Word for spoken highly of

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My son has spoken highly of you.

She said that the valet had not spoken highly of his master and…

Many users have spoken highly of it.

Pilots trying out the missile have spoken highly of its capabilities.

I, as well as others, have spoken highly of our former Governor.

Я и другие не согласны с высказыванием нашего бывшего президента.

She has always spoken highly of you and I know that you are a true friend.

This is not the first time Duterte has spoken highly of the Russian president.

Now, Mrs. Rowe has spoken highly of you and I have never known her wrong so I’m going to play her hunch.

Хорошо, миссис Роу высоко о тебе отзывалась, а она, по-моему, никогда не ошибалась, поэтому я положусь на ее интуицию.

We have spoken highly of the important progress made in China-U.S. relations since the Sunnylands summit in 2013.

Мы высоко ценим важные результаты китайско-американских отношений, достигнутые с саммита в Санниландс в 2013 году.

China thanked all countries for their active participation in the universal periodic review dialogue, and noted that quite a number of them had spoken highly of China’s human rights endeavours and achievements while putting forward many valuable recommendations.

Китай поблагодарил все страны за активное участие в диалоге в рамках универсального периодического обзора и отметил, что довольно многие из них высоко оценили усилия и достижения Китая в области прав человека, выдвинув при этом большое число ценных рекомендаций.

They have always spoken highly of Singapore.

Let me add the Polish voice to all those who have spoken highly of the statement by New Zealand.

Позвольте мне присоединить голос Польши к словам всех тех, кто высоко отозвался о заявлении Новой Зеландии.

It would also be useful if the delegation could provide more details about the application of article 6 of the Convention by the cantonal courts, since several NGOs had spoken highly of the good practice of those courts in cases involving racial discrimination.

Было бы также полезно, если бы делегация могла предоставить более подробные сведения относительно применения статьи 6 Конвенции в кантональных судах, поскольку несколько НПО высоко оценивали широкую практику работы этих судов в делах, связанных с расовой дискриминацией.

GAC Motor’s display at Auto China 2018 has already attracted attention from more than 30 international dealers and distinguished guests, who have spoken highly of the brand’s top quality and design.

Экспозиция GAC Motor на Auto China 2018 уже привлекла внимание более чем 30 международных дилеров и почетных гостей, которые дали высокую оценку качеству и дизайну продукции нашего бренда.

I wish also to convey their sincere thanks to those representatives who have spoken highly of the role and activities of the Centre during the current debate of the First Committee.

Я хочу также передать их искреннюю благодарность тем представителям, которые высоко оценили роль и деятельность Центра в ходе нынешних прений в Первом комитете.

In their public statements and interviews, the representatives of the Italian government have spoken highly of the Russian initiative, which, they believe, will be beneficial for every aspect of Russia-Italy relations.

В ходе своих публичных выступлений и интервью представители итальянского руководства дали высокие оценки российской инициативе, которая, по их мнению, окажет позитивное влияние на весь комплекс российско-итальянских отношений.

Secretary General Antonio Guterres has spoken highly of this.

During high-level meetings with the leaders of all countries in the region, China has always spoken highly of efforts made by countries of the region to establish such a zone, and consistently stood by its clear position on supporting the establishment of such a zone.

Во время встреч на высоком уровне с руководителями всех стран региона Китай всегда высоко оценивает усилия этих стран по созданию такой зоны и неизменно заявляет о своей безоговорочной поддержке этих усилий.

«I have always spoken highly of him and he has always spoken highly of me, since well before he was at Chelsea.»

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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What is another word for speaks highly of?

97 synonyms found


[ spˈiːks hˈa͡ɪli ɒv], [ spˈiːks hˈa‍ɪli ɒv], [ s_p_ˈiː_k_s h_ˈaɪ_l_i_ ɒ_v]

Related words: highly recommend, raves about, effusive in praise of, is effusive in her praise, raves about product, very fond of

Related questions:

  • How to speak highly of somebody?
  • How to speak highly of something?
  • Table of Contents

    • v.

      commend (verb)

      • countenance,
      • kudize,
      • endorse,
      • build,
      • stroke,
      • laud,
      • hear it for,
      • sanction,
      • applaud,
      • boost,
      • hand it to,
      • extol,
      • approve,
      • puff up,
      • compliment,
      • speak highly of,
      • advocate,
      • acclaim,
      • give a posy,
      • eulogize,
      • gold star,
      • hats off to,
      • build up,
      • accredit,
      • pat on the back,
      • hail,
      • support.

      compliment (verb)

      • glorify,
      • fawn upon,
      • satisfy,
      • wish joy to,
      • ingratiate oneself with,
      • pay tribute to,
      • give bouquet,
      • pay respects,
      • please,
      • commemorate,
      • exalt,
      • recommend,
      • honor,
      • roose,
      • salute,
      • Panegyrize,
      • felicitate,
      • butter up,
      • toast,
      • charm,
      • celebrate,
      • magnify,
      • soothe,
      • trade last,
      • commend,
      • worship,
      • congratulate,
      • take off hat to,
      • cheer,
      • cajole,
      • sing praises of,
      • make much of,
      • adulate.

