Word for someone with one eye

A monops.

monops, n. and adj.


A. n.

A one-eyed individual.

1743 tr. N. Andry Orthopædia II. iv. 89 There are some People who have one Eye so small that one would almost say they have only one, whence the Name of Myopia is given to this Deformity, as the Person who has it is called a Monops.

1842 J. Wilson Recreations Christopher North II. 138 A few years ago.., in a mine in Cornwall, after a descent of about one-third the bored earth’s diameter, we were saluted by name by a grim Monops who had not seen the upper regions for years.

1858 R. J. MacGeorge Tales, Sketches & Lyrics 191 Ardlaw rushed from the unlucky messuage with only one eye… Thus mutilated, mother Church..would have nothing to say to the monops.

1875 G. Meredith Beauchamp’s Career xlv, in Fortn. Rev. 18 593 He would have been a Nelson of politics, if he had been a monops, with an excuse for not seeing.

1900 W. A. N. Dorland Illustr. Med. Dict. 396/1 Monops, a fetus having but a single eye.

B. adj.

That has only one eye; one-eyed.

1857 R. G. Mayne Expos. Lexicon Med. Sci. (1860) Monops, having but one eye: one-eyed.
1993 J. Peck Argura 62 Monops, monoglot, monosandalos—plenitude in a point.

A monophthalmic, derived from adjective monophthalmic and medical condition monophthalmia.

monophthalmic, adj.

Having only one eye; one-eyed.

1857 J. W. Donaldson Christian Orthodoxy 356 The belief in Cyclopian or monophthalmic deities.

1865 Sat. Rev. 16 Sept. 355/2 St. Jerome was equally explicit about the existence of the Phœnix and monophthalmic men.
1995 Times Higher Educ. Suppl. (Nexis) 1 Sept. 23 The deeper reading that sees the monophthalmic Cyclops as holding up a mirror to the Greeks’ own cultural..deficiencies.

Source: Oxford English Dictionary

I’ve given an English children’s story to a small group of Italian kids to read and perform. The story is about a boy who changes into a cat and makes friends with a one-eyed next-door neighbour; a grumpy-looking man who wears an eye patch.

The kids didn’t really understand what “one-eyed” meant so I translated it in Italian as guèrcio. But they didn’t know what that word meant, so I explained to them that “a one-eyed man” was a person who could see only from one eye, and no, he wasn’t a Cyclops.

Likewise in Italian there is the adjective mónco which can describe a person with an amputated limb (usually it’s the arm).

Which got me thinking, if each of these two physical disabilities has its own word in Italian, why isn’t there its equivalent in English? I suppose nowadays these terms would be judged to be insensitive and discriminating, but what about in the past?

Maybe there used to be words that meant: “one-eyed person” and “one-armed person”, or perhaps something in slang?


There is monoculus for a one-eyed person but OED says that it is obsolete.

2. A one-eyed person or creature. Obs.

Etymology from OED:

< post-classical Latin monoculus the caecum (1363 in Chauliac), a one-eyed person or creature (7th cent.; from 12th cent. in British sources), irregularly < ancient Greek μονο- mono- comb. form + classical Latin oculus .

The word is perhaps attested earlier in sense A. 2 as a surname, Simon Monoculus (1212), though it is unclear whether this is to be interpreted as Middle English or post-classical Latin.

For someone who is blind in one eye or wearing an eye-patch, it doesn’t seem like there is a specific single word. (For example, there is borgne in French.)

However, there is again an obsolete word for this sense: purblind.

2. †a. Blind in one eye. Obs.

Urbandictionary mentions pirate-eyed as a slang term but it is described as a specific case:

«Pirate-eyed» is a condition resulting from over use of the iPhone or similar device in the dark or dimly-lit environment whilst favoring one eye. The resulting condition causes a temporary focal imbalance akin to having a patch over an eye.

Source : Link , Question Author : Mari-Lou A , Answer Author : ermanen

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Hi all, I am confused what do you call «one eyed man» in English?? Is there any word for this?

Welcome to the forum!

