Word for stopping someone

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren’t included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

Рассмотрим два синонимичных глагола ban и prevent. Нас интересует также последующий предлог from.

Prevent [prı`vent] v 1. предотвращать, предупреждать; предохранять
2. (часто from) мешать, препятствовать, не допускать

preventto stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something

If someone or something prevents you from doing something, they do not allow you to do it.

e. g. My only idea was to prevent him from speaking.
Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face.

To prevent something means to ensure that it does not happen.

Synonyms: prevent, preclude, avert, obviate, forestall
These verbs mean to stop or hinder something from happening, especially by advance planning or action.

ban [bæn] v. налагать запрет, запрещать

To prohibit, especially by official decree.

Synonyms: forbid, prohibit, disallow, bar, exclude, ostracize, outlaw, banish, suppress, veto, restrict, censor, disqualify.

Имеем предложение с пропущенным словом. banned from или prevented from?

Now CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) has taken on the responsibility of getting 800 species of animals and plants____from international trade and another 23,000 placed under strict controls.

Обратимся к контексту.

Деятельность CITES (читается сай-тис), направлена на сохранение исчезающих видов животных и растений:

Endangered species are protected on international levels as well. For example, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is an agreement between 150 countries worldwide. Endangered species are listed under one of two appendices of CITES (pronounced sigh-tees). If a species is listed under Appendix I, the member countries have agreed not to trade (buy and sell) that species commercially. If a species is listed under Appendix II, the member countries have agreed to trade that species commercially only if it does not endanger the survival of the species.

Вопрос: задача CITES предотвратить или запретить? Очевидно, предотвратить.

Обратимся к грамматике. Словари дают выражение to ban doing sth и ban from doing sth. Но имеется и вариант ban from + N

From Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 8th Ed.
1. ~ sth to decide or say officially that sth is not allowed
Syn: ↑prohibit
• Chemical weapons are banned internationally.
• a campaign to ban smoking in public places
2. usually passive to order sb not to do sth, go somewhere, etc, especially officially
• ~ sb from sth He was banned from the meeting.
• ~ sb from doing sth She’s been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated.

From Macmillan English Dictionary (En-En)
2. to say officially that someone is not allowed to do something
He was banned for three months for driving with no insurance.
ban someone from (doing) something : She was banned from competing for two years after failing a drugs test.

Кажется, вопрос проясняется и нужно prevent. Однако в данном предложении наблюдается конструкция get sth done. Конструкция предполагает, что подлежащее ожидает от других каких-то действий.  Очевидно, нужно добиться исключения 800 видов растений и животных из международной торговли, а ещё большее количество 23,000 взять под контроль.

Подведём итог написанному. Официальный запрет на что-то — ban from (doing) sth, особенно в Passive Voice. Prevent from = to stop, но без оттенка prohibit. Kонструкция get sth done приравнивается к Passive Voice. Добавим ко всему прочему контекст.

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It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

What is a word for stopping a fight?

Armistice | Definition of Armistice by Merriam-Webster.

What do you do to stop a fight?

How to Stop Fighting in A Relationship

  1. Dodge the Defensive.
  2. Step Away From the Situation to Cool Down.
  3. Always Fight or Argue Face to Face.
  4. Create Boundaries for A Fight.
  5. Remember Why You’re in The Relationship.
  6. Take Care of The Conflict as Soon as Possible.
  7. Consider Therapy.
  8. Take Some Time Apart.

What to say to stop an argument?

Here are four simple statements you can use that will stop an argument 99 percent of the time.

  • “Let me think about that.” This works in part because it buys time.
  • “You may be right.” This works because it shows willingness to compromise.
  • “I understand.” These are powerful words.
  • “I’m sorry.”

    What do you call someone who settles arguments?

    When an uninvolved, impartial person is called in to help settle a dispute, it’s called arbitration. The noun arbitration comes to English via the Latin word arbitrari, meaning “to judge.” In English, arbitration is both the process of using an arbiter to settle a dispute and the act of that arbiter making a judgment.

