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phrasal verb


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Woman in White Shirt Lying on Bed Free stock photo of affection, bed, bedroom Free stock photo of affection, bed, bedroom Free stock photo of affection, bed, bedroom Free stock photo of books, boredom, children Woman in Pink Shirt Lying on Bed With Green and Yellow Fruits

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sunday, bed, lazing around dog, wildlife photography, animal portrait cat, animal, pet cat, rest, tiger cat, animal, lazing around cat, sleeping, pet

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Synonyms for Sleeping around. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/sleeping_around

Synonyms for Sleeping around. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/sleeping_around>.

Synonyms for Sleeping around. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/sleeping_around.

What is another word for sleeping around?

16 synonyms found


[ slˈiːpɪŋ ɐɹˈa͡ʊnd], [ slˈiːpɪŋ ɐɹˈa‍ʊnd], [ s_l_ˈiː_p_ɪ_ŋ ɐ_ɹ_ˈaʊ_n_d]

Table of Contents

  • n.

    fornication (noun)

    • screwing arounds,
    • coitions,
    • sleeping arounds.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • screwing around,
    • sex,
    • sexual practice,
    • coition,
    • sex activity,
    • sexual activity,
    • fornication.

    promiscuity (noun)

    • promiscuity.

    promiscuousness (noun)

    • promiscuousness.
  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • lightness,
    • looseness,
    • laxity,
    • swinging.

How to use «Sleeping around» in context?

There’s a lot of talk about «sleeping around» in our society — but what does that mean exactly? People often use the term to describe sexual behaviors that they don’t feel are ethically or morally wrong, but there’s a lot more to it than that.

When people say they’re sleeping around, they’re generally referring to having sex with more than one person in a single night. But what does that mean for a person?

Sleeping around can feel liberating for a lot of people. It can give them a feeling of freedom and openness that they might not experience otherwise.

синонимы, definition
Sleeping around

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1. sleeping around (Noun)

1 definition

sleeping around (Noun) —   Indulging in promiscuous (casual and indiscriminate) sexual relations 1 example
1. ex. «his reputation for sleeping around»

1 type

# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. one-night stand 13 letters 0 synonyms

2 synonyms

# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. bed-hopping 10 letters 0 synonyms
2. bedhopping 10 letters 0 synonyms

1 definition

sleeping around (Verb) —   Be sexually active with more than one partner

1 type of

# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. fornicating 11 letters 0 synonyms

All synonyms in one line

promiscuity, promiscuousness, bed-hopping, bedhopping.

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Sleeping is one of the coolest things we do. Think about how weird it is; you lie down (yes, not lay!), you close your eyes and after some time you enter a state in which, according to the Oxford Dictionary,

the nervous system is inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.

And when you wake up, after some hours of sleep, you may or may not remember what you dreamt about! Dreaming, how’s that for weird as well! But we’ll get to that some other time.

So sleeping is an important part of our lives. It’s something we must do, ideally a few hours every day, and it’s something that we tend to love doing. So it’s no surprise that the word «sleep» has made its way into our language, barging in on our beloved phrasal verbs, among other areas. So today I’m bringing you 5 phrasal verbs constructed with the word «sleep». How about that!

1. Sleep in

When you sleep in, you remain in bed until later than usual. This is what we usually do on Saturdays and Sundays, provided we get the chance. Check out some examples:

I was too tired to get up and go to school, so I just slept in.
Sunday mornings are for sleeping in.
I could just as well sleep in and nobody would notice my absence.

sleep in

2. Sleep over

This term it is used especially in American English. We sleep over when we spend the night at someone else’s house. In fact, this phrasal verb is so popular over at the US that a night at someone’s house is known as a «sleepover». Sleepovers are extremely common among children, whose parents usually set them up on weekend sleepovers with their friends.

Mum, do you mind if I sleep over at Amy’s tonight?
As I had no money left, I had to sleep over at my parents’ house.
It’s her birthday tomorrow and she’s having a sleepover.

sleep over

3. Sleep something off

If you sleep something off, you’re using sleep to recover from something. This something  usually involves alcohol or some other drug.

