Word for sticking it out

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We are proud of him for sticking it out.

Thanks for sticking it out with me.

That is my reward for sticking it out.

Thanks for sticking it out with us.

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  • 1
    stick it out

    stick out
    stick it out
    терпеть, выносить

    I know you don’t like it but you have to stick out the job for another month.

    His new play’s boring, but since he’s my cousin we’d better stick it out.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > stick it out

  • 2
    stick it out

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > stick it out

  • 3
    stick it out

    to stay to the end, to endure, to go on in spite of difficulties
    выдержать что-то до конца, несмотря на трудности

    This work is boring and tedious, but you have to stick it out. It was a very hard time for him, but he managed to stick it out.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > stick it out

  • 4
    stick it out

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > stick it out

  • 5
    stick neck out

    1) Общая лексика: самому лезть в петлю, лезть на рожон

    2) Разговорное выражение: ставить себя под удар

    3) Американизм: ставить себя под удар , ставить себя под удар

    4) Переносный смысл: высовываться, пойти на риск, рисковать

    5) Военный термин: вырваться впёрёд

    6) Австралийский сленг: рискнуть, рисковать, стать объектом для критики, стать объектом для нападок, стать объектом для упреков

    7) Сленг: бросаться, сломя голову, воспользоваться предоставленной возможностью, не бояться совершить ошибку, сделать неверный шаг

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > stick neck out

  • 6
    stick hand out

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > stick hand out

  • 7
    stick it out

    Новый англо-русский словарь > stick it out

  • 8
    stick it out

    English-Russian military dictionary > stick it out

  • 9
    Stick it out!

    Не поддавайся!

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Stick it out!

  • 10
    stick etc out like a sore thumb


    The dinner is formal. If you don’t wear the correct clothes you’ll stick out like a sore thumb — Обед будет официальный. Если ты не оденешься согласно этикету, то будешь выглядеть как белая ворона


    Certainly. It sticks out like a sore thumb — Ну конечно. Это же ясно как дважды два четыре

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > stick etc out like a sore thumb

  • 11
    stick hand out of the window

    2) Макаров: высунуть руку из окна

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > stick hand out of the window

  • 12
    stick head out of the window

    2) Макаров: высунуть голову из окна

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > stick head out of the window

  • 13
    stick tongue out at somebody

    Общая лексика: показывать язык

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > stick tongue out at somebody

  • 14
    to stick way out

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to stick way out

  • 15
    stick up

    1. II

    2. III

    1) stick up smth. /smth. up/ stick up a target устанавливать мишень и т.д.

    2) stick up smth., smb. coll. stick up a bank совершить ограбление банка и т.д., напасть на банк и т.д.

    3. XI

    4. XVI

    1) stick up for smb., smth. coll. stick up for one’s friend поддерживать /защищать/ своего друга и т.д. встать на защиту своего друга и т.д.; I’ll stick up for you on that я вас в этом поддержу

    2) stick up out of /in/ smth. the branch was sticking up out of /in/ the water из воды торчала ветка; а head sticking up out of the water голова, торчащая из воды

    5. XXVI

    stick up smth. where… this notice is important; stick it up where everybody will see it это важное объявление, повесьте его где-нибудь у всех на виду

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > stick up

  • 16
    stick out

    1) stick out

    торчать, высовываться; выделяться

    I could see one end of the letter sticking out of John’s pocket.

    Dad’s funny hat made him stick out in the crowd.

    2) stick out
    stick it out

    терпеть, выносить

    I know you don’t like it but you have to stick out the job for another month.

    His new play’s boring, but since he’s my cousin we’d better stick it out.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > stick out

  • 17
    stick out



    бросаться в глаза, выделяться

    his real intentions stuck out a mile — его истинные намерения были яснее ясного

    it sticks out a mile that he wants your job — слепому видно, что он целится на ваше место

    to stick out one’s neck — поставить себя под удар; навлечь на себя гнев, критику


    1. терпеть, выносить; стоять до конца

    to stick smth. out a bit longer — потерпеть что-л. ещё немного

    they were bored by the film but stuck it out for two hours — фильм показался им скучным, но они высидели все два часа

    it was a long train trip but we stuck it out by playing cards — в поезде мы ехали долго, но мы коротали время карточной игрой

    2. (for) настаивать на чём-л.; требовать чего-л.

    the men are sticking out for the full amount of their wage claim — рабочие добиваются полного удовлетворения их требований о повышении зарплаты

