Word for something that is not necessary

Something a bit professional sounding?

In a scenario where there was also a bunch of Requirements, this situation could be easily solved by labelling one as Required and this specific bunch of things as Optional. But in an independent context, where no requirements exist to provide contextual flavor, what can be a concise way of referring to a bunch of things that would be great if you could have / have access to, but they’re not things you need to have / have access to.

Perhaps the word which fits — Required : Optional :: Requirements : ????

ETA: Though I’m also hoping for a better word than optional which also conveys the extra / positive nature of ‘it would be really good to have this, even if it’s not a requirement’.

asked Mar 13, 2014 at 10:18

Shisa's user avatar


When people draw up budgets for their living expenses, they sometimes distinguish between
necessities and nonnecessities, or between essential expenditures and nonessential expenditures. After paying for the necessary items, the person working within the budget may view the remaining funds as disposable income, and the things that he or she purchases with some or all of that leftover money may be termed (in a reasonably professional way) discretionary items.

answered Mar 18, 2014 at 1:13

Sven Yargs's user avatar

Sven YargsSven Yargs

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Consider the term complement

A thing that completes or brings to perfection

While the word has a connotation of complete, giving it a bit of essential tone, it is often used to convey something that it not necessary, but added on. A wine is not necessary to a meal but may be an excellent complement. Similarly, an accessory to a clothing outfit.

This is not to be confused with compliment, even though, as @Josh61 suggests, a hotel may give you a lagniappe that is a complement to your stay, with their compliments.

answered Mar 13, 2014 at 12:19

bib's user avatar


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Desiderata … but half your audience won’t know the word.

answered Mar 18, 2014 at 3:17

keshlam's user avatar


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Don’t know how I stumbled on to this forum, but I am so surprised that I feel compelled to post. The word is luxury.

answered Jan 17, 2015 at 14:50

graym27's user avatar


I think there are different degrees that you can go with:

If you are conveying that you really want something but it isn’t a must — I would say needs.

If you don’t need it right now but you expect it soon it is a — wants.

If you are just giving a wishlist — non-essentials or wishlist items.

When developing apps we often have a 3-4 scale deep. We do use nice-to-haves also which usually go between non-essentials and wants or takes place of wants.

Someone on my team may send me an email and say I found a nice code
class that has a few things we are trying to do. It covers at least 2
in-scope items and if you give me an extra 2 days I can add 3 needs
and 2 wishlist-items out. I might email back and say — ‘Can you just
do the the 3 needs in one day?’

answered Mar 14, 2014 at 0:33

RyeɃreḁd's user avatar


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features, perks, bonuses, bonii?

answered Mar 13, 2014 at 12:30

user3074364's user avatar

This is a good question… Could be just «Ideas» or «Suggestions».

Or depending on the situation, «Suggested» Items, Accompaniments, Activities, Preparations, etc.

Or «[May] we suggest» or Owner/management/locals suggest.

Hints / Prompts / In addition / Temptations

answered Mar 13, 2014 at 23:39

Thea's user avatar

Unnecessary, desired, superfluous

answered Mar 14, 2014 at 1:09

Deliora's user avatar

A (pejorative) term used in project management is «gold plating».

answered Mar 14, 2014 at 1:14

Spehro Pefhany's user avatar

Spehro PefhanySpehro Pefhany

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The OP does not specify if an adjective or a noun is wanted…

Possible adjective… Advantageous.

It would be advantageous, but not essential, to have experience.

answered Mar 17, 2014 at 19:35

EnglishAdam's user avatar


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Enhancement, advantage, bonus, extra, improvement

answered Mar 18, 2014 at 3:06

smithkm's user avatar


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I use «desirable» for non-esstial «nice to have» qualifications.

answered Dec 11, 2015 at 16:08

John's user avatar

‘Requisites’ and ‘elective benefits’.

answered Mar 14, 2014 at 6:56

Mazura's user avatar


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Borrowing from mathematical formalism:

An item or condition which is nice but not required is «sufficient.»

An item or condition which is required (but may not be sufficient) is «necessary.»

Example: Flour is necessary to make bread, but not sufficient, as water and leavening are also necessary.