I think I’ll eat something and try to sleep off the hangover.
The day after the party, they’ll be sleeping the cocktails off.
I’ll give you a call when I sleep off the drinks from last night.

sleep something off

4. Sleep on something (typically, «it»)

We all know how sleeping can give us a better perspective of things. We may have to make a difficult decision, but we don’t find ourselves in the right disposition to make it. In that case, we can sleep on it and make that decision tomorrow, when we’ve had time to think or, simply, when we don’t have any more time to think, ha, ha! In Spanish there’s an idiom for this phrasal verb, and it goes «consultarlo con la almohada», which is literally translated as «check with the pillow». Cool, right?

You don’t have to say anything now. Sleep on it and we’ll talk tomorrow.
Mary said she’d sleep on it and give me an answer in the morning.
I don’t know what to say. Let me sleep on it, will you?

sleep on it

5. Sleep around

This is the only phrasal verb in this list that doesn’t necessarily involve actually sleeping, and you’ll see why. If someone is sleeping around, it means that they have multiple sexual casual partners. Also, if you want to imply that someone is cheating on their partner, you can say that he or she might be sleeping around.

I dunno how long they’ll be together. I think she’s already sleeping around.
After breaking up, I slept around a bit before getting into another serious relationship.
When our parents were young, sleeping around was quite inapproriate.

sleep around

So did you know these phrasal verbs? Do you know any other? If so, let me know in the comments!

I don’t know about you guys, but after reading this post I think I could do with forty winks!

If you liked this post, please ratecomment and share. Don’t forget to keep up with KSE’s latest news on FacebookTwitterPinterestGoogle+ & YouTube, and fill in the form below to subscribe to the monthly newsletter and receive more awesome English posts. You won’t regret it! Keep Smiling! 😉

Sleeping is one of the coolest things we do. Think about how weird it is; you lie down (yes, not lay!), you close your eyes and after some time you enter a state in which, according to the Oxford Dictionary,

the nervous system is inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.

And when you wake up, after some hours of sleep, you may or may not remember what you dreamt about! Dreaming, how’s that for weird as well! But we’ll get to that some other time.

So sleeping is an important part of our lives. It’s something we must do, ideally a few hours every day, and it’s something that we tend to love doing. So it’s no surprise that the word «sleep» has made its way into our language, barging in on our beloved phrasal verbs, among other areas. So today I’m bringing you 5 phrasal verbs constructed with the word «sleep». How about that!

1. Sleep in

When you sleep in, you remain in bed until later than usual. This is what we usually do on Saturdays and Sundays, provided we get the chance. Check out some examples:

I was too tired to get up and go to school, so I just slept in.
Sunday mornings are for sleeping in.
I could just as well sleep in and nobody would notice my absence.

sleep in

2. Sleep over

This term it is used especially in American English. We sleep over when we spend the night at someone else’s house. In fact, this phrasal verb is so popular over at the US that a night at someone’s house is known as a «sleepover». Sleepovers are extremely common among children, whose parents usually set them up on weekend sleepovers with their friends.

Mum, do you mind if I sleep over at Amy’s tonight?
As I had no money left, I had to sleep over at my parents’ house.
It’s her birthday tomorrow and she’s having a sleepover.

sleep over

3. Sleep something off

If you sleep something off, you’re using sleep to recover from something. This something  usually involves alcohol or some other drug.

I think I’ll eat something and try to sleep off the hangover.
The day after the party, they’ll be sleeping the cocktails off.
I’ll give you a call when I sleep off the drinks from last night.

sleep something off

4. Sleep on something (typically, «it»)

We all know how sleeping can give us a better perspective of things. We may have to make a difficult decision, but we don’t find ourselves in the right disposition to make it. In that case, we can sleep on it and make that decision tomorrow, when we’ve had time to think or, simply, when we don’t have any more time to think, ha, ha! In Spanish there’s an idiom for this phrasal verb, and it goes «consultarlo con la almohada», which is literally translated as «check with the pillow». Cool, right?

You don’t have to say anything now. Sleep on it and we’ll talk tomorrow.
Mary said she’d sleep on it and give me an answer in the morning.
I don’t know what to say. Let me sleep on it, will you?

sleep on it

5. Sleep around

This is the only phrasal verb in this list that doesn’t necessarily involve actually sleeping, and you’ll see why. If someone is sleeping around, it means that they have multiple sexual casual partners. Also, if you want to imply that someone is cheating on their partner, you can say that he or she might be sleeping around.

