Word for sleeps around

What is another word for Sleep around?

  • philander

  • fool around

    have sex with different partners

  • bed-hop

  • bedhop

  • fornicate

    have sex with different partners

  • make love

    have sex with different partners

  • screw

    have sex with different partners

  • have sex

    have sex with different partners

  • have sexual intercourse

  • womanize

  • play around

  • carry on

  • flirt

  • play the field

  • be promiscuous

  • commit adultery

  • mess about

  • mess around

  • sleeping around

  • have affairs

  • philandering

  • bed-hopping

  • court

  • toy

  • trifle

  • dally

  • coquet

  • have an affair

  • fool

  • play away

Use filters to view other words, we have 31 synonyms for sleep around.

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phrasal verb


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Photo search results for Sleep around

White Cat on Blue Textile Bed in the Clouds  High angle of crop unrecognizable African American woman holding hand of newborn baby baby sleeping on soft bed in daylight Bed on Colorful Flowers on Cape Unrecognizable person sleeping under blanket Woman Lying on Tree Near Awter

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sunday, bed, lazing around dog, wildlife photography, animal portrait cat, rest, tiger cat, animal, pet cat, animal, lazing around cat, sleeping, pet

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Synonyms for Sleep around. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/sleep_around

Synonyms for Sleep around. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/sleep_around>.

Synonyms for Sleep around. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/sleep_around.

sleep around

1) Общая лексика: распутничать, спать с кем попало

2) Табуированная лексика: иметь много половых партнёров

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «sleep around» в других словарях:

  • sleep around — verb be sexually active with more than one partner His wife bed hops • Syn: ↑bed hop, ↑bedhop • Hypernyms: ↑fornicate • Verb Frames: Somebody s * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • sleep around — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms sleep around : present tense I/you/we/they sleep around he/she/it sleeps around present participle sleeping around past tense slept around past participle slept around informal to have sexual relations with… …   English dictionary

  • sleep around — PHRASAL VERB (disapproval) If you say that someone sleeps around, you disapprove of them because they have sex with a lot of different people. [INFORMAL] [V P] I don t sleep around. [V P with n] …a drunken husband who slept around with other… …   English dictionary

  • sleep around — to have sex with a lot of different people. Just because I m an actor doesn t mean I sleep around …   New idioms dictionary

  • sleep around — [B] sleep with and make love to many partners    Harry was sleeping around before his wife divorced him …   English idioms

  • sleep around — have many casual sexual partners. → sleep …   English new terms dictionary

  • sleep around — {v. phr.}, {slang}, {vulgar}, {avoidable} To be free with one s sexual favors; to behave promiscuously. * /Sue Catwallender is a nice girl but she sleeps around an awful lot with all sorts of guys./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sleep around — {v. phr.}, {slang}, {vulgar}, {avoidable} To be free with one s sexual favors; to behave promiscuously. * /Sue Catwallender is a nice girl but she sleeps around an awful lot with all sorts of guys./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sleep around — v. phr. slang vulgar avoidable To be free with one s sexual favors; to behave promiscuously. Sue Catwallender is a nice girl but she sleeps around an awful lot with all sorts of guys …   Словарь американских идиом

  • sleep around —    to copulate promiscuously    Of either sex, supposedly in various beds:     … sleeping around with a lot of West Indians. I never approved of Christine s lust for black men. (S. Green, 1979) …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • sleep around — intransitive verb Date: 1928 to engage in sex promiscuously …   New Collegiate Dictionary

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

спать около

сплю со всеми подряд


спят примерно

переспать с

спать со всеми вокруг

I don’t want to sleep around.

And I don’t want to sleep around.

I went to sleep around two o’clock.

I came home and went to sleep around 11:30.

Harvey, I don’t sleep around.

Could explain why I sleep around.

I eventually got to sleep around five.

Exhausted, he had gone to sleep around midnight, hoping for an uneventful flight home to Texas at 6 a.m.

Измученный, он пошел спать около полуночи, мечтая о том, как в шесть утра он сядет в быстрый самолет и тот привезет его домой в Техас.