    НБАРС > stick out

  • 18
    stick out

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > stick out

  • 19

    серия бомб; снаряды одного залпа; связка ; шашка ; группа парашютистов ; ручка управления ; перископ

    stick’em up! — разг. руки вверх! (команда при пленении)

    English-Russian military dictionary > stick

  • 20
    stick out

    а) высо́вывать(ся)

    г) вы́держать до конца́

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > stick out


  • Следующая →
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  • 4
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  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • stick it out — ► stick it out informal put up with or persevere with something difficult or disagreeable. Main Entry: ↑stick …   English terms dictionary

  • stick something out —    If you stick something out, you continue to endure it in spite of the difficulties or unpleasant aspects of the situation.     Life is difficult here, but Luke is going to stick it out because he is determined to succeed …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • stick it out — to continue to do something to its end. I didn t really like the movie, but I stuck it out. Usage notes: often used in the phrase stick it out to the bitter end …   New idioms dictionary

  • stick it out — I think I can stick it out for another two weeks Syn: put up with it, grin and bear it, keep at it, keep going, stay with it, see it through; persevere, persist, carry on, struggle on; informal hang in there, soldier on, tough it out, nail one s… …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • stick it out — verb To persist or continue. Plenty of people begin the training, but few stick it out for the year or two necessary to become proficient …   Wiktionary

  • stick it out — stay until you finish, hang in there    Can you stick it out until six? Can you work until then? …   English idioms

  • stick it out — Q. Did you hear about the flasher who was thinking of retiring? A. He decided to stick it out for one more year! …   English expressions

  • stick it out — endure, continue She doesn t like her new job but plans to stick it out until she saves enough money to go to Europe …   Idioms and examples

  • stick something out of something — ˌstick ˈout (of sth) | ˌstick sthˈout (of sth) derived to be further out than sth else or come through a hole; to push sth further out than sth else or through a hole • His ears stick out. • She stuck her tongue out at me. • Don t stick your arm… …   Useful english dictionary

  • stick/stand out like a sore thumb — informal : to be very noticeable in usually a bad way I wasn t wearing the right clothes for the party, and I stuck out like a sore thumb. • • • Main Entry: ↑sore …   Useful english dictionary

  • stick neck out — stick (your) neck out to give an opinion which other people may not like or which other people are frightened to give. I m going to stick my neck out and predict a Republican victory. He s never been afraid of sticking his neck out …   New idioms dictionary

What is another word for sticking it out?

200 synonyms found


[ stˈɪkɪŋ ɪt ˈa͡ʊt], [ stˈɪkɪŋ ɪt ˈa‍ʊt], [ s_t_ˈɪ_k_ɪ_ŋ ɪ_t ˈaʊ_t]

Table of Contents

  • v.

    challenge (verb)

    • hang in,
    • stick it out,
    • impeach,
    • try,
    • beard,
    • accost,
    • ask for,
    • demand,
    • denounce,
    • impugn,
    • defy,
    • make a stand,
    • face the music,
    • investigate,
    • brave,
    • inquire,
    • tax,
    • query,
    • test,
    • reclaim,
    • assert,
    • call out,
    • throw down the gauntlet,
    • confront,
    • summon,
    • provoke,
    • make a point of,
    • impose,
    • fly in the face of,
    • stand up to,
    • dare,
    • claim,
    • call for,
    • vindicate,
    • arouse,
    • search out,
    • insist upon,
    • invite competition,
    • face off,
    • object to,
    • exact,
    • require,
    • stimulate,
    • face down,
    • cross.

    endure (verb)

    • live out,
    • never say die,
    • permit,
    • accustom,
    • face,
    • feel,
    • resign oneself,
    • grin and bear it,
    • undergo,
    • bear the brunt,
    • repress feelings,
    • sustain,
    • stick,
    • take patiently,
    • brook,
    • encounter,
    • know,
    • take,
    • countenance,
    • stand,
    • go through,
    • eat,
    • meet with,
    • withstand,
    • keep up,
    • experience,
    • take it,
    • weather,
    • put up with,
    • submit to,
    • cope with,
    • allow,
    • suffer,
    • be patient with,
    • sit through,
    • ride out,
    • support,
    • live through,
    • subject to,
    • tolerate,
    • abide.

    hang tough (verb)

    • hang in there,
    • stick in there,
    • tough it out,
    • bear,
    • gut it out.

    persist (verb)

