Word for stocking up

What is another word for stocking up?

101 synonyms found


[ stˈɒkɪŋ ˈʌp], [ stˈɒkɪŋ ˈʌp], [ s_t_ˈɒ_k_ɪ_ŋ ˈʌ_p]

Table of Contents

  • v.

    deposit (verb)

    • invest,
    • squirrel away,
    • give in trust,
    • put aside,
    • store,
    • keep,
    • transfer,
    • place,
    • treasure,
    • amass,
    • stow,
    • garner,
    • hoard,
    • collect,
    • plop,
    • put by,
    • settle,
    • deliver,
    • save,
    • entrust,
    • lay away,
    • drop,
    • lay,
    • plunk,
    • precipitate,
    • plunk down,
    • install,
    • salt away,
    • commit,
    • sock away,
    • sit down,
    • stock up,
    • bank,
    • rest,
    • plant,
    • stash,
    • repose,
    • ditch,
    • park.

    provide (verb)

    • contribute,
    • outfit,
    • fit out,
    • dispense,
    • bring,
    • administer,
    • proffer,
    • ready,
    • fit,
    • grant,
    • afford,
    • procure,
    • impart,
    • sustain,
    • produce,
    • line,
    • replenish,
    • feed,
    • feather,
    • stake,
    • fix up,
    • stock,
    • heel,
    • look after,
    • hand over,
    • bestow,
    • arrange,
    • take care of,
    • maintain,
    • yield,
    • add,
    • give,
    • indulge,
    • serve,
    • prepare,
    • minister,
    • care,
    • fix up with,
    • render,
    • present,
    • turn out,
    • equip,
    • cater,
    • lend,
    • favor,
    • furnish,
    • provision,
    • ration,
    • implement.

    squirrel away (verb)

    • harvest,
    • reap,
    • assemble,
    • pack away.

    stockpile (verb)

    • gather,
    • keep on hand,
    • reserve,
    • stow away,
    • build up,
    • put away.
  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words:

    • accommodate,
    • accumulate.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • preparation.

How to use «Stocking up» in context?

Stocking up on food and supplies is an important part of any survival plan. Stock up on supplies you may use most often, such as canned goods and water. You may also want to stockpile items that you don’t ordinarily use, such as camping gear and first-aid supplies. You may also want to stockpile items that you can trade with other survivors.

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Americans do not lack oil resources, but stocking up, run into the future.

Американцы не испытывают недостатка в нефтяных ресурсах, но запасаются, забегают в будущее.

The most forward-looking tourists stocking up even disposable syringes.

Самые предусмотрительные туристы запасаются даже одноразовыми шприцами.

Therefore, make sure you understand the keto diet rules and start stocking up with the keto grocery list.

Поэтому убедитесь, что вы понимаете правила кето-диеты и начните запасаться списком кето-продуктов.

If you want to be among the ones who get to see a new Earth and build the new world in case of a major disaster, it’s time to start stocking up.

Если вы хотите быть среди тех, кто может увидеть новую Землю и построить новый мир в случае большой катастрофы, пришло время начинать запасаться.

Therefore, do not interfere with stocking up in any case with means of prime necessity (for example, loperamide).

Поэтому не мешает запастись на всяких случай средствами первой необходимости (например, лоперамид).

Tourists who are familiar with the features of the local climate recommend stocking up with high-quality sunscreen.

Туристы, которые знакомы с особенностями здешнего климата, рекомендуют запастись качественным солнцезащитным кремом.

We should follow their example and start stocking up, just in case.

Надо последовать его примеру и начать запастись, на всякий случай.

If you plan to use this option, it is worth stocking up with additional batteries, so you can keep food fresh much longer.

Если вы планируете использовать такой вариант, стоит запастись дополнительными аккумуляторами, так вы сможете сохранить еду свежей намного дольше.

From guns to shelter to food, survivalists are stocking up so that they will be ready when the end comes.

От оружия до укрытия и еды выжившие запасаются, чтобы быть готовыми, когда наступит конец.

Landowners are actively purchasing seeds of various crops, including «experimental» ones, stocking up with fertilizers and (or) chemicals to stimulate plant growth during planting.

Владельцы участков активно закупают семена различных культур, в том числе «экспериментальных», запасаются удобрениями и(или) химикатами для стимуляции роста растений в период высадки.

If you want to be among those who can see a new Earth and build the new world in the event of a big disaster, it’s time to start stocking up.

