Word for special woman

150+ Sweet words to tell a woman to make her fall in love with you

Every woman should feel special and loved. There is no better way to do this than to express your feelings for her to make her fall in love with you every day. Coming up with sweet words for her and sending them to her may seem very simple, but it will brighten her day. She will feel loved and appreciated for who she is.

sweet words for her to make her smile

Sweet words to tell a woman. Photo: unsplash.com, @iamjiroe (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Have you been asking yourself, «How can I melt my girlfriend’s heart with words?» There are many sweet words for her that will make her swoon over you. You can always tweak them to make them more personal. Here is a compilation of sweet things to say to your girlfriend or partner.

It is not uncommon to ignore the importance of telling your girlfriend or wife just how much you love her. This is because many people are not taught how to express love in words. However, you can learn all the nice things to say to a girl today.

Sweet words for her to make her smile

Expressing your sweet love words for her in the morning will make her smile the entire day. Do not fret if you do not know what to say to her. Below are simple words that will, undoubtedly, make her happy all day long.

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  • I was just thinking about how wonderful you are. I thought you should know.
  • I really never thought I’d feel this way about someone. But then you came along. You’ve made me believe in soul mates.
  • Sometimes I look at you and can’t believe you’re with me. What did I do to deserve you?
  • God was probably just showing off by creating someone like you.
  • Every day of my life, every hour and minute, my heart is beating your name.
  • When you look into my eyes, you will find me there. But when you look into my heart, you will find yourself.
  • Life without you is so not worth living. I only feel happy and complete when you are with me.
  • Every time I see your gorgeous face and look into your amazing eyes, I fall in love with you more and more, and it feels like heaven to know that we are together.
  • Being with you, talking with you and laughing with you, that’s what I enjoy most.
  • You are more than just beautiful – you are gorgeous, charming, and magnificent.
  • I never knew how it felt to have butterflies all around my stomach before you came into my life, and now I experience it every single day.
  • You are a better part of me and my second half. Without you, I would probably be lost. You complete me, and right now, I could not wish for a better life partner.
  • Everything you do adds to my happiness, subtracts from my sadness, and multiplies my joy!
  • I don’t even want to think about what life would be like without you.
  • If I were to spell out my favourite thing in the world, I’d spell “Y-O-U.”
  • Believe me when I say that I have my eyes on you and no other, living or dead. Trust me with your heart, for I will be long dead before anything I do makes you cry or weep bitterly.
  • After all is said and done, I am convinced that you belong to me. I know that because right now, I can feel your heart thumping aloud merrily for me. That’s how it should be, my love.

sweet love words for her

Sweet love words for her. Photo: unsplash.com, @hudsoncrafted (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Short sweet words for her

What are some sweet things to say to your girlfriend? Here are some short and sweet words to make her feel deeply loved.

  • I love the person you are.
  • You are my favourite human being on the planet.
  • You make me so happy.
  • I’m so excited to experience life with you.
  • You’re everything to me.
  • You are my treasure—the most precious thing in my life.
  • You make my soul sing when you walk into the room.
  • Whenever I see you, I think, “Good job, God!”
  • Without you, my life can be compared to a broken pencil: it is totally pointless.
  • You are my sunshine.
  • I’m thinking about you.
  • You take my breath away.
  • I’m yours.
  • Love conquers distance.
  • We have an unbreakable bond.
  • You are always in my heart.
  • We’re perfect for each other.
  • I feel so lucky to be with you.

READ ALSO: Deep love messages for her: Emotional text messages to girlfriend

Cute things to say to your girlfriend

You can use these cute and passionate words to tell your girl how she makes you feel. They will make her fall head over heels in love with you.

  • I was listening to this song on the radio about the singer’s version of his perfect lady, and it totally reminded me of you.
  • If I ended up in heaven after death and was asked in which form I would like to come back, I would choose the form of a tear. This way, I can be born in your eyes, then I would roll down your cheeks and then die right on your lips.
  • Your father must be a crafty thief because he took all the stars from the sky, stole them, and placed them in your eyes.
  • Today, I love you more than I did yesterday, but also less than I will love you tomorrow.
  • If I had a dozen roses, eleven of which were real and one was artificial, I would love you until the very last rose died.
  • Last night I went out, looked up into the sky and matched all the stars with the reasons why I admire you. Long story short, I was doing fine, but then I ran out of stars.
  • You are incredibly cute and sweet, and when I see your smile lighten up your face, I love you even more.
  • The best part of waking up is seeing your beautiful face next to me! Words can’t describe how much I love you.
  • I was about to say something… but I looked at you and forgot what I wanted to say.
  • If there was a choice between loving you and breathing, my last breath would be used just to say that I love you.
  • Do you know why I believe in God? Because He gave me the greatest miracle – He brought me you.
  • Whenever my phone rings and I see your name on the screen, my heart instantly beats faster. What have you done to me, girl?
  • If there’s anything called freedom from love, I would rather be in chains than wander aimlessly deprived of your love.
  • People say that a picture can tell you a thousand words. For me, a picture of you can tell only three of the most important words: I love you!
  • I adore all these little things you do when you show your care for me. They only make me love and appreciate you more. Thank you for being here.
  • The day I met you, I found the piece of me I didn’t know was missing. I fancy you, this relationship and the better part of me you brought out.
  • The moment I first kissed you, I gave you everything. I gave you my body, my heart and soul, and a promise that for as long as I live, my love for you will be the same.

how to express love in words

Expressing love in words. Photo: unsplash.com, @timmossholder (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Sweet words for her soul

These lovely words will touch her soul and make her fall in love with you even more. Use them, and she will be yours forever.

  • If people say that no one is perfect, then for me, my darling, you are no one.
  • I would have conquered the world with only one hand if it was you who was holding my other one.
  • I have seen a lot of precious things in my life, but you, my love, are definitely the most precious of them all. I will never let you go.
  • I can see a thousand stars in the night sky, but there is only one star in my heart, and this, my darling, is you.
  • You are not just my lover. You are my best friend, the one who I can trust and who always supports me, the one I can absolutely count on in everything, the love of my entire life. You are everything to me, my one and only.
  • You came into my life to fill the dark holes in my heart, and I just want to hold you close and not let go because letting you go will bring back those holes.
  • When I’m with you, I feel like I am the strongest man on earth. I’m undefeatable and tireless. Oh, darling, I’m full of adoration and inspiration. You are the only one who makes me feel this way, and I wish it would never stop.
  • Your presence in my life means more than anything else in this world to me. Everything I do, I do it because I feel inspired by you. I pray for you every night before I go to sleep. You are everything that matters.
  • You are making me the happiest person in the entire wide world by just existing. And when you are with me, I am beyond happy.
  • Everything I am is thanks to your love. Without it, I have no idea where I would have been right now. You saved me from misery.
  • You inspire me to write poems and prose about love because with you I finally know what love is.
  • You are the perfect woman for me, mainly because you are always so caring and sweet.
  • Without your text or call, my day immediately becomes worse.
  • Sometimes I feel like without you in my life, I would have stepped on a dark path.
  • One thing I love about you is that you do not lie to me and that it is obvious how your love for me is true.
  • As I give my heart to you, I promise you that I will never break yours as long as I live.
  • You are such an amazing person that you could have easily won anyone’s heart. Thank you for giving your love to me.

READ ALSO: Lovely text messages for him that will make your partner smile

Romantic things to say to your girlfriend

When did you last pamper your beloved girl with romantic words? Below are sweet romantic words for her to accompany the sweet romantic things you do for her to make her love you even more.

  • You were my wish upon a shooting star. I remember wishing to find true love one day, and I did. Now, I believe that every wish always comes true if you really need it.
  • My love, you deserve the entire world. I am unable to give you the world, but I can give you something even more valuable: I can give you my heart, my soul, and all of me.
  • You are my everything, my flower. Do you notice how hard and long I stare at you, how stuck I get when I catch a whiff of your fragrance? Do you even know that you are my everything, the only flower in my entire garden?
  • From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, I adore everything and everywhere in between.
  • I will always make you feel like you are the most special and beautiful woman in the entire world. This is my main objective – to make you smile and feel good about yourself.
  • When it is a beautiful cloudless night, and you, by any chance, are outside, just look at the sky. You will see thousands of stars. Every one of them stands for one reason why I cherish you so much.
  • I have never seen someone as graceful and elegant as you are. When I look at you, I understand what true love feels like. You give me goosebumps every time you smile. The day I met you was the happiest day of my life.
  • I need you like the poet needs the pain and like the flowers need the rain. Living is wonderful, but living without you is hurtful. I am entirely yours – my body and soul fully belong to you.
  • Even if I try, I won’t be able to express the way I feel about you. Every day when I wake up (even on Mondays!) I feel so overwhelmed with happiness; I almost lose my breath.
  • I adore the way you always wrap your arms around my neck. In your passionate embrace, I feel like I am protected from all troubles and worries.
  • I love all the parts of your body and all the traits of your personality. There is not one part of you that I do not love.
  • You are the reason why I breathe. If you left, it would feel like my breathing was cut off.
  • If I was asked what love means for me, I would not even hesitate – I would reply in just one world. For me, love is you.
  • Seeing you with someone else is impossible. For me, you are only mine, and you will always be mine deep in my heart.
  • It would take so long to list all the reasons why I love you. But the main reason is that you are a beautiful and charming person, and I am just magically drawn to you.
  • Being with you makes life so easy for me, and it is incredible how your presence can change so much about me.
  • Honey, do you know that after we meet, it is impossible to forget your fragrance, your touch and your smile for weeks?
  • My love for you will never end, and I mean these words. It is eternal and unstoppable, and if it ever changes, it will only change for the better.
  • In case your love is a dream, then I never want to wake up from it, otherwise, my entire life will be a nightmare.
  • English vocabulary does not have enough words for describing how you make me feel. This special feeling I feel when I am next to you is the best thing ever.

sweet things to say to your girlfriend when you miss her

What to say when you miss her. Photo: unspash.com, @paulcusick (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Sweet things to say to your girlfriend when you miss her

Use these beautiful words to let her know that she means the world to you even when physical distance is keeping you away from each other. Give her a little warmth and love in your own words to make her feel happy and loved by you.

  • I’m counting down the minutes until I get to see you.
  • When I remember that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I start really missing you because I want the rest of my life to come already.
  • Baby, you give me reasons to hope, to look forward to, and to keep the faith that someday, we will be united, at last, never to be separated by distance anymore.
  • Yesterday at night, I asked an angel to protect you in your sleep. The angel refused, and I asked what the reason was. The angel then told me that angels cannot protect other angels.
  • I was thinking about you today. You are always on my mind, and I constantly wonder about your well-being and safety. I hope you are alright!
  • If you will take eleven roses in your hands and look in the mirror, you will see the twelve most beautiful and amazing things in the world.
  • When you are not here, my life is an incomplete puzzle. You are the biggest missing part of my puzzle, which makes it fall into place.
  • When I am with you, I am a better person. When I am away from you, I am just half of this person you make me be.
  • For you, I wake up every day and go to bed every night knowing I will see you again tomorrow. You are worth all the good things in the world.
  • When you are far away from me, I miss you. When you are not with me, you are the only thing on my mind. When I think about you, I only wish I was with you right now. And, darling, when I am with you, I have this amazing feeling that all of my dreams have finally come true.
  • My love for you is without reason. I just adore you for the amazing, wonderful person you are, and I simply adore everything about you.
  • You can be gone for but a second, and I miss you as if you’ve been gone for weeks.
  • I cherish you so much that it hurts when you are not around, and it makes me happy when you are close to me.
  • I want to be with you, my darling. I want to meet the end of the world together with you because you would make any difficult moment easier.
  • I wish you were here with me. Together, we could create so many more beautiful memories because every day spent with you is a blessing to me.
  • I miss you so much, my sweetheart. All I can think about is hugging you tightly, and when this happens, I will be the luckiest person in the entire universe.
  • To stop thinking about you is the most difficult task in the universe. I just keep thinking about all this time spent with you, and it brings a huge smile to my face.
  • You are always with me, even when you are far away. Our memories together will not fade away in my mind, and they will always be in my heart.

READ ALSO: 100+ romantic love messages for husband to make him feel loved

Sweet things to say when your girlfriend is stressed

Everyone goes through stressful moments in life. If your girlfriend is stressed, show her your love and support, and she will forever be grateful.