    • last,
    • perseverate,
    • strive,
    • pursue,
    • leave no stone unturned,
    • go all the way,
    • remain,
    • see through,
    • linger,
    • insist,
    • continue,
    • go the limit,
    • endure,
    • grind,
    • repeat,
    • prevail,
    • be resolute,
    • Perdure,
    • recur,
    • follow through,
    • hold on,
    • stick to guns,
    • persevere,
    • be stubborn,
    • go on,
    • obtain.

    subsist (verb)

    • just make it,
    • move,
    • get by,
    • get along,
    • manage,
    • live,
    • breathe,
    • make ends meet,
    • be,
    • eke out an existence,
    • stick with it,
    • remain alive,
    • exist,
    • stay alive,
    • scrape by,
    • survive,
    • eke out a living,
    • hang tough,
    • make it,
    • hang on,
    • barely exist.

    support (verb)

    • maintain,
    • stand for,
    • live with,
    • wait out,
    • submit,
    • bear with,
    • carry on,
    • go,
    • stay the course,
    • sweat out,
    • handle.

    sweat (verb)

    • labor,
    • toil,
    • fret,
    • be on tenterhooks,
    • torture,
    • work hard,
    • agonize,
    • chafe,
    • lose sleep over,
    • be on pins and needles,
    • exert.

    take (verb)

    • let in,
    • take it on the chin,
    • receive,
    • contain,
    • accept,
    • hold,
    • give access,
    • swallow,
    • stomach,
    • accommodate,
    • take it lying down,
    • welcome.

    take it (verb)

    • go along with,
    • play the game,
    • take one’s lumps,
    • take one’s medicine,
    • don’t make waves,
    • don’t rock the boat,
    • acknowledge,
    • agree,
    • bite the bullet,
    • sit still for,
    • capitulate.

    weather (verb)

    • bear up against,
    • rise above,
    • pull through,
    • bear the brunt of,
    • toughen,
    • acclimate,
    • overcome,
    • become toughened,
    • get through,
    • come through,
    • grow hardened,
    • harden,
    • expose,
    • grow strong,
    • surmount,
    • season,
    • resist.

How to use «Sticking it out» in context?

In order to succeed in anything, whether it is a sport, a job, or a relationship, you have to have determination. You have to have the conviction to keep going when things get tough, no matter how much you may want to give up.

There are a lot of people who give up early in their lives, not because they can’t succeed, but because they don’t want to. They say they can’t do it, they don’t want to put in the work, they don’t want to face the challenge.

What is another word for Stick it out?

  • persevere

    carry on

  • carry on

    persevere, endure

  • hang in there


  • tough it out

    endure, carry on

  • last

    carry on, living

  • survive

    endure, living

  • endure

    bear, carry on

  • hold on

    carry on

  • hang on

    endure, living

  • persist


  • continue


  • go on

  • weather

    bear hardship

  • ride out

    living, bear hardship

  • stick

    bear hardship

  • never say die

    bear hardship

  • keep going

    put up with it

  • stay the course


  • tolerate

    accept, bear

  • abide

    bear, bear hardship

  • take

    accept, bear

  • undergo

  • stand

  • suffer


  • go through

  • keep up

  • withstand

  • brave


  • hang tough


  • take it

Use filters to view other words, we have 529 synonyms for stick it out.

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phrasal verb



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Photo search results for Stick it out

Red Lollipop Man Showing His Tongue Handmade scarecrow made of straw in hat placed near wooden fence in kitchen garden in countryside Chocolate Ice Cream on Brown Cone Brown and White Polka Dot Lollipop Chocolate Ice Cream on White Ice Cream Cone

Image search results for Stick it out

fist, rebellion, rebel fist, rebellion, rebel

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Synonyms for Stick it out. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/stick_it_out

Synonyms for Stick it out. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/stick_it_out>.

Synonyms for Stick it out. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/stick_it_out.

