Word for something very interesting

“Very interesting” is a good way to show your enthusiasm or interest in a certain subject. However, it can be a bit bland. That’s why we think it’s a good idea to look into a few better alternatives. This article will present all the best ones out there!

What Can I Say Instead Of “Very Interesting”?

There are many better ways of saying “very interesting.” You can try any of the following to see which works for you:

  • Captivating
  • Inspiring
  • Gripping
  • Riveting
  • Amazing
  • Enthralling
  • Stimulating
  • Entrancing
  • Compelling
  • Absorbing
  • Engrossing
  • Appealing
  • Attractive

Better Ways To Say Very Interesting

The preferred version is “captivating.” It works well because it shows that your “interest” is taken to a new level. This level is so high that you don’t even know how to best handle yourself when dealing with whatever is “very interesting” to you.


“Captivating” works really well because it shows that our interest is piqued by something. It means that something has been “very interesting,” to the point where we almost cannot stop thinking about it or looking at it. It’s a great synonym for this purpose.

The definition of “captivating,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “holding your attention by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive.”

These examples will help you to understand it better:

  • It was a captivating performance, which is why he’s a top earner in the industry.
  • You come up with captivating arguments, which is why I know you belong on this debate team.
  • I received many captivating resumes, and now I don’t know which of them to hire!


“Inspiring” works well when you find something so “interesting” that it makes you want to change something about yourself. It’s likely that “very interesting” things might be perceived as “inspiring” if they have a profound impact on the minds of the people around.

The definition of “inspiring,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “encouraging, or making you feel you want to do something.”

Check out some of these for more:

  • That was the most inspiring thing I’ve heard in all my years.
  • The things you come out with are truly inspiring, and you should be proud of yourself.
  • I don’t think things can get much more inspiring than that, young man!


“Gripping” works well when you want to show that something has physically “gripped” your attention. That means it is so “interesting” that there is nothing else you can find a good reason to think about. It takes up all your brain power when something is “gripping.”

The definition of “gripping,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention completely.”

These examples will help you to understand this one:

  • I’ve had a few gripping meetings in my time, but this one takes the cake.
  • I don’t think the play was all that gripping.
  • This performance was very gripping!


“Riveting” is a great word we can use that’s meaning is identical with “very interesting.” It’s a popular choice for many native speakers to show when they are taken with something “interesting.” It also works well in many sarcastic situations.

The definition of “riveting,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “extremely interesting.”

Here are a few ways you can make it work:

  • That was a riveting speech, and I think he’s going places.
  • It was riveting to hear someone speak about that.
  • Oh, it’s very riveting when you’re close to learning a new language!


“Amazing” works well when you want to show that something has surprised you. Typically, things that we find “very interesting” are equally surprising to us because we never expected them. That’s why “amazing” works as a good synonym.

The definition of “amazing,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “extremely surprising.”

You should look through some of the following examples to see how it works:

  • Honestly, I’ve never heard news more amazing than that!
  • That’s amazing to hear, and I’m so happy for you.
  • Amazing! I can’t think of anything better to spend my time doing.


“Enthralling” is a great way to show that something has taken your attention completely. “Very interesting” things might be capable of doing this, and you might be required to put all your thought and energy into whatever those things are from then on.

The definition of “enthralling,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “keeping someone’s interest and attention completely.”

Check out some of these examples to see how it works:

  • I’ve never seen something as enthralling as that.
  • It’s enthralling, and there’s not much more I need to say about it.
  • My hobby is enthralling to me, but I get that you don’t like it.


“Stimulating” works well to show that your mind or brain is challenged by something. Usually, these things will cause you to show great enthusiasm or interest, which is why we can use it synonymously with “very interesting” as an adjective.

The definition of “stimulating,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “causing enthusiasm and interest.”

You can see how “stimulating” works in the following ways:

  • The project was really stimulating for me.
  • Working on this team was the most stimulating part.
  • I loved how stimulating the movie was from beginning to end.


“Entrancing” works well when we want to liken our interest in something to a “trance.” We use it to show that it’s taken our thoughts, and we can’t stop thinking about whatever is “very interesting” about a thing or person.

The definition of “entrancing,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “beautiful or interesting in a way that means you cannot stop listening to or watching someone or something.”

Check out some of these to see how you can use it for yourself:

  • It’s quite entrancing when you can just switch off and focus on the outside world.
  • This is almost too entrancing for me!
  • I don’t mean to sound soppy, but you’re so entrancing.


“Compelling” can work really well when we want to show that something makes us pay close attention to it. Again, “very interesting” things have a key role in taking everyone’s interest or attention away from other things because they come as such surprises.

The definition of “compelling,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very exciting and interesting and making you want to watch or listen.”

These examples will help you to understand more about it:

  • This is truly the most compelling thing I’ve seen.
  • It’s very compelling, which is why it works so well.
  • You’re a compelling person, and everyone listens to you.


“Absorbing” can work well when talking about interesting things. It means that certain types of things are able to keep your attention for much longer than normal. This is a key trait of what makes things “very interesting” in the first place.

The definition of “absorbing,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very interesting and keeps your attention.”

We can use “absorbing” in the following ways:

  • It’s absorbing to watch them work because no one else does it quite like them.
  • The point you raised earlier was truly absorbing and gave me much to think about.
  • These points are very absorbing, which is why I think we should study them for longer.


“Engrossing” works really well when we want to show that our interest is fully engaged. Something that is considered “engrossing” is capable of keeping our attention for a long time, and we often want to learn more about it before it’s too late.

The definition of “engrossing,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very interesting and needing all your attention.”