Example: $20 is sufficient to buy a $5 item, but not necessary, as a mere $5 would do.

answered Mar 13, 2014 at 11:51

Carl Witthoft's user avatar


Have you tried to come up with a synonym for “not necessary?” It can be hard to know which terms to use. Luckily, this article will provide you with another way to say “not necessary.”

The best synonyms to use for “not necessary” are:

  • Unnecessary
  • Pointless
  • Redundant
  • Not needed
  • Insignificant
  • Superfluous
  • Useless
  • Optional
  • Excessive
  • Needless
  • Gratuitous

Other words for “not necessary” are “unnecessary,” “pointless,” and “redundant.” These are great terms to show you something is not required or necessary for a certain context. You can use them to let people know they didn’t have to do something for you.


Another phrase for “not necessary” is “unnecessary.” Yes, it’s that simple. You can replace “not” with the “un-” prefix. It shows that something is not needed.

The definition of “unnecessary,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not needed or wanted, or more than is needed or wanted.”

Here are a few examples to help you see how to use “unnecessary” in a sentence:

  • Someone took unnecessary measures, and we need to figure out who decided to do that.
  • I’m not sure you understand us. Your gifts are unnecessary right now. We’re more than happy to just accept your company.

Generally, “unnecessary” and “not necessary” are direct synonyms. However, there are a few cases where that might not be the case.

For example:

  • Completing this task is unnecessary.

“Unnecessary” suggests that you do not have to do something if you don’t want to. However, it would not hurt if you did complete it.

  • Completing this task is not necessary.

“Not necessary” suggests you should never do the task because it’s a waste of time.

It’s a very subtle difference, but it’s there.


“Pointless” means there is no use or purpose behind something. You can use this synonymously with “not necessary” when you don’t see a “point” behind something.

The definition of “pointless,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “having no useful purpose.”

Check out these examples to see how to use “pointless” correctly:

  • This is a pointless venture that’s not going to yield the results you expect. Trust me. Give it up.
  • I think it’s a bit pointless. I suppose I can get on board with the idea, but I don’t see why you’re bothering to do it.

“Pointless” is much harsher than “not necessary” in most cases. It can be quite offensive if used at inappropriate times.


“Redundant” implies that something is not necessary because it is more than you need. Generally, this means someone has added something extra to a context where it’s irrelevant.

The definition of “redundant,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “unnecessary because it is more than is needed.”

Why not check out the following examples to help you out:

  • I know it’s a bit redundant, but I think we should get some of these done before he gets back.
  • Stop doing redundant things that nobody cares about. You will only create more drama for yourself.

It’s common to see redundancies in written English. For example, if someone writes a sentence with a lot of waffle or extra wording, it’s likely they’re filling their writing with redundant words.

Not Needed

“Not needed” is a simple synonym you can use. It isn’t a one-word option, but it still shows that you do not need someone to do something for you.

Let’s look at the following examples to see how to use “not needed” in a sentence:

  • I appreciate what you’re doing, but most of this is not needed. Still, thanks for trying.
  • It’s not needed, and we do not require anyone else’s assistance. Please, leave us.

Some people use “unneeded” interchangeably with “not needed.” It’s technically correct with the “un-” prefix, but it’s not as idiomatic as “unnecessary.” “Unneeded” still sounds quite jarring.


“Insignificant” is a harsh way to let someone know they’ve done something that isn’t necessary. It suggests they’ve completely wasted their time by doing something unimportant.

The definition of “insignificant,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “small or not noticeable, and therefore not considered important.”

Here are some examples to show you how to use “insignificant” in a sentence:

  • Why are you doing such insignificant things right now? Do you really think that’s good for our project?
  • We don’t want to sound ungrateful, but most of this is insignificant. It’s not helping us progress.


“Superfluous” means more than is needed or desired. Generally, it’s a cruel or insulting term used to show that you are not impressed by someone’s excessive actions.

The definition of “superfluous,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “more than is needed or wanted.”

You can use “superfluous” as follows:

  • We have a superfluous collection of gifts right now! Thank you so much, but you definitely shouldn’t have done this.
  • Well, this is all quite superfluous. I’m not sure what you want us to do with this information!


“Useless” works really well as a synonym for “not necessary.” It shows you have no use or desire for something, meaning it is unnecessary in your life.