I don’t sleep around a lot.

I don’t sleep around, if that’s what you’re saying.

I won’t gossip, but a lot of people can sleep around.

I have met people who thought they could be a channeler and drink, go to bars or sleep around.

Я встречал людей, которые думали, что они могут быть ченнелерами и выпивать, ходить в бары и спать с кем попало.

Actually, if I’m with someone else and you’re going to sleep around

The subjects in these studies were all sleeping on a fairly normal schedule, waking up around 6-9 a.m. and going to sleep around 10 a.m. -12 p.m.

Все участники этих исследований спали по обычному графику, просыпаясь около 6-9 часов утра и ложась спать около 10-12 часов вечера.

choosing flights that arrive in the early evening local time, so that you can aim to sleep around 10.00 p.m.

выбирая рейсы, прибывающие ранним вечером по местному времени, чтобы вы могли спать около 10.00 вечера.

Most days, he goes to sleep around 11 p.m. and wakes up around 7 or 8 a.m.

Чаще всего он ложится спать около 11 часов вечера и просыпается около 7 или 8 утра.

As you know, a person should sleep around 6-7 hours so that the body can relax, relax, gain strength during sleep.

Как известно, человек должен спать около 6-7 часов, чтобы организм успел отдохнуть, расслабится, набраться сил во время сна.

«Sleeping Around» (literally translated to English as «sleep around«) is a unique and spacious hotel, consisting of six recycled containers that through the efforts of the design team turned into luxury hotel rooms.

«Sleeping Around» (буквально переводится с английского как «спать с кем попало») является уникальным и вместительным отелем, состоящим из шести переработанных контейнеров, которые стараниями команды дизайнеров превратились в роскошные гостиничные номера.

Miss Pillsbury, I don’t sleep around.

You sleep around to feel young again.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 118. Точных совпадений: 118. Затраченное время: 137 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

sleep around — перевод на русский

/sliːp əˈraʊnd/

You have to sleep around.

Нет. Для этого придётся спать с кем попало.

To sleep around.

Либо спать с кем попало.

But she got bored and started sleeping around.

Но ей стало скучно, и она начала спать с кем попало.

Plus, it gives him an excuse to start enjoying himself again — the gambling and sleeping around.

К тому же это позволяет ему снова наслаждаться жизнью — играть и спать с кем попало.

Meredith, why don’t you tell Holly it’s not what she thinks, nothing unethical happened, and that you just like to sleep around.

Мередит, почему бы тебе не сказать Холли, что все не так, как она думает, что ничего неэтичного не случилось, и что тебе просто нравится спать с кем попало.

Показать ещё примеры для «спать с кем попало»…

— You only get one, otherwise you’re that guy that sleeps around.

— Можно только раз, или ты превращаешься в парня, который спит со всеми.

I found out he sleeps around.

Я вдруг узнала,что он спит со всеми.

Well, I have this character that’s a sports writer who sleeps around to get stories.

Ну, у меня есть персонаж — спортивный обозреватель, который спит со всеми, чтобы разузнать истории.

People are trying to sleep around here!

Люди же спят!

— They sleep around.

-Зато спят.

Показать ещё примеры для «спит со всеми»…

— Well, she was this mean,.. ..nasty witch who started spreading awful stories.. ..about me sleeping around.

— Это была злобная, мерзкая ведьма, …которая стала разносить ужасные слухи, будто я сплю со всеми подряд!

You think I’m sleeping around?

Думаешь, я сплю со всеми подряд?

I sleep around, too.

Я тоже сплю со всеми подряд.

Harvey, I don’t sleep around.

Харви, я не сплю со всеми подряд.

Miss Pillsbury, I don’t sleep around.

Мисс Пиллсберри, я не сплю со всеми подряд.

Показать ещё примеры для «сплю со всеми подряд»…

God, no wonder they think you’re sleeping around!

Это неудивительно что они думают что ты мне изменяешь!

Because I know you sleep around on me.

Я знаю, ты мне изменяешь.

So I thought maybe you were sneaking around and sleeping around.

Так что я подумал, что это ты мне изменяешь.

