Word for staying up to date

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


It’s important to stay up to date with the latest industry news and tools by reading every single day.

Важно быть в курсе последних новостей отрасли и инструментов, читая каждый день.

Doctors generally recommend that most people stay up to date with their vaccinations.

Врачи обычно рекомендуют большинству людей быть в курсе своих прививок.

It lets you as a viewer, stay up to date with the newest videos and movies, through its subscription service.

Как зритель, это позволяет вам оставаться в курсе последних видео и фильмов через свою службу подписки.

Your employees should be able to stay up to date with all industry-relevant software developments.

Ваши коллеги или сотрудники должны быть в состоянии оставаться в курсе всех отраслевых разработок программного обеспечения.

These key studies are summarized in a concise manner, providing an efficient way for you to stay up to date with all the latest data.

Эти ключевые исследования реферируются в краткой форме, обеспечивающей эффективный способ оставаться в курсе всех последних данных.

Acknowledge life-long learning as a way to stay up to date in the profession.

It is necessary to stay up to date on your company’s growth, profitability, and client base.

Необходимо быть в курсе роста вашей компании, прибыльности и клиентской базы.

Eighty percent of users follow their favorite brands to stay up to date with new products and special offers.

Восемьдесят процентов пользователей следуют своим любимым брендам, чтобы оставаться в курсе новых продуктов и специальных предложений.

Most businesses understand how important it is to stay up to date with what’s being said about the company.

Большинство компаний понимают, как важно быть в курсе того, что говорят о компании.

Analysing recent reactions to different headlines has proven useful to traders who can stay up to date with current news.

Анализ последних реакций на различные заголовки оказался полезным для трейдеров, которые могут быть в курсе текущих новостей.

As the way your organization communicates with your audience evolves, it can be helpful to stay up to date on the trends.

По мере того, как ваша организация взаимодействует с вашей аудиторией, может оказаться полезным оставаться в курсе последних тенденций.

Three out of four employees want to stay up to date on their company’s current events.

По статистике, трое из каждых четырех сотрудников хотят быть в курсе текущих событий своей компании.

This will help you stay up to date, and keep track of your credit history.

Это поможет вам оставаться в курсе, и следить за состоянием своей кредитной истории.

Thankfully, most software packages now auto-update seamlessly enough, so it’s not difficult to stay up to date.

Сейчас большинство пакетов программного обеспечения автоматически обновляются достаточно легко, поэтому нетрудно оставаться в курсе последних событий.

If you want to stay up to date on all things…

Carve out some time in your schedule to stay up to date on trends and don’t let the industry surpass you.

Выделите время в своем графике, чтобы оставаться в курсе тенденций и не позволяйте крупным компаниям превзойти вас.

That’s why it’s so important for marketers to stay up to date with the latest social media statistics.

Вот почему так важно для маркетологов оставаться в курсе последних статистических данных в социальных сетях.

You can also stay up to date on the relationship statuses of those on your friends list.

Вы также можете быть в курсе состояния отношений тех, кто находится в вашем списке друзей.

Subscribe to stay up to date on everything coming to theaters and your favorite streaming platform…

Подпишитесь, чтобы оставаться в курсе всего, что приходит в кинотеатры и на вашу любимую потоковую платформу.

Continuous adaption and development of skills is necessary in order to always stay up to date.

Постоянная адаптация и развитие навыков необходимы для того, чтобы всегда оставаться в курсе.

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Staying up to date on things is important. It helps you to stay current, and it always gives you things to talk about or research when you need to. This article will look at some good alternatives you can use to replace the phrase “staying up to date.”

Better Ways to Say Staying Up to Date

The preferred alternatives are “keeping informed,” “keep track of,” and “staying current.” You can use these to show that you are trying to keep on top of all the information that’s presented to you. It could relate to specific fields of study or local or global news and information.

Keeping Informed

“Keeping informed” works really well when you’re showing that you’re keeping up to date with information. You can use “keeping” in place of “staying” to show that you’re trying to remember all of the important facts and information to help you.

