Word for soon to happen

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

I’m sure the same is soon to happen here.

We come with news about a number of events that are soon to happen in your reality.

But 9 more are soon to happen.

The Rockefellers know that was soon to happen, something big and bad.

One who announced the unprecedented activities of the Lord that were soon to happen.

Тот, кто предвозвестил действия Господа, не имеющие себе подобных, которым должно было состояться вскоре.

Speaking with reverence and awe at how little most of humanity really understands, I expressed my belief that something wonderful was soon to happen on the planet — something so totally fantastic and outrageous that no one could possibly fathom it before it actually occurred.

Уважая и почитая то, как мало, в действительности понимает большинство людей, я рассказывал о своей вере в то, что скоро на планете произойдет нечто прекрасное, нечто абсолютно фантастическое и восхитительное, нечто, о чем никто даже не подозревает.

QR codes are already highly popular in Asia, particularly in countries like Japan and South Korea, soon to happen here and change the face of couponing.

QR коды уже очень популярны в Азии, особенно в таких странах, как Япония и Южная Корея; вскоре это произойдет и здесь, что изменит облик мобильной индустрии

Другие результаты

The soon-to-happen and highly awaited Fourth Industrial Revolution combines digital, biological and physical systems and will propagate a new interaction between humans and machines.

Вскоре ожидаемая и предстоящая промышленная революция объединит цифровые, биологические и физические системы и будет способствовать новым взаимодействиям между людьми и машинами.

Quite often, devilish entities settle in houses, where unexplainable things soon begin to happen.

And the deeds soon started to happen.

Those waiting for this to happen soon would be disappointed.

Changes need to happen soon before the problems are irreversible.

Ratification is expected to happen soon.

Those waiting for this to happen soon would be disappointed.

SRK wants this to happen soon.

Both sides said that was likely to happen soon.

But few expect it to happen soon.

It is possible that such «miracles» may soon begin to happen in Italy, France, Germany, and other European countries.

Не исключено, что вскоре такие «чудеса» могут начать твориться в Италии, Франции, Германии и других странах Европы.

Eddie Number gets a teacher in high school and discovers that the children are completely unprepared for the changes that will soon begin to happen to their organisms.

Эдди Кол устраивается преподавателем в среднюю школу и обнаруживает, что дети абсолютно не готовы к изменениям, которые скоро начнут происходить с их организмами.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 38577. Точных совпадений: 8. Затраченное время: 789 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • 1
    not going to happen any time soon

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > not going to happen any time soon

  • 2

    here he comes! le voilà qui arrive!;

    it’s stuck — ah, no, it’s coming! c’est coincé — ah, non, ça vient!;

    coming! j’arrive!;

    come here! venez ici!; au pied!;

    if you’re looking for sun, you’ve come to the wrong place si c’est le soleil que vous cherchez, il ne fallait pas venir ici;

    American come and look, come look venez voir;

    familiar come and get it! à la soupe!;

    familiar I don’t know whether I’m coming or going je ne sais pas où j’en suis;

    figurative you could see it coming on l’a vu venir de loin, c’était prévisible;

    proverb everything comes to him who waits tout vient à point à qui sait attendre

    (b) venir;

    can you come to my party on Saturday night? est-ce que tu peux venir à ma soirée samedi?;

    I’m sorry, I can’t come (je suis) désolé, je ne peux pas venir;

    would you like to come for lunch/dinner? voulez-vous venir déjeuner/dîner?;

    to come in time/late arriver à temps/en retard;

    there will come a point when… il viendra un moment où…;

    when you come to the last coat of paint… quand tu en seras à la dernière couche de peinture…;

    (d) venir, se trouver;

    that speech comes in Act 3/on page 10 on trouve ce discours dans l’acte 3/à la page 10;

    what comes after the performance? qu’est-ce qu’il y a après la représentation?

    (e) arriver, se produire;

    when my turn comes, when it comes to my turn quand ce sera (à) mon tour, quand mon tour viendra;

    Bible it came to pass that… il advint que…;

    come what may advienne que pourra, quoi qu’il arrive ou advienne

    I said the first thing that came into my head or that came to mind j’ai dit la première chose qui m’est venue à l’esprit;

    (j) (+


    ) en venir à, finir par; arriver;

    how did you come to lose your umbrella? comment as-tu fait pour perdre ton parapluie?;

    how did the door come to be open? comment se fait-il que la porte soit ouverte?;


    I still have £5 coming (to me) on me doit encore 5 livres;

    familiar you’ll get what’s coming to you tu l’auras cherché ou voulu;

    familiar he had it coming (to him) il ne l’a pas volé

    how come? comment ça?;

    American how’s it coming? comment ça va?;

    I haven’t seen her in weeks, or her husband, come to that ça fait des semaines que je ne l’ai pas vue, son mari non plus d’ailleurs;

    if it comes to that, I’d rather stay home à ce moment-là ou à ce compte-là, je préfère rester à la maison;

    don’t come the fine lady with me! ne fais pas la grande dame ou ne joue pas à la grande dame avec moi!;

    don’t come the innocent! ne fais pas l’innocent!;

    British familiar you’re coming it a bit strong! tu y vas un peu fort!;

    British familiar don’t come it with me! n’essaie pas de m’en mettre plein la vue!; pas la peine d’être si hautain avec moi!;

    Religion the life to come l’autre vie;

    come tomorrow/Tuesday you’ll feel better vous vous sentirez mieux demain/mardi;

    come, come!, come now! allons!, voyons!

    (a) arriver, se produire;

    it came about that… il arriva ou il advint que…;

    how could such a mistake come about? comment une telle erreur a-t-elle pu se produire?;



    tourner, changer de direction; virer de bord

    (a) traverser;

    to come across well/badly faire une bonne/mauvaise impression, bien/mal passer; bien/mal passer;

    rencontrer par hasard, tomber sur; trouver par hasard, tomber sur;


    donner, fournir ; offrir ; raquer, se fendre de;


    come along, drink your medicine! allez, prends ou bois ton médicament!;

    come along, we’re late! dépêche-toi, nous sommes en retard!

    (c) arriver, se présenter;

    (d) avancer, faire des progrès; pousser;

    how’s your computer class coming along? comment va ton cours d’informatique?

    se démonter; se casser; échouer;

    figurative under pressure he came apart sous la pression il a craqué

    figurative questions came at me from all sides j’ai été assailli de questions

    come away from that door! écartez-vous de cette porte!;

    figurative the colour came back to her cheeks elle reprit des couleurs;

    (e) revenir à la mode; faire un come-back


    comparaître devant; être entendu par

    brouiller, éloigner;

    obtenir, se procurer; se faire;

    how did you come by this camera/those bruises? comment as-tu fait pour avoir cet appareil-photo/ces bleus?;

    how did she come by all that money? comment s’est-elle procuré tout cet argent?;

    how on earth did he come by that idea? où est-il allé chercher cette idée?

    descendre; descendre, faire la descente de

    (a) descendre; descendre, faire la descente; s’écraser; atterrir;

    come down from that tree! descends de cet arbre!;

    (e) être transmis (de père en fils);

    the majority came down in favour of/against abortion la majorité s’est prononcée en faveur de/contre l’avortement;

    (g) être défait ou décroché;

    se réduire à, se résumer à;

    Law to come forward with evidence présenter des preuves


    familiar I’m not sure where he’s coming from je ne sais pas très bien ce qui le motive

    come in! entrez!;

    come in now, children, it’s getting dark rentrez maintenant, les enfants, il commence à faire nuit;

    British familiar Mrs Brown comes in twice a week Madame Brown vient (faire le ménage) deux fois par semaine

    (b) arriver

    (d) rentrer;

    how much do you have coming in every week? combien touchez-vous ou encaissez-vous chaque semaine?

    come in car number 1, over j’appelle voiture 1, à vous;

    (g) être de saison; entrer en vogue;

    when do endives come in? quand commence la saison des endives?;

    to come in handy or useful être utile ou commode; arriver à point;

    these gloves come in handy or useful for driving ces gants sont bien commodes ou utiles pour conduire

    (i) être impliqué; participer, intervenir;

    where do I come in? quel est mon rôle là-dedans?;


    the government came in for a lot of criticism over its handling of the crisis le gouvernement a été très critiqué pour la façon dont il gère la crise;

    (a) hériter de; entrer en possession de;

    it’s not simply a matter of pride, though pride does come into it ce n’est pas une simple question de fierté, bien que la fierté joue un certain rôle;

    money doesn’t come into it! l’argent n’a rien à voir là-dedans!

    résulter de;

    what will come of it? qu’en adviendra-t-il?, qu’en résultera-t-il?;

    no good will come from or of it ça ne mènera à rien de bon, il n’en résultera rien de bon;

    that’s what comes from listening to you! voilà ce qui arrive quand on vous écoute!

    (a) tomber de; se détacher de, se découdre de; se détacher de; se détacher de, se décoller de; partir de, s’enlever de

    (b) arrêter de prendre; arrêter de boire;

    (c) descendre de;

    to come off a ship/plane débarquer d’un navire/d’un avion;

    oh, come off it! allez, arrête ton char!

    (a) tomber; se détacher, se découdre; se détacher; partir, s’enlever; se détacher, se décoller;

    (c) s’en sortir, se tirer de;



    avoir lieu, se passer ; se réaliser ; réussir ;

    did the game come off all right? le match s’est bien passé?;

    come on Scotland! allez l’Écosse!;

    come on in/up! entre/monte donc!;

    oh, come on, for goodness sake! allez, arrête!

    (c) avancer, faire des progrès; pousser, venir bien;

    how is your work coming on? où en est votre travail?;

    (d) se déclarer; survenir, éclater; arriver;

    I feel a headache/cold coming on je sens un mal de tête qui commence/que je m’enrhume

    (e) s’allumer; se mettre en marche; être mis en service;

    has the water come on? y a-t-il de l’eau?


    don’t come on all macho with me! ne joue pas les machos avec moi!;

    familiar you came on a bit strong tu y es allé un peu fort



    entrer en scène; être joué ou représenté;

    (a) sortir;

    would you like to come out with me tonight? est-ce que tu veux sortir avec moi ce soir?;

    figurative if he’d only come out of himself or out of his shell si seulement il sortait de sa coquille

    (b) paraître, se montrer; sortir, éclore;


    paraître, être publié; paraître, sortir; sortir;

    (c) être divulgué ou révélé; émerger, se faire jour;

    (d) s’enlever, partir; passer, se faner; déteindre;

    when do your stitches come out? quand est-ce qu’on t’enlève tes fils?

    to come out strongly (for/against) se prononcer avec vigueur (pour/contre);

    the governor came out against/for abortion le gouverneur s’est prononcé (ouvertement) contre/pour l’avortement;

    familiar to come out (of the closet) révéler (publiquement) son homosexualité, faire son come-out

    (g) se tirer d’affaire, s’en sortir; se classer;

    (h) faire ses débuts ou débuter dans le monde

    the pictures came out well/badly les photos étaient très bonnes/n’ont rien donné;

    to come out in spots or a rash avoir une éruption de boutons

    what will he come out with next? qu’est-ce qu’il va nous sortir encore?;

    (a) venir;

    do you want to come over this evening? tu veux venir à la maison ce soir?;

    affecter, envahir;

    what has come over him? qu’est-ce qui lui prend?


    when the championships/elections come round au moment des championnats/élections;

    don’t worry, she’ll soon come round ne t’en fais pas, elle sera bientôt de meilleure humeur

    (e) reprendre connaissance, revenir à soi; se remettre, se rétablir;

    figurative his message came through loud and clear son message a été reçu cinq sur cinq

    (b) se réaliser;

    did your visa come through? avez-vous obtenu votre visa?;

    did he come through on his promise? a-t-il tenu parole? ;

    (a) reprendre connaissance, revenir à soi

    when it comes to physics, she’s a genius pour ce qui est de la physique, c’est un génie;

    (b) s’élever à, se monter à;

    how much did dinner come to? à combien s’élevait le dîner?;

    her salary comes to £750 a month elle gagne 750 livres par mois;

    what is the world or what are things coming to? où va-t-on ?;

    what are things coming to when there aren’t even enough hospital beds available? où va-t-on s’il n’y a pas assez de lits dans les hôpitaux?;

    (a) se réunir, se rassembler; se rencontrer;

    (a) dépendre de; tomber sous, être soumis à;

    that subject comes under «current events» ce sujet est classé ou se trouve sous la rubrique «actualités»

    Military an officer who came up through the ranks un officier sorti du rang

    coming up now on Channel 4, the seven o’clock news et maintenant, sur Channel 4, le journal de sept heures;

    familiar one coffee, coming up! et un café, un!

    (e) être soulevé, être mis sur le tapis; se poser, être soulevé;


    comparaître; être entendu;

    to come up before the judge or the court comparaître devant le juge; être entendu par la cour;

    (f) survenir, surgir; se présenter;

    I can’t make it, something has come up je ne peux pas venir, j’ai un empêchement;

    (g) se lever; s’allumer; s’intensifier;


    did their number come up? ont-ils gagné au loto?; figurative est-ce qu’ils ont touché le gros lot?

    rencontrer par hasard, tomber sur; trouver par hasard, tomber sur;

    fournir; suggérer, proposer; trouver; trouver, inventer;

    what will she come up with next? qu’est-ce qu’elle va encore inventer?

    Come on down! Il s’agit de la formule consacrée du jeu télévisé The Price is Right (dont l’équivalent français est Le Juste prix) qui débuta en 1957 aux États-Unis, et dans les années 80 en Grande-Bretagne. L’animateur de l’émission prononçait ces paroles («Descendez!») pour inviter les membres du public sélectionnés pour participer au jeu à venir le rejoindre sur la scène. Aujourd’hui on utilise cette formule plaisamment pour dire à quelqu’un d’approcher ou bien pour indiquer à quelqu’un qui doit prononcer un discours ou se produire sur scène qu’il est temps de prendre place.

    Come up and see me sometime… Cette formule fut utilisée pour la première fois par Mae West dans le film de 1933 She Done Him Wrong (dont le titre français est Lady Lou); la citation exacte était en fait Why don’t you come up sometime, see me? («Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne monterais pas un de ces jours, pour me voir?»). Il s’agit de l’archétype de l’invitation au badinage. Encore aujourd’hui on utilise cette formule en imitant l’air canaille de Mae West.

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > come

  • 3

    I si:

    1) ver

    2) ver

    3) ver

    4) ver, imaginarse

    5) comprender, entender, ver

    6) ver

    7) ver

    8) acompañar

    — seeing that
    — see off
    — see out
    — see through
    — see to
    — I
    — we will see

    II si:



    turn the light on, I can’t see anything enciende la luz; no veo nada

    entender / ver

    quedar / ver

    ir / ver

    my tooth hurts, I’ll have to see a dentist me duele una muela, tendré que ir al dentista




    did you see who it was? ¿has visto quién era?

    have you seen any good films lately? ¿has visto una buena película últimamente?

    guess who I saw on Saturday? ¿a que no sabes a quién vi el sábado?

    do you see what I mean? ¿entiendes lo que quiero decir?

    4 (visualize, imagine) imaginarse, ver; (envisage) creer

    5 (find out, discover) ver; (learn) oír, leer

    6 (ensure, check) asegurarse de, procurar

    could you see that all the doors are locked? ¿podría asegurarse de que todas las puertas estén cerradas con llave?

    2 (find out, discover) ver

    oh, I see ah, ya veo


    I’ll be seeing you! ¡hasta luego!

    let me see/let’s see a ver, vamos a ver

    see you later/soon/Monday! ¡hasta luego/pronto/el lunes!

    to see the back/last of somebody perder a alguien de vista

    we’ll soon see about that! ¡ya lo veremos!


    ver, conocer

    ver, entender




    entender, ver




    imp. ve-•)

    1. siː


    a) ver*

    to see somebody/something + inf: I didn’t see her arrive no la vi llegar; we’ll be sorry to see her go nos va a dar pena que se vaya; to see somebody/something -ing: I can see somebody coming this way veo venir a alguien; I thought I was seeing things pensé que estaba viendo visiones; I’ll believe it when I see it hasta que no lo vea no lo creo; to be glad to see the back of somebody — alegrarse de que alguien se vaya

    b) <<film/play>> ver*

    c) (look at, inspect) ver*


    a) (perceive, notice) ver*

    b) (learn from reading, hearing)

    I see from your application form that… — he leído en su solicitud que…

    I can see (that) you’re in a difficult position, but… — me doy cuenta de or comprendo que estás en una situación difícil, pero…

    5) (consider, regard) ver*

    the way I see it, as I see it — a mi modo de ver, tal como yo lo veo


    b) (envisage, foresee)

    to see something/somebody -ING: I can’t see it working no creo que vaya a funcionar; I can see her working abroad — la imagino trabajando en el extranjero

    c) ( accept) (AmE colloq)

    we could move Johnson over to Sales — OK, I can see that — podríamos pasar a Johnson a Ventas — bueno, eso me parece bien


    a) (find out, determine) ver*

    to see that: see that it doesn’t happen again — que no vuelva a suceder


    a) (experience, undergo)

    in a week which has seen the start of… — en una semana que ha visto el inicio de…


    see you! — hasta luego!, hasta la vista!

    see you later/tonight/soon/on Saturday! — hasta luego/esta noche/pronto/el sábado!

    to see somebody about something: can I see you about something privately? — ¿podría hablar con usted de un asunto privado?

    11) ( receive) ver*, atender*

    12) (escort, accompany) acompañar




    a) ver*

    b) (look, inspect) ver*

    2) (understand, realize) ver*

    3) (consider, think) ver*

    I’ll see, but I can’t promise anything — voy a ver, pero no te puedo prometer nada

    Phrasal Verbs:










    to see sb do or doing sth — ver a algn hacer algo

    there was nobody to be seen — no se veía ni nadie

    as you can see — como ves

    I’ll see him damned first — antes le veré colgado

    I never thought I’d see the day when… — nunca pensé ver el día en que…

    this dress isn’t fit to be seen — este vestido no se puede ver

    see for yourself — velo tú

    I’ll go and see — voy a ver

    now see here! — ¡mira!, ¡oiga!, ¡escuche!

    I see nothing wrong in it — no le encuentro nada malo

    I see in the paper that… — sale en el periódico que…

    let me see, let’s see — a ver; vamos a ver

    we’ll not see his like again — no veremos otro como él

    he’s seen a lot of the world — ha visto mucho mundo

    I can’t see to read — no veo lo suficiente para leer

    can you see your way to helping us? — (fig) ¿nos hace el favor de ayudarnos?

    we’ll see — ya veremos, a ver

    I’ll see what I can do — veré si puedo hacer algo

    she won’t see 40 again — los 40 ya no los cumple

    2) ver, visitar; tener una entrevista con, entrevistarse con

    I want to see you about my daughter — quiero hablar con usted acerca de mi hija

    to see the doctor — ir a ver al médico, consultar al médico

    to go and see sb — ir a ver a algn; visitar a algn

    we don’t see much of them nowadays — ahora les vemos bastante poco

    3) entender

    I saw only too clearly that… — percibí claramente que…

    it’s all over, see? * — se acabó, ¿entiendes?

    I can’t or don’t see why/how etc... — no veo or entiendo por qué/cómo etc...

