Word for someone who is always there for you

can anyone help with this please? Is there a single word that can be used to refer to someone who is always there for you, like a father or a mother who does every little thing for you? Like s/he is like sticking up for you, embracing and covering you up by doing everything for you? Thanks.

asked May 17, 2015 at 23:14

Lotte's user avatar


We often refer to someone who is always there supporting you as:

  • a rock.

Here’s an entry from Collins:

rock (rɒk)


  1. a person or thing suggesting a rock, esp in being dependable, unchanging, or providing firm foundation.

Ref: Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

answered May 18, 2015 at 10:52

Araucaria - Not here any more.'s user avatar

That person could be considered nurturing.

nurturing (verb): to feed and protect; to support and encourage, as during the period of training or development

Although if they do it too much, they could end up smothering you.

smother (verb): to surround (with) or envelop (in): he smothered her with love

answered May 18, 2015 at 0:29

SomethingDark's user avatar


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There are several words and phrases, from guardian-angel to a real friend.

  • guardian-angel
  • a real friend
  • a protector
  • a patron saint
  • guardian-angel — «a person who looks after or is concerned with the welfare of another.»
  • patron saint — «a saint who is believed to protect a particular place, activity, or group of people.»
  • protector — «a person or thing that protects someone or something» MW


«I would like to thank all those who helped me, especially John who has been like a guardian-angel, with encouraging words when the odds were against me.»

«Prince Charles is the new patron saint of unfashionable causes.» The Telegraph

answered May 18, 2015 at 0:27

Centaurus's user avatar


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Similar words for always there: dependable (adjective) trustworthy (adjective) trustworthy/trusty (adjective) other synonyms.

What does it mean to always be there for someone?

[spoken] to always be ready to listen to someone’s problems and to help and support them.

What’s another word for being there for someone?

responsiveness, rapport, community of interests, being on same wavelength.

What does it mean to be for someone?

: to say what someone else thinks : to give the opinion of (someone else)

How do you truly be there for someone?

Remind them that they exist, keep them present with physical contact. Be protective, but not overly so. Do not let your love cloud you into not allowing them to be their own person. Let them speak for themselves.

How do you talk to someone who is going through a tough time?

These are the most effective:

  1. Ask them how they are feeling. Then, listen non-judgmentally to their response.
  2. Show them that you want to understand and express sympathy.
  3. Ask how you can support them and resist jumping in to problem-solve.
  4. Check in to see if they are suicidal.
  5. Reassure them, realistically.

What to say to someone who has anxiety?

“Take Your Time:” 10 Things to Say to Someone Who Has Anxiety

  • “Are You OK?”
  • “I’m Always Here if You Need to Talk”
  • “Your Fears/Worries/Triggers Are Not Silly”
  • “Take Your Time”
  • “Let’s Sort Through This Together”
  • “How Can I Help?”
  • “There’s a Cup of Tea Waiting for You at Home”
  • “This Feeling Will Pass”

How do you make a man fall crazy in love with you?

Here’s how to make a guy fall in love with you.

  1. Stop chasing him. via GIPHY. Exerting effort in the relationship doesn’t work, but what does work is allowing the man to roll up his sleeves and earn your respect and affections.
  2. Say what you mean and mean what you say. via GIPHY.
  3. Stop talking and start listening. via GIPHY.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the synonym of altruism?
  2. What is a small act of kindness?
  3. What is a good synonym for generous?
  4. Is generous a character trait?
  5. What do you call a giver?
  6. What is a giver in bed?
  7. What is the opposite of a giver?
  8. What is the opposite of the recipient?
  9. Who is a recipient person?
  10. Is the recipient the sender?
  11. What is meant by recipient?

What is another word for always there?

dependable reliable
trustworthy faithful
true steady
constant staunch
trusty loyal

What is the synonym of altruism?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for altruism. generosity, magnanimity, nobility.

What is a small act of kindness?

A random act of kindness is something that one does without a second thought. You simply do one irregular task for another human being, and it makes their day brighter. Today I wanted to share a list of Small Acts of Kindness you can do every day as a means to spread happiness to others.

