Word for someone good with money

When you receive a monetary gift, you can write a thank-you note to the person to show your gratitude and appreciation.

Money can be a great gift as you can choose how you spend it. A survey by Mint said that 61% of Americans want cash for Christmas.

Finding the right words to thank you for a cash gift can be challenging. The wording in your thank-you note will depend on why you received it, who gave it, and what you plan to do with it.

These thank you note for money templates, tips, and examples will help you craft a handwritten note or an email thank-you message.

For gift cards, please review the examples in the thank you for the gift card post.

Thank You for the Money Gift Templates

To help you determine what to say, let’s consider three scenarios for when money is received as a gift:

  • You spend it
  • You save it
  • You don’t want to say what you did with it

Thank You for the Money Template 1: When Spending The Money Template

Mention what you spent the money on, even if it is something boring, like a tank of gas. The goal is to let the giver know how their money impacted your life.


Dear Jane,

Thank you for attending our wedding and for the generous gift. We used it to help buy a new couch. We will enjoy it for many years to come.

Thanks again,

Heidi + Ted

Thank You for the Money Template 2: When You Are Saving The Money

Indicate what you are saving the money for.  This will let the giver know how their gift is helping you reach a long-term goal.


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones,

Thank you for the graduation gift. I plan to save money for future college-related expenses. I also enjoyed visiting with you at my graduation party.

Best Regards,


Thank You for the Money Template 3: When Don’t Want To Say What You Did With the Money

Sometimes, sharing what you did or plan to do with the money might feel awkward.

An example is receiving money as a wedding gift, but you plan to use the money to cover loans taken to pay for the wedding. Thank them for the gift, but leave out what you did with it.


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones,

Thank you for coming to our wedding and for the gift! We were glad you could make it and look forward to seeing you soon.


Heidi + Ted

How to Write a Thank You Note for Money Tips:

Here are my tips for saying thank you for the money in a thank you note card.

  • Include at least two sentences. Only saying “Thanks for the money!” will leave the giver wondering what you did with the money. 
  • Compliments are good. Use words like thoughtful, generous, and kind.
  • Be honest. Don’t say, “I am saving the money for college,” if that isn’t true.
  • Is it legible? When handwriting a note, be sure that it’s readable. Take your time and write slower, if needed.
  • Add the occasion. If the money was for an event such as a birthday, anniversary, graduation, Christmas, or wedding, put the event before the word gift or money. For example, write birthday money instead of only money. And check out the wedding money gifts,  graduation money, and baby shower thank you guides for specific examples.
  • Check your grammar. A tool like Grammarly can help you check your grammar for free.  
  • Handwritten thank-you notes are a blessing to people that treasure handwritten cards. Boxed thank-you cards are usually the least expensive per card, or you could get a unique design on a site like Redbubble. For an example, look at one of my cat sunset cards.
  • Don’t state the amount. The giver will know how much they gave to you.
  • When don’t want to say money. Instead of saying “money,” it is okay to say “gift.”
  • Include others in your sign-off. If the money was intended for you and your spouse (or partner), you can sign their name for them.

Note: These message examples are for the center section of your thank you note. Review the how-to-write a thank-you note guide to see the complete layout of a thank-you note.

The appreciation messages below will help you to say thank you for the money gift. The gift of money can be a true blessing! Your note can be simple and written with just a few sentences.

Tip: If you receive the money as a gift in a fun way, you can also mention the creativity in your thank you note.

#1 I appreciate the check you mailed. The timing was perfect, as I could pay the total gas bill. Your money will keep my heat on. God bless!

#2 Thank you for the birthday money. I had fun spending it on Amazon. I ordered a new cookbook and a few other books on my want list, including [book name]. I am looking forward to the hours of enjoyable reading.

#3 I was very surprised to receive your card and gift in the mail today. I used it to splurge on dinner at my favorite sushi restaurant. I felt happy to be able to sit at the sushi bar and be able to order anything I wanted. Thank you very much for the generous money gift!

#4 Thank you for the money gift. I spent it all at [store name]. It’s my favorite place to shop. I picked out some new wool socks to keep me warm this winter.

#5 Thank you for the graduation gift. I plan to save money for future college-related expenses. I also enjoyed visiting with you at my graduation party.