  • I went to the hospital and got an x-ray, do you know what they found? You in my heart. The doctor said my heart will always be fine with you in it.
  • You free tonight? I have a little surprise for you.
  • I know you’re busy today, so no need to reply — just wanted to send a quick reminder that I love you, I believe in you, and I’m here for you.
  • What’s the best way I can support you right now?
  • Wish I could give you a huge hug right now, but I’ll save it for when I see you later.
  • I’m so proud of how you’ve been balancing everything lately under so much pressure. You inspire me each and every day.
  • I just know you’re going to do amazing. I cannot wait to see you rock this.
  • You are so close to the finish line. I know you’ll get there, darling!
  • Remember to take a break and eat something nourishing today! I love you.
  • When you need someone to be there for you, I’ll be right there by your side always!
  • Can I bring you some lunch today? #ServiceWithASmooch
  • I’m already planning the most relaxing weekend for you. Almost there!
  • How does take-out and a movie sound tonight?
  • I know you are feeling down, but please cheer up, my sunshine the world needs your smile to survive.
  • You can count on me dear, because I will always be there for you, no matter what you need.
  • I know you have a lot going on. Thinking of you!
  • Remember it’s OK to take a break. I love you.

sweet things to say to your girlfriend when she's mad

What to say when she is angry. Photo: unsplash.com, @nathandumlao (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Sweet things to say to your girlfriend when she’s mad

Little fights in a relationship are normal. These words will calm her whenever she is mad at you for whatever reason.

  • In case we ever fight and you would want to resolve the misunderstanding, just kiss me.
  • The biggest happiness in my life is your smile. Seeing you happy is like being blessed again and again. Thank you for being you.
  • If I could, I would hold you in my arms forever and whisper words of love and encouragement in your ear, because you absolutely deserve it.
  • I don’t enjoy making you mad, but you’re just so hot when you are.
  • I hate fighting with you, what do I have to do to make it stop?
  • Come back to me.
  • You look so cute when you are angry.
  • For my sake, I hope you’re as forgiving as you’re pretty.
  • I recognize you’re hurt, so take all the time you need, and I’ll be here when you can stand me again.
  • You’re not going anywhere, baby, and neither am I. For better or worse, remember?
  • I don’t know who first said ‘do not let the sun set on your anger,’ but I totally agree with them. Don’t you?
  • We are better together. Stop being mad at me, please.
  • I apologize from the deepest part of my heart for causing you pain. Please forgive me?
  • Not talking to you this past few days has been nothing short of agonizing. I don’t want to live like this anymore, I’d do anything.
  • I’m flattered you’re this mad at me ‘cause it shows that you care
  • I hate this so much. Can we kiss and make up already?
  • You mean the world to me, and I hope you remember that even in moments like this.

READ ALSO: Deep love messages for him that will make him feel special

How to say I love you without saying those words

Have you ever felt your heart overflowing with love and wondered how to tell her exactly how you feel without sounding mundane? If the three-word phrase feels inadequate to express your feelings, use the phrases below.

  • When you are with me, I always want to be close to you, just to hear the sound of your heart beating.
  • You are the crayons to my colouring book.
  • My life with you and without you is like two different worlds. You have totally changed my entire existence, and I want to thank you for sticking with me.
  • I’m crazy for you, or maybe just crazy!
  • I always say that I adore you, but you should know that I mean these words. I express what my heart feels when I say those three words to you.
  • You’re my dream come true.
  • When you are here with me, living on earth feels like heaven. I know that I do not need heaven as long as I am with you.
  • You make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  • Girl, you are my lucky charm. Ever since I got together with you, everything in my life just started going in the right direction.
  • We go together like biscuits and gravy.
  • Your beauty attracted me, but I admire you for the person you are and the joy you’ve brought to my life.
  • You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  • Your heart is the only world I want to spend my whole life.
  • I do not have any fantasies, I already have a fantastic woman.
  • Now that you have entered my heart, I have locked its doors and threw the keys away.
  • Each time we look into each other’s eyes I know you are the one for me now, and forever.
  • You have stolen my heart that is why I can not breathe without you.
  • You are the crown of my glory, the fountain from where my life flows out from.

nice things to say to a girl

Nice things to say to a girl you love. Photo: unsplash.com, @ashkanforouzani (modified by author)
Source: UGC

What words make a girl feel special?

Words that communicate love and romance will make any woman feel special and loved, for example, my everything, gorgeous, and beautiful.

What is the sweetest word to say to a girl?

While there is no single word that is considered the sweetest, there are numerous sweet and cute words to call the one you love, for example, my love, honey, darling, and angel.

What can I text to make her smile?

You can text her sweet words to express your genuine feelings for her to make her smile all day long. If words do not come easily to you, a love meme can also do the trick.

How can I romance her with words?

You can carefully choose words that compliment her personality, physical appearance, and abilities. Make sure you do not overdo it to avoid looking clingy.

How can I melt my girlfriend’s heart with words?

Using romantic words and calling her sweet names will make her heart melt. You can say the words to her face-to-face, send her a text, or even have her listen to a special song.

How can I make my girlfriend happy with sweet words?

You can tell the words to her verbally, leave her a cute note, or send her cute and romantic texts.

Are you looking for sweet words for her to make her feel special? The list above has over 150 options to choose from. You can also modify or tweak some phrases to personalise them for her.

READ ALSO: Top text messages to make her fall in love with you in 2021

Legit.ng recently published the top text messages to make her fall in love that any lady would be happy to receive. Telling your loved one exactly how you feel is challenging for many people.

If you lack the words to express just how deeply you feel for someone face-to-face, you can send them a loving message. It will make them feel cherished and appreciated.

Source: Legit.ng

Celebration adds color to life, nothing makes life as attractive as having a special day when one is celebrated. This could either be that you’re celebrating yourself or someone else does. Life is boring when celebration ceases.

Women in their nature are special creatures, they should be treated very special not only on their birthdays but also every day of their lives. Celebration brings out the true beauty of a woman. A woman you take time to celebrate will glow. Saying happy birthday to a special lady or woman gives her a sense of importance.

Nothing makes a woman glow like an everyday celebration. If you want to see the true beauty of a woman showcased, fill each moment of her life with celebration and admiration. Putting happy birthday to a special lady messages together and sending to your woman on her birthday makes you see the best of her manifest.

You would never know how kind and soft a woman is until you express your love to her on her special day both with gifts and words of admiration.

Here are a variety of birthday wishes quotes for your reference on girls’ birthdays. Of course, if you also prepare other special gifts to go with the birthday quotes, she will be more touched and love you. Girls are always impressed by your sincerity, so why don’t you choose to custom a unique birthday coin for her, with the girl’s name and birth date engraved on it, showing your sincere love for her? Custom coins with no minimum at GSJJ, massive customize templates for your choice.

Use this link to make your purchase: https://www.gs-jj.com/challenge-coins/Custom-Challenge-Coins

Make the most of these messages below and give that beautiful and special woman in your life the most awesome experience of her life.


  1. Birthday Wishes for a Strong Woman
  2. Birthday Wishes for a Lady Friend
  3. Happy Birthday To A Special
  4. Happy Birthday Classy Lady
  5. Happy Birthday to the Strongest Woman I Know Quotes
  6. Happy Birthday Fabulous Lady
  7. Happy Birthday to a Special Woman in My Life
  8. Happy Birthday to a Very Special Woman
  9. Happy Birthday Friend Woman
  10. Happy Birthday Beautiful Girl Quotes
  11. Birthday Wishes for Beautiful Woman

Birthday Wishes for a Strong Woman

1. Due to the specialty of your personality, many wishes will be insufficient to express my love and wonderful wishes to you. Nevertheless, I still must say, happy birthday to you.

2. Whenever I say you’re special, I truly mean that you are. Only a special person can do this much for me. You’re highly cherished and loved. Happy birthday to you.

3. Your presence in my life has been characterized by a lot of unforgettable feelings and experiences. This has made me forward-looking to your birthday. Now, it’s here and I want to say happy birthday to you.

4. You’re one of the greatest personalities that I know. Your presence in my life has been filled with a lot of beautiful feelings. I love you dearly, happy birthday.

5. Your arrival into my life is known for something very significant that the heart cannot but celebrate. Blessed is that day that I know you. Beautiful birthday to a beautiful lady.

6. To the most amazing woman, I want to seize the moment to express my congratulations to you on your birthday. I’m glad I’m part of this celebration. Happy birthday to you.

7. The world is blessed to have such an amazing woman like you. You’re here obviously to make the world a better place. Happy birthday to the most beautiful soul I ever knew!

8. Being part of your life is quite a privilege I can’t take for granted. You’re always a blessing and a greater blessing will you be. I celebrate you greatly!

9. Having a selfless, caring and kind-hearted woman like you is not easy to come by. You’re a rare privilege walking the heart. Happy birthday to one of the greatest born of women.

10. You’re an embodiment of virtue, excellence, glory, peace, and beauty. You’re in every way worth celebrating. It’s my pleasure to say happy birthday to you.

Birthday Wishes for a Lady Friend

11. You have been a blessing to humanity, it’s time to bless you in return just as you have been a blessing. May you have the feel of what you have been sending out to the world today.

12. You occupy a special space in my heart and I have always looked for an opportunity to express a bit of the Love I have for you. It’s your birthday and I want to say, have it happily.

13. Another great year is opened upon you, I’m highly excited to stand by you and usher you into this new year of great experience. Happy birthday to a special lady.

14. I could say happy birthday to you countless times without numbers because you’re worth more than anything that could be used to celebrate you. Happy birthday to you.

15. May your happiness double and the joy in your life be appreciated. May the river of your joy never dry. You fulfill the number of your days on earth. Blessed birthday to you. Much Loves!

16. In blessings, you’ll be more blessed than you’ve ever been. You’ll be more favored than you have been. Greater things will happen to you this year than the previous. I want to say happy birthday to the special lady in my  life

17. It’s your day, rejoice and be excited because the Lord has done all things well for you. Nothing will make you sorrowful. Happy and joyous birthday to you.

18. You’re one of your kind, precious and peculiar in every way. May you be uniquely blessed just the way you’re unique. I’m excited you’re born into this world. Happy birthday to you.

19. You are a great woman, you’re precious to me and humanity. It’s nice having you around, stay more alive to remain a blessing to everyone.

20. May your wealth increase, may your joy overflow, and may your name be pronounced. You’re blessed and not ashamed. Happy birthday to you precious lady.

Related: Celebrate a woman of God in your life

Happy Birthday Classy Lady

Ladies generally in their nature are special and classy. They must be celebrated at any given opportunity you have got. Celebrate a classy lady with these birthday wishes and there you have her glowing.

21. It’s your big day and I’m glad I’m part of it on this special day of yours. This is a new beginning for you and I want to rejoice with you. Happy birthday to you.

22. If there is anyone who deserves a day to be set aside and celebrated, that person is you. You’re in every way amazing. Happy birthday to a special woman like you.

23. Your life has been well-lived and it’s worth celebrating all the way. A life well-lived is worth celebrating. It’s my joy to say happy birthday to you and have a great celebration.

24. Spending time with you is always a loving experience that’s worth looking into. You’re full of fun and love. For all you represent in my life, I want to say thank you.

25. Oh how wish I could call a world party just to celebrate an exceptional being like you. If the whole world gathers together, you’re worth it and you’re worth more. I wish you a classy celebration.

26. You have always been a joy bringer to me, the same way you have brought joy to me so will joy flow into your life ceaselessly. Happy birthday to you.

27. To the most awesome and exceptional woman in my life, I want to extend my warm wishes to you. Your best is yet to come!

28. It’s your birthday and it’s time to celebrate you for the consistency of character and virtue you have displayed over the years. Thank you for being amazing.

29. Being one of the most magnificent women I have ever seen has made you deserving of endless celebration which begins today and does have an end. Rejoice incessantly, happy birthday to you.

30. I wish you knew how much you mean to everyone around you especially me. You’re treasured and cherished by your world. You’re special.

Happy Birthday to the Strongest Woman I Know Quotes

31. Your stunning smile and accommodating nature has made everyone flock around you for solace and comfort. May you excel in doing more for humanity.

32. You have come to fill and complete a major space in my life. I feel the space you occupy cannot be filled by someone else. Thank you for all you do. Happy birthday to you.

33. Nothing but the best is coming your way as you mark this beautiful birthday of yours. Expect the best in the coming years. Keep smiling, it’s your day of Joy.

34. Thank you for being simply you and who you are to me. You have not ceased to be amazing and beautiful. Wonderful birthday wishes to you.

35. You’re classy yet simple. You combine impossible virtues. Everyone cannot achieve this. This makes you deserve a celebration without limits. I love you, happy birthday.

36. The growth seen around you has always been an inspiration to me all the way. Thank you for being an inspiring woman to me. Happy birthday to you.

Related resource: celebrate an inspiring woman on her birthday

37. A gentle and beautiful soul like you deserves celebration in every moment of Life. But this day is special to you and I want to hold it so. Happy birthday to the most beautiful person I know inside and out.

38. Your love and care towards me are to be compared to nothing I have seen anywhere else in this world. Thank you for the service of love you render to me. I rejoice with you greatly.

39. Being together with you in the past years is a fortune I don’t want to stop experiencing. It’s a beautiful feeling knowing and being identified with you. I wish you more impactful years ahead.

40. I hope this day will give you a beautiful feeling you have never felt before. It’s time we reminded and expressed to you how much you mean to us. Happy birthday to you classy lady.