The definition of “useless,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “of no use; not working or not achieving what is needed.”

These examples will show you how to use “useless:”

  • That task is useless to the cause. I don’t think you realize how wasteful it is to do it.
  • Stop doing useless things that don’t help our project progress. We need to work together.

Most of the time, “useless” is an insult. It shows you are not thrilled or impressed by someone’s actions and believe they wasted their time.


“Optional” is a great synonym to use for “not necessary.” It suggests that someone doesn’t have to do something because it’s not needed.

The definition of “optional,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not necessary or demanded but possible or available; depending on what you decide to do.”

Here are a few examples that might make things clearer:

  • Of course, the gifts are optional. We don’t expect anybody to bring them along. It’s up to you, though.
  • Stop doing optional side tasks until you complete the main one. You have a specific project to work on.

It’s up to the person doing something to determine whether they want to complete the task. After all, if you say something is optional, they may waste their time.


“Excessive” means too much of something. You can use it synonymously with “not necessary” when you already have enough of one thing and don’t need anyone to add more to that.

The definition of “excessive,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “too much.”

Check out the following examples to see how you can use it:

  • These gifts are a bit excessive. We just wanted to see our friends, but we didn’t want any presents!
  • That’s an excessive decision for this project! You’re doing too much work.


“Needless” is a great example of another way to say “not necessary.” It means you do not need something, as it is completely unnecessary for you or your cause.

The definition of “needless,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “completely unnecessary.”

These examples should help to clue you in a bit more:

  • Stop doing needless things for people who don’t care. You’re not going to do yourself any favors.
  • I’m stuck with needless tasks nobody else wants to do. I don’t know why I bother.

Generally, you’d use “needless” when you don’t want someone to waste their time. If they’ve tried to do something completely irrelevant, it is a needless task.


“Gratuitous” means unnecessary or done without a purpose. Using this one is great when someone disappoints you with minimal effort. It’s especially effective if you know they’re only doing something to impress you.

The definition of “gratuitous,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not necessary, or with no cause.”

Look at the examples below to see how to use “gratuitous” in a sentence:

  • A lot of the things you’re doing right now are gratuitous. They’re not going to get you the results you’re after.
  • Stop doing gratuitous things for no reason. People aren’t going to reward you.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Asked by: Mr. Weston Bailey

Score: 4.1/5
(21 votes)

not necessary or essential; needless; unessential. noun, plural un. nec.

Is non necessities a word?

noun. The condition of being unnecessary; absence of necessity.

What are non necessities?

1 : the condition of not being necessary … the issues being raised go well beyond legalities underlying the necessity or nonnecessity for an environmental impact statement. — Chemical and Engineering News. 2 : something that is not a necessity : something inessential or unnecessary …

What does Necessite mean?

noun, plural ne·ces·si·ties. something necessary or indispensable: food, shelter, and other necessities of life. the fact of being necessary or indispensable; indispensability: the necessity of adequate housing. an imperative requirement or need for something: the necessity for a quick decision.

What do you call something that’s not a necessity?

Noun. ▲ Opposite of something which is required for a given purpose. nonnecessity. nonessential.

38 related questions found

What’s another word for necessity?

In this page you can discover 69 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for necessity, like: essential, need, requisiteness, urgency, prerequisiteness, must, undeniability, essentiality, requisite, vital part and exigence.

What is the example of necessity?

The definition of a necessity is something that is absolutely needed. An example of a necessity is water for life. Anything that is inevitable, unavoidable, etc. as a result of natural law; that which is necessary in natural sequence.

Is necessity in a sentence?

Examples of necessity in a Sentence

Getting plenty of rest is a necessity. Without a car, living close to work is a necessity. All we took with us on our hiking trip were the bare necessities.

What’s the opposite of a necessity?

necessity. Antonyms: dispensableness, uncertainty, superfluity, uselessness, competence, affluence, casualty, contingency, freedom, choice. Synonyms: indispensableness, inevitableness, need, indigence, requirement, want, fate, destiny.

What does necessity mean in law?

Terms: Necessity: A defense that permits a person to act in a criminal manner when an emergency situation, not of the person’s own creation compels the person to act in a criminal manner to avoid greater harm from occurring. Public Necessity: A necessity that involves the public’s interest.

What is a non-essential clause?

