Word for something that is unknown

I’m looking for a word that can substitute an object, whose name is unknown to the speaker.

I’m aware that there are words like «whatsamacallit», «thingamabob», etc., but they seem to be colloquial and I have never heard/seen any such word used in a formal setting. Is any of these common placeholder words appropriate in any situation?

For example, let’s say I want to compliment a stranger, but I don’t know the English word that represents the object I’m talking about: «You have a nice [placeholder]».
What should the placeholder be?

EDIT: I got some feedback that I should provide more examples. So here are some more:

«My [placeholder] will come soon» (Waiting at the train station and not knowing the word «train»)

«Where can I throw away my [placeholder] after I’ve finished eating the banana?» (Not knowing the word «peel»)

Just to clarify, what I’m looking for is a universal substitution for any noun that can’t be said for whatever valid reason (like not knowing or having forgotten how something is called) so that the sentence doesn’t need to be altered in any way. Pretty much like a pronoun, except that you can’t just strictly replace a noun with a pronoun. I have never heard anyone say something like «You have a nice it» or «I’m waiting for my it».

If what I’m asking for doesn’t exist, I’m willing to accept that as an answer, preferably with some explanation/hypothesis why there isn’t such a word.

What is another word for unknown?

654 synonyms found


[ ʌnnˈə͡ʊn], [ ʌnnˈə‍ʊn], [ ʌ_n_n_ˈəʊ_n]

Table of Contents

Similar words for unknown:

  • all (adjective)

  • clouded (adjective)

  • extinct (adjective)

  • foreign (adjective)

  • hidden (adjective)

  • ignorant (adjective)

  • incognito (adjective)

  • indefinite (adjective)

  • mysterious (adjective)

  • mystifying (adjective)

  • new (adjective)

  • obscure (adjective)

  • obscure, mysterious (adjective)

  • occult (adjective)

  • other relevant words (adjective)

  • remote (adjective)

  • secret (adjective)

  • strange (adjective)

  • supernatural (adjective)

  • superphysical (adjective)

  • supersensible (adjective)

  • unaccustomed (adjective)

  • unacquainted (adjective)

  • undetected (adjective)

  • undetermined (adjective)

  • undiscovered (adjective)

  • unexposed (adjective)

  • unfamiliar (adjective)

  • unheard-of (adjective)

  • unheralded (adjective)

  • unidentified (adjective)

  • unnamed (adjective)

  • unsung (adjective)

  • untold (adjective)

  • vague (adjective)

  • alien (noun)

  • anonymous (noun)

  • chartless (noun)

  • dark horse (noun)

  • dishonorable (noun)

  • frontier (noun)

  • inglorious (noun)

  • nameless (noun)

  • other relevant words (noun)

  • secret (noun)

  • stranger (noun)

  • terra incognita (noun)

  • transcendent (noun)

  • undiagnosed (noun)

  • unknown (noun)

  • world beyond (noun)

  • other synonyms
  • comprehended

  • stimulating

  • unrecorded

  • unsung

How to use «unknown» in context?

for unknown

Antonyms for unknown

  • adj.

    all (adjective)

    • unknown.

    clouded (adjective)

    • in decisive,
    • in-conclusive,
    • in conclusive,
    • in-decisive.

    extinct (adjective)

    • dis appeared,
    • more doused,
    • dead gone,
    • ex-terminated,
    • by-gone,
    • most abolished,
    • de-parted,
    • in-active,
    • more exterminated,
    • ex-animate,
    • by gone,
    • ex animate,
    • in active,
    • terminated,
    • most exterminated,
    • dis-appeared,
    • most doused,
    • most extinguished,
    • more disappeared,
    • de ceased,
    • more abolished,
    • most terminated,
    • more extinguished,
    • de-ceased,
    • more vanquished,
    • more exanimate,
    • most exanimate,
    • de parted,
    • most vanquished,
    • ex terminated,
    • more terminated,
    • most disappeared.

