looked up to — перевод на русский
Whether we deserve it or not, people look up to us.
Заслуживаем мы того или нет, но люди смотрят на нас.
These people look up to me.
Эти люди смотрят на меня.
All these other grunts look up to recon like we are cold-blooded warriors.
Всё эти ворчливые засранцы смотрят на разведку как на холоднокровных воинов.
Especially if you’re a public figure and you have people looking up to you.
Особенно, если вы публичный человек, если люди смотрят на вас!
They look up to the myth.
Они смотрят на миф.
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Choose subordinates who have… reason to look up to you.
Выбирай только таких подчиненных, которые будут уважать тебя. Понимаешь?
How could she look up to a person who voluntarily spends time with Bania?
Как она может уважать человека который добровольно проводит время с Бания?
Someone I can look up to.
Кто-то кого я могу уважать.
One day, people will look up to us.
Когда-нибудь, люди будут нас уважать.
He’ll never be the kind of man that you can admire, that you can look up to.
Он никогда не будет для тебя мужчиной, которым ты сможешь восхищаться, которого ты будешь уважать.
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Nicole, I just want Morgan… to have an older sister that she can look up to.
Николь, я просто хочу, чтобы у Морган была старшая сестра, на которую она бы могла равняться.
Being told who you ought to be looking up to.
Говорят на кого ты должен равняться.
And I’m not ashamed to admit it — I’m proud to have a baby brother to look up to.
Я горжусь тем, что могу равняться на младшего брата — без шуток.
Give him somebody to look up to.
Показал ему, на кого равняться.
Someone I could look up to… model myself after.
Того, на кого я мог бы равняться. На кого я мог походить.
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And when I was no longer human, I looked up to you.
я тобой восхищался.
You know I used to so look up to you, don’t you?
Знаешь, раньше я тобой восхищался.
And she looked up to him and worshiped him with a feeling she supposed was love.
И она восхищалась им и боготворила его, и думала, что её чувства к нему и есть любовь.
I looked up to you.
Я восхищался Вами.
People looked up to me.
Люди восхищались мной.
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Look up to me properly!
Посмотри на меня!
caught in a landslide no escape from reality open your eyes look up to the skies…
Меня настигла лавина реальности мне не спаситсь открой глаза посмотри на небо
— Look up to me.
Посмотри на меня.
She looked up to me.
Она посмотрела на меня..
Mary looks up to him and she goes, «Give us a kiss.»
Мэри посмотрела на него и сказала: Поцелуй нас.
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— People looking up to me.
— Люди смотрят на меня снизу вверх.
-These youngsters look up to me.
-Все эти салаги смотрят на меня снизу вверх.
Those who fawn and crawl in the face ofintimidation must perforce look up to those who stand, proudly, wrapped in ajustifiable self-confidence.
Те, кто льстят и пресмыкаются перед лицом шантажа и угроз, должны волей-неволей смотреть вверх на тех, кто стоит, гордо, укрытые законной уверенностью в себе.
I will still have to look up to you.
Мне все равно придется смотреть на вас снизу вверх.
I look up to see who’s holding the pillow.
И я смотрю вверх, чтобы увидеть того, у кого в руках— подушка.
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I looked up to him.
Он всегда был для меня примером.
I looked up to you, Mr Pritchard!
Вы были для меня примером, мистер Притчард!
Oh my God, he totally looks up to you.
— Правда? — Да. Он пример с тебя берет.
Well, young women look up to older women.
Ну, женщины помоложе берут пример с женщин постарше.
a funny thing happens when the man you look up to your whole life breaks his own rules and cries.
Интересная вещь: когда тот, кто всю жизнь был для тебя примером, плачет, несмотря на собственные заветы, он как бы разрешает плакать и тебе тоже.
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I have no doubt the boy looks up to you.
Не сомневаюсь, мальчик берет пример с тебя.
That young man looks up to you.
Этот молодой человек берет пример с тебя.
