Word for sounding the same as



the same as — такой же, как; также как
be the same as — быть точно таким же, как и
much the same as — почти такой же, как
be not the same as — быть не совсем таким, как
this is the same as saying — это всё равно, что сказать
his name is the same as mine — мы с ним однофамильцы
they’re rubbing along the same as ever — они по-прежнему ладят
probably much the same as they are today — вероятно, почти такие же, какими они являются сегодня
in the same manner as … — таким же образом, как …
in the same way as before — как и раньше

put on the same footing as — приравнивать к
he came the same day as you — он приехал в один день с вами
place on the same footing as — приравнивать к
by the same reasoning as for — по тем же соображениям, что и в отношении
give the same answer as before — ответить так же, как и раньше
he is of the same age as myself — он одного возраста со мной
on the same day as this last year — в тот же самый день в прошлом году
to give the same answer as before — ответить так же, как и раньше
this curve encloses the same area as — данная кривая охватывает ту же самую площадь, что и
hold the same opinion as the majority — придерживаться мнения большинства
enjoy the same immunities as ambassadors — пользоваться теми же иммунитетами, что и послы
to hold the same opinion as the majority — придерживаться мнения большинства
sailors received the same pay as soldiers — матросам платили столько же, сколько и солдатам
he is pounding away on the same line as before — а он всё своё долбит, он продолжает гнуть свою линию
in much the same way as in the previous chapter — в основном аналогично тому, как это было в предыдущей главе
to be of smb.’s mind, to be of the same mind as smb. — быть одного мнения с кем-л., придерживаться того же мнения

ещё 16 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод

так же, как

Перевод по словам

same  — то же, тот же, та же, так же, то же самое, одинаковый
as  — как, согласно, как, так как, когда, какой, что, который, в качестве, в виде


Your idea is the same as his.

Ваша идея такая же, как у него.

His attitude is the same as ever.

Его позиция — та же, что и всегда.

She looked just the same as before.

Внешне она совершенно не изменилась.

I have my pride, same as anyone else.

У меня есть гордость, так же как у всех.

Things are very much the same as before.

Всё почти совсем так же, как и раньше.

Sales are predicted to be the same as last year.

Предполагают, что продажи будут такими же, как и в прошлом году.

Everyone had to dress the same as a well-known historical figure.

Каждый должен был нарядиться какой-нибудь известной исторической личностью.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Hey, snap! My hat’s the same as yours.  

Your measurements are exactly the same as Dana’s.  

The second verse is sung the same way as the first.  

They’re not in the same league as the French at making wine.  

Many of the old polytechnics are now on the same footing as universities.  

…the car is a clone under a different brand name—it’s even manufactured in the same plant as its cousin…  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

звучит так же, как

звучит также, как

JW sounds the same as he does now.

His surname in many languages sounds the same as the word mascara, this invention was named after him.

Его фамилия на многих языках звучит так же, как и слово тушь, данное изобретение было названо его именем.

The second exercise sounds the same as the first, but is to be played differently.

His voice sounds the same as always.

The result, if done carefully, is that the human ear will perceive all sounds the same as in the uncompressed track.

В результате, если все сделано аккуратно, человеческое ухо будет слышать те же звуки, что и в несжатом треке.

The song takes up much more space on your hard disk, but sounds the same as the compressed file.

Песня занимает гораздо больше места на жестком диске, но звучит так же, как сжатый файл.

It sounds the same as the previous one, except a little higher.

The number 4 sounds the same as the word for death, and so the Chinese strive to avoid it.

Например, число 4 звучит аналогично слову «умереть», и китайцы стараются его избегать.

Can I register or use a mark that sounds the same as an existing mark but looks different?

Могу ли я зарегистрировать или использовать знак, который созвучен с существующим знаком, но выглядит по-другому?

They came out with a new album but it sounds the same as previous albums.

It sounds the same as 聞, to hear, 紋, wood grain, 蚊, mosquito… and the list goes on.

Он звучит так же, как 聞 (слышать), 紋 (текстура древесины), 蚊 (комар)… и так далее.

The Indonesian word «Fak-Fak,» sounds the same as the English version of it.

Индонезийское слово «фак-фак» звучит также, как и английский его вариант.

The name of the biggest mountain sounds the same as most countries — Kenya, the height of this peak exceeds 5 thousand meters.

Название самой большой горы звучит так же, как и самой страны — Кения, высота этой вершины превышает 5 тысяч метров.

Those around me who hadn’t seen Paul before said he still sounds the same as 50 years ago, which is true, she said.

«Люди вокруг меня, которые не видели Пола до этого, сказали, что он до сих пор звучит так же, как 50 лет назад, что правда», — добавила она.

Many words of Svartiska use «j» which sounds the same as «y».

Большее количество слов диалекта Svartiska содержат «j», который идентичен «y».

If a $50 pair of headphones sounds the same as a $1000 pair of headphones, go for the cheaper pair.

Если пара наушников за 50 долларов звучит так же, как пара наушников за 1000 долларов, выберите более дешевую пару.

The name of the main character sounds the same as the name of the series, — Futureman.

The Chinese word for ‘pears’ (梨 lí/lee/) sounds the same as the word for leaving or ‘parting’ (离 lí).

Китайское слово, означающее «груши» (梨 lí), звучит так же, как «уход» или «разрыв» (离 lí).

That process sounds the same as sentient beings’ creation and destruction of new and old universes at different levels in the colossal firmament, but it’s in fact completely different.

Хотя этот процесс выглядит одинаково с созданием и уничтожением живых существ новой и старой вселенных на разных уровнях колоссального Небесного Тела, но, на самом деле, он в корне отличается.

Every argument I have heard sounds the same as the diatribes between Old Believers and New Ritualists that have gone on now for several centuries.

Каждый слышанный им аргумент на Соборе звучал как препирательство между старообрядцами и новообрядцами, которые продолжаются уже несколько веков.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 36. Точных совпадений: 36. Затраченное время: 87 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Перевод по словам

  • give someone the cold shoulder — дать кому-то холодное плечо
  • completion of the work of a conference — завершение конференции
  • wolf the single — волк-одиночка
  • admit to the country — разрешать въезд в страну
  • ringing the knell — возвещать конец
  • as of the day and year first herein written — на дату, указанную в начале настоящего документа
  • prolong the pleasure — растянуть удовольствие
  • reboot the machine — перезагрузить компьютер
  • report the situation — доложить обстановку
  • handle the load — выдержать нагрузку

same [adjective]

noun: тот же, то же, та же

pronoun: то же самое, тот же самый, одно и то же, та же самая, таким же образом

adjective: одинаковый, тот же самый, однообразный, вышеупомянутый

adverb: так же, таким же образом

  • be on the same wavelength — одинаково смотреть на вещи
  • in the same league as — в той же лиге, что и
  • the same way — так же
  • (one and) the same — один и тот же
  • at the very same time — в тот же миг
  • same story — та же история
  • in exactly the same way — точно таким же образом
  • in the same vein — в том же духе
  • the same thing — тоже самое
  • same level — тот же уровень

as [adverb]

adverb: как, согласно, как например

conjunction: как, так как, когда, по мере того как, как только, потому что, в то время как, как будто, так что, как ни

preposition: в качестве, в виде

pronoun: что, который, какой

  • as good as new — как новый
  • ever as — когда-либо
  • as sure as a gun — безусловно
  • receive as a present — получать в дар
  • be as old as the hills — быть старым как мир
  • as distinguished from — в отличие от
  • as an encore — на «бис»
  • as provided by — в соответствии с
  • as fast as — с такой скоростью, как
  • hereinafter referred to collectively as — далее совокупно

Предложения с «the same as»

We must not treat it as if their lies are the same as the facts.