synonyms for stick it out

  • ask for
  • assert
  • call for
  • claim
  • confront
  • defy
  • demand
  • denounce
  • impose
  • require
  • test
  • try
  • accost
  • arouse
  • beard
  • brave
  • cross
  • dare
  • exact
  • impeach
  • impugn
  • inquire
  • investigate
  • provoke
  • query
  • reclaim
  • stimulate
  • summon
  • tax
  • vindicate
  • call out
  • face down
  • face off
  • face the music
  • fly in the face of
  • hang in
  • insist upon
  • invite competition
  • make a point of
  • make a stand
  • object to
  • search out
  • stand up to
  • throw down the gauntlet
  • brave
  • encounter
  • experience
  • face
  • feel
  • go through
  • know
  • ride out
  • suffer
  • sustain
  • tolerate
  • undergo
  • weather
  • withstand
  • abide
  • accustom
  • allow
  • brook
  • countenance
  • eat
  • permit
  • stand
  • stick
  • stomach
  • support
  • swallow
  • take
  • bear the brunt
  • be patient with
  • cope with
  • grin and bear it
  • hang in
  • keep up
  • live out
  • live through
  • meet with
  • never say die
  • put up with
  • repress feelings
  • resign oneself
  • sit through
  • subject to
  • submit to
  • take it
  • take patiently
  • bear
  • bear the brunt
  • be patient with
  • brave
  • cope with
  • face
  • go through
  • grin and bear it
  • gut it out
  • hang in
  • hang in there
  • keep up
  • live out
  • live through
  • meet with
  • never say die
  • put up with
  • ride out
  • sit through
  • stand
  • stick in there
  • stomach
  • suffer
  • swallow
  • take
  • take it
  • tough it out
  • weather
  • withstand
  • carry on
  • carry over
  • continue
  • endure
  • go on
  • linger
  • persevere
  • prevail
  • pursue
  • recur
  • remain
  • abide
  • grind
  • insist
  • last
  • obtain
  • perseverate
  • repeat
  • strive
  • be resolute
  • be stubborn
  • follow through
  • follow up
  • go all the way
  • go the limit
  • hold on
  • keep up
  • leave no stone unturned
  • perdure
  • see through
  • stick to guns
  • tough it out
  • get along
  • get by
  • scrape by
  • be
  • breathe
  • continue
  • endure
  • exist
  • last
  • live
  • manage
  • move
  • remain
  • survive
  • sustain
  • barely exist
  • eke out a living
  • eke out an existence
  • hang in
  • hang on
  • hang tough
  • just make it
  • make ends meet
  • make it
  • remain alive
  • ride out
  • stay alive
  • stick with it
  • abide
  • continue
  • maintain
  • take
  • tolerate
  • bear
  • brook
  • countenance
  • go
  • handle
  • stand
  • stomach
  • submit
  • suffer
  • swallow
  • undergo
  • bear with
  • carry on
  • go through
  • keep up
  • live with
  • put up with
  • stand for
  • stay the course
  • sweat out
  • wait out
  • toil
  • abide
  • brook
  • chafe
  • endure
  • exert
  • fret
  • stand
  • stomach
  • suffer
  • tolerate
  • torture
  • agonize
  • be on pins and needles
  • be on tenterhooks
  • lose sleep over
  • stay the course
  • work hard
  • accept
  • go
  • hold
  • receive
  • stand
  • welcome
  • abide
  • accommodate
  • bear
  • brave
  • brook
  • contain
  • experience
  • hack
  • stomach
  • suffer
  • swallow
  • tolerate
  • undergo
  • weather
  • withstand
  • bear with
  • give access
  • go through
  • grin and bear it
  • hang in
  • hang on
  • hang tough
  • let in
  • live with
  • put up with
  • ride out
  • stand for
  • submit to
  • take it
  • take it lying down
  • take it on the chin
  • acknowledge
  • agree
  • bear with
  • bite the bullet
  • capitulate
  • don’t make waves
  • don’t rock the boat
  • face the music
  • go along with
  • grin and bear it
  • hang tough
  • live with
  • play the game
  • put up with
  • sit still for
  • stand for
  • stomach
  • submit to
  • suffer
  • swallow
  • take
  • take one’s lumps
  • take one’s medicine
  • tolerate
  • get through
  • overcome
  • resist
  • ride out
  • suffer
  • surmount
  • survive
  • withstand
  • acclimate
  • brave
  • expose
  • harden
  • season
  • stand
  • toughen
  • bear the brunt of
  • bear up against
  • become toughened
  • come through
  • grow hardened
  • grow strong
  • make it
  • pull through
  • rise above

On this page you’ll find 411 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to stick it out, such as: ask for, assert, call for, claim, confront, and defy.