    How do you beat someone who can stop time?

    1. You would have to defeat them by using a surprise attack.
    2. 1). Long range attack. For example you could attack them from outside their perception (like a sniper attack).
    3. 2). Close range attack. You may know their identity but let’s’ assume they don’t know your identity.
    4. Solution: surprise attack.

    How do you argue peacefully?

    Sometimes holding hands or sitting with knees touching is all it takes.

    1. Agree To Make Small Changes.
    2. Go Ahead And Take A Break.
    3. Take The Argument Somewhere Else.
    4. Go For A Walk Together.
    5. Let Your Partner Know You’re Listening.

    How do you calm down an argument?

    How To Calm Down During An Argument

    1. Be Mindful. Being mindful of your voice, tone and surroundings will help keep emotions at bay and make you better able to communicate in a thoughtful manner.
    2. Take Some Space.
    3. Avoid Alcohol.
    4. Take Deep Breaths.
    5. Say “We”
    6. Make Some Tea.
    7. Have A Safe Word.
    8. Visualize A Happy Place.

    What is a peaceful person called?

    A person who opposes the use of war or violence to settle a dispute is called a pacifist. If you are a pacifist, you talk through your differences with others instead of fighting. A pacifist is a peacemaker — even its Latin origins of pax, or “peace” and facere, “to make” show it.

    What’s the best way to stop a fight?

    It can also be risky, as you might get injured or be accused of hurting someone. However, there are times when you must intervene to stop someone from hurting someone else. Get behind the attacker and use a half-nelson grip to take her down. A half-nelson is a wrestling technique designed to take an opponent to the ground.

    How to stop fighting and feel close again?

    There are two exercises that can be helpful in this process (which are made a bit easier to remember by the acronyms SIFT and RAIN). Dr. Daniel Siegel uses SIFTing to describe tuning into the Sensations, Images, Feelings, and Thoughts that we’re experiencing.

    What’s the best way to stop a dog from fighting?

    If one dog is on top of the other, the top dog should be pulled back first, and the bottom dog should be pulled back as soon as it stands up. Staying far away from the other dog (s), quickly begin circling to one side. The idea is to force the dog to keep itself upright by following the circular path with its front paws.

    What do you call the fight or flight response?

    These physical reactions are what we call the fight or flight response (also known as hyperarousal or acute stress response). This is when the perception of a threat triggers a cascade of physiological changes as the brain sets off an alarm throughout the central nervous system.

Using common English Idioms is one of the best ways to sound like a native speaker. In this post, I’m going to take a closer look at Idioms with the word stop. Follow along with definitions and lots of real example sentences. 

  • Full Stop
  • One-Stop Shop
  • Pit Stop
  • Pull All The Stops Out
  • Put A Stop To (Something)
  • Stop (Something) Cold
  • Stop At Nothing
  • Stop Bellyaching
  • Stop On A Dime
  • Stop Pulling My Leg
  • Stop Something In Its Tracks
  • Stop The Bleeding
  • Stop The Clock
  • Stop The Music
  • Stop The Press
  • Stop The Show
  • Stop The World, I Want To Get Off
  • Stop To Smell The Roses
  • Stop-And-Go
  • Stop, Look, And Listen
  • The Buck Stops Here 
  • There’s No Stopping (Someone)
  • Ugly Enough To Stop A Clock
  • When You’re In A Hole, Stop Digging
  • Whistle-Stop

See how these idioms are used in real English conversations. Keep reading and learn to use them the same way native speakers do. 

The Verb Stop

The verb stop has a few different uses.
To not move

  • I stopped the car at the traffic lights.

To not continue

  • We stopped watching TV and went to bed. 

To end

  • According to the weather forecast, the rain should stop at around 3:00. 

To prevent

  • People are wearing masks to stop the spread of the virus.