Нельзя приравнивать их ложь к фактам.

As adults, being interested or not in technology is the same as being interested or not in our kids.

Для взрослых сближение с технологиями равносильно сближению с собственными детьми.

The mall is exactly the same as it was in 1984.

Торговый центр остался точно таким, каким был и в 1984 году.

It matched up about the same as chance.

Результат был сравним с простым совпадением.

Why wasn’t the real unfairness law’s refusal to protect African-American women simply because their experiences weren’t exactly the same as white women and African-American men?

Почему суд проявил жестокую несправедливость, отказав в праве на защиту афроамериканкам, посчитав, что их случаи немного отличаются от подобных случаев дискриминации белых женщин и мужчин — афроамериканцев?

Because his definition might not be the same as mine.

Потому что его определение может в корне разниться с моим.

My father eats the same as my brother.

У моего отца такой же завтрак.

With the exception of breakfast meals in England are much the same as in other countries.

За исключением завтрака питание в Англии, такое же как и в других странах.

It’s also the same as the blood that was on the towels that were used to try to wipe up the killer’s footprints.

Та же кровь была на полотенцах, которыми стирали следы ног убийцы.

I felt that to him my terror was almost the same as the terror of the deer he’d chased down and killed.

Для него мой ужас был чем — то вроде ужаса оленя, загнанного и убиваемого.

Tell them all about the childhood you had, the fact that your parents died and that your uncle was the same as a father and a mother to you.

Вспомните свое детство, что ваши родители умерли, а дядя стал одновременно и отцом, и матерью.

A man’s fortune or material progress is very much the same as his bodily growth.

В росте делового человека есть много общего с его физическим ростом.

The brain of our contemporary man is exactly the same as that of a man from the prehistoric age.

Мозг современного человека ничем не отличается от мозга первобытного человека.

It’s the same as an alcoholic who cries, I mean drinks, being alone.

Все равно, как алкоголик, который плачет. то есть, пьет в одиночку.

The effort put into an SEA for a local town plan should not be the same as that put into a nuclear energy plan.

Подготовка СЭО местного плана городского развития не должна требовать таких же усилий, как СЭО плана в области атомной энергетики.

Tell me if I’m wrong when I say that love to a woman is the same as love to a soccer ball.

Поправьте меня, если я ошибаюсь, но любовь к женщине Подобна любви к к футбольному мячу.

The rest of this paragraph is the same as in the Pakistan text.

Оставшаяся часть текста этого пункта такая же, как и в данном пункте ноты Пакистана.

Ecuador’s legal tradition is the same as that of the rest of Latin America.

Правовая традиция Эквадора такая же, как и у остальных стран Латинской Америки.

It’s exactly the same as the semi-circles in King Solomon’s Knot.

Точно такие, как полукруги в Узле короля Соломона.

This is not quite the same as addressing the developmental needs of the poorer sections of the population in these countries.

Это вовсе не то же самое, что заниматься связанными с развитием нуждами беднейших слоев населения в этих странах.

Sometimes the same as a Web Browser, but often used as a broader term.

Иногда же, как ШёЬ Browser, но часто используется в качестве более широкой перспективе.

He says that calorie-wise, a glass of wine is the same as a slice of chocolate cake.

Он говорит, что по калориям, бокал вина — это то же самое, что кусок шоколадного торта.

And it costs the same as a normal syringe.

Он стоит столько же, сколько и обычный шприц.

The 23 per cent savings rate of the latter group of countries was about the same as in 1980.

Составляющая у последних 23 процента норма накопления почти не претерпела изменений по сравнению с 1980 годом.

And it’s the same as Stouffer’s macaroni and cheese with $134 worth of shaved truffles on top.

И те макароны — то же самое, что доширак с трюфелями за 134 $.

Evaluation capacity at the regional level remained the same as reported last year.

Согласно представленным данным, потенциал в области оценки на региональном уровне не изменился по сравнению с прошлым годом.

The geographical breakdown and item breakdown of these positions and incomes will be the same as for the annual flows.

Географическая и товарная разбивки этих позиций и доходов будут такими же, что и в случае годовых потоков.

Height of the sliding door in the gable wall of the standard is the same as the height of the side wall, but it may be increased if possible.

Стандартная высота откатных ворот в торцовой стене составляет столько же, сколько составляет высота боковой стены, но если это возможно, может быть увеличена.

My life went on exactly the same as before.

Моя жизнь сложилась так же, как раньше.

He is no longer the same as before, he has left her dead.

Он уже не такой как раньше, позволил ей умереть.

It looks exactly the same as before.

Здесь все также, как раньше.

However, the differences in approach to the subject remain much the same as before.

Однако разногласия в подходе к решению этого вопроса остаются в целом неизменными.

Neither of us are the same as before.

Мы оба не те, что были раньше.

It’s the same as before, nothing has changed.

Всё, как условились, ничего не менялось.

The money for last year is the same as before Ellie started working.

Денег за прошлый год такие же как до того, как Элли Бартлет начала работать.

Of course, they were doing it for dough the same as everybody does it for dough.

Их писали для того, чтобы получить средства для существования.

Interestingly, the Dalek word for sewer is the same as their word… for graveyard.

Что интересно, значение слова канализация для далеков равнозначно слову кладбище.

Disadvantages: The same as for solution 1.

Негативные стороны: Такие же, как и в случае решения 1.

Before PHP 6, a character is the same as a byte. That is, there are exactly 256 different characters possible.

В РНР символ это то же самое, что и байт, это значит, что возможно ровно 256 различных символов.

And although lam but one man, I have thousands of brothers and sisters who are the same as me.

И хотя я один за мной стоят тысячи братьев и сестёр.

These styles are only merged if the indent, border, and shadow styles of the next paragraph are the same as the current paragraph.

Эти стили объединяются, только если стили отступа, границы и тени следующего абзаца не отличаются от стилей текущего абзаца.

It’s only the same as black pudding.

Она такая же, как кровяная колбаса.

Method name cannot be the same as name of rule ».

Имя метода не может совпадать с именем правила.

It’s exactly the same as it was in my cottage.

Все в точности, как было в моем коттедже.

In 1995, illegal drugs were a $400 billion business, representing eight percent of world trade, roughly the same as gas and oil.