What is a good synonym for generous?

Frequently Asked Questions About generous Some common synonyms of generous are bountiful, liberal, and munificent. While all these words mean “giving or given freely and unstintingly,” generous stresses warmhearted readiness to give more than size or importance of the gift.

Is generous a character trait?

Generosity…is a learned character trait that involves both attitude and action—entailing as a virtue both an inclination or predilection to give liberally and an actual practice of giving liberally.” … Generosity always intends to enhance the true wellbeing of those to whom it gives.

What do you call a giver?

giver – person who makes a gift of property. bestower, conferrer, donor, presenter. benefactor, helper – a person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help) abnegator – one who gives up or relinquishes or renounces something.

What is a giver in bed?

What’s wonderful about a pleaser (the giver) is that he or she is considerate, thoughtful, and has the other person’s well-being and happiness in mind. Such a person is compassionate and able to feel into other people’s needs and desires.

What is the opposite of a giver?

Opposite of a donor or contributor. antagonist. opponent. opposer. recipient.

What is the opposite of the recipient?

Opposite of a person or thing that receives or is awarded something. donor. giver. patron. benefactor.

Who is a recipient person?

A recipient is the person on the receiving end of something. Meryl Streep is the recipient of more Academy Award nominations than any other actor. Just as an actor can be the recipient of a prize for acting, a banker can be the recipient of a bonus for good banking.

Is the recipient the sender?

The definition of a sender is someone who caused something to be sent to a recipient. An example of a sender is the person who put a letter in the mailbox.

What is meant by recipient?

noun. a person or thing that receives; receiver: the recipient of a prize.

Here is a list of 125 ‘thank you for being there for me’ messages and quotes to show them how very thankful you are for their act of caring.

#1 At a time when so many others might turn away, you walked right into the storm with me. Thank you for being there for me.

#2 Thank you for always being there whenever I need a friend. It is such a relief to know that I will always have you in my corner. You are truly dependable and reliable, and for some reason, you are selflessly there for me whenever I need a friend. I can’t explain it, and I don’t deserve it, but I sincerely thank you.

#3 I cannot imagine where I would be without your love, guidance, patience, and care. Thank you for being a comfort when I needed it the most.

#4 Having you in my life is such a precious gift! I feel extremely lucky and privileged to know someone as thoughtful, generous and as kind as you. You always know how to pick me up when I am down! Thank you, my dear friend.

#5 How lucky I am to have someone like you in my life, so that I don’t have to go through times of sorrow alone. Thank you for being a true friend through it all.

#6 Thank you for being beside me when I was unable to stand on my own. It means so much that you were able to help me through such a hard time.

#7 I want to thank you over and over for always being my rock. You have been my shoulder to cry on and the one I will always turn to for advice. You have been such an anchor in my life. I don’t know what I would do without you. Please never change!

#8 This is just a little note to say that I couldn’t do it without you. Thank you for being there for me when times are trying.

#9 When others might look away, you are always by my side. Words can never express how grateful I am that you’re always there for me.

#10 I hope you realize just how much I cherish our friendship. Thank you for always motivating me and pushing me forward towards my goals. You have never ever let me down. You inspire me, and I thank you so much!

#11 You always know exactly what to say, whatever the situation. Thank you for being my cheerleader and for always dusting me off when life beats me up. You’re simply an exceptional person and a priceless friend. Thank you.

#12 I know I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of your unfailing love and support. Thank you for being a true friend.

#13 I cannot even begin to adequately thank you for all that you have done for me. You were by my side when nobody else was, and you are a rock-solid friend. It is a dream come true to have you in my life. Thank you for being you and for caring about me.

#14 Thank you for pushing me to chase my dreams. It is such a relief to know that even when I fail or fall, you will be there to help me get back on my feet. You really are one-of-a-kind and completely irreplaceable. Thank you for making time for me in your life. I treasure our friendship.

#15 I want to thank you for always being there for me. There are days when the sun refuses to shine, and your support gives me the strength I need to keep going.