“Informed” means that you’re getting a steady stream of information from someone. For example, you might be “informed” by the news that things are happening, which usually gives you a place to learn more about that thing every day that you tune in.

  • I’m keeping informed on all the things that are currently happening. I think there are a few things that we need to do to make a serious change.
  • Don’t worry; I’ve been keeping myself informed on everything that’s important right now. I’ll be able to share most of that with them later.
  • I thought you were keeping informed just like I am. Maybe you need to try harder because there are some really bad things happening.

Keep Track Of

“Keep track of” works well when there are current affairs or situations that you need to be clued in on. “Track” is used here to show that the information is constantly developing, and you usually need to make sure you’re paying attention to keep up.

If you don’t “Keep track of” something, it means you’ve fallen behind. It can be hard to catch back up again, depending on how much information is readily available about that thing.

  • Please keep track of the tasks that your team has to get through. I feel like you’re letting them get lazy, and that’s not a good look for anyone.
  • If you don’t keep track of the news, you’ll never understand what we’re talking about. We need you to pay a bit more attention. Okay?
  • I thought you were keeping track of all of the updates. I didn’t realize that you wanted me to get stuck in and do it myself!

Staying Current

“Staying current” works well when you’re referring to the news or current affairs. It shows that you’re constantly listening to or reading the news to find out more about what’s happening in the world.

“Current” implies that you are living in the moment, and you know what’s happening in the world around you.

  • I’m not staying current because the news depresses me at the minute. I feel like I don’t learn anything new that’s going to help me out.
  • I thought you were good at staying current. This thing is quite big in the news, and you really should have heard a little bit about it.
  • They’re going to have to stay current with these matters if they want to stay ahead of the competition. That’s all I’m going to say.


“Follow” is a more modern term you can use. It relates to your ability to follow feeds online (i.e. using Twitter, Instagram, or other follow-based sites). Every “follow” gives you a chance to keep up to date with certain information.

If you’re using social media sites, you will be able to follow a lot of different people. Each of those people will be able to give you different information or views about the same piece of information.

  • I follow a lot of accounts that post updates about this stuff. It’s allowed me to keep myself up to date with all of the things happening in the world.
  • I follow the news all the time. I’m the kind of guy that goes home and chucks the television on straight away to do some research.
  • I thought you followed all of the affairs going on right now. Clearly, there’s a bit of a gap in your knowledge that needs fixing.

Keep Abreast Of

“Keep abreast of” is an old-fashioned way of showing that you’re paying attention to the news or information. “Abreast” isn’t commonly used today, but it works well to show that you’re trying to stay updated with whatever you can.

  • I keep abreast of the things that I think are important. I don’t feel the need to work much harder than that because it’s never benefited me.
  • I’m going to keep abreast of all the updates. I’ll let you know if anything new develops that you might need to work through.
  • I thought she was keeping abreast of all of the facts for me. I’ve been left in the dark for a little bit, and I don’t know what to do now.

Plugged Into

“Plugged into” is a more informal phrase you can use to show that you know what’s going on around you. If you “Plug into” current affairs, it means you know all of the important things that are happening related to the major issues in the world right now.

“Plugged into” is strictly an informal phrase. It won’t work all that well if you’re writing formally because people tend to view it as more of an informal or slang phrase.

  • I’m plugged into current affairs, thank you very much. I know almost everything that’s happening in the world. What more could I need to know?
  • I knew you weren’t as plugged into these things as you thought you were. There is so much happening that you’re ignorant of.
  • I like to keep myself plugged in because I know there’s a lot that I might miss. I try and stay current with all of the things I can control.

Staying Informed

“Staying informed” is another variation you can use. “Staying” and “keeping” are synonymous, allowing you to use them to show that you’re trying to keep up to date with the information that might be around you.

  • I’m staying informed to make sure I get the information relayed to my team as soon as possible. It’s very important that they know.
  • I want you to stay informed because it’s going to help us all to figure out a better approach going forward. Do you think you can do that?
  • I’m not staying informed right now because I’m overwhelmed with information. I wish someone else would step in to help me out.

