Word for spending time with someone

« State how much you enjoy your time together, getting to know him or her, and that you’d like to spend more quality time together. » Rhodes agrees, but suggests starting with some self-reflection so you are clear in what you are asking for — and why. « Re-examine what you really need and what is really bothering you.

Simultaneously, How do you say great time spent with you? So send « time spent with you quotes » to those you miss the most.

  • Spending time with you creates the best memories.
  • Every moment I spend with you is fantastic.
  • Spending time with you is as precious as a diamond for me.
  • Time spent without you is like wasting valuable moments.

How can I make him feel special quotes? Boyfriend Quotes To Make Him Happy

  1. 69.  » You make my heart leap with joy. »
  2. 70.  » I need you like a heart needs a beat. » — …
  3. 71.  » Together with you is my favorite place to be. »
  4. 72.  » Let’s be weird and wonderful together. »
  5. 73.  » Love is being stupid together. …
  6. 74.  » From the first day I saw you, you had me. …
  7. 75.  » …
  8. 76.  »

Similarly, Is time well spent quote?

« Time well spent leads to life well lived. »

Keeping this in view, What is another word for spending time? What is another word for spend time?

loiter frequent
waste time dawdle
hover dally
stick around hang about
pass time kick your heels

How do you tell someone you have feelings for them?

How To Tell Someone You Like Them (And NOT Ruin The Friendship)

  1. Don’t make it a big deal. …
  2. Decide whether to do it in person or via text. …
  3. Pick your moment. …
  4. Do it ASAP. …
  5. Keep it to yourself. …
  6. Give yourself a confidence boost. …
  7. Just ask them out on a date first. …
  8. Make things clear, but don’t obsess over the precise words.

What spending time means?

Spend-time definition

To dedicate time to an activity. These days, many people spend time surfing social networking sites. verb.

How do you say spend your time?


  1. spend. verb. to use your time, effort, or energy to do something.
  2. pass. verb. to spend time doing something.
  3. fill. verb. if you fill a period of time, you spend it doing something.
  4. devote to. phrasal verb. …
  5. put in. phrasal verb. …
  6. dedicate to. phrasal verb. …
  7. put into. phrasal verb. …
  8. kill. verb.

How do you know if someone secretly loves you?

Staring deeply into someone’s eyes, without looking away is a clear signal to that person that we’re attracted to them. You may also catch your crush covertly looking at you when they think you’re not watching. Not being able to keep their eyes off you is a sure sign of secret love.

How do you know if someone is falling for you?

They show empathy — in good times and bad

“Someone in love will care about your feelings and your well-being,” Dr. Flores said. “If he or she is able to show empathy or is upset when you are, not only do they have your back, but they also probably have strong feelings for you.”

What are the physical signs of love?

Physical symptoms

When you see, or even just think of, the person you love, you feel tense and nervous. Your heart begins to race, your palms sweat, and your face flushes. You might feel a little shaky. Your words might seem to tumble out of nowhere.

What is quality time in love language?

What Is Quality Time? When it comes to Gary Chapman’s five love languages, quality time is the one that centers around togetherness. It’s all about expressing your love and affection with your undivided attention. When you’re with your partner, you put down the cell phone, turn off the tablet, and focus on them.

What is quality time in a relationship?

Quality time is all about mindfully spending time together in order to show your appreciation & affection for one another, and increase connection and intimacy in your relationship. It means not just sitting in the same room at the same time, but actively choosing to make time for each other and for your relationship.

Why do relationships need quality time?

Spending quality time together is also a great way to build our friendship. It gives us shared interests as well as the opportunity to have fun and laugh together. All these experiences help to create closeness and exclusivity in our couple relationship.

How do you know if a guy respects you?

He doesn’t get jealous when you go out without him.

He’s not constantly checking your phone messages. He’s not worried you’ll meet someone else when you go out. He’s confident in your relationship and, more importantly, he trusts you and respects the time you spend away.

How does a man show his love without saying it?

He wants to be close to you.

He’ll make an effort to be physically close to you as much as possible. He’ll have his hand around your shoulder and he’ll sneak peeks at you from across the room when you’re out with friends, that shows how happy he is that you’re his.

How does a man act when he’s falling in love?

He Wants To Do Things With You, Not Alone

When you are falling in love, you realize that life is better with the person you love, and if he is falling in love with you, you would notice this by him wanting to do everything with you, rather than doing it alone.

What makes a man fall deeply in love with a woman?