Word Origin

Old English (for) stoppian ‘block up (an aperture)’, of West Germanic origin; related to German stopfen, from late Latin stuppare ‘to stuff’. SOURCE 

Full Stop
Used to emphasize that the topic of discussion it’s not open to debate. It’s the final thing that will be said on that topic.

  • Until your grades improve at school I will not allow you to get a part-time job. Full stop, end of discussion.

One-Stop Shop
A place where you can get everything you need in one single location. 

  • There’s a big department store near my house that I really love. They sell furniture, clothes, tools, bicycles, groceries, and more. It’s a true one-stop shop.

If you need it, this mall has it. It’s a one-stop-shop.

Pit Stop
A pit stop happens in a race where a race car can quickly get new tires, minor adjustments, and refuel.

We also use Pit Stop for stopping on a long car journey so the driver can take a rest and everyone can get food, something to drink, use the bathroom, or just stretch their legs. 

  • We’ve been driving since the early morning. I’ll make a pit stop at the next service station and we can get some lunch and fill up. (Fill the gas tank.) 

Pull Out All The Stops
To make something the best it can possibly be, to use all available resources to make something special.

  • The party was amazing Catherine, you really pulled out all the stops

Put A Stop To (Something)
To end or finish something.

  • It’s time to put a stop to all this fighting. We need to work together if we want the project to be successful. 

Kids! You better put a stop to all this fighting!

Stop (Something) Cold

To bring something to a complete and total stop.

  • The politician’s high-paid lawyers put some pressure on the police chief and stopped the investigation cold.

Stop At Nothing

To do everything possible to complete a task, to not give up.

  • The police will stop at nothing to catch the killer. 

Stop Bellyaching

Bellyaching means complaining, if you tell someone to stop bellyaching you’re telling them to stop complaining.

  • I know there are long lines here at the city office but you may as well stop bellyaching, it won’t change anything. Just relax and be patient. 

Stop On A Dime

To stop suddenly and completely.

  • These new winter tires I just bought for my car are great. Even when the roads are wet and slippery my car stops on a dime

Johnny stopped his motorcycle on a dime to prevent an accident.

Stop Pulling My Leg

If someone is pulling your leg they are telling you a lie.

  • Are you really friends with Johnny Depp? I doubt it, stop pulling my leg

I don’t believe you. Stop pulling my leg.

Stop (something/someone) In Its Tracks

To stop something very suddenly, make something come to a stop very fast.

  • The police officer yelled “Freeze!” and the burglar stopped in his tracks
  • The police sirens stopped him In his tracks

Stop The Bleeding

To stop more damage or negative effects from happening. ~ This comes from stopping a cut from bleeding so you don’t lose a lot of blood.

  • The company needs a new plan, right now we are losing money every month. Step one will be to stop the bleeding, and step two will be updating our business plan. 

No more unnecessary expenses. Let’s try to stop the bleeding.

Stop The Clock

Used in some sporting events that are timed, when the game countdown is paused for some reason.

  • The referee stopped the clock while the injured player was carried off the field. 

This expression is sometimes used in reference to not getting older. An anti-wrinkle cream or some special diet might advertise itself as a way to stop the clock

  • These new miracle vitamins can help to stop the clock and keep you looking younger for longer. 

Stop the clock with my new medical formula!

Stop The Music

This expression is used by people who want everything to suddenly stop. You might hear this in the middle of a conversation when someone has just realized something very important.
Or someone enters a room with important information.

  • Everyone stop the music! The war is finally over! 

Stop The Press

This expression comes from a time when newspapers were the people’s main source of information. If the newspapers were in the middle of being printed on the printing press, and some important news was just discovered, the news editor would yell stop the press!

The press stops, the writers and printing staff would add the new important news story to the paper, and then begin printing again.

Stop the press has a very similar feeling to stop the music and can be used the same way. 

  • Stop the press! The Prime Minister has just been shot. 

It’s also common to say stop the presses! (plural)

Stop the presses! The bank has just been robbed!