Non-essential clauses (non-restrictive clauses) include information that is not important to the meaning of the sentence. A comma always precedes a non-essential clause.

Who are non-essential workers?

A nonessential employee is someone employed in a job that is not crucial during an emergency like the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. Nonessential employees are not required to maintain business operational functions during natural disasters because their duties do not affect health and safety infrastructures.

What is the opposite of freedom in English?

Antonym. Freedom. Captivity. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What are the necessities for life?

Basic necessities of life means food, water, shelter, clothing, and medically necessary health care, including but not limited to health-related treatment or activities, hygiene, oxygen, and medication.

What are the basic needs?

A traditional list of immediate basic needs is food (including water), shelter, and clothing. Many modern lists emphasize that the minimum level of consumption of basic needs also includes sanitation, education, and health care. Adapted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Internet.

Is the mother of invention?

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Is essentiality a word?

noun, plural es·sen·ti·al·i·ties for 2. the quality of being essential; essential character.

Does inevitability mean?

: incapable of being avoided or evaded an inevitable outcome.

What is the difference between necessary and necessity?

Ans: Necessity is a noun which means ‘a thing that is needed‘. Necessary is an adjective which means ‘needed’. Thus, «necessity» means «necessary thing».

Where does the word necessity come from?

late 14c., necessite, «constraining power of circumstances; compulsion (physical or moral), the opposite of liberty; a condition requisite for the attainment of any purpose,» from Old French necessité «need, necessity; privation, poverty; distress, torment; obligation, duty» (12c.), from Latin necessitatem (nominative …

How do you spell necessity plural?

The noun necessity can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be necessity. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be necessities e.g. in reference to various types of necessities or a collection of necessities.

Is technology a necessity?

Technology is now a necessity in terms of every day life, from education to navigating around a city. We heavily rely on technology for basic tasks, such as the Internet to connect people from all areas of the world for business and social reasons. …

What is a normal necessity?

In economics, a necessity good or a necessary good is a type of normal good. Necessity goods are product and services that consumers will buy regardless of the changes in their income levels, therefore making these products less sensitive to income change. … Some necessity goods are produced by a public utility.

What are the elements of necessity?

Almost all common-law and statutory definitions of the necessity defense include the following elements: (1) the defendant acted to avoid a significant risk of harm; (2) no adequate lawful means could have been used to escape the harm; and (3) the harm avoided was greater than that caused by breaking the law.

What is the verb of necessity?

necessitate. (transitive) To make necessary; to require (something) to be brought about.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

которая не является необходимой

который не нужен

которые не являются необходимыми

которая не нужна

которые не нужны

что в этом нет необходимости

что не нужно

то есть не нужно


Remove all information that is not necessary.

The inclusion of the word «quality» is meant to ensure that affected States have the right to reject assistance that is not necessary or that may be harmful.

Слово «качество» включено в текст для того, чтобы гарантировать пострадавшим государствам право отказываться от помощи, которая не является необходимой или может пойти во вред.

This is a clear soup that is not necessary today, but there is no future without it.

According to those who advocate the YAGNI approach, the temptation to write code that is not necessary at the moment, but might be in the future, has the following disadvantages

Согласно адептам принципа YAGNI, желание писать код, который не нужен прямо сейчас, но может понадобиться в будущем, приводит к следующим нежелательным последствиям

Remove every word that is not necessary.

Please note that it is not necessary for you to provide us with additional information that is not necessary or reasonable for the services you request.

Обратите внимание, что для Вас необязательно предоставление нам дополнительной информации, которая не является необходимой или обоснованной для оказания Вам запрашиваемых Вами услуг.

Supplemental Enhancement Information (SEI) may contain information that is not necessary for decoding the coded pictures samples from VCL NAL units, but may assist in processes related to decoding, display, error resilience, and other purposes.

Дополнительная расширяющая информация (SEI) может содержать информацию, которая не является необходимой для декодирования кодированных фрагментов данных изображений из блоков NAL VCL, но может помочь в процессах, связанных с декодированием, отображением, устойчивостью к ошибкам и другими целями.

The list could go on but that is not necessary.

But as we explain below, that is not necessary.

Montesquieu argued that any punishment that is not necessary is tyrannical.