Related: Thank you notes for graduation gifts: Money, tips, and examples

#6 The money you sent for my graduation is appreciated. I will use it immediately towards a used car, so my parents no longer need to drive me to work. Also, thank you for coming to the party!

#7 Thank you for the money! I am saving for [item name], and your gift got me closer to the goal. It will be put to good use. I appreciate your generosity.

#8 I have received the check that you mailed. Thank you for your gift towards my mission trip. I will share all the details with you upon my return from [mission trip location]. Your support has helped make it possible for me to be able to go.

#9 Thank you for sending us the wedding anniversary money. We used it for a wonderful dinner at [Restaurant Name] and to cover the cost of the baby sister. A night out was just want we needed.

#10 We appreciate the money you sent us. That was a lovely surprise when we opened your card. We are adding it to our envelope for replacement windows.

#11 I want you to know how much gratitude I feel towards you. When I think of you, I smile. You’ve been so generous with your monetary gifts to me. I will add it towards my savings goal or for a special dinner treat with my husband. I am still deciding and will let you know when I see you next.

#12 I was very surprised to receive your gift in the mail and appreciate your thoughtfulness. The card was cute too. I will pay this forward someday!

#13 I enjoyed seeing you at my [birthday party/wedding/baby shower]. You are a wonderful friend. Thank you for your gift!

#14 What a blessing to have you in my life. Thank you for the check! I am unsure how it will be spent yet, but I appreciate it.

#15 Thank you for the [wedding/birthday/surprise] gift. You are a treasure, and I am grateful for you [or both of you when thanking a couple].

#16 Thank you so much for the money gift. I appreciate you thinking of me on my birthday. I will have fun spending it on new cat shirts!

#17 Thank you for the thoughtful gift. Your kind gesture was very generous. I will be putting the money towards items for my new apartment.

#18 Thank you for the money! It’s already been helpful, and we appreciate your generosity. Thank you for celebrating our wedding with us!

Thank You For The Birthday Money Examples

Here are a few examples of how to thank someone for birthday money. If you received another gift along with the money, be sure to say thank you for the birthday gift too.

#1 Thank you for the birthday money! It was so kind of you to think of me. I was very surprised by the card in the mail. I will be using the money gift towards a fabulous dinner out.

#2 Thank you for the money for my birthday. I was excited that you came to my party too. I loved catching up with you. You are a great friend. For now, I will be saving the money for a rainy day.

#3 Thanks for the money for my birthday. Also, I’m glad you were there to help me celebrate my big day! Turning [say your age] was exciting. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

#4 You are the best mom ever! Thank you for the birthday money. I will be using it for a message next week. I also enjoyed our phone call on my birthday. Hearing your voice was a blessing.

#5 Thank you for the surprise birthday gift! You are very generous, and the money will be put to good use.

Related: Thank You for the Birthday Wishes and Thank You for Coming to My Birthday Party Example Messages

Thank You Note for Money Received from Boss Messages

To thank your boss for money, you can write a thank you email (or handwrite a note if that could be handed to them).

The thank you examples below are for when your boss gave you money, and you don’t want to share what you did with the money (You should probably share if the money was for a baby gift).

These appreciation messages to your boss for giving you money is for when the money was NOT your raise. For a raise, please read through the thank your boss for a raise, thank you examples.

The examples below are more generic than I usually recommend. However, the shorter quotes are perfect for when you want to avoid telling your boss what you did with the money.

#1 Thank you for the money. I appreciate the thoughtful gift and will do something fun with it!

#2 I appreciate you for remembering my work anniversary. The money in the card was a pleasant surprise. Thank you so much.

#3 You’re a wonderful boss! Thank you for the cash for my birthday. That was a pleasant surprise.

#4 Thank you for the money recognizing my contribution to the team. I will be spending it or saving it soon! I haven’t decided yet.

#5 What a great week we had with the tremendous increase in sales! I am grateful for the bonus money I received. Thank you for making sure our team got a portion of the profits.

How To Say Thank You For A Large Sum of Money

When someone gives you a large about of money, knowing what to say may feel like more of a challenge. However, the etiquette is the same. You can write a handwritten thank you to express your gratitude and share why you are thankful.

Expressing your gratitude may feel more challenging when you’ve received a large amount of money. What kind of thank you is enough for a big amount? Will your words ever be enough? I don’t recommend saying, “I can’t thank you enough!”