Happy Birthday Fabulous Lady

Everyone is not the same in your life, some are very special and to be held in high esteem. A fabulous lady is special and that’s why you should celebrate her with a happy birthday to a special woman wishes. Here you have quite a number of them.

41. Fabulous, you are. Beautiful, you are, kind you are, friendly you are. You are a host of virtue and exceptionality. Happy birthday to you.

42. Celebrating you gives me special and joyous joy because of who you have been to me in the past times. This is a golden opportunity to say happy birthday to you, my Love.

43. I have learned quite a whole lot from you being the fabulous lady that you are. You’re so precious, happy birthday to you.

44. Let everyone who knows your true worth and value celebrate you alongside me. I sincerely appreciate your manner of person.

45. A beautiful woman must be celebrated beautifully. You’re so blessed and beautiful. Thank you for your peculiar nature. May your day be blessed. Amen.

46. Your heart is undoubtedly filled with great dreams and goals you want to see achieved. May all your dreams and wishes come to pass speedily. Amen.

47. Today stands to be your special day and everyone and everything around you have to consider it so. This is the time we’ve always waited for. It’s time to dance and celebrate. Happy birthday to you.

48. When it comes to looking for the most gorgeous among all that is called women, you are one. Your beauty is appealing and appalling. Keep being beautiful.

49. You’re one of your kind and you have to be celebrated as one. Every schedule is canceled just to say happy birthday to you.

50. Who else will call for a party if not me whom you have been a blessing to? I’m wishing you nothing but happiness and great goodies in this life.

Related: Say happy birthday to your spiritual leader

Happy Birthday to a Special Woman in My Life

51. Sending love to my special and fabulous woman is a desirable service I have longed to render to you. Here am I doing it endlessly at this moment saying happy birthday to you.

52. To the coolest and calmest woman I know, happy birthday to you. This day cannot pass unless I have celebrated you enough. The entire day was meant for you.  Celebrate!

53. Congratulations to you on turning another year older today, it’s a beautiful and bright day for you. Rejoice exceedingly because you’re breaking forth gloriously.

54. I have been awake quite a long time just to ensure the day doesn’t pass unless you’re celebrated. It’s my joy to celebrate with you.

55. A new day and seasons are opened upon you. You’ll break forth on the left and the right this new season of yours and beyond. Amen.

56. I have determined that my message will be the first that you will see this morning and I’m sure it is. Happy birthday to you.

57. You’ve been a great friend and companion to me and my world. In conjunction with my family and loved ones, I want to say God bless you for all you represent.

58. You’re alive today and I’m excited that you are. Your being alive is nothing but a golden privilege to humanity. This is why you’re being celebrated specially. You’re simply the best!

59. I just need to appreciate the quality of a woman you have projected over the year. Thank you so much for being authentic. I Love you. Happy birthday.

60. May you gain speed to travel fast in this new year. May the peace around you multiply and favor upon your life be doubled. Happy birthday to you.

Related resource: Celebrate God for adding a year to your year

Happy Birthday to a Very Special Woman

Do you have a female friend in your life that you’ll like to celebrate? Best birthday wishes for a female friend will be very needful for you. Wishing a female friend happy birthday with these messages!
61. It’s a new year, a new birthday, a new becoming, a new experience, a new glory, a new favor, a new possibility. All things are yours, rejoice!

62. Being a special friend in my life, I cannot but extend a special happy birthday to you. I celebrate you, the joy of this day shall last. Amen.

63. Looking at you advancing in age yet looking younger is pleasurable to my sight. I’m excited that you’re advancing yet getting younger. Keep glowing!

64. Your birthday only comes around once a year. This is why we must celebrate it with all we’ve got. I celebrate you, and happy birthday to you.

65. Someone I love and esteem so much is born today, I cannot but scream in celebration of her. Happy birthday my special friend.

66. This awesome message is for an awesome personality like you. Awesome birthday to you and have an awesome celebration, great friend.

67. Being privileged to take a trip around the 365 days alive and healthy calls for celebration. It’s time for celebration, let’s make it big.

68. This is another revolutionary birthday for you my dear friend, I’m so glad you made it. Celebration shall be in style. Happy birthday to you.

69. This birthday isn’t meant to remind you that you are older but help you see how much advancement you have made over the years. Celebrate, it’s your day.

70. Knock, knock, knock, knocked. Your beautiful and blessed day is here. Let’s celebrate it in style, I rejoice with you.

Happy Birthday Friend Woman

71. Get up my great friend, this is your birthday. It’s time to be thankful for the benefits you have enjoyed in life. Happy birthday to you.

72. Checking in to wish you a fabulous celebration today and beyond. Remember I love you greatly and forever I will do. May you be blessed in all that you do. Amen!

73. This is the beginning of a new and great celebration for you. The best of your years are still ahead of you.

74. My great and highly cherished friend, your birthday has come knocking again as it has been in the previous years. Let’s celebrate, happy birthday to you.

75. A friend like you has made the world worth living. Thank you for making my life an awesome one. Beautiful birthday celebration to you, my great friend.

76. Every moment spent with you is heavenly and sacred. This is much reason I long for time with you. Happy birthday to you, my Precious Friend.

77. I’m forever grateful to have someone as beautiful as you in my life. Your companionship is second to none. I’m grateful dear, happy birthday to you.

78. Wishing you a wonderful and joyous birthday on this special day of yours. You’re the center of attention today and so should you celebrate. Happy birthday to you.

79. Thank you for being a best friend, lover, and confidant. You’re the real deal, happy birthday to you.

80. Obviously, I cannot celebrate you enough because reminiscing on how wonderful you have been to my life has made your day a special day to me. Happy birthday to you, a Great One.

Related: celebrate friend in a hilarious way

Happy Birthday Beautiful Girl Quotes

81. To the most beautiful lady in the world, it’s your day. I hope all wishes of your heart come through this day and beyond.

82. Sending you this thoughtful message is a recognition of your usefulness and impact on my life. Thank you for being amazing. Happy birthday to you.

83. You’re so beautiful inside and out, I know you are aware of that. Keep being beautiful. I appreciate you. May you be blessed in all you do!

Helpful resource: words to admire her beautiful looks

84. The birthday is a special day and it’s for you specifically. You’re deeply loved and celebrated my beautiful lady.

85. Celebrate it big, it’s your birthday my princess. You deserve the best life has to offer. Happy birthday to you.

86. Such a beautiful lady and unique princess deserve a laudable celebration which you’ll get today. Get set, surprise packages are on the way.

87. Birthday is beautiful and it should be celebrated just as beautiful as you are. It’s your birthday, have pleasure all through the day!

88. How has your celebration been? I hope it’s as beautiful as you desired it? Have a blast, the celebration is all yours.

89. You’re such an amazing lady, I hope everyone around you recognizes that? I do anyway, that’s why these birthday wishes are pumping out from me to you.

90. Just as you’re beautiful both inside and outside, I desire that you get the best out of life. Enjoy it, it’s your birthday.

Birthday Wishes for Beautiful Woman

91. Nothing makes life worth living as much as living it for a worthy course. This is what you have done over the years. What a powerful woman you are!

92. Have a better birthday than ever. It’s your birthday. Celebrate it like no other, you’re the best. May you have better days ahead of you!

93. Every day shines a little brighter because you’re in it. You make my world shines brighter, I cannot deny it. Keep shining!

94. Have a gorgeous celebration that is as gorgeous as you are. Have a wonderful celebration, my dear powerful Woman.

95. Happy birthday to my beautiful Bestie full of joy and winning energy. This world is worth living in because you are there.

96. It’s no surprise that everyone adores and celebrates you. You’re beautiful in every way, my Darling. Happy birthday to you.

97. Happy birthday to a Good looking and Pretty Lady of all time. You are blessed and more of God’s blessings can only manifest.

98. Sending you some wonderful vibes on this special day. Have wonderful vibes today. Happy birthday to you.

99. To my beautiful and precious friend, you deserve a special celebration with wonderful packages. Trust me you’ll get these packages soon. Happy birthday to you.

100. Beautiful friend, have a spectacular birthday. Your friendship with me is my joy. May we be friends for life. Amen.

101. I rejoice with you as the one who has found favor in the sight of God and man. Everything is working well for you, happy birthday to you.

102. Thank you for being my friend all these years. Thank you for showing support by being on my side. May you never lack the capacity to keep doing good work.

103. May this birthday brings you an ocean of joy and rivers of peace. I rejoice with you. Happy birthday to you, my powerful Friend.

104. May happiness, peace, joy, and love abundance follow you wherever you go in Life. Happy birthday to you.

105. As the star in the night, may you shine amid darkness and glow in glory. Your joy shall be permanent. Amen.

106. May your days be prolonged like the days of a palm tree. God bless all that you have set your hands to do. Happy birthday!

107. The joy of today shall not be the last one you will ever have. May your soul be filled with unending joy. Happy birthday!

108. You shall be great, you shall not be small. May your path shine and shine brightly. Happy birthday!

109. This birthday shall be one of the best birthdays you have celebrated. You shall prosper greatly than you have ever been.

110. Happy birthday, I wish you a prosperous journey ahead.

Read also: savage birthday wishes to your friends

I have just shown you how to say happy birthday to a special woman in your life. Engage with the messages to give her a special day.

You can share this with family, friends, and loved ones.

Beauty lives all around us. And as regards the female folks, there is unquestionably no short supply of beauty.

Look around guys, there are so many beautiful women – in your office, school, neighborhood, etc. But how do you tell a nightingale that it sings gracefully?

Have you discovered that one can be clueless sometimes on how to tell a woman she is beautiful in words?

Guess what? You are not alone. Millions of men fall into this category. Probably you are in the same class with the lady or the same small group in church or attend the neighborhood gym classes together.

You know, she takes your breath away, but you just don’t know how to tell a woman she is beautiful in words.

Let’s applause you. You have most likely tried in your own way. You tried using body language because, for you, telling a woman she is beautiful in words can be compared to climbing mighty Mount Everest.

A smile, a little wink, laughing at jokes she cracks in class, stylishly hanging around her and friends. You tried everything but outright words! Yet it is not working!

Don’t worry anymore. Rest assured that wherever and whenever you find a lovely woman you admire, there is always an impressive way to tell a woman she is beautiful in words.

To help you find your voice and ease your burden, we have put together some examples of 100 brilliant ways on how to tell a woman she is beautiful in words.

What to Say to Make a Woman Feel Beautiful

The first thing to understand if you really want to know how to tell a woman she is beautiful in words is that every woman desires to be appreciated and cherished.

Guys, we may never understand it but every woman wants, no, needs to know she is beautiful to her man. She needs to hear her man say it! So, what exactly does a man say to make a woman feel beautiful?

You have watched movies, where ladies are swept off their feet just because of the power of romantic words that make a woman feel beautiful.

But here you are, somewhat in the class of those who don’t know what to say to make a woman feel beautiful.

Help has finally arrived and there is light at the end of the tunnel! These are some quotes to make a woman feel beautiful and appreciated. They will unfailingly make a woman blush and tremble with joy.

1. At the sight of you, the sun dims in its brightness. At your appearance, the stars and the galaxies go into hiding.

2. Your curves, your dimples, your dazzling teeth, everything about you spell beautiful.

3. Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder; in you, I behold God’s marvelous beauty that is too great for me to describe.

4. All the dazzling stars can never measure to the brilliance of your beauty. They could never outshine your sparkle and shine.

5. Everywhere you go, you carry a sweet fragrance; all around, you carry an aroma of freshness.

6. Your beauty is like the glow of the evening sunset – warm, comforting, and pure.

7. Those sparkling eyes of yours are like diamonds of the highest carat.

8. Whenever I hear the word beautiful, images of you drive straight into my mind. You are beautiful in every sense of the word.

9. You are beautiful, inside out. The radiance of your beauty is irresistible.

10. Kisses and hugs for the most beautiful woman on the surface of the earth. You are the most beautiful, my love.

11. Heaven perfectly formed every part of your being. God worked painstakingly to form this adorable woman called you. I am favored to have you in my life, my beautiful darling.

12. From the moment I set my eyes on your beautiful face, I knew we were meant to be together for eternity.

13. Your flawless skin, your lovely hair, your well-manicured nails, your glossy lips – they all declare you guilty as charged – beautiful.

14. Your beauty is a delight to my weary eyes, a feast for my hungry soul, pure satisfaction for my lonely heart.

15. Your beauty speaks volumes even in a room full of gorgeous ladies. Ever before opening your mouth, you have said enough for an earful.

16. That early morning glow, your scattered hair, your sweet face without make-up, your luscious lips, your sculptured body as it stretches, that is a wondrous beauty to behold.

17. My greatest moments are when I see your beautiful face, right in front of me or when thoughts of you flash through my mind. I can’t but smile whenever I see you.

18. You are so gorgeous, I am sometimes overwhelmed and can’t seem to take my eyes off you. But I wouldn’t wish for less. You are the beauty in my world.

19. Many might choose to flatter. Many might choose to deceive. Many might have little or no esteem, for what it’s worth. Many might even be blind to value and great worth. But believe me when I say you are beautiful. And that is not flattery but pure truth.