Если вы хотите быть среди тех, кто может увидеть новую Землю и построить новый мир в случае большой катастрофы, пришло время начинать запасаться.

People in the east Ukraine city are stocking up flour, canned food, cooking oil, instant coffee, candles and batteries as government forces tighten the noose around pro-Russian separatists occupying the city.

Жители города на востоке Украины запасаются мукой, консервированной едой, растительным маслом, растворимым кофе, свечами и батарейками, в то время как правительственные войска затягивают петлю вокруг занимающих город пророссийских сепаратистов.

Although, the indicator can be improved by stocking up with a spare battery or a power bank.

Хотя показатель можно улучшить, если запастись запасной батарейкой или павербанком.

It is also worth stocking up with water — there is nowhere to buy it here, and in summer — sunblock, as the area of Tombs of the Kings is quite large.

Также стоит запастись водой — здесь ее негде купить, а летом — кремом для загара, так как территория «Tombs of the Kings» довольно большая.

People and businesses are stocking up for the future , — reported Vidalies to the National Assembly.

Люди и предприятия запасаются впрок», — отчитался Видали переде Национальной ассамблеей.

No, I’m just… stocking up.

Well, they’re raising prices, so everybody’s stocking up.

She must really be stocking up.

We are stocking up for an imminent earthquake tsunami here.

Мы запасаемся для предстоящего землетрясение цунами здесь.

Therefore, fans take the march to the stadium very seriously, stocking up with baskets of food and drinks.

Поэтому к походу на стадион болельщики относятся очень серьезно, запасаясь корзинками с едой и выпивкой.

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Translation examples

  • запасаться

There are also schools where the potable water supply is erratic because they stock up on water for a few days at a time.

Имеются школы, где подача питьевой воды осуществляется с перебоями, в связи с чем они запасаются водой на несколько суток.

Stock up on wooden bullets.

Запасайте деревянные пули.

Stock up on soap-on-a-rope.

Запасайся мылом и верёвкой

He stocks up every two months.

Презервативы. Каждые 2 месяца он ими запасается.

The kids have been stocking up on pool noodles.

Дети запасались палками для бассейна.

We’re stocking up for the end of the world.

Мы запасаемся к концу света.

Stock up on water and keep watching the bulletins.

Запасайтесь водой и следите за сообщениями.

People are rushing to buy and stock up on supplies.

Люди кинулись в магазины запасать еду.

Or see who’s been stocking up on Hell-Hound Snausages.

Или кто запасается кормом для них.

So, you boys better stock up on… well, everything.

Так что, парни, запасайтесь… всем, чем сможете.

stock up

1. To acquire the stock or inventory one requires. As manager, one of your duties is to stock up when the kitchen starts running low on supplies. Don’t worry, I’ve been stocking up on fuel for the past three years for just such an occasion.

2. To gather, build up, or hoard a supply (of something). We stocked up on bottled water and canned goods, so we should be fine during the storm. There’s supposed to be a fuel shortage soon, so I’ve been stocking up for the past three weeks.

3. To furnish someone, something, or some place (with something). In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «stock» and «up.» We stocked up the house with food, so you should have plenty to eat while we’re gone. The kitchen is running low on a few things, but Brady’s coming round to stock us up tomorrow.

4. Of a horse’s leg, to swell with fluid in a painless manner not indicative of an injury. It is not uncommon for your horse to stock up if it has spent the night in its stall. Once it begins moving, the swelling should dissipate entirely.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

stock up (with something)

to build up a supply of something. You had better stock up with firewood before the first snowstorm. Yes, I will stock up today.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

stock up


1. To provide or furnish something with supplies: The bartender stocked up the bar with vodka. We stocked the house up with emergency supplies.

2. stock up on To gather and store a supply of something: We stocked up on canned goods before the storm came.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • surge off (of) (someone or something)
  • stock
  • take stock
  • take stock (of something)
  • be in stock
  • in stock
  • have (something) in stock
  • have in stock
  • average down
  • laughing stock


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Blue Medical Facemasks Stock Up Side of a Blue Facemasks Stock Up Facemasks on a White Surface Photo of Blue Medical Facemasks Woman in Blue Denim Jeans Stack of blue jeans arranged by color

Image search results for Stock up

wood, firewood, holzstapel idea, competence, vision heart, wood, logs bitcoin, number, metallic financial, analytics, blur bitcoin, number, metallic

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Synonyms for Stock up. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/stock_up

Synonyms for Stock up. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/stock_up>.

Synonyms for Stock up. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/stock_up.

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