Word for solving crimes

arrest — a criminal, interview — a witness, look for — clues, search — the area, solve — a crime, take — fingerprints,

Таблица лидеров

Эта таблица лидеров в настоящее время является частной. Нажмите Поделиться, чтобы сделать ее общедоступной.
Эта таблица лидеров была отключена владельцем ресурса.
Эта таблица лидеров отключена, так как у вас и у владельца ресурса разные значения параметров.

Сопоставить — это открытый шаблон. Он не создает баллы для таблицы лидеров.

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Terms in this set (26)






harc, harcolni

combat crime

harcol/küzd a bűnözés ellen

crime rate

bűnözési arány

crime wave

bűnözési hullám

violent crime

erőszakos bűncselekmény

(crime) prevetnion

(bűncslekmény) megelőzése

cut crime

csökkenti a bűnözést

commit a crime

bűncselekményt elkövetni

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Dying for a selfie

Most of us have taken a selfie at one time or another, be it a photo of ourselves in a beautiful place, during a performance by our favourite band, or on a memorable night out with friends. Even monarchs, prime ministers and presidents have been seen in the news grinning inanely at the screen of a smartphone. 1…………. In several cases, this action has had disastrous consequences.

Take, for example, the Spaniard who was killed by a bull while he was taking a selfie during the annual bull run in a village near his hometown. 2…………. Incidents such as these have led to the death toll from selfie-related incidents reaching double figures for the first time in 2015, overtaking the number of victims of shark attacks. Most of the cases involve people taking selfies while posing with animals, or falling from high places.

Despite the risks, social media is full of pictures, featuring near misses that could have been fatal under other circumstances. Under the caption ‘Most dangerous selfie ever’, a woman posing at a stadium can be seen narrowly avoiding being hit in the head by a baseball approaching her. 3…………. What is even more worrying, however, is that the woman herself dares others to better the shot, seemingly overlooking the fact that by doing so, she is endangering the lives of her ‘friends’ as well.

In response to the increasing threat posed by the selfie, the authorities have started to take action. National parks, such as the Waterton Canyon in Denver, Colorado, have closed their gates to visitors who have been getting too close to the bears to get them in the photo. 4…………. But if instructions like these are really necessary, then perhaps it is about time we asked ourselves which is more important, a ‘like’ or a life?

A   Or the Singaporean tourist who died when he fell from cliffs on the coast of Bali.

B   The alternative to taking unnecessary risks is to use Photoshop to create outrageous pictures.

C   The Russian Interior Ministry has launched a public education campaign advising selfie-takers against balancing on dangerous surfaces or posing with their pets, among other things.

D   But today, more and more people are putting their lives at risk in an attempt to get the most shocking picture to share on social media.

E   Yet the photo has received thousands of ‘likes’, and the comments below it suggest that this behaviour is something to be admired.

solve crimes

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

раскрытии преступлений

раскрывать преступления

раскрытия преступлений

раскрытие преступлений

расследовать преступления

раскрытию преступлений

раскрытием преступлений

расследовании преступлений

борется с преступностью

решения преступлений

раскрываемости преступлений

расследования преступлений

The fingerprinting science is an exact science, without error, which can be key solution in solving crimes.

Дактилоскопия является строгой наукой, без ошибок, она может играть ключевую роль в раскрытии преступлений.

I like to think that it could be the key to solving crimes.

Well, you’re good at solving crimes.

With me and Amita leaving, they should get used to solving crimes by themselves again.

Special police units are dedicated to preventing and solving crimes against children.

Созданы спецподразделения полиции, занимающиеся вопросами предотвращения и раскрытия преступлений, направленных против детей.

Why would it not serve in solving crimes?

He spends his sun-drenched days solving crimes — and moonlit nights committing them.

Он проводит свои залитые солнцем дни, раскрывая преступления, а длинные лунные ночи — совершая их.

I could be most useful solving crimes.

They’re solving crimes, not enabling them.

And goes around solving crimes and mysteries, yes.

But his involvement in solving crimes is not strictly limited to this…

So, here is a brief description of the basic classes and types of forensic examinations that are used in investigating and solving crimes.

Итак, мы дали краткую характеристику основных классов, видов судебных экспертиз, используемых при расследовании и раскрытии преступлений.

The team must work together, solving crimes while keeping their own private desires and demons under control.

Команда должна работать вместе, эффективно раскрывая преступления, при этом держа собственные желания и страсти под контролем.

Compare your scores to those of your friends and find out who’s the fastest solving crimes.

Сравните свои результаты с результатами ваших друзей и выясняйте, кто самый быстрый в раскрытии преступлений.

These data, scientists believe, will help law enforcement agencies in solving crimes.

Storing biometric data in electronic media would also play an important role in solving crimes.

Также хранение биометрических данных на электронном носителе может, например, сыграть важную роль в процессе раскрытия преступлений.

Theses on the replacement of a person by a machine in the process of «solving crimes» are critically analyzed.

Критически разбираются тезисы о замене человека машиной в процессе «раскрытия преступлений».

The purpose of the event was to assist in strengthening cooperation of analytical units in solving crimes related to drug trafficking.

Целью мероприятия явилось оказание содействия в укрепление сотрудничества аналитических подразделений в раскрытии преступлений, связанных с незаконным оборотом наркотиков.

Even if he does this by stepping over himself, but he has to turn to other specialists who can help in solving crimes.

Пусть даже делает это перешагивая через себя, но приходится обращаться к другим специалистам, способным помочь в раскрытии преступлений.

They invented a special method of solving crimes, and called it «holistic».

No results found for this meaning.

Results: 137. Exact: 137. Elapsed time: 91 ms.


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  • #1

What would you say is the best expression for ‘solve crimes’, for example: the police claim that having video camera surveillance in the city helps them solve crimes. Maybe: La Police prétend que la vidéosurveillance leur permet de résoudre des infractions? Or maybe I could use some kind of more round about what of saying it, like leur permet de combattre la criminalité, or, la délinquance ? I’m thinking of the fact that you need to avoid using ‘un crime’ as a translation of ‘crime’ in English in all cases as in French un crime is only the most serious crimes (I’m not sure if criminalité is similar and only refers to very serious crimes, but I think it’s a bit broader).

  • #5

Thanks for the suggestions :)

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