#16 Thank you for being a true friend when I need someone the most. You are a true treasure in my life, and I am forever grateful for all that you do.

#17 Thank you for helping me to become the person I am today! You have always been there for me, through the good times and the bad. I am lucky to know someone as altruistic and as selfless as you! Thank you for being a great friend!

#18 Thank you for holding me up when I couldn’t believe in myself. Your support is what got me through.

#19 Knowing someone like you gives me immense pride and joy. I cannot thank you enough for being there for me through all of the ups and downs of life. I promise to always return the favor!

#20 I am not sure what I would do without your amazing support. Thank you for always being there for me when times are hard.

#21 Thank you for being there for me. Your optimism, hope, and love are just what my heart needed.

#22 Thank you for being there when I was in a time of such profound need. It’s such a comfort to know you are always there to help me.

#23 Thank you for being there when I’m at my lowest. Your strength, light, and love are what get me through.

#24 What a gift to have someone like you! Thank you for being there when I needed you the most.

#25 Your support has meant more to me than I can ever express. Thank you for always being there for me.

#26 Thank you for holding my hand through the most trying times in my life. Your support has really meant so much to me.

#27 Knowing that you’ve got my back gives me the strength to pursue all my dreams. Thank you so much for being there for me.

#28 When times are at their most uncertain, I know that you’re always there for me. Thank you for being a true friend.

#29 Words can never fully express how grateful I am to have you in my life. Thank you for always being there for me.

#30 Thanks for being there through the rain and the clouds. I don’t know how I would ever make it without your support.

#31 Because of your optimism, advice, and strength, I know I can weather the hard times. Thanks for always being there.

#32 You’ve sacrificed so much to support me through good times and bad. Thank you for always being there.

#33 Your love, generosity, and kindness have gotten me through the darkest storms. Thank you for being there for me.

#34 Thanks for being a true friend, even when times are at their most cloudy and gray. I’m not sure I would have been able to weather that storm without you.

#35 It means the world to have you by my side, come what may. Thank you for always being there.

#36 Simply put, you are AMAZING. Thank you for being there for me when I needed a friend the most.

#37 As the years pass, I remain so comforted by the support and love you give me in times of sadness. Thank you for being there.

#38 Thank you for being there for me when my world was upside down. Having your support is what got me through.

#39 What a gift to have a friend like you. Thank you for being there for me. Your wisdom, kindness, and practical advice are what got me through.

#40 You hold me up when I’m not strong, and you remind me how to believe in myself again. Thank you for being there for me in my time of need.

#41 I am so grateful to you for sticking to me when I felt lost and alone in the whole world. You never left my side when I needed you. Thank you.

#42 I don’t know how I could have faced all the challenges without knowing you were there for me. The thought that I could always count on you made me stronger and more confident.

#43 You were there for me since day 1. Cheering on me, believing in me and fighting for me. Now that we overcame all the difficulties, I can’t wait for all the wonderful things life has in store for us.

#44 With you, I never feel underestimated and unwanted. You have the amazing ability to inspire and motivate people to be better. Thank you for spreading love and kindness around you.

#45 To my best friend: thank you for a source of wisdom and inspiration for me. For always having a piece of advice. I want you to know how much I appreciate all you do.

#46 Words cannot express how grateful we all are for your love and support during these hard times. Please, always know that if you ever need our help, we’ll always be there for you.

#47 I don’t think a simple “thank you” is enough to express all my gratitude. But if you ever need me by your side, you can count on me. I will move mountains for you, my friend.

#48 Thanks to you I have regained my faith in love and humanity. What would I do if I didn’t have you? Thank you for restoring my passion for life.

#49 Your optimism, support, love, and humor have gotten me through some very rough times. Thank you for always being there.

#50 When everything seemed to go wrong, you appeared and fixed things for me. You are like a guardian angel for me. Thank you.

#51 Thank you for supporting me no matter what. I know I am not perfect and make mistakes, but you have always shown me I can count on you.