    I don’t see it, myself — yo no creo que sea posible

    he’s dead, don’t you see? — está muerto, ¿me entiendes?

    the Russians see it differently — los rusos lo miran desde otro punto de vista, el criterio de los rusos es distinto

    I fail to see how — no comprendo or entiendo cómo

    as far as I can see — por lo visto, por lo que yo veo

    the way I see it — a mi parecer

    4) acompañar

    5) procurar

    see if… — ve a ver si…, mira a ver si…

    6) imaginarse





    (Rel) sede ; arzobispado ; obispado

    * * *

    1. [siː]


    a) ver*

    to see somebody/something + inf: I didn’t see her arrive no la vi llegar; we’ll be sorry to see her go nos va a dar pena que se vaya; to see somebody/something -ing: I can see somebody coming this way veo venir a alguien; I thought I was seeing things pensé que estaba viendo visiones; I’ll believe it when I see it hasta que no lo vea no lo creo; to be glad to see the back of somebody — alegrarse de que alguien se vaya

    b) <<film/play>> ver*

    c) (look at, inspect) ver*


    a) (perceive, notice) ver*

    b) (learn from reading, hearing)

    I see from your application form that… — he leído en su solicitud que…

    I can see (that) you’re in a difficult position, but… — me doy cuenta de or comprendo que estás en una situación difícil, pero…

    5) (consider, regard) ver*

    the way I see it, as I see it — a mi modo de ver, tal como yo lo veo


    b) (envisage, foresee)

    to see something/somebody -ING: I can’t see it working no creo que vaya a funcionar; I can see her working abroad — la imagino trabajando en el extranjero

    c) ( accept) (AmE colloq)

    we could move Johnson over to Sales — OK, I can see that — podríamos pasar a Johnson a Ventas — bueno, eso me parece bien


    a) (find out, determine) ver*

    to see that: see that it doesn’t happen again — que no vuelva a suceder


    a) (experience, undergo)

    in a week which has seen the start of… — en una semana que ha visto el inicio de…


    see you! — hasta luego!, hasta la vista!

    see you later/tonight/soon/on Saturday! — hasta luego/esta noche/pronto/el sábado!

    to see somebody about something: can I see you about something privately? — ¿podría hablar con usted de un asunto privado?

    11) ( receive) ver*, atender*

    12) (escort, accompany) acompañar




    a) ver*

    b) (look, inspect) ver*

    2) (understand, realize) ver*

    3) (consider, think) ver*

    I’ll see, but I can’t promise anything — voy a ver, pero no te puedo prometer nada

    Phrasal Verbs:


    English-spanish dictionary > see

  • 4

    tener algo de reserva, guardar algo





    will you have a brandy? ¿quieres tomar un coñac?

    to have breakfast/lunch/tea/dinner desayunar/comer/merendar/cenar

    how many cigarettes have you had today? ¿cuántos cigarros has fumado hoy?

    4 (shower, bath, etc) tomar

    have you had a wash and a shave? ¿te has lavado y afeitado?

    have a good time! ¡divertíos!, ¡pasadlo bien!

    8 (receive, invite) recibir, invitar

    can I have your book for a second, please? ¿me dejas tu libro un segundo, por favor?

    are you going to have a party for your birthday? ¿vas a hacer una fiesta para tu cumpleaños?

    rumour has it that… corre el rumor de que…

    12 (baby) tener, dar a luz

    14 (allow) permitir, consentir

    1 haber



    this radio’s had it, I’ll have to get a new one esta radio está en las últimas, tendré que comprar una nueva

    your dad’s seen you, you’ve had it now! te ha visto tu padre, ¡la has cagado!

    to have it away / have it off taboo echar un polvo

    to have somebody over to one’s house / have somebody round to one’s house invitar a alguien a casa

    to have something on somebody tener información comprometedora sobre alguien, saber algo comprometedor acerca de alguien


    tener, experimentar, sufrir

    tener, incluir

    comer, tomar

    tener, recibir

    permitir, dejar



    tener (niños)


    you’ve finished, haven’t you?: ha terminado, ¿no?



    tener algo en mente



    pret: -tuv-

    pret: tuv-


    subj: hay-

    hæv, weak forms həv, əv


    1) (3rd pers sing pres has; past & past p had) transitive verb

    I have o (esp BrE) I’ve got two cats — tengo dos gatos

    I don’t have o (esp BrE) haven’t got any money — no tengo dinero

    do you have a car? — no, I don’t o (esp BrE) have you got a car? — no, I haven’t — ¿tienes coche? — no (, no tengo)

    3) (hold, have at one’s disposal) tener*

    look out, he’s got a gun! — cuidado! tiene una pistola or está armado!

    could I have your Sales Department, please? — ( on phone) ¿me comunica or (Esp tb) me pone or (CS tb) me da con el departamento de ventas, por favor?

    I have it!, I’ve got it! — ya lo tengo!, ya está, ya está!

    all right: have it your own way! — está bien! haz lo que quieras!

    to have something to + inf — tener* algo que + inf


    a) ( receive) <<letter/news>> tener*, recibir

    could we have some silence, please? — (hagan) silencio, por favor

    we have it on the best authority that… — sabemos de buena fuente que…

    rumoradition has it that… — corre el rumor de que…/según la tradición…

    they were the best/only seats to be had — eran los mejores/únicos asientos que había

    I’ll have a kilo of tomatoes, please — ¿me da or (Esp) me pone un kilo de tomates, por favor?

    5) ( consume) <<steak/spaghetti>> comer, tomar (Esp); <<champagne/beer>> tomar

    to have something to eat/drink — comer/beber algo

    to have breakfast/dinner — desayunar/cenar, comer (AmL)


    a) (experience, undergo) <<accident>> tener*

    he had a heart transplant/an X ray — le hicieron un trasplante de corazón/una radiografía

    b) ( organize) <<party>> hacer*, dar*

    c) ( suffer from) <<cancer/diabetes/flu>> tener*

    he’s got a headache/sore throat — le duele la cabeza/la garganta, tiene dolor de cabeza/garganta

    9) (colloq)

    a) (catch, get the better of)

    they almost had him, but he managed to escape — casi lo agarran or atrapan, pero logró escaparse

    10) (causative use)

    he had them all laughing/in tears — los hizo reír/llorar a todos

    to have somebody + INF: I’ll have her call you back as soon as she arrives le diré or pediré que lo llame en cuanto llegue; I’ll have you know, young man, that I… para que sepa, jovencito, yo…; to have something + PAST P: we had it repaired lo hicimos arreglar, lo mandamos (a) arreglar (AmL); to have one’s hair cut — cortarse el pelo

    to have something + INF/+ PAST P: I’ve had three lambs die this week se me han muerto tres corderos esta semana; he had his bicycle stolen — le robaron la bicicleta


    a) ( allow) (with neg) tolerar, consentir*

    b) (accept, believe) aceptar, creer*

    13) (indicating state, position) tener*

    you have o (BrE) you’ve got your belt twisted — tienes el cinturón torcido


    2) (used to form perfect tenses) haber*

    I have/had seen her — la he/había visto

    I have/had just seen her — la acabo/acababa de ver, recién la vi/la había visto (AmL)

    you have been busy — cómo has trabajado!

    had I known that o if I’d known that… — si hubiera sabido que…, de haber sabido que…

    when he had finished, she… — cuando terminó or (liter) cuando hubo terminado, ella…


    you’ve been told, haven’t you? — te lo han dicho ¿no? or ¿no es cierto? or ¿no es verdad?

    you haven’t lost the key, have you? — no habrás perdido la llave…!

    you may have forgiven him, but I haven’t — puede que tú lo hayas perdonado, pero yo no

    to have to + inf — tener* que + inf

    I have o I’ve got to admit that… — tengo que reconocer que…

    to have to + inf — tener* que + inf

    you have to o you’ve got to be kidding! — lo dices en broma or en chiste!

    Phrasal Verbs:

    ( has)




    When have is part of a set combination, eg have a look, have a good time, have breakfast, had better, look up the other word. For have + adverb/preposition combinations, see also the phrasal verb section of this entry.

    1) tener

    he’s got or he has blue eyes — tiene los ojos azules

    have you got or do you have 10p? — ¿tienes diez peniques?

    have you got or do you have any brothers or sisters? — ¿tienes hermanos?

    he hasn’t got or he doesn’t have any friends — no tiene amigos

    I’ve got or I have a friend staying next week — tengo a un amigo en casa la semana que viene

    I’ve got or I have an idea — tengo una idea

    Don’t translate the [a] in sentences like [has he got a girlfriend?], [I haven’t got a washing-machine] if the number of such items is not significant since people normally only have one at a time:

    Do translate the [a] if the person or thing is qualified:

    all or everything I have is yours — todo lo que tengo es tuyo

    you must put all or everything you have into it — tienes que emplearte a fondo

    can I have a pencil please? — ¿me puedes dar un lápiz, por favor?

    the book has no name on it — el libro no lleva or tiene el nombre del dueño

    I’ve got or I have no Spanish — no sé español

    to have something to do — tener algo que hacer

    I’ve got or I have nothing to do — no tengo nada que hacer

    hello, what have we here? — vaya, vaya, ¿qué tenemos aquí?

    handy, ready 1., 1), a)

    2) tomar

    what are we having for lunch? — ¿que vamos a comer?

    to have something to eat/drink — comer/beber algo, tomar algo

    what will you have? — ¿qué quieres tomar?, ¿qué vas a tomar?

    3) recibir

    you can have my ticket — puedes quedarte con mi billete

    we had some help from the government — recibimos ayuda del gobierno

    I had a letter from John — tuve carta de Juan, recibí una carta de Juan

    I must have them by this afternoon — necesito tenerlos para esta tarde

    we had a lot of visitors — tuvimos muchas visitas; tuvimos muchos visitantes


    they can be had for as little as £10 each — pueden conseguirse por tan solo 10 libras


    I’ll have a dozen eggs, please — ¿me pones una docena de huevos, por favor?

    you can have it or I’ll let you have it for £10 — te lo dejo en 10 libras, te lo puedes llevar por 10 libras, te lo vendo por 10 libras

    6) tener

    7) tener

    he had him by the throat — lo tenía agarrado por la garganta

    I have it on good authority that… — me consta que…, sé a ciencia cierta que…, sé de buena tinta que… *

    you have me there, there you have me — ahí sí que me has pillado *

    8) consentir, tolerar

    we can’t have that — eso no se puede consentir

    I won’t have this nonsense — no voy a consentir or tolerar estas tonterías

    she won’t have it said that… — no consiente or tolera que digan que…

    9) pasar

    to have a pleasant afternoon/evening — pasar una tarde agradable


    to have sth done hacer que se haga algo, mandar hacer algo

    to have sb do sth mandar a algn hacer algo

    I’ll have you know that… — quiero que sepas que…

    to have sth happen

    to have sb doing sth

    she soon had them all reading and writing — enseguida los puso a leer y a escribir; enseguida les habían enseñado a leer y a escribir

    to have sth against sb/sth tener algo en contra de algn/algo
    to have had it

    to have it that

    rumour has it that… — corre la voz de que…

    to be had

    to have to do with tener que ver con

    that’s got or that has nothing to do with it! — ¡eso no tiene nada que ver!

    to let sb have sth dar algo a algn; dejar algo a algn, prestar algo a algn

    what have you

    … and what have you —… y qué sé yo qué más

    would have it

    as ill-luck or fate would have it — desgraciadamente


    had you phoned me frm or if you had phoned me I would have come round — si me hubieras llamado habría venido

    never having seen it before, I… — como no lo había visto antes,…

    having finished or when he had finished, he left — cuando terminó or cuando hubo terminado, se fue

    just I, 1., 3)



    «he’s already eaten» — «so have I» — -él ya ha comido -yo también

    «we haven’t had any news yet» — «neither have we» — -no hemos tenido noticias todavía -nosotros tampoco

    «you’ve made a mistake» — «no I haven’t!» — -has cometido un error -no es verdad or cierto

    «we haven’t paid» — «yes we have!» — -no hemos pagado -¡qué sí!

    «he’s got a new job» — «oh has he?» — -tiene un trabajo nuevo -¿ah, sí?

    «you’ve written it twice» — «so I have!» — -lo has escrito dos veces -es verdad or cierto

    «have you read the book?» — «yes, I have» — -¿has leído el libro? -sí

    «has he told you?» — «no, he hasn’t» — -¿te lo ha dicho? -no

    he hasn’t done it, has he? — no lo ha hecho, ¿verdad?

    you’ve done it, haven’t you? — lo has hecho, ¿verdad? or ¿no?

    you’ve all been there before, but I haven’t — vosotros habéis estado allí antes, pero yo no

    he has never met her, but I have — él no la ha llegado a conocer, pero yo sí

    have you ever been there? if you have… — ¿has estado alguna vez allí? si es así…

    have you tried it? if you haven’t… — ¿lo has probado? (porque) si no…

    so I, 1., nor


    I’ve got to or I have to finish this work — tengo que terminar este trabajo

    have we got to or do we have to leave early? — ¿tenemos que salir temprano?

    I haven’t got to or I don’t have to wear glasses — no necesito (usar) gafas

    * * *

    [hæv], weak forms [həv, əv]


    1) (3rd pers sing pres has; past & past p had) transitive verb

    I have o (esp BrE) I’ve got two cats — tengo dos gatos

    I don’t have o (esp BrE) haven’t got any money — no tengo dinero

    do you have a car? — no, I don’t o (esp BrE) have you got a car? — no, I haven’t — ¿tienes coche? — no (, no tengo)

    3) (hold, have at one’s disposal) tener*

    look out, he’s got a gun! — cuidado! tiene una pistola or está armado!

    could I have your Sales Department, please? — ( on phone) ¿me comunica or (Esp tb) me pone or (CS tb) me da con el departamento de ventas, por favor?

    I have it!, I’ve got it! — ya lo tengo!, ya está, ya está!

    all right: have it your own way! — está bien! haz lo que quieras!

    to have something to + inf — tener* algo que + inf


    a) ( receive) <<letter/news>> tener*, recibir

    could we have some silence, please? — (hagan) silencio, por favor

    we have it on the best authority that… — sabemos de buena fuente que…

    rumor/tradition has it that… — corre el rumor de que…/según la tradición…

    they were the best/only seats to be had — eran los mejores/únicos asientos que había

    I’ll have a kilo of tomatoes, please — ¿me da or (Esp) me pone un kilo de tomates, por favor?

    5) ( consume) <<steak/spaghetti>> comer, tomar (Esp); <<champagne/beer>> tomar

    to have something to eat/drink — comer/beber algo

    to have breakfast/dinner — desayunar/cenar, comer (AmL)


    a) (experience, undergo) <<accident>> tener*

    he had a heart transplant/an X ray — le hicieron un trasplante de corazón/una radiografía

    b) ( organize) <<party>> hacer*, dar*

    c) ( suffer from) <<cancer/diabetes/flu>> tener*

    he’s got a headache/sore throat — le duele la cabeza/la garganta, tiene dolor de cabeza/garganta

    9) (colloq)

    a) (catch, get the better of)

    they almost had him, but he managed to escape — casi lo agarran or atrapan, pero logró escaparse

    10) (causative use)

    he had them all laughing/in tears — los hizo reír/llorar a todos

    to have somebody + INF: I’ll have her call you back as soon as she arrives le diré or pediré que lo llame en cuanto llegue; I’ll have you know, young man, that I… para que sepa, jovencito, yo…; to have something + PAST P: we had it repaired lo hicimos arreglar, lo mandamos (a) arreglar (AmL); to have one’s hair cut — cortarse el pelo

    to have something + INF/+ PAST P: I’ve had three lambs die this week se me han muerto tres corderos esta semana; he had his bicycle stolen — le robaron la bicicleta


    a) ( allow) (with neg) tolerar, consentir*

    b) (accept, believe) aceptar, creer*

    13) (indicating state, position) tener*

    you have o (BrE) you’ve got your belt twisted — tienes el cinturón torcido


    2) (used to form perfect tenses) haber*

    I have/had seen her — la he/había visto

    I have/had just seen her — la acabo/acababa de ver, recién la vi/la había visto (AmL)

    you have been busy — cómo has trabajado!

    had I known that o if I’d known that… — si hubiera sabido que…, de haber sabido que…

    when he had finished, she… — cuando terminó or (liter) cuando hubo terminado, ella…


    you’ve been told, haven’t you? — te lo han dicho ¿no? or ¿no es cierto? or ¿no es verdad?

    you haven’t lost the key, have you? — no habrás perdido la llave…!

    you may have forgiven him, but I haven’t — puede que tú lo hayas perdonado, pero yo no

    to have to + inf — tener* que + inf

    I have o I’ve got to admit that… — tengo que reconocer que…

    to have to + inf — tener* que + inf

    you have to o you’ve got to be kidding! — lo dices en broma or en chiste!

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > have

  • 5


    1) saber, conocer

    2) saber, conocer

    3) conocer

    4) reconocer

    — knowingly
    — know-all
    — know-how
    — in the know
    — know backwards
    — know better
    — know how to
    — know the ropes




    do you know Colin? conoces a Colin?

    this building is known as «La Pedrera’ este edificio se conoce como «La Pedrera»

    do you know English? ¿sabes inglés?

    do you know where the station is? ¿sabe dónde está la estación?


    I know! ¡lo sé!, ¡ya lo sé!

    who knows? ¿quién sabe?

    don’t I know it! ¿y me lo dices a mí?, ¡ni que lo digas!

    how should I know? ¿yo qué sé?

    if only I’d known! ¡haberlo sabido!

    to know… from… distinguir entre… y…

    you know what? ¿sabes qué?

    I know what! ¡ya lo tengo!

    you know best tú sabes mejor que yo, sabes lo que más te conviene

    you ought to know better at your age! ¡a tu edad deberías saber comportarte mejor!


    conocer (a una persona, un lugar)


    distinguir, discernir



    subj: sep-

    1. nəʊ


    a) (have knowledge of, be aware of) saber*

    I don’t know his name/how old he is — no sé cómo se llama/cuántos años tiene

    how was I to know that… ? — ¿cómo iba yo a saber que… ?

    I don’t know that I agree/that I’ll be able to come — no sé si estoy de acuerdo/si podré ir

    I’ll have you know that… — has de saber que…, para que sepas,…

    before I knew where I was, it was ten o’clock — cuando quise darme cuenta, eran las diez

    it is well known that… — todo el mundo sabe que…

    it soon became known that… — pronto se supo que…

    to be known to + INF: he’s known to be dangerous se sabe que es peligroso; I know that for a fact me consta que es así; to let somebody know something decirle* algo a alguien, hacerle* saber or comunicarle* algo a alguien (frml); ( warn) avisarle algo a alguien; let me know how much it’s going to cost dime cuánto va a costar; he let it be known that… dio a entender que…; to make something known to somebody hacerle* saber algo a alguien; without our knowing it sin saberlo nosotros, sin que lo supiéramos; there’s no knowing what he might do quién sabe qué hará; do you know what! ¿sabes qué?; I know what: let’s go skating! tengo una idea: vayamos a patinar!; wouldn’t you know it: it’s starting to rain! no te digo, se ha puesto a llover!; not to know which way o where to turn no saber* qué hacer; to know something backwards: she knows her part backwards — se sabe el papel al dedillo or al revés y al derecho

    c) (have skill, ability)

    to know how to + INF — saber* + inf


    you know me/him: ever the optimist — ya me/lo conoces: siempre tan optimista

    to get to know somebody: how did they get to know each other? ¿cómo se conocieron?; I got to know him better/quite well llegué a conocerlo mejor/bastante bien; to get to know something <<subject/job>> familiarizarse* con algo; we knew her as Mrs Balfour — para nosotros era la Sra Balfour

    he has known poverty/success — ha conocido la pobreza/el éxito


    a) (recognize, identify) reconocer*

    to know something/somebody BY something — reconocer* algo/a alguien por algo

    to know something/somebody FROM something/somebody — distinguir* algo/a alguien de algo/alguien

    4) (see, experience) (only in perfect tenses)


    I won’t argue: you know best — no voy a discutir: tú sabrás

    I know! — ya sé!, tengo una idea!