    foreign (adjective)

    • in accessible,
    • ex-patriate,
    • non native,
    • extra local,
    • de-rived,
    • more expatriate,
    • most transoceanic,
    • most nonnative,
    • un explored,
    • ex patriate,
    • de rived,
    • more immigrant,
    • most expatriate,
    • more estranged,
    • trans-oceanic,
    • faroff,
    • more exiled,
    • most exiled,
    • over-seas,
    • more adopted,
    • non resident,
    • extra-local,
    • most nonresident,
    • more nonresident,
    • far fetched,
    • un-explored,
    • in-accessible,
    • most adopted,
    • more nonnative,
    • trans oceanic,
    • out side,
    • over seas,
    • most estranged,
    • more transoceanic,
    • most extralocal,
    • extrinsic,
    • most immigrant,
    • more extralocal,
    • nonresident.

    hidden (adjective)

    • in-visible,
    • most sequestered,
    • more unrevealed,
    • in discernible,
    • more eclipsed,
    • Imperceivable,
    • most imperceivable,
    • dis guised,
    • more hermetical,
    • in dark,
    • withheld,
    • hermetic,
    • more imperceivable,
    • with held,
    • more shrouded,
    • un disclosed,
    • out view,
    • under-cover,
    • under-ground,
    • most unrevealed,
    • most shrouded,
    • dis-guised,
    • in-discernible,
    • un-disclosed,
    • masked,
    • more sequestered,
    • under cover,
    • most hermetical,
    • un revealed,
    • un-revealed,
    • in visible,
    • most eclipsed,
    • with-held.

    ignorant (adjective)

    • unacquainted.

    incognito (adjective)

    • Incog,
    • under assumed name,
    • unrecognized.

    indefinite (adjective)

    • in tangible,
    • in-distinct,
    • un-defined,
    • un sure,
    • un-specific,
    • un fixed,
    • un defined,
    • more unspecific,
    • in determinate,
    • most unfixed,
    • more unfixed,
    • in-finite,
    • un-clearest,
    • innumerable,
    • in definite,
    • in-determinable,
    • most unspecific,
    • un-settled,
    • ill defined,
    • un-limited,
    • un specific,
    • in-exact,
    • more imprecise,
    • un clear,
    • un clearest,
    • un-dependable,
    • un dependable,
    • in-numerable,
    • un settled,
    • un-sure,
    • in exact,
    • in finite,
    • in-definite,
    • most indeterminable,
    • in numerable,
    • in distinct,
    • in-tangible,
    • inexact,
    • in determinable,
    • un-fixed,
    • most imprecise,
    • more indeterminable,
    • in exhaustible,
    • un-clear,
    • illdefined,
    • in-exhaustible.

    mysterious (adjective)

    • in-soluble,
    • more sphinxlike,
    • in soluble,
    • most sphinxlike,
    • in explicable,
    • most necromantic,
    • in scrutable,
    • more transcendental,
    • un canny,
    • most alchemistic,
    • un-natural,
    • more necromantic,
    • un knowable,
    • magical,
    • un-canniest,
    • un-canny,
    • most astrological,
    • un fathomable,
    • un canniest,
    • more alchemistic,
    • most unknowable,
    • more unknowable,
    • un-knowable,
    • in comprehensible,
    • in-explicable,
    • un-cannier,
    • un cannier,
    • more astrological,
    • in-scrutable.

    mystifying (adjective)

    • mystifying.

    new (adjective)

    • newfangled,
    • modernistic,
    • untrodden,
    • cutting-edge,
    • unspoiled,
    • dewiest,
    • dewy,
    • uncontaminated,
    • Neoteric,
    • newest,
    • most novel,
    • ultra-modern,
    • dewier,
    • untried,
    • just out.

    obscure (adjective)

    • seldom seen,
    • unnoted,
    • irrelevant,
    • orphic,
    • unhonored.