#52 If life were a desert, you’d be my oasis. Calming and soothing. My fresh air and place of refuge. My heaven on earth.

#53 As I take a retrospective look at my life, I understand that you are the best thing that has happened to me. When I remember the toughest times, it is you who I see standing by my side.

#54 Sometimes I feel sad about you carrying my burden on your tiny shoulders. I can never thank you enough for that.

#55 A pillar of strength and support, you have always been there for me. Talking to me or being silent with me. I feel your presence in everything I do, and that makes me stronger.

#56 Once you said to me, “If your plan A doesn’t work, don’t look at the alphabet, just give me a call”. I think I have never looked at it ever since.

#57 You are my soulmate, my better half, my perfect fit. You have the most special place in my heart. Thank you, my love, for being one of a kind.

#58 I have had so many disappointments in my life. Thank you for proving there are people like you in this world.

#59 You went with me through every storm. Being with you makes me feel safe. Thank you for protecting me.

#60 You could have walked away a hundred times, but instead, you chose to stay and walk with me. You have no idea how much I value you.

#61 You understood my tears as well as you understood my smile. You are the best friend ever and I thank you for always being there for me.

#62 People keep asking what my secret of success is. I always answer the secret is having people like you by my side.

#63 Friends like you come along once in a lifetime. I don’t think I can ever thank you for all you are doing for me, but I promise to always be standing by you.

#64 You are the person I can talk to about everything, share my worries and confide in. Thank you for being so kind and understanding.

#65 I wish I could show how much I appreciate you for never letting me fall and always pushing me forward. Thank you for making me feel confident.

#66 You’ve been there for me through thick and thin, and I’ll never forget it. Thank you for being a part of my life.

#67 My day is brighter, and my life is better because of you. Thank you for being you, my sunshine!

#68 In times of sun and in times of gloom, you’re a true friend every moment. Thank you for being there so that I never have to be alone.

#69 You are one of the most generous people I know. You always have a word of encouragement for everyone. I have never seen anyone as kind-hearted and humane as you are. Thank you, my friend, for being you.

#70 How can I ever thank you for being such an amazing friend? You inspire me to be better every day. Thank you for knowing me better than I know myself.

#71 Where in the world would I be without you? Without your help and daily support? It’s such a wonderful feeling to know that there is someone who loves you and has your back forever!

#72 Thank you for being there when I was at my lowest. Your strength, love, and wisdom are what got me through.

#73 Over the years you have been a source of comfort to me. You were there to wipe my tears and you always managed to make me smile in the worst times.

#74 You will always be someone who I’ll admire and look up to. You are the perfect example of a loyal friend and the personification of all that is good.

#75 You are my shoulder to cry on and my haven of peace. I promise to be the same for you.

#76 It’s no wonder we hit it off immediately. I found my soulmate in you and I know we’ll stick together no matter what.

#77 Your friendship means the world to me. I am so grateful to have such a genuine person in my life.

#78 No one else gets me quite like you do. You understand my words and you can read my silence. Thank you for being my rock.

#79 You and I are more than friends. We are soulmates. Kindred spirits. Always ready to help each other.

#80 Thank you for being the pillar for me to lean on all my life. I don’t know what I would do without your support, my friend.

The Most Famous Quotes to Include with Your Thank You Message for Being There for You

“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

“A good friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.”
Irish Proverb

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”
Anais Nin

“Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.”
Ed Cunningham

“What is a friend? I will tell you…it is someone with whom you dare to be yourself.”
Frank Crane

“Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words.”
George Eliot

“Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.”
Misty Copeland

“A single rose can be my garden…a single friend, my world.”
Leo Buscaglia

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”
Walter Winchell

“True friends are those who really know you but love you anyway.”
Edna Buchanan

“Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.”
Woodrow T. Wilson

“Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer.”
Jean de la Fontaine

“Awards become corroded. Friends gather no dust.”
Jesse Owens

“Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world.”
John Evelyn

“One’s friends are that part of the human race with which one can be human.”
George Santayana

“As the yellow gold is tried in fire, so the faith of friendship must be seen in adversity.”