    I’m not stupid, you know! — oye, que no soy tonto ¿eh? or ¿sabes?

    to know ABOUT something/somebody: he knows about computers sabe or entiende de computadoras; did you know about John? ¿sabías lo de John?, ¿estabas enterado de lo de John?; can I invite him? — I don’t know about that, we’ll have to see ¿lo puedo invitar? — no sé, veremos; to get to know about something enterarse de algo; to know OF something/somebody: she knew of their activities tenía conocimiento or estaba enterada de sus actividades; not that I know of que yo sepa, no; do you know of a good carpenter? ¿conoces a or sabes de algún carpintero bueno?; I don’t actually know her, I know of her — no la conozco personalmente, sólo de oídas








    Look up set combinations such as know the ropes, know one’s stuff, know sth backward at the other word.


    a) saber

    to know the difference between… — saber la diferencia entre…

    she knows a lot about chemistry — sabe mucho de química

    I know nothing about it, I don’t know anything about it — no sé nada de eso

    one minute you’re leaving school, then before you know it, you’ve got a family to support — dejas el colegio y al minuto siguiente, antes de darte cuenta, tienes una familia que mantener

    to know why/when/where/if — saber por qué/cuándo/dónde/si

    I’ll or I’d have you know that… — que sepas que…, para que te enteres,…

    you haven’t time, as well he knew — no tienes tiempo, como él bien sabía

    you know as well as I do that… — sabes tan bien como yo que…

    I don’t know whether or not you’ve heard, but… — no sé si has oído o no pero…

    — know what’s what

    that’s all you know! * — ¡y más que podría yo contarte!

    don’t I know it! — ¡a mí me lo vas a contar!

    «she’s furious» — «don’t I know it?» — -está furiosa -¡a mí me lo vas a contar!

    how was I to know that…? — ¿cómo iba yo a saber que…?

    I should have known you’d mess things up! — debería haberme figurado or imaginado que ibas a estropear las cosas

    do you know what, I think she did it! — ¿sabes una cosa? creo que lo hizo ella

    I know what, let’s drop in on Daphne! — ¡ya sé! ¡vamos a pasarnos por casa de Daphne!

    (well,) what do you know! * — ¿qué te parece?, ¡fíjate!, ¡mira nomás! (LAm)

    Peter, wouldn’t you know it, can’t come! — Peter, como era de esperar, no puede venir


    to know to do sth >: does he know to feed the rabbits? * — ¿sabe que tiene que dar de comer a los conejos?

    2) conocer; saber

    to know one’s classics/linguistic theory — saberse los clásicos/la teoría lingüística

    most of us know him only as a comedian — la mayoría de nosotros lo conocemos solo como comediante

    don’t you know me better than that! — ¿o es que no me conoces?, ¡como si no me conocieras!

    to know sb by sight/name — conocer a algn de vista/de nombre

    she knew him for a liar and a cheat — sabía que era un mentiroso y un tramposo

    they know each other from university — se conocen de la universidad

    if I know him, he’ll say no — me apuesto a que dice que no

    I’ve never known him to smile — nunca lo he visto sonreír

    I don’t know him to speak to — no lo conozco personalmente


    you know what I mean — ya me entiendes, ya sabes lo que quiero decir

    I know the problems that arise when… — sé los problemas que surgen cuando…

    5) reconocer

    I knew him by his voice — le reconocí por la voz

    to know right from wrong — saber distinguir el bien del mal


    I don’t know if or that it’s a very good idea — no sé si es una buena idea, no estoy seguro de que sea una buena idea

    to get to know sb (llegar a) conocer a algn

    to get to know sth

    as you get to know the piece better… — cuando conoces mejor la pieza…, cuando estás más familiarizado con la pieza…

    to let sb know…

    yes, I know — si, ya lo sé

    he thinks he’s going to get the job, but I know better — cree que va a conseguir el trabajo, pero yo sé mejor lo que cabe esperar

    you ought to know better than to… — ya deberías saber que no se puede…

    how should I know? — ¿cómo iba yo a saberlo?

    I know, let’s… — ya sé, vamos a…

    there’s no (way of) knowing — no hay manera de saberlo

    afterwards they just don’t want to know — después «si te he visto no me acuerdo»; después no quieren saber nada del asunto

    who knows? — ¿quién sabe?

    «was she annoyed about it?» — «I wouldn’t know» — -¿se enfadó por eso? -¿y yo que sé?

    it’s not easy, you know — no es fácil, sabes

    you know, I think I’m beginning to like Richard — ¿sabes? creo que me está empezando a gustar Richard

    all 2., 4)

    to know about

    to know about sth/sb: did you know about Paul? — ¿te has enterado de or sabes lo de Paul?

    «you must be delighted!» — «I don’t know about that» — ¡debes estar encantado! -no sé qué decirte

    «you’re a genius!» — «oh, I don’t know about that» — -¡eres un genio! -hombre, no sé qué decirte

    «I’m taking tomorrow off» — «I don’t know about that!» — -mañana me tomo el día libre -no sé, habrá que ver

    I don’t know about you, but I think it’s terrible — a ti no sé, pero a mí me parece terrible

    to get to know about sth enterarse de algo
    to know of conocer

    the first I knew of it was when Pete told me — lo primero que oí or supe del asunto fue lo que me dijo Pete

    not that I know of — que yo sepa, no

    to let sb know



    to be in the know * — estar enterado; estar al tanto or al corriente

    * * *

    1. [nəʊ]


    a) (have knowledge of, be aware of) saber*

    I don’t know his name/how old he is — no sé cómo se llama/cuántos años tiene

    how was I to know that… ? — ¿cómo iba yo a saber que… ?

    I don’t know that I agree/that I’ll be able to come — no sé si estoy de acuerdo/si podré ir

    I’ll have you know that… — has de saber que…, para que sepas,…

    before I knew where I was, it was ten o’clock — cuando quise darme cuenta, eran las diez

    it is well known that… — todo el mundo sabe que…

    it soon became known that… — pronto se supo que…

    to be known to + INF: he’s known to be dangerous se sabe que es peligroso; I know that for a fact me consta que es así; to let somebody know something decirle* algo a alguien, hacerle* saber or comunicarle* algo a alguien (frml); ( warn) avisarle algo a alguien; let me know how much it’s going to cost dime cuánto va a costar; he let it be known that… dio a entender que…; to make something known to somebody hacerle* saber algo a alguien; without our knowing it sin saberlo nosotros, sin que lo supiéramos; there’s no knowing what he might do quién sabe qué hará; do you know what! ¿sabes qué?; I know what: let’s go skating! tengo una idea: vayamos a patinar!; wouldn’t you know it: it’s starting to rain! no te digo, se ha puesto a llover!; not to know which way o where to turn no saber* qué hacer; to know something backwards: she knows her part backwards — se sabe el papel al dedillo or al revés y al derecho

    c) (have skill, ability)

    to know how to + INF — saber* + inf


    you know me/him: ever the optimist — ya me/lo conoces: siempre tan optimista

    to get to know somebody: how did they get to know each other? ¿cómo se conocieron?; I got to know him better/quite well llegué a conocerlo mejor/bastante bien; to get to know something <<subject/job>> familiarizarse* con algo; we knew her as Mrs Balfour — para nosotros era la Sra Balfour

    he has known poverty/success — ha conocido la pobreza/el éxito


    a) (recognize, identify) reconocer*

    to know something/somebody BY something — reconocer* algo/a alguien por algo

    to know something/somebody FROM something/somebody — distinguir* algo/a alguien de algo/alguien

    4) (see, experience) (only in perfect tenses)


    I won’t argue: you know best — no voy a discutir: tú sabrás

    I know! — ya sé!, tengo una idea!

    I’m not stupid, you know! — oye, que no soy tonto ¿eh? or ¿sabes?

    to know ABOUT something/somebody: he knows about computers sabe or entiende de computadoras; did you know about John? ¿sabías lo de John?, ¿estabas enterado de lo de John?; can I invite him? — I don’t know about that, we’ll have to see ¿lo puedo invitar? — no sé, veremos; to get to know about something enterarse de algo; to know OF something/somebody: she knew of their activities tenía conocimiento or estaba enterada de sus actividades; not that I know of que yo sepa, no; do you know of a good carpenter? ¿conoces a or sabes de algún carpintero bueno?; I don’t actually know her, I know of her — no la conozco personalmente, sólo de oídas



    English-spanish dictionary > know

  • 6



    he was seen to leave or seen leaving the building — er ist beim Verlassen des Gebäudes gesehen worden

    I saw the light — mir ging ein Licht auf

    see the sights/town — sich (Dat.) die Sehenswürdigkeiten/Stadt ansehen

    see one’s way [clear] to do or to doing something — es einrichten, etwas zu tun

    3) sehen; treffen; zusammenkommen mit; sich treffen mit

    I’ll see you there/at 5 — wir sehen uns dort/um 5

    [I’ll] be seeing you! — bis bald!

    see you on Saturday/soon — bis Samstag/bald; see also academic.ru/43656/long»>long I 1. 3)

    4) sprechen [Person] ( about wegen); gehen zu, aufsuchen [Arzt, Anwalt usw.]; empfangen

    he didn’t see the joke — er fand es [gar] nicht lustig; er hat den Witz nicht verstanden

    8) feststellen; nachsehen

    9) sehen; betrachten

    I see from your letter that… — ich entnehme Ihrem Brief, dass…

    see [that]… — zusehen od. darauf achten, dass…



    in imper. einsehen [Buch]

    see below/p. 15 — siehe unten/S. 15

    he will not or never see 50 again — er ist [bestimmt] über 50

    14) sich (


    ) vorstellen

    see somebody/oneself doing something — sich vorstellen, dass jemand/man etwas tut

    I can see it now -… — ich sehe es schon bildhaft vor mir -…

    15) mit ansehen; zusehen bei

    [stand by and] see somebody doing something — [tatenlos] zusehen od. es [tatenlos] mit ansehen, wie jemand etwas tut

    16) begleiten, bringen (to [bis] zu)

    17) einsehen



    saw, seen

    2) nachsehen

    let me see — lass mich überlegen; warte mal [‘n Moment]


    I see — ich verstehe; aha ; ach so

    you see — weißt du/wisst ihr/wissen Sie

    there you are, you see! — Siehst du? Ich hab’s doch gesagt!

    Phrasal Verbs:

    — see about

    — see into

    — see off

    — see out

    — see over

    — see through

    — see to

    * * *

    I [si:]

    1) sehen

    2) sehen

    3) sehen

    4) sehen

    5) verstehen

    6) sehen

    7) sehen

    8) begleiten

    see about

    — seeing that
    — see off
    — see out
    — see through
    — see to
    — I
    — we will see

    II [si:]

    das (Erz)Bistum

    * * *


    <saw, seen>


    to see sb/sth jdn/etw sehen

    I’ve never seen anything quite like this before so etwas habe ich ja noch nie gesehen

    have you ever seen this man before? haben Sie diesen Mann schon einmal gesehen?

    he’s seen where you live er weiß jetzt, wo du wohnst

    I can’t see much without my glasses ohne Brille sehe ich nicht sonderlich viel

    there’s nothing to see (after accident) hier gibt’s nichts zu sehen!

    it has to be seen to be believed man muss es gesehen haben[, sonst glaubt man es nicht]

    I’ll believe it when I see it das glaube ich auch erst, wenn ich es mit eigenen Augen gesehen habe

    to see sb do [or doing] sth sehen, wie jd etw tut

    the woman was seen to enter the bank die Frau wurde gesehen, wie sie die Bank betrat

    I can’t believe what I’m seeing — is that your car? ich glaube, ich spinne! ist das dein Auto?

    she didn’t want to be seen visiting the doctor sie wollte nicht, dass jemand mitbekommt, dass sie zum Arzt geht

    I’ve never seen my brother eating mushrooms ich habe meinen Bruder noch nie Pilze essen sehen

    can you see where… siehst du, wo…

    to see sth with one’s own eyes etw mit eigenen Augen sehen

    for all the world to see in aller Öffentlichkeit

    to see sth film, play [sich dat] etw [an]sehen [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. anschauen]

    this film is really worth seeing dieser Film ist echt sehenswert

    to see sb in a film/in a play/on television jdn in einem Film/Stück/im Fernsehen sehen

    to see sth famous building, place etw ansehen [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. anschauen]

    I’d love to see Salzburg again ich würde gerne noch einmal nach Salzburg gehen

    to see the sights of a town die Sehenswürdigkeiten einer Stadt besichtigen

    to see sth etw verstehen [o begreifen]; (discern mentally) etw erkennen

    I see what you mean ich weiß, was du meinst

    I can’t see the difference between… and… für mich gibt es keinen Unterschied zwischen… und…

    I just don’t see why… ich begreife [o verstehe] einfach nicht, warum…

    I can’t see why I should do it ich sehe einfach nicht ein, warum ich es machen sollte

    I can see you’re having trouble with your car Sie haben Probleme mit Ihrem Auto?

    I really can’t see what difference it makes to… ich weiß wirklich nicht, was es für einen Unterschied machen soll,…

    I can see it’s difficult ich verstehe ja, dass es schwierig ist

    I can see you have been fighting ich sehe doch, dass ihr euch gezankt habt

    I can’t see the joke ich weiß nicht, was daran komisch sein soll

    I don’t see the point of that remark ich verstehe den Sinn dieser Bemerkung nicht

    see what I mean? siehst du?

    to see sth etw sehen

    as I see it… so wie ich das sehe…

    try and see it my way versuche es doch mal aus meiner Sicht zu sehen

    I see myself as a good mother ich denke, dass ich eine gute Mutter bin

    this is how I see it so sehe ich die Sache

    I don’t see it that way ich sehe das nicht so

    to see reason [or sense] Vernunft annehmen

    to see things differently die Dinge anders sehen

    to make sb see sth jdm etw klarmachen

    to see oneself obliged to do sth sich akk dazu gezwungen sehen, etw zu tun

    6. (learn, find out)

    to see sth etw feststellen

    I see [that]… wie ich sehe,…

    I’ll see what I can do/who it is ich schaue mal, was ich tun kann/wer es ist

    let me see if I can help you mal sehen, ob ich Ihnen helfen kann

    that remains to be seen das wird sich zeigen

    to see sb jdn sehen; (by chance) jdn [zufällig] treffen [o sehen]

    we’re seeing friends at the weekend wir treffen uns am Wochenende mit Freunden

    to see a lot [or much] of sb jdn häufig sehen

    I haven’t seen much of him recently ich sehe ihn in letzter Zeit [auch] nur [noch] selten

    I haven’t seen her around much in the last few weeks in den letzten Wochen habe ich sie [auch nur] selten gesehen

    I shall be seeing them at eight ich treffe sie um acht

    I’ll see you around bis dann!

    see you! [or BRIT be seeing you!] ( fam) bis bald! fam

    see you on Monday bis Montag!

    to go and see sb jdn besuchen [gehen]

    to see sb jdn sehen; (talk to) jdn sprechen; (receive) jdn empfangen

    I demand to see the manager ich möchte mit dem Geschäftsführer sprechen!

    Mr Miller can’t see you now Herr Miller ist im Moment nicht zu sprechen

    the doctor will see you now Sie können jetzt reingehen, der Herr Doktor ist jetzt frei

    to see a doctor/a solicitor zum Arzt/zu einem Anwalt gehen, einen Arzt/einen Anwalt aufsuchen geh

    to be seeing sb mit jdm zusammen sein fam

    I’m not seeing anyone at the moment ich habe im Moment keine Freundin/keinen Freund

    are you seeing anyone? hast du einen Freund/eine Freundin?

    to see sth sich dat etw vorstellen

    I see a real chance of us meeting again ich glaube wirklich, dass wir uns wiedersehen

    I can’t see him getting the job ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass er den Job bekommt

    can you see her as a teacher? kannst du dir sie als Lehrerin vorstellen?

    do you see… kannst du dir vorstellen,…

    I can’t see myself as a waitress ich glaube nicht, dass Kellnern was für mich wäre

    to see it coming es kommen sehen

    11. (witness, experience)

    to see sth etw [mit]erleben

    he won’t see 50 again er ist gut über 50

    I’ve seen it all mich überrascht nichts mehr

    now I’ve seen everything! ist denn das zu fassen!

    I’ve seen it all before das kenne ich alles schon!

    to see sb do sth [mit]erleben, wie jd etw tut

    I can’t bear to see people being mistreated ich ertrag es nicht, wenn Menschen misshandelt werden

    to see the day when… den Tag erleben, an dem…

    to see life das Leben kennenlernen

    to live to see sth etw erleben

    I shall not live to see it das werde ich wohl nicht mehr miterleben

    to see sb jdn begleiten

    to see sb into bed jdn ins Bett bringen

    to see sb to the door [or out] /home jdn zur Tür/nach Hause bringen [o geh begleiten]

    to see sb into a taxi jdn zum Taxi bringen

    sb wants to see sth licence, passport jd möchte etw sehen; references, records jd möchte etw [ein]sehen

    the policeman asked to see my driving licence der Polizist wollte meinen Führerschein sehen

    let me see that lass mich das mal sehen

    14. in imperative (refer to)

    see… siehe…

    see below/page 23/over[leaf] siehe unten/Seite 23/nächste Seite

    to see sth in sb/sth etw in jdm/etw sehen

    I don’t know what she sees in him ich weiß nicht, was sie an ihm findet

    to see sb right BRIT, AUS ( fam: help) jdm helfen [o behilflich sein]; (pay or reimburse) aufpassen [o dafür sorgen], dass jd sein Geld [wieder]bekommt

    to see that sth happens dafür sorgen, dass etw passiert

    see that this doesn’t happen again sieh zu, dass das nicht noch einmal passiert

    to see sth house for sale [sich dat] etw ansehen [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. anschauen

    to see sb:

    I’ll see you ich halte


    to have seen better days schon [einmal] bessere Tage gesehen haben

    let’s see the colour of your money first erst will ich dein Geld sehen! fam

    you couldn’t see him/her for dust man sah nur noch seine/ihre Staubwolke fam

    if… you won’t see the dust of him/her wenn…, wird er/sie die Fliege machen wie nichts sl

    he/she can’t see further than [or beyond] the end of his/her nose er/sie sieht nicht weiter als seine/ihre Nasenspitze [reicht] fam

    I’ll see him/her in hell first das wäre das Letzte, was ich täte!

    to not have seen hide nor hair of sb jdn nicht mal von hinten gesehen haben fam

    to see the last [or BRIT, AUS the back] of sb [endlich] jdn los sein fam

    to see the last [or BRIT, AUS the back] of sth endlich etw überstanden haben

    sb sees the light (understand) jdm geht ein Licht auf fam; (become enlightened) jdm gehen die Augen auf fam; (be converted) jd [er]schaut das Licht [Gottes] geh

    to see the light of day (first appear) das Licht der Welt erblicken geh o hum

    to [go and] see a man about a dog hingehen, wo auch der Kaiser zu Fuß hingeht euph hum fam

    to see stars Sterne sehen fam

    to be seeing things sich dat etw einbilden, Halluzinationen haben

    to see one’s way [clear] to doing sth es [sich dat] einrichten, etw zu tun

    1. (use eyes) sehen

    I can’t see very well without my glasses ohne Brille kann ich nicht sehr gut sehen

    … but seeing is believing… doch ich habe es mit eigenen Augen gesehen!

    let me see! lass mich mal sehen!

    see for yourself! sieh doch selbst!; (in theatre etc.)

    can you see? können Sie noch sehen?

    there, see, Grandad’s mended it for you schau mal, Opa hat es dir wieder repariert!

