Word for something different

  • contrasting
  • disparate
  • distant
  • distinct
  • distinctive
  • divergent
  • diverse
  • offbeat
  • other
  • particular
  • peculiar
  • various
  • a far cry from
  • altered
  • antithetic
  • at odds
  • at variance
  • changed
  • clashing
  • colorful
  • contradistinct
  • contradistinctive
  • contrary
  • contrastive
  • deviating
  • differential
  • discrepant
  • divers
  • incommensurable
  • incomparable
  • inconsistent
  • individual
  • like night and day
  • mismatched
  • mismated
  • opposed
  • otherwise
  • poles apart
  • single
  • unalike
  • unequal
  • unrelated
  • unsimilar
  • variant
  • bizarre
  • diverse
  • extraordinary
  • original
  • other
  • particular
  • peculiar
  • rare
  • special
  • specific
  • strange
  • unconventional
  • unique
  • unusual
  • various
  • another
  • another story
  • atypical
  • discrete
  • especial
  • express
  • individual
  • novel
  • out of the ordinary
  • several
  • singular
  • something else
  • specialized
  • startling
  • uncommon
  • disparate
  • divergent
  • diverse
  • varied
  • anthologized
  • assorted
  • asymmetrical
  • collected
  • dissonant
  • divers
  • diversified
  • diversiform
  • heterogeneous
  • incongruous
  • inconsistent
  • indiscriminate
  • jarring
  • manifold
  • many
  • multifarious
  • multiform
  • numerous
  • omnifarious
  • omniform
  • several
  • some
  • sundry
  • varicolored
  • variegated
  • varietal
  • variform

On this page you’ll find 227 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to different, such as: contrasting, disparate, distant, distinct, distinctive, and divergent.

  • common
  • commonplace
  • familiar
  • general
  • indefinite
  • like
  • normal
  • ordinary
  • regular
  • same
  • similar
  • standard
  • uniform
  • unimportant
  • usual
  • alike
  • conventional
  • correspondent
  • harmonious
  • homogeneous
  • resembling
  • unified
  • united
  • alike
  • like
  • same
  • similar
  • conventional
  • correspondent
  • harmonious
  • homogeneous
  • normal
  • resembling
  • standard
  • unified
  • uniform
  • united

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING different

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


What are other ways to say different?

The adjective different emphasizes separateness and dissimilarity: two different (or differing) versions of the same story. Distinct implies a uniqueness that is clear and unmistakable: plans similar in objective but distinct in method. Diverse, in describing ideas or opinions, suggests degrees of difference that may be at odds or challenging to reconcile: diverse views on how the area should be zoned. Various stresses the multiplicity of sorts or instances of a thing or a class of things: various sorts of seaweed; busy with various duties.

How to use different in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • abnormal
  • atypical
  • bizarre
  • deviant
  • different
  • flaky
  • mental
  • nonstandard
  • odd
  • off-base
  • off-color
  • out of line
  • peculiar
  • psycho
  • strange
  • unusual
  • weird
  • another
  • back up
  • different
  • flipside
  • other side
  • second
  • substitute
  • surrogate
  • different
  • diverse
  • diversified
  • heterogeneous
  • hybrid
  • indiscriminate
  • miscellaneous
  • mixed
  • motley
  • sundry
  • varied
  • variegated
  • aberrant
  • abnormal
  • anomalous
  • deviant
  • different
  • divergent
  • exceptional
  • heteroclite
  • irregular
  • odd
  • peculiar
  • preternatural
  • strange
  • unnatural
  • unrepresentative
  • conflicting
  • contradictory
  • different
  • dissimilar
  • antagonistic
  • antipathetic
  • at odds
  • cacophonous
  • clashing
  • contradictory
  • contrarient
  • contrary
  • different
  • disagreeing
  • discrepant
  • dissonant
  • divergent
  • grating
  • harsh
  • incompatible
  • incongruous
  • inconsistent
  • inconsonant
  • inharmonious
  • jangling
  • jarring
  • on a sour note
  • opposite
  • quarreling
  • strident
  • uncongenial
  • unharmonious
  • unmelodious
  • unmixable

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

EDIT: I found the word: perversion. I’ll leave the post up though, as others might find it helpful.

I think the word I’m looking for starts with a P (not parody). Also, I think this word has a second meaning: similar, but disconcertingly so, and nominally a la ‘uncanny valley. I have tried Googling the answer and could only find this post, but the answers were not suitable and the context was different—-those answers include:

  • Deceptively similar (two words, and I am quite sure there is a single alternative)
  • simulacrum (too uncommon, no agreeded upon definition, and could possibly sound orotund in certain contexts)

However, its first paragraph is useful:

‘Specious would be a great analogy to the word I’m looking for. It is something that it is true on the surface but really is not, i.e. superficially familiar, but not if we look closely’

Example sentences:

  1. ‘Satire or parody is at its best when the imitation is believable. The characters or writing should only be a slight _________ of the real material.’
  2. ‘Disneyland castle is a _________ of a real palace.’
  3. My British friend told me ‘the TV show ‘The Crown’ is a bad imitation of British royalty, as it belittles it and is a complete _______ of reality.’