Launch any program that is not necessary because it may use space on the disk.

Запустить любую программу, которая не нужна, потому что он может использовать пространство на диске.

So far, at least, the authorities say that is not necessary.

Some site owners take the time to submit such a file every time they make a change, but that is not necessary.

Некоторые владельцы сайтов тратят время на отправку такого файла каждый раз, когда они вносят изменения, но это необязательно.

Again I think you are creating a dichotomy that is not necessary.

Turn off everything that is not necessary and use a timer to give yourself clear periods of focus.

Выключите все, что не нужно, и используйте таймер, чтобы дать себе четкие периоды фокусировки.

Athletes and bodybuilders experienced to say that is not necessary, since the drug is known, probably, to all the world.

Спортсменам и культуристам опытно говорить, что в этом нет необходимости, поскольку препарат известен, наверное, всему миру.

Honey, I told you, that is not necessary.

On the other hand, the radical organizations are such great opportunities, which clearly talking about something that is not necessary.

С другой стороны, у радикальных организаций сейчас такие широкие возможности, что однозначно говорить о чем-то не приходится.

We eliminate anything that is not necessary and automate everything that can be automated.

Мы спрятали все ненужное, и автоматизировали все, что можно было автоматизировать.

The risk of a biopsy and an operation that is not necessary is reduced.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат that is not necessary

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  • 1
    it is not necessary

    Персональный Сократ > it is not necessary

  • 2
    it is not necessary

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it is not necessary

  • 3
    it is not necessary

    Dictionary English-Interslavic > it is not necessary

  • 4
    is not necessary

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > is not necessary

  • 5
    it is not necessary for

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it is not necessary for

  • 6
    it is not necessary for you to come

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it is not necessary for you to come

  • 7
    it is not necessary that

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it is not necessary that

  • 8

    1. [ʹnesıs(ə)rı]

    1. (самое) необходимое

    2. (the necessary)

    деньги, средства ()

    to provide /to find/ the necessary — найти деньги ()


    диал. отхожее место, нужник


    юр. материальные средства, необходимые для содержания неправоспособного лица

    2. [ʹnesıs(ə)rı]

    1. необходимый, нужный

    necessary for happiness [to me] — необходимый для счастья [мне]

    if necessary — в случае нужды /необходимости/

    it is not necessary for you to come — вам нет необходимости /не нужно/ приходить

    2. 1) неизбежный

    2) неизбежный, логически вытекающий

    3. неотъемлемый

    this is necessary to self-respect — без этого человек не может себя уважать

    4. вынужденный

    not a free but a necessary agent — лицо, действующее не по своей, а по чужой воле


    очевидный, не требующий доказательства

    necessary truth — очевидная истина, аксиома

    НБАРС > necessary

  • 9

    1. прил.
    1) необходимый, нужный, требуемый We will do whatever is necessary to stop them. ≈ Мы сделаем все необходимое, чтобы остановить их. Syn: essential, indispensable, requisite, needful
    2) навязываемый извне объективными или субъективными обстоятельствами а) неизбежный, неминуемый, неотвратимый Wastage was no doubt a necessary consequence of war. ≈ Обесценение было неизбежным следствием войны. Syn: inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable б) принудительный, насильственный
    3) лог. очевидный, не требующий доказательства necessary truth ≈ очевидная истина, аксиома
    2. сущ.
    1) необходимое;
    жизненно необходимые вещи the necessaries of life ≈ предметы первой необходимости a small parcel of necessaries tied up in a handkerchief and carried on a stick ≈ небольшой узел с самым необходимым, завязанный в платок и надетый на палку The money to buy the necessaries of their household. ≈ Деньги на то, чтобы купить все необходимое по хозяйству. Syn: essential
    2), requisite
    2) (the necessary) разг. деньги;
    фонды, финансы
    3) амер. уборная
    (самое) необходимое — the necessaries of life предметы первой необходимости (жилище, еда и т. п.) — to deny oneself every * отказывать себе в самом необходимом — to do the * (разговорное) сделать, что нужно (the *) (разговорное) деньги, средства( на что-л.) — to provide /to find/ the * найти деньги (на что-л.) (американизм) (диалектизм) отхожее место, нужник pl (юридическое) материальные средства, необходимые для содержания неправоспособного лица необходимый, нужный — * for happiness необходимый для счастья — if * в случае нужды /необходимости/ — it is not * for you to come вам нет необходимости /не нужно/ приходить неизбежный — * evil неизбежное зло — the * alternative единственная альтернатива — death is the * end of life жизнь неотвратимо кончается смертью неизбежный, логически вытекающий — * conclusion неизбежный вывод неотъемлемый — * to the scheme являющийся неотъемлемой частью плана — this is * to self-respect без этого человек не может себя уважать вынужденный — the * action вынужденное действие — not a free but a * agent лицо, действующее не по своей, а по чужой воле (логика) очевидный, не требующий доказательства — * truth очевидная истина, аксиома
    absolutely ~ абсолютно необходимый
    necessary вынужденный, недобровольный ~ вынужденный ~ (the ~) разг. деньги ~ неизбежный ~ неизбежный ~ необходимое;
    the necessaries (of life) предметы первой необходимости ~ необходимый, нужный ~ необходимый, нужный ~ необходимый ~ неотъемлемый ~ нужный ~ амер. уборная
    unless ~ вчт. без необходимости