    … — oh, I see!… — aha!

    I see ich verstehe

    you see! it wasn’t that difficult was it? na siehst du, das war doch gar nicht so schwer!

    see, I don’t love you anymore ich liebe dich einfach nicht mehr, o.k.? fam

    you see,… weißt du/wissen Sie,…

    well, you see, all these rooms are going to be decorated alle Zimmer werden natürlich noch renoviert

    see?! siehst du?!

    as far as I can see… so wie ich das sehe…

    I see from your report… Ihrem Bericht entnehme ich,…

    … so I see… das sehe [o merke] ich

    now, see here, I only bought this ticket a month ago also, dieses Ticket habe ich erst vor einem Monat gekauft!

    5. (find out) nachsehen, ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. nachschauen; (in the future) herausfinden

    wait and see abwarten und Tee trinken fam

    well, we’ll see schau ma mal! fam

    let me see lass’ mich mal überlegen

    you’ll see du wirst schon sehen!

    you’ll soon see for yourself du wirst es schon bald selbst sehen!


    to not see eye to eye [with sb] nicht derselben Ansicht sein [wie jd]

    to see fit to do sth es für angebracht halten, etw zu tun

    to see red rotsehen fam

    to make sb see red jdn zur Weißglut treiben fam



    the Holy Ssee der Heilige Stuhl

    * * *

    see1 [siː] prät saw [sɔː], pperf seen [siːn]

    A v/t

    1. sehen:

    as I see it fig wie ich es sehe, in meinen Augen, meiner Meinung nach;

    little was seen of the attack SPORT vom Angriff war nur wenig zu sehen (siehe weitere Verbindungen mit den entsprechenden Substantiven etc)

    2. (ab)sehen, erkennen:

    3. entnehmen, ersehen ( beide:

    from aus der Zeitung etc)

    4. (ein)sehen:

    I don’t see the importance of it ich verstehe nicht, was daran so wichtig sein soll;

    I don’t see the use of it ich weiß nicht, wozu das gut sein soll; joke A 2

    5. (sich) etwas ansehen, besuchen: worth1 A 2

    6. herausfinden:

    7. dafür sorgen(, dass):

    8. a) besuchen

    b) sich treffen mit:

    9. aufsuchen, konsultieren ( beide:

    10. empfangen:

    11. begleiten, geleiten:

    see sb home jemanden heimbegleiten, jemanden nach Hause bringen;

    12. sehen, erleben:

    see action MIL im Einsatz sein, Kämpfe mitmachen;

    B v/i

    1. sehen:

    she doesn’t see very well with her left eye sie sieht nicht sehr gut auf


    linken Auge;

    we haven’t seen much of him lately wir haben ihn in letzter Zeit nicht allzu oft gesehen;

    you’ll see du wirst schon sehen

    2. einsehen, verstehen:

    I see! (ich) verstehe!, aha!, ach so!;

    (you) see, … weißt du oder wissen Sie, …;

    (you) see? umg verstehst du?;

    3. nachsehen:

    go and see (for) yourself!

    4. überlegen:

    let me see! warte(


    Sie) mal!, lass mich überlegen!;

    we’ll see wir werden sehen, mal sehen oder abwarten

    see2 [siː] s REL

    1. (Erz)Bischofssitz m, (erz)bischöflicher Stuhl:

    2. (Erz)Bistum n:

    s. abk

    v. abk

    5. JUR SPORT versus, against

    7. vide, see

    * * *



    he was seen to leave or seen leaving the building — er ist beim Verlassen des Gebäudes gesehen worden

    I saw the light — mir ging ein Licht auf

    see the sights/town — sich (Dat.) die Sehenswürdigkeiten/Stadt ansehen

    see one’s way [clear] to do or to doing something — es einrichten, etwas zu tun

    3) sehen; treffen; zusammenkommen mit; sich treffen mit

    I’ll see you there/at 5 — wir sehen uns dort/um 5

    [I’ll] be seeing you! — bis bald!

    see you on Saturday/soon — bis Samstag/bald; see also long I 1. 3)

    4) sprechen [Person] ( about wegen); gehen zu, aufsuchen [Arzt, Anwalt usw.]; empfangen

    8) feststellen; nachsehen

    I see from your letter that… — ich entnehme Ihrem Brief, dass…

    see [that]… — zusehen od. darauf achten, dass…



    in imper. einsehen [Buch]

    see below/p. 15 — siehe unten/S. 15

    13) erleben

    he will not or never see 50 again — er ist [bestimmt] über 50

    14) sich (


    ) vorstellen

    see somebody/oneself doing something — sich vorstellen, dass jemand/man etwas tut

    I can see it now -… — ich sehe es schon bildhaft vor mir -…

    15) mit ansehen; zusehen bei

    [stand by and] see somebody doing something — [tatenlos] zusehen od. es [tatenlos] mit ansehen, wie jemand etwas tut

    16) begleiten, bringen (to [bis] zu)



    saw, seen

    let me see — lass mich überlegen; warte mal [‘n Moment]


    I see — ich verstehe; aha ; ach so

    you see — weißt du/wisst ihr/wissen Sie

    there you are, you see! — Siehst du? Ich hab’s doch gesagt!

    Phrasal Verbs:

    * * *


    (§ p.,p.p.: saw, seen)

    = anzeigen v.

    sehen v.

    (§ p.,pp.: sah, gesehen)

    zusehen v.

    English-german dictionary > see

  • 7

    [kʌm] intransitive verb, came [keɪm], come

    [I’m] coming! — [ich] komme schon!

    not know whether or if one is coming or going — nicht wissen, wo einem der Kopf steht

    they came to a house/town — sie kamen zu einem Haus/in eine Stadt

    Christmas/Easter is coming — bald ist Weihnachten/Ostern

    2) kommen; stehen

    have come to believe/realize that… — zu der Überzeugung/Einsicht gelangt sein, dass…

    in the coming week/month — kommende Woche/kommenden Monat

    5) kommen

    how comes it that you…? — wie kommt es, dass du…?

    7) [Waren:] erhältlich sein

    8) :

    Phrasal Verbs:

    academic.ru/14418/come_about»>come about

    * * *


    1) kommen

    2) kommen

    3) erscheinen

    4) dazu kommen

    5) gelangen


    nun, bitte


    — coming
    — comeback
    — comedown
    — come about
    — come across
    — come along
    — come by
    — come down
    — come into one’s own
    — come off
    — come on
    — come out
    — come round
    — come to
    — come to light
    — come upon
    — come up with
    — come what may
    — to come

    * * *


    <came, come>

    come here a moment kommst du mal einen Moment [her]?

    careful, a car’s coming! Achtung, da kommt ein Auto!

    coming! ich komme!

    have you come straight from the airport? kommen Sie direkt vom Flughafen?

    did you come here by car? sind Sie mit dem Auto gekommen?

    she’s come 500 km to be here with us tonight sie ist 500 km gereist, um heute Abend bei uns zu sein

    come to sunny Bridlington for your holidays! machen Sie Urlaub im sonnigen Bridlington!

    to come into a room/building in ein Zimmer/Gebäude kommen

    to come towards sb auf jdn zugehen

    has she come yet? ist sie schon da?

    morning has not yet come es ist noch nicht Morgen

    Christmas only comes once a year Weihnachten ist nur einmal im Jahr

    how often does the post come? wie oft kommt die Post?

    come Monday morning you’ll regret… Montagmorgen wirst du es bereuen, dass…

    I think the time has come to… ich denke, es ist an der Zeit,…

    how’s your headache? — it comes and goes was machen deine Kopfschmerzen? — mal besser, mal schlechter

    in days to come in Zukunft

    to come to sb’s rescue jdm zu Hilfe kommen

    to come as a surprise überraschend kommen

    the year to come das kommende [o nächste] Jahr

    in years to come in der Zukunft

    to come and do sth [vorbei]kommen, um etw zu tun

    come and visit us sometime komm doch mal vorbei

    I’ll come and pick you up in the car ich hole dich dann mit dem Auto ab

    dad, come and see what I’ve done Papa, schau [mal], was ich gemacht habe

    I’ve come to read the gas meter ich soll den Gaszähler ablesen

    to come for sb/sth jdn/etw abholen

    your father will come for you at 4 o’clock dein Vater kommt dich um 16 Uhr abholen

    the police have come for you die Polizei will Sie sprechen

    are you coming or staying? kommst du oder bleibst du noch?

    would you like to come for a walk? kommst du mit spazieren?

    are you coming to the cinema tonight? kommst du heute Abend mit ins Kino?

    do you want to come to the pub with us? kommst du mit einen trinken?

    5. (originate from) herrühren, stammen

    where is that awful smell coming from? wo kommt dieser schreckliche Gestank her?

    he comes of a farming family er stammt aus einer Familie mit langer Tradition in der Landwirtschaft

    does that quote come from Shakespeare? stammt das Zitat von Shakespeare?

    to come from Italy/a wealthy family aus Italien/einer wohlhabenden Familie stammen

    Z comes after Y Z kommt nach Y

    Monday comes before Tuesday Montag kommt vor Dienstag

    the article comes before the noun der Artikel steht vor dem Substantiv

    he comes first in the list of the world’s richest men er führt die Liste der reichsten Männer an

    to come first/second BRIT, AUS Erste(r)/Zweite(r) werden

    to come from behind aufholen

    to come before sth wichtiger als etw sein

    to come first [bei jdm] an erster Stelle stehen

    how exactly did you come to be naked in the first place? wie genau kam es dazu, dass Sie nackt waren?

    come to think of it… wenn ich es mir recht überlege,…

    come what may komme, was wolle

    how did the window come to be open? wieso war das Fenster offen?

    how come? wieso?

    how come you missed the train? wie kommt’s, dass du den Zug verpasst hast?

    10. (be, become)

    to come under bombardment/pressure/suspicion unter Beschuss/Druck/Verdacht geraten

    to come under criticism in die Kritik geraten

    to come into fashion in Mode kommen

    to come into money/property/a title zu Geld/Besitz/einem Titel kommen

    to come into office sein Amt antreten

    to come into power an die Macht kommen

    to come loose sich [ab]lösen

    to come open sich akk öffnen; door aufgehen

    how did that phrase come to mean that? wie kam dieser Ausdruck zu dieser Bedeutung?

    I’ve come to like him more and more ich finde ihn immer netter

    I’ve finally come to agree with you du hast mich überzeugt

    your shoelaces have come undone deine Schnürsenkel sind aufgegangen

    everything will come right in the end am Ende wird alles gut werden

    his hair comes [down] to his shoulders seine Haare reichen ihm bis auf die Schultern

    the vase comes in a red box die Vase wird in einem roten Karton geliefert

    sth comes in different sizes/colours etw ist in unterschiedlichen Größen/Farben erhältlich, etw gibt es in unterschiedlichen Größen/Farben

    to come cheap[er] billig[er] sein fam

    we’ve come a long way wir haben viel erreicht


    come, come! ach, ich bitte dich! fam

    come again? [wie] bitte?

    to come clean about sth etw beichten

    he/she had it coming [to himself/herself] ( fam) das hat er/sie sich selbst zu verdanken!

    don’t come it [with me]! sei nicht so frech [zu mir]!

    to be as stupid as they come dumm wie Stroh sein

    … and come to that…… und da wir gerade davon sprechen,… fam

    to come unstuck BRIT, AUS plan schiefgehen; speaker steckenbleiben; person baden gehen fam; project in die Binsen gehen fam

    to come the heavy father [with sb] [bei jdm] den strengen Vater herauskehren

    to come the poor little innocent [with sb] [bei jdm] die Unschuldige/den Unschuldigen spielen

    don’t come that game with me! komm mir jetzt bloß nicht so! fam

    * * *






    the picture/sound comes and goes — das Bild/der Ton geht immerzu weg

    coming! —

    come come!, come now! — komm(, komm)!, na, na!

    2) kommen; reichen (to an/in/bis etc

    they came to a town/castle — sie kamen in eine Stadt/zu einem Schloss

    it came to me that… — mir fiel ein, dass…

    3) kommen

    4) geschehen

    come what may — ganz gleich, was geschieht, komme, was (da) mag


    how come you’re so late?, how do you come to be so late? — wieso etc kommst du so spät?

    6) werden

    the handle has come loose —

    7) erhältlich sein


    I have come to believe him — inzwischen or mittlerweile glaube ich ihm

    (now I) come to think of it — wenn ich es mir recht überlege


    the years/weeks to come — die kommenden or nächsten Jahre/Wochen

    in time to come —

    … come next week — nächste Woche…

    how long have you been away? – a week come Monday — wie lange bist du schon weg? – (am) Montag acht Tage or eine Woche

    a week come Monday I’ll be… — Montag in acht Tagen or in einer Woche bin ich…

    11) kommen


    don’t come the innocent with me — spielen Sie hier bloß nicht den Unschuldigen!, kommen Sie mir bloß nicht auf die unschuldige Tour


    * * *

    A v/i prät came [keım], pperf come

    1. kommen:

    I don’t know whether I’m coming or going ich weiß nicht, wo mir der Kopf steht;

    2. (dran)kommen, an die Reihe kommen:

    who comes first?

    3. kommen, erscheinen, auftreten:

    a) kommen und gehen,

    b) erscheinen und verschwinden;

    4. reichen, sich erstrecken:

    5. kommen, gelangen ( beide:

    to zu):

    how came it to be yours? wie kamen oder gelangten Sie dazu?

    6. kommen, abstammen ( beide:

    of, from von):

    7. kommen, herrühren ( beide:

    of von):

    that’s what comes of your hurry das kommt von deiner Eile;

    8. kommen, geschehen, sich entwickeln, sich ereignen, SPORT fallen (Tor):

    how did this come to be? wie kam es dazu?

    9. sich erweisen:

    10. ankommen ( to sb jemanden):

    it comes hard (easy) to me es fällt mir schwer (leicht)

    11. (vor inf) werden, sich entwickeln, dahin oder dazu kommen:

    I have come to believe that … ich bin zu der Überzeugung gekommen, dass…;

    how did you come to do that? wie kamen Sie dazu, das zu tun?

    12. (besonders vor adj) werden, sich entwickeln:

    come true sich bewahrheiten oder erfüllen, eintreffen:

    13. AGR, BOT (heraus-)kommen, sprießen, keimen

    14. auf den Markt kommen, erhältlich sein:

    15. to come (als adj gebraucht) (zu)künftig, kommend:

    don’t try to come the great scholar over me! versuche nicht, mir gegenüber den großen Gelehrten zu spielen!;

    come it a bit (too) strong (stark) übertreiben;

    don’t come that dodge over me! mit


    Trick kommst du bei mir nicht an!

    C int na (hör mal)!, komm!, bitte!:

    come, come!

    a) auch come now! nanu!, nicht so wild!, immer langsam!

    D s

    1. Kommen n:

    2. vulg Soße f (Sperma)Besondere Redewendungen: come to that umg was das betrifft;

    how comes it that …?, umg how come that …? wie kommt es, dass …? how come? umg wieso (denn)?, wie das?;

    he can’t come that Br umg das schafft er nicht; again 1; (siehe a. die Verbindungen mit den entsprechenden Substantiven etc)

    * * *

    [kʌm] intransitive verb, came [keɪm], come

    [I’m] coming! — [ich] komme schon!

    not know whether or if one is coming or going — nicht wissen, wo einem der Kopf steht

    they came to a house/town — sie kamen zu einem Haus/in eine Stadt

    Christmas/Easter is coming — bald ist Weihnachten/Ostern

    2) kommen; stehen


    have come to believe/realize that… — zu der Überzeugung/Einsicht gelangt sein, dass…

    in the coming week/month — kommende Woche/kommenden Monat

    how comes it that you…? — wie kommt es, dass du…?

    come what may — komme, was wolle ; ganz gleich, was kommt

    7) [Waren:] erhältlich sein

    8) :

    Phrasal Verbs:

    * * *


    eingekehrt interj.

    komm interj.

    kommen interj. v.

    (§ p.,p.p.: came, come)

    = kommen v.

    (§ p.,pp.: kam, ist gekommen)

    English-german dictionary > come

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    English-Danish dictionary > hope

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    1) venir

    2) llegar

    3) venir

    4) suceder

    5) llegar a

    6) subir a, ser



    — coming
    — comeback
    — comedown
    — come about
    — come across
    — come along
    — come by
    — come down
    — come into one’s own
    — come off
    — come on
    — come out
    — come round
    — come to
    — come to light
    — come upon
    — come up with
    — come what may
    — to come


    you must come and visit us! ¡tienes que venir a visitarnos!

    can you come to dinner on Saturday? ¿puedes venir a cenar el sábado?

    are you coming? ¿(te) vienes?

    can I come with you? ¿puedo ir contigo?

    coming! ¡ya voy!

    what time does he come home? ¿a qué hora llega a casa?

    3 (occupy place, position) llegar

    it came to pass that… sucedió que…

    how did you come to live here? ¿cómo es que vives aquí?

    1 (behave, play the part) hacerse


    come again? ¿cómo?, ¿qué?

    come off it! ¡venga ya!, ¡anda ya!

    to be as… as they come ser lo más… que hay

    to come as a shock/surprise to somebody ser un susto/sorpresa para alguien

    to come in handy / come in useful ser útil, resultar útil, venir bien

    to come out in favour of something / come out against something declararse a favor de algo / declararse en contra de algo

    to come to nothing llegar a nada, quedar en nada, quedar en agua de borrajas

    when it comes to… en cuanto a…

    venir, aproximarse

    venir, llegar, alcanzar

    venir, provenir

    llegar, ascender

    to come off tener éxito, ser un éxito

    to come to recobrar el conocimiento, volver en sí







    a) (advance, approach, travel) venir*

    as I was coming up/down the stairs — cuando subía/bajaba (por) las escaleras

    b) (be present, visit, accompany) venir*

    to come as something: Sue’s coming as a clown — Sue va a venir (vestida) de payaso


    after a while, you’ll come to a crossroads — al cabo de un rato, llegarás a un cruce

    I’m coming, I won’t be a moment — enseguida voy

    to come for something/somebody — venir* a buscar algo/a alguien, venir* a por algo/alguien (Esp)


    Presidents come and go, the problems remain the same — los presidentes cambian pero los problemas son siempre los mismos


    a) (occur in time, context)

    b) (as prep) para


    4) (extend, reach) (+ adv compl) llegar*

    it’ll come, just keep practicing — ya te va a salir or lo vas a lograr; sigue practicando

    6) (be available, obtainable) (+ adv compl) venir*

    to come with something: the car comes with the job el coche te lo dan con el trabajo; it comes with instructions viene con or trae instrucciones; these watches don’t come cheap estos relojes no son nada baratos; he’s as silly as they come — es de lo más tonto que hay

    7) (+ adv compl)

    a) (in sequence, list, structure)

    b) (in race, competition) llegar*


    a) ( become) (+ adj compl)

    to come to + inf — llegar* a + inf

    I could have done it yesterday, come to think of it — lo podría haber hecho ayer, ahora que lo pienso

    9) ( have orgasm) (colloq) venirse* or (Esp) correrse or (AmS) acabar (arg)

    come, come! — vamos, vamos!, dale! (CS fam)

    come again? — (colloq) ¿qué? or (AmL fam) ¿qué qué?