You may feel like you didn’t deserve the gift. You can read this post and this one to help you graciously accept the money.  Try to accept the gift without feeling guilty.

A large sum of money will mean different amounts to different people. For example, it could be $100 or $50,000 or more.  And remember that sometimes smaller amounts given to you regularly, such as for help paying bills, can add up to a significant total over time.

cash flowing out of a gift box

You could also pick out a card design that the giver will like. While a thank-you note should be enough to express gratitude, others may want to do more. Here is a list of thank-you gift ideas.

Tip 1: Explain why/how the money helped you. Be specific. Now is not the time to be generic!

Tip 2: Include as much in your note as in your heart. This could make for a longer letter than a typical three or four-word thank-you note.

Remember: This set of examples are for when the money was a gift and no repayment is expected.

Thank You for the Money for the Mortgage Down Payment Note Examples

#1 Thank you for the contribution to my mortgage down payment. Your generosity has changed my life. Because of your help, I was able to get a mortgage for 15 years instead of the typical 30. I appreciate your kindness. Thank you for sharing your money with me.

#2 We closed on the house last Friday! We thank you for your very generous gift to help with the down payment. We were able to become homeowners many years sooner than planned and are excited to start this new chapter of our lives. Thank you again for your benevolence. We would like to have you over for dinner as soon as we settle in.

#3 Thank you for giving us more money for the down payment on our house. We would not have been able to close without your extra amount. We appreciate how generous you have been in helping out our family.

Thank You for Large Gift of Money Message Examples

For large amounts of money, I encourage you to share how you benefited from the money.

#1 I am grateful for the large amount of money you gave me! As you know, it will be used for remodeling my bathroom. I will have you over for a visit once it’s complete. You are the best parents ever! Having an updated bathroom will help me feel more confident about having visitors. And since I use the bathroom every day, I will enjoy the improvements every day!

#2 I am very grateful for your help getting a used car. Since I don’t have a credit score, I wasn’t able to qualify for a loan. And much to my dismay, my old car gave out before I had enough saved for a replacement vehicle. Your altruism is beyond anything I have ever experienced. I can drive to work safely in the used [make or model of the car].

#3 Thank you for helping me with bills during the past year. I’ve struggled to get on top of things and seem to have a problem with self-sabotage. You’ll be happy to know that I have a new money accountability partner. I am making every effort to change my money habits. You’ve been very gracious to me and your resources. It’s time for me to learn to be independent. Thank you for all of your kindness and patience. I am grateful that, due to your help, I was able to stay in my apartment during my season of money troubles.

#4 I was surprised you decided to share your inheritance from Aunt Sue’s estate with me. I loved her as if she was my Aunt but did not expect anything when she passed. You are a very kind and charitable person. I don’t know what I will do with the money yet, but I am very grateful to have received it. My heart is full.

Thank You Messages For A Loan

Tip 1: I assume you needed the loan for a specific reason. You can mention the reason in your note. For example, thank you for loaning me money for [enter reason].

Tip 2: You can thank them when you get the loan and again when it is paid in full. One note is fine if the loan is short-term (less than two weeks).

I borrowed money from a coworker once and paid her back the next day with a thank you!

#1 Thank you for lending my cash yesterday for lunch. I was shocked when I got to work and realized I had left my wallet at home. I am grateful you helped me, so I didn’t have to skip lunch. Thanks Again!

#2 I am very grateful to you for helping me with a loan to cover the cost of my car repairs. As we discussed, I will give you [agreed upon amount] every two weeks until it’s paid off. And then, once it’s paid off, I will put the same amount in an envelope every two weeks to build up savings for the next time my car has an issue. Thank you for trusting me.

#3 Thank you for the loan to help me purchase a used car. Since I don’t have a credit score, I couldn’t qualify for a loan for even a tiny amount. I promise to stick to the payment plan that we came up with. And it’s very nice of you not to charge me interest!

#4 I appreciate your kindness and letting me borrow money during this difficult time. Not being able to pay my bills on time is very stressful. However, I am looking forward to my new job that starts next week, which will help me be in a better financial position.