You can refer to the following examples to see how it might work:

  • This is truly the most engrossing thing I’ve seen in a while.
  • Honestly, the way he speaks in his meetings is so engrossing that I almost don’t know how to respond.
  • You’re a very engrossing candidate for this role, Mr. Peters.


“Appealing” works well when something is “interesting.” When something has a high “appeal,” it means that we are completely attracted to it, which usually happens when we find something interesting. The more appeal it has, the more interested we are.

The definition of “appealing,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “attractive or interesting.”

Check out some of these examples to see it in action:

  • The new rules are very appealing for the company, and I like them!
  • These are both appealing options, and I’m happy for you to choose either.
  • Okay, they’re not quite as appealing as I first thought, but they’re still good enough!


“Attractive” works well because it’s used in the same way as “appealing.” You might notice that “attractive” is part of the definition for “appealing” as well, which shows that interesting things can be very “attractive” prospects for us.

The definition of “attractive,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “causing interest or pleasure.”

These examples will help you to understand how it works:

  • He is a very attractive prospect because of his qualifications.
  • These products are all incredibly attractive, which is why they’re flying off the shelves.
  • We have sold only the most attractive units in the last few months.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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APA Classic Thesaurus. (-0001). Synonyms for Something very interesting. Retrieved April 14, 2023, from https://www.classicthesaurus.com/something_very_interesting/synonyms
Chicago Classic Thesaurus. -0001. «Synonyms for Something very interesting» https://www.classicthesaurus.com/something_very_interesting/synonyms (accessed April 14, 2023).
Harvard Classic Thesaurus -0001, Synonyms for Something very interesting, Classic Thesaurus, viewed 14 April, 2023, <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/something_very_interesting/synonyms>.
MLA Classic Thesaurus. «Synonyms for Something very interesting» 30 November -0001. Web. 14 April 2023. <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/something_very_interesting/synonyms>

Translation examples

  • что-то очень интересное

There’s something very interesting happening that we’ll try to perfect.

Происходит что-то очень интересное. Мы попробуем усовершенствовать это.

You were saying something very interesting… Something about me being a demon-child…

Ты сказала что-то очень интересное о моём происхождении!

I have a feeling there’s something very interesting behind this door.

Мне кажется, что за этой дверью скрывается что-то очень интересное.

Yes, but based on the defensive wounds we found earlier, I decided to take another look, and I found something very interesting.

Да, но из-за найденных нами оборонительных травм, я решила еще раз взглянуть, и нашла что-то очень интересное.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

что-то очень интересное

кое-что интересное

нечто очень интересное

кое-что очень интересное

много интересного

что-то интересное

нечто весьма интересное

очень интересную вещь

что-то очень любопытное

много чего интересного

одну очень интересную

кое-что весьма интересное

любопытная вещь

нечто интересное

чем-то очень интересным

I believe we created something very interesting.

The street is a space filled with the magic of human energy, and something very interesting can happen here.

Улица — это пространство, наполненное волшебной людской энергией, и здесь может произойти что-то очень интересное.

No, but I found something very interesting while I was waiting.

Your maid of honor just told my colleague something very interesting.

Ты сделаешь мне одолжение, если расскажешь моему коллеге кое-что интересное.

A look at old periodicals reveals something very interesting about human nature.

Если взглянуть на старые периодические издания, то можно узнать нечто очень интересное о человеческой природе.

But in those early days, I started to notice something very interesting.

But in 2011, the 5270 added something very interesting for this classical model: an in-house motion.

Но в 2011 году 5270 добавили что-то очень интересное для этой классической модели: мезханизм в доме.

I have a feeling there’s something very interesting behind this door.

And as you sit in the silence, and think of these things, you will begin to realize something very interesting.

Когда вы сидите в тишине и думаете об этих вещах, то начинаете осознавать кое-что интересное.

It seems like something very interesting is starting.

When you timebox your tasks, you may discover that something very interesting happens.

Когда вы используете вознаграждение за выполнение задачи, то можете обнаружить, что происходит кое-что интересное.

The weeks went by and during this time something very interesting happened.

Something new, something very interesting.

I found out something very interesting about my hair.

He said something very interesting at the end of that briefing.

When the researchers analysed the data, they found something very interesting.

However, if we study that quote a bit more carefully, we find something very interesting.

Однако, если мы изучим эту цитату немного более тщательно, мы найдем что-то очень интересное.

Max’s prelim on Hamasaki uncovered something very interesting.

Well, Jeffrey, you found something very interesting.

All right, so I looked into Marshall Martel like you asked, and I found something very interesting.

Ладно, я просмотрела дела Маршалла Мартела как ты и просил, я нашла кое-что интересное.

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But if Chirtoaca’s resignation is agreed with Plahotniuc,

be held on the same day with early local elections.

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Но если отставка Киртоакэ согласована с Плахотнюком,

выборы в один день с досрочными местными выборами….

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Yes, but based on the defensive wounds we found earlier, I decided to take another look,

context icon

Да, но из-за найденных нами оборонительных травм, я решила еще раз взглянуть,

We have a lot of data to collect and a lot of information to collect, but the tools we are putting up there

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Нам еще предстоит собрать большой объем данных и информации, но инструменты, которые мы пускаем в ход сейчас, закладывают основу

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All right, so I looked into Marshall Martel like you asked,

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Ладно, я просмотрела дела Маршалла Мартела как ты и просил,

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Ну, я рад что ты здесь. Потому что мне надо рассказать тебе о кое-чем интересном, что произошло сегодня в раздевалке.

This itty-bitty piece of cat suit that you recovered from the sprinkler head on Neth’s property was a no-go for trace,

context icon

Этот крошечный кусочек костюма кошки, который вы обнаружили на головке распылителя в поместье Нэта, ничего не дал с точки зрения следов,

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