    Phrasal Verbs:






    1) venir; llegar

    he came running/dashing etc in — entró corriendo/volando etc

    the day/time will come when… — ya llegará el día/la hora (en) que…

    we’ll come after you — te seguiremos

    come and see us soon — ven a vernos pronto

    it may come as a surprise to you… — puede que te asombre or (LAm) extrañe…

    to come for sth/sb — venir por or (LAm) pasar por algo/algn

    to come from — venir de, proceder de, provenir de; ser de

    it never came into my mind — no pasó siquiera por mi mente

    we came to a village — llegamos a un pueblo

    when it comes to choosing, I prefer wine — si tengo que elegir, prefiero vino

    when it comes to mathematics… — en cuanto a or en lo que se refiere a las matemáticas…

    when your turn comes — cuando llegue tu turno

    they have come a long way — (lit) han venido desde muy lejos; (fig) han llegado muy lejos

    come with me — ven conmigo

    2) venir

    3) pasar, ocurrir

    how does this chair come to be broken? — ¿cómo es que esta silla está rota?

    how come? * — ¿cómo es eso?, ¿cómo así?, ¿por qué?

    no good will come of it — de eso no saldrá nada bueno

    no harm will come to him — no le pasará nada

    come what may — pase lo que pase


    it came to pass that… — liter aconteció que…

    those shoes come in two colours — esos zapatos vienen en dos colores

    it comes naturally to him — lo hace sin esfuerzo, no le cuesta nada hacerlo

    it’ll all come right in the end — al final, todo se arreglará



    correrse (




    , acabar (




    come again? * — ¿cómo (dice)?

    he’s as good as they come — es bueno como él solo

    they don’t come any better than that — mejores no los hay

    to come between two people — meterse or entrometerse entre dos personas; separar a dos personas

    the new ruling comes into force next year — la nueva ley entra en vigor el año que viene

    oh, come now! — ¡vamos!

    I could see it coming — lo veía venir

    come to that... — si vamos a eso…

    in (the) years to come — en los años venideros



    COME, GO
    Although c ome and venir usually imply motion towards the speaker while go and ir imply motion away from them, there are some differences between the two languages. In English we sometimes describe movement as if from the other person’s perspective. In Spanish, this is not the case.
    For example when someone calls you:

    I’m coming Ya voy
    Making arrangements over the phone or in a letter:

    I’ll come and pick you up at four Iré a recogerte a las cuatro

    Can I come too? ¿Puedo ir yo también?

    Shall I come with you? ¿Voy contigo?
    So, use ir rather than venir when going towards someone else or when joining them to go on somewhere else.

    Are you coming with us? (viewed from the speaker’s perspective) ¿(Te) vienes con nosotros?
    For further uses and examples, see come, go

    * * *




    a) (advance, approach, travel) venir*

    as I was coming up/down the stairs — cuando subía/bajaba (por) las escaleras

    b) (be present, visit, accompany) venir*

    to come as something: Sue’s coming as a clown — Sue va a venir (vestida) de payaso


    after a while, you’ll come to a crossroads — al cabo de un rato, llegarás a un cruce

    I’m coming, I won’t be a moment — enseguida voy

    to come for something/somebody — venir* a buscar algo/a alguien, venir* a por algo/alguien (Esp)


    Presidents come and go, the problems remain the same — los presidentes cambian pero los problemas son siempre los mismos


    a) (occur in time, context)

    b) (as prep) para


    4) (extend, reach) (+ adv compl) llegar*

    it’ll come, just keep practicing — ya te va a salir or lo vas a lograr; sigue practicando

    6) (be available, obtainable) (+ adv compl) venir*

    to come with something: the car comes with the job el coche te lo dan con el trabajo; it comes with instructions viene con or trae instrucciones; these watches don’t come cheap estos relojes no son nada baratos; he’s as silly as they come — es de lo más tonto que hay

    7) (+ adv compl)

    a) (in sequence, list, structure)

    b) (in race, competition) llegar*


    a) ( become) (+ adj compl)

    to come to + inf — llegar* a + inf

    I could have done it yesterday, come to think of it — lo podría haber hecho ayer, ahora que lo pienso

    9) ( have orgasm) (colloq) venirse* or (Esp) correrse or (AmS) acabar (arg)

    come, come! — vamos, vamos!, dale! (CS fam)

    come again? — (colloq) ¿qué? or (AmL fam) ¿qué qué?


    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > come

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    1) esperanza

    2) esperanza

    3) esperanza, sueño

    — hopefulness
    — hopefully
    — hopeless
    — hopelessly
    — hopelessness
    — hope against hope
    — hope for the best
    — not have a hope
    — not a hope
    — raise someone’s hopes

    here’s a present for you, I hope you like it aquí tienes un regalo, espero que te guste


    1 esperar

    1 esperar



    esperar que





    mass & count noun esperanza f

    we have high hopes of him/his getting a gold medal — tenemos muchas esperanzas de que obtenga una medalla de oro

    to build up o raise one’s hopes — hacerse* or forjarse ilusiones

    to pin one’s hopes on something/somebody — cifrar or depositar las esperanzas en algo/alguien

    some hope! — (iro) sí, espérate sentado! (fam & iró)


    I hope so/not — espero que sí/que no

    to hope FOR something: we’re hoping for good weather esperamos tener buen tiempo; to hope for the best esperar que todo resulte (bien) or salga bien; to hope against hope that… — esperar contra todo pronóstico que…



    to hope to + INF — esperar + inf


    to be beyond (all) hope — no tener posibilidad de reparación; no tener remedio

    to build one’s hopes up (about or over sth) — hacerse ilusiones (con algo)

    to be full of hope — estar lleno de esperanzas or ilusión

    to get one’s hopes up (about or over sth) — hacerse ilusiones (con algo)

    to give up hope (of doing sth) — perder las esperanzas (de hacer algo)

    to have hopes of doing sth — tener esperanzas de hacer algo

    he set out with high hopes — empezó lleno de esperanzas or ilusión, empezó con muchas esperanzas

    I ignored him in the hope that he would go away — no le hice caso con la esperanza de que se fuera

    I don’t think there’s much chance but we live in hope — no creo que haya muchas posibilidades pero la esperanza es lo último que se pierde

    to lose hope (of doing sth) — perder las esperanzas (de hacer algo)

    to be past hope — no tener posibilidad de reparación; no tener remedio

    to place one’s hope(s) in/on sth — depositar las esperanzas en algo

    to raise sb’s hopes — dar esperanzas a algn

    false 1., 3), forlorn, pin 2., 3)

    there’s no hope of that — no hay posibilidad de eso

    not a hope! * — ¡ni en sueños!

    your only hope is to… — tu única esperanza es…

    «have you got the day off tomorrow?» — «some hope(s)!» — -¿libras mañana? -¡qué va! or ¡ya quisiera yo!

    «maybe she’ll change her mind» — «some hope(s)!» — -tal vez cambie de idea -¡no caerá esa breva!

    you are my last/only hope — tú eres mi última/única esperanza


    your mother is well, I hope? — espero que su madre esté bien

    to hope that… — esperar que…

    let’s hope it doesn’t rain — esperemos que no llueva

    «I washed my hands first» — «I should hope so too!» — -me he lavado las manos antes -¡eso espero!

    «but I apologized» — «I should hope so too!» — -pero me disculpé -¡faltaría más!


    to hope against hope — esperar en vano

    to hope for sth — esperar algo

    to hope in God — confiar en Dios



    * * *



    mass & count noun esperanza f

    we have high hopes of him/his getting a gold medal — tenemos muchas esperanzas de que obtenga una medalla de oro

    to build up o raise one’s hopes — hacerse* or forjarse ilusiones

    to pin one’s hopes on something/somebody — cifrar or depositar las esperanzas en algo/alguien

    some hope! — (iro) sí, espérate sentado! (fam & iró)


    I hope so/not — espero que sí/que no

    to hope FOR something: we’re hoping for good weather esperamos tener buen tiempo; to hope for the best esperar que todo resulte (bien) or salga bien; to hope against hope that… — esperar contra todo pronóstico que…



    to hope to + INF — esperar + inf

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    1) (arrive) [person, day, success] venire; [bus, letter, news, rains, winter] arrivare

    to come after sb. — (follow) seguire qcn.; (chase) inseguire qcn.

    to come down, up — scendere, salire [ stairs]; seguire, percorrere [ street]

    to come from — (pro)venire da [airport, hospital]

    come summer — in estate, quando verrà l’estate

    to come and see, help sb. — venire a vedere, ad aiutare qcn.

    to come to sb. for money — venire a chiedere soldi a qcn.

    to come (up, down) to — [water, dress, curtain] arrivare (fino) a

    come to think of it, you’re right — a pensarci bene, hai ragione

    to come to believe, hate — finire per credere, odiare

    to come from — [ person] venire da, essere (origi nario) di [city, country]; [word, legend] venire da [language, country]; [ substance] essere ricavato da [ raw material]; [coins, stamps, product] provenire da [ place]; [smell, sound] (pro)venire da [ place]

    to come in — essere disponibile in [sizes, colours]

    to come to — venire a, affrontare [problem, subject]

    12) (in time, list, importance)

    to come first, last — [ athlete] arrivare (per) primo, (per) ultimo

    when it comes to sth., to doing — quando si tratta di qcs., di fare


    come, come! — (in warning, reproach) andiamo!


    come to that o if it comes to that, you may be right su o per questo, potresti aver ragione; to come as a shock — essere uno shock

    * * *


    1) venire, arrivare

    2) avvicinarsi

    3) venire

    4) succedere

    5) arrivare

    6) essere


    suvvia!, (ma va!), (andiamo!)

    — coming
    — comeback
    — comedown
    — come about
    — come across
    — come along
    — come by
    — come down
    — come into one’s own
    — come off
    — come on
    — come out
    — come round
    — come to
    — come to light
    — come upon
    — come up with
    — come what may
    — to come

    * * *

    come /kʌm/




    ) sperma eiaculato; sborra (



    ♦ (to) come /kʌm/

    1 arrivare; venire; giungere: The police came, è arrivata (o è giunta) la polizia; Mary hasn’t come yet, Mary non è ancora arrivata; The letter came on Friday, la lettera è arrivata venerdì; When will my turn come?, quando verrà il mio turno?; ( I’m) coming!, sto arrivando!; arrivo!; vengo!; Someone’s coming, viene (o sta venendo) qualcuno; arriva (o sta arrivando) qualcuno; when the time comes, quando verrà il momento; to come running, arrivare (o venire) di corsa; arrivare correndo; to come by car [on foot], venire (o arrivare) in macchina [a piedi]; Where are you coming from?, da dove vieni (o arrivi)?; We came to a clearing, siamo arrivati a una radura; I’ve come to the chapter where…, sono arrivato al capitolo in cui…; to come to the door, venire ad aprire (la porta); to come to the surface, venire in superficie; salire in superficie; to come to an agreement, raggiungere (o venire a) un accordo; to come to a conclusion [a decision], giungere (o arrivare) a una conclusione [una decisione]; I’ll come to that point in a moment, toccherò questo punto tra un momento; to come at the truth, arrivare alla (o scoprire la) verità; There’s still the dessert to come, deve venire ancora il dolce NOTA D’USO: — arrivare-

    8 accadere; succedere; avvenire: No harm will come to him, non gli succederà niente di male; How did she come to be there? (o How come she was there?), com’è successo che lei si trovasse là?; come mai lei si trovava la?; come what may, accada quel che accada; succeda quello che deve succedere; to take things as they come, prendere le cose come vengono

    13 (


    ) raggiungere l’orgasmo; ( di uomo) eiaculare; venire (



    14 (all’


    ) andiamo!; su!; suvvia!; dài! (


    ); ( anche) ma no!, figurati!: Come, that’s silly!, andiamo, che sciocchezza!; Come, come, there’s no need to thank me!, ma no, non devi ringraziarmi!

    come (seguito da indicazione di tempo), ora di, quando verrà: come next year, ora dell’anno prossimo; l’anno prossimo; come spring, ora della primavera; quando verrà la primavera; a primavera □ to come and go, andare e venire □ to come after, venire dopo; esserci dopo; seguire; venire dietro: What comes after?, che cosa viene dopo?; che c’è dopo?; Come after me, seguitemi; venitemi dietro □ to come again, ritornare; tornare: Please come again!, tornate (a trovarci)! □ (


    ) Come again?, come hai detto?; come?; scusa? □ (


    ) Come and get it!, è pronto; a tavola! □ to come as a disappointment, deludere; essere deludente □ to come as a relief, essere un sollievo; tranquillizzare □ to come as a surprise, giungere inatteso □ to come as a shock, essere uno shock; scioccare □ to come before, venire prima di; precedere; ( anche) comparire davanti a: «Major» comes before «captain», «maggiore» viene prima di «capitano»; to come before the judge, comparire davanti al giudice □ (


    ) to come clean, dire tutta la verità; confessare tutto □ to come close to, essere lì lì per; essere a un passo dal: to come close to winning, essere lì lì per vincere; sfiorare la vittoria □ to come closer, avvicinarsi; farsi più vicino □ to come easily, essere facile (per q.); venire facile: Speaking in public didn’t come easily to him, non gli veniva facile parlare in pubblico □ ( sport) to come from behind, rimontare e vincere □ (


    ) to come good, riscattarsi □ to come home, tornare a casa; rientrare; ( sport: nelle corse) tagliare il traguardo □ to come home to


    , diventare chiaro a


    : At last it came home to him that I had no money, finalmente ha capito che non avevo soldi □ (


    ) to come it a bit strong, esagerare; metterla giù un po’ dura □ (


    ) Don’t come it with me!, non darti delle arie con me! □ to come naturally, essere naturale (a q.); venire naturale □ to come near to = to come close to ► sopra □ (


    ) to come of age, uscire di minorità; diventare maggiorenne □ (


    ) to come on offer, essere offerto: (


    ) Intercom shares came on offer at £5, le azioni della Intercom furono offerte a 5 sterline □ (


    ) to come on the scene, arrivare (sulla scena); comparire; fare la propria comparsa □ to come on top of


    , aggiungersi a


    ( di spiacevole) □ ( di veicolo) to come past, passare □ to come right, andare a posto; aggiustarsi □ (


    ) to come to anchor, ancorarsi □ to come to be, diventare: He came to be a famous painter, diventò un pittore famoso □ to come to blows, venire alle mani □ to come to an end, giungere al termine; finire □ to come to light, venire alla luce; scoprirsi □ to come to life, rinvenire, riprendere conoscenza; dimostrare interesse, interessarsi □ to come to like, imparare ad apprezzare; arrivare a trovare simpatico: I’ve never come to like whisky, non sono mai riuscita a farmi piacere il whisky; I came to like him in the end, finii per trovarlo simpatico; alla fine arrivò a piacermi □ to come to no harm, non patire; non subire danni: I don’t want her to come to any harm, non voglio che le succeda nulla □ to come to nothing, non approdare a nulla; non portare a nulla; finire in niente □ (


    ) to come to pass, avvenire; accadere □ It comes to the same thing, è lo stesso; la cosa non cambia □ to come to one’s senses, rinvenire; tornare in sé □ (

    fig. fam.

    ) to come to stay, venire a stare (da q.); ( anche) prendere piede; affermarsi □ to come to a standstill, fermarsi; arrestarsi □ to come to terms with, accettare (


    di spiacevole o doloroso); farsi una ragione di □ It might not come to that, è possibile che non si arrivi a questo (o a questi punti); potrebbe non verificarsi; potrebbe non essere necessario; He didn’t believe her, nor, come to that, did I, lui non le credette, e in realtà nemmeno io □ when you come to think of it, a pensarci bene; riflettendoci: ( Now I) come to think of it, he was out the whole day yesterday, ora che ci penso, ieri lui è stato fuori tutto il giorno □ to come with practice [age, ecc.], venire [essere appreso, raggiunto, ecc.] con la pratica [l’età] □ to come within earshot of, giungere a portata d’orecchi di □ to come within range, arrivare a tiro ( di fucile, ecc.) □ to come within sight of, giungere in vista di □ ‘Coming soon’ ( cartello), ‘torno presto’ □ as… as they come, enormemente: as rich as they come, ricchissimo; as silly as they come, stupidissimo; stupido come pochi □ (


    ) He’s got a big surprise coming to him!, avrò (o lo aspetta) una bella sorpresa □ (


    ) She only got what was coming to her, ha avuto solo quello che si è meritata; ben le sta □ (


    ) You had it coming, ( di punizione, ecc.) hai avuto quello che ti meritavi; te lo sei meritato □ (


    ) How come?, perché?; come mai?: How come you didn’t join the party?, come mai non ti sei unito alla comitiva? □ (


    ) I don’t know whether I’m coming or going, non so più quello che sto facendo; sto perdendo la testa □ ( slang) Let’em all come!, s’accomodino, vengano pure ( e avranno quello che si meritano)! □ I could see it come, me l’aspettavo □ (dopo espressioni di tempo) to come, futuro; nel futuro; a venire: generations to come, generazioni future; in years to come, negli anni a venire □ when it comes to, quando si tratta di; in fatto di □ where


    is coming from, che tipo è


    ; come la pensa


    ; che cosa ha in mente


    : I couldn’t work out where he was coming from, non ruiscivo a capire che cosa avesse in mente.

    * * *



    1) (arrive) [person, day, success] venire; [bus, letter, news, rains, winter] arrivare

    to come after sb. — (follow) seguire qcn.; (chase) inseguire qcn.

    to come down, up — scendere, salire [ stairs]; seguire, percorrere [ street]

    to come from — (pro)venire da [airport, hospital]

    come summer — in estate, quando verrà l’estate

    to come and see, help sb. — venire a vedere, ad aiutare qcn.

    to come to sb. for money — venire a chiedere soldi a qcn.

    to come (up, down) to — [water, dress, curtain] arrivare (fino) a

    come to think of it, you’re right — a pensarci bene, hai ragione

    to come to believe, hate — finire per credere, odiare

    to come from — [ person] venire da, essere (origi nario) di [city, country]; [word, legend] venire da [language, country]; [ substance] essere ricavato da [ raw material]; [coins, stamps, product] provenire da [ place]; [smell, sound] (pro)venire da [ place]

    to come in — essere disponibile in [sizes, colours]

    to come to — venire a, affrontare [problem, subject]

    12) (in time, list, importance)

    to come first, last — [ athlete] arrivare (per) primo, (per) ultimo

    when it comes to sth., to doing — quando si tratta di qcs., di fare


    come, come! — (in warning, reproach) andiamo!


    come to that o if it comes to that, you may be right su o per questo, potresti aver ragione; to come as a shock — essere uno shock

    English-Italian dictionary > come

  • 13

    English-Danish dictionary > get

  • 14



    Hoffnung, die

    hold out hope [for somebody] — [jemandem] Hoffnung machen

    beyond or past hope — hoffnungslos

    in the hope/in hope[s] of something/doing something — in der Hoffnung auf etwas (Akk.) /, etwas zu tun

    I have some hope[s] of success or of succeeding — es besteht die Hoffnung, dass ich Erfolg habe

    set or put or place one’s hopes on or in something/somebody — seine Hoffnung auf etwas/jemanden setzen

    not have a hope [in hell] [of something] — sich (Dat.) keine[rlei] Hoffnung [auf etwas (Akk.)] machen können

    some hope[s]! — schön wär’s!

    be hoping against hope that… — trotz allem die Hoffnung nicht aufgeben, dass…


    intransitive verb

    I hope so/not — hoffentlich/hoffentlich nicht; ich hoffe es/ich hoffe nicht


    transitive verb

    hope to do something/that something may be so — hoffen, etwas zu tun/dass etwas so eintrifft

    * * *




    1) die Hoffnung

    2) die Hoffnung

    3) die Hoffnung


    — hopefulness
    — hopefully
    — hopeless
    — hopelessly
    — hopelessness
    — hope against hope
    — hope for the best
    — not have a hope
    — not a hope
    — raise someone’s hopes

    * * *

    [həʊp, AM hoʊp]

    I. n Hoffnung f

    is there any hope that…? besteht da irgendeine Hoffnung, dass…?