“A friend shares the good times and helps out by listening during the bad times.”
Molly Oliver

“A cheer, then, for the noble breast that fears not danger’s post; And like the lifeboat, proves a friend, When friends are wanted most.”
Eliza Cook

“Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.”
Publilius Syrus

“A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.”
Bernard Meltzer

“Friendship, of itself a holy tie, is made more sacred by adversity.”
John Dryden

“Someone to tell it to is one of the fundamental needs of human beings.”
Miles Franklin

“He who endures penance and hardships for another delights in that person’s company.”
Malik Muhammad Jayasi

“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
Susan Ferrier

“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.”
Brandi Snyder

“I don’t need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.”

“No man can be happy without a friend, nor be sure of his friend until he is unhappy.”
Thomas Fuller

“In times of difficulty friendship is on trial.”
Greek proverb

“Prosperity is no just scale; adversity is the only balance to weigh friends.”

“Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.”
Sicilian Proverb

“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.”
Tennessee Williams

“A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.”
Arnold H. Glasgow

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
Marcel Proust

“True friendship is never serene.”
Marie de Rabutin-Chantal

“You can always tell a real friend: when you’ve made a fool of yourself he doesn’t feel you’ve done a permanent job.”
Laurence J. Peter

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.”
Oprah Winfrey

“In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.”
Albert Schweitzer

“A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they’re not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they’re not so bad.”
Arnold H. Glasgow

“It’s the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.”
Marlene Dietrich

“There are moments in life when all that we can bear is the sense that our friend is near us; our wounds would wince at consoling words that would reveal the depths of our pain.”
Honore de Balzac

“Cherish the friend who tells you a harsh truth, wanting ten times more to tell you a loving lie.”
Robert Brault

“There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.”
Katharine Butler Hathaway

“Adversity not only draws people together, but brings forth that beautiful inward friendship.”
Soren Kierkegaard

“A true friend encourages us, comforts us, supports us like a big easy chair, offering us a safe refuge from the world.”
H. Jackson Brown

“It is not so much our friends’ help that helps us, as the confidence of their help.”

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Thank You for Being There for Me Messages

Author Biography

Keith Miller has over 25 years of experience as a CEO and serial entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, he has founded several multi-million dollar companies. As a writer, Keith’s work has been mentioned in CIO Magazine, Workable, BizTech, and The Charlotte Observer. If you have any questions about the content of this blog post, then please send our content editing team a message here.

True friends quotes are special quotes for those true friends that are hard to find. Therefore, if you can find your true friend then you must hold them tight and don’t ever let them go.  Remember to remind them how much they mean to you.

In our lives, we encounter different types of relations.  Every relation is very valuable.   It is filled with lots of love, care and honesty.  Sometimes when we are experiencing difficult times, we badly need the support of somebody who can encourage us.  During these  circumstances, a true friend is always there giving their support.  Sometimes there are things that we want to keep secret and we can only share it to our true friend.  A true friend is someone whom we can share anything because we trust them.  A true friend wants to spend more time with us because they enjoy our company.  Persons who have true friends are considered as the luckiest persons on earth.  True friends are a great blessing.  Let me share with you these True Friends Quotes and Sayings with Images to inspire you.  Enjoy!

1. Fake friends believe in rumors.  Real friends believe in you.

Bad Friends Quotes

So true….

2. The world would be so lonely, in sunny hours or gray…

Beautiful True Friends Quotes

True friends provide us with shelter.

3. One friend with whom you have a lot in common is better  than three…

Best Friends Poems

True friendship is built on respect and trust.

4. Friends are the flowers in the garden of life.

Best Friends Quote

A true friend is a great blessing.

5. Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.

Best Friends Quotes

True friends have a special bond that cannot be broken.

6.  In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies…

Best Friends Sayings

We will always remember our true friends.

7. True beauty comes from within.

Best True Friends Quotes

True friends quotes are a true beauty.