These three elements provide a man a strong sense of attachment, sexual compatibility, and security, making them fall head over heels in love with you. The support and emotional connection they feel with you also pull them closer, among other things.

How do guys show attraction?

Eye contact is one big indicator, as well as frequent smiles and laughter. An open posture and facial expression are also signals of attraction. Acting fidgety or nervous, or blushing and getting sweaty palms, is also a sign that someone is attracted to you.

Can you see love in a man’s eyes?

What Happens to Eyes in Love? Attraction is easily spotted in a person’s eyes, but love can be just as unmistakable. The eyes convey a message of appreciation, as though the person is « drinking in » your features with their eyes, memorizing your face as if they’re frightened they may forget if they look away too long.

How do you know you’ve found your soulmate?

18 Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate

  • You just know it. …
  • They’re your best friend. …
  • You feel a sense of calm when around them. …
  • You have extreme empathy for them. …
  • You respect each other. …
  • You balance each other out. …
  • You agree about the important things. …
  • You share the same life goals.

How do you love someone with quality time?

How to show love to someone whose love language is quality time:

  1. Bake quality into your day. …
  2. Start and end your day together. …
  3. Avoid distractions when you’re together. …
  4. Prioritize meaningful eye contact. …
  5. Be interested in what they’re saying and feeling. …
  6. Plan date nights regularly. …
  7. Plan staycations. …
  8. Avoid canceling plans.

How do you spend quality time together?

30 Creative Ways to Enjoy Quality Time with Your Partner

  1. 1 | Take a little staycation. …
  2. 2 | Recreate your first date together. …
  3. 3 | Attend a concert. …
  4. 4 | Take a class together. …
  5. 5 | Explore a hole-in-the-wall part of town. …
  6. 6 | Challenge the other to a duel. …
  7. 7 | Plan a future getaway. …
  8. 8 | Have a YouTube party.

Why is quality time so important?

So why is quality time with our kids so important? According to Jones (2017), children are less likely to have behavioral issues at home or at school. Children who are spending more quality time with their families are less likely to participate in risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol usage .

What is a man’s love language?

These so-called « love languages » are: receiving gifts; quality time; words of affirmation; acts of service (devotion); and physical touch.

What are the 5 most important things in a relationship?

5 essentials for a healthy relationship

  • 1: Open communication. One hallmark of a healthy relationship is the ability to communicate openly. …
  • 2: Listening and feeling heard. Having someone listen to us and feeling heard is important. …
  • 3: Working through disagreements. …
  • 4: Mutual intimacy. …
  • 5: Trust.

What are the 3 most important things in a relationship?

What Are the Three Most Important Things in a Relationship?

  1. Intimacy. You may think of the sexual aspect of relationship when you hear the word intimacy, but this relational building block covers so much more. …
  2. Commitment. …
  3. Communication.

What happens if you don’t spend time with your partner?

While healthy relationships can certainly withstand the occasional lapse in communication, a serious lack of « quality time » can chip away at the partnership’s foundation, weakening bonds and compromising the level of happiness you feel when you’re together.

  • Reference 1
  • Reference 2
  • Reference 3
  • Reference 4
  • Reference 5
  • Reference 6

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How do you spend your time and who do you give it to? It can say a lot about the person you are and who or what you value most. During hard times or even the good times, it means a lot to be on the receiving end. How do you repay the gift of time or truly share how much it means to you?

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • How to Say ‘Thanks for Spending Time With Me’ During an Illness or Period of Grief
  • ‘Thanks for Spending Time With Me’ Messages for a Friend
  • Ways to Say ‘Thanks for Spending Time With Me’ to a Family Member
  • ‘Thanks for Spending Time With me’ Alternatives for a Spouse, Partner, or Romantic Interest

There are easy ways to show gratitude for spending time with someone and your loved one will be grateful for the recognition, no matter how big or small.

Here are some simple ways to thank the people in your life who have given their time to you. 

How to Say ‘Thanks for Spending Time With Me’ During an Illness or Period of Grief

How to Say ‘Thanks for Spending Time With Me’ During an Illness or Period of Grief

Grief is a unique experience for everyone. The support, love, and understanding someone gives you during hard times means so much and can help with healing. It can be difficult to ask for help from people who do so without asking for acknowledgment.

If someone has given you their time during your struggles, chances are it wasn’t easy for them to see you this way, and they would love receiving a thank you. 

1. “Thank you for spending time with me and giving me the support I needed during this tough time.”