We don’t have a common word for someone with one eye.

A joking way to say it is «cyclops».

An obscure way could be «monocular».

Usually, we just say «man with one eye».

  • Vorpar

VorparA joking way to say it is «cyclops».

If silkyseem is referring to Greek mythology, this is exactly the word.

In a deck of 52 cards, there are four «jacks», two of which are pictured full-front, the other two being a profile: they are called «one-eyed jacks».

  • Philip


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  • with one arm tied behind one’s back
  • with one eye on
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  • with one hand tied behind back
  • with one hand tied behind your back
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  • with nose in the air
  • with nose in the air
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  • with not a stitch of clothes (on)
  • with not a stitch of clothes on
  • with not a stitch of clothing
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  • with not a stitch of clothing on
  • with not a stitch on
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  • With one accord
  • With one accord
  • With one accord
  • With one accord
  • with one arm tied behind (one’s) back
  • with one arm tied behind back
  • with one arm tied behind her back
  • with one arm tied behind his back
  • with one arm tied behind my back
  • with one arm tied behind one’s back
  • with one arm tied behind our back
  • with one arm tied behind their back
  • with one arm tied behind your back
  • with one eye on
  • with one eye on (something)
  • with one hand
  • with one hand behind back
  • with one hand behind back
  • with one hand behind back
  • with one hand behind back
  • with one hand behind back
  • with one hand behind your back
  • with one hand tied behind (one’s) back
  • with one hand tied behind back
  • with one hand tied behind back
  • with one hand tied behind back
  • with one hand tied behind back
  • with one hand tied behind back
  • with one hand tied behind back
  • with one hand tied behind her back
  • with one hand tied behind his back
  • with one hand tied behind my back
  • with one hand tied behind our back
  • with one hand tied behind their back
  • with one hand tied behind your back
  • with one voice
  • with one voice
  • with one voice
  • with one voice
  • with one voice
  • with one’s back to the wall
  • with one’s bare face hanging out
  • with one’s bare hands
  • with one’s blessing

  • 1
    with an eye on

    с намерением, с целью, для того чтобы

    He… showed me an article-dealing with the smuggling of cocaine. It was a somewhat lurid article, written with an eye to picturesque effect. (A. Christie, ‘The Murder of Roger Ackroyd’, ch. XV) — Пуаро… показал мне статью о контрабанде кокаина. Статья была уснащена устрашающими фактами и подробностями, чтобы произвести впечатление на читателя.

    They danced the next three dances and with each he could feel his improvement… But with an eye to the proprieties he felt that it must not be overdone. (A. J. Cronin, ‘The Judas Tree’, ch. XI) — Они протанцевали следующие три танца, и после каждого танца Морей чувствовал, что у него получается все лучше… Но надо было соблюдать приличия, и он решил больше не танцевать.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > with an eye on

  • 2
    with seasoned eye

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > with seasoned eye

  • 3
    with an eye to

    Синонимический ряд:

    to (other) for; in order to; to; toward; towards; with a view to

    English-Russian base dictionary > with an eye to

  • 4
    with an eye to

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > with an eye to

  • 5
    with seasoned eye

    наметанным глазом

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > with seasoned eye

  • 6
    with an eye

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > with an eye

  • 7
    with an eye to

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > with an eye to

  • 8
    with seasoned eye

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > with seasoned eye

  • 9
    with seasoned eye

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > with seasoned eye

  • 10
    with an eye to

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > with an eye to

  • 11
    with seasoned eye

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > with seasoned eye

  • 12
    with an eye

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > with an eye

  • 13
    with an eye to

    для того, с целью, с видом на

    Новый англо-русский словарь > with an eye to

  • 14
    with seasoned eye

    Новый англо-русский словарь > with seasoned eye

  • 15
    with an eye

    English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > with an eye

  • 16
    With an eye to

    С намерением. С целью. Для того, чтобы

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > With an eye to

  • 17
    with an eye for…

    присматриваясь к…

    …he drowsed over the Irish sea, but always with an eye for the landfall of the Scottish coast. (A. J. Cronin, ‘The Judas Tree’, part III, ch. I) —…когда самолет пролетал над Ирландским морем, Морей дремал, но одним глазом поглядывал вниз — не покажется ли берег Шотландии.