В 1995 году наркобизнес имел оборот в 400 млрд долларов, что составляет 8% от мировой торговли и примерно равно обороту нефтегазового сектора.

As usual, the final forecasts from France, Germany and Eurozone are the same as the initial estimates, while the UK service-sector PMI is expected to have increased slightly.

Как обычно, финальные прогнозы из Франции, Германии и Еврозоны такие же, как первоначальные оценки, в то время как в Великобритании PMI сферы услуг, как ожидается, немного вырос.

This is not the same as weakness; it actually requires great strength.

Это — не то же самое, что слабость; на самом деле на это нужно много силы.

Is the volume of conversions for each of your types of conversion tracking pixels the same as the volume of conversions for each corresponding standard event?

Совпадает ли число конверсий для каждого типа пикселей отслеживания конверсий с числом конверсий для соответствующих стандартных событий?

The word he uses to describe them is, curiously, the same as Gruevski’s description of the incriminating recordings: a lesson for Russia on what to avoid.

Что любопытно, описывая эти революции, он использует то же самое слово, которое употребил Груевский, говоря об инкриминирующих записях: «урок», для России, указывающий на то, чего ей следует избегать.

In this scenario, the current legal entity when you perform the settlement is the same as both the legal entity of the payment and the legal entity of the invoice.

В этом сценарии текущее юридическое лицо при выполнении сопоставления совпадает с юридическим лицом, связанным с платежом, и юридическим лицом, связанным с накладной.

You might run into the following error if one domain name you’re using is the same as another name: The site you are trying to reach may be conflicting with a new domain name.

При этом появляется следующая ошибка: Возможен конфликт нескольких сайтов с одинаковыми доменными именами.

Is copyright the same as trademark?

В чем разница между авторским правом и товарным знаком?

(The power supply warranty is the same as your console warranty.)

(на блок питания распространяется та же гарантия, что и на консоль).

They called for a study within six months ruling on whether or not buying securities of Russia or sanctioned companies like Gazprom is the same as funding people on the sanctions list.

Сенат потребовал в течение полугода установить, равноценна ли покупка российских ценных бумаг или акций попавших под санкции компаний, таких как Газпром, финансированию людей, включенных в санкционный список.

It is also important to remember that video games are not the same as video game technology.

Кроме того, важно помнить, что видеоигры — это не то же самое, что технология видеоигр.

To teach a fool is the same as to treat a dead man.

Дурака учить — что мёртвого лечить.

The product receipt number is the same as the intercompany packing slip number.

Номер поступления продуктов совпадает с номером внутрихолдинговый отборочной накладной.

Note: If your headline is the same as your current position, the current position won’t display in the top section of your profile.

Примечание: Если заголовок совпадает с текущей должностью, то текущая должность не будет отображаться в верхнем разделе профиля.

If you’re editing the status of your ad, make sure your campaign status is the same as your ad status.

При изменении статуса рекламы убедитесь, что он совпадает со статусом кампании.

But Ukraine’s dependency on Russia is certainly not limited to gas imports: A third of its 2013 exports went to Russia (about the same as went to the European Union).

Но зависимость Украины от России, конечно же, не ограничивается газовым импортом. В 2013 году в Россию ушла треть ее экспорта (это примерно столько же, сколько ушло в Евросоюз).

Our teacher also said that her wedding wouldn’t be the same as other people’s; we asked how it would be different, but she didn’t say.
Ещё наша учительница сказала, что её свадьба была бы не такой, как у других. Мы спросили, в чём будет заключаться отличие, но она не сказала.

Not wanting is the same as having.
Не желать обладать — всё равно, что обладать.

An electric guitar doesn’t sound the same as an acoustic one.
Электрогитара звучит не так, как акустическая.

Not worrying about anything is the same as being dead, since worry is the movement of the soul, and life is movement.
Ни о чем не беспокоиться — значит, не жить, а быть мертвым, ведь забота — движение души, а жизнь — это движение.

Incidentally, that the gills of fish are bright red is because there are many ‘capillary vessels’ collected there, the same as for lungs.
Жабры рыб выглядят ярко красными из-за большого скопления капилляров, подобного тому, что есть в лёгких.

I feel exactly the same as Mr Isoda.
Я чувствую то же, что и господин Исода.

Newsflash: People a couple of hundred years ago didn’t speak the same as we do.
Экстренное сообщение: несколько сотен лет назад люди говорили не так, как мы говорим сейчас.

If the difference between order and chaos or preservation and ruin were the same as that between high mountains and deep valleys, or between white clay and black lacquer, then wisdom would have had no place: stupidity would also have been alright.
Если бы разница между порядком и хаосом, сохранением и гибелью была бы такая же как между высокими горами и глубокими долинами, такая же как между белой глиной и чёрным лаком, — мудрости бы не было места: глупый бы тоже справился.

Neighbours from one side said, “You’re not you, but you’re the same as we. So take our customs, our schools, our language, because your language is the same as ours, but you’ve spoilt it”. The same was said by neighbours from the other side, but in their way.
Одни соседи говорили: «Вы — это не вы, а то же самое, что мы. Так вот же вам наши порядки, наши школы, наш язык, ведь ваш язык такой же, как и наш, только вы его испортили». То же самое говорили соседи с другой стороны, но только на свой лад.

To teach a fool is the same as to treat a dead man.
Дурака учить — что мёртвого лечить.

According to him, the targets will be generally the same as they were during Soviet times: individuals will have to pass a qualifying standard in pull-ups, running, and other exercises.
По его словам, в целом нормативы будут такими же, как и в советское время, — люди будут сдавать нормативы по подтягиванию, бегу и другим упражнениям.

Need to know national specifics, that’s the same as offering a «Zaporozhets» to a Georgian».
Надо знать национальные особенности, это все равно что грузину «Запорожец» предложить».

12.5 If your Order is a Guaranteed Stop we guarantee that the price at which we fill your Order will be the same as the price you specified in the Guaranteed Stop.
Если ваше Поручение является Гарантированным поручением с защитой от потерь, мы гарантируем, что цена, по которой мы исполним ваше Поручение, будет той же, что и цена, указанная вами в Гарантированном поручении с защитой от потерь.

As usual, the final forecasts for France, Germany and Eurozone are the same as the initial estimates.
Как обычно, финальные прогнозы для Франции, Германии и Еврозоны такие же, как по первоначальным оценкам.

Execution of this command is the same as pressing of the button of the «Charts» toolbar or accelerating keys of Alt+1;
Выполнение данной команды аналогично нажатию кнопки панели инструментов «Графики» или клавиш-акселераторов Alt+1;

In this whole matter of industry image, the investor’s problem is always the same. Is the current prevailing appraisal one more favorable, less favorable, or about the same as that warranted by the basic economic facts?
Во всех подобных историях, касающихся имиджа отрасли, проблема инвестора всегда остается одной и той же: он должен определить, является ли господствующая оценка компании, если брать реальные факты, завышенной, заниженной или более-менее объективной?