Support goes a long way during hard times. It makes a big difference If you’re struggling but know you have someone behind you if you fall. Tell that person how much you recognize and appreciate his or her presence. 

Pro tip: Write this in a thank you card or send it in a text message. It doesn’t matter how you say it, it’s what you say that counts. 

2. “Thank you for understanding.”

Grief can bring out your ugly side. Having someone understand and be there despite your changes in mood and energy is a blessing. Point out how your friend or loved one made you feel good and that it does not go unnoticed. 

3. Write a letter 

A letter is a great way to get all your thoughts and feelings conveyed on your terms. Instead of talking one-on-one, where you might forget things or fall over your words, a letter is a way to use as much time as you need to fully explain how much someone’s time meant to you. 

Pro tip: Hand-deliver this letter so you can say thank you in person and give a hug as well. 

4. Send flowers with a note

Flowers are a symbol of life and beautiful addition to any home. Sending flowers with a note that says, “Thank you for being there” is a simple and quick way to show your appreciation.

Each time your loved one sees those flowers, they’ll be reminded that they are appreciated. 

5. Repay the favor

Unfortunately, sickness and death are a part of life and you will likely have the opportunity to repay friends or loved ones when they experience sickness or loss. Be there for them like they were there for you! 

» MORE: It’s OK to ask for help after a death. Start a fundraiser to help pay for childcare, meal delivery, and other unexpected expenses.. Create your fundraiser now.

‘Thanks for Spending Time With Me’ Messages for a Friend

There’s no rulebook for being a good friend. A good friend may mean different things to each of us, but spending time together is a huge part of being a good friend. 

6. Write a social media post

There’s something about posting about your friends on social media that makes it a little sweeter.

Posting a public thank you goes a step further than a private thank you note because you show the world how great your friend is and how thankful you are. This shows you want everyone to see just how important your friend is to you. 

7. Do something your friend loves

You know that dedicating time is meaningful, so dedicate your time by doing something your friend loves to do. 

Pro tip: This doesn’t have to be an extraordinary trip or a day full of activities. It can just involve a few hours to sit outside or a quick swim in a pool. 

8. Send a DIY gift

You don’t need to go crazy when you offer a thank you. Whether you’re artsy or not, there are plenty of DIY cards or crafts you can make. Try a handmade card with a special note inside or make a tie blanket for your friend. 

9. Say “thank you for being amazing when nobody is watching.”

A sign of a great friend is his or her actions when nobody is watching. Friends are there for you during the hard times without expecting anything in return and don’t require “credit” for doing the right thing.

10. Cook a meal

Who doesn’t love food? Some say it’s the way to the heart, and it’s a great way to show your thanks. 

Pro tip: Before you dig into the meal you prepared, share a pre-dinner toast thank you expressing how much your friend’s time meant to you. 

» MORE: Let your community show their love and support by starting a memorial fundraiser for practical expenses. Learn more about fundraising.

Ways to Say ‘Thanks for Spending Time With Me’ to a Family Member

Ways to Say ‘Thanks for Spending Time With Me’ to a Family Member

Most family members are there for you through thick and thin. Sure, your family might be expected to spend time with you but the ones who do still deserve a thank you! 

11. Say “thank you for encouraging me and keeping me positive.”

Your tough times can be hard for your family as well. Seeing you sick or going through struggles isn’t easy for family members but they’ll try to keep you smiling. Share just how much that means to you. 

12. Do a favor or two

It might be helpful to run some errands, babysit the kids, or clean the house for your family member. Dedicate your time doing things that help with everyday life! 

13. Say “you’ve given me more than just your time.” 

This message emphasizes that your loved one did more than just sit there with you during tough times. Your loved one offered unconditional love and unspoken support. 

14. Offer a spa day

Giving a spa day to the person who gives and gives is a perfect way to show you see that effort and finally give your family member a day off. 

15. Say “I am so lucky to call you part of my family.” 

Family members have a natural lifetime bond. Having a family member who does things for you and shows love is not a guarantee and you’re lucky to have it if you do. 

» MORE: Create a tribute to your loved one and raise funds to help with practical needs, like meal delivery and childcare. Start your fundraiser. 

‘Thanks for Spending Time With Me’ Alternatives for a Spouse, Partner, or Romantic Interest

Love is messy, but having time with your loved one speaks volumes, especially when you’re no fun to be around due to having a difficult time. If your loved one could be doing other things but instead spends time with you, that just shows you’re cared for and loved. 