    obscure, mysterious (adjective)

    • uncharted,
    • unfamiliar,
    • unexplored,
    • Unascertained,
    • Unapprehended,
    • X,
    • unperceived,
    • concealed,
    • Unrenowned,
    • such-and-such,
    • undistinguished,
    • dark,
    • uncelebrated,
    • humble,
    • unidentified,
    • unheard-of,
    • so-and-so.

    occult (adjective)

    • transmundane,
    • Acroamatic.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • nonnative,
    • unfixed,
    • undetected,
    • non-native,
    • alchemistic,
    • passed on,
    • new,
    • out of place,
    • incognito,
    • enigmatical,
    • Amphibological,
    • sphinxlike,
    • vague,
    • extra ordinary,
    • clouded,
    • Non-resident,
    • obscure,
    • remote,
    • not domestic,
    • occult,
    • Shrouded,
    • supranatural,
    • supernatural,
    • unknowable,
    • astrological,
    • under ground,
    • unexposed,
    • out of view,
    • not versed in,
    • necromantic,
    • indeterminable,
    • Superphysical,
    • secret,
    • not associated,
    • unsung,
    • Hermetical,
    • little known,
    • untold,
    • extinct,
    • in doubt,
    • unrevealed,
    • extrasensory,
    • out of contact,
    • unexplicit,
    • unspecific,
    • Unconversant,
    • dead and gone,
    • far off,
    • no longer known,
    • Supermundane,
    • romanesque,
    • exanimate,
    • not native,
    • hidden,
    • unnamed,
    • undiscovered,
    • Inconversant,
    • foreign,
    • transoceanic,
    • mysterious,
    • from abroad,
    • in question,
    • strange,
    • undetermined,
    • uninvestigated,
    • superordinary,
    • imprecise,
    • indefinite,
    • extralocal,
    • unaccustomed.

    remote (adjective)

    • god-knows-where,
    • off beaten path,
    • in a backwater,
    • middle of nowhere,
    • off-lying.

    secret (adjective)

    • conspiratorial,
    • backdoor,
    • under wraps,
    • cloak and dagger.

    strange (adjective)

    • more romanesque,
    • un related,
    • most romanesque,
    • more apart,
    • most apart,
    • un-related,
    • out place.

    supernatural (adjective)

    • more supermundane,
    • super ordinary,
    • most phantom,
    • supra natural,
    • most superordinary,
    • super-human,
    • super natural,
    • para-normal,
    • super-ordinary,
    • more phantom,
    • super mundane,
    • more superordinary,
    • fairier,
    • most supermundane,
    • meta-physical,
    • para normal,
    • most supranatural,
    • super-mundane,
    • superhuman,
    • more supranatural,
    • fairiest,
    • un comprehensible,
    • super human,
    • un-comprehensible,
    • super-natural,
    • supra-natural,
    • meta physical.

    superphysical (adjective)

    • extra sensory,
    • more extrasensory,
    • super physical,
    • most extrasensory,
    • super-physical,
    • extra-mundane,
    • extra-sensory,
    • extra mundane.

    supersensible (adjective)

    • Supersensible,
    • super-sensible,
    • super sensible.

    unaccustomed (adjective)

    • uncustomary.

    unacquainted (adjective)

    • un adorned,
    • un-acquainted,
    • un acquainted,
    • un-adorned.

    undetected (adjective)

    • most untraveled,
    • untraveled,
    • un-traveled,
    • un traveled,
    • un detected,
    • un-charted,
    • un charted,
    • un-detected,
    • more untraveled.

    undetermined (adjective)

    • unproven.

    undiscovered (adjective)

    • un discovered,
    • un-discovered.

    unexposed (adjective)

    • un exposed,
    • un-exposed.

    unfamiliar (adjective)