20. You are like a garden, ripe with lovely fruits. You carry untainted sweetness with you everywhere you go. Your beauty has captivated my heart and I can never tell you enough how beautiful you are to me.

How to Make a Woman Feel Special through Text

Now, you already know how to tell a woman she is beautiful in words. But does it have to end when she is not beside you, in our busy world?

Thankfully, the mobile phone has brought ease to many areas of our lives. Helping us communicate our love, emotions and feelings are part of the great things about the mobile phone.

So, whether both of you have started going steady and you have told her face to face or you are a first-timer (and just need to air those bottled-up emotions) and make that woman feel special, we have got you covered.

There are exciting words that will make a woman feel loved and secure through text.

Here are quotes for how to make a woman feel special through text.

21. If I die and I am told to choose a woman in my next life, I would choose you over and over again.

22. My Babe, you are unique, outstanding, and in a class of your own.

23. Your tenderness is like an oasis in the desert. In tough times, my soul is revived through your tenderness.

24. Some people may call me lucky; I call myself blessed, blessed to have you in my life.

25. My dearie, I solemnly promise to love you, pamper you and care for you all the days of your life.

26. Rubies and diamonds and all the precious stones in the world cannot come close to you in value.

27. All I want is a life filled with love, laughter, and you. Anything less will make life meaningless, dreary, and miserable.

28. Here I am, thinking what a special angel I have in you. Hope you are thinking of me too.

29. Your love lights up my world. Darkness threatened to overwhelm me but your love came to the rescue. Now, all that I see are possibilities and pure bliss.

30. Angel, the sweetness dripping from your heart turns my lemons to lemonade. Every bitterness and sourness evaporate just because of you.

31. You are a priceless jewel, my dearest heart. Your worth can never be tarnished.

32. I could stay by your side till eternity and never know time is flying past. I could rock you in my arms till the end of the world, and not even know a second has gone by.

33. Your heart, my heart. Two hearts meant to be together forever.

34. A day gone bad, an aching joint, a deal gone sour – at the end of it all, I just want to retire into the soothing warmth of your embrace.

35. Every day with you is a fresh adventure in the journey of life. I am so glad you are my companion on this adventure.

36. You are the woman made for me. You are just the right one for me. I wouldn’t want it any other way.

37. Only you, everything else can wait. I ask for nothing again.

38. You have brought sparkles into my life, dimples to my cheeks, and thrills to my soul. You have brought the world to my doorstep. In you, I have the world.

39. I have met so many ladies in my life, but you are different. You stand shoulder tall above all the rest, unrivaled. You are the definition of special.

40. You are the queen of the pack. The empress of our love kingdom. I don’t want anyone to share that pride of place with you, in this lifetime or another. You mean everything to me.

Sweet Message to Make a Woman Feel Happy

Love is about joy, laughter, and happiness. Love makes the world go round. As your love keeps growing, you keep getting better and better on how to tell a woman she is beautiful in words. It’s all about love and learning to grow in love!

You are in love, she is in love! You are thinking of her and she is thinking of you too. A timely sweet message to make a woman feel happy tells her that you really care. The message will brighten her day. That sweet message will make her smile.

Probably someone upset her before she received your romantic, sweet message. Those precious words will melt her heart, make her feel better and she will want to be with you forever.

These are sweet messages to make a woman feel happy, just anytime she sees them and to remind her that you care.

41. What will life be without you? I don’t even want to imagine it.

42. My heart skips each time my phone rings because I am hoping it is a call from you.

43. Thinking about you is what I want to do all day long, every day of my life.

44. Thoughts of you bring sunshine to my cloudy days.

45. Heaven brought me the best when it brought you into my life.

46. Knowing that you are on my team makes my heart glad and makes me play harder for our team to win.

47. I want to make your heart my resting place forever.

48. You have brought so much joy into my life. I am grateful.

49. When I count my blessings, you come first.

50. You are the best cheerleader any man could ever want in his corner.

51. I love you, my sweet morning rose.

52. The dictionary needs help I must say. I searched and searched but I could not find any word to fully express the depth of my love for you. I love you, is all I can say, my sweetheart.

53. Babe, loving you has taken away the darkness in my life.

54. One smile from you chases away every doubt in my heart.

55. Your tender touch is like a key to a treasure chest. It unlocks mysteries in me.

56. My darling, I carry you around in my heart all day long.

57. I wish I had the world and more. But I have nothing to give you, my princess except my pure love.

58. With you in my life, I feel whole and complete.

59. I could travel to the ends of the earth, just to be right by your side.

60. Have I told you I care this morning? Yes, I do care. I love you, babe.

How to Make a Girl Feel Special through Text Messages

There is so much to be said for how to tell a woman she is beautiful in words. Every girl knows there is competition and many times, that special and adorable girl in your life needs to know that you sincerely value her and that she is different from the rest.

You don’t want to lose that special girl, so keep the fire burning. Keep reminding her how precious she is and what she means to you, even when you are not by her side. Yes, maybe you sent her sweet messages to make any woman feel happy but do you know how to make a girl feel special through text messages?

To make that special girl feel on top of the world, check out this list of heartfelt text messages. These words express how to make a girl feel special through text messages.

61. Ours is an unbreakable bond. Ours is an unchangeable love. Ours is an unquenchable passion. Our love is for eternity.

62. The rhythm of our souls is a melody scripted in heaven. It is a dance meant for us to perform here on earth. I want to stand by you through thick and thin. I will be by your side, come what may.

63. My sugar pie, my honey-bunch, my sweet potato, my lovey dove; I could go on and on. But let me stop for now. Just to let you know you mean so much to me. I love you, my darling.

64. You are my heartbeat and incomparable soul mate. At the sound of your name, my heart beats faster than a sprint athlete. My soul soars higher than an eagle in flight.

65. The joy that I have in you is irreplaceable. I wouldn’t trade having you for anything in this world.

66. You are my greatest dream come true – a dream that cannot compare to any other one.

67. Loving you is like oxygen to my soul. How could I ever live without your love?

68. Even if the world comes crashing down, I will stand by you. We will be together till the end of time.

69. Like fine, old wine that distills with the passage of time, your love gets sweeter and sweeter, tantalizing my soul, better and better. We could do this forever. We are perfect for each other.

70. I almost gave up on hope, heartbreak after heartbreak until I met you. And now, I have found where hope lives in true love. I found it in you.

71. One look into your eyes and I could see into your soul. You are a deeply beautiful soul, a heart to be treasured and protected.

72. A crown for your head, pearls for your neck, ruby for fingers. You deserve all these and more, the queen of my heart.

73. Nothing is going to change my love for you because you are all I want. I promise to stand by you all the days of our lives.

74. Even when your hair starts going bald, and the wrinkles begin to appear beneath your eyes, my love for you will never bald nor wrinkle because it is your soul that I am in love with.

75. I don’t want to stay a lifetime apart from you, wondering where you are and what you are doing. Babe, please stay with me forever.

76. I ask myself every time, to be sure that this love I share with you is not a fairy tale from a magic book. My love, you have brought great magic into my reality. I never want to wake up from this, ever.

77. My love for you grows with each passing day; don’t ever forget that.

78. The space you hold in my heart is so large, your love is mind-blowing. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, my darling.

79. By the time you get this message, you will be smiling and I will be smiling here too. I miss you loads, my sweets.

80. Twinkle, twinkle little star! How so radiant, babe you are! Even the stars are envious of you.

Let’s be honest, everyone is beautiful in their own way. We hear it all the time. Beauty lies in the eyes of every beholder. Let’s believe that you are now confident on how to tell a woman she is beautiful in words, but you are looking for more! Because you have discovered that the lady is not only elegant and beautiful, she is also amazing.

Amazing is what every man wants in a woman. Amazing is more than just physical beauty, it speaks of the soul as well. So how do you tell a woman she is amazing in words? We understand that it can be sort of clumsy getting round to say those words.

Not to worry, here are quotes for how to tell a woman she is amazing in words.

81. Ever since I met you, I can’t stop thinking of what an incredible person you are. God certainly broke the mold when He made you. You are one of a kind.

82. Has anyone ever tell you how amazing you are? If no one has, let me be the first to have the honor and privilege to say you are amazing.

83. You are all the different shades of awesome.

84. Your thoughtful ways, your caring heart, your selflessness – all these make you such an amazing woman. I am so grateful to have you in my life.

85. My golden angel, my heart is blown away by your sweet romantic ways, your childlike playfulness, and your complete awesomeness – all wrapped into one.

86. Just when I thought had given up on some things, you come into my life and you are living proof that beautiful hearts and amazing people still exist. You are an amazing secret hidden from the world. I am happy to be the one who found you.

87. You crack me up, make me laugh even when I don’t feel like smiling. I can’t ever hold a grudge with you. Your sense of humor and fun-loving nature makes you so amazing. With you, every care in the world is quickly forgotten.

88. What’s not to love about you? Every day, I get better and better, just because I have you in my life. You teach me about books, babes, babies, business and
everything in between.

89. You look amazing today. You looked amazing the first time we met. You look amazing, always. Keep on being that amazing you.

90. Every moment spent in your presence is never a waste. Your amazing personality rubs off well on me each time we are together. I am a better man because of you.

91. You are beautiful, no doubt. But more than that, you are brave, brilliant, and resolute. The world needs more of you and then we will all live happily ever after.

92. You fascinate me, you inspire me and you magnetize me right into yourself. That is what amazing is all about!

93. Angels still come in human form, you are my angel sent from above. That is just how awesome you are.

94. Your gentle, reassuring smile is irresistible. It tells me that we can weather the storms of life together, and row the boat of destiny side by side – come rain, come shine.

95. Amazing, they say, is something so wonderful it is hard to find the words to match. This captures the very essence of who you are because I cannot even begin to describe what a wonder you are to me.

96. True, amazing is a word used every day by everyone, but really, very few people deserve to be called amazing. You, my love, is the definition of amazing.

97. You are indescribably kind, compassionate, and genuine. You do not hide behind any mask and you give life your best shot. You are my type of woman, you are splendid and breath-taking all round.

98. Your soul is as beautiful as your body. My heart cannot stay still when I think of you. And when I am in your wonderful sweet presence, butterflies run around my belly endlessly.

99. You are true to yourself, sticking up for others unselfishly, you rise to the occasion at all times. You make a difference in the world, and in my world, that means you are lovely.

100. You are a woman with a heart of gold – a heart so invaluable, a heart so priceless – always willing to help others. You stretch yourself for the best of your loved ones, yet you value yourself and keep your esteem high.


How do you tell a woman that she is beautiful?

There are different ways to make a woman feel good around you, and you just have to tell her. Say something like, you look gorgeous every morning, your smile is the best i have ever seen.

How can I make her feel special?

You make her feel special by being honest with her, spend time with her, and also don’t forget every lady loves to be complimented. Don’t hesitate to make her happy.

What words make a woman feel special?

Words like: You are beautiful beyond measure, You’re really inspiring, You light up my world, Ever since I met you, my life has been meaningful.

Now we have it! How to tell a woman she is beautiful in words, for harmony and love in your relationship endeavors.

Are there other words you use to describe that special woman in your life? Don’t forget to leave a comment below and share this post with friends. Remember, sharing is caring.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the first and foremost thing that comes to our mind is how far we have come in the term of respecting women and providing them equality in every field. What we need to learn from them how.

Female Empowerment on International Women’s Day

Today women are competing with men in each and every field. Even after being a homemaker or being a mother they have proved themselves that they are no less than men in any perspective. Women are more often the unsung heroes.

Although in many countries women are achieving equality in health outcomes and primary school enrollment rates, the world has not seen the same kind of progress when it comes to gender equity in economic opportunity. Women consistently trail men in formal labor force participation, access to credit, savings rates, income levels, entrepreneurship rates, as well as in inheritance and ownership rights. Along with proper evidence, we can see that putting economic resources in the favor of women you can easily accelerate the development of sustainable development to reduce poverty.

To Spread the women empowerment message in our society we have created a beautiful coloring book with quotes about strong beautiful woman. Please have a Look!

Women and Society: It is not a secret that women have been treated badly and have been given less importance than men. Hence this shows that it is quite difficult to find some words to describe powerful, intelligent women in the English language. But still, we have brought some of the best words that you can use for your loved ones.

Empowering Words for Strong Woman:

Following is a list of powerful adjectives you can use to describe strong women and show how important Women are to our society and our families.

busty buxom calm
bright brilliant bubbly
blessed brave breathtaking
beautiful beloved bewitching
athletic attentive attractive
appreciative artistic artsy
ambitious angelic appreciated
all-American alluring amazing
adventurous affectionate agreeable
accepting active adorable
dedicated delicate delightful
daring darling dazzling
considerate cuddly dainty
confident creative cute
complex crafty curvy
compassionate courageous curious
committed content cultured
cheerful classy clever
careful caring charming
candid captivating cheeky
provocative romantic remarkable
photogenic pragmatic precious
passionate persistent philanthropic
mischievous motivated mysterious
luscious magnetic mesmerizing
knowledgeable likable lovable
dreamy joyful kind-hearted
down-to-earth dramatic dreaming
devout disciplined doting
dependable determined devoted

Here are some phrases that will help you to describe women in a better way.

