Word for simply put

What is another word for simply put?

22 synonyms found


[ sˈɪmpli pˈʊt], [ sˈɪmpli pˈʊt], [ s_ˈɪ_m_p_l_i p_ˈʊ_t]

Table of Contents

  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words:

    • clarity,
    • simplicity,
    • discussion,
    • shortness,
    • brevity,
    • explanation,
    • language,
    • briefness,
    • speech,
    • talk,
    • plainness,
    • eloquence,
    • directness,
    • speaking,
    • text,
    • statement,
    • clearness,
    • intelligibility,
    • description,
    • talking,
    • distinctness,
    • conversation.

How to use «Simply put» in context?

The word «simply» is often used as a word of encouragement to make a task seem less daunting. Similarly, it can be used as an adjective to describe something that is straightforward or uncomplicated. In both cases, simply means «quickly and without fuss.»

simply put, the phrase is used as an adage to emphasize that what is said is simple, without over complicating the matter. Additionally, simply meaning «fundamentally,» simply put is often used informally to describe something as being basic or elemental.


  • #1

Which is the better expression —
simply put or put simply?

1) Simply put, affirmations are positive statements.
2) Put simply, affirmations are positive statements.

I usually use #1.

    • #2

    kota said:

    Which is the better expression —
    simply put or put simply?

    1) Simply put, affirmations are positive statements.
    2) Put simply, affirmations are positive statements.

    I usually use #1.

    It’s a matter of personal taste. I prefer No.2.


    • #3

    Either is fine but yeah, I’d go with #2 as well. It’s iambic.

    • #4

    number 2 sounds more «imperative» to me, if that is the idea…
    mgarizona, can I ask you? what do you mean by «it´s iambic» (I found in the dictionary thatiambic is a part of a verse…???)

    • #5

    Both are correct, but I prefer #2. Somehow «simply» sounds stronger when it follows the verb, which is, actually, what the opening statement aims to stress. It’s more melodic, too. IMHO, of course.


    • #6

    The ‘iamb’ is the basic foot of most English verse, one short syllable followed by one long syllable. Anytime you get a chain of these together, the effect is ‘melodious.’ Here «Put simply affirmations» flows nicely because it gives you three iambs in a row.

    • #7

    I see… thank you, mgarizona!


    • #8

    Is that so? But why does «Simply put,» sound better to others?

    I’ve been used to hearing this.


    • #9

    I also prefer 2, and after reflexion I think the reason is the following —

    «simply put» is short for «simply putting this» whereas
    «put simply» is short for «putting this simply».

    The first is not what you mean — you don’t mean «merely putting this» «doing nothing more than putting this» but you mean «putting this in a basic manner».

    I think that on hearing «simply put» people would assume the meaning of «put simply», but I think this is why it sounds a slightly false note.

    • #10

    1) Simply put = simply expressed — this is an easy and understandable way to put this idea into words.
    2) Put simply = expressed simply — this idea put into words that are easily understood.

    2) is the one for me, as it suggests the simplified wording rather that the manner by which the simplification was achieved.

    You decide which you feel is more appropriate.:)


    • #11

    Perhaps changing the verb will help highlight the difference.

    It was simply sung — it wasn’t accompanied by music and drums etc.
    It was sung simply — the singing was simple, no trills or jumping of octaves.

    I think we can see from that that the first means «it was no more than sung» whereas the second is «the way it was sung was simple», and by analogy sentence 2 of the original choice is the right one.

    • #12

    timpeac said:

    Perhaps changing the verb will help highlight the difference.

    It was simply sung — it wasn’t accompanied by music and drums etc.
    It was sung simply — the singing was simple, no trills or jumping of octaves.

    I think we can see from that that the first means «it was no more than sung» whereas the second is «the way it was sung was simple», and by analogy sentence 2 of the original choice is the right one.

    Tim, youve changed the structure of the sentence here, so I don’t think it really applies. There’s a difference between, It was simply sung. and Simply sung,…….. and the same with It was sung simply and Sung simply,……….