16. Offer coupons 

A fun way to thank your loved one is to create coupons for favors. Coupons might include a backrub, a car cleaning, drinks at the bar, a day on the beach. Anything you know your loved one would enjoy will be a perfect coupon idea. 

17. Give a card from your kids  

Help your kiddos make a card or other craft for your spouse or loved one. This is sentimental and brings the kids into the mix to share how much your loved one means to you. 

18. Say “you’ve proven again and again you are the one for me.” 

Thank your loved one for showing lots of love. Years can go by and things might get tough but spending time together will never go out of style.

19. Offer a relaxing day

Give your loved one a relaxing day! This might be a day with no phone on the golf course, a shopping trip, or a day kid-free. 

20. Reminisce

Pull out old photos or your wedding album and look back on all the times you’ve had together. Dedicate time to recognize the bond and love you share. 

The Gift of Time 

Life has its ups and downs and it’s the ones who are there even when it’s inconvenient who mean the most. You might feel pressure to thank your loved one perfectly but it’s not about seeking recognition.

Send a thank you note, give your friend or loved one some time in return or get creative with a nice gift. No matter what, the recognition will be appreciated. 

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проводить время с кем-то

проводите время с человеком

and her husband says yes I would remarry I like living a married life and spending time with someone else.

Ее муж говорит: «Да, я бы женился снова, мне нравится супружеская жизнь, и я люблю проводить время с кем-то другим».

That is why you are always offended when your loved ones start spending time with someone else to give you time or when they say something that does not make you feel needed.

Именно поэтому вы всегда оскорблены, когда ваши любимые начинают проводить время с кем-то ещё вместе того, чтобы уделять время вам или когда они говорят то, что не заставляет вас чувствовать себя нужными.

Cancer doesn’t like to be alone for long, and maybe he’s spending time with someone else.

If your husband avoids social gatherings, leaves early or arrives late then there may be a strong chance that he is spending time with someone else whether on the computer, on the phone or in person.

Если ваш партнер избегает совместных мероприятий, уезжает рано или опаздывает из-за какого-то проекта, большая вероятность, что он проводит время с кем-то еще, будь то по телефону, интернету, или лично.

After all, spending time with someone on an equal footing, as opposed to with someone who is paid to see to your comfort, is a different experience all together.

В конце концов, проводить время с кем-то на равных, а не с кем-то, кому платят за то, чтобы вам было комфортно, — это совсем другой опыт.

Spending time with someone on the couch watching television, for example, does not mean you grant him/her your time, because then, what captures the attention of both of you is the television program and not the lover by your side.

Проводить время с кем-то на диване перед телевизором, например, вовсе не означает, вы предоставляете ему/ ей ваше время, потому что тогда, что захватывает внимание вам обоим это телевизионная программа, а не любовник на вашей стороне.

Body language is very important when you’re spending time with someone who has dementia.

I can’t have you spending time with someone messed up with drugs.

Nothing changes a mood faster than spending time with someone you love.

В сегодняшнем быстро меняющемся мире не может быть лучшего подарка, чем проводить время с теми, кого любишь.

This is important for any friendship, but more so if spending time with someone with dementia.

Это важно для любой дружбы, но особенно в том случае, если вы проводите время с кем-то, страдающим деменцией.

There’s no point in spending time with someone if it’s just fun.

Я имею в виду, нет никакого смысла проводить кем-то, если это просто весело.

While social media is not a substitute for spending time with someone in real life, it can be a safe way to start a conversation through.

В то время как социальные сети не заменяют время на общение с кем-то в реальной жизни, это может быть безопасный способ начать разговор.

If spending time with someone makes you tense or unhappy, there’s a decent chance that this is a toxic person.

Если мысли о том, чтобы провести время с этим человеком, заставляют вас напрягаться, или вы чувствуете себя несчастным, велики шансы того, что вы имеете дело с токсичным человеком.

If spending time with someone makes you tense or unhappy, there’s a decent chance that this is a toxic person.

When you’re spending time with someone who you love, you’re making your relationship.

Barbara makes it feel as if you are spending time with someone you deeply care about and have known for many years.

Келли заставляет вас чувствовать себя так, как будто вы проводите время с кем-то, о ком вы глубоко заботитесь и знаете много лет.

It is necessary to trust a loved one, but you should never forget that if your partner chooses you and you chose him/her, then spending time with someone else means that you partly show doubts about your choice.

Доверять близкому человеку надо, но никогда не стоит забывать, что если он выбрал вас, а вы его, то распыляться на других — значит отчасти показывать сомнения в своем выборе.

