Word for something that works well

I am looking for a single word for something that works well or something that doesn’t work well as interventions.

I don’t not want to use efficient or proper because these describe the person or the process, not the intervention.

tchrist's user avatar


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asked Aug 16, 2015 at 6:14

Mallika's user avatar



in working order or operating
3. capable of functioning; working (CD)


not working properly or normally (LDCE)

answered Aug 16, 2015 at 6:38

Mari-Lou A's user avatar

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effective — Successful in producing a desired or intended result

answered Aug 16, 2015 at 6:24

Yeshe's user avatar


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In addition to the good answers already given, here’s another idea:

successful — marked by a favorable outcome (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/successful)


answered Aug 18, 2015 at 1:26

aparente001's user avatar


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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

что-то, что хорошо работает

то, что хорошо работает

I finally found something that works well for me.

Work with the other person to come up with something that works well for both of you.

Find a free and most profitable niche for your dropshipping, something that works well for you.

Найдите бесплатную и наиболее выгодную нишу для дропшиппинга, которая хорошо вам подходит.

«We’ve finally got something that works well

You ought to attempt to find something that works well in your home.

Through innovation and iteration, Google takes something that works well and improves upon it in unexpected ways.

Внедряя новейшие методы и оптимизируя существующие, Google берет то, что хорошо работает, и улучшает это самым неожиданным образом.

Why do away with something that works well?

But he was able to print something that works well enough for his purposes, which is all that matters in the end.

Но он смог напечатать что-то, что работает достаточно хорошо для его целей, и это все, что имеет значение в конце.

Observation is a way of reaching innovation, in order to create something that works well, maintains a radical newness, and still feels familiar.

Наблюдение — это способ достижения инноваций, чтобы создать что-то, что хорошо работает, поддерживает радикальную новизну и все еще кажется знакомым.

When you find something that works well, you want to tell as many people as you can.

Когда вы находите что-то хорошо работающее, вы хотите рассказать об этом как можно большему количеству людей.

Please find something that works well enough, and automate it!

Hope you find something that works well for you!

This one is good for those who do not need to surf the web often, but always want something that works well.

Это хорошо для тех, кому не нужно часто просматривать веб-страницы, но все же нужно что-то, что хорошо работает.

If you’re unconcerned with the style of your range hood and just want something that works well and isn’t too visually obvious, you can find plenty of models (mostly in the under cabinet category) that fit the bill.

Если вы не заботитесь о её дизайне и просто хотите, чтобы она хорошо работала и не слишком выделялось, вы можете найти множество моделей (в основном в категории плоских), которые смогут удовлетворить и эти потребности.

«So something that works well in the book doesn’t necessarily work well on screen and vice versa.»

But if you have something that works well for you, why change?

If you know you’re moving soon, don’t have the budget for hardwood or something more expensive that might last longer, or you want to save a few bucks but still get something that works well, heading to IKEA is a great option.

Если вы знаете, что скоро переезжаете, у вас нет бюджета на лиственные породы или что-то более дорогое, что может длиться дольше, или вы хотите сэкономить несколько долларов, но при этом получить что-то, что хорошо работает, отправиться в IKEA — отличный вариант.

I think everyone can relate to the stress of cognitive overload, so it’s obvious that if we create something that works well for someone with a cognitive impairment, we’re going to be creating something which is going to be a pleasant experience for everyone.

Я думаю стресс умственной перегрузки может коснуться каждого, так что это очевидно что, если мы создаём что-то, что работает хорошо для кого-то с когнитивным расстройством, мы создаем что-то, что будет приятным для всех.

Something that works well.

No results found for this meaning.

Results: 19. Exact: 19. Elapsed time: 95 ms.


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Sometimes, things aren’t always what they seem. It might be the case that something appears good but actually turns out bad. This article will look at some of the best synonyms you can use when talking about this kind of thing.

Which Words Can Describe Something That Appears Good But Is Bad?