She’s not sleeping around. She’s not gambling it away.

Она мне не изменяет, не проматывает деньги в казино, она их даже нисколько не потратила.

He sleeps around on business trips, then comes back here, shoves me around, acts like he owns me.

Он изменяет мне, а со мной обращается как с вещью.

Показать ещё примеры для «изменяешь»…

I mean, she slept around with every guy she laid eyes on.

Я имела ввиду, что она переспала с каждым из парней ее круга, на которого успела глаз положить.

What, we’re not your sleeping around?

Что, мы не шутим о том , что ты переспала?

Look… if you want to sleep around, I’m sure there’s plenty of guys in Tree Hill who aren’t responsible for my career that could probably help you out with that.

Слушай… если хочешь с кем-то переспать, я уверен, в Три Хилле полно парней, которые не отвечают за мою карьеру, и которые, наверное, помогут тебе с этим.

I’ve been sleeping around a lot with interns.

Я переспал со многими интернами…

When she left for the USA, he drank, did drugs and slept around.

А когда она уехала в США, он начал пить, колоться и даже переспал с другой.

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What is another word for sleep around?

53 synonyms found


[ slˈiːp ɐɹˈa͡ʊnd], [ slˈiːp ɐɹˈa‍ʊnd], [ s_l_ˈiː_p ɐ_ɹ_ˈaʊ_n_d]

Table of Contents

  • n.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • bedhop,
    • bed-hop.
  • v.

    fornicate (verb)

    • art promiscuous,
    • were promiscuous,
    • committing adultery,
    • wast promiscuous,
    • am promiscuous,
    • is promiscuous,
    • wert promiscuous,
    • commits adultery,
    • committed adultery,
    • was promiscuous,
    • being promiscuous,
    • are promiscuous.

    have sex with different partners (verb)

    • have sex,
    • fool around,
    • have sexual intercourse,
    • screw.
  • Other synonyms:

    • lie with,
    • be intimate with someone,
    • bed,
    • jump into bed with someone,
    • sleep with,
    • consummate,
    • spend the night with someone,
    • copulate,
    • practice adultery,
    • make love,
    • sleep together.

    Other relevant words:

    • commit adultery,
    • be promiscuous,
    • fornicate.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • womanize,
    • toy,
    • flirt,
    • grovel,
    • swing,
    • run,
    • seduce,
    • philander,
    • wallow,
    • debauch,
    • mess,
    • trifle,
    • gallivant,
    • play the field,
    • whore,
    • wanton,
    • dissipate,
    • dally,
    • play,
    • be unfaithful,
    • rake.

How to use «Sleep around» in context?

Sleep around. It’s something that’s seemingly taboo, but is it really so bad? The taboo around sleeping around is a common one, and there are many reasons why it’s considered to be a bad thing. The first reason is that sleeping around can lead to jealousy and insecurity. When someone is sleeping around, they are not properly concentrating on the one person they are with, which can lead to them feeling upset and angry. This is also because when someone is sleeping around, they are not taking the time to invest in one relationship, but instead are spreading their love around to many different people.

Word of the Day

narrowed down

calm down,
cut down,


  • SLEEP AROUND synonyms at Thesaurus.com
  • SLEEP AROUND synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
  • Powerthesaurus.org
    — SLEEP AROUND synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of SLEEP AROUND
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for SLEEP AROUND

sleep around

To engage in sex with many different partners. The term has a derogatory connotation. Apparently they have an open relationship and don’t mind when the other person sleeps around. I had a reputation for sleeping around in college, but they were just baseless rumors.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

sleep around (with someone)

Inf. to have sex with several partners over time; to be promiscuous. They say she sleeps around with just anybody all the time. Yes, she sleeps around.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

sleep around

Engage in sex promiscuously, as in Fortunately, no one mentioned that both of them had slept around in their younger days . [Colloquial; 1920s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

sleep around


1. To be sexually active with more than one partner: I’m surprised they’re getting married, considering how much they both sleep around.