#5 Thank you for letting me borrow money for rent last month! I had so many unexpected expenses happen at the same time. Your kindness helped me save face with the landlord. I sold some items on eBay for more than expected and will repay you the total amount soon.

Related Posts:

  • Thank You For the Donation Note Examples
  • Thank You Note to the Boss for Gift Examples

Heidi Bender

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

хорошо с деньгами

умеют обращаться с деньгами

везет с деньгами

обращаюсь с деньгами

ладите с деньгами

Dad wasn’t very good with money.

And we are all good with money.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, everyone is familiar with the tired cliches: women are bad drivers and are not good with money; only guys play video games and they give bad directions.

Каждому знакомы давно надоевшие всем клише: женщины — плохие водители, они не умеют обращаться с деньгами, не способны ориентироваться на местности, и только парниуспешно осваивают видеоигры.

Why is it that I am so good with money?

Snakes are good with money.

I think one of the reasons most of us are not as good with money as we could be is sheer lack of knowledge.

Я думаю, что одна из причин, почему большинство из нас не так хорошо с деньгами, как мы могли бы это полное отсутствие знаний.

Well, Dr. Neff isn’t exactly good with money.

It’s not as good with money, as it is bad without it.

For more about Anna, check out her new book Good With Money: A Guide to Prioritizing Spending, Maximizing Savings and Traveling More and follow her adventures on Instagram, Twitter and on her blog,.

Чтобы узнать больше об Анне, ознакомьтесь с ее новой книгой «Хорошо с деньгами: руководство по расстановке приоритетов, максимизации сбережений и путешествиям» и следите за ее приключениями в Instagram, Twitter и в ее блоге.

I never was good with money, man.

Find out how we have been doing good with money ever since.

But, both he and I are good with money.

It isn’t so good with money as bad without it.

Erica has always been good with money.

They’ve obviously have family values, and this one’s good with money.

You were always good with money, I thought maybe you could help me out.

У тебя всегда водились деньги, я подумала, что ты сможешь помочь.

You’re not good with money.

He sure is good with money all right.

I bet you’re real good with money.

You know I’ve never been good with money either.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 68. Точных совпадений: 68. Затраченное время: 170 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • #1

im looking for a word to describe someone who thinks money is the most important thing in the world. They always talk about their money and think everyone else cares. kind of like money-minded, but in a bad way. Or maybe a word for someone who is so bland, money basically is their personality. Like that’s all they talk about so they have no substance other than rich.

Hermione Golightly

  • #3

Owlman has given you some excellent suggestions. Of the three, I’d comment that ‘materialistic’ is more likely to be understood, although ‘mercenary’ is the best. Most people think of mercenary in connection with soldiers who fight for money, so you might have to explain what you mean.

(‘Venal’ means ‘corrupt’ to me, in this context.)


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Some people often ask these questions: what are words related to money? what is another slang word for money? what do you call someone who is too careful with money? what are some positive words to describe money? In fact, this post will shed light on nouns, verbs, adjectives, and some slang words associated with money.

Money is a pretty important aspect of our lives, that is why there are plenty of different words and phrases to talk about money. For example:

  • cash
  • check
  • fund
  • pay
  • property
  • salary
  • wage
  • wealth
  • banknote
  • bread
  • coin
  • hard cash

Most people work hard to get money. We need money to buy clothes, food, etc. We can use a credit card, check or cash to buy things. Therefore, how do I talk about money in English? How can u describe money? Below is a chart that will help you boost your money vocabulary words. Also, money words example sentences will be listed to clarify the meaning of every word.