    • more uninvestigated,
    • most unconversant,
    • un-witting,
    • un-versed,
    • more inconversant,
    • most uninvestigated,
    • out contact,
    • in cognizant,
    • more unconversant,
    • in-conversant,
    • un versed,
    • un initiated,
    • un instructed,
    • un practiced,
    • un witting,
    • most inconversant,
    • un aware,
    • un conversant,
    • un-investigated,
    • un-aware,
    • in conversant,
    • un informed,
    • in-cognizant,
    • un investigated,
    • unpracticed,
    • un-informed,
    • un-instructed,
    • un-practiced,
    • un-familiar,
    • extra-ordinary,
    • un knowing,
    • un-conversant,
    • un familiar,
    • un-initiated,
    • un-knowing.

    unheard-of (adjective)

    • little-known,
    • unheard of.

    unheralded (adjective)

    • un celebrated,
    • un noticed,
    • un-heralded,
    • un-celebrated,
    • un-noticed,
    • more uncelebrated,
    • un heralded,
    • most uncelebrated.

    unidentified (adjective)

    • not known.

    unnamed (adjective)

    • unsigned,
    • undubbed,
    • Innominate.

    unsung (adjective)

    • unhailed,
    • unfamed,
    • Unglorified,
    • unacclaimed.

    untold (adjective)

    • beyond measure,
    • unspeakable,
    • unnumberable,
    • unnumbered,
    • undreamed of,
    • innumerous.

    vague (adjective)

    • more blurred,
    • most amphibological,
    • more unexplicit,
    • un-specified,
    • un-explicit,
    • un explicit,
    • most unexplicit,
    • be wildering,
    • mis-understood,
    • more bewildering,
    • more generalized,
    • be-wildering,
    • un specified,
    • mis understood,
    • most generalized,
    • most bewildering,
    • more amphibological.
  • n.

    • mystery,
    • friendless,
    • Ostracized,
    • outcast,
    • uncertainty,
    • riddle,
    • retired,
    • puzzle,
    • thing,
    • aloof,
    • enigma,
    • perplexity.

    • distant,
    • desolate,
    • in/out of the public eye,
    • exotic,
    • unfrequented,
    • legendary,
    • faraway,
    • far-off,
    • outlandish,
    • antipodal,
    • desert,
    • far.

    • knowledge.

    alien (noun)

    • alien.

    anonymous (noun)

    • anonymous.

    chartless (noun)

    • chartless.

    dark horse (noun)

    • un-likelihood,
    • little chances,
    • poor prognosi,
    • up setter,
    • up-setter,
    • under-dogs,
    • un-likelihoods,
    • outside shots,
    • up-setters,
    • un likelihood,
    • alsoran,
    • unknown quantities,
    • poor possibilities,
    • hundred to one shots,
    • under-dog,
    • small chances,
    • un knowns,
    • poor prospects,
    • un-knowns,
    • under dog,
    • dark-horse,
    • poor lookouts,
    • un likelihoods,
    • poor bets,
    • hundred to one shot,
    • little opportunities,
    • slim chances,
    • upsetters,
    • un-known,
    • unlikely winners,
    • stalking horses,
    • also ran,
    • hundred-to-one shots,
    • un known,
    • unexpected winners,
    • up setters,
    • under dogs,
    • outside chances.

    dishonorable (noun)

    • dishonorable.

    frontier (noun)

    • backwater,
    • backwaters,
    • boonies.

    inglorious (noun)

    • inglorious.

    nameless (noun)

    • nameless.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • Incomer,
    • strangers,
    • little opportunity,
    • world beyond,
    • poor prognosis,
    • outcomer,
    • itinerant person,
    • out-of-stater,
    • stranger,
    • uninvited person,
    • new arrival,
    • unlikelihoods,
    • little chance,
    • foreigner,
    • sleeper,
    • Transients,
    • unknown person,
    • poor possibility,
    • frontier,
    • poor lookout,
    • world to come,
    • stalking horse,
    • unlikely winner,
    • after life,
    • incomers,
    • outside shot,
    • migratory worker,
    • unknowns,
    • outside chance,
    • poor prospect,
    • small chance,
    • upsetter,
    • slim chance,
    • perfect stranger,
    • visitor,
    • unknown quantity,
    • visitors,
    • dark horse,
    • sleepers,
    • poor bet,
    • party crasher,
    • foreign body,
    • unlikelihood,
    • hundred-to-one shot,
    • outsider,
    • unexpected winner.