Keep Up With

“Keep up with” is an informal phrase you can use when you’re showing that you’re keeping on top of information or news sources. It allows you to stay up to date with all the things that are currently happening, which gives you more to talk about.

  • Can you keep up with the news for me? I’m having a hard time following all the new pieces because there’s too much to take in.
  • I thought you were good at keeping up with the team’s tasks. You’ve let yourself get a bit swamped by them. That’s not okay.
  • I’m not keeping up with the information as well as I’d like to. I wish there was something I could do to learn more about it.

Keep Updated On

“Keep updated on” works really well. It uses the “Keep” verb again to show that you are trying your best to retain all the information that allows you to stay “current” about certain things that are happening.

  • You’re going to need to keep updated on most of these issues. You’re going to be the guy we turn to when we’re asking for help.
  • Can you keep updated on all of the facts for me? It would be useful to have an inside man getting the news to me when I need it.
  • I thought you were better at keeping updated on these things. Now, who am I supposed to rely on to get me the news when I want it?

Stay Tuned

“Stay tuned” can work well to show that you’re staying up to date. It’s not the best choice as most people use it to refer to paying attention to things or returning to shows for the next episode after the previous one finishes.

Nevertheless, you can use “stay tuned” to remind someone that they need to pay attention to the news. You might also use it to refer to yourself if you’re keeping yourself updated with information that might help you.

  • You’ll have to stay tuned to find out more about all of these things. I want to make sure that we’re all in this together.
  • Just stay tuned because I’m sure there’s something important that we can all learn from this. We just have to wait a bit.
  • I thought you were going to stay tuned and learn more about this. I need you to focus and get the news channel on.

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Is this kind of bad foreign English or it would be correct to say «to keep yourself up-to-date»/»informed» when subscribing, e.g., a twitter or a RSS feed? Is there a single verb/adjective/shorter synonym for saying your knowledge is constantly updated/on a current level? Is there anything suited for keyword/tag usage?

Bryan Agee's user avatar

Bryan Agee

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asked Aug 12, 2011 at 16:07

Hauser's user avatar

«Staying/keeping informed» works well, but most often when someone is trying to specifically describe that they take strides to keep their knowledge up to date, they say that they «keep abreast of [the topic]».

Less formally, you can say you’re «plugged-in to [the topic]».

answered Aug 12, 2011 at 16:15

matthias's user avatar


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«Staying current» (on some topic or with some source) is a pretty common expression in my experience (US, tech community).

answered Aug 12, 2011 at 21:53

Monica Cellio's user avatar

Monica CellioMonica Cellio

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For knowledge of a topic «stay up to date» would be fine.

To name a button a more active word such as «follow» or «track» might be better.

answered Aug 12, 2011 at 18:49

mgb's user avatar


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Keep up: «I try to keep up with current tech.»

answered Aug 13, 2011 at 3:12

Hack Saw's user avatar

Hack SawHack Saw

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Stay abreast, remain cognizant

answered Jan 8, 2015 at 15:36

No name's user avatar

If you use stay up to date, it seems susceptible to the misunderstanding that you’re staying up late to date someone.

Edit: I suggest that you use «keep yourself updated with latest information» or «stay tuned with it».

Daniel's user avatar


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answered Aug 12, 2011 at 16:11

Mark's Nemo's user avatar


Asked by: Mr. Tommie Kunze DVM

Score: 4.8/5
(2 votes)

keep (someone or something) up to date

To ensure someone has the most current and accurate information (about something). Please keep me up to date regarding the progress of the project.

What meaning of keeping up to date?

to inform someone of all the most recent news and changes in a situation. The newsletter will keep you up to date with our progress. Synonyms and related words. To tell someone something, or to give information.

What is the word for staying up to date?

▲ To keep someone informed on the latest events or happenings. update. inform. advise.

How do you use keep up to date in a sentence?

If you are up-to-date about something, you have the latest information about it. We’ll keep you up to date with any news. I am very up to date on this sort of thing because I listen to the news.