  • disallow
  • halt
  • hide
  • refuse
  • reject
  • retreat
  • run away
  • stop
  • surrender
  • yield
  • deny
  • disapprove
  • hold
  • keep
  • maintain
  • oppose
  • resist
  • discontinue
    • cease
    • discontinue
    • give up
    • go
    • halt
    • leave
    • stop
    • forget
    • quit
    • cease
    • depart
    • die
    • discontinue
    • halt
    • stop
    • disallow
    • discontinue
    • halt
    • refuse
    • reject
    • stop
    • disagree
    • fight
    • contradict
    • disapprove
    • let down
    • let go
    • neglect
    • oppose
    • release
    • comfort
    • please
    • relieve
    • be calm
    • ignore
    • disagree
    • refuse
    • reject
    • stop
    • turn away
    • disallow
    • dodge
    • shun
    • abstain
    • add
    • avoid
    • discontinue
    • disenchant
    • fail
    • give
    • keep
    • lose
    • maintain
    • misconceive
    • misunderstand
    • offer
    • repulse
      • give in
      • surrender
      • yield

      Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


      OCTOBER 26, 1985


      • accost
      • arouse
      • ask for
      • assert
      • beard
      • brave
      • call for
      • call out
      • claim
      • confront
      • cross
      • dare
      • defy
      • demand
      • denounce
      • exact
      • face down
      • face off
      • face the music
      • fly in the face of
      • hang in
      • impeach
      • impose
      • impugn
      • inquire
      • insist upon
      • investigate
      • invite competition
      • make a point of
      • make a stand
      • object to
      • provoke
      • query
      • reclaim
      • require
      • search out
      • stand up to
      • stick it out
      • stimulate
      • summon
      • tax
      • test
      • throw down the gauntlet
      • try
      • vindicate
      • accosts
      • arouses
      • asks for
      • asserts
      • beards
      • braves
      • calls for
      • calls out
      • claims
      • confronts
      • crosses
      • dares
      • defies
      • demands
      • denounces
      • exacts
      • faces down
      • faces off
      • faces the music
      • flies in the face of
      • hangs in
      • impeaches
      • imposes
      • impugns
      • inquires
      • insists upon
      • investigates
      • invites competition
      • makes a point of
      • makes a stand
      • objects to
      • provokes
      • queries
      • reclaims
      • requires
      • searches out
      • stands up to
      • sticks it out
      • stimulates
      • summons
      • taxes
      • tests
      • throws down the gauntlet
      • tries
      • vindicates
      • abide
      • accustom
      • allow
      • be patient with
      • bear the brunt
      • brave
      • brook
      • cope with
      • countenance
      • eat
      • encounter
      • experience
      • face
      • feel
      • go through
      • grin and bear it
      • hang in
      • keep up
      • know
      • live out
      • live through
      • meet with
      • never say die
      • permit
      • put up with
      • repress feelings
      • resign oneself
      • ride out
      • sit through
      • stand
      • stick
      • stick it out
      • stomach
      • subject to
      • submit to
      • suffer
      • support
      • sustain
      • swallow
      • take
      • take it
      • take patiently
      • tolerate
      • undergo
      • weather
      • withstand
      • abides
      • accustoms
      • allows
      • bears the brunt
      • braves
      • brooks
      • copes with
      • countenances
      • eats
      • encounters
      • experiences
      • faces
      • feels
      • goes through
      • grins and bears it
      • hangs in
      • is patient with
      • keeps up
      • knows
      • lives out
      • lives through
      • meets with
      • never says dies
      • permits
      • puts up with
      • repress feelings
      • resigns oneself
      • rides out
      • sits through
      • stands
      • sticks
      • sticks it out
      • stomachs
      • subject to
      • submits to
      • suffers
      • supports
      • sustains
      • swallows
      • takes
      • takes it
      • takes patiently
      • tolerates
      • undergoes
      • weathers
      • withstands
      • be patient with
      • bear
      • bear the brunt
      • brave
      • cope with
      • face
      • go through
      • grin and bear it
      • gut it out
      • hang in
      • hang in there
      • keep up
      • live out
      • live through
      • meet with
      • never say die
      • put up with
      • ride out
      • sit through
      • stand
      • stick in there
      • stick it out
      • stomach
      • suffer
      • swallow
      • take
      • take it
      • tough it out
      • weather
      • withstand
      • abide
      • be resolute
      • be stubborn
      • carry on
      • carry over
      • continue
      • endure
      • follow through
      • follow up
      • go all the way
      • go on
      • go the limit
      • grind
      • hold on
      • insist
      • keep up
      • last
      • leave no stone unturned
      • linger
      • obtain
      • perdure
      • perseverate
      • persevere
      • prevail
      • pursue
      • recur
      • remain
      • repeat
      • see through
      • stick it out
      • stick to guns
      • strive
      • tough it out

      Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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