You should look up to him.
Бери с него пример.
Besides, these kids look up to me. I’m a role model to them.
К тому же они берут пример с меня, я для них большой авторитет.
All my life I’ve looked up to you, my beautiful artist sister.
Всю свою жизнь я брала пример с тебя, моей замечательной талантливой сестры.
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I’ve always looked up to my brother
Я всегда прислушивался к своему брату
— Bob looked up to him?
— Боб прислушивался к нему? — Еще как.
Doc, look, we’re all aware how much the men look up to you.
Док, послушай, мы все знаем сколько людей прислушиваются к вам.
He clearly loves you and looks up to you.
Он действительно любит тебя и прислушивается к тебе.
He looks up to you.
Он к тебе так прислушивается.
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The English phrasal verb LOOK UP TO has the following meaning:
1. Look up to = to respect and admire
(transitive) When you have a great deal of respect and admiration for someone. When you admire that person and try to base your decisions, choices, etc. off what that person may have done. You can use this person’s character and success as a guide in your own life. Normally a person looks up to someone who is older than them.
- Ryan looks up to his father.
- Many students look up to their teachers.
- She is an excellent role model that other women look up to.
- The players really look up to their coach.
Look up to – Summary Chart
look up to — относиться с почтением; уважать
look up to… — ориентироваться на…
to look up to smb. — смотреть почтительно на кого-л., уважать кого-л.
we all look up to you for guidance — мы все рассчитываем на ваше руководство
look up — взгляните наверх
look-up — преобразование; просматривать; просмотр
looked up — обнаруженный
looking up — улучшаться; ищущий; поиск
look smb up — позвонить или зайти в гости к кому-либо
look up with — улучшаться
look-up mode — режим обзора верхней полусферы
look bang-up — выглядеть замечательно
look smth up — искать (что-л. в справочнике)
look up table — таблица преобразования; таблица соответствия; справочная таблица
fault look-up — поиск неисправностей
look-up angle — угол обзора в верхней полусфере ПА; угол обзора
look-up chart — справочная таблица
look-up radar — РЛС верхнего обзора
look-up table — зависимость, представленная в табулированном виде; таблица перекодировки
look-up value — поле, по которому выполняется поиск; справочное значение; поле поиска
table look-up — поиск по справочной таблице; табличное преобразование; обращение к таблице
look-up tables — справочные таблицы
look-up engine — механизм поиска
to look bang-up — выглядеть замечательно
glossary look-up — поиск по глоссарию
look up and down — смерить взглядом; перерыть все; искать везде
look up operation — операция поиска
look-up operation — операция поиска просмотром
dictionary look-up — информ. поиск по словарю
look-up dictionary — просмотровый словарь; справочный словарь
ещё 20 примеров свернуть
Автоматический перевод
считаться с, смотреть почтительно на, уважать
Перевод по словам
look — взгляд, вид, взор, внешность, выглядеть, смотреть, посмотреть, поискать
up — вверх, вверху, по, вверх по, поднимать, подъем, успех, повышающийся
Things are looking up.
Положение улучшается.
She looked up in alarm.
Она тревожно посмотрела.
He looked up at the stars.
Он посмотрел /поднял взгляд/ на звёзды.
Look it up in the dictionary.
Посмотри (это) в словаре.
I’ll just look up the train times.
Я только гляну на расписание поездов.
He looked up at the lighted windows.
Он посмотрел вверх, на освещённые окна.
She looked back up the grassy slope.
Она вновь посмотрела вверх, на травянистый склон.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
He looked up towards the heavens.
He looked up at me with bright eyes.
Now the summer’s here things are looking up!
The little dog looked up and cocked its ears.
Look up the recipe for potato soup in the index.
He looked up at me through a miasma of cigarette smoke.
He stood before a stone altar and looked up at the thing.
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Perseverance is defined as the act of continuing to work hard or stay determined despite how difficult a situation may seem. It is an essential part of success and something that everyone should strive for in their lives.