    I don’t hold out much hope of getting a ticket ich habe nicht sehr viel Hoffnung, dass ich noch eine Karte bekomme

    there is little hope that… es besteht wenig Hoffnung, dass…

    there is still hope [that…] es besteht immer noch Hoffnung[, dass…]

    in the hope that… in der Hoffnung, dass…

    it is my hope that… ich hoffe, dass…

    glimmer [or ray] of hope Hoffnungsschimmer m

    sb’s best/last/only hope jds größte/letzte/einzige Hoffnung

    to have no hope keine Hoffnung haben

    to dash sb’s hopes jds Hoffnungen zerstören

    to give hope Hoffnung geben

    to live in hope hoffen

    to pin [or put] [all] one’s hopes on sb/sth seine ganze Hoffnung auf jdn/etw setzen

    to raise sb’s hopes jdm Hoffnung machen

    to see hope for sb/sth für jdn/etw Hoffnung sehen

    in the hope of doing sth in der Hoffnung, etw zu tun

    to not have a hope in hell nicht die geringste Chance haben

    some hope, not a hope schön wär’s

    hope springs eternal ( prov) und die Hoffnung währet ewiglich prov

    II. vi hoffen

    it’s good news, I hope hoffentlich gute Nachrichten

    to hope for the best das Beste hoffen

    to hope against hope [[that]…] wider alle Vernunft hoffen[, dass…]

    she was hoping against hope [that]… sie hoffte wider aller Vernunft, dass…

    to hope and pray [that]… hoffen und beten, [dass]…

    to hope for sth auf etw akk hoffen

    to hope [that]… hoffen, dass…

    * * *



    my hope is that… —

    in the hope that… — in der Hoffnung, dass…

    to place one’s hope in sb/sth — seine Hoffnungen in or auf jdn/etw setzen

    there is no hope of him having survived —

    to give up/lose hope of doing sth — die Hoffnung aufgeben, etw zu tun

    hoffen (for auf

    you can’t hope for anything else from him —

    I hope so — hoffentlich, ich hoffe es

    I hope not — hoffentlich nicht, ich hoffe nicht


    I hope to see you — hoffentlich sehe ich Sie, ich hoffe, dass ich Sie sehe

    to hope against hope that… —

    * * *

    A s

    1. Hoffnung f (of auf akk):

    live in hope(s) die Hoffnung nicht aufgeben, optimistisch sein;

    he is past all hope er ist ein hoffnungsloser Fall, für ihn gibt es keine Hoffnung mehr;

    there is no hope that … es besteht keine Hoffnung, dass …;

    hope springs eternal (in the human breast) (Sprichwort) der Mensch hofft, solange er lebt;

    2. Hoffnung f:

    a) Vertrauen n, Zuversicht f

    b) Aussicht f:

    3. Hoffnung f (Person oder Sache):

    B v/i hoffen:

    I hope not hoffentlich nicht, ich hoffe nicht;

    C v/t etwas hoffen:

    hope against hope that … die Hoffnung nicht aufgeben oder verzweifelt hoffen, dass …;

    hope and trust that … hoffen und glauben, dass …;

    * * *



    Hoffnung, die

    hold out hope [for somebody] — [jemandem] Hoffnung machen

    beyond or past hope — hoffnungslos

    in the hope/in hope[s] of something/doing something — in der Hoffnung auf etwas (Akk.) /, etwas zu tun

    I have some hope[s] of success or of succeeding — es besteht die Hoffnung, dass ich Erfolg habe

    set or put or place one’s hopes on or in something/somebody — seine Hoffnung auf etwas/jemanden setzen

    not have a hope [in hell] [of something] — sich (Dat.) keine[rlei] Hoffnung [auf etwas (Akk.)] machen können

    some hope[s]! — schön wär’s!

    be hoping against hope that… — trotz allem die Hoffnung nicht aufgeben, dass…


    intransitive verb

    I hope so/not — hoffentlich/hoffentlich nicht; ich hoffe es/ich hoffe nicht


    transitive verb

    hope to do something/that something may be so — hoffen, etwas zu tun/dass etwas so eintrifft

    * * *


    Hoffnung en f. v.

    hoffen v.

    English-german dictionary > hope

  • 15




    1) håp

    2) håp, utvei, redning

    3) håp, forhåpning

    — hopefulness
    — hopefully
    — hopeless
    — hopelessly
    — hopelessness
    — hope against hope
    — hope for the best
    — not have a hope
    — not a hope
    — raise someone’s hopes





    1) håp

    2) forhåpning, forventning

    det er ikke håp for ham lenger / han er helt håpløs

    forlorn hope meget svakt håp, fåfengt håp halsløst foretagende


    frontsoldater med liten sjanse til å overleve, selvmordspatrulje siste fortvilet forsøk

    some hope (uttrykk for vantro, pessimisme) null tjangs, aldri i verden

    hvis det er det han tror, lurer han seg selv



    jeg håper jeg får gjøre det snart / jeg håper jeg får gjort det snart

    jeg håper å få se det / jeg har håp om å få se det

    hope in God sette sitt håp til Gud, sette sin lit til Gud, fortrøste seg til Gud

    hoping to hear from you i forventning om å få høre fra deg, jeg håper å høre fra deg (hilsen i brev)

    I hope not det håper jeg ikke, jeg håper ikke det

    I hope so jeg håper det, det håper jeg

    English-Norwegian dictionary > hope

  • 16



    1) bestandene Prüfung

    ‘pass’ — Ausreichend, das

    2) Ausweis, der; Passierschein, der; : Urlaubsschein, der; Freifahrschein, der; Freikarte, die

    3) Notlage, die

    things have come to a pretty pass [when…] — es muss schon weit gekommen sein[, wenn…]

    4) Pass, der ; Ballabgabe, die; Ausfall, der


    6) Pass, der


    intransitive verb

    1) [Prozession:] ziehen; [Wasser:] fließen; [Gas:] strömen; [Redner:] übergehen (to zu)

    2) passieren; [Zug, Reisender:] fahren ( through durch)

    3) kommen

    pass into history/oblivion — in die Geschichte eingehen/in Vergessenheit geraten

    the title/property passes to somebody — der Titel/Besitz geht auf jemanden über

    5) [Fußgänger:] vorbeigehen; [Fahrer, Fahrzeug:] vorbeifahren; [Prozession:] vorbeiziehen; [Zeit, Sekunde:] vergehen; [Person, Fahrzeug:] vorbeikommen

    let somebody/a car pass — jemanden/ein Auto vorbeilassen

    6) durchgehen; hingehen

    let it/the matter pass — es/die Sache durch- od. hingehen lassen

    7) vorbeigehen; [Fieber:] zurückgehen; [Ärger, Zorn, Sturm:] sich legen; [Gewitter, Unwetter:] vorüberziehen

    9) durchgehen (as als, for für)

    10) bestehen

    3. transitive verb

    1) [Fußgänger:] vorbeigehen an (+


    ); [Fahrer, Fahrzeug:] vorbeifahren an (+


    ); [Prozession:] vorbeiziehen an (+



    2) vorbeifahren an (+


    ) [Fahrzeug, Person]

    3) überschreiten [Schwelle, feindliche Linien, Grenze, Marke]

    4) bestehen [Prüfung]

    5) verabschieden [Gesetzentwurf]; annehmen [Vorschlag]; [Zensor:] freigeben [Film, Buch, Theaterstück]; bestehen lassen [Prüfungskandidaten]

    6) überschreiten, übersteigen [Auffassungsgabe, Verständnis]

    8) abgeben (to an +



    9) verbringen [Leben, Zeit, Tag]

    would you pass the salt, please? — gibst od. reichst du mir bitte das Salz?

    11) fällen, verkünden [Urteil]; machen [Bemerkung]

    Phrasal Verbs:

    academic.ru/53812/pass_away»>pass away

    * * *


    2) weitergeben

    3) übersteigen

    4) überholen

    5) verbringen

    6) annehmen

    7) fällen

    8) vorübergehen


    1) der Paß

    2) der Paß

    3) das Bestehen


    — passing
    — passer-by
    — password
    — in passing
    — let something pass
    — let pass
    — pass as/for
    — pass away
    — pass the buck
    — pass by
    — pass off
    — pass something or someone off as
    — pass off as
    — pass on
    — pass out
    — pass over
    — pass up

    * * *

    [pɑ:s, AM pæs]

    <pl -es>

    the Khyber pass der Khaiberpass

    mountain pass [Gebirgs]pass m

    the magician made some passes with his hands over her body der Zauberer fuhr mit der Hand mehrmals über ihren Körper

    to make a pass over sth über etw akk fliegen

    the aircraft flew low in a pass over the ski resort das Flugzeug flog sehr tief über das Skigebiet hinweg

    to make a pass at sb sich akk an jdn ranmachen, ÖSTERR bes mit jdm anbandeln fam

    6. BRIT SCH, UNIV (exam success) Bestehen nt einer Prüfung; AM (grade) „Bestanden“

    students just get a pass or fail in these courses in diesen Kursen können die Studenten nur entweder bestehen oder durchfallen

    to achieve grade A passes nur Einser bekommen

    to get/obtain a pass in an exam eine Prüfung bestehen

    7. (permit) Passierschein m; (for a festival) Eintritt m, Eintrittskarte f; (for public transport) [Wochen-/Monats-/Jahres-]karte f

    only people with a pass are allowed to enter the nuclear power station nur Personen mit einem entsprechenden Ausweis dürfen das Kernkraftwerk betreten

    free pass Freikarte f

    disabled people have a free pass for the public transport system Behinderte können die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel kostenlos benutzen

    8. esp AM SCH (letter of excuse) Entschuldigung f (für das Fernbleiben vom Unterricht)

    9. no pl (predicament) Notlage f, kritische Lage

    this is a pass — we can’t get back into the hotel da haben wir uns ja was Schönes eingebrockt — wir können nicht ins Hotel zurück fam

    it has come to a pretty pass when… es ist schon weit gekommen, wenn…

    to reach a pass außer Kontrolle geraten, ausufern

    to pass sb/sth an jdm/etw vorbeigehen; (in car) an jdm/etw vorbeifahren

    to pass sb/sth jdn/etw überholen

    to pass a frontier eine Grenze überqueren

    not a word passed his lips kein Wort kam über seine Lippen

    to pass sth:

    it passes all belief that… es ist doch wirklich nicht zu fassen, dass…

    don’t buy goods which have passed their sell-by date kauf keine Waren, deren Verfallsdatum bereits abgelaufen ist

    to pass a limit eine Grenze überschreiten

    to pass the time limit das Zeitlimit überschreiten

    I’m sorry, you’ve passed the time limit es tut mir leid, aber Sie haben überzogen

    to pass sth to sb [or sb sth] jdm etw geben, jdm etw [herüber]reichen bes geh; (bequeath to) jdm etw vererben

    could you pass the salt please? könntest du mir bitte mal das Salz geben?

    to pass the hat [around] ( fig) den Hut herumgehen lassen fig

    to be passed to sb auf jdn [o in jds Besitz] übergehen

    the responsibility was gradually passed to the British government die Verantwortung wurde nach und nach der britischen Regierung übertragen

    6. (put into circulation)

    to pass money Geld in Umlauf bringen

    she was caught trying to pass forged five pound notes sie wurde dabei erwischt, als sie versuchte, mit gefälschten Fünfpfundnoten zu bezahlen

    he once passed me a forged fiver er hat mir einmal einen gefälschten Fünfer angedreht fam

    to pass the ball den Ball abgeben [o abspielen]

    to pass the ball to sb jdm den Ball zuspielen

    to pass the baton to sb SPORT den Stab an jdn abgeben

    the baton was passed smoothly der Stab wurde sauber übergeben

    to pass an exam/a test eine Prüfung/eine Arbeit bestehen

    to pass muster akzeptabel sein

    to pass one’s days/holiday [or AM vacation] /time doing sth seine Tage/Ferien/Zeit mit etw dat verbringen

    to pass the time sich dat die Zeit vertreiben

    to pass the time of day with sb jdn [nur] kurz grüßen

    I just wanted to pass the time of day with her, but… ich wollte wirklich nur kurz guten Tag sagen und ein wenig mit ihr plaudern, doch…

    to be passed law verabschiedet werden

    to pass a motion einen Antrag genehmigen

    “motion passed by a clear majority” „Antrag mit deutlicher Mehrheit angenommen“

    to pass a resolution eine Resolution verabschieden

    the resolution was passed unanimously die Resolution wurde einstimmig angenommen

    to pass sb/sth as fit [or suitable] jdn/etw [als] geeignet erklären

    meat passed as fit for human consumption Fleisch, das für den Verzehr freigegeben wurde

    he was passed fit for military service er wurde für wehrdiensttauglich erklärt

    the censors passed the film as suitable for children die Zensurstelle gab den Film für Kinder frei

    to pass a comment einen Kommentar abgeben

    to pass a comment on sb eine Bemerkung über jdn machen

    to pass judgement on sb/sth ein Urteil über jdn/etw fällen, über jdn/etw ein Urteil abgeben

    to pass one’s opinion seine Meinung sagen

    to pass a remark eine Bemerkung machen

    she’s been passing remarks about me behind my back sie ist hinter meinem Rücken über mich hergezogen

    to pass sentence [on sb] LAW das Urteil [über jdn] fällen

    to pass blood Blut im Stuhl/Urin haben

    to pass faeces Kot ausscheiden

    to pass urine urinieren

    to pass water Wasser lassen

    to pass a dividend eine Dividende ausfallen lassen


    to pass the buck to sb/sth ( fam) die Verantwortung auf jdn/etw abwälzen fam, jdm/etw den Schwarzen Peter zuschieben fam

    1. (move by) vorbeigehen, vorbeilaufen, vorbeikommen; road vorbeiführen; parade vorbeiziehen, vorüberziehen; car vorbeifahren

    we often passed on the stairs wir sind uns oft im Treppenhaus begegnet

    the Queen passed among the crowd die Königin mischte sich unter die Menge

    the planes passed noisily overhead die Flugzeuge donnerten vorbei fam

    the bullet passed between her shoulder blades die Kugel ging genau zwischen ihren Schulterblättern durch

    if you pass by a chemist… wenn du an einer Apotheke vorbeikommst…

    a momentary look of anxiety passed across his face ( fig) für einen kurzen Moment überschattete ein Ausdruck der Besorgnis seine Miene

    to pass out of sight außer Sichtweite geraten

    to pass unnoticed unbemerkt bleiben

    to pass over sth plane über etw akk hinwegfliegen

    to pass under sth unter etw dat hindurchgehen; (by car) unter etw dat hindurchfahren; road unter etw dat hindurchführen

    3. (enter) eintreten, hereinkommen

    may I pass? kann ich hereinkommen?

    that helps prevent fats passing into the bloodstream das verhindert, dass Fette in die Blutbahn gelangen

    4. (go away) vergehen, vorübergehen, vorbeigehen

    it’ll soon pass das ist bald vorüber

    I felt a bit nauseous, but the feeling passed mir war ein bisschen schlecht, aber das ging auch wieder vorbei

    for a moment she thought she’d die but the moment passed für einen kurzen Moment lang dachte sie, sie würde sterben

    I let a golden opportunity pass ich habe mir eine einmalige Gelegenheit entgehen lassen

    to pass from sth to sth von etw dat zu etw dat übergehen

    wax passes from solid to liquid when you heat it beim Erhitzen wird festes Wachs flüssig

    the water passes from a liquid state to a solid state when frozen Wasser wird fest, wenn es gefriert

    all these English words have passed into the German language all diese englischen Wörter sind in die deutsche Sprache eingegangen

    to pass into oblivion in Vergessenheit geraten

    no words have passed between us since our divorce seit unserer Scheidung haben wir kein einziges Wort miteinander gewechselt

    the looks passing between them suggested that… die Blicke, die sie miteinander wechselten, ließen darauf schließen, dass…

    greetings were passed between them sie begrüßten sich

    he passed at the fifth attempt er bestand die Prüfung im fünften Anlauf

    the evening passed without incident der Abend verlief ohne Zwischenfälle

    11. (not answer) passen [müssen]

    pass — I don’t know the answer ich passe — ich weiß es nicht

    the contestant passed on four questions der Wettbewerbsteilnehmer musste bei vier Fragen passen

    to pass on sth auf etw akk verzichten

    I don’t think you’ll pass as 18 keiner wird dir abnehmen, dass du 18 bist

    do you think this jacket and trousers could pass as a suit? meinst du, ich kann diese Jacke und die Hose als Anzug anziehen?

    he could pass as a German in our new film für unseren neuen Film könnte er als Deutscher durchgehen

    and it come to pass that… und da begab es sich, dass…

    * * *


    1) Ausweis

    ; Passierschein

    to get a pass in German — seine Deutschprüfung bestehen; seine Deutschprüfung mit «ausreichend» bestehen

    3) (GEOG, SPORT) Pass ; , Vorlage

    the conjurer made a few quick passes with his hand over the top of the hat — der Zauberer fuhr mit der Hand ein paar Mal schnell über dem Hut hin und her


    things had come to such a pass that… — die Lage hatte sich so zugespitzt, dass…

    things have come to a pretty pass when… — so weit ist es schon gekommen, dass…


    on its fourth pass over the area the plane was almost hit —

    the pilot made two passes over the landing strip before deciding to come down — der Pilot passierte die Landebahn zweimal, ehe er sich zur Landung entschloss

    1) vorbeigehen/-fahren/-fliegen an

    2) überholen

    3) überschreiten, überqueren, passieren; überschreiten

    4) reichen

    pass (me) the salt, please —


    it passes my comprehension that… —


    8) annehmen; gutheißen, genehmigen; verabschieden


    12) verbringen

    13) von sich geben; abgeben; verhängen; fällen

    14) absondern, ausscheiden

    1) vorbeigehen/-fahren

    we passed in the corridor —

    2) überholen


    no letters passed between them — sie wechselten keine Briefe

    if you pass by the grocer’s… —

    the procession passed down the street —

    the virus passes easily from one person to another —

    expressions which have passed into/out of the language — Redensarten, die in die Sprache eingegangen sind/aus der Sprache verschwunden sind

    to pass into history/legend — in die Geschichte/Legende eingehen

    to pass out of sight —

    I’ll just pass quickly over the main points again —

    the crown always passes to the eldest son —

    5) vorübergehen, vorbeigehen; vorüberziehen; sich legen; vorbeigehen

    7) angesehen werden (for or as sth als etw)

    this little room has to pass for an office —

    to come to pass — sich begeben

    and it came to pass in those days… — und es begab sich zu jener Zeit…

    12) (US euph sterben

    * * *

    pass [pɑːs; US pæs]

    A v/t

    1. a) etwas passieren, vorbei-, vorübergehen, -fahren, -fließen, -kommen, -reiten, -ziehen an (dat)

    b) Tennis: jemanden passieren

    2. vorbeifahren an (dat), überholen ( auch AUTO):

    3. fig übergehen, -springen, keine Notiz nehmen von

    5. eine Schranke, ein Hindernis passieren

    6. durch-, überschreiten, durchqueren, -reiten, -reisen, -ziehen, passieren:

    c) etwas durchgehen lassen

    9. fig hinausgehen über (akk), übersteigen, -schreiten, -treffen:

    12. vorbei-, durchlassen, passieren lassen

    13. Zeit ver-, zubringen:

    pass me the salt, please reichen Sie mir bitte das Salz; buck1 A 8, hat Bes Redew

    to zu):

    17. JUR Eigentum, einen Rechtstitel übertragen, (letztwillig) zukommen lassen

    19. abgeben, übertragen:

    20. rechtskräftig machen

    21. (als gültig) anerkennen, gelten lassen, genehmigen

    on, upon über akk)

    24. MED

    a) Eiter, Nierensteine etc ausscheiden

    B v/i

    2. vorbei-, vorübergehen, -fahren, -ziehen etc (by an dat), AUTO überholen:

    3. fahren etc ( through durch):

    4. übergehen (to auf akk; into the hands of in die Hände gen), übertragen werden (to auf akk), fallen (to an akk):

    5. durchkommen, (die Prüfung) bestehen

    6. übergehen:

    7. vergehen, vorübergehen (Zeit etc, auch Schmerz etc), verstreichen (Zeit):

    8. euph entschlafen

    9. sich zutragen, sich abspielen, vor sich gehen, passieren:

    it came to pass that … besonders BIBEL es begab sich oder es geschah, dass …;

    11. (for, as) gelten (für, als), gehalten werden (für), angesehen werden (für):

    12. a) an-, hingehen, leidlich sein

    b) durchgehen, unbeanstandet bleiben, geduldet werden:

    13. PARL etc durchgehen, bewilligt oder zum Gesetz erhoben werden, Rechtskraft erlangen

    14. angenommen werden, gelten, (als gültig) anerkannt werden

    15. gangbar sein, Geltung finden (Grundsätze, Ideen)

    16. JUR gefällt werden, ergehen (Urteil, Entscheidung)

    17. MED abgehen, abgeführt oder ausgeschieden werden

    18. SPORT (den Ball) abspielen oder passen (to zu):

    (I) pass! a. fig ich passe!;

    I pass on that! fig da muss ich passen!