Words Related to Money and Finance

Money Words: Synonyms For Money With Example Sentences

Synonyms For Money Money Example Sentences
cash Sabina went to the ATM to get some cash.
funds Last month, our family’s funds were a little low.
bill In the United States, the $5 bill has a picture of Abraham Lincoln.
capital The starting capital of the new firm was around 100.000 $
check Bankers claim that new forms of check fraud raised lately.
salary Pete is on a salary of $ 20.000
banknote They illegally forged banknotes.
currency Carl doesn’t like coins, he prefers to carry only paper currency.
bread father will buy that bike for his kids when he gets some bread.
silver Anna needs $ 1 in silver for the parking meter.
change I didn’t have any change for the phone.
property Property prices in downtown have enormously dropped.
pay Bill’s job is hard work, that is why he gets a pay raise.
wealth Mr. Richardson’s wealth is estimated at around $ 250 million
wage The company pays wages on Saturdays.
chips He needed some chips for the parking meter.
payment He prefers cash as a method of payment.
dough Brother spent a lot of dough on his new tablet.
finances Finance for health comes from taxpayers.
bankroll The family’s bankroll right now is a total of $ 5.000
bucks The stereo costs $ 10 bucks.
coin The young man moved to the big city seeking work that pays a lot of coins.
gravy The ten percent profit is gravy for our business.
coinage They collect gold and silver coinage.
gold Gold does never buy happiness.
loot Thieves have stolen a big amount of loot.
greenbacks She needs 5 greenbacks to buy the notebook.
pesos The poor couple had only a few pesos to buy food for the children.
resources Bianca doesn’t have enough resources to buy a used car.
riches Her father was pretty lucky to have a business that has brought him great riches.
treasure They discovered treasures buried in the old backyard.
wherewithal Antony has the wherewithal to pay cash for the new house.
hard cash Do you have any hard cash?
wad She gave them a thick wad of $ 20 notes.
legal tender This type of coin is no longer considered legal tender.
long green Where did Janet get the long green to afford a car like that?
exchange That bank offers the best exchange rate.
Money Vocab Words

What Is Another Slang Word for Money? 100 Slang Words For Money

Actually, money is a major thing that most people cannot do without or live without. Money has a vast and rich bank of terms and vocabulary items. thus, What is another slang word for money? This is an interesting chart that compiles 100+ slang terms for money.

Tender Resources Gold Frogskin Rack Folding stuff
Sawbucks Bacon Franklins Salad Gouda C note
Cheddar Hamilton Scratch Figgas Cheese Pesos
Skrilla Nickel Chips Moola Riches Bucks
Loot Bread Large Bank Five spot Lucci
Ten spot G “grand” K Lucre Nuggets Brass (UK)
Fins Tamales Cha-ching Quid Gelt Jackson
Simoleon Long green Paper Funds Lettuce Fiver
Tenners Cabbage Gwop Ones Bills Chalupa
Wonga Stash Chump change Dollar dollar bill y’all Smackers Dough
Boodle Dosh M Clams MM (or MN) Stacks
Yard Treasure Bankroll Spondulix Greenbacks Bones
Ducketts Cream Wampum Cake Wad Dime
Green Guap Buckaroos Yaper Coin Mil
Knots cash money Grand Dubs Doubloons Celery
Hundies Chump change Blue cheddar Bones Grant Grease
Bean Dead presidents Plunder Capital Bookoo bucks Fetti
Mega bucks Scrilla Ducats Five-spot Benjamins Benji
Green Big ones Payola Dinero Gwala Commas
100 Slang Words for Money

What do you call someone who is too careful with money?

There are many words in English for someone who is very careful with money and doesn’t like to spend it. For instance, we can use such terms as a miser, cheapskate, scrooge, etc. However, all of these words are used in a derogative way, and none can be guaranteed not to offend or bother others. These are words you can use in a negative and insulting way to describe someone who doesn’t like to spend money.

  1. mean
  2. miser
  3. stingy
  4. sparing
  5. pinchpenny
  6. scrooge
  7. cheap
  8. stinting
  9. parsimonious
  10. penny-pinching
  11. tight
  12. Ungenerous
  13. tightfisted
  14. uncharitable
  15. ungenerous
  16. penny-pincher
  17. skinflint
  18. Piker
  1. Avaricious
  2. curmudgeon
  3. tightwad
  4. Penurious
  5. cheapskate
  6. chintzy
  7. close
  8. tightfisted
  9. Cheese-paring
  10. closefisted
  11. mingy
  12. miserly
  13. niggard
  14. penurious
  15. pinching
  16. spare
  17. niggardly

On the other hand, if we want to say nicely that someone doesn’t waste money, in this case, adjectives will work better. These are words to use to nicely describe a person who doesn’t like to spend money.

  1. frugal
  2. penny-wise
  3. thrifty
  4. economical
  5. economizing
  6. provident
  7. scrimping
  8. sparing

Word Search Money Vocabulary

Do you like word search games? Have fun finding Money Vocabulary with this word search. Enjoy solving it with your kids or students.

Money Words Search Game

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