Table Of Content:
- PERSON TO LOOK UP TO Synonyms: 13 Synonyms & Antonyms for …
- What is another word for «person to look up to»?
- admire — Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
- 100+ words for ‘someone you look up to’ — Reverse Dictionary
- Look up to someone Synonyms | Collins English Thesaurus
- Look Up To | Definition of Look Up To by Merriam-Webster
- What do you call a person you look up to? | EveryThingWhat.com
- What do you call someone who you look up to? – Mvorganizing.org
- What Does ‘Senpai’ Mean? | Merriam-Webster
- Look-up-to synonyms | Best 5 synonyms for look-up-to
1. PERSON TO LOOK UP TO Synonyms: 13 Synonyms & Antonyms for …
https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/person%20to%20look%20up%20tosynonyms for person to look up to · epitome · exemplar · ideal · model · nonpareil · paragon · perfection · role model …
2. What is another word for «person to look up to»?
Find 260 synonyms for «person to look up to» and other similar words that you can use instead from our thesaurus.
3. admire — Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/admireIf you hold someone in high esteem or look up to someone, you admire that person. If you ask four-year-olds who they most admire, they are likely to list …
4. 100+ words for ‘someone you look up to’ — Reverse Dictionary
https://reversedictionary.org/wordsfor/someone%20you%20look%20up%20toAccording to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for «someone you look up to» are: look, regard, eye, admire, and …
5. Look up to someone Synonyms | Collins English Thesaurus
https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english-thesaurus/look-up-to-someoneAnother word for look up to someone: respect, honour, admire, esteem, revere | Collins English Thesaurus.
6. Look Up To | Definition of Look Up To by Merriam-Webster
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/look%20up%20toLook up to definition is — to respect and admire (someone). How to use look up to in a sentence. … Get Word of the Day daily email!
7. What do you call a person you look up to? | EveryThingWhat.com
Jul 6, 2021 … admire. If you hold someone in high esteem orlook up to someone, you admire that person.The verb admire also means to look at with wonder …
8. What do you call someone who you look up to? – Mvorganizing.org
https://www.mvorganizing.org/what-do-you-call-someone-who-you-look-up-to/May 1, 2021 … Whom should be used to refer to the object of a verb or preposition. When in doubt, try this simple trick: If you can replace the word with “he” …
9. What Does ‘Senpai’ Mean? | Merriam-Webster
https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/senpai-is-realWords We’re Watching … defined there variously as «someone older than you,» «someone you look up to,» «mentor,» «senior,» an «older person who you adore.
10. Look-up-to synonyms | Best 5 synonyms for look-up-to
The best 5 synonyms for look-up-to, including: respect, admire, adulate, honor, look-down-on and more… Find another word for look-up-to at YourDictionary.
What is the importance of perseverance?
Perseverance is important because it allows us to stay focused, motivated, and resilient when faced with challenges. It allows us to view our goals as something achievable, thereby increasing our ability to accomplish them.
How can one become more persevering?
One way to become more persevering is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness involves being present in the moment and focusing on the feelings you have rather than worrying about future problems. Other methods include setting short-term goals, breaking large tasks into smaller ones, and recognizing your successes no matter how small or insignificant they may seem.
What does it mean to “persevere”?
To persevere means to keep going even when faced with struggle or difficulty. Perseverance is about showing resilience and never giving up; it requires dedication and hard work despite challenging conditions.
Perseverance is an essential aspect of any successful endeavor. It requires determination, discipline, motivation, and dedication in order to push through difficult times and achieve success. With enough commitment, anyone can learn to persevere and achieve their goals!
