Word for something that can be measured

A difficult topic, not entirely answerable from the viewpoint of English usage or by simple assumption and expectation. I argue here that the correct term is a state variable (= a variable that describes the state of the system).

In the Euclidean space of our normal experience, position is specified by three dimensions, each of which is independent of the others. To describe the position of an object we consequently need three coordinates each within its own dimension. So in a related way we also speak of length, width and depth, each and all of which need to be specified to describe uniquely the size of an object. Time is often seen as a fourth dimension, needed to specify the temporal position.

a measurement of something in a particular direction, especially its height, length, or width

To distance (in three dimensions) and time, we may also add mass as a dimension:

Merriam Webster
mathematics :
any of the fundamental units (as of mass, length, or time) on which a derived unit is based
a measurement of something in a particular direction, especially its height, length, or width

Many of the other things you list other than the positional ones are not dimensions. They are better termed state variables:

Wikipedia has a discussion:


  • In mechanical systems, the position coordinates and velocities of mechanical parts are typical state variables; knowing these, it is possible to determine the future state of the objects in the system.
  • In thermodynamics, a state variable is an independent variable of a state function. Examples include internal energy, enthalpy, temperature, pressure, volume and entropy.
  • In electronic/electrical circuits, the voltages of the nodes and the currents through components in the circuit are usually the state variables. In any electrical circuit, the number of state variables is equal to the number of (independent) storage elements, which are inductors and capacitors. The state variable for an inductor is the current through the inductor, while that for a capacitor is the voltage across the capacitor.
  • In ecosystem models, population sizes (or concentrations) of plants, animals and resources (nutrients, organic material) are typical state variables

It is easy to see that a simple state variable such as the velocity of something is measured in terms of two basic dimensions: length per time (m/sec, miles per hour and so forth).

Therefore, in physics and engineering, Pressure is not a dimension. It is a state variable measured in terms of the dimensions of Mass, Length and Time. See for example:


Briefly, the Topr argument is: Pressure is a state variable expressed as force per unit area. Force is mass (M) times acceleration. Acceleration is change in velocity per time (T). Velocity is distance per time (L/T). So the state variable Pressure has the dimensions of Mass per Length per Time squared.

Many other measurable quantities are expressible in terms of the fundamental dimensions of mass, length and time. For example the state variable density is expressed as mass per length cubed.

However, Voltage — another state variable — requires the addition of an extra dimension of electric charge or current to be expressed in the dimensions of Mass times Length squared per time cubed per current.

In short, many state variables may be expressed and quantified in terms of the basic dimensions of Mass, Length, Time and Electric Charge.

For completeness, I add that even the choice of the basic dimensions (Mass. length, time, charge etc) is convenient but somewhat arbitrary. We could as easily contrive a description of the physical world based on a handful of independent state variables and call them dimensions, defining all the other state variables in terms of our new dimensions. {Don’t go there …}

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то, что можно измерить

нельзя измерить

That’s not something that can be measured.

Warmth is not just something that can be measured with a thermometer but appears in humans also as an expression of soul and spiritual activity.

Тепло — это не только нечто, измеряемое термометром, но и выражение душевной и духовной активности.

In science subjects, you will be expected to choose something that can be measured, changed or controlled.

It is not just a new outlook on life or an increased sense of well-being, or something that can be measured on a psychological score sheet.

Это не просто новый взгляд на жизнь или возросшее ощущение благополучия, но нечто, не поддающееся измерению на психологической оценочной шкале.

It is something that can be measured — a coherence of thought and heart is starting to meld together where it’s safe.

И это даже можно измерить — возникшее созвучие, когерентность, когда мышление и сердце сливаются вместе там, где это безопасно.

A biological marker is something that can be measured which points to the presence of a disease, a physiological change, response to a treatment, or a psychological condition.

Биологический маркер представляет собой поддающийся измерению параметр, указывающий на наличие заболевания, физиологического изменения, реакции на лечение или психологического расстройства.

The Non-functional requirements are sometimes defined in terms of metrics (something that can be measured about the system) to make them more tangible.

Нефункциональные требования иногда определяются с точки зрения показателей (что-то, что можно измерить по системе), чтобы сделать их более ощутимыми.

Because value is something that can be measured and the result recorded.

AF speed is something that can be measured, but I it’s hard to find any reliable information on the web that will be very accurate and give us the option to understand the differences.

Скорость автофокусировки это то, что можно измерить, но трудно найти достоверную информацию в интернете, которая была бы достаточно точной и дала бы нам возможность оценить различия.

Intervals of time can be measured in seconds, so we would also like something that can be measured in seconds.