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > necessary

  • 10
    not to be taking any


    быть не склонным, быть не в настроении ; ≈ слуга покорный

    For all these reasons you will see how necessary it is for you to — er — seek another publisher. In short, we are not taking any. (J. Galsworthy, ‘The White Monkey’, part III, ch. II) — Из этого вы сами поймете причину, почему вы… м-м… должны искать себе другого издателя. Короче говоря, будьте здоровы.

    A: «Do come along with me and call on Smith!» B: «That fellow! thanks! I’m not taking any.» (SPI) — А: «Пойдемте навестим Смита. Б. Этого типа? Ну уж увольте!»

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > not to be taking any

  • 11
    not a free but a necessary agent

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > not a free but a necessary agent

  • 12
    not to consider it necessary to do sth.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > not to consider it necessary to do sth.

  • 13
    be laid up (If someone is laid up with an illness, the illness makes it necessary for them to stay in bed.)

    Общая лексика:

    слечь (от болезни)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be laid up (If someone is laid up with an illness, the illness makes it necessary for them to stay in bed.)

  • 14
    Adonaists (Those Hebraists who maintain that the vowels of the word Adonai are not those necessary to make the Tetragrammaton)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Adonaists (Those Hebraists who maintain that the vowels of the word Adonai are not those necessary to make the Tetragrammaton)

  • 15
    concentration … is a necessary but not sufficient prerequisite of what we call …

      • концентрация…, необходимая, но не достаточная предпосылка того, что мы называем…

    English-Russian dictionary of phrases and cliches for a specialist researcher > concentration … is a necessary but not sufficient prerequisite of what we call …

  • 16
    it is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition of …

      • это необходимое, но не достаточное условие…

    English-Russian dictionary of phrases and cliches for a specialist researcher > it is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition of …

  • 17

    ˈkɔntempleɪt гл.
    1) обозревать, разглядывать, созерцать, пристально разглядывать the beautiful statue which they were contemplating ≈ прекрасная статуя, которую они созерцали Syn: view
    2., observe
    2) обдумывать, продумывать, размышлять He contemplated resigning. ≈ Он думал, не уйти ли ему в отставку. Her manner of life during these years is pleasant to contemplate. ≈ Мысленно представлять ее жизнь в эти годы одно удовольствие. Syn: consider, meditate, muse II
    1., ponder, study
    2., think over
    3) рассматривать Is it not necessary to contemplate it in all its aspects? ≈ Неужели надо рассматривать все аспекты этого дела? Syn: regard
    4) намереваться, полагать, предполагать Syn: intend, mean III, be about, purpose
    5) ждать, ожидать, рассчитывать Syn: look for, expect
    созерцать, пристально рассматривать — she stood contemplating herself in the mirror она стояла, пристально рассматривая себя в зеркале — the old man *d the past старик мысленно возвращался к прошлому размышлять;
    обдумывать, рассматривать — to * a problem рассматривать проблему — I will * your proposal я обдумаю ваше предложение намереваться, предполагать — he *s going to London next week он предполагает поехать в Лондон на будущей неделе — she is contemplating a trip to Europe она планирует поездку в Европу ожидать, рассчитывать — I do not * any opposition from him я не думаю, что он будет против
    contemplate намереваться ~ обдумывать, размышлять ~ обдумывать ~ ожидать;
    I do not contemplate any opposition from him я не ожидаю с его стороны противодействия ~ ожидать ~ предполагать, намереваться ~ предполагать ~ размышлять ~ рассматривать ~ рассчитывать ~ созерцать
    ~ ожидать;
    I do not contemplate any opposition from him я не ожидаю с его стороны противодействия