Most of us would agree that spending time with someone that is negative and pessimistic is not something we’d enjoy.

Большинство из нас согласятся с тем, что проводить время с человеком, который представляет собой проявление чего-то негативного и пессимистичного, не является тем, что мы приемлем.

Free time can be spent engaging in a number of activities, including participating in a sports team or club meeting, seeing a movie, eating at a restaurant, or spending time with someone to improve a Social Link.

Свободное время может быть потрачено на различные действия, такие как посещение спортивного клуба, просмотр фильма в кинотеатре, похода в кафе или общения с кем-либо для улучшения «социальной связи».

And finally, it is a great idea to spend time on your own because you are awesome and spending time with someone awesome is a wonderful, exhilarating, amazing thing to be able to do.

Это отличная идея — проводить время самостоятельно, потому что вы великолепны, а находиться с кем-то потрясающим — это замечательная, волнующая, удивительная вещь, которую можно сделать.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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  • #1

What is the verb you use in your everyday conversation to mean you spend time with someone (often, your friends) (chatting with them, playing games, etc, going to parties, drinking coffee or tea together, and a lot of other things when you are free)?

1. I play with these people from work.
2. I associate with these people from work.
3. I socialize with my neighbours.

I know many more, but I do not know which one is best. Please suggest.

Thank you.

    • #2

    Generally we use socialize in this context. Adults don’t usually play, they play cards, or play football or whatever game. Play is usually reserved for the way children socialize. Associate is usually what one does more formally, in a business sense.

    • #3

    What my northern neighbor says is generally true in US English as well; engaging in such activities with others is socializing with them. Younger people might also say «hang out with» or simply «hang with».


    • #4

    What is the verb you use in your everyday conversation to mean you spend time with someone

    In everyday conversation, I don’t think I’d say that I «socialise» with my neighbours/work colleagues (though I might use the word in the negative: «I


    socialise much with people from work»).

    I think I’d be more likely to say that I «go out socially» or «spend time socially» with neighbours/colleagues.

    • #5

    In everyday conversation, I don’t think I’d say that I «socialise» with my neighbours/work colleagues (though I might use the word in the negative: «I


    socialise much with people from work»).

    I think I’d be more likely to say that I «go out socially» or «spend time socially» with neighbours/colleagues.

    I agree, ‘socialize’ seems to have an AE ring about it to my ear.

    • #6

    Thank you all,

    So, I say:
    1. (To my young son) Son, don’t play with that naughty boy. Play with this good boy of Mr Smith.
    2. (To my 20-year-old brother)
    If you socialize/hang out/ spend time socially with that bad guy, you’ll soon end up in jail. Don’t socialize with him.


    • #7

    1. (To my young son) Son, don’t play with that naughty boy. Play with this good boy of Mr Smith.

    «Don’t play with that naughty boy» is fine:tick:.

    2. (To my 20-year-old brother)
    If you socialize/hang out/ spend time socially with that bad guy, you’ll soon end up in jail. Don’t socialize with him.

    In this context, we need something


    more informal than either «socialise» or «spend time socially». I think I’d use «hang around» or «go around»; I suspect AmE-speaking foreros might use «hang out».

    Is there a word or phrase that describes the time you take off from your home or family to do an activity for your own pleasure, but not alone, such as a beer at the pub with old friends, going to the movies with a neighbor?

    «Own time» would suggest spending time on your own, which is not exactly what I’m looking for.

    Justin's user avatar


    2,4381 gold badge15 silver badges21 bronze badges

    asked Apr 26, 2016 at 12:26

    David W.'s user avatar


    I’d go with either
    Free Time

    time available for hobbies and other activities that you enjoy
    Free Dictonary

    another definition

    Free time is time spent away from business, work, job hunting,
    domestic chores and education. Wikipedia

    Or if wanting more formal then:
    Lesuire time

    time available for ease and relaxation; «his job left him little
    leisure» Free Dictonary 2

    answered Apr 26, 2016 at 12:37

    Allan S. Hansen's user avatar

    I think spare time or time off would fit your criteria.

    answered Apr 26, 2016 at 12:42

    bejonsson's user avatar


    9917 silver badges13 bronze badges


    If you mean special time for a man to spend with his guys then maybe ‘guy time ‘ works here.