2. sleep around on To be sexually unfaithful to someone: I am certain my spouse is sleeping around on me.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • hoi
  • hoi polloi, the
  • polloi
  • the hoi polloi
  • blob
  • in the altitudes
  • nuthatch
  • nuthouse

Sleeping is one of the coolest things we do. Think about how weird it is; you lie down (yes, not lay!), you close your eyes and after some time you enter a state in which, according to the Oxford Dictionary,

the nervous system is inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.

And when you wake up, after some hours of sleep, you may or may not remember what you dreamt about! Dreaming, how’s that for weird as well! But we’ll get to that some other time.

So sleeping is an important part of our lives. It’s something we must do, ideally a few hours every day, and it’s something that we tend to love doing. So it’s no surprise that the word «sleep» has made its way into our language, barging in on our beloved phrasal verbs, among other areas. So today I’m bringing you 5 phrasal verbs constructed with the word «sleep». How about that!

1. Sleep in

When you sleep in, you remain in bed until later than usual. This is what we usually do on Saturdays and Sundays, provided we get the chance. Check out some examples:

I was too tired to get up and go to school, so I just slept in.
Sunday mornings are for sleeping in.
I could just as well sleep in and nobody would notice my absence.

sleep in

2. Sleep over

This term it is used especially in American English. We sleep over when we spend the night at someone else’s house. In fact, this phrasal verb is so popular over at the US that a night at someone’s house is known as a «sleepover». Sleepovers are extremely common among children, whose parents usually set them up on weekend sleepovers with their friends.

Mum, do you mind if I sleep over at Amy’s tonight?
As I had no money left, I had to sleep over at my parents’ house.
It’s her birthday tomorrow and she’s having a sleepover.

sleep over

3. Sleep something off

If you sleep something off, you’re using sleep to recover from something. This something  usually involves alcohol or some other drug.

I think I’ll eat something and try to sleep off the hangover.
The day after the party, they’ll be sleeping the cocktails off.
I’ll give you a call when I sleep off the drinks from last night.

sleep something off

4. Sleep on something (typically, «it»)

We all know how sleeping can give us a better perspective of things. We may have to make a difficult decision, but we don’t find ourselves in the right disposition to make it. In that case, we can sleep on it and make that decision tomorrow, when we’ve had time to think or, simply, when we don’t have any more time to think, ha, ha! In Spanish there’s an idiom for this phrasal verb, and it goes «consultarlo con la almohada», which is literally translated as «check with the pillow». Cool, right?

You don’t have to say anything now. Sleep on it and we’ll talk tomorrow.
Mary said she’d sleep on it and give me an answer in the morning.
I don’t know what to say. Let me sleep on it, will you?

sleep on it

5. Sleep around

This is the only phrasal verb in this list that doesn’t necessarily involve actually sleeping, and you’ll see why. If someone is sleeping around, it means that they have multiple sexual casual partners. Also, if you want to imply that someone is cheating on their partner, you can say that he or she might be sleeping around.

I dunno how long they’ll be together. I think she’s already sleeping around.
After breaking up, I slept around a bit before getting into another serious relationship.
When our parents were young, sleeping around was quite inapproriate.

sleep around

So did you know these phrasal verbs? Do you know any other? If so, let me know in the comments!

I don’t know about you guys, but after reading this post I think I could do with forty winks!

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У нас целая группа, и мы все друг с другом спим.

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Doesn’t it bother you to sleep around without being in love?

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Не хочу сплетничать, но много людей спят с кем попало, вот так.

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Так я просто буду тут жить, пока ты шляешься?

Okay, if I was to promise you that I would never sleep around again, would you believe me?

Sleep around, get knocked up, spitting image of that sister you love.

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Пил, тусил, спал с кем попало.

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Спал с кем попало, прогуливал уроки, продавал наркотики.

Look, I don’t sleep


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Слушай, я не сплю с кем попало.

He trusted you to sleep



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Он тебе доверился, заснул у тебя.

Doesn’t anybody ever get any sleep



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Здесь никто никогда не спит?

Can’t a fellow get any sleep



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Может человек хоть немного поспать тут?

I have been trying to get some sleep



Because I know you


around on me.

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Time: 0.1908





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