  • A strong woman loves inherently, from the time she is a little girl to the day she passes. She is always willing to take care of others. She loves. And never stops loving.
  • A strong woman doesn’t let the cattiness of other women bring her down. She has the utmost respect for herself and what she believes in.
  • A strong woman is someone who isn’t afraid to share her opinions and speak her truth. She listens, but she doesn’t allow other problems to bring her down.


Women are taking charge of their lives in this era. Being a human being irrespective of men or women, it is our duty to support her in her decisions and help her move ahead in life and enhance it. We at EnglishBix, are celebrating this International Women’s Day just to show our respect and love towards women in our society.

Further Reading

  1. Words to Describe Someone Special
  2. Words to Describe Beautiful Women

| February 24, 2021 | Inspirational Quotes |

Looking for words of encouragement for women? We have rounded up the best collection of encouraging words for women, including encouraging quotes, sayings, captions, status, messages, positive affirmations (including images and pictures) to motivate and uplift your spirits.

There are many tough phases through which a woman/girl might be going and grieving through. From miscarriage, heartbreak, divorce, cancer, depressions, and many more reasons which may completely break the spirit of a woman.

Also See: Black Women Quotes To Empower You

These uplifting words will give you the support you need and encourage you to get back and gather all your strength and empower yourself again.

Don’t forget to read our strong women quotes dedicated to all the women around who show courage and show the strength to move on in the direction of their dreams.

Encouraging Words For Women

  1. “You are loved more than you can fathom.”

  2. “You are powerful, beautiful, brilliant and brave.”                                                                     Uplifting Words for Women
    Uplifting Words for Women

  3. “We are who we are, and it is more than enough.”

  4. “I may not be perfect, but parts of me are pretty awesome.”

  5. “Look at life from unexpected angles today.”- Anna Barnes

  6. “You owe yourself the love you so freely give to other people.”

  7. “The most effective way to do it, is to do it.” – Amelia Earhart

  8. “Darling, you’re a goddess, a ba*as* and you’ve totally got this.”                                                                     Inspirational Words For Women
    Inspirational Words For Women

  9. “If you’re feeling helpless, help someone.” – Aung San Suu Kyi

  10. “I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” – Estée Lauder

  11. “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.” – Helen Keller

  12. “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end!”

  13. “Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude, and a lady with class.”                                                                 Words Of Inspiration For Her
    Words Of Inspiration For Her

  14. “Start calling yourself healed, happy, whole, blessed and prosperous!”

  15. “If you don’t have any shadows you’re not in the light.” – Lady Gaga

  16. “Beautiful girl you were born to do great things so believe in yourself.”                                                     Words Of Encouragement For Women
    Words Of Encouragement For Women

  17. “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” – Anais Nin                                                     Encouraging Words Strong Women
    Encouraging Words Strong Women

  18. “Power is not given to you. You have to take it.” – Beyoncé Knowles                                                     Encouraging Words For Women
    Encouraging Words For Women

  19. “The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.” – Blake Lively

  20. “If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.” – Katharine Hepburn

  21. “Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.” – Psa 73:23

  22. “You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.”                                           Encouraging Quotes For Women
    Encouraging Quotes For Women

  23. “Some of the best evidence of our faith will be our kindness.” – Bob Goff

  24. “Don’t be the girl who fell. Be the girl who got back up.” – Jenette Stanley                                                         Words Of Encouragement For Women
    Words Of Encouragement For Women

  25. “And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk more.” – Erica Jong

  26. “Failure is a moment, it isn’t the end. Get up, dust yourself off, and try again.”

  27. “I know for sure that what we dwell on is what we become.” – Oprah Winfrey                                                                                                                                                   Encouraging Sayings For Women
    Encouraging Sayings For Women

  28. “Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror.” – Byron Katie

  29. “Cheer up, keep your spirits high, things are bound to get better!”- Anne Frank                                                                                                                                                                       Words Of Encouragement For Wife
    Words Of Encouragement For Wife

  30. “I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning to sail my ship.” – Louisa May Alcott

  31. “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa

  32. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

  33. “I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.” – Anne Frank

  34. “Power to me is the ability to make a change in a positive way.” – Victoria Justice

  35. “How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful!” – Song of Solomon 1:15

  36. “The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” – Ayn Rand

  37. “I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.” – Coco Chanel

  38. “Not knowing you can’t do something, is sometimes all it takes to do it.” – Ally Carter

  39. “You have what it takes to be a victorious, independent, fearless woman.” – Tyra Banks                                                                                                                                           Encouragement For Women
    Encouragement For Women

  40. “Yes, I’m a feminist, because I see all women as smart, gifted, and tough.” – Zaha Hadid

  41. “Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.” – Ingrid Bergman

  42. “Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself. Keep fighting for your dreams!” – Gabby Douglas

  43. “Keep your sunny side up, keep yourself beautiful, and indulge yourself.” – Betsey Johnson

  44. “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”- Proverbs 31:25

  45. “You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.” – Melissa Etheridge

  46. “Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” – Oprah Winfrey

  47. “Potential can never be “full;” it is never-ending and our possibilities are infinite.”- Mary Cay Ricci

  48. “A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her.”

  49. “The woman who does not required validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet.”

  50. “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker

  51. “A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” – Diane Mariechild

  52. “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.” – Margaret Thatcher

  53. “No matter what kind of relationship it is, listening with an open mind and heart is powerful.”- Fran Curcio

  54. “Anyone can hide. Facing up to things, working through them, that’s what makes you strong.”- Sarah Dessen                                                                                                                           Words Of Encouragement for Divorced Women
    Words Of Encouragement for Divorced Women

  55. “I think the best way to have confidence is not to allow everyone else’s insecurities to be your own.” – Jessie J

  56. “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” – Judy Garland

  57. “Go ahead tell me that I’m not good enough tell me I can’t do it because I will show you over & over that I can!”

  58. “I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.” – Emma Stone

  59. “It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends.” – J. K. Rowling

  60. “No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.”- Maya Angelou

  61. “Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion” – Oprah Winfrey

  62. “The power you have is to be the best version of yourself you can be, so you can create a better world.” – Ashley Rickards

  63. “Learn from the mistakes of others, you can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.”- Eleanor Roosevelt

  64. “No matter what you look like or think you look like you’re special and loved and perfect just the way you are.” – Ariel Winter

  65. “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” – Maya Angelou

  66. “Follow your dreams, remember you can achieve All that you dream, whatever your mind can conceive.”- Catherine Pulsifer

  67. “It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.” – Madeleine Albright

  68. “Listen to your intuition about what is right for you. Each of us has to find our own way in honoring our needs.”- Judith Orloff

  69. “Be careful of expectations that you set for others, but more importantly, be careful of the ones you set for yourself.”- Cyndie Spiegel

  70. “We’re all supposed to be different. I want so badly to encourage everyone to say, “Who am I and how do I want to live my life?”- Ellen DeGeneres

  71. “You may not yet have even met this person who’s going to explode your heart with love & fill your life with laughter. DON’T give up on love.” – Beth Moore

  72. “A real woman will always try to avoid drama, because she knows her time is precious and she simply doesn’t want to waste it on things that are not important in her life.”

  73. “God didn’t have time to make a nobody, only a somebody. I believe that each of us has God-given talents within us waiting to be brought to fruition.”- Mary Kay Ash

  74. “I believe that as women, it is time to show love towards our fellow sisters, and to encourage and build up one another and not tear each other down.”- Stephanie Williams

  75. “Never apologize for being sensitive or emotional. Let this be a sign that you’ve got a big heart and aren’t afraid to let others see it. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength.”

  76. “It’s not neat and tidy. Being alive can feel messy, but mindfulness will help you become more aware of all these different dimensions in each moment.”- Vidyamala Burch

  77. “She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.”- Proverbs 31: 26-27 (Bible Verse)

  78. “You learn something out of everything, and you come to realize more than ever that we’re all here for a certain space of time, and, and then it’s going to be over, and you better make this count.” – Nancy Reagan

  79. “Sadly, if we are not confident about our choices, we can easily let other peoples’ comments make us feel guilty and ruin the joy we need to experience in life through doing the little things that mean a lot to us.”- Joyce Meyer

  80. “So what’s the antidote for loneliness? It’s getting out of self. You’ve heard the phrase “Spread the love?” Well, that’s what you have to do, girl! You’ve got to get busy. Love those who are available to be loved right now!” – Michelle McKinney Hammond

  81. “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”- 1 Peter 3:3-4

Looking for More Powerful Quotes For Women?

Read Here;

Motivational Women Strength Quotes

Determined Woman Quotes

Women Empowerment Quotes

Motivational Women Entrepreneur Quotes

Empowering Women’s Day Captions for Instagram

Share these quotes with the women in your life, with the women you admire, the ones you want to see succeed, and the ones who have been there for you.

Women are all strong, it is just a matter of having the confidence to unlock the possibilities that lie in store for you.

When you show your support and express your faith in your wife/girlfriend in tough times, it greatly helps them to bounce back from the sad state. Some meaningful words can uplift their mood and spirits and can change their day for good. 

About The Author

Ananya Bhatt

I am Ananya, a professional speaker and I love motivating people and inspiring them to pursue their dreams. Sharing quotes, proverbs, and sayings of great authors to touch people’s lives to make it better.

100+ sweet words to make her feel special, loved, and emotional

They say food is the way to a man’s heart, but it is sweet words that do the trick when it comes to women. The secret that will make you irresistible to your woman is using sweet words to make her feel special. Saying something nice to her once in a blue moon is not enough because she needs to hear it every other day.

words to make her feel special

Photo: unsplash.com (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Every man must make his woman happy at whatever cost. But, most often, women do not need money or expensive things to be happy. So if you can craft some sweet words for her, you’d be surprised at how appreciative she will get. Such soothing words can save a relationship on the brink of collapsing.

Top sweet words to make her feel special

You can comment on many things to make a woman feel special and loved. For instance, if you are looking for romantic words for her, you can talk about how beautiful she is and what she means to you. Some nice examples of sweet words to make her emotional include:

  • If I chose to be with just one person, it would always be you.
  • Finding you was like finding a rare gem. I will treasure you forever.
  • Your sweet smile makes me love you more.
  • I like it when you blush because you look so innocently sweet.
  • I don’t think I will ever get enough of you.
  • You mean the world to me, and because of that, there is nothing I won’t do for you.
  • Is amazing your middle name? Because you are all shades of amazing.
  • I cherish you with every part of me!
  • There is a shortage of people like you. You are amazing.
  • My life began the day I met and fell in love with you.
  • You are a rare lady because you accepted me as I am without conditions.
  • You find a way to continue being beautiful as days pass by.
  • By looking at your cute eyes, one will know that you are extraordinary.
  • You are special because you always find a way to catch me by surprise.
  • My life feels so perfect just because you are in it.

words to make her feel special

Photo: unsplash.com (modified by author)
Source: UGC
  • You light up my day whenever I see you.
  • The key to my happiness is spending time with you.
  • The only thing I need to turn my day around is your smile.
  • You could have any man you want in the world, but you chose me. Thank you!
  • Your presence makes my knees weak. You are that amazing!
  • I wish I could make time stand still because it flies when I am with you.
  • Your sweet smile melts my heart each time I see it.
  • You are the one thing that has made all my dreams come true.
  • You are the most beautiful queen in the entire world.
  • Every time I am with you feels like Christmas morning.
  • The only place I am comfortable getting lost is in your eyes.
  • All my days start and end with you in my mind.

Sweet words to make her fall in love with you

Women don’t like boring men regardless of how handsome they may be. Your looks may attract a woman, but it is the sweet things to say to your girlfriend that will make her love you and stick with you forever. Express your feelings through sweet words like:

  • I find it hard to believe that you are mine when I look at you. What did I do to deserve you?
  • The reason my heart keeps me alive is that it beats for you.
  • I always thought nothing could give me butterflies in my stomach, but ever since you came into my life, I experience the feeling every day.
  • I never thought I would ever feel like this, but that was before I met you. You have made me believe in soul mates.
  • Spending every second with you is my life’s mission. There is nowhere I’d rather be other than in your loving arms.
  • My love for you today is more than yesterday and less than it will be tomorrow. It just keeps growing every day.
  • Experiencing life with you gives me a thrill, as no other person can.
  • Without you, my life would be like a broken pencil because it would be pointless.
  • To me, you are everything I will ever need.
  • You are the epitome of beauty, and I am just lucky to have you.
  • Just caught myself thinking about how wonderful you are. I thought you should know.
  • Just a thought of you takes my breath away.
  • I can’t imagine living without you because it will not be worth it. You are the only thing that makes me feel happy and complete.
  • We may be perfect for each other, but you will always be way better than me.

words to make her feel special

Photo: unsplash.com (modified by author)
Source: UGC
  • Each time I stare into your beautiful face, I can’t help but fall in love with you all over again and again. It feels like heaven knowing we will be together forever.
  • You will always be in my heart.
  • I have become a better person because of your presence in my life. I could never wish for a better person to call a lover.
  • Just being with you makes me the luckiest person alive.
  • I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you in it. What I know is that I would be lost without you.
  • You trusted me with your heart, and I promise never to break it as long as I live.
  • Your fantastic personality would have easily won anyone’s heart. So I won’t ever take for granted the fact that you chose to give your love to me.
  • I never saw a smile as incredibly cute and sweet as yours. It lights up my world.
  • When I look at the night sky, I can think of a different reason for each star why I admire you for. I will never run out of reasons to want to be with you.
  • I won’t get tired of saying that you are my favourite human on this planet.
  • Being with you gives me the strength to conquer anything. I hope I will always be your rock as you are mine.
  • You have taught me to be caring in ways I never used to. Thank you for being the perfect woman for me.
  • God gave me the most precious treasure I can ever ask for when he brought you into my life.