8. A true friend is the greatest of all blessings and that which we take the least.

Cool And Lovely True Friends Quotes

Losing a true friend is the greatest of all losses.

9. A friend is one who knows the song in your heart…

Cool True Friends Quotes

A true friend will never leave you.

10. Never forget who was there for you when no one else was.

Cute Friendship Sayings

True friends will always have nice things to say about you even behind your back.

11. Life is, in a lot of ways, just like a party.

Fake Friends Quotes

A true friend is the only one who understands you the most.

12. We’ll be friends ’til we’re old and senile… then we’ll be new friends!

Friend Quotes Funny

A true friend is a great possession that you’ll ever have.

13. A true friend is someone that knows how crazy you are…

Friendship Quote

When you are down, a true friend will give you hope.

14. Being honest may not get you a lot of friends…

Friendship Quotes

A true friend is honest.

15. Friendship is one mind in two bodies.

Friendship Sayings

True friends quotes are so beautiful and inspiring.

16. A true friend is someone who is there for you when he’d rather be anywhere else.

Funny Friendship Quotes

True friends can make you feel happy when you are feeling low.

17. What is a friend?

Funny True Friends Quotes

This is what a true friend is all about.

18. Friends give us the courage to lift the blinds on our hearts.

Inspirational True Friends Quotes

I can’t imagine having a life without you.

19. A good friend helps you up when you fall.

Inspiring True Friends Quotes

True friends are inseparable.

20. Strangers think I’m quiet, my friends think I’m out-going…

Nice True Friends Quotes

When no one is there, don’t worry because your true friend is there for you.

21. Once best friends now strangers with memories.

No Longer Friends Quotes

A true friend can change your entire life.

22. True friendship isn’t about being inseparable…

Quotes About Real Friends

True friends support each other.

23. Good friends care for each other…

Quotes On Best Friends

A true friend will never reveal your secret to anyone.

24. It is during the worst times of your life that you will get to see the true colors of the people…

Quotes On True Friends

Hard times will reveal who our true friends are.

25. Good friends are like stars…

True Friend Quotes

True friends quotes show the power of friendship.

26. A true friend is not like the rain which pours and goes away…

True Friendship Quote

Thank you for being such a true friend.

27. Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget.

True Friendship Sayings

Your true friend will always fight for you.

28. Friendship means understanding, not agreement.

True Friends Poem

A true friend is someone who understands your tears.

29. As we grow up, we realize it is less important to have lots of friends…

True Friends Poems

These days, true friends are very hard to find, however, it would be wonderful if you can find them.

30. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.

True Friends Quote

It is a miracle to have a true friend who stands by your side.

31. True friends are always there when you need them.

True Friends Quote Pictures

Does this remind you of your friend?

32. A true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friends.

True Friends Quotes

True friends will always help each other.

33. Thay are not your friends until they have defended you in your absence.

True Friends Quotes For Facebook

This is the truest thing ever!

34. There is nothing on this earth to be prized more than true friendship.

True Friends Quotes Pinterest

A true friend is someone who gives you complete freedom.

35. When you go through a dark time and can not see any light ahead…

True Friends Quotes Tumblr

True friendship is measured by its worth and value.

36. Real friends don’t have to speak to or see each other daily…

True Friends Sayings

It’s a miracle to have a real friend who is honest with you.

37. True friendship is  sitting together in silence and feeling like it was the best …

Unique True Friends Quotes

True friends can communicate with each other using their facial expressions.

True friends quotes are for our true friends who knows our likes and dislikes.  True friends are always proud of what we do.  We should take care of this relationship.  Different people may come and go but true friends will never be forgotten.  Regardless of how far they are from us, they will always be in our minds.  Which one do you think is harder, losing a boyfriend or losing a BFF?

Martha Weston

Martha lives in the Bay Area and is a dedicated reader of romance novels. She runs a yoga studio and taught yoga for many years. She always says that yoga fuels her writing. She’s also a vegetarian and advocate for living a healthy life. Martha has been writing for us for a while now, giving readers a glimpse into her lifestyle and work.

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