The Inverted Hammer and the Shooting Star candlesticks also look exactly the same as each other, but have very different meanings for traders.
Свечи Перевернутый Молот и Падающая звезда также выглядят абсолютно одинаково, но для трейдеров означают совершенно различные вещи.

The stop loss would go above the new resistance area and the profit target would remain the same as in the first example.
Стоп-лосс нужно разместить над новой областью сопротивления, а уровень прибыли останется таким же, как и в первом методе.

In case the order’s currency is not the same as the deposit currency, your profit will be calculated on the basis of the deposit currency current exchange rate against the order’s currency.
Если валюта ордера не совпадает с валютой депозита — прибыль пересчитывается по текущему курсу валюты депозита к валюте ордера.

The list of symbols in this window is the same as that in the «Market Watch» window at the moment of the command execution.
Список инструментов этого окна совпадает со списком в окне «Обзор рынка» на момент выполнения этой команды.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Solon Gibson

Score: 4.6/5
(24 votes)

Words that having similar sounds are called homonyms. Within the category of homonyms are two commonly confused concepts: homographs and homophones.

What are the sounding words?

Examples of these sound words include:

  • bam.
  • bang.
  • clang.
  • clank.
  • clap.
  • clatter.
  • click.
  • clink.

What are some badass words?


  • agitator.
  • rebel.
  • demagogue.
  • dissident.
  • fighter.
  • frondeur.
  • renegade.
  • sparkplug.

What are 2 words that sound the same?

What Is a Homophone? As mentioned above, sets of words like “you’re” and “your” are called homophones. The root of that word, homo-, means “same,” and the root phone- means “sound.” Homophones are two words that sound the same, but have different meanings.

Can you give me a list of Homographs?

Homograph Examples

  • agape – with mouth open OR love.
  • bass – type of fish OR low, deep voice.
  • bat — piece of sports equipment OR an animal.
  • bow – type of knot OR to incline.
  • down – a lower place OR soft fluff on a bird.
  • entrance – the way in OR to delight.
  • evening – smoothing out OR after sunset.
  • fine – of good quality OR a levy.

44 related questions found

What is homophonic mean?

having the same sound. Music. having one part or melody predominating (opposed to polyphonic).

Which word is pronounced the same as one?

A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and/or spelling. “Flower” and “flour” are homophones because they are pronounced the same but you certainly can’t bake a cake using daffodils. Continue reading…

What is polysemy English?

When a symbol, word, or phrase means many different things, that’s called polysemy. The verb «get» is a good example of polysemy — it can mean «procure,» «become,» or «understand.» … Generally, polysemy is distinguished from simple homonyms (where words sound alike but have different meanings) by etymology.

What are same words with different meanings?

When words are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings, then they are called homonyms.

What are the 10 homonyms?

10 Homonyms with Meanings and Sentences

  • Cache – Cash:
  • Scents – Sense:
  • Chile – Chili:
  • Choir – Quire:
  • Site – Sight:
  • Facts- Fax:
  • Finnish – Finish:

What are homonyms words?

Homonyms may be words with identical pronunciations but different spellings and meanings, such as to, too, and two. Or they may be words with both identical pronunciations and identical spellings but different meanings, such as quail (the bird) and quail (to cringe).

What is a word that is spelled the same but have different meanings?

Homophones are words that sound the same but are different in meaning or spelling. Homographs are spelled the same, but differ in meaning or pronunciation. Homonyms can be either or even both. … Welcome to homophones, homographs, and homonyms.

Which word has many meanings?

Homonyms, or multiple-meaning words, are words that have the same spelling and usually sound alike, but have different meanings (e.g. dog bark, tree bark).

What are polysemous words?

A polysemous word is a word that has different meanings that derive from a common origin; a homograph is a word that has different meanings with unrelated origins. Polysemous words and homographs constitute a known problem for language learners.

What are Polysemantic words?

Definitions of polysemantic word. a word having more than one meaning. synonyms: polysemant, polysemous word. type of: word. a unit of language that native speakers can identify.

What is a correct pronunciation?

Pronunciation is the way in which a word or a language is spoken. This may refer to generally agreed-upon sequences of sounds used in speaking a given word or language in a specific dialect («correct pronunciation») or simply the way a particular individual speaks a word or language.

Is the S silent in chassis?

Strictly following the formal rules of English, both the singular and plural possessive are spelled and pronounced the same: chassis’ prononounced chasseez.

What word is pronounced the same even after removing?

Answer Expert Verified

Queue is the only 5 letter word which has the same pronounciation even if the last 4 words are removed. That is , even though if we remove «ueue» from the word Queue , we will get the same pronounciation which was earlier. Hence, The answer is Queue.

What is homophonic example?

An example of something homophonic is a piece of music with chords, where two instruments play the same line of melody in the same rhythm; however, one instrument plays one note and a second intrument places a note in harmony. An example of homophonic words are pair and pear. Having the same sound.

What is an example of homophonic texture?

So, a homophonic texture is where you can have multiple different notes playing, but they’re all based around the same melody. A rock or pop star singing a song while playing guitar or piano at the same time is an example of homophonic texture.

A homophone () is a word that is pronounced the same (to varying extent) as another word but differs in meaning. A homophone may also differ in spelling. The two words may be spelled the same, for example rose (flower) and rose (past tense of «rise»), or spelled differently, as in rain, reign, and rein. The term homophone may also apply to units longer or shorter than words, for example a phrase, letter, or groups of letters which are pronounced the same as another phrase, letter, or group of letters. Any unit with this property is said to be homophonous ().

Venn diagram showing the relationships between homophones (blue circle) and related linguistic concepts

Homophones that are spelled the same are also both homographs and homonyms, e.g. the word read, as in «He is well read» (he is very learned) vs. the sentence «I read that book» (I have finished reading that book).[a]

Homophones that are spelled differently are also called heterographs, e.g. to, too, and two.


«Homophone» derives from Greek homo- (ὁμο‑), «same», and phōnḗ (φωνή), «voice, utterance».

Wordplay and gamesEdit

Homophones are often used to create puns and to deceive the reader (as in crossword puzzles) or to suggest multiple meanings. The last usage is common in poetry and creative literature. An example of this is seen in Dylan Thomas’s radio play Under Milk Wood: «The shops in mourning» where mourning can be heard as mourning or morning. Another vivid example is Thomas Hood’s use of birth and berth as well as told and toll’d (tolled) in his poem «Faithless Sally Brown»:

His death, which happen’d in his berth,
At forty-odd befell:
They went and told the sexton, and
The sexton toll’d the bell.

In some accents, various sounds have merged in that they are no longer distinctive, and thus words that differ only by those sounds in an accent that maintains the distinction (a minimal pair) are homophonous in the accent with the merger. Some examples from English are:

  • pin and pen in many southern American accents
  • by and buy
  • merry, marry, and Mary in most American accents
  • The pairs do and due as well as forward and foreword are homophonous in most American accents but not in most English accents
  • The pairs talk and torque as well as court and caught are distinguished in rhotic accents, such as Scottish English, and most dialects of American English, but are homophones in some non-rhotic accents, such as British Received Pronunciation

Wordplay is particularly common in English because the multiplicity of linguistic influences offers considerable complication in spelling and meaning and pronunciation compared with other languages.

