На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
немного изменил
слегка изменили
слегка изменился
немного изменился
немного изменен
немного изменены
слегка изменил
немного изменилась
немного изменена
слегка изменен
несколько изменил
немного изменилось
слегка изменено
несколько изменена
немного изменились
Carlos slightly changed his style but stayed with Latin pop.
Карлос немного изменил свой стиль, но продолжил исполнять латинскую поп-музыку.
The side mirrors slightly changed their shape, which made it possible to increase the aerodynamic properties.
Боковые зеркала слегка изменили свою форму, что позволило повысить аэродинамические свойства.
The Germans have slightly changed the design of the hatchback and convertible, finalized their interior and expanded the list of available equipment for cars.
Немцы слегка изменили дизайн хэтчбека и кабриолета, доработали их интерьер и расширили список доступного для машин оснащения.
Dairy product prices for 2013 were only slightly changed from January forecasts.
Прогноз цен на молочные продукты на 2013 год лишь слегка изменился по сравнению с прогнозами января.
But soon it turns out that the world where the astronauts returned to, slightly changed.
Но вскоре выясняется, что мир, куда вернулись астронавты, слегка изменился.
Because the syntax has slightly changed since the previous article.
Потому что со времени выхода последней статьи слегка изменился синтаксис.
Compared with its predecessor — the «third» Audi A8 — the updated sedan slightly changed in size.
По сравнению со своим предшественником — «третьим» Ауди А8 — обновленный седан слегка изменился в габаритах.
But back to the topic: the developers of WhatsApp have slightly changed the privacy settings, adding them.
Но вернемся к теме: разработчики WhatsApp слегка изменили настройки конфиденциальности, дополнив их.
Nowadays the superstition has slightly changed.
They have slightly changed the entire pricing structure.
They live according to strictly established rules, which have only slightly changed.
Они живут по строго установленным правилам, которые всего лишь немного изменились.
Also slightly changed the list of documents for a visa — be careful.
Также немного изменился и список документов на визу — будьте внимательны.
I would like to stress that we have slightly changed our approach to publishing forecast scenarios.
Обращу ваше внимание, что мы несколько изменили подход к публикации прогнозных сценариев.
I have passed some insignificant remarks and details and have slightly changed names of my interlocutors.
Я опустил некоторые незначительные реплики и подробности и слегка изменил имена моих собеседников.
Today employers have slightly changed the tactics of selecting candidates for financial positions.
Однако сегодня работодатели немного изменили тактику отбора кандидатов на финансовые должности.
Although all the items have retained their location, some colors have been slightly changed.
Хоть все предметы сохранили свое месторасположение, некоторые цвета были немного изменены.
With an increase of 0.27-0.32%, the amount slightly changed.
Some time later, this action slightly changed: a colorful parade was opened to it, opened by a richly decorated boat.
Некоторое время спустя это действо слегка видоизменилось: к нему добавился красочный парад, открываемый богато украшенной лодкой.
Each element is fixed on the wire; their position can be slightly changed.
Каждый элемент закреплен на проводе; их положение может быть слегка изменено.
The number of training hours in subjects for all types of courses before the start of recruitment can be slightly changed.
Количество учебных часов по предметам по всем видам курсов до начала набора может быть незначительно изменено.
Предложения, которые содержат slightly changed
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Корпоративные решения
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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
The price of the British pound slightly changed due to the lack of important events.
During this time was slightly changed the appearance of the synagogues,
there were some wooden outbuildings, the interior was almost completely destroyed.
появилось несколько деревянных пристроек, интерьер был почти полностью уничтожен.
According to the Concept paper, the institutional mechanism for the implementation of the
В соответствии с Концепцией институциональный механизм
реализации будущей Антикоррупционной стратегии будет немного изменен.
However, after Crimea’s de facto secession and annexation to Russia,
Astana and Bishkek slightly changed their positions, issuing statements cautiously expressing»understanding»
and»recognition» of the fait accompli.