I subscribe to the belief that adaptability itself is a form of intelligence, and our adaptability quotient, or AQ, is something that can be measured, tested and improved.

Я глубоко убеждена, что адаптируемость — это одна из форм интеллекта, а наш адаптивный коэффициент, или AQ, можно измерить, тестировать и улучшать.

While content isn’t something that can be measured numerically like most other KPIs, I submit that content quality should be a key area of interest when evaluating an SEO campaign.

Хотя контент не может быть измерен численно, как большинство других KPI, я утверждаю, что качество контента должно быть ключевой областью интереса при оценке кампании SEO.

So, when you feel the lack of control, it’s good to focus on something that can be measured and that you can track in order to restore confidence.

Поэтому, когда вы чувствуете отсутствие контроля, очень полезно сосредоточиться на том, что можно измерить и что вы можете отслеживать.

But then I think, no: Something is going on — something that can be measured is happening, and there has to be.

Но потом я думаю: нет, всё-таки что-то происходит, что-то, требующее оценки, и мы должны это сделать.

The user experience is something that can be measured.

This value is not something that can be measured in dollars, rubles, or yen.

Этот показатель нельзя измерить в рублях, долларах или иенах.

Ecko is not a catwalk brand; it is not something that can be measured or classed within a trend.

Еско — это не подиумный бренд, его нельзя измерить или отнести к какой-либо модной тенденции.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 17. Точных совпадений: 17. Затраченное время: 57 мс


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Recent Examples on the Web

In fact, occupation and industry tend to be the biggest measurable factors that contribute to the gender pay gap, according to recent research from the the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau.

Megan Leonhardt, Fortune, 5 Apr. 2023

While not counted among the six power conferences in Division I, the American represents a measurable upgrade from Conference USA in prestige and recognition.

Paul Myerberg, USA TODAY, 31 Mar. 2023

The United Way Social Innovation Accelerator in collaboration with Accenture is just one of the nonprofit’s programs that identifies and elevates social entrepreneurs who are creating measurable change in North Texas, enabling them to expand their programming or launch new initiatives.

United Way Of Metropolitan Dallas, Dallas News, 31 Mar. 2023

And going into the biggest event ever involved in the wrestling ring from any measurable standpoint is one part of life being great, blessed and lucky.

Joe Reedy, ajc, 27 Mar. 2023

For example, knowledge of the simulation itself doesn’t seem to impact its existence, nor do religions, which all appeal to some outside simulator, have no measurable effect or intervention (previous researchers have proposed this very idea).

Darren Orf, Popular Mechanics, 24 Mar. 2023

The National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST, oversees just about anything measurable in the United States.

Peter Rubin, Longreads, 21 Mar. 2023

By a slew of measurable data Indiana Dunes Tourism is already in an enviable position in the tourism world.

Shelley Jones, Chicago Tribune, 19 Mar. 2023

The latter operate in a world governed by science and other measurable forces.

IEEE Spectrum, 14 Mar. 2023

In fact, a lot of Kancey’s measurables are similar to Donald’s.

Joseph Hoyt, Dallas News, 4 Apr. 2023

On paper, his measurables didn’t blow anyone away.

Ryan Kartje, Los Angeles Times, 27 Mar. 2023

And on the day of Anthony Richardson’s record-setting measurables and C.J. Stroud’s pinpoint throws, Levis started to fade into the shadows for a moment, to a place he’s been before but never much enjoyed.

Nate Atkins, The Indianapolis Star, 27 Mar. 2023

Marcus Sasser, Houston The engine of Houston’s 2022-23 squad, Sasser faces an uphill climb to NBA rotation duty as a 22-year-old with middling measurables.

Michael Shapiro, Chron, 23 Mar. 2023

Set measurable targets for your DEI objectives.

Serenity Gibbons, Forbes, 16 Mar. 2023

But there are exceptions to those measurables and Walk is hoping to be the next.

oregonlive, 14 Mar. 2023

LaPorta’s measurables are almost identical to Kittle, but his ball skills and elusiveness falls a little short.

Eddie Brown, San Diego Union-Tribune, 10 Mar. 2023

Odell’s title suggests time as something more ambiguous than measurable.

Gabriela Riccardi, Quartz, 22 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘measurable.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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hello if we talk about the question the question is something that can be measured is called ok so we know that physical quantities physical quantities are those quantities which can be measured with the help of any instrument to something that can be measured is called a physical quantity ok because physical quantities are those quantities which can be measured with the help of any

instrument for measuring device ok so this is what we mean that something which can be measured are all physical quantities ok I have understood thank you

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