    • #13

    Charles Costante said:

    Tim, youve changed the structure of the sentence here, so I don’t think it really applies. There’s a difference between, It was simply sung. and Simply sung,…….. and the same with It was sung simply and Sung simply,……….

    Ok — I have changed the structure, but I suppose the link that I forgot to underline was that
    «simply sung,…» is short for «having been simply sung» and «sung simply,…» is short for «having been sung simply» and that the difference between the two can then be examined by comparing «having been sung simply» and «having been simply sung» with «the song was sung simply» and «the song was simply sung» (eg the two sentences I talk about above) — or do you disagree with the logic of some of my comparisons there?

    • #14

    timpeac said:

    Ok — I have changed the structure, but I suppose the link that I forgot to underline was that
    «simply sung,…» is short for «having been simply sung» and «sung simply,…» is short for «having been sung simply» and that the difference between the two can then be examined by comparing «having been sung simply» and «having been simply sung» with «the song was sung simply» and «the song was simply sung» (eg the two sentences I talk about above) — or do you disagree with the logic of some of my comparisons there?

    I agree with your logic. It was actually the first thing that came to mind when I read the question in Post 1, but I just don’t think that the «simply putting this» meaning of «simply put» comes across loud and clear. It’s a bit ambiguous. I think it can also mean «putting this simply».


    • #15

    Charles Costante said:

    I agree with your logic. It was actually the first thing that came to mind when I read the question in Post 1, but I just don’t think that the «simply putting this» meaning of «simply put» comes across loud and clear. It’s a bit ambiguous and I think it can also mean «putting this simply».

    Oh yes — I do admit above that you could hear one used for the other. It was just that I, like many others, seemed to prefer the second so I was trying to analyse why.

    Put simply, I don’t think the use of either sentence would have made me stop and think «hmmm, I don’t think a native speaker wrote that».:D


    • #16

    I tried to scan the Internet.

    I found usage of both Simply put and Put simply.

    On the average, however, Simply put takes the upper hand.

    I also found an oft quoted blogspot, entitled, SIMPLY PUT, but none of Put simply.

    • #17

    kota said:

    I tried to scan the Internet.

    I found usage of both Simply put and Put simply.

    On the average, however, Simply put takes the upper hand.

    I also found an oft quoted blogspot, entitled, SIMPLY PUT, but none of Put simply.

    You can’t rely on the Google listings in this case because a lot of them are not in the context we are speaking of here.

    • #18

    kota said:

    I tried to scan the Internet.

    I found usage of both Simply put and Put simply.

    On the average, however, Simply put takes the upper hand.

    I also found an oft quoted blogspot, entitled, SIMPLY PUT, but none of Put simply.

    I agree with what you found on the internet. «Simply put» is an idiom which I have always heard in the U.S. rather than «put simply». It means «To put it simply».

    I find the iambic info interesting, but in this case, the most common usage is «Simply put».


    • #19

    timpeac said:

    Oh yes — I do admit above that you could hear one used for the other. It was just that I, like many others, seemed to prefer the second so I was trying to analyse why.

    Put simply, I don’t think the use of either sentence would have made me stop and think "hmmm, I don’t think a native speaker wrote that".:D

    Why?You agree on that they are both commonly used, and you are saying that «as a native, you won’t use either». I am rather confused!


    • #20

    coconutpalm said:

    Why?You agree on that they are both commonly used, and you are saying that «as a native, you won’t use either». I am rather confused!

    You are missing the double negative coconutpalm. I said

    I don’t think the use of either sentence would have made me stop and think «hmmm, I don’t think a native speaker wrote that». In other words I can imagine a native speaker saying either. It obviously wasn’t put as simply as I thought!:D


    • #21

    Got it, Timpeac!Thanks for clarifying! And I truly understand your posts now!

    What does simply put mean in the following paragraph?