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > contemplate

  • 18

    Тип: Parameter

    Syntax: game.exe -surfcachesize (kilobytes)


    Назначает указаный размер памяти для хранениея текстур.


    Note: It is not necessary to use this parameter by default because the game will automatically allocate the necessary amount of memory for storing textures.
    Example: game.exe -surfcachesize 4096

    Engllish-Russian dictionary of Quake game > -surfcachesize

  • 19
    screw connector terminal

    1. винтовая клемма

    винтовая клемма
    клемма с винтовыми зажимами


    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Основные элементы винтовой клеммы
    1 — Корпус клеммы
    2 — Винт
    3 — Отвертка
    4 — Маркировочный элемент
    5 — Вводное отверстие
    6 — Многопроволочная жила проводника
    7 — Изоляция проводника
    8 — Корпус винтового зажима
    9 — Токоведущая часть клеммы

    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Винтовые клеммы, закрепленные на монтажной рейке
    1 — Монтажная рейка
    2 — Корп винтового зажима
    3 — Винтовые клеммы общего назначения
    4 — Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого рабочего проводника (N-проводника). Всегда синего цвета
    5 — Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого защитного проводника (PE-проводника). Желтозеленого цвета
    6 — Маркировочные элементы
    7 — Перемычка



    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    Phoenix Contact screw terminal blocks are designed for very high demands.
    An important characteristic is the maintenance-free connection of conductors.
    It is not necessary to tighten the terminal screws. The screws are prevented from loosening by the «Reakdyn principle», a screw locking technique developed by Phoenix Contact.

    All kinds of copper conductors can be clamped without pretreatment. Splicing protection can also be used in the form of ferrules.
    A special characteristic of the screw clamping body is the multi-conductor connection, which is often necessary.

    Very large conductor cross sections up to 240 mm² can also be wired gas-tight and with long-term stability thanks to the high contact forces.

    [Phoenix Contact]

    Винтовые клеммы Phoenix Contact отвечают самым строгим требованиям.
    Одна из главных конструктивных особенностей состоит в том, что клеммы не требуют технического обслуживания в процессе эксплуатации.
    Это означает, что винтовые зажимы не нужно периодически подтягивать. Ослабление затяжки предотвращается применением специальной технологии «Reakdyn principle», разработанной компанией Phoenix Contact.

    Клеммы допускают присоединение неподготовленных медных проводников любых типов, а также проводников, жилы которых опрессованы кабельным наконечником.
    Отличительной особенностью винтовых зажимов является часто необходимая на практике способность присоединения нескольких проводников.

    Данные винтовые зажимы характеризуются высоким усилием зажима и допускают присоединение проводников очень большого сечения, вплоть до 240 мм2, при сохранении стабильного долговременного газонепроницаемого соединения.
    [Перевод Интент]


    • клемма электротехническая



    Обобщающие термины

    • соединительное устройство


    • клемма с винтовыми зажимами


    • screw connector terminal
    • screw terminal block
    • screw-clamp terminal block
    • terminal block witn screw connection

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > screw connector terminal

  • 20
    screw terminal block

    1. винтовая клемма

    винтовая клемма
    клемма с винтовыми зажимами


    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Основные элементы винтовой клеммы
    1 — Корпус клеммы
    2 — Винт
    3 — Отвертка
    4 — Маркировочный элемент
    5 — Вводное отверстие
    6 — Многопроволочная жила проводника
    7 — Изоляция проводника
    8 — Корпус винтового зажима
    9 — Токоведущая часть клеммы

    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Винтовые клеммы, закрепленные на монтажной рейке
    1 — Монтажная рейка
    2 — Корп винтового зажима
    3 — Винтовые клеммы общего назначения
    4 — Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого рабочего проводника (N-проводника). Всегда синего цвета
    5 — Винтовая клемма для присоединения нулевого защитного проводника (PE-проводника). Желтозеленого цвета
    6 — Маркировочные элементы
    7 — Перемычка



    Рис. Phoenix Contact

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    Phoenix Contact screw terminal blocks are designed for very high demands.
    An important characteristic is the maintenance-free connection of conductors.
    It is not necessary to tighten the terminal screws. The screws are prevented from loosening by the «Reakdyn principle», a screw locking technique developed by Phoenix Contact.