Malapropisms, which often create a similar comic effect, are usually near-homophones. See also Eggcorn.

Same-sounding phrasesEdit

Same-sounding (homophonous, or homophonic) phrases are often used in various word games. Examples of same-sounding phrases (which may only be true homophones in certain dialects of English) include:

  • ice cream vs. I scream (as in the meme I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream.)
  • euthanasia vs. Youth in Asia
  • depend vs. deep end
  • Gemini vs. gem in eye vs. Jim and I (vs. Jem in eye)
  • the sky vs. this guy (most notably as a mondegreen in «Purple Haze» by Jimi Hendrix)
  • four candles vs. fork handles
  • sand which is there vs. sandwiches there
  • philanderers vs. Flanders
  • example vs. egg sample
  • some others vs. some mothers vs. smothers

American comedian Jeff Foxworthy frequently uses same-sounding phrases in his Appalachian comedy routine, which play on exaggerated «country» accents. Notable examples include:

  • Initiate vs. and then she ate: «My wife ate two sandwiches, initiate a bag o’ tater chips.»
  • Mayonnaise vs. Man, there is: «Mayonnaise a lot of people here tonight.»
  • Innuendo vs. in your window: «Hey dude I saw a bird fly innuendo
  • Moustache vs. must ask: «I Moustache you a question.»

During the 1980s, an attempt was made to promote a distinctive term for same-sounding multiple words or phrases, by referring to them as «oronyms»,[b]
but the term oronym was already well established in linguistics as an onomastic designation for a class of toponymic features (names of mountains, hills, etc.),[2] the alternative use of the same term was not well accepted in scholarly literature.[3]



There are sources[4] which maintain lists of homophones (words with identical pronunciations but different spellings) and even ‘multinyms.’ There is disagreement among such lists due to dialectical variations in pronunciation and archaic uses. In English, concerning groups of homophones (excluding proper nouns), there are approximately 88 triplets, 24 quadruplets, 2 quintuplets, 1 sextet, 1 septet, and 1 questionable octet (possibly a second septet). The questionable octet is:

raise, rays, rase, raze, rehs, res, reais, [race]

Other than the common words raise, rays, and race this octet includes

  • raze – a verb meaning «to demolish, level to the ground» or «to scrape as if with a razor»
  • rase – an archaic verb meaning «to erase»
  • rehs – the plural of reh, a mixture of sodium salts found as an efflorescence in India
  • res – the plural of re, a name for one step of the musical scale; obsolete legal term for «the matter» or «incident»
  • reais – the plural of real, the currency unit of Brazil

The inclusion of «race» in the octet above is questionable, since its pronunciation differs from the other words on the list (ending with /s/ instead of /z/).

If proper names are included, then a possible nonet would be:

  • Ayr – a town in Scotland
  • Aire – a river in Yorkshire
  • Eyre – legal term and various geographic locations
  • heir – one who inherits
  • air – the ubiquitous atmospheric gas that people breathe; a type of musical tune
  • err – to make an error
  • ere – poetic / archaic «before»
  • e’er – poetic «ever» (some speakers)
  • are – a defunct, small, metric unit of area


There are many homophones in present-day standard German. As in other languages, however, there exists regional and/or individual variation in certain groups of words or in single words, so that the number of homophones varies accordingly. Regional variation is especially common in words that exhibit the long vowels ä and e. According to the well-known dictionary Duden, these vowels should be distinguished as /ɛ:/ and /e:/, but this is not always the case, so that words like Ähre (ear of corn) and Ehre (honor) may or may not be homophones.
Individual variation is shown by a pair like Gäste (guests) – Geste (gesture), the latter of which varies between /ˈɡe:stə/ and /ˈɡɛstə/ and by a pair like Stiel (handle, stalk) – Stil (style), the latter of which varies between /ʃtiːl/ and /stiːl/.

Besides websites that offer extensive lists of German homophones,[5] there are others which provide numerous sentences with various types of homophones.[6] In the German language homophones occur in more than 200 instances. Of these, a few are triples like

  • Waagen (weighing scales) – Wagen (cart) – wagen (to dare)
  • Waise (orphan) – Weise (way, manner) – weise (wise)

Most are couples like lehren (to teach) – leeren (to empty).


Although Spanish has far fewer homophones than in English, they are far from being non-existent. Some are homonyms, such as basta, which can either mean ‘enough’ or ‘coarse’, but most exist because of homophonous letters. For example, the letters b and v are pronounced exactly alike, so the words basta (coarse) and vasta (vast) are pronounced identically.[7]

Other homonyms are etymologically related, but have different genders, and in some cases the different genders producing different lexical items. In the case of persona, el persona (the male or ungendered/unidentified person) and la persona (the female person) are the masculine and feminine forms of the noun persona (person) respectively. However, el capital and la capital have drastically different meanings, in which the masculine noun means ‘money’ and the feminine noun means ‘capital city’ or ‘capital letter’.[8]


There are many homophones in Japanese, due to the use of Sino-Japanese vocabulary, where borrowed words and morphemes from Chinese are widely used in Japanese, but many sound differences, such as the original words’ tones, are lost.[citation needed] These are to some extent disambiguated via Japanese pitch accent (i.e. 日本 vs. 二本, both pronounced nihon, but with different pitches), or from context, but many of these words are primarily or almost exclusively used in writing, where they are easily distinguished as they are written with different kanji; others are used for puns, which are frequent in Japanese.

An extreme example is kikō (hiragana: きこう), which is the pronunciation of at least 22 words (some quite rare or specialized, others common; all these examples are two-character compounds), including:

  • 機構 (organization / mechanism)
  • 紀行 (travelogue)
  • 稀覯 (rare)
  • 騎行 (horseback riding)
  • 貴校 (school (respectful))
  • 奇功 (outstanding achievement)
  • 貴公 (word for «you» used by men addressing male equals or inferiors)
  • 起稿 (draft)
  • 奇行 (eccentricity)
  • 機巧 (contrivance)
  • 寄港 (stopping at port)
  • 帰校 (returning to school)
  • 気功 (breathing exercise, qigong)
  • 寄稿 (contribute an article / a written piece)
  • 機甲 (armor, e.g. of a tank)
  • 帰航 (homeward voyage)
  • 奇効 (remarkable effect)
  • 季候 (season / climate)
  • 気孔 (stoma)
  • 起工 (setting to work)
  • 気候 (climate)
  • 帰港 (returning to port)

Even some native Japanese words are homophones. For example, kami (かみ) is the pronunciation of the words

  • 紙 (paper)
  • 髪 (hair)
  • 神 (god/spirit)
  • 上 (up)

The former two words are disambiguated from the latter two by pitch accent.