Однако, после отделения de facto Крыма и его аннексия Россией,
Астана и Бишкек слегка изменили свои позиции, сделав заявления,
осторожно выражающие« понимание» и« признание» свершившегося факта.
The price of the futures on the German stock index DAX30 slightly changed and continues to move in the range 10500-10800.
Цена фьючерса на немецкий фондовый индекс DAX30 незначительно изменилась и продолжает движение в рамках диапазона 10500- 10800.
In a general case, this sequence can be slightly changed(extended)- you can create a group of the corresponding
messages for each type of pending orders.
В общем случае этот порядок может быть несколько изменен( дополнен)- возможно создание группы соответствующих сообщений
для каждого из типов отложенных ордеров.
The price of the futures on the German stock index DAX30 slightly changed after yesterday’s strong growth.
The choreography for»Cheer Up» was slightly changed after Sana’s»shy shy shy» line(pronounced»sha sha sha»)
became a viral meme.
Хореография к« Cheer Up» была немного изменена после строчки Саны(« Shy Shy Shy»),
которая из-за произношения, звучавшего как« ша- ша- ша», стала популярным мемом в сети.
I slightly changed the story for them, to make it more enjoyable and it was fun for all of us.
Indicator panel in EMUI 5 slightly changed design of icons and the main innovation is present,
which I do not like.
Панель индикаторов в EMUI 5 немного изменила дизайн иконок и присутствует главное нововведение, которое мне не очень нравится.
for Korean in South Korea from 1984 to 2000, and yet a different modification is still the official system in North Korea.
в Южной Корее с 1984 по 2000, в КНДР же она является основной до сих пор.
Shimura mainly found her characters’ names by looking through name dictionaries,
although she also took the names of acquaintances and slightly changed them, and even used train station names
for side characters appearing only once.
Симура подбирала имена для своих персонажей просматривая словари имен, слегка изменяя имена знакомых ей людей, используя названия железнодорожных станций.
The words of that song belonged to my father, I slightly changed the words and then we performed it.
Слова той песни принадлежали моему отцу, я слегка изменил их, а затем мы ее исполнили.
Between 70 on the first floor also slightly changed the exposure, beautiful Ferrari Dino has
been replaced several Mustangs- again, my enthusiasm somewhat chilling, because an American is also not my target.
Между 70 на первом этаже также немного изменили экспозицию, красивый Ferrari Dino был заменен несколько Мустангов-
опять же, мой энтузиазм несколько охлаждения, потому американский тоже не моя цель.
Under the law as it stands, there are doubts as to punishability if symbols of prohibited
National Socialist organizations are used in slightly changed form.
При использовании действующих положений закона возникают сомнения относительно того, является ли наказуемым использование символики запрещенных национал-
And now- after numerous restorations- the
visitor can see the Governor’s Palace as it was, it only slightly changed its functions.
И теперь- после многочисленных реставраций-
перед посетителем предстает почти такой же Губернаторский Дворец, слегка изменивший свои функции.
The Working Party
had agreed to the text of Annex I without
and slightly changed the wording in Annex 2.
Рабочая группа решила
принять текст приложения I без изменений и слегка изменить формулировки в приложении II.
At the same time, the Albanian Penal Code,
adopted in June 1977 under the communist regime and slightly changed in May 1990,
is still strongly authoritarian in character.
В то же время, албанский Уголовный кодекс,
принятый в июне 1977 года при коммунистическом режиме и лишь слегка измененный в мае 1990 года,
по-прежнему несет на себе явный отпечаток авторитаризма.