    …she married the music-teacher… with in eye for the girls, though he had made her a good enough husband. (D. Cusack, ‘Picnic Races’, ch. 2) —…Эйлин вышла замуж за преподавателя музыки… он хотя и заглядывался на девушек, но мужем ей стал хорошим.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > with an eye for…

  • 18
    with an eye for smb.

       пpиcмaтpивaяcь к кoму-л. (или к чeму-л.), пoглядывaя нa кoгo-л. (или нa чтo-л.); зaглядывaтьcя нa кoгo-л., пpoявлять интepec к кoму-л. (или к чeму-л.) She married the music-teacher… with an eye for the girls, though he had made her a good enough husband (D. Cusack). All the Penmars were adventurers with an eye for making money (S. Howatch)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > with an eye for smb.

  • 19
    with an eye to the main chance

    преследуя корыстные цели, стремясь к наживе, к выгоде; тж. the main chance

    She… combined feminine tact with masculine vigour, a heart of gold with an unerring eye for the main chance. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Cakes and Ale’, ch. XXII) —…женский такт сочетался в миссис Бартон Траффорд с мужской хваткой, золотое сердце с умением сделать правильный выбор.

    With the mercenary soldier’s eye to the main chance, Crane took very good care of himself when no superior was present… and seemed to be fighting like a tiger, whenever an officer was about. (R. Aldington, ‘Roads to Glory’, ‘Killed in Action’) — Преследуя чисто корыстные цели, Крейн, как и подобало солдату-наемнику, очень заботился о собственной персоне, когда поблизости не было офицера… и делал вид, что дерется как лев, когда офицер был неподалеку.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > with an eye to the main chance

  • 20
    with an eye to doing smth.

       см. have an eye to doing smth.

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > with an eye to doing smth.


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См. также в других словарях:

  • with an eye to — (something) for the purpose of something. All college applications that we receive are read with an eye to finding the most promising students. This new factory was designed with an eye to providing a better work environment …   New idioms dictionary

  • with one eye on — (something/someone) have/keep one eye on (something/someone) to give part of your attention to one thing or person while also giving your attention to something or someone else. She sat writing her letter with one eye on the clock …   New idioms dictionary

  • with an eye to — also with an eye toward phrasal 1. with awareness or contemplation of < with an eye to the future > 2. with the object of < built the house with an eye to adding on later > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • with an eye to — phrasal : with a view to with an eye to the future : with the object of with an eye to robbing him S.M.Fitzgerald …   Useful english dictionary

  • with an eye to — ► have (or with) an eye to have (or having) as one s objective. Main Entry: ↑eye …   English terms dictionary

  • with one eye on — giving some but not all one s attention to I sat with one eye on the clock, waiting for my turn …   Useful english dictionary

  • with an eye to/toward — with (something) in your thoughts as a goal or purpose They hired him with an eye toward increased sales. They bought the house with an eye toward its restoration. He took the job with an eye to the future. [=he took the job because he felt it w …   Useful english dictionary

  • with an eye to something — with an eye to (something) for the purpose of something. All college applications that we receive are read with an eye to finding the most promising students. This new factory was designed with an eye to providing a better work environment …   New idioms dictionary

  • with one eye on something — with one eye on (something/someone) have/keep one eye on (something/someone) to give part of your attention to one thing or person while also giving your attention to something or someone else. She sat writing her letter with one eye on the clock …   New idioms dictionary

  • with one eye on someone — with one eye on (something/someone) have/keep one eye on (something/someone) to give part of your attention to one thing or person while also giving your attention to something or someone else. She sat writing her letter with one eye on the clock …   New idioms dictionary

  • with an eye to something doing something — with an eye to sth/to doing sth idiom with the intention of doing sth • He bought the warehouse with an eye to converting it into a hotel. Main entry: ↑eyeidiom …   Useful english dictionary

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