Stop The Show

If someone stops the show it means they gave an incredible performance, they did something remarkable. 

  • All the performers in the talent contest did a good job in my opinion, but Carly really stopped the show. She deserved to win.

Stop The World, I Want To Get Off

This is a humorous way to express one’s desire to escape the trouble or problems in their daily life. They treat the Earth as a ride that they want to stop riding. The same way we get off a train or bus when we have finished riding.

  • My life is incredibly busy right now with work, school, and planning my best friend’s wedding next month. Please stop the world, I want to get off!

Stop the world please!

Stop and Smell The Roses

To stop what you’re doing, relax, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life, like the smell of a beautiful flower. 

  • If you’re too focused on work it’s possible to get burnt out. It’s important to stop and smell the roses once in a while to really appreciate life. 


This expression talks about things that make very slow progress, they move a little bit and then they stop. This can be a long slow cycle. (We often use this to talk about heavy traffic.)

  • Sorry I’m late, there was an accident on the highway and traffic was stop and go for almost an hour. 

Stop, Look, And Listen

This expression is used to recommend how to treat a possibly dangerous situation. For example, crossing a busy street or a railroad track.

  • You can’t depend on the railroad crossing signal when you go over the tracks. They don’t always work correctly. Make sure you stop, look, and listen every time you cross the train tracks. 

The Buck Stops Here 

Pass the Buck is an English expression that is used when people try to push responsibility onto someone else.

The expression the buck stops here shows that someone accepts full responsibility. They are saying that the buck (responsibility) will not be pushed onto someone else, it has stopped on me.

  • There have been a few problems recently across the company. As the company president, I have to accept responsibility. The buck stops here.

*Learn the Idiom Pass The Buck and more English financial idioms here > Idiom$ About MONEY (120 Common English Financial Idioms)

There’s No Stopping (Someone)

A person will not be prevented from doing what they want to do because they’re too strong, too powerful, or too committed.

  • My son just graduated from University and he has already decided to become governor of the state. I have faith in him, whenever he sets his mind to something there is no stopping him

Ugly Enough To Stop A Clock
Very Ugly

  • Denise and George just bought a new puppy, I didn’t want to say anything but honestly, that thing is ugly enough to stop a clock

That bird is ugly enough to stop a clock.

When You’re In A Hole, Stop Digging

If you find yourself in a bad situation, don’t continue to do the same things that got you there in the first place. 

  • We need to be creative with how we solve this problem, we can’t just keep spending more money. If we do this company will be bankrupt soon. We’re in a hole now so we need to stop digging

This means visiting a lot of different places in a very short time. *This is a new one for me!

  • After college I and a few friends today did a whistle-stop tour of South America. We visited 6 countries in 11 days. 

Songs With STOP

There are a lot of songs that have the word STOP in the title. A lot! Here are four of my favorites.

Queen – Don’t Stop Me Now (lyrics)

Journey – Don’t Stop Believin’ (lyrics)

Stop! In the Name of Love (lyrics)

Michael Jackson – Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough (lyrics)

What is your favorite song with STOP? Tell me in the comments!

Check out these other posts and learn some new idioms that native speakers really use.


  • #1

Hi everyone,

In my mother tongue, there is an expression for all the following examples. The word means what someone in authority does to stop you from doing what you are not allowed to do.

Here are are examples. I was wondering if there is one word or expression which works in all these situations.

I was playing the music loudly in the park and the guard ……….. me.

I was carring a package into the concert and the doorman ………. me telling me that I wasn’t allowed to take anything inside.

If you smoke pot in the streets in London the police will …….. you.

  • Glasguensis


    • #3

    But is there an informal way of saying the same thing?


    • #4

    The word means what someone in authority does to stop you from doing what you are not allowed to do.

    «Stop» is informal. A more formal verb is «prevent».

    But «stop» means two things:
    1. If you are already doing something, make that end.
    2. Don’t allow you to start doing something.

    «Prevent» just means 2. You «prevent» something before it starts.

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