The Korean language contains a combination of words that strictly belong to Korean and words that are loanwords from Chinese. Due to Chinese being pronounced with varying tones and Korean’s removal of those tones, and because the modern Korean writing system, Hangeul, has a more finite number of phonemes than, for example, Latin-derived alphabets such as that of English, there are many homonyms with both the same spelling and pronunciation.
For example

  • 화장(化粧)하다‘: ‘to put on makeup’ vs. ‘화장(火葬)하다‘: ‘to cremate’
  • 유산(遺産)‘: ‘inheritance’ vs. ‘유산(流産)‘: ‘miscarriage’
  • 방구‘: ‘fart’ vs. ‘방구(防具)‘: ‘guard’
  • ‘밤[밤ː]’: ‘chestnut’ vs. ‘밤’: ‘night’

There are heterographs, but far fewer, contrary to the tendency in English. For example,

  • ‘학문(學問)’: ‘learning’ vs. ‘항문(肛門)’: ‘anus’.

Using hanja (한자; 漢字), which are Chinese characters, such words are written differently.

As in other languages, Korean homonyms can be used to make puns. The context in which the word is used indicates which meaning is intended by the speaker or writer.

Mandarin ChineseEdit

Due to phonological constraints in Mandarin syllables (as Mandarin only allows for an initial consonant, a vowel, and a nasal or retroflex consonant in respective order), there are only a little over 400 possible unique syllables that can be produced,[9] compared to over 15,831 in the English language.[10]

Chinese has an entire genre of poems taking advantage of the large amount of homophones called one-syllable articles, or poems where every single word in the poem is pronounced as the same syllable if tones are disregarded. An example is the Lion-Eating Poet in the Stone Den.

Like all Chinese languages, Mandarin uses phonemic tones to distinguish homophonic syllables; Mandarin has five tones. A famous example,

  • (妈) means «mother»
  • (麻) means «hemp»
  • (马) means «horse»
  • (骂) means «scold»
  • ma (吗) is a yes / no question particle

Although all these words consist of the same string of consonants and vowels, the only way to distinguish each of these words audibly is by listening to which tone the word has, and as shown above, saying a consonant-vowel string using a different tone can produce an entirely different word altogether. If tones are included, the number of unique syllables in Mandarin increases to at least 1,522.[11]

However, even with tones, Mandarin retains a very large amount of homophones. , for example, has at least 125 homophones,[12] and it is the pronunciation used for Chinese characters such as 义, 意, 易, 亿, 议, 一, and 已.

There are even place names in China that have identical pronunciations, aside for the difference in tone. For example, there are two neighboring provinces with nearly identical names, Shanxi (山西) and Shaanxi (陕西) Province. The only difference in pronunciation between the two names are the tone in the first syllable (Shanxi is pronounced Shānxī whereas Shaanxi is pronounced Shǎnxī). As most languages exclude the tone diacritics when transcribing Chinese place names into their own languages, the only way to visually distinguish the two names is to write Shaanxi in Gwoyeu Romatzyh romanization. Otherwise, nearly all other spellings of placenames in mainland China are spelled using Hanyu Pinyin romanization.

Many scholars believe that the Chinese language did not always have such a large number of homophones and that the phonological structure of Chinese syllables was once more complex, which allowed for a larger amount of possible syllables so that words sounded more distinct from each other.

Scholars also believe that Old Chinese had no phonemic tones, but tones emerged in Middle Chinese to replace sounds that were lost from Old Chinese. Since words in Old Chinese sounded more distinct from each other at this time, it explains why many words in Classical Chinese consisted of only one syllable. For example, the Standard Mandarin word 狮子(shīzi, meaning «lion») was simply 狮 (shī) in Classical Chinese, and the Standard Mandarin word 教育 (jiàoyù, «education») was simply 教 (jiào) in Classical Chinese.

Since many Chinese words became homophonic over the centuries, it became difficult to distinguish words when listening to documents written in Classical Chinese being read aloud. One-syllable articles like those mentioned above are evidence for this. For this reason, many one-syllable words from Classical Chinese became two-syllable words, like the words mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Even with the existence of two- or two-syllable words, however, there are even multisyllabic homophones. Such homophones even play a major role in daily life throughout China, including Spring Festival traditions, which gifts to give (and not give), political criticism, texting, and many other aspects of people’s lives.[13]

Another complication that arises within the Chinese language is that in non-rap songs, tones are disregarded in favor of maintaining melody in the song.[14] While in most cases, the lack of phonemic tones in music does not cause confusion among native speakers, there are instances where puns may arise.

Subtitles in Chinese characters are usually displayed on music videos and in songs sung on movies and TV shows to disambiguate the song’s lyrics.


It is estimated that there are approximately 4,500 to 4,800 possible syllables in Vietnamese, depending on the dialect.[15] The exact number is difficult to calculate because there are significant differences in pronunciation among the dialects. For example, the graphemes and digraphs «d», «gi», and «r» are all pronounced /z/ in the Hanoi dialect, so the words dao (knife), giao (delivery), and rao (advertise) are all pronounced /zaw˧/. In Saigon dialect, however, the graphemes and digraphs «d», «gi», and «v» are all pronounced /j/, so the words dao (knife), giao (delivery), and vao (enter) are all pronounced /jaw˧/.

Pairs of words that are homophones in one dialect may not be homophones in the other. For example, the words sắc (sharp) and xắc (dice) are both pronounced /săk˧˥/ in Hanoi dialect, but pronounced /ʂăk˧˥/ and /săk˧˥/ in Saigon dialect respectively.

Psychological researchEdit


Pseudo-homophones are pseudowords that are phonetically identical to a word. For example, groan/grone and crane/crain are pseudo-homophone pairs, whereas plane/plain is a homophone pair since both letter strings are recognised words. Both types of pairs are used in lexical decision tasks to investigate word recognition.[16]

Use as ambiguous informationEdit

Homophones, specifically heterographs, where one spelling is of a threatening nature and one is not (e.g. slay/sleigh, war/wore) have been used in studies of anxiety as a test of cognitive models that those with high anxiety tend to interpret ambiguous information in a threatening manner.[17]

See alsoEdit

  • Homograph
  • Homonym
  • Synonym
  • Dajare, a type of wordplay involving similar-sounding phrases
  • Perfect rhyme
  • List of dialect-independent homophones
  • List of dialect-dependent homophones


  1. ^
    According to the strict sense of homonyms as words with the same spelling and pronunciation; however, homonyms according to the loose sense common in nontechnical contexts are words with the same spelling or pronunciation, in which case all homophones are also homonyms.[1]
  2. ^
    The name oronym was first proposed and advocated by Gyles Brandreth in his book The Joy of Lex (1980), and such use was also accepted in the BBC programme Never Mind the Full Stops, which featured Brandreth as a guest.