    Guy time n. When men have quality time together, and do «guy» things.

    answered Apr 26, 2016 at 14:06

    Naseem's user avatar


    Me time — ODO

    mass noun, informal
    Time spent relaxing on one’s own as opposed to working or doing things for others, seen as an opportunity to reduce stress or restore energy

    «schedule some me time when you get home»

    answered Apr 26, 2016 at 12:57

    NVZ's user avatar


    22.5k30 gold badges68 silver badges122 bronze badges


    Since OP said “but not alone”, I’m going to go with hanging out.

    answered Dec 15, 2017 at 16:04

    Will Crawford's user avatar

    проводить время с — перевод на английский

    Я буду проводить время с тобой

    I’ll be spending time with you

    Он проводит время с моим сыном.

    He’s spending time with my son.

    Твоему отцу нравилось проводить время с тобой.

    Your father loved spending time with you.

    Несмотря на то, что я провожу время с Шелли, ты не ревнуешь?

    Even though I’m spending time with Shelly, you’re not jealous?

    Я думал, ты проводишь время с Мэйби.

    I thought you were spending time with Maeby.

    Показать ещё примеры для «spending time with»…

    Мне нравится проводить время с вами, так что подать иск против меня.

    I like hanging out with you, so sue me.

    И я люблю проводить время с тобой.

    And I love hanging out with you.

    Я хочу сказать, это настолько интереснее, проводить время с тобой, чем, скажем,

    I mean, it’s so much more fun hanging out with you than, like…

    Сначала он отстригает себе волосы, затем начинает проводить время с этой Келли.

    First he chops off his hair. Then he starts hanging out with this Callie.

    Ты знаешь, ты проводила время с Чаком, ты была на вечеринках, игнорировала меня, и врала, и теперь ты просто говоришь мне, кому я могу или не могу верить?


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    Ну… может быть, вас это удивит но я прекрасно провожу время с мальчиками…

    Well… you might be surprised ! I have a wonderful time with my boys…

    А Сэмми отказался признаться, что это сделал он. Хотя постоянно проводил время с Нильсом.

    And Sammy refused to admit it was him although he’d spent a whole lot of time with Niels.

    Что сможете прикинуться сумасшедшим, чтобы весело проводить время с пациенткой?

    Pass for insane so you can have a good time with one of my patients?

    Я говорил, что мне нужно уединение… но теперь я понял, что хочу проводить время с тобой.

    I know I said I wanted time alone, but now I realize I just want time with you.

    Ну, знаете, городские дети проводят время с копами.

    You know, kids in the city sending time with cops.

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    Вы хорошо проводите время с папой и симпатичная леди?

    Are you having a good time with your father and the pretty lady?

    Ты же хорошо проводишь время с мамой, правда?

    You’re having a good time with your mom, though, right?

    Я тут сижу и хорошо провожу время с сыном, и когда мы закончим, я приеду домой, но не раньше.

    I’m sitting here having a good time with my son, and when we’re done, I’ll be home, but not before then.

    Он там приятно проводит время с индианкой, а мы тут мерзнем.

    He’s having a good time with the Indian girl while we’re freezing.

    — Уверяю вас, детектив, мы проводили время с обюдным удовольствием.

    I assure you, Detective, a good time was had by all.

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    И я хотел бы больше проводить времени с теми, кем я пренебрегал долгие годы.

    And I’d like to spend more time with a few other folks I’ve neglected over the years while I still have a chance to.

    А теперь, когда ты дома, уверена, что Вонги позволят нам больше проводить время с ним.

    And now that you’re home, I’m sure the Wongs will let us spend more time with him.

    И не надо больше проводить время с этим мальчиком.

    You don’t need to be spending any more time with that boy.

    Мэри хотела, чтобы он больше проводил времени с ней, чем с мёртвыми друзьями.

    Mary wished he’d spend more time with her and less with his dead friends.

    Мое — в том, чтобы проводить время с тобой и это подходит нам обоим.

    Mine’s spending more time with you, and this rocks both.

    Ты туда идешь отлично проводить время с кучей женщин.

    Well, you go and have fun with loads of women.

    Я уже и забыла как это весело проводить время с парнем.

    I’d forgotten what it was like to just have fun with a guy.

    — и я хочу весело проводить время с тобой.

    — and I had fun with you.

    Двое парней, любящих готовить и обожающих проводить время с детьми, да к тому же еще и спортсмены.

    Two guys who can cook and are fun to be with and love children, and are pretty good athletes too.

    Что она хорошо проводит время с бывшим зеком? Ее не нужно тревожить?

    Should I say she’s having fun with a former convict and that we need to give them time?

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