What does make it a date mean?

to make a date: to arrange an appointment, to setup a meeting, to make an engagement. idiom. This is an irregular verb: I make a date / I made a date / I have made a date. to date (someone): to go out with, to be seeing, to be the boyfriend or girlfriend of (someone)

23 related questions found

What is once in awhile?

: sometimes but not often : from time to time : occasionally We still see each other every once in a while.

What can we use instead of till date?


  • up to now.
  • yet.
  • so far.
  • until now.
  • now.
  • as yet.
  • thus far.
  • up to this point.

What does Currentness mean?

Definitions of currentness. the property of belonging to the present time. synonyms: currency, up-to-dateness. types: contemporaneity, contemporaneousness, modernism, modernity, modernness. the quality of being current or of the present.

Does à la mode mean?

1 : fashionable, stylish. 2 : topped with ice cream.

What are you up to today?

What does “what are you up to today” mean? “What are you up to today” means “what are your plans today.” Thus, it is often interpreted as an implicit invitation to do something for the day.

What keeps you up to date?

(used without an object) To have or be informed about the most current and accurate information (about something). I try to make a point of keeping up to date with news from around the world.

What is the difference between update and up to date?

«Up-to-date» = the current situation of the state of the art at today’s date; and. «Updated» = the current situation of the state of the art at the date of the last updating.

Why do they call it a la mode?

The expression was borrowed from French, where it means “in the fashion.” It’s been used in English since the mid-1600s as an adjective to mean fashionable and as an adverb to mean fashionably, according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

What language is a la mode?

Pie à la Mode (literally «pie in the current fashion»/ «fashionable pie») is pie served with ice cream. The French culinary phrase à la mode used in the name of this American dessert is also encountered in other dishes such as boeuf à la mode (beef à la mode).

Is Alamode French?

À la mode is a French expression that is usually used as a culinary term in English. We will examine the meaning of the phrase à la mode, where it came from and some examples of its use in sentences. À la mode is a primarily American term that means to serve something garnished with ice cream.

Is Currentness a real word?

the state or quality of being current; currency.

Is up to Dateness a word?

adj. 1. Informed of or reflecting the latest information or changes: an up-to-date timetable.

Is Recentness a word?

noun The state or quality of being recent; newness; freshness; recency; lateness of origin or occurrence: as, the recentness of alluvial land; the recentness of news or of events.

Do we say till date?

The expression «to date» means «until the present«, although I wouldn’t use it in this context; «till date» appears to be Indian English for «until the present», and is incorrect outside of India.

How do you say until now?

until now; up to now; so far; till now; yet; hitherto; thus far; til now; as yet; heretofore.

What is till now?

Definitions of til now. adverb. used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time. synonyms: as yet, heretofore, hitherto, so far, thus far, until now, up to now, yet.

How long is a while?

The study has discovered “a while” estimates a length of 4 months whereas “a little while” would be a little less at 3 months’ time. Going a little further, “a while back” would indicate the potential of occurring up to 8 months in the past.

How often is occasionally?

occasionally typically means midway between «three to six times a year» and «about once or twice a month»; and very often typically means «about once a week.» One can see in the table that the difference in definition by topic, for each category, is roughly a full point on the rating scale.

Whats the meaning of at times?

phrase. You use at times to say that something happens or is true on some occasions or at some moments. The debate was highly emotional at times. At times she had an overwhelming desire to see him.

What is ala carte?

: according to a menu or list that prices items separately.

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регулярное участие в курсах для преподавателей, что позволяет им сохранять актуальные умения в области преподавательской практики и методики.

Many government ministries commission reports or studies on specific issues, conduct their own national family research or family diagnostics,

and have staff who stay


on recent academic studies and publications.

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Многие министерства заказывают доклады или исследования по конкретным проблемам, проводят свои национальные исследования по вопросам семьи или готовят прогнозы по вопросам семьи,

а также располагают сотрудниками, которые следят за последними научными исследованиями и публикациями.

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