Word for something very bad

Translation examples

  • что-то очень плохое

Look, something very bad is gonna happen.

Послушайте, случится что-то очень плохое.

It’s making something very bad, very fast.

Оно делает что-то очень плохое, очень быстро.

You said that you did something very bad.

Ты сказал, что сделал что-то очень плохое.

Either something very good happened, or something very bad.

Случилось или что-то очень хорошее, или что-то очень плохое.

I think there is something very bad going on in this place.

Я думаю, что-то очень плохое происходит в этом месте.

I think there’s something very bad going on in this place.

Я думаю, что-то очень плохое происходит в этом месте. Я…

My boss and I are trying to stop something very bad from happening.

Моя начальница и я пытаемся остановить что-то очень плохое.

Yes, something he did wrong, something very bad that you know about.

Да, он сделал что-то скверное. Что-то очень плохое, что ты знаешь о нем.

It may be something that will happen to the person who is having the feeling but it may also be to several persons, as might occur with a highly destructive earthquake, for instance.

The word or phrase would be used in the following sentence:

“I’m no spiritualist but I have a feeling of ___. I hope it’s just a feeling.»

EDIT — The phrase I’m looking for conveys a much stronger feeling than «I have a bad hunch». It is about something catastrophic which the person feels is «going to happen in a few minutes».

Em1's user avatar


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asked Dec 12, 2014 at 15:56

Centaurus's user avatar


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My first thoughts on reading the question were of the phrase ‘I have a feeling of impending doom.’ Since the word ‘catastrophic’ is used, this doesn’t feel unduly strong.

Edit by Centaurus — I’m adding some lines from the reference the answerer has given in his comment below:

Many people experience strong feelings and sensations associated with fear and anxiety. They are especially powerful when they occur for seemingly no reason. Consequently, many people react to these «out of the blue» feelings with fear, which only serves to inflame them. To better understand these strong impending doom feelings, the anxiety symptom “fear of impending doom” is often described as one or many of the following:

  • Feeling like something awful is about to occur
  • A sense that something very dangerous is about to happen
  • An overwhelming feeling you are about to die
  • A strong feeling that something terrible is about to happen and there isn’t anything you can do about it
  • A strong feeling of death and destruction that suddenly comes over you
  • An overwhelming fear of impending doom, destruction, despair, and gloom
  • A horrible feeling of doom and gloom that washes over you
  • Fear of impending doom that begins or accompanies a panic attack or anxiety attack
  • Such a strong feeling of impending doom that you feel you have to escape immediately or something terrible will happen

Community's user avatar

answered Dec 12, 2014 at 17:03

Tony Balmforth's user avatar


How about foreboding: ‘a strong inner feeling or notion of a future misfortune, evil, etc’.

answered Dec 12, 2014 at 16:12

Patrick Wood's user avatar

Patrick WoodPatrick Wood

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Is not the word you are searching ominous?

I’m no spiritualist but I have an ominous feeling, ….

Equally, as Patrick Wood points out a feeling of foreboding would do equally well, perhaps engendering even more concern in the listener.

answered Dec 12, 2014 at 16:19

WS2's user avatar


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I’m no spiritualist but I have a premonition. I hope it’s no more than that.

The alternative shown above may work. From en.wiktionary, premonition means

(1) A clairvoyant or clairaudient experience, such as a dream, which resonates with some event in the future.
(2) A strong intuition that something is about to happen (usually something negative, but not exclusively).

answered Dec 12, 2014 at 16:54

James Waldby - jwpat7's user avatar


I have a feeling of impending danger or I have a presentiment of impending danger.

answered Dec 12, 2014 at 16:34


  • a sign that something, often something unpleasant, will happen:

  • something that foreshadows or portends a future event , omen

    • The fact that no agreement has been reached by the Prime Ministers is a presage that a conflict may be imminent.

(from www.dictionary.cambridge.org)

answered Dec 12, 2014 at 19:34

The word apprehension comes to mind.

answered Dec 13, 2014 at 4:28

Stephen Brackens-Brinkley's user avatar


This is a perfect opportunity to use one of my favorite words:

consternation — noun — «An emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger.»

Misti's user avatar


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answered Dec 12, 2014 at 18:30

J L's user avatar


«I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up»

answered Dec 12, 2014 at 18:56

rbp's user avatar


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«I feel like someone just walked over my grave» is a dark, ominous, foreboding description, and it hints toward death with a touch of the supernatural.

answered Dec 12, 2014 at 19:16

Darth Egregious's user avatar


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Something very bad
in a sentence and their translations

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Listen, unless you want something very bad to happen to Hector, you’re gonna help me bury Vales, aren’t ya?

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Послушай, если не хочешь, чтобы что-нибудь плохое произошло с Гектором, ты поможешь мне засадить Валеса, понял?

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And this time, he didn’t ask for anything, so that leaves door number two, something bad happening, probably very bad.

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I think there’s


very bad going on in this place.

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something very bad — перевод на русский

Something very bad happened.

Случилось что-то очень плохое.

Either something very good happened, or something very bad.

Случилось или что-то очень хорошее, или что-то очень плохое.

Yes, something he did wrong, something very bad that you know about.

Да, он сделал что-то скверное. Что-то очень плохое, что ты знаешь о нем.

Look, something very bad is gonna happen.

Послушайте, случится что-то очень плохое.

It’s making something very bad, very fast.

Оно делает что-то очень плохое, очень быстро.

Показать ещё примеры для «что-то очень плохое»…

You can sense that something very bad is about to happen, when suddenly they meet in the middle of the street, and bam!

Чувствуется, что сейчас произойдет что-то плохое, как вдруг они встречаются на середине улицы, и бам!

Have you done something very bad, Mama?

Ты сделала что-то плохое, мама?

That’s the day that was predicted that the planets would align and something very bad was gonna happen.

Этот день был предсказан, планеты выровнялись и что-то плохое случится.

She ok? She’s being held for possession with intent to distribute something very bad that isn’t pot.

Ее задержали за хранение с целью продажи чего-то плохого, но не марихуаны.

Listen, unless you want something very bad to happen to Hector, you’re gonna help me bury Vales, aren’t ya?

Послушай, если не хочешь, чтобы что-нибудь плохое произошло с Гектором, ты поможешь мне засадить Валеса, понял?

Показать ещё примеры для «что-то плохое»…

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