    secret (noun)

    • magic number,
    • privileged information,
    • confidential information,
    • occults,
    • skeleton in cupboard.

    stranger (noun)

    • new arrivals,
    • out-lander,
    • out of staters,
    • itinerant persons,
    • out comer,
    • in comers,
    • out-comers,
    • inter loper,
    • out comers,
    • itinerant people,
    • in-comer,
    • foreign bodies,
    • out lander,
    • unknown persons,
    • out of stater,
    • outcomers,
    • out-sider,
    • uninvited persons,
    • unknown people,
    • out-of-staters,
    • out-landers,
    • inter lopers,
    • inter-lopers,
    • perfect strangers,
    • in comer,
    • out landers,
    • in-comers,
    • out-comer,
    • party crashers,
    • uninvited people,
    • migratory workers,
    • out sider,
    • inter-loper.

    terra incognita (noun)

    • terra incognita.

    transcendent (noun)

    • transcendent.

    undiagnosed (noun)

    • undiagnosed.

    unknown (noun)

    • unbeknownst,
    • unmapped,
    • unbeknown,
    • unknown region,
    • unsuspected.

    world beyond (noun)

    • after lives,
    • world come,
    • After-life,
    • after-lives,
    • world-beyond.
  • Other synonyms:

    • inconceivable,
    • indeterminate,
    • intangible,
    • conspicuous,
    • unheard,
    • prehistoric,
    • miraculous,
    • unpublished,
    • undisclosed,
    • chicken-and-egg,
    • unforeseeable,
    • unclassified,
    • unacknowledged,
    • unheeded,
    • unexplained,
    • unspecified,
    • unidentifiable,
    • unrecorded,
    • underground,
    • misunderstood,
    • unremarked.

    • incalculable,
    • difficult,
    • obscurity,
    • unaccounted-for,
    • uncertain,
    • finely,
    • unsolved,
    • private,
    • The,
    • invisible.

    • undeclared,
    • unmarked.

    • personal.


    • understood.


    • exciting.


    • unlisted.


    • unheralded.

How to use «Unknown» in context?

Most people know very little about things that are «unknown«. These things might be strange phenomena or objects that science has yet to study. Despite this, there are many interesting things about unknowns. For example, an unknown might be something that we currently cannot explain. Furthermore, an unknown might be something that is out of our ordinary experience. This means that we might not be used to seeing or encountering it. Finally, an unknown might be something that is new and different, which means that we don’t know much about it.

Paraphrases for Unknown:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
      nameless, unbeknownst, uncertain, uncharted, undisclosed, undiscovered, unfamiliar, unnamed, unrecognized, unsung, little-known.
    • Proper noun, singular
      unrecognized, inconnu.
    • Noun, singular or mass
  • Forward Entailment

    • Adjective
      know, known.
    • Verb, past participle
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      alien, ambiguous, aware, ignorant, mysterious, obscure, unaware, unclear, undefined, unexplained, unforeseeable, unforeseen, unheard, unprecedented, unpredictable, unseen, unsure, untold, Familiar, unaccounted, Non-existent.
    • Noun, plural
      strangers, proportions.
    • Noun, singular or mass
      stranger, gunmen.
    • Verb, past participle
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      strange, well-known.

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It is something that is unknown in your Ancient Home.

It is believed that this is something unknown to foreign investors.

Who presumes to affirm the presence or absence of something unknown? It is more sensible to admit that much exists which is unknown to people.