      recommend (verb)

      • put on to,
      • speak well of,
      • prescribe,
      • prize,
      • plug,
      • put in a good word,
      • front for,
      • be all for,
      • favor,
      • counsel,
      • confirm,
      • urge,
      • put forward,
      • back,
      • stand by,
      • enjoin,
      • hold up,
      • vouch for,
      • advance,
      • praise,
      • esteem,
      • justify,
      • value,
      • go on record for,
      • suggest,
      • exhort,
      • propose,
      • uphold,
      • steer,
      • be satisfied with,
      • think highly of,
      • second.

      swear by (verb)

      • believe in,
      • have faith in,
      • depend on it,
      • go on the record for,
      • bank on.

    How to use «Speaks highly of» in context?

    Speaks highly of the experience at The Grand Hyatt. My wife and I stayed for business during March Madness and the staff could not have been more kind and accommodating. The accommodations and service in general was excellent. The location was perfect for exploring the city. We would definitely stay here again should we ever be in the area.

    Word of the Day

    narrowed down

    calm down,
    cut down,

    Nearby words

    • speaks evil of
    • speaks extemporaneously
    • speaks favor
    • speaks for
    • speaks haltingly
    • Speaks highly of
    • ‘s Gravenhage
    • (somewhere) in the middle
    • S
    • s & l
    • s & ls


    • SPEAKS HIGHLY OF synonyms at Thesaurus.com
    • SPEAKS HIGHLY OF synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    • Powerthesaurus.org
      — SPEAKS HIGHLY OF synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of SPEAKS HIGHLY OF
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for SPEAKS HIGHLY OF

    speak highly of (someone or something)

    To enthusiastically endorse someone or something; to extol the virtues, benefits, or good qualities of someone or something. Our manager has spoken highly of these new developers. I hope they’re up to the job! My dad has been speaking highly of this smartphone, so I think I might buy one for myself.

    See also: highly, of, speak

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    speak highly of someone or something


    1. [for someone] to say good things about someone or something. she always speaks highly of you. Everyone spoke highly of this movie, but it is not good.

    2. [for a fact] to reflect well on someone or something. The success of your project speaks highly of you. All of this good news speaks highly of your ability to influence people.

    See also: highly, of, speak

    McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

    See also:

    • be/have done with somebody/something
    • at the expense of somebody/something
    • be in line with (someone or something)
    • better of
    • (someone or something) promises well
    • begin with
    • begin with (someone or something)
    • be enamored with (someone or something)
    • beware of
    • beware of (someone or something)
    • applaud
    • cajole
    • commend
    • congratulate
    • endorse
    • extol
    • laud
    • acclaim
    • adulate
    • celebrate
    • charm
    • cheer
    • commemorate
    • eulogize
    • exalt
    • felicitate
    • glorify
    • hail
    • honor
    • magnify
    • please
    • recommend
    • salute
    • sanction
    • satisfy
    • soothe
    • toast
    • worship
    • butter up
    • fawn upon
    • give bouquet
    • hand it to
    • ingratiate oneself with
    • kudize
    • make much of
    • panegyrize
    • pat on the back
    • pay respects
    • pay tribute to
    • puff up
    • roose
    • sing praises of
    • take off hat to
    • trade last
    • wish joy to
    • advocate
    • back
    • confirm
    • endorse
    • favor
    • justify
    • praise
    • prescribe
    • propose
    • suggest
    • uphold
    • urge
    • acclaim
    • advance
    • applaud
    • celebrate
    • commend
    • compliment
    • counsel
    • enjoin
    • esteem
    • eulogize
    • exalt
    • exhort
    • extol
    • glorify
    • laud
    • magnify
    • plug
    • prize
    • sanction
    • second
    • steer
    • value
    • be all for
    • be satisfied with
    • front for
    • go on record for
    • hold up
    • put forward
    • put in a good word
    • put on to
    • speak well of
    • stand by
    • think highly of
    • vouch for
    • advocate
    • back
    • bank on
    • believe in
    • be satisfied with
    • compliment
    • depend on it
    • endorse
    • go on the record for
    • have faith in
    • plug
    • praise
    • put in a good word
    • speak well of
    • stand by
    • suggest
    • think highly of
    • vouch for

    On this page you’ll find 204 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to speak highly of, such as: applaud, approve, compliment, endorse, extol, and hail.