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APA | Classic Thesaurus. (1970). Synonyms for Slightly changed. Retrieved April 14, 2023, from https://www.classicthesaurus.com/slightly_changed/synonyms |
Chicago | Classic Thesaurus. 1970. «Synonyms for Slightly changed» https://www.classicthesaurus.com/slightly_changed/synonyms (accessed April 14, 2023). |
Harvard | Classic Thesaurus 1970, Synonyms for Slightly changed, Classic Thesaurus, viewed 14 April, 2023, <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/slightly_changed/synonyms>. |
MLA | Classic Thesaurus. «Synonyms for Slightly changed» 1 January 1970. Web. 14 April 2023. <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/slightly_changed/synonyms> |
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starting with S and ending with E
Crossword answers for SLIGHT CHANGE
Synonyms for VARIATION
3 letter words
4 letter words
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Translation for «slightly changed» to russian
Slightly changed
немного изменился
немного изменен
- Examples
- Similar phrases
Similar context phrases
changed slightly
changes slightly
slightly altered
somewhat changed
little changed
Translation examples
немного изменился
немного изменился
So I thought I’d teach at my old school, which has «slightly» changed.
Поэтому я прошла стажировку в своей старой школе, которая немного изменилась.
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You will often need to describe change in IELTS both in writing and speaking. Very frequently you are asked to discuss
- what has changed from the past
- what changes you think will occur in the future
- what change you think should be made
To do this well, you need a variety of ways to discuss change and his lesson helps you out with some words and phrases to do just this. You will also find plenty of exercises to practise your skills in using change words and phrases.
What you’ll find in this lesson
Key words for change from the Academic Word List
The Academic Word List contains some of the most common words in English. These are exactly the sort of words you need for IELTS. These exercises are not intended to show you the meaning of the words, rather how they’re used. The idea is to focus on the word forms and families. One of the most efficient ways to learn language is to learn 3/4 words at a time and not just one. What do I mean? Don’t learn adjust learn 3 words
- adjust
- adjustment
- adjustable
Typically, if you adjust something you make a fairly small change to it – unless you say otherwise. You can still make a major adjustment! There are 3 common forms of this word. The verb is adjust, the noun adjustment and the adjective adjustable. See how they are used in this quick exercise:
- a common colocation is make an adjustment
- the most common preposition here is to. You adjust to something
The words you want here are alter (the verb), alteration (the noun), altering (a participle) and a related noun alternative.
Alternative is not strictly part of the AWL. It is though a very useful word and forms part of the alter word family. An alternative is something you have changed really.
You often make an alteration to something.
This is one of those words you need to be slightly careful using. It is often used in a quite specialist sense of making changes to a policy or a document. The two most common forms of the word are amend ( verb) and amendment ( a noun)
A common phrase is to make an amendment to something.
Again this word has a fairly narrow use. It describes change but slow and gradual change. The common forms of the word are evolve (the verb), evolution (the noun) and evolved (a participle)
Things evolve from something into something else
If you modify something you change it but typically in a small way and the essence remains the same. The key forms of this word are modify (the verb), modification (the noun) and modified (a participle)
Some less common change words and idioms
It is always nice to be able to use some more advanced vocabulary. You do need though to be careful. These words are much less common and are often used only for specific types of change. You can use idioms when you speak but you have to be confident that you are using them accurately. You will get no reward for producing “learnt” language that is out of place.
If you refine something you generally make it better often by looking at detail and/or by making a small change
One refinement to this idea would be to allow grandparents and not just parents be responsible for young people’s behaviour.
If you acclimatise to something you get comfortable with a new situation. You can use this word when you move into a new culture or environment. It is broadly similar in meaning to get used to.
It took me some time to acclimatise to going back to work after having been a house husband!
If you overhaul something you completely change it. It is properly used for engines but you can also overhaul systems.
The problems in primary education are so severe that the whole system needs to be overhauled.
tinker with
This one is idiomatic and so probably best used in speaking and not writing. If you tinker with something you typically spend quite a lot of time making small changes. Very often the changes are insignificant and perhaps a waste of time
I’m not a fan of DIY in technology. My brother spends ages tinkering with his computer. But I think he’s wasting his time as it never seems to work properly.
move with the times
This is an idiom you could use. If you move with the times, you keep up with new trends and ways of thinking.