    Acoustic musical instruments are common throughout the world. Simply put, an acoustic instrument is any instrument that makes sound. This lecture will introduce you to an acoustic instrument invented in the 20th century.

    apaderno's user avatar


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    asked Apr 14, 2013 at 11:02

    Smolina Fezaphitsh's user avatar


    Simply put, simply put is a two-word phrase that means, «described in basic terms,» or «stated in simple language,» or, «as an easy definition…»

    The put in simply put refers to put into words.

    answered Apr 14, 2013 at 11:17

    J.R.'s user avatar

    «Simply put» is another way of saying «simply SAID.»

    answered Apr 16, 2013 at 1:08

    Tom Au's user avatar

    Tom AuTom Au

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    «Simply put» can be used to introduce an explanation or statement that might not be 100% technically correct or describe every detail, but conveys the basic idea.

    answered Jul 14, 2015 at 16:39

    Chad's user avatar


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    In my opinion, in the place of » put», express or say can be used. In other words, «simply put» is «simply to say.»

    answered Jul 29, 2020 at 11:50

    Tin Win's user avatar


    Simply put means simply put/expressed in words

    See Macmillan Dictionary

    Eddie Kal's user avatar

    Eddie Kal

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    answered Mar 23, 2020 at 7:16

    Abhigyan's user avatar


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  • 1
    simply put

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > simply put

  • 2
    put across

    1. III

    put across smth. /smth. across/ put across one’s idea убедить [всех] в том, что твоя идея заслуживает внимания; put across a deal успешно /удачно/ завершить /провести, провернуть/ сделку и т.д.; speak simply if you want to put your plans across говорите просто /ясно/, если хотите провести свой план /чтобы ваш план приняли/

    2. XXI1

    put across smth. /smth. across/ to smb. a teacher who quickly puts his ideas across to his students учитель, который быстро доносит свои мысли до учеников; put across smth. /smth. across/ on smb. they put across fraud on him они обманули его

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > put across

  • 3
    put across

    донести (мысль, идею), объяснить

    Try to put your explanation across as simply as possible, so that no one will have trouble with technical terminology.

    Good teachers are the ones who are able to put things across well.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > put across

  • 4
    put one’s head into the lion’s mouth

    «класть голову в пасть льва», подвергать себя опасности, риску

    ‘The project is a perfectly mad one,’ Grassini exclaimed. ‘It is simply putting one’s head into the lion’s mouth out of sheer wantonness.’ (E. L. Voynich, ‘The Gadfly’, part II, ch. I) — — Совершенно безумный проект! — воскликнул Грассини. — Это значит из молодечества класть голову в пасть льва.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > put one’s head into the lion’s mouth

  • 5
    put one’s head into the lion’s mouth

       «клacть гoлoву в пacть львa», пoдвepгaть ceбя oпacнocти, pиcку

    «The project is a perfectly mad one,’ Grassini exclaimed. ‘It is simply putting one’s head into the lion’s mouth out of sheer wantonness’ (E. L. Voynich)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > put one’s head into the lion’s mouth

  • 6
    put very simply

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > put very simply

  • 7

    1. граничная промежуточная система
    2. ввод в эксплуатацию
    3. бис

    Обозначение в номере серии устройства, например модема, которое указывает на его вторую модификацию (например, модем серии V.24 bis). См. тж. ter.
    [Л.М. Невдяев. Телекоммуникационные технологии. Англо-русский толковый словарь-справочник. Под редакцией Ю.М. Горностаева. Москва, 2002]


    • электросвязь, основные понятия


    • bis

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > bis

  • 8

    1. приемка
    2. начало эксплуатации
    3. ввод объекта в промышленную эксплуатацию
    4. ввод в эксплуатацию/в действие (в Сочи 2014)
    5. ввод в эксплуатацию (батареи)
    6. ввод в эксплуатацию
    7. введение в действие

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    ввод в эксплуатацию/в действие
    Процесс или задача обеспечения готовности к Играм транспортного средства или рабочего процесса.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    Process and task of making either a vehicle or operation ready for Games-time use.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    • спорт (службы Игр)


    • commissioning

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > commissioning

  • 9

    1. электроустановка
    2. установка (процесс)
    3. установка (оборудования)
    4. установка (напр., оборудования)
    5. установка
    6. система чистого помещения
    7. расположение
    8. пуск в действие
    9. оборудование
    10. инсталляция
    11. внедрение (в практику)
    12. ввод в эксплуатацию
    13. введение в должность

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    1. Установка программного изделия на ПЭВМ.
    2. Одно из ограничений на программное изделие при продаже его фирмой.
    [Домарев В.В. Безопасность информационных технологий. Системный подход.]