    C s

    1. a) (Gebirgs)Pass m:

    b) Durchfahrt f

    c) schiffbarer Kanal

    2. a) Ausweis m, Passier-, Erlaubnisschein m

    3. MIL Urlaubsschein m

    4. besonders Br Bestehen n (einer Prüfung):

    5. fig

    a) Schritt m, Abschnitt m

    b) umg (schlimme) Lage:

    7. a) Handbewegung f (eines Zauberkünstlers)

    b) manueller (Zauber)Trick

    8. Bestreichung f, Strich m (beim Hypnotisieren etc)

    10. SPORT Pass m, Ab-, Zuspiel n:

    14. TECH Durchlauf m (abgeschlossener Arbeitszyklus)

    * * *



    ‘pass’ — Ausreichend, das

    2) Ausweis, der; Passierschein, der; : Urlaubsschein, der; Freifahrschein, der; Freikarte, die

    things have come to a pretty pass [when…] — es muss schon weit gekommen sein[, wenn…]

    4) Pass, der ; Ballabgabe, die; Ausfall, der



    intransitive verb

    1) [Prozession:] ziehen; [Wasser:] fließen; [Gas:] strömen; [Redner:] übergehen (to zu)

    2) passieren; [Zug, Reisender:] fahren ( through durch)

    3) kommen

    pass into history/oblivion — in die Geschichte eingehen/in Vergessenheit geraten

    the title/property passes to somebody — der Titel/Besitz geht auf jemanden über

    5) [Fußgänger:] vorbeigehen; [Fahrer, Fahrzeug:] vorbeifahren; [Prozession:] vorbeiziehen; [Zeit, Sekunde:] vergehen; [Person, Fahrzeug:] vorbeikommen

    let somebody/a car pass — jemanden/ein Auto vorbeilassen

    let it/the matter pass — es/die Sache durch- od. hingehen lassen

    7) vorbeigehen; [Fieber:] zurückgehen; [Ärger, Zorn, Sturm:] sich legen; [Gewitter, Unwetter:] vorüberziehen

    9) durchgehen (as als, for für)

    3. transitive verb

    1) [Fußgänger:] vorbeigehen an (+


    ); [Fahrer, Fahrzeug:] vorbeifahren an (+


    ); [Prozession:] vorbeiziehen an (+



    2) vorbeifahren an (+


    ) [Fahrzeug, Person]

    3) überschreiten [Schwelle, feindliche Linien, Grenze, Marke]

    5) verabschieden [Gesetzentwurf]; annehmen [Vorschlag]; [Zensor:] freigeben [Film, Buch, Theaterstück]; bestehen lassen [Prüfungskandidaten]

    6) überschreiten, übersteigen [Auffassungsgabe, Verständnis]

    8) abgeben (to an +



    9) verbringen [Leben, Zeit, Tag]

    would you pass the salt, please? — gibst od. reichst du mir bitte das Salz?

    11) fällen, verkünden [Urteil]; machen [Bemerkung]

    Phrasal Verbs:

    * * *


    (§ pl.: passes)

    = Arbeitsgang m.

    Ausweis e m.

    Durchgang m.

    Durchlauf m.

    Pass ¨-e m. (US) v.

    verfließen (Zeit) v. (by) v.

    vorbeigehen (an) v. v.

    ablaufen v.

    absolvieren (Prüfung) v.

    passieren v.

    English-german dictionary > pass

  • 17


    1) komme

    2) komme, nærme seg

    3) komme, ligge/falle mellom

    4) komme til å

    5) komme/bli til

    6) beløpe seg til


    hør nå her!; tenk deg om!; nei, vet du hva!

    — coming
    — comeback
    — comedown
    — come about
    — come across
    — come along
    — come by
    — come down
    — come into one’s own
    — come off
    — come on
    — come out
    — come round
    — come to
    — come to light
    — come upon
    — come up with
    — come what may
    — to come




    1) komme, reise


    3) skje, hende, gå til

    I heard she broke a leg — how did it come?

    4) komme, leveres, selges, fås

    5) komme opp, vokse (om planter)

    7) (som preposisjon, hverdagslig) til, neste

    8) bli, vise seg, falle seg

    come about hende, inntreffe, skje, foregå, oppstå

    how did it come about that…?

    hvordan kunne det ha seg at…?

    come across (with it)! ut med det!, ut med språket!

    it comes across as a good film, but mustn’t be taken to seriously

    come again? ( hverdagslig) hva sa?, hørte ikke?, en gang til! (gjenta)

    dukke opp, vise seg

    klare seg, komme seg, arte seg

    komme, være der

    come along! kom igjen!, kom, nå går vi!, få opp farten!

    come at komme til, nå angripe, gå løs på få fatt på, få rede på

    come away gå bort, gå vekk, forlate løsne, slippe taket

    komme til seg selv igjen, komme til bevissthet gjøre comeback, få et comeback, komme på mote igjen

    svare skarpt, svare (igjen), gi svar på tiltale

    come by passere, komme forbi, gå forbi få tak i, få fatt på, skaffe, komme over, få, oppnå

    why don’t you come by tomorrow?

    come come! eller come now! nå, nå!, stopp litt!, så, så! den går ikke!, nei vet du hva!, hør nå her!

    come down komme ned, gå ned, gli ned, falle ned ( også) være ferdig med sine studier, ha tatt sin eksamen

    falle, rase, styrte (ned)

    come down handsome/handsomely ( hverdagslig) ikke være gjerrig/smålig, være rundhåndet/raus/spandabel) (amer.) hende flotte seg

    come down on slå ned på, kritisere, bruke munn på noen, gi noen en overhaling, gi noen inn ( også) kaste seg over, overfalle

    he came down on me for £50

    come down to innskrenke seg til, kunne reduseres til

    come down with punge ut med, hoste opp pådra seg, holde på å bli syk

    it comes easy to him!

    come for komme for å hente, komme etter

    come forward komme frem, komme nærmere, ankomme tilby seg, tilby sine tjenester legge frem, komme med

    stille, melde seg

    gå i bresjen for, gå inn for, tale for

    come from komme/være fra, komme/stamme fra, utgå fra

    coming from you, that’s a compliment

    til å komme fra deg, var det et kompliment

    coming from you, that’s good/fine!

    komme av, være forårsaket av, skyldes

    come in komme/gå/stige/tre inn

    komme til makten, bli (inn)valgt

    få innpass, komme på mote, komme i bruk

    when did the fashion for short skirts come in?

    begynne (å), gi seg til (å)

    komme inn i bildet

    where do I come in?

    hvor kommer jeg inn i bildet? / hvilken rolle er tiltenkt meg? / hva skal jeg gjøre?

    where does the joke come in?


    come in handy komme godt med, passe bra, komme til nytte

    få en stor arv, arve en formue

    come into one’s own vise hva en duger til, vise hva en er god for, komme til sin rett

    come it over gjøre seg til herre over, dominere, tyrannisere, hundse

    who does he think he is, coming it over us

    come of komme av, skyldes, bli resultatet av

    that’s what comes of your lying!

    komme fra, nedstamme fra

    ( om flekk) gå bort falle (ned) fra, ramle (ned) fra

    come off it!

    hold opp med det der!, ikke skap deg!, ikke gjør deg til!

    bli noe av, finne sted, foregå

    when is the meeting coming off?

    lykkes, gå i orden

    did everything come off all right?

    klare seg (godt)

    falle på, begynne å (bli)

    utvikle seg, gjøre fremskritt, gjøre det bra

    how are you coming on?

    jeg føler at jeg holder på å bli forkjølet, jeg brygger på en forkjølelse

    ( om planter) skyte (i været), komme opp ( om lys) komme frem, vise seg, tennes

    come on! kom an!, kom igjen!, klem på!, heia!

    come on Liverpool!

    vær så snill!, gi deg!

    kom hvis du tør!, kom igjen!, bare kom!

    come on! I’ll soon settle you!

    bare kom, så skal jeg ta rotta på deg!

    come on, it isn’t that bad

    han gikk av med seieren, han vant

    klare seg

    komme frem, tre frem, bli synlig, vise seg, stå frem

    ( overført) la masken falle, vise sitt sanne ansikt ( om blomster) springe ut ( om streik) gå ut i streik, legge ned arbeid komme for dagen, komme ut, komme frem, bli kjent

    rykke ut (for å kjempe), rykke ut i felten

    come out of that! ( slang) stikk!, forsvinn!

    she came over queer, I came over all dizzy

    skje med, hende med

    what had come over her?

    stikke innom noen, besøke noen

    komme tilbake, inntreffe (igjen)

    komme til seg selv, komme seg, hente seg inn igjen komme på andre tanker, la seg overtale

    come short (of) ikke strekke til, begynne å ta slutt komme til kort

    come through klare seg, komme gjennom, gå gjennom, klare seg gjennom

    how did you manage to come through without even a scratch?

    komme inn, innløpe, komme gjennom

    (amer., slang) klare brasene, greie biffen stille opp

    komme for å

    slå (en), falle inn

    it comes to me that…

    det slår meg at…

    kvikne til hende, skje

    hvordan skal det(te) gå?, hva skal det (hele) ende i?

    han hadde bare seg selv å takke, det er hans egen skyld

    komme på, beløpe seg til

    it came to £100

    føre/lede til, bli av

    will your plans come to anything?

    ikke bli til noe, løpe ut i sanden

    don’t let it come to that!

    det kommer ut på ett, det blir det samme

    gjelde, dreie seg om, innebære

    når alt kommer til alt, når det kommer til stykket

    ( sjøfart) ankre opp, stanse ( sjøfart) loffe (til vinden)

    how did you come to be there that day?

    come to that for den saks skyld, forresten, egentlig, i grunnen, for så vidt

    it was quite a large sum, come to that

    it was rather stupid of him, when you come to think of it

    come under komme inn under, være underlagt, falle/høre inn under, stå under, sortere under

    what heading does this come under?

    come undone gå opp, springe opp gå galt, slå feil

    det blåser opp til storm, det blir uvær

    komme opp

    begynne å studere, begynne på universitetet

    tas i bruk, komme i bruk komme på tale, komme opp, bli tatt opp, bli aktuell

    gå ut med gevinst

    loddet mitt gikk ut med gevinst, jeg vant på lotteri

    ( sjøfart) holde opp mot vinden

    come upon overfalle (tilfeldig) støte på, komme over, treffe på bli grepet av, bli slått av at, få for seg

    it came upon him that…

    han fikk for seg at…

    være til byrde

    svare til, innfri

    komme opp mot, måle seg med, matche

    komme bort til

    komme opp på siden av, ta innpå

    come what may hva som enn skjer, komme hva som komme vil

    easy come, easy go det som kommer lett, forsvinner lett

    boy, has she got a surprise coming to her!

    how come hvordan har det seg, hvorfor

    in days/years to come

    i dagene/tiden som kommer

    English-Norwegian dictionary > come

  • 18


    1) vir

    2) chegar

    3) vir

    4) acontecer

    5) chegar a

    6) somar



    — coming
    — comeback
    — comedown
    — come about
    — come across
    — come along
    — come by
    — come down
    — come into one’s own
    — come off
    — come on
    — come out
    — come round
    — come to
    — come to light
    — come upon
    — come up with
    — come what may
    — to come

    * * *

    «(now) come!» vamos, por favor!, anime-se!


    [k∧m] vt+vi (ps came, pp come) 1 vir, aproximar(-se). 2 chegar. 3 surgir. 4 alcançar, atingir. 5 acontecer, ocorrer. 6 resultar, redundar, advir. 7 nascer, proceder, emanar. 8 ficar, tornar-se, vir a ser. 9 passar, entrar. 10 andar, percorrer. 11 ocorrer, ser lembrado. 12 ser obtenível, estar disponível. 13 importar em, custar, perfazer. 14 chegar a. 15 formar-se, tomar forma ou feitio. 16 estender-se, avançar, ir até. 17 tratar-se de, referir-se a. 18 ser levado a, vir a. 19 coll ter um orgasmo, gozar. a misfortune has come over us uma desgraça caiu sobre nós. and where do I come in? e eu? que vantagem levo? are you coming my way? você vem comigo? come along! venha comigo!, vamos! come in! entre! come off it! pare de enrolar!, pare de mentir! come of it what will venha o que vier. come on! venha!, vamos! come what may! aconteça o que acontecer! first come, first served quem primeiro chega, primeiro é servido. for the year to come para o ano próximo. for years to come para vários anos, para o futuro. he came in ele entrou. he came it strong ele mostrou energia neste assunto. he came up to London ele veio para Londres. he comes it too strong ele exagera. he did not come up to my expectations ele não correspondeu às minhas expectativas. he has come short of his duties ele não cumpriu seus deveres. he has it coming to him Amer coll ele bem o merece. how come? por quê?, como? how come you know that? / como você ficou sabendo disso? ( I am) coming já vou, estou indo. I came near losing my courage quase perdi a coragem. I shall come and see you soon logo irei fazer-lhe uma visita. it came on to rain começou a chover. it came to me veio-me a idéia. it comes in bottles é fornecido em garrafas. it has come into my head veio-me à mente, lembrei-me de. it has come to be the fashion tornou-se moda. it has come true tornou-se realidade. let’s come to the point! vamos ao assunto (principal). ( now) come! vamos, por favor!, anime-se! oh come! oh come on! sem essa! so it has come to this então as coisas chegaram a este ponto (ruim). that comes in useful isto chega em boa hora. the book has come apart o livro descolou. the conservatives come in os conservadores chegam ao poder, foram eleitos. the life to come a outra vida. the photograph has not come a fotografia não saiu. these figs come from Africa estes figos são da África. the ship came down before the wind Naut o navio virou a favor do vento. the time to come o futuro. the train came in o trem chegou. they came in for a share levaram (ganharam) sua parte. to come about a) acontecer, suceder. b) mudar de direção. the wind came about / o vento virou. to come a cropper a) cair. b) fracassar. to come across a) encontrar, deparar com. where did you come across him? / onde você o encontrou? b) Amer coll pagar por acaso. c) atravessar. d) ser bem recebido, compreendido (um discurso). e) Amer coll dizer a verdade, confessar. to come after a) seguir. b) procurar. to come again voltar, repetir-se. to come at chegar a, conseguir. to come away sair, ir embora. to come back a) voltar. it came back to me / voltou-me à memória, lembrei-me novamente. b) reanimar-se. c) sl retrucar. to come behind a) vir atrás. b) ficar atrás de. to come by a) passar. b) ganhar. c) obter. how did you come by it? / como obteve isto? to come clean Amer coll confessar tudo. to come clean from Amer coll vir diretamente de. to come down a) descer, baixar, abaixar. b) desmoronar-se. c) fig ceder. to come down a peg or two coll ficar mais moderado. to come down in the world perder posição social, baixar o nível de vida. to come down to earth voltar à realidade, pôr os pés no chão. to come down upon someone repreender alguém severamente. to come face to face deparar-se. to come for vir buscar. I come for the books / venho buscar os livros. may I come for you? / posso vir buscar você? to come full circle dar a volta completa, voltar ao começo. to come home a) voltar para casa. b) ser sentido, percebido ou compreendido. the sufferings of the poor have come home to me / o sofrimento dos pobres me comoveu. to come in first alcançar o primeiro lugar. to come in for an inheritance receber uma herança. to come into entrar em, tomar posse de, adquirir. to come into a fortune herdar uma fortuna. to come into one’s own conseguir seu direito. to come into play entrar em jogo. to come into property chegar a fazer fortuna. to come into sight chegar à vista. to come into the world nascer. he came into the world / ele nasceu. to come it strong sl mentir, exagerar, contar vantagem. to come of a) vir, descender. he comes of an old family / ele descende de família antiga. b) resultar de. to come of age atingir a maioridade (legal). to come off a) soltar-se, desprender-se. the cork won’t come off / a rolha não quer sair. b) sair, retirar-se. c) ocorrer, ter lugar. d) ter bom resultado. he came off well / ele saiu-se bem. e) sair de cartaz (peça, filme). to come on a) avançar, apresssar-se. b) progredir, melhorar. c) começar. d) entrar (em cena, no campo). e) entrar em cartaz (filme). to come on the scene a) chegar, começar a tomar parte. b) nascer. to come out a) sair. the stains won’t come out / as manchas não querem sair. b) aparecer, ser publicado, ser editado. the likeness has come out well / saiu bem parecida ou semelhante. c) fig ficar ou tornar-se conhecido. she came out last year / ela ficou conhecida o ano passado. d) resultar. e) cair (dente, cabelo). to come out for apoiar. to come out in support declarar apoio. to come out in the open abrir o jogo, ser sincero. to come out in the wash coll acabar bem. to come out (on strike) entrar em greve. to come out right acabar bem. to come round/ around a) fazer uma visita, aparecer. b) voltar a si, recuperar os sentidos. he came round soon / ele logo voltou a si. c) mudar de idéia, pensar melhor. he will come round / ele pensará melhor. d) virar, mudar de direção. to come out top ir primeiro. he came out top / ele foi primeiro. to come short ter defeitos, ser insuficiente. to come short of não alcançar o nível, ser inferior. to come through a) ter bom resultado, conseguir. b) superar, sobreviver. c) aparecer. d) chegar conforme o esperado. to come to a) chegar a, alcançar. the war came to an end / a guerra chegou ao fim. b) obter, conseguir. c) importar em, montar. d) recuperar os sentidos. she came to herself / ela voltou a si, recuperou os sentidos. to come to a bad end acabar mal. to come to a head chegar a um ponto crucial. to come to blows chegar às vias de fato, brigar. to come to grief não ter sucesso. to come to grips with enfrentar, confrontar. to come to light vir à luz, ser descoberto. to come to nought ou nothing fracassar. to come to pass acontecer. to come to terms chegar a um acordo. to come to the same thing dar na mesma, ser indiferente. to come to think of it pensar bem. to come under estar em tais condições, cair sob, estar sujeito a. to come up a) subir, avançar, vir. b) aproximar-se. c) nascer, brotar, crescer. d) surgir, vir à baila. the question came up for discussion / a questão surgiu para ser discutida. e) acontecer. to come up in the world melhorar de vida, subir de posição social. to come upon a) descobrir, encontrar, ocorrer. b) surpreender, cair sobre, atacar. to come up to the mark corresponder às necessidades. to come up with igualar, alcançar, aproximar-se. to have come down to ser transmitido ou legado a. to have come down with a bad cold ficar muito gripado. to have come to believe convencer-se, acreditar. what comes next? o que vem agora? what does it come to? quanto custa? when did that come in? quando isto virou moda?, desde quando está em moda? when he came to die quando ele estava à morte. when it comes to costs quanto ao preço. where does the joke come in? onde está a piada nisto?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > come

  • 19



    as… as possible — so… wie möglich; möglichst…

    would it be possible for me to…? — könnte ich vielleicht…?