There are plenty of great words we can use in this case. Why not check out one of the following:

  • Specious
  • Poisoned chalice
  • Poisoned apple
  • Not all that glitters is gold
  • Wolf in sheep’s skin
  • Fool’s gold
  • Devil in disguise
  • Hollow bunny
  • Trojan horse
  • Good from far but far from good

Words For Something That Appears Good But Is Bad

The preferred version is “specious.” It’s the best one-word option you can use when talking about something that might appear good or true but turns out to be bad or false. If you want a one-word synonym, this is the best choice for such a case.


“Specious” is a great way to talk about something that is actually bad appearing good. It shows that it might be easy to fool some people into thinking it’s right, but after some closer inspection, those people will realize it’s bad.

The definition of “specious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “seeming to be right or true, but really wrong or false.”

  • He made some specious allegations, and it was easy to believe them at first.
  • This is truly the most specious thing I’ve ever seen. It really fooled me, and I’m sorry about that.
  • You’re a specious person. When you speak, you seem to confound those around you, but I know better than that.

Poisoned Chalice

“Poisoned chalice” is a great phrase we can use when talking about bad things appearing to be good. It works well because the “chalice” is supposed to be what’s “good” in this situation, and it’s supposed to attract people toward it.

However, once you reach the chalice, you will often find that it’s laced with poison. The poison is the bad thing that was not expected, so it works well.

  • This is a poisoned chalice, and I can sense the trap from a mile away.
  • It’s a poisoned chalice, and you should not trust her!
  • I don’t want to hear it. I know you’re trying to feed me from a poisoned chalice, but I will not take the bait.

Poisoned Apple

“Poisoned apple” is a variation of the one from above. We can use it to show that the “apple” is supposed to look good on the surface, but once you bite into it, it is supposed to poison you.

  • She has offered me a poisoned apple, and I know it. I can’t seem to stop myself, though.
  • I know that this is nothing more than a poisoned apple, but I can figure out why.
  • You don’t have to come at me with any more poisoned apples. I get the idea.

Not All That Glitters Is Gold

“Not all that glitters is gold” is a great idiom we can use. While “gold” typically glitters, there are plenty of other materials and minerals in the world that do as well.

The teaching point of the idiom is that you can easily come across another thing that is far less valuable or “good” compared to gold. Just because that thing glitters in the same way doesn’t make it anywhere near as good as “gold.”

  • Not all that glitters is gold, son. That’s why I want you to take what he’s about to say with a pinch of salt.
  • Not all that glitters is gold, and I don’t think you should put all of your eggs in this basket.
  • Oh, not all that glitters is gold. I wish you could have known that sooner, but alas!

Wolf In Sheep’s Skin

“Wolf in sheep’s skin” is a great idiomatic phrase we can use. Naturally, the “wolf” is the bad thing in this context. However, the “sheep” is the good thing, and the “wolf” is wearing “sheep” skin as a disguise.

The idea is that the wolf is trying to lull the rest of the sheep into a false sense of security. The phrase comes with other meanings too, but in this context, it works well to talk about bad things hiding among good things.

  • He is a wolf in sheep’s skin around these parts. It’s why so many people give him a wide berth.
  • You’re a wolf in sheep’s skin, and I’m so glad so many people are starting to realize that.
  • Do you have to be the wolf in sheep’s skin? I’m getting tired of the same old routine from you!

Fool’s Gold

“Fool’s gold” works well to show that some people will believe they have stumbled across “gold” when they really haven’t.

Since “gold” is a precious metal and is highly sought after, many people will get excited when they find it. They think they will have come across a lot of money or goods, and they will celebrate that success.

However, “fool’s gold” is aptly named because only a “fool” would believe the gold is real. It’s the name given to a real mineral called Pyrite, which has the same overall look as gold but does not have the same rarity or quality.

  • You have spoken of nothing but fool’s gold in this meeting. We do not agree with you, though.
  • He likes to spout about fool’s gold in the hopes that someone will agree with him one day.
  • I don’t like this one bit. It reminds me of fool’s gold, and I’m not happy about that.

Devil In Disguise

“Devil in disguise” works when we want to say that a person seems good but really isn’t. Usually, they’re evil like the devil, and they are putting on a “good” disguise to fool others around them.

Many “devils in disguise” do not have much thought behind their actions. They are typically manipulative people who want to get their way and find the weakest points in those with who they surround themselves.