- as inadmire
- as inappreciate
- as inesteem
- as infavor
- as inhero-worship
- as inhonor
- as inidolize
- as inpanegyrize
- as inrespect
- as inrevere/reverence
- as invenerate
- adore
- applaud
- appreciate
- cherish
- commend
- credit
- extol
- hail
- honor
- idolize
- laud
- marvel at
- praise
- prize
- respect
- revere
- treasure
- worship
- approve
- esteem
- eulogize
- glorify
- value
- venerate
- be crazy about
- be crazy for
- be crazy over
- be mad about
- be nuts about
- be stuck on
- be sweet on
- be wild about
- delight in
- fall for
- get high on
- go for
- groove on
- hold in respect
- moon over
- pay homage to
- rate highly
- take pleasure in
- think highly of
- wonder at
- admire
- adore
- applaud
- cherish
- enjoy
- honor
- like
- love
- think highly of
- relish
- respect
- savor
- treasure
- value
- esteem
- prize
- extol
- praise
- rate highly
- hold dear
- revere
- value
- venerate
- admire
- appreciate
- cherish
- consider
- hero-worship
- honor
- idolize
- like
- love
- prize
- regard
- respect
- treasure
- worship
- be fond of
- regard highly
- think the world of
- accept
- advocate
- appreciate
- approve
- back
- champion
- choose
- encourage
- endorse
- pick
- praise
- support
- approbate
- commend
- countenance
- esteem
- eulogize
- fancy
- honor
- incline
- patronize
- prize
- sanction
- value
- be in favor of
- be on one’s side
- buck for
- cotton to
- flash on
- for
- go for
- hold with
- lean toward
- opt for
- regard highly
- root for
- single out
- take a liking to
- take a shine to
- take to
- think well of
- tilt toward
- adulate
- dote on
- esteem
- exalt
- glorify
- idolize
- lionize
- revere
- worship
- fall all over
- fawn on
- admire
- appreciate
- celebrate
- commemorate
- commend
- laud
- observe
- praise
- revere
- worship
- acclaim
- adore
- aggrandize
- compliment
- decorate
- dignify
- distinguish
- ennoble
- erect
- esteem
- exalt
- glorify
- hallow
- keep
- lionize
- magnify
- prize
- sanctify
- sublime
- value
- venerate
- be faithful
- be true
- give glad hand
- give key to city
- live up to
- roll out red carpet
- uprear
- admire
- adore
- revere
- venerate
- apotheosize
- canonize
- deify
- exalt
- glorify
- hero-worship
- love
- reverence
- bow down
- dote on
- put on a pedestal
- acclaim
- admire
- adore
- aggrandize
- appreciate
- be faithful
- be true
- celebrate
- commemorate
- commend
- compliment
- decorate
- dignify
- distinguish
- ennoble
- erect
- esteem
- eulogize
- exalt
- extol
- give glad hand
- give key to city
- glorify
- hail
- hallow
- keep
- laud
- lionize
- live up to
- magnify
- observe
- praise
- prize
- revere
- roll out red carpet
- sanctify
- sing someone’s praises
- sublime
- uprear
- value
- venerate
- worship
- adhere to
- appreciate
- comply with
- heed
- honor
- recognize
- regard
- revere
- uphold
- value
- adore
- attend
- esteem
- follow
- note
- notice
- reverence
- spare
- venerate
- abide by
- be awed by
- be kind to
- defer to
- have good opinion of
- have high opinion
- observe of
- pay attention
- set store by
- show consideration
- show courtesy
- take into account
- think highly of
- admire
- adore
- apotheosize
- appreciate
- be in awe of
- cherish
- defer to
- deify
- enjoy
- esteem
- exalt
- hold in awe
- honor
- love
- magnify
- pay homage
- prize
- put on pedestal
- regard
- respect
- think highly of
- treasure
- value
- venerate
- worship
- cherish
- esteem
- exalt
- hallow
- idolize
- admire
- adore
- apotheosize
- appreciate
- deify
- honor
- love
- regard
- respect
- reverence
- treasure
- value
- worship
- be in awe of
- hold in awe
- put on a pedestal
- think highly of
On this page you’ll find 464 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to look up to, such as: adore, applaud, appreciate, cherish, commend, and credit.