  1. ^ «Homonym». Random House Unabridged Dictionary. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016 – via Dictionary.com.
  2. ^ Room 1996, p. 75.
  3. ^ Stewart 2015, p. 91, 237.
  4. ^ Burkardt, J. «Multinyms». Department of Scientific Computing. Fun / wordplay. Florida State University. Archived from the original on 25 August 2016.
  5. ^ See, e.g. «Homophone und homonyme im deutschen Homophone». yumpu.com (in German). Archived from the original on 8 March 2021. Retrieved 15 March 2020.
  6. ^ See Fausto Cercignani, «Beispielsätze mit deutschen Homophonen» [Example sentences with German homophones] (in German). Archived from the original on 29 May 2020.
  7. ^ «51 Spanish Words That Sound Exactly Like Other Spanish Words». ThoughtCo. Retrieved 27 August 2022.
  8. ^ «37 Spanish Nouns Whose Meanings Change With Gender». ThoughtCo. Retrieved 27 August 2022.
  9. ^ «Is there any similarity between Chinese and English?». Learn Mandarin Chinese Online. Study Online Mandarin Chinese Courses. 7 July 2017. Archived from the original on 25 January 2021. Retrieved 18 December 2020.
  10. ^ Barker (22 August 2016). «Syllables». Linguistics. New York University. Archived from the original on 22 August 2016. Retrieved 17 December 2020.
  11. ^ «Compare that with 413 syllables for Chinese if you ignore tones, 1,522 syllables». news.ycombinator.com. Hacker News. Archived from the original on 14 April 2021. Retrieved 18 December 2020.
  12. ^ Chang, Chao-Huang. «Corpus-based adaptation mechanisms for Chinese Homophone disambiguation» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 14 April 2021. Retrieved 18 December 2020.
  13. ^ «Chinese Homophones and Chinese Customs». yoyochinese.com (blog). Archived from the original on 9 April 2021. Retrieved 18 December 2020.
  14. ^ «How do people sing in a tonal language?». Diplomatic Language Services. 8 September 2016. Archived from the original on 28 November 2020. Retrieved 30 December 2020.
  15. ^ «vietnamese tone marks pronunciation». pronunciator.com. Archived from the original on 18 May 2022. Retrieved 5 February 2021.
  16. ^ Martin, R.C. (1982). «The pseudohomophone effect: The role of visual similarity in non-word decisions». Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 34A (Pt 3): 395–409. doi:10.1080/14640748208400851. PMID 6890218. S2CID 41699283.
  17. ^ Mogg, K.; Bradley, B.P.; Miller, T.; Potts, H.; Glenwright, J.; Kentish, J. (1994). «Interpretation of homophones related to threat: Anxiety or response bias effects?». Cognitive Therapy and Research. 18 (5): 461–477. doi:10.1007/BF02357754. S2CID 36150769.


  • Franklyn, Julian (1966). Which Witch? (1st ed.). New York, NY: Dorset Press. ISBN 0-88029-164-8.
  • Room, Adrian (1996). An Alphabetical Guide to the Language of Name Studies. Lanham and London, UK: The Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-081083169-8. Archived from the original on 14 April 2021. Retrieved 23 December 2020.
  • Stewart, Garrett (2015). The Deed of Reading: Literature, writing, language, philosophy. Ithaca, NY and London, UK: Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-150170170-2. Archived from the original on 14 April 2021. Retrieved 23 December 2020.

External linksEdit

Look up homophone in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • Homophone.com – a list of American homophones with a searchable database.
  • Reed’s homophones – a book of sound-alike words published in 2012
  • Homophones.ml – a collection of homophones and their definitions
  • Homophone Machine – swaps homophones in any sentence
  • Useful tips … English homophones – homophones list, activities and worksheets

Same is one of the most common words in the English language. It has been long used as an adjective, a pronoun or quasi-determiner, or even as a noun proper. But being roped into use as an adverb is now fairly rare in today’s literature, and is almost only ever used to mark rustic or uneducated speech. You probably should not do that.

I’m afraid that the referenced learner’s dictionary has compressed matters down so far as to leave you with a misrepresentation. It is not possible for a multiword phrase to “be” a part of speech like a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb. When we write:

The man walked the dog.

Then your subject and your object, respectively “the man” and “the dog”, are not themselves nouns the way man and dog alone are. Rather, they are noun phrases, which have their own anatomies and anomalies. Here you know you have a noun phrase because of the definite article the preceding both nouns. You also know you have a noun phrase because only noun phrases can serve as subjects and objects.

Now let’s expand our sentence:

The man walked the dog and the cat at the same time.

We’ve created a compound direct object by connecting the dog and the cat using a coördinating conjunction, and then we’ve added a prepositional phrase at the very end. That “at the same time bit there at the end is neither a noun or a verb nor an adjective or an adverb. It’s a prepositional phrase composed of the preposition the and the noun phrase the same time. In that noun phrase, the is a definite article, same is an adjective, and time is a noun. The entire prepositional phrase is an adverbial modifier of the predicate. But it isn’t an adverb, and it contains no adverbs within it, either.

Prepositional phrases are a type of syntactic constituent that can be used in the same way that you can use a modifying adjective or adverb.

  1. I’ll see you then.
  2. I’ll see you on the last Sunday in April.

Notice how there I’m using the preposition on followed by a noun phrase. It is a property of noun phrases in English that they can sometimes be used as modifying phrases despite having no connecting preposition. For example, here we can delete the preposition with no change in meaning:

  1. I’ll see you the last Sunday in April.

That’s what’s going on with your example:

An uncommitted player reacts to different alliance types the same.

That’s not an adverb: it’s a noun phrase being used as an adverbial modifier of the predicate.

Here’s something that looks the same as your example, but isn’t. When someone says:

Person 1: I’d like a fresh beer.

Person 2: I’d like the same.

That one isn’t a modifier, though. That’s a substantive use because it’s the object. The word same itself is probably best thought of as a sort of pronoun that originated as a nominalized adjective meaning same thing. We make pronouns like this a lot in English, like when we talk about the other meaning a person. It is rather rare but possible to use same in this way without the article, or with actual nominal inflection into the plural. Here’s one of each:

  • 1926 in H. W. Fowler Mod. Eng. Usage 512/1
    Sir,—Having in mind the approaching General Election, it appears to me that the result of same is likely to be as much a farce as the last.
  • 1977 Trans. Philol. Soc. 1975 9
    Certain configurations in languages typically result from the principled (‘lawful’) divergence over time of original sames.

That first example from Fowler still shows up from time to time in legal language, but it’s not very well thought of. The second example is a highly specialized use you’ll rarely come across.

Just as we can omit the defined article from “the same” in select substantive uses, we can also do so when using it as an an adverbial modifying phrase. Doing so is more common than the strange-sounding examples I just provided, but it remains little done in literature, with most modern examples considered to be representative of dialect, illiterate, or jocular speech.