  • Tom is a devil in disguise, and you should be careful what you say around him.
  • Oh, she is a devil in disguise. Everyone told me, but I didn’t believe them until I saw it myself.
  • You’re just a devil in disguise. I knew you couldn’t be trusted!

Hollow Bunny

“Hollow bunny” works to reference the chocolate bunnies you get around Easter time. They typically look luscious and thick, but when you bite into them, you realize that there isn’t all that much chocolate as it’s just a hollow shell.

The phrase works to show how disappointing something can be when you expect good things from it. If it turns out that the thing doesn’t do anything you expected of it, then it might be a “Hollow bunny.”

  • I found his arguments to be akin to a hollow bunny. They seemed promising, but he couldn’t deliver on them.
  • You’re quite like a hollow bunny yourself, and I don’t think many people are going to appreciate the awful things you say about them.
  • Can we talk about the hollow bunny in the room? He’s trying to trick us into agreeing with him, and that’s not okay!

Trojan Horse

“Trojan horse” works well to reference the Ancient Greek story of Troy. In the story, invaders constructed a Trojan horse as a false gift to the people, but soon broke out of the horse and started to attack the unaware city.

Nowadays, we use the phrase as a way to reference the story. It’s a metaphor that shows that something was disguised as a gift or good thing, but it doesn’t take long for it to turn into a bad thing.

  • He was my Trojan horse. I always assumed he was a good guy, but I’ve never met anyone as heartless as him.
  • You’re a Trojan horse, which is why it’s so hard for people to be around you.
  • I think this is a Trojan horse, and I think you should be careful when handling it. It’s really not worth it!

Good From Far But Far From Good

“Good from far but far from good” is a great idiomatic and rhythmic phrase we can use. It means that something is good when you don’t study it, but bad as soon as you realize what it is.

We can break the idiom down into its parts to help you understand it.

“Good from far” means that we have not spent a great deal of time studying whatever the thing is. Therefore, we might mistakenly believe it to be a “good” thing.

“Far from good” then shows the opposite, which implies that we no longer think it’s a good thing to be around. This usually only happens once you’ve had more time to find out about the finer details of the thing.

  • Trust me; he’s one of those good from far but far from good types. Stay away from him.
  • That job offer is good from far but far from good. It’s not worth your time.
  • It’s good from far but far from good as far as restaurants go. I wouldn’t go near there again!

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

  • Great job!
  • That’s great!
  • Bravo!
  • Way to go!
  • Amazing!
  • Superb!
  • Brilliant!
  • Perfect!
  • Perfectly done.
  • You’re a genius.
  • Great!
  • Outstanding!
  • Really great!
  • Excellent work!
  • You’ve mastered it!
  • Super job!
  • You’ve done so well!
  • You’re a natural!
  • You’re a star!
  • Tremendous!
  • I’m impressed!
  • You’ve got this!
  • You make it look easy!
  • You rock!
  • Keep up the good work!
  • I knew you could do it!
  • I couldn’t have done it better myself.
  • That’s the way to do it!
  • I appreciate your help!

Encouraging phrases for kids

Words of Encouragement for Kids

  • I’m so proud of you.
  • You’ve done so well.
  • I knew you could do it!
  • You’ve done yourself proud.
  • You’re getting better every day.
  • How did you get so good at that?
  • Good girl / boy.
  • You must have been practicing.
  • Who taught you that?
  • How did you learn to do that?
  • I’m so impressed!
  • I didn’t know you could do that!

Encouraging phrases for students

If they’re doing well, and you want them to carry on:

  • Well done!
  • Great work!
  • Good job!
  • Keep up the good work!
  • You’ve really got this!
  • I’m really impressed with your progress.
  • You’ve been doing excellent work.
  • You’ve come such a long way!