    • blame
    • censure
    • criticize
    • disapprove
    • repel
    • anger
    • castigate
    • condemn
    • debase
    • denounce
    • depress
    • discourage
    • dishonor
    • displease
    • disrespect
    • dissuade
    • forget
    • humiliate
    • neglect
    • refuse
    • shame
    • upset
    • worry
    • complain
    • insult
    • libel
    • slander
    • censure
    • condemn
    • deny
    • discourage
    • dissuade
    • oppose
    • protest
    • reject
    • blame
    • castigate
    • criticize
    • debase
    • decrease
    • denounce
    • disapprove
    • dislike
    • disregard
    • hate
    • humiliate
    • insult
    • mock
    • refuse

      Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


      OCTOBER 26, 1985


      • acclaim
      • accredit
      • advocate
      • applaud
      • approve
      • boost
      • build
      • build up
      • compliment
      • countenance
      • endorse
      • eulogize
      • extol
      • give a posy
      • gold star
      • hail
      • hand it to
      • hats off to
      • hear it for
      • kudize
      • laud
      • pat on the back
      • puff up
      • sanction
      • speak highly of
      • stroke
      • support
      • acclaim
      • adulate
      • applaud
      • butter up
      • cajole
      • celebrate
      • charm
      • cheer
      • commemorate
      • commend
      • congratulate
      • endorse
      • eulogize
      • exalt
      • extol
      • fawn upon
      • felicitate
      • give bouquet
      • glorify
      • hail
      • hand it to
      • honor
      • ingratiate oneself with
      • kudize
      • laud
      • magnify
      • make much of
      • panegyrize
      • pat on the back
      • pay respects
      • pay tribute to
      • please
      • puff up
      • recommend
      • roose
      • salute
      • sanction
      • satisfy
      • sing praises of
      • soothe
      • speak highly of
      • take off hat to
      • toast
      • trade last
      • wish joy to
      • worship
      • acclaiming
      • adulating
      • applauding
      • buttering up
      • cajoling
      • celebrating
      • charming
      • cheering
      • commemorating
      • commending
      • congratulating
      • endorsing
      • eulogizing
      • exalting
      • extolling
      • fawning upon
      • felicitating
      • giving bouquet
      • glorifying
      • hailing
      • handing it to
      • honoring
      • ingratiating oneself with
      • kudizing
      • lauding
      • magnifying
      • making much of
      • panegyrizing
      • patting on the back
      • paying respects
      • paying tribute to
      • pleasing
      • puffing up
      • recommending
      • roosing
      • saluting
      • sanctioning
      • satisfying
      • singing praises of
      • soothing
      • speaking highly of
      • taking off hat to
      • toasting
      • trade last
      • wishing joy to
      • worshipping
      • acclaim
      • advance
      • advocate
      • applaud
      • back
      • be all for
      • be satisfied with
      • celebrate
      • commend
      • compliment
      • confirm
      • counsel
      • endorse
      • enjoin
      • esteem
      • eulogize
      • exalt
      • exhort
      • extol
      • favor
      • front for
      • glorify
      • go on record for
      • hold up
      • justify
      • laud
      • magnify
      • plug
      • praise
      • prescribe
      • prize
      • propose
      • put forward
      • put in a good word
      • put on to
      • sanction
      • second
      • speak highly of
      • speak well of
      • stand by
      • steer
      • suggest
      • think highly of
      • uphold
      • urge
      • value
      • vouch for
      • acclaims
      • advances
      • advocates
      • applauds
      • backs
      • celebrates
      • commends
      • compliments
      • confirms
      • counsels
      • endorses
      • enjoins
      • esteems
      • eulogizes
      • exalts
      • exhorts
      • extols
      • favors
      • front for
      • glorifies
      • goes on record for
      • holds up
      • is all for
      • is satisfied with
      • justifies
      • lauds
      • magnifies
      • plugs
      • praises
      • prescribes
      • prizes
      • proposes
      • puts forward
      • puts in a good word
      • puts on to
      • sanctions
      • seconds
      • speaks highly of
      • speaks well of
      • stands by
      • steers
      • suggests
      • thinks highly of
      • upholds
      • urges
      • values
      • vouch for
      • advocate
      • back
      • bank on
      • be satisfied with
      • believe in
      • compliment
      • depend on it
      • endorse
      • go on the record for
      • have faith in
      • plug
      • praise
      • put in a good word
      • speak highly of
      • speak well of
      • stand by
      • suggest
      • think highly of
      • vouch for

      Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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      Ethnic girl having video chat with teacher online on laptop Woman talking to black female guest in studio High angle of busy African American female entrepreneur talking on mobile phone and browsing netbook during outdoor remote work Crop counselor writing in diary while talking to patient High angle of full body group of thoughtful diverse informal teenager friends sitting on floor and talking to each other against white background Woman psychologist taking notes on clipboard while talking with client

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      Synonyms for Speak highly of. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/speak_highly_of

      Synonyms for Speak highly of. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/speak_highly_of>.

      Synonyms for Speak highly of. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/speak_highly_of.

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