Love can never win without romance, which is why romantic words ought to be an essential ingredient of your relationship. Constant romantic messages help lift her emotions, and you would have prevented the relationship from becoming boring. Examples of romantic and cute things to say to your girlfriend to melt her heart include:

  • I think of you in all that I do because you are the queen of my world. I love you forever and always.
  • I always wished to find true love and live a fairy tale life. Finally, that wish came true when I found you, and I promise to love you to the end of time.
  • Dear darling, you are my light when everything seems dark and my hope when all seems lost. Thank you for being my shining star.
  • You deserve all the good things in the entire world, but since I cannot give them all to you, I promise to give you something more valuable. So I give you my heart, soul and all of me.
  • I hope you know that you are my everything because I am worthless without you, even with everything I own.
  • I carry your heart wherever I go because you give me a sense of direction.
  • My life has never been happier since I met you. I hope I will always have the same effect on you.
  • I adore everything from the top of your head to the tips of your toes because everything about you is so perfect.
  • All the memories of our special times together are embedded deep in my heart if I need something to cheer me up when I feel down.
  • I will love you to my last breath because you are the best girlfriend ever.
  • The sound of your voice is enough to inspire me to face the day. I love you, my queen.
  • I don’t think I will ever meet another girl like you. You are indeed one in a million.
  • If I could pick someone again, I would still pick you because you are very amazing.
  • Love can never be adequate just told in words but should be accompanied by actions. So I love you, my queen, and there is nothing I won’t do for you.
  • Thank you for showing me what unconditional love is. I need to be reminded that I am worth it.

words to make her feel special

Photo: unsplash.com (modified by author)
Source: UGC
  • I wish our lives were one long vacation on a beach where all we do is hold hands and feel the warm sand under our feet.
  • Our love is an endless circle from which I will never want to escape.
  • You are the kind of lady all men dream about. I am honoured to have found you.
  • You have been on my mind ever since I met you, and it shall remain that way because my love for you is eternal.
  • Your beautiful face, elegant gait and spectacular dressing sense are second to none. I love you for being such a remarkable person.
  • Keep smiling, dear, because your radiant smile gives life.
  • I won’t trade you for all the treasures in the world because you are my gem.
  • A lady as marvellous as you deserve a treat all the time.
  • Without you, I will be lost because you are the light that brightens my way.
  • I love you and long to be with you for an eternity. You are that special.
  • How can I stop loving you when you give me so much joy?
  • Saying you are wonderful does not do justice to the person you are.

Love messages for her from the heart

If you speak from your heart, there is no way she will deny you the attention you crave for. Just craft the ideal romantic love messages to inform them that they occupy a special place in your heart. Express your sincerest feelings with a romantic message to make her feel special like:

  • My heart skips a beat whenever I think of you.
  • I hope you will never forget how truly and deeply in love I am with you, and I will do anything to make you happy.
  • Nothing is precious to me than your happiness, and nothing will ever change this fact.
  • I feel so alive when I am with you.
  • Your love for me is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  • We will show the whole world how people ought to love each other with you by my side.
  • The way you make me feel good is magical.
  • You are the only woman that makes me feel like I am on top of the world.
  • You drive me crazy, and I can never get enough of you.
  • If you ever stop loving me, I will be so sad.
  • No amount of words can be sufficient to describe how much I love you.
  • You have lifted me higher than any plane can take me.
  • You are the only woman who occupies my heart.
  • I will always adore and cherish you as the jewel you are.

words to make her feel special

Photo: unsplash.com (modified by author)
Source: UGC
  • I wish to be stranded with you for a lifetime because you are my paradise.
  • Nothing can ever make me stop thinking about you.
  • My favourite place to be is next to you.
  • The sound of your voice reminds me of the beautiful things this world can offer.
  • It is like meeting you made me blind because I have not seen any other girl ever since.
  • Being the most beautiful girl in the world is just a bonus God gave you because your soul is the most beautiful part of you.
  • I freak out when I think about losing you because it will be the end of everything to me.
  • Never leave me because I have made a promise to make you the happiest woman in the world.
  • I hope we will grow old together because we make such a beautiful couple.
  • Since the first day, I have been unable to take my eyes off you because you are so dazzling.
  • I dedicate my heartbeats to you and assure you that my love for you knows no bounds.
  • When I stare into your eyes, I see a whole new universe where you are the queen, and I am the king.
  • I stopped existing and started living the day you and I became soul mates.

If you love your woman right, there can never be a shortage of sweet words to make her feel special. It is okay to struggle to piece the message, but the idea will always be there. The best thing to do is to just put down what you truly feel in your heart, and you will be surprised by how poetic it turns out to be.

Tuko.co.ke shared a list of 100+ thinking of you quotes for him and her that are romantic and emotional. There are so many ways to make a man happy. Expressing your love through some love messages is one of the tools that you have at your disposal to make him feel adored.

Finding a message to express your feeling of love might seem difficult at first. If you are stuck on what to say, you can use the quotes to express your affection for him.

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Source: TUKO.co.ke

Find the right words to describe women, whether a girlfriend or role model or fictional character.

  • Women Adjectives
  • Negative Adjectives
  • Women Nouns
  • Women Verbs
  • Women Phrases
  • Women Quotes
  • Women Similes
  1. accepting
  2. active
  3. adorable
  4. adventurous
  5. affectionate
  6. agreeable
  7. all-American
  8. alluring
  9. amazing
  10. ambitious
  11. angelic
  12. appreciated
  13. appreciative
  14. artistic
  15. artsy
  16. athletic
  17. attentive
  18. attractive
  19. beautiful
  20. beloved
  21. bewitching
  22. blessed
  23. brave
  24. breathtaking
  25. bright
  26. brilliant
  27. bubbly
  28. busty
  29. buxom
  30. calm
  31. candid
  32. captivating
  33. careful
  34. caring
  35. charming
  36. cheeky
  37. cheerful
  38. classy
  39. clever
  40. committed
  41. compassionate
  42. complex
  43. confident
  44. considerate
  45. content
  46. courageous
  47. crafty
  48. creative
  49. cuddly
  50. cultured
  51. curious
  52. curvy
  53. cute
  54. dainty
  55. daring
  56. darling
  57. dazzling
  58. dear
  59. dedicated
  60. delicate
  61. delightful
  62. dependable
  63. detail-oriented
  64. determined
  65. devoted
  66. devout
  67. disciplined
  68. doting
  69. down-to-earth
  70. dramatic
  71. dreaming
  72. dreamy
  1. joyful
  2. kind
  3. kind-hearted
  4. kissable
  5. knowing
  6. knowledgeable
  7. ladylike
  8. laid-back
  9. leggy
  10. likable
  11. lovable
  12. loved
  13. lovely
  14. loving
  15. loyal
  16. luscious
  17. magnetic
  18. matronly
  19. mature
  20. mesmerizing
  21. mischievous
  22. motivated
  23. musical
  24. mysterious
  25. natural
  26. nice
  27. nurturing
  28. observant
  29. offbeat
  30. open
  31. open-minded
  32. opinionated
  33. organized
  34. outgoing
  35. passionate
  36. patient
  37. perceptive
  38. perfect
  39. persistent
  40. personable
  41. petite
  42. philanthropic
  43. photogenic
  44. playful
  45. poetic
  46. polite
  47. popular
  48. positive
  49. powerful
  50. pragmatic
  51. precious
  52. pretty
  53. principled
  54. private
  55. proud
  56. provocative
  57. punctual
  58. quick-witted
  59. quiet
  60. quirky
  61. radiant
  62. ravishing
  63. rebellious
  64. red hot
  65. refined
  66. remarkable
  67. reserved
  68. respectful
  69. responsible
  70. romantic
  71. sacrificing
  72. sassy
  1. easy-going
  2. elegant
  3. emotional
  4. empowered
  5. enchanting
  6. encouraging
  7. energetic
  8. engaging
  9. enigmatic
  10. entertaining
  11. etherial
  12. expressive
  13. extraordinary
  14. fabulous
  15. fair
  16. fashionable
  17. fearless
  18. feisty
  19. female
  20. feminine
  21. fiery
  22. fit
  23. flawless
  24. flirtatious
  25. flirty
  26. focused
  27. forgiving
  28. foxy
  29. fragile
  30. frail
  31. friendly
  32. fun
  33. fun-loving
  34. funny
  35. generous
  36. gentle
  37. genuine
  38. giddy
  39. gifted
  40. giggly
  41. girly
  42. giving
  43. glamorous
  44. goal-oriented
  45. good-natured
  46. gorgeous
  47. graceful
  48. grounded
  49. happy
  50. hard-working
  51. healthy
  52. heavenly
  53. helpful
  54. high-energy
  55. hilarious
  56. honest
  57. hot
  58. huggable
  59. hypnotic
  60. idolized
  61. impassioned
  62. impulsive
  63. independent
  64. innocent
  65. innovative
  66. inspirational
  67. inspiring
  68. intellectual
  69. intelligent
  70. intimate
  71. intoxicating
  72. intuitive
  1. selective
  2. self-confident
  3. self-driven
  4. selfless
  5. sensical
  6. sensitive
  7. sensual
  8. serious
  9. sexual
  10. sexy
  11. sharp
  12. shrewd
  13. shy
  14. skinny
  15. smart
  16. smiley
  17. smiling
  18. social
  19. soft
  20. soft-spoken
  21. sophisticated
  22. special
  23. spirited
  24. spontaneous
  25. spunky
  26. strong
  27. strong-willed
  28. successful
  29. sultry
  30. supple
  31. sweet
  32. sympathetic
  33. talented
  34. talkative
  35. tasteful
  36. tawny
  37. tender-hearted
  38. thankful
  39. thick-skinned
  40. thin
  41. thorough
  42. thoughtful
  43. thriving
  44. tough
  45. trusting
  46. trustworthy
  47. unafraid
  48. unconventional
  49. understanding
  50. unique
  51. unpretentious
  52. upbeat
  53. valued
  54. virtuous
  55. voluptuous
  56. vunerable
  57. warm
  58. warm-hearted
  59. well-bred
  60. well-educated
  61. well-mannered
  62. well-read
  63. willing
  64. wily
  65. wise
  66. witty
  67. womanly
  68. wonderful
  69. young
  70. youthful

  1. abrasive
  2. abusive
  3. angry
  4. annoying
  5. arrogant
  6. awkward
  7. babyish
  8. backstabbing
  9. backwards
  10. betraying
  11. bitchy
  12. blunt
  13. bossy
  14. brainless
  15. broken
  16. callous
  17. childish
  18. clingy
  19. clumsy
  20. cold
  21. cold-hearted
  22. complicated
  23. compulsive
  24. conceited
  25. confused
  26. conniving
  27. cranky
  28. crazy
  29. critical
  30. cruel
  31. cynical
  32. damaged
  33. deceitful
  34. deceptive
  35. delusional
  36. desperate
  37. difficult
  38. disagreeable
  1. irresponsible
  2. irritating
  3. jealous
  4. judgmental
  5. lazy
  6. lonely
  7. lying
  8. manipulative
  9. mean
  10. mental
  11. miserable
  12. misguided
  13. moody
  14. nagging
  15. naive
  16. narrow-minded
  17. naughty
  18. needy
  19. neglectful
  20. nervous
  21. nonsensical
  22. nosy
  23. obnoxious
  24. obsessive
  25. odd
  26. oppressive
  27. ordinary
  28. overconfident
  29. overdramatic
  30. paranoid
  31. passive agressive
  32. peevish
  33. pessimistic
  34. picky
  35. plain
  36. proud
  37. psychotic
  38. reckless
  1. distracted
  2. ditzy
  3. dull
  4. dumb
  5. egotistical
  6. empty
  7. enemy
  8. envious
  9. evil
  10. fake
  11. fickle
  12. flaky
  13. flawed
  14. foolish
  15. forgetful
  16. frazzled
  17. freeloading
  18. fussy
  19. gold-digging
  20. gossipy
  21. greedy
  22. grumpy
  23. hardened
  24. hateful
  25. horrible
  26. hostile
  27. hot-tempered
  28. hurtful
  29. hypocritical
  30. ignorant
  31. immature
  32. immoral
  33. impatient
  34. inefficient
  35. insane
  36. insecure
  37. insincere
  38. intense
  1. rude
  2. scornful
  3. seething
  4. self-absorbed
  5. self-centered
  6. self-consumed
  7. self-entitled
  8. selfish
  9. shallow
  10. short-tempered
  11. sleazy
  12. slutty
  13. small-minded
  14. smug
  15. sneaky
  16. sniveling
  17. spoiled
  18. stubborn
  19. stupid
  20. superficial
  21. talkative
  22. territorial
  23. trampy
  24. trashy
  25. underhanded
  26. unforgiving
  27. ungrateful
  28. unhappy
  29. unkempt
  30. vacuous
  31. vain
  32. vengeful
  33. vulgar
  34. weak
  35. wicked
  36. witchy
  37. wretched