    All kinds of copper conductors can be clamped without pretreatment. Splicing protection can also be used in the form of ferrules.
    A special characteristic of the screw clamping body is the multi-conductor connection, which is often necessary.

    Very large conductor cross sections up to 240 mm² can also be wired gas-tight and with long-term stability thanks to the high contact forces.

    [Phoenix Contact]

    Винтовые клеммы Phoenix Contact отвечают самым строгим требованиям.
    Одна из главных конструктивных особенностей состоит в том, что клеммы не требуют технического обслуживания в процессе эксплуатации.
    Это означает, что винтовые зажимы не нужно периодически подтягивать. Ослабление затяжки предотвращается применением специальной технологии «Reakdyn principle», разработанной компанией Phoenix Contact.

    Клеммы допускают присоединение неподготовленных медных проводников любых типов, а также проводников, жилы которых опрессованы кабельным наконечником.
    Отличительной особенностью винтовых зажимов является часто необходимая на практике способность присоединения нескольких проводников.

    Данные винтовые зажимы характеризуются высоким усилием зажима и допускают присоединение проводников очень большого сечения, вплоть до 240 мм2, при сохранении стабильного долговременного газонепроницаемого соединения.
    [Перевод Интент]


    • клемма электротехническая



    Обобщающие термины

    • соединительное устройство


    • клемма с винтовыми зажимами


    • screw connector terminal
    • screw terminal block
    • screw-clamp terminal block
    • terminal block witn screw connection

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > screw terminal block


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • NOT NECESSARY — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Necessary and sufficient condition — This article is about the formal terminology in logic. For causal meanings of the terms, see Causality. In logic, the words necessity and sufficiency refer to the implicational relationships between statements. The assertion that one statement is …   Wikipedia

  • necessary — 01. To really learn vocabulary, it is [necessary] to study it in a variety of ways. 02. It is really [unnecessary] to bring anything to the party; we have lots of food, and plenty of stuff to drink. 03. Higher prices do not [necessarily] mean… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • necessary — ne|ces|sa|ry1 W1S1 [ˈnesısəri US seri] adj [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: necessarius, from necesse necessary , from ne not + cedere to give up ] 1.) something that is necessary is what you need to have or need to do →↑essential ▪ The booklet …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • necessary — 1 adjective 1 something that is necessary is what you need to have or need to do; essential: I ll leave it to you to make all the necessary arrangements. (+ for): Food is necessary for life. | it is necessary (for sb) to do sth: It s not… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Necessary Evil (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) — Necessary Evil Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode Odo speaks to Pallra Episode no …   Wikipedia

  • Necessary Response — Origin Los Angeles, California Genres Electro, Futurepop Years active 2000 – present Labels Out of Line Records (Europe) Bractune Records (USA) …   Wikipedia

  • Necessary But Not Sufficient (novel) — Necessary But Not Sufficient is a 2000 novel authored by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt and co authors Eli Schrangenheim and Carol A. Ptak and published by the North River Press, which has previously published most of Goldratt s works. Necessary but not… …   Wikipedia

  • necessary — [nes′ə ser΄ē] adj. [ME < L necessarius < necesse, unavoidable, necessary < ne , not + cedere, to give way: see CEDE] 1. that cannot be dispensed with; essential; indispensable [the nutriments necessary to life] 2. resulting from… …   English World dictionary

  • Necessary Roughness (TV series) — Necessary Roughness Necessary Roughness original intertitle Genre Drama, Sports Drama Created by …   Wikipedia

  • necessary party — see party 1b Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. necessary party …   Law dictionary

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  • Word for something that is not going to happen
  • Word for something that is not enough
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  • Word for something that is easy to understand