategy, we are able to capture almost all key points within the word limit.


In summary, always ensure that you are not making any grammar mistakes and spelling. Use proper synonyms in PTE summarize written text. Also we may think that we have more time to respond but sometimes 10 minutes is not enough. Therefore, use the strategies and start typing after reading each sentence. Don’t waste time to read the entire paragraph. Because to read the paragraph itself it will take around 2 minutes. But if you type along while reading, you can manage the time and have sufficient time for reviewing.

Don’t even make a single mistake in grammar and spelling. As a result, it will affect the score drastically. Sometimes we may feel that we did all correct but unknowingly we may do mistakes. Therefore, double check your response word-by-word and make sure everything is perfect. Take around 2 minutes, only for reviewing. Hope this post gives some useful tips. Well thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.

Hi English learners! Are you writing an essay? Then you probably need to consider using different linking words. Today, we will look at different words and phrases to use for summarizing. 

The words and phrases we’re going to look at are as follows:

  • To sum (things) up
  • To recap
  • All in all
  • in a word
  • Finally/lastly/ultimately
  • The long and the short of it
  • In a nutshell

Words and phrases to use for summarizing

To sum (things) up

We normally use the phrase to give a short summary at the end of a speech, report, etc.

  • To sum up, there are a few different approaches to the problem of poverty in modern society.
  • To sum things up, I’ll go through a list of government directives associated with providing food in remote areas of the country.
  • And finally, to sum up, if you want to be fit and healthy, you need to go on a balanced diet and consider an active lifestyle. 

To recap

We use the phrase to repeat and give the main points in a summary of a speech, research paper, etc.

  • To recap, the primary objective of the survey is to collect data in order to provide answers to the questions of literacy.
  • Let me recap where we’ve got so far in our research relating to exploiting natural mineral resources.
  • To recap briefly, we aim to increase sales by 10 per cent in the next year.

Words and phrases to use for summarizing

All in all

Use the phrase to say that you are considering everything.

  • All in all, plenty are reasons for the gender gap, such as employment inequality, medical care, etc.
  • All in all, it took us two months to identify the population, to choose and plan our data…

In a word

Use the phrase “in a word” to give a short answer or summary.

  • In a word, the demand for the Covid-19 vaccine falls as people become reluctant to get another shot.
  • In a word, there are three ways to tackle the problem. 

Words and phrases to use for summarizing


Use the phrases to close a statement or a speech after all the items in the list mentioned.

  • Finally, I’d like to say that it’s been a great pleasure working with you, and I want to thank you for all your support.
  • Lastly, thank you all for your attention, care and support in our efforts to save our one and only planet.
  • Ultimately, the end goal of our marketing concept is a customer-oriented market in which it is easy to understand customers’ needs and desires.

The long and the short of it

The phrase is used to say that you will say something long and probably complicated shortly without many details.

  • The long and the short of it is that it is necessary to exercise regularly and stop smoking to get fit and healthy.
  • We did some research and the long and the short of it is that the number of people who are using our website is increasing.

Words and phrases to use for summarizing

In a nutshell

You can use the phrase to give a short summary.

  • In a nutshell, these are the main outcomes of the study based on the behaviour of teenagers.
  • This, in a nutshell, is the concept of healthy habits you should try to introduce into your daily routine.

Words and phrases to use for summarizing

Words and phrases to use for summarizing

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