  1. a guy’s girl
  2. a perfect 10
  3. achiever
  4. activist
  5. actress
  6. adult
  7. adventurer
  8. advocate
  9. angel
  10. artist
  11. athlete
  12. aunt
  13. babe
  14. beauty
  15. beauty queen
  16. belle
  17. belle of the ball
  18. best friend
  19. bimbo
  20. bitch
  21. blond
  22. bookworm
  23. bride-to-be
  24. broad
  25. brooder
  26. brunette
  27. busybody
  28. caregiver
  29. caretaker
  30. cat
  31. catch
  32. character
  33. cheater
  34. chick
  35. child
  36. comedian
  37. communicator
  38. companion
  39. confidante
  40. connoisseur
  41. coordinator
  42. coquette
  43. cover girl
  44. creature
  45. cutie pie
  46. dame
  47. damsel
  48. darling
  49. daughter
  50. daydreamer
  51. dish
  52. diva
  53. doll
  1. lady friend
  2. lass
  3. lassie
  4. leader
  5. leading lady
  6. life coach
  7. lioness
  8. loner
  9. lover
  10. ma’am
  11. madam
  12. mademoiselle
  13. maiden
  14. man eater
  15. man killer
  16. manipulator
  17. married woman
  18. martyr
  19. matron
  20. minx
  21. Miss
  22. mistress
  23. mom
  24. mommy
  25. mother
  26. Mrs.
  27. Ms.
  28. mystery
  29. nag
  30. natural beauty
  31. nurturer
  32. nymph
  33. object of desire
  34. old soul
  35. optimist
  36. parent
  37. party girl
  38. patron
  39. peacekeeper
  40. people person
  41. perfectionist
  42. person
  43. personality
  44. philanthropist
  45. planner
  46. princess
  47. protector
  48. provider
  49. provoker
  50. queen
  51. queen bee
  52. realist
  53. rebel
  1. dream girl
  2. dreamer
  3. dynamo
  4. enchantress
  5. enemy
  6. enthusiast
  7. escort
  8. expert
  9. extrovert
  10. fashion-plate
  11. fashionista
  12. feminist
  13. femme fatale
  14. fighter
  15. fireball
  16. flirt
  17. floozy
  18. fox
  19. friend
  20. gal
  21. gentle soul
  22. gentlewoman
  23. girl
  24. girl next door
  25. girlfriend
  26. girly girl
  27. glamour
  28. go-getter
  29. goddess
  30. good looks
  31. grandmother
  32. great taste
  33. hag
  34. hard worker
  35. headstrong
  36. healer
  37. heartbreaker
  38. heiress
  39. heroine
  40. hostess
  41. hottie
  42. huntress
  43. hypocrite
  44. idealist
  45. individual
  46. inspiration
  47. intellectual
  48. introvert
  49. keeper
  50. kept woman
  51. kind soul
  52. kindred spirit
  53. knockout
  1. risk-taker
  2. royal highness
  3. saint
  4. seductress
  5. sex symbol
  6. she
  7. she-devil
  8. showoff
  9. siren
  10. sister
  11. skirt
  12. snuggler
  13. social butterfly
  14. soul
  15. spinster
  16. sportswoman
  17. spouse
  18. squaw
  19. student
  20. stunner
  21. superstar
  22. superwoman
  23. supporter
  24. survivor
  25. sweetheart
  26. sweetie
  27. teacher
  28. teenager
  29. temptress
  30. therapist
  31. thinker
  32. tomboy
  33. tramp
  34. vamp
  35. vixen
  36. wealthy
  37. whore
  38. widow
  39. wife
  40. wild one
  41. wild woman
  42. winch
  43. witch
  44. woman
  45. woman about town
  46. woman of her word
  47. woman of means
  48. working girl
  49. young girl
  50. young lady
  51. young woman

  1. accept
  2. admire
  3. adore
  4. advise
  5. agree with
  6. appreciate
  7. assist
  8. assure
  9. attract
  10. befriend
  11. believe in
  12. brighten
  13. captivate
  14. care about
  15. charm
  16. chat
  17. cheer on
  18. cherish
  19. comfort
  20. communicate
  21. confide in
  22. connect with
  1. hang out
  2. help
  3. hug
  4. identify with
  5. inspire
  6. jezebel
  7. juggle
  8. keep company
  9. keep promises
  10. keep secrets
  11. kiss
  12. know
  13. laugh
  14. laugh with
  15. lean on
  16. learn
  17. lift spirits
  18. listen
  19. loudmouth
  20. love
  21. lust
  22. marry
  1. count on
  2. court
  3. dazzle
  4. depend
  5. develop
  6. dote
  7. enchant
  8. encourage
  9. enjoy
  10. entrust
  11. escort
  12. express
  13. feel
  14. flatter
  15. flirt
  16. forgive
  17. gab
  18. giggle
  19. give
  20. give advice
  21. give birth to
  22. gossip
  1. mother
  2. nurture
  3. overcome
  4. play
  5. provide
  6. relate to
  7. rely on
  8. respect
  9. sacrifice
  10. satisfy
  11. seduce
  12. share
  13. shop
  14. shoulder
  15. stick up for
  16. support
  17. sympathize
  18. treasure
  19. trust
  20. understand
  21. uplift

  1. a woman is a miracle of divine contradictions
  2. a woman’s work is never done
  3. always there with words of wisdom
  4. an inspiring woman
  5. as bold and delicate as a rose
  6. as wise an an owl
  7. behind every great man, there’s a great woman
  8. girls just want to have fun
  1. she’s a keeper
  2. she’s a no nonsense kind of girl
  3. she’s a perfect 10 in every way
  4. she’s a pillar of strength
  5. she’s a sassy lady
  6. she’s a shoulder to lean on
  7. she’s a sinner, she’s a saint
  8. she’s a special mother
  1. like mother, like daughter
  2. make an honest woman of her
  3. my mother/sister/daughter, my friend
  4. queen for a day
  5. she changes every day
  6. she has a beautiful soul
  7. she looks so luscious, no man could resist
  8. she was a bull in the china shop
  1. she’s a total catch
  2. she’s all that
  3. she’s in the know
  4. she’s one of the most amazing/articulate/kindhearted people I’ve ever met
  5. she’s smoking hot
  6. walks to the beat of her own drum
  7. women bring sunshine into our lives

  1. A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. -Coco Chanel
  2. A husband only worries about a particular Other Man; a wife distrusts her whole species. -Mignon McLaughlin
  3. A lady’s imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. -Jane Austen
  4. A man gives many question marks, however, a woman is a whole mystery. -Diana Stürm
  5. A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction. -Oscar Wilde
  6. A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad. An optimist is a man who hopes they are. -Chauncey Mitchell Depew
  7. A witty woman is a treasure; a witty beauty is a power. -George Meredith
  8. A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon. -Arnold Haultain
  9. A woman should soften but not weaken a man. -Sigmund Freud
  10. A woman wears her tears like jewelry. -Unknown
  11. A woman’s heart is as intricate as a raveled skein of silk. -Dumas
  12. A woman’s heart is just like lithographer’s stone — what is once written upon it cannot be rubbed out. -Thackeray
  13. After all, Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels. -Ann Richards
  14. Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent. -Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  15. All women are basically in competition with each other for a handful of eligible men. -Mignon McLaughlin
  16. As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot. -John Lennon
  17. Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. -Kahlil Gibran
  18. Beauty…when you look into a woman’s eyes and see what is in her heart. -Nate Dircks
  19. Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men. -Joseph Conrad
  20. But now she was as well-known for her beauty as she had always been to me for her brilliance. -Matthew Dexter
  21. Calm — as if she were always sitting for her portrait. -Henry James
  22. Can you imagine a world without men? No crime and lots of happy fat women. -Nicole Hollander
  23. Curve: the loveliest distance between two points. -Mae West
  24. Do I love you because you’re beautiful, Or are you beautiful because I love you? -Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, Cinderella
  25. Ever noticed how all women’s problems begin with men? MENtal illness….MENstrual cramps…MENtal breakdown…MENopause…GUYnocologist! -Unknown
  26. Every girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away. -Laurence J. Peter
  27. Every woman is wrong until she cries, and then she is right — instantly. -Sam Slick
  28. Fat overflowed not only from her jowl to her neck, but from her ankles to her shoes…she looked like a pudding that had risen too high and run down the sides of the dish. -Nadine Gordimer
  29. Fighting is essentially a masculine idea; a woman’s weapon is her tongue. -Hermione Gingold
  1. Pleasant at first she is, like Dioscorides’ Rhododaphne, that fair plant to the eye, but poison to the taste, the rest as bitter as wormwood in the end and sharp as a two-edged sword. -Robert Burton
  2. She became, as she grew older, morose, shrewish, and irritable. -Gustave Flaubert
  3. She had the kind of comeliness — soft, shoulder-length hair; a sharp beauty mark right at her sensual mouth; and a figure that was like a swift unexpected blow to the diaphragm — that to linger on makes the beholder feel obscene. -Frederick Exley
  4. She is chipped like an old bit of china; she is frayed like a garment of last year’s wearing. She is soft, crinkled like a fading rose. -Amy Lowell
  5. She looked like a lovely little winter apple. -Mary Lee Settle
  6. She looked like a tree trunk…her big gnarled hands seemed to protrude from her like branches. -Marguerite Yourcenar
  7. She looked, with her red-cherry cheeks and wide semicircle of smile, like something that might have briskly swung out of a weather-house predicting sunshine. -Peter Kemp
  8. She must not be awed by that which has been built up around her; she must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression -Margaret Sanger
  9. She reminded him, in her limp dust-colored garments, of last year’s moth shaken out of the curtains of an empty room. -Edith Wharton
  10. She was a little dilapidated, like a house, with having been so long to let. -Dickens
  11. She was as simple-hearted and honest as the day was long, and so she was an easy victim. -Mark Twain
  12. She was heavy but not unattractive, like a German grandma. -Peter Meinke
  13. She was in her mid-thirties…faded, but still fruity, like a pear just beginning to go soft. -Derek Lambert
  14. She was like a fading plant revived by showers of rain. -Charles Reade
  15. She was like a fat little partridge with a mono-bosom. -Kate Wilhelm
  16. She was round and plump as her favorite teapot. -Peter De Vries
  17. She was tall like a lily, carried herself like a queen…was dressed like a rose. -Hugh Walpole
  18. Small, runty and rooty, she looks like a young edition of an old, gnarled tree. -Laurie Colwin
  19. Sure God created man before woman. But then you always make a rough draft before the final masterpiece. —Unknown
  20. The chief excitement in a woman’s life is spotting women who are fatter than she is. -Helen Rowland
  21. The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. -George Euot
  22. The presence of a young girl is like the presence of a flower, the one gives its perfume to all that approach it, the other her grace to all that surround her. -Louis Desnoyers
  23. The rarest thing in the world is a woman who is pleased with photographs of herself. -Elizabeth Metcalf
  24. The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off. -Gloria Steinem
  25. The two women exchanged the kind of glance women use when no knife is handy. -Ellery Queen
  26. There are no good girls gone wrong — just bad girls found out. -Mae West
  27. There are three things men can do with women: love them, suffer for them, or turn them into literature. -Stephen Stills
  28. There are women who do not like to cause suffering to many men at a time, and who prefer to concentrate on one man: These are the faithful women. -Alfred Capus
  29. There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anais Nin
  1. God did it on purpose so that we may love you men instead of laughing at you. -Mrs Patrick Campbell, in reply to a male acquaintance who asked why women seem to have no sense of humor
  2. Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere. -Mae West
  3. Her anxious brown eyes and full, slightly drooping cheeks gave her the look of a worried hamster. -Sheila Radley
  4. Her body seemed somehow to hang on her, like somebody else’s clothing. -William McIlvanney
  5. Her broad sexless body made her resemble a dilapidated Buddha. -Ross Macdonald
  6. Her face and hands were as white as though she had been drowned in a barrel of vinegar. -O. Henry
  7. Her face as fair as tho’ she had look’d on Paradise, and caught its early beauty. -Sir Walter Scott
  8. Her face contracted like the petals of a flower in the sultry heat that precedes a storm. -Alessandro Manzoni
  9. Her long ermine-cloak reached right down to her feet, on her head was a tiny cap of silver tissue, and she was as pale as the Snow Palace in which she had always lived. -Oscar Wilde
  10. Here’s all you have to know about men and women: women are crazy, men are stupid. And the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid. -George Carlin
  11. I hate women because they always know where things are. -Voltaire
  12. I have an idea that the phrase «weaker sex» was coined by some woman to disarm some man she was preparing to overwhelm. -Ogden Nash
  13. I married beneath me — all women do. -Nancy Astor
  14. I prefer the word homemaker, because housewife always implies that there may be a wife someplace else. -Bella Abzug
  15. I would rather trust a woman’s instinct than a man’s reason. -Stanley Baldwin
  16. I’m tough, I’m ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay. -Madonna
  17. If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant’s life, she will choose to save the infant’s life without even considering if there are men on base. -Dave Barry
  18. If women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning. -Aristotle Onassis
  19. In appearance she was not unlike a sea cow. -Larry McMurtry
  20. In passing, also, I would like to say that the first time Adam had a chance he laid the blame on woman. -Nancy Astor
  21. In politics, If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman. -Margaret Thatcher
  22. Ladies who play with fire must remember that smoke gets in their eyes. -Mae West
  23. Let us leave the beautiful women to men with no imagination. -Marcel Proust
  24. Meditative, like a girl trying to decide which dress to wear to the party. -O. Henry
  25. Men at most differ as Heaven and Earth, but women, worst and best, as Heaven and Hell. -Alfred Lord Tennyson
  26. Men enjoy being thought of as hunters, but are generally too lazy to hunt. Women, on the other hand, love to hunt, but would rather nobody knew it. -Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic’s Notebook, 1966
  27. Men will always delight in a woman whose voice is lined with velvet. -Brendan Francis
  28. Most women proceed like the flea — by leaps and jumps. -Balzac
  29. Next to the wound, what women make best is the bandage. -Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly
  1. To get to a woman’s heart, a man must first use his own. -Mike Dobbertin
  2. To him she seemed so beautiful, so seductive, so different from ordinary people, that he could not understand why no one was as disturbed as he by the clicking of her heels on the paving stones, why no one else’s heart was wild with the breeze stirred by the sighs of her veils, why everyone did not go mad with the movements of her braid, the flight of her hands, the gold of her laughter. -Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  3. we’re all in big big trouble. -Doctor Leon
  4. Well-behaved women seldom make history. -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
  5. Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult. -Charlotte Whitton
  6. When a woman becomes her own best friend life is easier. -Diane Von Furstenberg
  7. When I first saw her, her countenance was sunless, her complexion colourless; she looked like one who had no source of enjoyment, no store of bliss anywhere in the world. -Charlotte Bronte
  8. When men reach their sixties and retire, they go to pieces. Women go right on cooking. -Gail Sheehy
  9. Why are women… so much more interesting to men than men are to women? -Virginia Woolf
  10. Woman must not accept; she must challenge. -Margaret Sanger
  11. Women always worry about the things that men forget; men always worry about the things women remember. -Unknown
  12. Women are afraid of mice and of murder, and of very little in between. -Mignon McLaughlin
  13. Women are always beautiful. -Ville Valo
  14. Women are never stronger than when they arm themselves with their weakness. -Marie de Vichy-Chamrond
  15. Women are wiser than men because they know less and understand more. -James Thurber
  16. Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them. -Bill Maher
  17. Women dress alike all over the world: they dress to be annoying to other women. -Elsa Schiaparelli
  18. Women get the last word in every argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument. -Unknown
  19. Women like silent men. They think they’re listening. -Marcel Achard
  20. Women polish the silver and water the plants and wait to be really needed. -Mignon McLaughlin
  21. Women really do rule the world. They just haven’t figured it out yet. When they do, and they will,
  22. Women speak two languages — one of which is verbal. -William Shakespeare
  23. Women who feel naked without their lipstick are well over thirty. -Mignon McLaughlin
  24. Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition. -Timothy Leary
  25. Women’s love, like lichens on a rock, will still grow where even charity can find no soil to nurture itself. -C.N. Bovee
  26. Wrapt up in cloak of politeness, she seemed determined to hazard nothing. -Jane Austen
  27. You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation. -Brigham Young
  28. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she’s pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment. -Dave Barry