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might be perfect



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Если Вы ищете нечто другой, то Коста- де- ла- Луз может

стать идеальным вариантом для Вас.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Diamonds in unusual cuts, whether in old-fashioned or fantasy shapes,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Бриллианты необычной огранки, старинной или просто фантазийной формы

привлекают многих коллекционеров, которые находятся в поиске чего-то особенного.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

In such situations, there is no choice

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В таких ситуациях не остается другого выбора,

как» обивать» пороги всех точек по продаже меховых изделий и искать что-то свое.

Yeah, I know that, thanks,» said Harry, not looking up from the book.»That’s

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Да, я знаю это, спасибо,- ответил он не отрывая глаза от книги,-

The models of the SHINY family have

been created exclusively by Autenticasbotas


those looking for something different: a retro touch with a fresh and renewed air.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Модели семейства SHINY созданы исключительно Autenticasbotas для тех, кто ищет что-то другое: ретро- прикосновение со свежим и обновленным воздухом.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Sitges is only 20 miles south from Barcelona(40 minutes by train) so you can always

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Сиджес находится всего в 20 милях к югу от Барселоны( 40 минут на поезде),

поэтому Вы всегда можете посетить этот фантастический город, если захочется разнообразия.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Nowadays, with their performance and unique character, they have earned a deserved place on the table and cellar of every demanding oenophile who knows and

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Сегодня благодаря своему уникальному характеру и свойствам они по праву занимают достойное место на столе и в погребе любого взыскательного винолюба,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

we recommend you visit‘Caldes de Montbui’ and the Roman baths; a great place to stop to take a rest during your holidays.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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мы рекомендуем посетить Кальдес- де- Монбуй и Римские бани, отличное место


приятного времяпрепровождения на выходных.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

You can use, depending on your inspiration, any common area of Porto Valitsa, meaning the bar area, the restaurant area


any similar reason,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Вы можете использовать, в зависимости от вашего замысла, любую общую зона Porto Valitsa, то есть барную зону, ресторанную зону


мероприятия по любому

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When you’re looking for a word to describe something that is similar but different, you might not be too sure of the right one to use. This article will look into the best synonyms for such a case, so you’ll have an easier time figuring them out in the future.

Which Words Can Describe Something That Is Similar But Different?

There are some good words to describe something similar but not the same. Some of the best include:

  • Tantamount
  • Similar
  • Akin
  • Related
  • Virtual

Which Words Can Describe Something That Is Similar But Different?

The preferred version is “tantamount” because it offers the closest meaning to what we’re looking for with the description. When you want to talk about something that is not quite the same thing but similar enough, “tantamount” is usually the answer.


Let’s start with “tantamount,” which is by far the best choice on this list for talking about two or more things that are almost identical but differ in certain ways.

“Tantamount” is the word we use when we want to talk about two things being almost identical. However, there is a crucial difference between the things, which notably comes down to a negative quality.

The definition of “tantamount,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “being almost the same or having the same effect as something, usually something bad.”

“Tantamount” is ideal when talking about things that don’t quite work in the same way, even if that was their intention. Sometimes, people won’t realize that something they’ve done or created is tantamount to another thing, and it’ll take another pair of eyes to point this out.

We typically use the preposition “to” after “tantamount,” which shows that two or more things are similar to each other. “Tantamount to” is the most common grammatical structure that you’ll come across.

“Tantamount” works best in negative situations, and you can see that in the following ways:

  • Your obedience is tantamount to us finding where you hid your treasures all those years ago.
  • This idea is tantamount to bringing forth the destruction of everything that I’ve worked for.
  • Your idiocy is tantamount to what happened in those darker times of history. The times that everyone wished they could forget.
  • This error is tantamount to everything that we pushed aside to pave the way for the new world.

While sometimes describing a phrase with itself isn’t ideal, in this case, “similar” is a great word to use. Similar things are, by nature, different in some way to their partners, which is why it belongs on this list.

“Similar” means that two things are not quite the same, and there is usually a subtle difference. That subtle difference is notable, and it’s not something that you can miss, even if most people choose to overlook it.

The definition of “similar,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “looking or being almost, but not exactly, the same.”

When we’re talking about things that are similar or have similarities, we often try to look at how close they are to each other. We don’t want to focus too much on what makes them different because that isn’t the same.

Instead, it helps to look at what brings them together. It allows us to use “similar” in a more positive sense than “tantamount,” which is ideal when the context of the sentence calls for something a little less harsh.

“Similar” is a great choice, especially when thinking about situations that aren’t strictly negative in some way. These examples demonstrate its usage:

  • Our theories are far too similar. You have to change yours before there’s too vast of a conflict in our findings.
  • These ideas are similar in theory, but they’re completely opposite to each other in practice.
  • We’ve come up with something similar to what’s already in motion. All this will do is streamline our processes.
  • You think these two things are similar, but I don’t see any similarities that are worth noting!