If they’re struggling but you don’t want them to feel demotivated:

  • Hang in there.
  • Don’t give up.
  • Keep going.
  • You can do it!
  • This is really hard, but you’re doing really well.
  • It’s really great that you’re still trying.
  • Keep working on it, you’re improving.
  • Keep going, you’re almost there.
  • You’re getting better and better.
  • You’re on track!
  • You’ve done really well so far, don’t give up now!
  • Everyone was a beginner once, but it’s the people who keep going who become experts.
  • Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try – you’ve already done half the work just by keeping on trying.
  • Mistakes are proof you’re trying.
  • A little progress each day adds up to big results.
  • Remember where you were last month, and last year. Look at how far you’ve come.

If they haven’t started something yet, and you want to encourage them to try:

  • Give it a try!
  • Go for it!
  • It’s worth a shot!
  • You can do this!
  • What are you waiting for?
  • What do you have to lose?
  • Believe in yourself because I believe in you.
  • You won’t know until you try.
  • The first step is always the hardest.
  • If you make mistakes, all the better – that’s how you learn!
  • This is only your first try. No one gets it right first time, but you have to start to get better.
  • It may not be perfect this time, but next time it will be better.
  • No one’s perfect so I never expect perfection.
  • No one’s judging you.

Words of encouragement for a Friend

To show they have your support:

  • I’m here for you.
  • I’ve got your back.
  • Whatever happens, I’ll support you.
  • I’m behind you 100%.
  • You can always count on me.
  • Call me whenever you need anything.
  • Count on my support.
  • Lean on me if you need to.
  • You’re doing a great job at life – keep going.
  • I’m still cheering for you.

To encourage them to do something they’re scared to do:

  • Follow your dreams.
  • I believe in you.
  • Reach for the stars.
  • The sky is the limit.
  • If anyone can do it, you can.
  • You’re the only person who knows exactly what your potential is.
  • You’ve already proved yourself.
  • No one can hold you back more than yourself.
  • You’ll never know until you try.
  • You’ve got this.
  • Believe in yourself, because I believe in you.
  • You inspire me.
  • Look how far you’ve already come. Imagine looking back in a few years and seeing how far you’ll have gone by then.
  • Take it one day at a time. Small achievements every day will lead to one big achievement in a little while.

Encouraging phrases for Work

To thank your co-workers for their hard work:

  • You inspire me.
  • If everyone worked like you we’d all be millionaires by now!
  • I don’t know what we’d do without you.
  • You’re a gem!
  • You’re a diamond!
  • I couldn’t have asked for a better co-worker.
  • I’ve seen how hard you’ve been working, and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate it.
  • You make this company a better place.

To raise moral during a difficult period:

  • This is a tough time, but we can’t give up now.
  • It’s been really hard recently, but your hard work will pay off.
  • We’re working towards something that will really make a difference. Focus on that.
  • You’re all doing so well. I couldn’t ask for better co-workers.
  • We’re almost where we need to be and that’s thanks to you.
  • We couldn’t have come this far without each and every one of you, and we can’t give up now.
  • We’re on track for success, we just have to keep going.

Encouraging phrases for employees

If they’re already doing well:

  • This team only works because each element of the team works. Well done to each and every one of you.
  • I couldn’t be more impressed with the work you’ve been doing.
  • I couldn’t have chosen better people to work with.
  • Look how far you’ve come in such a short space of time. Well done.
  • I want to thank you for the hard work you’ve been putting in recently.
  • Your hard work is really paying off!
  • You’ve been making a really significant contribution to the work we’ve been doing here.
  • You’ve done me proud with the work you’ve been doing.

If they need to do better:

  • If we make a few improvements, we could really make a difference.
  • We’re not far from success, so if each person gives a little bit more, we’ll get there.
  • We’ve come so far, but we still have a long way to go so I really need each one of you to give it your all.
  • I’m so impressed by your dedication, and we’re on the right path, but we need to improve in a few areas.
  • Let’s talk about what I can do to help you work better.
  • We’re almost there but we need to tweak a few details to make the most of what we’ve got.
  • You’re doing really well but I think you could do even better.
  • Show us what you’ve got. Prove to yourself that you can do it.
  • I think you’ve got more to give.
  • We’ve been underestimating you, and for that, I apologise. But you need to give us more.

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  • Word for something that sounds good
  • Word for something that needs to be done
  • Word for something that must be done
  • Word for something that makes you think
  • Word for something that makes you happy