  1. as pretty as a picture
  2. her anger blazed up like fire before the wind
  3. her demeanor was sunny and open as a May morning
  4. her desires affected her as wholly as a toothache
  5. her emotions bruised as easily as as overripe peach
  6. her envy ate at her like a moth at a garment
  7. her face was like an opening rose
  8. her happy heart was lighter than a flower
  9. her jealousy churned within her like a racing motor
  10. her jealousy spread throughout her like a fever
  11. her lips were as red as spilled ketchup on white tablecloth
  12. her mind flickered like a flame
  13. her mind was as restless as the sea
  14. her personality was like a switch
  15. her personality was like a wet rag
  16. her presence was like a sweet poison
  17. her thoughts raced through her like a flock of birds
  18. she craved attention like oxygen
  19. she felt all alone in the world, like a lost bit of driftwood
  20. she flew around in a rage like an angry wasp
  21. she glowed with happiness, as if wine had filled her brain
  22. she had a temper as explosive as a gun
  23. she had the look of a refugee
  24. she had the look of someone deserted and betrayed
  25. she looked like a pinup girl from posters of his youth
  26. she looked like a withered tree in a field
  1. she was as innocent as a snowflake
  2. she was as insensitive as a plank
  3. she was as intelligent as a rubber band
  4. she was as intoxicating as whiskey
  5. she was as intuitive as a cat
  6. she was as mysterious as night when it fell for the first time upon the earth
  7. she was as pure as an untasted fountain
  8. she was as quiet as a painting on the wall
  9. she was as sensitive as a second degree burn
  10. she was as sexless as a machine
  11. she was as shallow as a puddle
  12. she was as strong as a bucket of nails
  13. she was as sweet as honeysuckle
  14. she was as vulnerable as a vegetable without its skin
  15. she was as vulnerable as the first buds of spring
  16. she was delicate and fair as moonlight
  17. she was fair and pure as a lily that had bloomed in ashes
  18. she was gentle and sweet as a dove
  19. she was gnarled in appearance like a tree trunk
  20. she was gray and thin as a wick
  21. she was like a breeze with swirling hair and shadowy movements
  22. she was like a bright, polished shell
  23. she was like a dove who never got to fly
  24. she was like a drug
  25. she was like a fire and she burned like a flame
  26. she was like a flame that could not be trapped
  1. she was affectionate as a puppy
  2. she was aggressive as a lioness
  3. she was an open book
  4. she was as affectionate and innocent as a child
  5. she was as bitter as wormwood
  6. she was as breathtaking as the sun
  7. she was as bright and talkative as a chirping bird
  8. she was as bubbly as a glass of champagne
  9. she was as chatty as a bluejay
  10. she was as cheerful as a sparrow
  11. she was as clumsy as a flamingo on rollerskates
  12. she was as cuddly as shattered glass
  13. she was as dainty as a pearl in nest of diamonds
  14. she was as dull as a day at sea with no wind
  15. she was as enchanting as a field of four-leaf clovers
  16. she was as fragile as a butterfly’s wings
  17. she was as friendly as a dead fish
  18. she was as friendly as a pound puppy
  19. she was as gentle as a poppy
  20. she was as gentle as mother’s milk
  21. she was as happy as a butterfly in a garden full of flowers
  22. she was as happy as a three year old on Christmas morning
  23. she was as helpful as a broken crutch
  24. she was as honest as a child
  25. she was as honest as a young nun
  26. she was as indifferent as a star
  1. she was like a flower who’d never fade
  2. she was like a lion on the prowl
  3. she was like a little toy doll
  4. she was like a lotus flower growing out of the mud
  5. she was like a magnet for any man with a pulse
  6. she was like a magnet who pulled people to her
  7. she was like a mother to me
  8. she was like a plague, ruining everything she touched
  9. she was like a porcelain doll
  10. she was like a pretty kite that floated right past me
  11. she was like a rag doll
  12. she was like a rare flower in the desert
  13. she was like a rare hothouse flower kept under glass
  14. she was like a refreshing spring breeze
  15. she was like a sister to me
  16. she was like a star in a foggy night
  17. she was like a traffic accident with everyone was slowing down to look at her
  18. she was pent up like a thoroughbred in the stable
  19. she was pure yet rough like a beautiful, uncut diamond
  20. she was sharp as a blade
  21. she was soft and wilted like a fading rose
  22. she was sultry as summer heat
  23. she was thin like a string bean
  24. she wore her grief like a string of pearls

It’s no secret that women have been viewed as less important in Western culture for centuries. Unfortunately, this also means that words for powerful, intelligent women are hard to come by in the English language. Even the so-called positive terms that do come to mind — queen, matriarch, madame — have such antiquated, politically incorrect roots they can hardly be used in a modern context.

The words we use today — “lady,” “babe,” “girlfriend” — are so vague and impersonal they fail miserably to capture a woman’s depth and complexity. Not to mention Hollywood’s proliferation of female stereotypes. We have so many great role models these days (Hillary Clinton, Jane Goodall, Tina Fey) — we need more terms to describe their all-pervasive awesomeness.

It wasn’t until recently, when I encountered the article “Margaret Atwood: Doyenne of Digital-Savvy Authors” that I began to think that maybe, words for diverse, strong-minded women had existed all along. I love how words like doyenne (a badass female leader) and virago (a woman of great strength) open up new ways for women to see themselves and to communicate. Which is why these 13 terms need to find their way back into everyday vocabulary — and society — stat.


Literally “fair lady” in Italian, belladonna refers to a deadly plant used to enhance beauty in the 15th century. According to WebMD, women used to squeeze juice from belladonna berries into their eyes to make their pupils larger. Though it can be poisonous, the plant has also been used as a pain killer. When it comes down to it, a belladonna, plant or not, is a force to be reckoned with.


I think the closest equivalent we have to colleen (from the Irish cailín) in our culture might be “virgin.” But that word has all sorts of strange and ridiculous baggage. I like this word’s simplicity: a colleen is merely an unmarried girl.


Meaning a woman who flirts lightly, coquette carries much more positive connotations than often used counterparts like “tease,” “harlot,” and “strumpet.” Not to mention, a tufted coquette is also an awesome hummingbird that flaunts orange and green feathers.


Though this word is often used in reference to a widow, a dowager can take the form of any high-class, wealthy, or dignified elderly woman — not just those with deceased husbands.


A doyenne is the feminine version of a badass leader who possesses the trifecta for power: seniority, authority, and rank. Merriam-Webster defines her as «a person considered to be knowledgeable or uniquely skilled as a result of long experience in some field of endeavor.» In other words, she knows exactly what she’s doing.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2

Synonymous with female guardians, duennas in popular literature include Minerva McGonagall from Harry Potter and Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games. Speaking of the Harry Potter series, if you want to read about all the times Professor McGonagall was an absolute badass, look no further. You won’t be disappointed.


A particularly vicious older woman — the term harridan has a similar meaning to, but just sounds so much more inviting than “hag.” As vocabulary.com puts it, «you might call the old lady next door who yells at you to stay off her lawn a harridan.» It went on to reference the Wicked Witch of the West. So while this term isn’t necessarily complimentary, it’s much more creative than calling someone a grump.


From the Irish for “my love” or «my darling,» mavourneen is just a beautiful word. According to Merriam-Webster, it was first used in 1800, so it goes way back. It comes from the Irish word, mo mhuirnín.


The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo springs to mind for termagant, which means a trouble-making woman, prone to fits of violence or brawling. This word is a reminder, especially when it comes to characters in movies, that women aren’t one dimensional and shouldn’t be portrayed as such.


Regina has long been the official Latin title for a queen, as in “Elizabeth Regina” or “Mother of heaven, regina of the clouds” (Wallace Stevens) or “How’s it going you implacable Regina?”


I admit to being a bit of a slattern at times — an untidy or slovenly lady. And I’m okay with that. The dishes can wait until after I’ve ushered in a new world order.


The Latin roots (vir for man, as in virile) of virago once upon a time implied that a well-traveled woman, a virago, was manlike. We no longer compare women of mighty resolve to men, but we can keep the word. For examples of viragoes, see The Virago Book of Women Travelers by Mary Morris.


This term is so much cooler and more empowering than “nag.” A vituperator is a woman who speaks her mind, often with harsh or abusive language. Amy Schumer, this one’s for you.

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  • Word for soon to be wife
  • Word for speaking with the dead
  • Word for soon enough
  • Word for speaking out of place
  • Word for songs and music