My parents are fairly conservative. They haven’t really moved with the times and still have difficulty with technology such as smart phones.
turn things upside down
This is another idiom that could be useful in speaking. If you turn things upside down, you change them completely – often in a negative way.
Yes, I do think attitudes to exams and continuous assessment need to change but I think it’d be a mistake to turn things upside down. There’s a lot that is right in the current set up.
Types of change
When you write and speak about changes it helps to think how big that change is and/or how quickly it happens. If you do this, you get to use some more interesting vocabulary and also write more specifically. Both are these are good things!
Note here that you can still use the word change. It is a common word and not one you should avoid using. The idea is that when you do use it you think about the type of change.
Big changes
Beyond all recognition
Educational systems have changed beyond all recognition in the last 20 years.
Dramatic/ dramatically
The nature of communication has changed dramatically with the advent of computer technology.
Smart phones have revolutionised the way we use the internet as we are now no longer reliant on computers.
Radical shift
In recent years there has been a radical shift in the way people think about the environment.
Science, and genetical modified crops in particular, have transformed farming practice.
Smaller changes
These phrases show smaller changes.
a slight shift
There has been a slight shift in attitudes towards immigration and more people are now willing to accept that it can help the economy.
a minor adjustment
There is no need to completely change the way our children are educated, the curriculum only need a minor adjustment.
Speed of change
rate/pace of change
Not everyone is happy with this rate of change and many would prefer that there were fewer new developments built in town centres.
an overnight change
It is unrealistic to expect this change to occur overnight as first of all attitudes towards air travel need to change.
slow but steady/slowly but steadily
Slowly but steadily more and more people are doing their shopping in out of town supermarkets and this is changing town centres.
a gradual process
This change has been evolutionary and a gradual process as it has taken people some time to get used to the idea of shopping online.
Some exercises
Practice questions
It’s good to have words but you really learn them bye using them for yourself. Take a look at these possible speaking questions and try and answer them. Don’t be afraid to use the word change but do think about how big/small the change is and how fast it happened. Do that and you should use better vocabulary and speak about detail.
How has your home town changed in recent years?
Is there anything you would change about your home town?
Have attitudes to marriage changed in your country?
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What is the name of the rhetorical device of slightly changing a standard phrase?
Here is an example:
McDonald’s Yuan Menu
The original word, “Dollar,” has been replaced with “Yuan,” giving the phrase a new meaning, but a recognizable context.
Here’s another example:
Clean Air Guitar Act
The word, “Guitar,” has been inserted into the phrase, “Clean Air Act.”
A near identical question has been asked here, “Changing a quotation so that the original is recognised, but has been given a new meaning.”
Here are the answers that were provided to that question:
pop culture reference
play on a quote
None of these answers are good. Trope, reference, and allusion are very broad terms. More important, they don’t actually describe the act of slightly altering a phrase, and instead are describing the mere mention of a phrase. Snowclone is not correct because a snowclone describes a template based on an idiom.
Phrasal template seems to be the best term for it. «McDonald’s _____ Menu» is the template in that example, where any currency could be used to fill in the blank.
Clean Air Guitar Act
is an example of a different type of wordplay, and not the same device as the «Yuan Menu». This is important because the distinction is that the «Yuan Menu» isn’t using similar terms meant to be humorous, it’s just to fit the McDonald’s template.
Answered by user44294 on February 8, 2021
You might say that you put a new twist on the phrase.
I think I’d prefer a more formal term if you can find one, though.
Answered by Solocutor on February 8, 2021
It sounds a good deal like «metaplasm,» though strictly speaking that term applies to changes of a letter or syllable in a word; the principle, however, seems to be what you are looking for: «Metaplasm 1. Grammar. Usu. with reference to classical languages: the alteration of a word by addition, removal, or transposition of letters or syllables; an instance of this.» OED definition.
Answered by Richard on February 8, 2021