I dunno how long they’ll be together. I think she’s already sleeping around.
After breaking up, I slept around a bit before getting into another serious relationship.
When our parents were young, sleeping around was quite inapproriate.

sleep around

So did you know these phrasal verbs? Do you know any other? If so, let me know in the comments!

I don’t know about you guys, but after reading this post I think I could do with forty winks!

If you liked this post, please ratecomment and share. Don’t forget to keep up with KSE’s latest news on FacebookTwitterPinterestGoogle+ & YouTube, and fill in the form below to subscribe to the monthly newsletter and receive more awesome English posts. You won’t regret it! Keep Smiling! 😉

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 9 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to sleeping around, such as: coition, coitus, copulation, intimacy, lovemaking, and relations.

How to use sleeping around in a sentence

He can’t go sleeping around in all the rooms of each of his cottages every time there’s a rainstorm, to see if they leak.


The warriors after the laborious day, chilled by the autumn fog, were sleeping around their fires.


The men were all sleeping around the fire, except one, a nervous fellow, of whose qualities I had not a high opinion.


These thoughts pass through my mind as I keep watch while the men are sleeping around me.


One of the men who had been sleeping around the fire was McNally himself.


A lot of sheep were sleeping around the fire, and an old shepherd sat and watched over the flock.


The three women of the house and the man were sleeping around the room in bunks.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • coition
  • coitus
  • copulation
  • intimacy
  • lovemaking
  • relations
  • screwing around
  • sex
  • sleeping around

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

sleep around

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

спит со всеми подряд

спать со всеми подряд

спать с кем попало

спала с кем попало

сплю со всеми подряд

спал с кем попало

спала с другими

спят со всеми подряд


мне изменяешь

Sleeping Around

спала со всеми подряд

спать вокруг

спали вокруг

кто спит с кем попало

Even though he’s sleeping around?

In most cases, the word choice does not express that the subject is sleeping around, it just serves as a universal insult to hurt.

В большинстве случаев, выбор этого слова не продиктован тем, что женщина спит со всеми подряд, это просто универсальный способ обидеть ее.

Because I’m willing to stop sleeping around if you want to get back together.

She start sleeping around on you?

But she got bored, started sleeping around.

Plus, it gives him an excuse to start enjoying himself again — the gambling and sleeping around.

К тому же это позволяет ему снова наслаждаться жизнью — играть и спать с кем попало.

Women and men branded her an embarrassment and she was mocked on television by Japanese officials for immoral behavior and accused of sleeping around to advance her career.

Женщины и мужчины называли её поведением позором, а на телевидении японские официальные лица высмеивали её за аморальное поведение и обвиняли в том, что она спит со всеми подряд ради карьеры.

But only if you stop sleeping around. Deal?

‘It’s like if you say it you are accusing him of sleeping around or that you are not sure of yourself.

«Это как обвинить его, что он спит со всеми подряд, или признаться, что ты сама в себе не уверена.

But behind her back, she was spreading rumors… about Kelly and how she was sleeping around.

Look at his behavior — he stops sleeping around, he was paying off his debts, he sold the one thing in life he actually cared about just to get that ring back.

Посмотрите на его поведение… он перестает спать с кем попало, он возвращает долги, он продал, единственную вещь в жизни, которая ему была важна, только, чтобы вернуть это кольцо обратно.

I thought I was just sleeping around.

Which means you’re still sleeping around.

Что означает, что ты по-прежнему продолжаешь с ними спать.

I think we can all agree that sleeping around is a great way to meet people.

Я думаю, мы все можем согласиться, что спать вокруг — отличный способ познакомиться с людьми.

Men have always been sleeping around at work.

He probably knew all along his wife was sleeping around.

Скорее всего он всё это время знал, что жена изменяла ему.

If this guy’s lying about sleeping around he knows he’s murdering his wife.

Если это парень лжет об измене, тогда он знает, что убивает свою жену.

He started lying, sleeping around

Your daughter was the one who was sleeping around.

Maybe she was sleeping around and someone else got jealous and killed her.

Может она спала с кем-то еще, и кто-то другой приревновал и убил ее.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 102. Точных совпадений: 102. Затраченное время: 114 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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