«The magnitude of that contribution is still unknownit is something we are trying to determine,» she added.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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context icon

We have just started to develop our computer skills and

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Мы только начинали осваивать компьютер,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

context icon

So when we break those rules, we risk losing ourselves and becoming something unknown.

or, in other words, to make an assumption that is held to until evidence arises to refute it.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Доказательства позволяют закону установить что-то неизвестное на основе


известного, или,

иными словами, сделать предположение, которое будет верно, пока не появится доказательство его опровергающее.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Usually for fear and anxiety lies something unknown,


that you have not encountered yet.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Обычно за страхом и тревогой скрывается что-то неизвестное, то, с чем Вы еще не сталкивались.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

ease, trust, and security.

context icon

благим бытием, доверием и безопасностью.

Overcome by strange anxiety and

a foreboding sense that he is about to encounter something unknown, Ivan ventures deeper into the forest.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Охваченный непонятной тревогой и предчувствием встречи с чем-то неведомым, Иван углубляется в лес.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

It is necessary to admit that at the level of mass

perceptions the Belarusans understand public organizations as something unknown to us, which obviously has nothing to do with the cluster of the organizations

and initiatives we mean when we speak about public organizations.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Приходится признать, что под общественными организациями на уровне

массовых представлений беларусы также понимают что-то неизвестное нам, но очевидно имеющее не очень прямое отношение к тому кластеру организаций и инициатив, которые

имеем в виду мы, говоря об общественных организациях.

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As the intuitive flash occurs,

one clearly sees that knowledge is not discovering something unknown— one only discovers oneself!

there is nothing else to discover- but a gradual recognition, in time, of that second of Light which we have all seen.

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Когда приходит вспышка интуиции,

то ясно видно, что знание- это не открытие чего-то неизвестного— открывают только себя,

больше нечего открывать,- это постепенное паспознавание во времени того мгновения Света, когда мы видели все.

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Some oceanic phenomenon is hidden behind, and this person was just a waving of a depth,

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За этим был спрятан какой-то океанический феномен, и этот человек был просто волной из глубины,

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Granting such a right would imply recognition of an acquired

right of residence in the territory of a foreign State, something unknown in State practice.

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Предоставление такого права означало бы признание приобретенного права на

проживание на территории иностранного государства, то есть нечто, в практике государств неизвестное.

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If the accident could be calculated beforehand, the brain would be able to deal with it;

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Если бы несчастный случай был просчитан заранее,

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I do not understand what happened to me,

I have no desire to work all day beat thumbs, something unknown I am engaged and progressing in work.

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Я не понимаю что со мной,

нет желания работать, весь день бью баклуши, занимаюсь неизвестно чем и не прогрессирую в работе.

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Old people complain that life went like a blink, but for children everything seems that years go by too

slowly(…)’ For a child‘every hour lived opens as something unknown, curious.

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Старики жалуются, что жизнь промелькнула, как миг, а детям все кажется, что

годы тянутся слишком медленно(…)” Для ребенка“ каждый прожитый час открывает нечто неизведанное, любопытное.

Not by accident, not something unknown to the laws of John the Baptists birthday coincided with the summer solstice(old calendar),

and the birth of Christ occurred on the day of the winter solstice.

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по случайности, не то по неведомой закономерности день рождения Иоанна Крестителя совпал с днем летнего солнцестояния(

по старому календарю), а рождение Христа случилось в день зимнего солнцестояния.

And that’s why ratings should be aimed not at the past, not for the purpose of assessing the results achieved, but at the future- for the purpose of forecasting,

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И поэтому рейтинги должны быть ориентированы не на прошлое, не на оценку достигнутых результатов- похвалу достойным и хулу проигравшим,- но, напротив, в будущее- на прогнозирование,

на предсказание неведомого, а проще говоря- на принятие решений.

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The instrument offered something previously unknown— zone intelligence and pad layering.