- abhor
- condemn
- denounce
- despise
- detest
- dislike
- disrespect
- hate
- ignore
- reproach
- scorn
- criticize
- decrease
- depreciate
- disparage
- disregard
- lose value
- neglect
- overlook
- belittle
- condemn
- denounce
- despise
- dishonor
- dislike
- disparage
- disrespect
- hate
- not care
- scorn
- underestimate
- underrate
- undervalue
- abuse
- deride
- insult
- mock
- ridicule
- censure
- criticize
- disagree
- disallow
- disapprove
- discourage
- dissuade
- neglect
- oppose
- protest
- refuse
- reject
- deny
- dislike
- disrespect
- hate
- disfavor
- hinder
- hurt
- thwart
- blame
- censure
- condemn
- criticize
- despise
- dishonor
- disregard
- forget
- hate
- ignore
- neglect
- overlook
- belittle
- castigate
- debase
- degrade
- denounce
- disgrace
- dislike
- disrespect
- humiliate
- insult
- lower
- mock
- shame
- betray
- reproach
- abhor
- condemn
- despise
- detest
- hate
- castigate
- criticize
- debase
- degrade
- humiliate
- lower
- disregard
- ignore
- neglect
- overlook
- hate
- condemn
- disobey
- disrespect
- scorn
- despise
- disregard
- denounce
- abhor
- condemn
- despise
- detest
- dishonor
- dislike
- disparage
- disregard
- disrespect
- hate
- scorn
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
How to use look up to in a sentence
There is another point of considerable importance which I shall look up to-night.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- adore
- applaud
- appreciate
- approve
- be crazy about
- be crazy for
- be crazy over
- be mad about
- be nuts about
- be stuck on
- be sweet on
- be wild about
- cherish
- commend
- credit
- delight in
- esteem
- eulogize
- extol
- fall for
- get high on
- glorify
- go for
- groove on
- hail
- hold in respect
- honor
- idolize
- laud
- look up to
- marvel at
- moon over
- pay homage to
- praise
- prize
- rate highly
- respect
- revere
- take pleasure in
- think highly of
- treasure
- value
- venerate
- wonder at
- worship
- adores
- applauds
- appreciates
- approves
- be sticks on
- cherishes
- commends
- credits
- delight in
- esteems
- eulogizes
- extols
- falls for
- gets high on
- glorifies
- goes for
- grooves on
- hails
- holds in respect
- honors
- idolizes
- is crazy about
- is crazy for
- is crazy over
- is mad about
- is nuts about
- is sweet on
- is wild about
- lauds
- looks up to
- marvels at
- moon over
- pays homage to
- praises
- prizes
- rate highly
- respects
- reveres
- takes pleasure in
- thinks highly of
- treasures
- values
- venerates
- wonders at
- worships
- admire
- adore
- applaud
- cherish
- enjoy
- esteem
- extol
- honor
- like
- look up to
- love
- praise
- prize
- rate highly
- relish
- respect
- savor
- think highly of
- treasure
- value
- acknowledges
- apprehends
- catches the drift
- comprehends
- digs
- fathoms
- grasps
- is aware of
- is cognizant of
- is conscious of
- knows
- perceives
- reads
- realizes
- recognizes
- savvies
- sees daylight
- sympathizes with
- takes account of
- understands
- accept
- advocate
- appreciate
- approbate
- approve
- back
- be in favor of
- be on one’s side
- buck for
- champion
- choose
- commend
- cotton to
- countenance
- encourage
- endorse
- esteem
- eulogize
- fancy
- flash on
- for
- go for
- hold with
- honor
- incline
- lean toward
- look up to
- opt for
- patronize
- pick
- praise
- prize
- regard highly
- root for
- sanction
- single out
- support
- take a liking to
- take a shine to
- take to
- think well of
- tilt toward
- value
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.