    2) [durchaus od. gut] möglich



    Anwärter, der/Anwärterin, die; Kandidat, der/Kandidatin, die

    * * *


    1) möglich

    2) möglich


    — possibly

    * * *


    [ˈpɒsəbl̩, AM ˈpɑ:s-]

    it’s just not possible das ist einfach nicht machbar

    is it possible to book tickets in advance? kann man die Karten auch im Voraus reservieren?

    would it be possible to… könnten wir vielleicht…

    the best/cheapest possible… der/die/das allerbeste/allerbilligste…

    as clean/early/good as possible so sauber/früh/gut wie möglich

    as much/soon as possible so viel/bald wie möglich

    if possible wenn möglich

    2. (that could happen) möglich, vorstellbar, denkbar

    I never thought it possible, but… ich habe es nie für möglich gehalten, aber…

    anything’s possible alles ist möglich

    to make sth possible etw ermöglichen

    to be a possible infrage kommen

    * * *



    as soon/often/far as possible —

    the best/worst/quickest possible… — der/die/das bestmögliche/schlechtestmögliche/schnellstmögliche…

    if ( at all) possible — falls (irgend) möglich

    it’s just possible, I suppose — es ist unwahrscheinlich, aber möglich

    the only possible choice, the only choice possible — die einzig mögliche Wahl


    a long list of possibles for the job —

    * * *

    A adj

    1. möglich ( with bei; to dat; for für):

    2. eventuell, etwaig, denkbar

    B s

    poss. abk

    * * *



    as… as possible — so… wie möglich; möglichst…

    would it be possible for me to…? — könnte ich vielleicht…?

    2) [durchaus od. gut] möglich



    Anwärter, der/Anwärterin, die; Kandidat, der/Kandidatin, die

    * * *


    eventuell adj.

    möglich adj.

    English-german dictionary > possible

  • 20


    1) pasar(por), dejar atrás

    2) pasar, transmitir, traspasar, ceder

    3) superar

    4) adelantar

    5) pasar; transcurrir (el tiempo)

    6) aprobar

    7) (judgement)juzgar; (sentence)dictar sentencia

    8) pasar, desaparecer, terminar

    9) aprobar


    1) desfiladero; paso, puerto

    2) permiso, pase

    3) aprobado

    4) pase

    — passing
    — passer-by
    — password
    — in passing
    — let something pass
    — let pass
    — pass as/for
    — pass away
    — pass the buck
    — pass by
    — pass off
    — pass something or someone off as
    — pass off as
    — pass on
    — pass out
    — pass over
    — pass up





    she passed the door, but she didn’t go in pasó por delante de la puerta, pero no entró

    could you pass the bread, please? ¿podrías pasarme el pan, por favor?


    did you pass the exam, or did you fail? ¿aprobaste el examen, o suspendiste?


    do you pass the library on your way to work? ¿pasas por la biblioteca de camino al trabajo?

    3 (cross — border, frontier) pasar, cruzar

    4 (give, hand) pasar

    6 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (ball) pasar

    7 (exam, test, examinee) aprobar; (bill, law, proposal, motion) aprobar; (censor) pasar

    9 (say, utter — opinion) expresar, dar; (- remark, comment) hacer

    3 (move, go) pasar

    4 SMALLSPORT/SMALL pasar la pelota, pasar el balón, hacer un pase

    8 (come to an end — pain, feeling) pasarse; (storm) pasar

    9 (exam, test) aprobar; (bill, motion) ser aprobado,-a

    11 (happen) ocurrir, acontecer, suceder

    it came to pass that… sucedió que…


    pasar, cruzarse


    pasar, transcurrir


    pasar, ocurrir

    pasar, aprobar (en un examen)


    pasar por

    pasar, adelantar

    pasar (tiempo)


    aprobar (un examen, una ley)



    , desfiladero


    , puerto




    pæs, pɑːs



    1) (document, permit) pase m; ( ticket) abono m

    bus/rail pass — abono de autobúsen

    2) ( Geog) paso m; ( narrow) desfiladero m

    3) (in test, examination) (BrE) aprobado m; (before n)



    a) (go by, past) <<shop/house>> pasar por

    b) ( overtake) pasar, adelantar, rebasar (Méx)


    a) (cross, go beyond) <<limit>> pasar; <<frontier>> pasar, cruzar*

    4) ( spend) <<time>> pasar


    a) (convey, hand over)

    to pass somebody something, to pass something TO somebody — pasarle algo a algn

    pass (me) the sugar, please — ¿me pasas el azúcar, por favor?

    b) ( Sport) <<ball>> pasar

    7) ( utter) <<comment/remark>> hacer*


    a) ( succeed in) <<exam/test>> aprobar*, salvar (Ur)

    b) ( approve) <<candidate/work>> aprobar*

    c) <<law/motion>> aprobar*


    2) (move, travel) pasar

    pass along the car, please — córranse or pasen adelante, por favor

    her name passed into history/oblivion — su nombre pasó a la historia/fue relegado al olvido


    a) (go, move past) pasar

    it was a stupid remark, but let it pass — fue un comentario estúpido pero dejémoslo correr or no hagamos caso

    b) ( overtake) adelantarse, rebasar (Méx)

    no passing — (AmE) prohibido adelantar or (Méx) rebasar


    a) ( elapse) <<time>> pasar, transcurrir (frml)

    b) ( disappear) <<feeling/pain>> pasarse

    to come to pass — acaecer* (liter), acontecer* (liter), suceder

    I’ll pass on the dessert, thanks — no voy a tomar postre or (fam) voy a pasar del postre, gracias


    it’s not brilliant, but it’ll pass — (colloq) una maravilla no es, pero pasa

    Phrasal Verbs:


    1) pase

    ; (


    ) permiso

    , pase

    bus pass — abono or pase de autobús

    overnight pass — permiso or pase de pernocta

    press pass — pase de prensa

    rail pass — abono or pase de ferrocarril

    weekend pass — permiso or pase de fin de semana


    2) (Sport) pase

    back pass — pase hacia atrás

    to get a pass (in sth) — aprobar (algo)


    things have come to a pretty pass — ¡hasta dónde hemos llegado!

    things had reached such a pass that… — las cosas habían llegado a tal extremo que…


    7) (Geog) puerto , paso ; desfiladero

    mountain pass — puerto or paso de montaña

    1) pasar; pasar por delante de; cruzarse con; (


    ) adelantar, pasar, rebasar (



    2) superar

    3) cruzar

    not a word has passed my lips — de mí no ha salido una palabra, no he dicho ni una palabra

    the gas is then passed along a pipe — el gas luego se pasa por una tubería

    to pass sth down the line — pasar algo de mano en mano

    to pass a dish round the table — pasar un plato entre todos los que están a la mesa

    to pass sb sth, pass sth to sb — pasar algo a algn

    pass me the salt, please — ¿me pasas or alcanzas la sal, por favor?

    buck 1., 3), parcel, word 1., 4)

    5) pasar

    he passed his handkerchief over his face — se pasó el pañuelo por la cara

    he passed the rope round the axle/ through the ring — pasó la cuerda por el eje/por el aro

    6) pasar

    — pass the time of day with sb

    7) aprobar; pasar

    fit I, muster

    8) (Cine) aprobar

    9) aprobar

    10) hacer

    it would be unfair to pass comment on his private life — no sería justo hacer comentarios sobre su vida privada

    to pass (an) opinion on sth — expresar una opinión acerca de algo

    to pass sentence — (Jur) fallar, dictar sentencia


    11) (Med) echar

    to pass a stool — realizar una deposición, defecar

    water 1., 3)

    12) pasar

    1) pasar; (


    ) pasar, adelantar, rebasar (



    ship 1., 1)

    2) pasar

    to pass behind/ in front of sth/sb — pasar por detrás/por delante de algo/algn

    messages passed back and forth between them — se intercambiaban mensajes entre sí, se mandaban mensajes el uno al otro

    pass down the bus please! — ¡vayan hacia el fondo del autobús, por favor!

    to pass into oblivion — pasar al olvido

    control of the business passed out of my hands — la dirección de la empresa pasó a otras manos

    the bullet passed through her shoulder — la bala le atravesó el hombro

    words passed between them — intercambiaron algunas palabras (fuertes)

    3) pasar

    4) (Sport) hacer un pase


    all that passed between them — todo lo que hubo entre ellos

    it came to pass that… — liter aconteció que… liter

    6) pasar

    how time passes! — ¡como pasa el tiempo!

    the months passed into years — los meses se convirtieron en años

    7) pasar

    9) ser aprobado

    10) pasar

    «will this do?» — «oh, it’ll pass» — -¿esto servirá? -bueno, pasará

    to pass for sth — pasar por algo

    let it pass — no hagas caso, pásalo por alto



    I’m afraid I don’t know, I’ll have to pass on that one — me temo que no lo sé, no puedo contestar esa pregunta



    pass degree N

    * * *

    [pæs, pɑːs]



    1) (document, permit) pase m; ( ticket) abono m

    bus/rail pass — abono de autobús/tren

    2) ( Geog) paso m; ( narrow) desfiladero m

    3) (in test, examination) (BrE) aprobado m; (before n)



    a) (go by, past) <<shop/house>> pasar por

    b) ( overtake) pasar, adelantar, rebasar (Méx)


    a) (cross, go beyond) <<limit>> pasar; <<frontier>> pasar, cruzar*

    4) ( spend) <<time>> pasar


    a) (convey, hand over)

    to pass somebody something, to pass something TO somebody — pasarle algo a algn

    pass (me) the sugar, please — ¿me pasas el azúcar, por favor?

    b) ( Sport) <<ball>> pasar

    7) ( utter) <<comment/remark>> hacer*


    a) ( succeed in) <<exam/test>> aprobar*, salvar (Ur)

    b) ( approve) <<candidate/work>> aprobar*

    c) <<law/motion>> aprobar*


    2) (move, travel) pasar

    pass along the car, please — córranse or pasen adelante, por favor

    her name passed into history/oblivion — su nombre pasó a la historia/fue relegado al olvido


    a) (go, move past) pasar

    it was a stupid remark, but let it pass — fue un comentario estúpido pero dejémoslo correr or no hagamos caso

    b) ( overtake) adelantarse, rebasar (Méx)

    no passing — (AmE) prohibido adelantar or (Méx) rebasar


    a) ( elapse) <<time>> pasar, transcurrir (frml)

    b) ( disappear) <<feeling/pain>> pasarse

    to come to pass — acaecer* (liter), acontecer* (liter), suceder

    I’ll pass on the dessert, thanks — no voy a tomar postre or (fam) voy a pasar del postre, gracias


    it’s not brilliant, but it’ll pass — (colloq) una maravilla no es, pero pasa

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > pass

  • context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    Having said that, a major breakthrough in the CD still seems unlikely to happen soon.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    In 2009 Andrew Lih wrote»Because these groups are drawn on national boundaries,

    context icon


    2009 году Эндрю Лих написал:« Поскольку эти группы ориентированы на национальные границы,

    But they have


    realize that the status quo can’t remain unchanged,

    it will be changed and we want it to happen soon and peacefully.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Но они должны осознавать, что статус-кво не может оставаться неизменным, он обязательно будет изменен,

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Even though the cards predicted it, I didn’t expect it to happen so soon.

    As a society, we are very impatient; we want things to happen as soon as possible.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    We come with news about a number of events that are soon to happen in your reality.

    context icon

    Мы пришли с новостями о ряде событий, которые скоро должны произойти в вашей реальности.

    Naturally there are many versions of what is to happen very soon, and there are disinformation sources that not only



    confuse you, but also bring fear of what the future holds.

    context icon

    Естественно, есть много версий того, что должно скоро произойти и есть дезинформационные источники, которые не только пытаются вас

    ввести в заблуждение, но также принести страх того, что несет будущее.

    Something big needs to happen


    and right now,

    I feel like we need


    figure out if this is the right line-up for the band.

    context icon

    Что-то большое должно произойти в ближайшее время,

    и сейчас я чувствую, что мы должны выяснить, правильный ли это состав для группы.

    I feel like something big needs to happen


    and right now, I feel like we need


    figure out

    if this is the right lineup for the band.

    context icon

    Я чувствую, что что-то значимое должно произойти в ближайшее время А сейчас мы должны решить,

    подходят ли нам все участники группы.

    This is, however, unlikely to happen any time


    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Однако это едва ли произойдет в скольлибо близком будущем.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    context icon

    Realistically, if the goals

    set are


    be reached, these developments need to happen very


    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Если смотреть на вещи реалистично,

    то для достижения поставленных целей необходимо, чтобы все это произошло в ближайшем будущем.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    Righteous Mashiach is just about


    come(may it happen soon, in our days) and the reigning will return


    house of David.

    context icon

    Вот-вот придет праведный Машиах( да случится это вскорости, в наши дни), и вернется царствование к дому Давида.

    While that isn’t likely to happen any time


    if at all, digital e-book readers are set


    be the thing of the future.

    context icon

    Хотя это вряд ли произойдет в ближайшее время,

    если на всех, цифровых читателей электронных книг установлены быть делом будущего.

    Believing that it will happen soon, will create the energy


    make it


    context icon

    They are coming to the conclusion that something is going

    to happen

    in the village soon.

    context icon

    The same will


    to us soon.

    Results: 103436,
    Time: 0.2196





    level 1

    Op · 1 yr. ago

    The right answer is Imminent


    level 2

    · 1 yr. ago

    You made me question myself, but I got it.


    level 1

    · 1 yr. ago

    I hate that this is a legitimate trivia question.


    level 1

    · 1 yr. ago



    level 2

    · 1 yr. ago

    Thank you


    level 1

    · 1 yr. ago



    level 1

    · 1 yr. ago

    As someone who’s learning English as a foreign language, I’m glad I got this one right!


    level 2

    · 1 yr. ago

    Good job


    level 1

    · 1 yr. ago

    I picked the least picked option


    level 1

    · 1 yr. ago

    I don’t even know such a word


    level 1


    · 1 yr. ago

    Im pretty much illiterate so they all could be right


    level 1

    · 1 yr. ago

    The slightly tricky thing here, of course, is that eminent is also a word, but with a very different meaning.


    Your browser does not support the audio element.

    Do you have something that you are planning for in the future?

    Do you want to discuss future plans in English but feel unsure how to communicate things that will occur in the near future?

    There are many things that we plan for, and knowing how to talk about the future in this way is important.

    Today we are talking about things that will occur in the future, but not the immediate future nor in the distant future.

    These are the things that you plan for, and that you will likely talk about often in conversation.

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    Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.

    Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.

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    Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.

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    Talking About Things That Will Happen Somewhat Soon

    There are various events that you can talk about happening in the future.

    What we are focused on today are the events that will happen soon, but not in the immediate future.

    Consider this to be almost the middle of the road, where you know that something will happen but it’s not right away but it’s also not far into the future either.

    Native speakers aren’t always formal with future tense, using “will” or “going to” as their most common options.

    That’s what you may hear from natives rather than more common phrases like “It will happen very soon” or “This is going to take place right away.”

    There are actually several phrases that refer to the future in this way, and it can be good to know what they are.

    In the previous episode of this series, we shared expressions to talk about the immediate future.

    Today’s native phrases are for the near future—which are the things that aren’t as immediate but are going to happen and you are planning for them.

    This is something that is likely to come up in conversation quite a bit, as you are making plans or planned around an upcoming event or thing to occur.

    So these are the phrases that you want to know well and practice using so that you can be a part of the conversation and even of the planning process too.

    The Best Ways To Talk About Something That Will Happen Soon

    So with these phrases, we are talking about the things that will happen soon but not immediately.

    You may have plans for this event or you may know that it is coming, but it’s not going to be right away.

    This is an important thing to talk about, and so you will find these phrases to be very useful.

    1. In the near future: This is talking about something that will happen soon, but you just don’t know exactly when. This may be something that will occur in a few weeks or months in the future. You could say “We’re planning to get a dog in the near future.”

    2. A sign of things to come/ a taste of things to come: This is used to indicate how things will be in the future. Often a brief experience that will likely be repeated, and so you want to talk about it as such. This is something that you can count on or that you may have experienced it before. When you hear “A sign of things to come” it may have a sort of negative connotation. You might say something like “So many people are losing their jobs. It’s a sign of things to come.” At the other end of this, you may use the phrase “A taste of things to come” as this can have either a positive or negative connotation. In this instance you may say something like “That storm was a taste of things to come.” Another way you may use it would be to say “This appetizer is a taste of things to come.” You may also say “The fireworks at the start of this party were just a taste of things to come!”

    3. Counting the days until/ counting down the days until: This phrase is used when you’re anxiously awaiting a future event and you want it to happen soon. You are excited about it and so you can’t wait until it occurs. You could say “I’m counting the days until spring break!” You may hear something like “We’re counting down the days until our trip to NYC!”

    All of these phrases help you to convey something that you are planning for in the future.

    Though it may not be occurring tomorrow, it’s something that you are planning for or looking forward to in the future.

    Roleplay To Help

    In this roleplay, Lindsay and Aubrey are talking about their plans to go skiing.

    Aubrey: “Do you have any fun plans for the near future?”

    Lindsay: “Yes! We’re going skiing in a couple of weeks, and I’m counting the days until our trip.”

    Aubrey: “Fun! Where do you usually go?”

    Lindsay: “Colorado has great snow- some of the best resorts in the world are a 30 min drive from my house!”

    Aubrey: “I skied when I was younger, but haven’t been in a long time.”

    Lindsay: “Why not?” Aubrey: “I wrecked pretty badly and was injured and it felt like a sign of things to come.”


    These are great phrases to add interest to the way you talk about the future.

    Instead of saying you’ll do something “soon” or “in the future,” you can use one of these native phrases.

    This can help you make connections in English, as you’re using a less formal, more native way to refer to future events.

    There are always things planned or events occurring in the future, and now this gives you a way to talk about it.

    If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.

    We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

    I’m looking for a word that indicates that a time interval (or event) will start earlier than previously expected. It should contrast with «to prolong», because that’s also something that can happen to the same interval (and «prolongation» is already used in that context).


    "last longer"   -> "prolongation"
    "start earlier" -> ???


    We are sending severe weather warnings to customers, mostly a few hours in advance. Sometimes it happens that the severe weather lasts longer than expected, we call that a «prolongation» internally. In this case we may send «prolongation warnings».

    Similarly, it can happen that the severe weather starts earlier than expected. The duration may or may not be affected by this (the event can be longer than we anticipated, have the same duration and just start earlier, or it may even be shorter). I’ve started calling this an «earlification», which transports the meaning, but is a little lacking in elegance.

    Just to clarify, these words are used in internal, informal documentation and source code. They are not used in communication with customers.

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  • Word for soon to be wife
  • Word for speaking with the dead
  • Word for soon enough
  • Word for speaking out of place
  • Word for songs and music