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Инструмент предложил что-то ранее неизвестное— зональный интеллект и наложения слоев.

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Она может ли кто-нибудь представить себе что-то вроде» неизвестный тип электрического разряда»?

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Earlier, in childhood, there had always beed something bright, unknown ahead… Well, life.

For I felt something truly unknown, a feeling of expansion which manifested itself in sensations in the area of my head.

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Ведь испытывал нечто действительно неизвестное, чувство расширения, которое проявлялось через ощущения в районе головы.

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Working in the construction industry, there is always confronted with something new, unknown and interesting.

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Работая в строительной сфере, всегда сталкиваешься с чем-то новым, неизвестным и интересным.

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That is why something totally unknown to hatha yoga has to be introduced now:

the body must go through a catharsis first.

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Поэтому должно быть внедрено нечто, совершенно неизвестное хатха- йоге до сих пор.

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I can come here again and again and

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Я могу возвращаться сюда снова и снова и

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a disease of unknown cause

Much remains unknown about his early life.

Her music was previously unknown outside of Asia.

An unknown number of cases go unreported.

The victim’s attacker was unknown to her.

For some unknown reason, my computer crashed.

a book of unknown poems


explorers venturing off into the unknown

A fear of the unknown kept her from changing jobs.

The director cast an unknown in the lead role.

We’re facing too many unknowns.

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Recent Examples on the Web

The conditions of those hospitalized is unknown at this time, Uvalde police said.

Meredith Deliso, ABC News, 25 Mar. 2023

Police said their conditions were currently unknown.

Kimberlee Speakman, Peoplemag, 25 Mar. 2023

Alonso’s firing shocked the town because of its sudden nature, and because the reasons for it were unknown.

Borys Kit, The Hollywood Reporter, 24 Mar. 2023

The consequences of such an escape plan is also unknown.

Darren Orf, Popular Mechanics, 24 Mar. 2023

The lieutenant said the motive for and the circumstances of the killing are also unknown.

Teri Figueroa, San Diego Union-Tribune, 23 Mar. 2023

The long-term effects of progestin use are still unknown, Pirie said.

Claire Bugos, Verywell Health, 23 Mar. 2023

According to Sarah Collins, professor and fashion historian at the Savannah College of Art and Design, the exact origin of the babydoll dress is unknown, but the term itself first appears in the 1912 novel Captain Martha Mary by Avery Abbott.

Kristen Bateman, ELLE, 22 Mar. 2023

Nebytov added that the fates of another five people are currently unknown.

Conrad Hoyt, Washington Examiner, 22 Mar. 2023

Justin Dirden arrived to Spring Training as a relative unknown.

Michael Shapiro, Chron, 22 Mar. 2023

But the post-Turing-test world is not a leap into the great external unknown.

Stephen Marche, The Atlantic, 14 Mar. 2023

But how much the state could bring in, and how early, is a huge unknown.

Sean Maguire, Anchorage Daily News, 29 Jan. 2023

Staring down the ultimate unknown, some authors understandably struggle to walk the tightrope between comforting fictions and a macabre desolation.

Eleanor Cummins, The Atlantic, 21 Feb. 2023

Pitmaster Leonard Botello IV started off humbly as a relative unknown in the Texas barbecue world.

Katherine Stinson, Chron, 18 Feb. 2023

Still, the standings also are staring them in the face, including that trap door into the great unknown of the play-in round, postseason depths the Heat have yet to visit.

Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 30 Jan. 2023

But when faced with the endless unknown of fertility treatment, many are forced to put a price on their theoretical child.

Kate Willsky, ELLE, 30 Apr. 2022

Having a baby was such a colossal life change, and books seemed a way into a huge unknown.

Hannah Howard, Bon Appétit, 17 Feb. 2022

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘unknown.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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  • Word for something that is old
  • Word for something that is not well known
  • Word for something that is not useful
  • Word for something that is not necessary
  • Word for something that is not important