“Akin” is a great word that’s similar to what we’re looking for here. It’s not as common anymore, but it’s still used when it counts.

We can use “akin” in the same way as “similar.” It means that two or more things have much of the same qualities, even if they’re not completely identical. We use “akin” to compare two things, especially to do with ideas or thoughts about certain qualities in life.

The definition of “akin,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “having some of the same qualities.”

When talking about different but similar things, “akin” is up there with some of the best choices. The only reason we didn’t place it higher is that it’s an old-fashioned word that rarely sees common usage today.

In fact, most native speakers try to avoid it for the easier “similar” variation.

More people have heard words like “similar” (or even tantamount), and “akin” seems like something that a Shakespearian scholar might come up with in their prose. Of course, this isn’t the case, and you’re more than welcome to use it whenever you feel the need to.

We might see “akin” work as follows:

  • The language they speak is akin to something you might hear from a Tolkien novel.
  • Our ideas are akin, which makes it all the more difficult to shut yours down!
  • His thought processes are akin to the way I like to view the world, and I think that’s why we’re so perfect for each other.
  • Your mannerisms are akin to something out of The Jungle Book. I don’t know which character best describes you, though.


“Related” struggles to keep up with some of the other choices, but you can still find a wide variety of uses for it when looking for things that are similar yet different.

We can use “related” in a specific way when two things are connected or influenced by each other. It doesn’t have to rely on a familial relationship, and we can instead talk about two or more things that work in a very similar fashion to each other.

The definition of “related,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “connected to, influenced by, or caused by something.”

While it might not be the best synonym for this situation, it still has plenty of uses that mean the same thing as what we’re looking for.

“Related” refers to a connection between a group of things. That means that those things influence each other in some way, whether that was the original intention of them or not.

When things are “related” in this manner, we can talk about how close they are in qualities. We can also look at what makes them different in certain ways and pick up on those traits to help people work out why we’re only dealing with “similar” things and not “identical” things.

“Related” might work as follows:

  • These ideas are too closely related to each other. You’ve got to come up with something different.
  • This is related to the things that you spoke about yesterday, and I think I know what you’re about to say.
  • We are all related in the way we think and share our ideas.
  • It’s easier to find something that relates to your method of thinking, which sets us up for better discussions in the future.


“Virtual” is the last word we’ll go through. It’s great to use when trying to think of something almost identical to another thing but has something stopping it from being completely the same.

“Virtual” is a word that seems to be more popular in modern days, especially with the global rise of virtual reality. It means that something is almost identical to the thing it’s recreating, but there are certain obvious tells that show us otherwise.

The definition of “virtual,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “almost a particular thing or quality.”

Since most “virtual” things are computerized or have some kind of programming requirement, it’s obvious what the difference will be.

For example, if we talk about the real world and the “virtual world,” we refer to the world we live in and a world that is made up of computers. While the concept is the same, the “virtual” world isn’t quite the same as the real world, as we won’t be able to live in it.

We can also use “virtual” as an adjective or adverb to describe something. When used in this way, it means that something is “almost” like the thing we’re describing, even though there are distinct differences.

  • Virtually hidden (almost hidden)
  • Virtually running (almost running)

In this way, “virtual” still means that something is similar but not quite the same, which is what we’re looking for from the words in this article.

You might see “virtual” in the following ways:

  • This is only a virtual experience, but it comes close to being like the real thing.
  • I’m virtually exploring the world around me with nothing but a computer console to do it.
  • The virtual world that you’ve created has much of the same conflicting issues as we experience today.
  • This is virtually identical to what we’ve seen already, which I find to be a waste!

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12 Better Ways To Say “In Other Words”

11 Words That Mean “To Make Similar”

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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Have you been waiting for something different 3D action air battle of WW1?Now you can play «Air Battle: World War»


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While most people still rely on traditional layouts for their resume, others are looking for something different to help them stand out from the other candidates.


A wonderful collection of truly wow wallpapers — if you’re looking for something different but affordable, then this is the collection for you!


It looks great paired with a crop top (as seen here), cozy sweater (add a belt over it), loose silk tank, or plain white T. I’ve been wearing my favorite brown leather T strap sandals to death this summer and think it’s time to get another pair — I love these Tory ones and these Manolos for something different.


We were looking for something different to do and, surfing the internet, we found Star Surf Camps» website.


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I stumbled upon this series during one of my Amazon searches, I was looking for something different to read in Christian Fiction; because I was tired of all the cookie cutter Christian Fiction books.


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A great substitute in chile, we also like them in a pickled bean salad, in soups, and, for something different, a South American twist on cassoulet.


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You’re looking for something different, but you’re not quite sure what that looks like.


Prosper is a great alternative investment if you are looking for something different than just stocks and bonds.


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Go for something different this summer by wearing a light colored striped matching set.


See also:

  • Synonyms for FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT (related words and expressions)

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