When you use the noun phrase “the same” as an adverbial modifying phrase, it mean “in the same manner”. Here are some examples of that from the OED over the past century and a half or so:

  • 1857 ‘S. Sondnokkur’ Ryde fro Ratchda to Manchistur (ed. 2) iv. 9
    Aw kuddunt elp wundurin..wether it wur to put iz grund coffi in, saym uz wi dun o whoam.
  • 1857 ‘S. Sondnokkur’ Ryde fro Ratchda to Manchistur (ed. 2) vi. 14
    Thir wur o rattlin saym uz uv o lot a peawur looms.
  • 1861 ‘G. Eliot’ Silas Marner xviii. 325
    You’ll never think the same of me again.
  • 1884 ‘M. Twain’ Adventures Huckleberry Finn ii. 24
    Strange niggers would..look him all over, same as if he was a wonder.
  • 1930 W. Faulkner As I lay Dying 4
    She ought to taken those cakes when she same as gave you her word.
  • 1933 M. Lowry Ultramarine i. 16
    He knows bloody well same as myself it doesn’t pay to shout and be unkind to youngsters.
  • 1957 L. P. Hartley Hireling viii. 65
    But I shouldn’t be able to serve them personally, same as I do now.
  • 1975 Listener 6 Feb. 174/1
    There was no work… They were all bad years, because, same as I say, there was nothing.

Those examples of same without a definite article really are places where it’s an adverb. They’re also considered ‘sloppy’ speech, not something educated speakers say, deliberately used that way to convey that point. The same thing happens in the phrase “same like” where it means ‘just like’:

  • 1959 A. Christie Cat among Pigeons ix. 107
    ‘See no evil, hear no evil, think no evil. Same like the monkeys,’ observed Sergeant Percy Bond.
  • 1968 ‘L. Egan’ Serious Investigation vi. 78
    But same like the gent in Holy Writ, Beware the anger of a patient man.
  • 1973 G. Mitchell Murder of Busy Lizzie xv. 185
    Ain’t going to be no share-out. Same like the boy with the apple-core, if you happen to know that story.
  • 1980 I. Murdoch Nuns & Soldiers vii. 382
    I have rich friends, same like you.

Another rare adverbial use is the little-seen compound same-ways:

  • 1887 Sir W. Thomson in Nature 3 Oct. 546/2
    Every A is at the centre of an equal and similar, and same-ways oriented, tetrahedron of O’s.

You’re safest using same with the if you’re going to use it adverbially:

  1. I always cook it the same as my grandma made it.

But be again warned that this is now rare in literary use. A more carefully worded version of that might be:

  1. I always cook it the same way (that) my grandma made it.

That said, I can find little fault in examples where “the same” is used to mean the opposite of differently:

  1. We never treat our children differently.
  2. We strive to treat all our children the same.

The OED still thinks that flavor doesn’t show up much in literature any longer.

If someone shares the same name as you, you might want to know whether there’s a word you can use to apply to them. In Dutch, the word “naamgenoot” (meaning “member of the same name”) is exactly what we’re looking for. Unfortunately, we’re not using the Dutch language.

What Do You Call A Person With The Same Name As You?

You can call someone with the same name as you a “name-fellow” or a “namesake.” “Name-fellow” is an adjective used to describe someone, while “namesake” is a noun you can use in place of the person. You might also hear newer terms without official meanings, like “name-twin.”

What Do You Call A Person With The Same Name As You?

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “namesake” is “a person or thing having the same name as another person or thing.”

In this article, we’ll look at the following words and how they can be used to talk about a person with the same name as you:

  • Namesake
  • Name-fellow
  • Name-twin
  • Homonymous


We’ll start off with the most appropriate term to use to talk about someone who has the same name as you. Right from the start, it’s important to note that this is a noun, not an adjective, so we can’t use it to describe someone.

For example, if we wrote:

  • A namesake friend

It would be incorrect because “namesake” is acting like an adjective here.

  • My friend is my namesake.

This sentence is the correct way to use “namesake” because we treat it as a noun. We’re simply saying that our “friend” has the same name as we do.

“Namesake” means that two people have the same name. It can also relate to a person being named after a thing rather than another person. It’s most commonly used to talk about familial connections (like a son being named after his father).

Usually, a namesake is related to you in some way. You can use it to say that somebody was named after you rather than simply saying that they share the same name with you. Of course, both meanings still apply, so it’s up to you which one works better in the context.

  1. My brother has been my namesake since I was born first.
  2. My father was the namesake to his father before him.
  3. I swear, my friend is my namesake. Even his surname is identical to mine.

From these examples, we can see that “namesake” mostly refers to a familial connection of some kind. We can sometimes use it in the case of friendly connections, but it’s much less common.


Next, we’ll look at “name-fellow.” “Name-fellow” is a neologism, which basically means it’s a newly coined phrase or expression that people use without it being officially recognized by most dictionaries.

A “name-fellow” is someone who shares the same name as you. The term “fellow” is used to talk about people that have the same job or interests as you. Included “-fellow” as a suffix means that someone is the same as you based on the first word.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “fellow” is “used to refer to someone who has the same job or interests as you, or is in the same situation as you.”

That means we can apply the word “fellow” to the end of the word “name” to change the meaning to say that it’s used to refer to someone who has the same name as you. While not officially recognized, it’s widely accepted by most native speakers.

  1. You must be my name-fellow, David! I’m also David!
  2. Shaun is a name-fellow of mine if you haven’t already noticed!
  3. Hey, man! We’re name-fellows! What are the chances of that?

“Name-fellow” is an adjective. That means we can use it to describe a person we’re talking about rather than having to use it as a noun with “namesake.” It works in all situations where a name is shared between two people.


The word “name-twin” is another neologism we can talk about. Again, it’s not officially recognized, but if you say it to any native speaker, they’ll understand what you’re saying when they notice that two people are sharing the same name.

“Name-twin” is a newly coined term used to mean that two people share the same name. The term “twin” is used to show that two people are identical, and in this case, it talks about the identical nature of their names.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “twin” is “one of two very similar things.”

While a “twin” usually refers to two siblings born on the same day, it doesn’t have to mean that when used in the sense of “name-twin.” Instead, it can be used to simply say that two names are very similar or, in the case of this article, identical.

  1. Oh my gosh! We’re name-twins! I didn’t even realize!
  2. You have the same name as me! We’re definitely name-twins!
  3. This is my new name-twin, Steven Stevenson.


Finally, we can use the word “homonymous” to talk about two people who share the same name. This word originates from the Greek term “homonym.”

“Homonymous” means that two people share the same name. It usually refers to the sounds of the names rather than the direct spelling. That means “Sean” and “Shaun” are homonymous because they’re said the same, but they’re not spelt the same.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “homonym” is “a word that sounds the same or is spelt the same as another word but has a different meaning.”

“Homonym” is the noun form, but “homonymous” is the adjective we can use to describe people with similar-sounding names. It’s also the only word on this list that talks more about the sounds of the names rather than the identical spellings.

  1. Hey, my name is Shaun, and this is my homonymous friend, Sean!
  2. Hannah, you’re homonymous with my name! I’m Hanna!
  3. I just heard you’re called Gary! You’re my new homonymous friend because my name is Garry!

See how all of the names are said the same, but the spellings are different. This is how we would use “homonymous” in the case of names.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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