    • защита информации


    • installation

    Совокупность связанных между собой частей или устройств, из которых по крайней мере одно движется, а также элементы привода, управления и энергетические узлы, которые предназначены для определенного применения, в частности для обработки, производства, перемещения или упаковки материала. К термину «оборудование» относят также машину и совокупность машин, которые так устроены и управляемы, что они функционируют как единое целое для достижения одной и той же цели.
    [ГОСТ ЕН 1070-2003]


    [IEV number 151-11-25 ]

    Оснащение, материалы, приспособления, устройства, механизмы, приборы, инструменты и другие принадлежности, используемые в качестве частей электрической установки или в соединении с ней.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60204-1-2007]


    single apparatus or set of devices or apparatuses, or the set of main devices of an installation, or all devices necessary to perform a specific task
    NOTE – Examples of equipment are a power transformer, the equipment of a substation, measuring equipment.
    [IEV number 151-11-25 ]

    material, fittings, devices, components, appliances, fixtures, apparatus, and the like used as part of, or in connection with, the electrical equipment of machines
    [IEC 60204-1-2006]


    équipement, m
    matériel, m
    appareil unique ou ensemble de dispositifs ou appareils, ou ensemble des dispositifs principaux d’une installation, ou ensemble des dispositifs nécessaires à l’accomplissement d’une tâche particulière
    NOTE – Des exemples d’équipement ou de matériel sont un transformateur de puissance, l’équipement d’une sous-station, un équipement de mesure.
    [IEV number 151-11-25]


    • электробезопасность


    • accessories
    • apparatus
    • appliance
    • assets
    • environment
    • equipment
    • facility
    • fitment
    • fixing
    • gear
    • H/W
    • hardware
    • hardware environment
    • HW
    • installation
    • instrument
    • instrumentation
    • layout
    • machinery
    • outfit
    • paraphernalia
    • plant
    • plant stock
    • product
    • provisions
    • rig
    • rigging
    • set-up
    • stock-in-trade
    • tackle
    • technical equipment
    • technique


    • Ausrüstung
    • Betriebsmittel
    • Maschine


    • machine
    • matériel, m
    • équipement, m


    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва]


    • электротехника, основные понятия


    • installation

    Условное наименование объекта в энергетических сооружениях, на который выпускается схема, например, главные цепи.
    [ГОСТ 2.701-84]


    Условное наименование комплекса взаимосвязанного оборудования и (или) устройств.
    [РД 01.120.00-КТН-228-06]


    Комплекс машин и оборудования, собранных в один или несколько агрегатов, предназначаемый для выполнения связанных технологической последовательностью работ
    [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]


    • installation
    • plant


    • Anlage


    • installation

    установка (оборудования)
    Проведение необходимых монтажных и других подготовительных работ, предшествующих введению оборудования в эксплуатацию.
    [Л.М. Невдяев. Телекоммуникационные технологии. Англо-русский толковый словарь-справочник. Под редакцией Ю.М. Горностаева. Москва, 2002]


    • электросвязь, основные понятия


    • installation

    Любое сочетание взаимосвязанного электрического оборудования в пределах данного пространства или помещения.
    Макаров Е.Ф. Справочник по электрическим сетям 0,4-35 кВ и 110-1150 кВ]

    Совокупность машин, аппаратов, линий и вспомогательного оборудования (вместе с сооружениями и помещениями, в которых они установлены), предназначенных для производства, преобразования, трансформации, передачи, распределения электрической энергии и преобразования ее в другие виды энергии


    Энергоустановка, предназначенная для производства или преобразования, передачи, распределения или потребления электрической энергии.
    [ ГОСТ 19431-84]

    Совокупность взаимосвязанного электрического оборудования, имеющего согласованные характеристики и предназначенного для определенной цели.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60050-826-2009]


    [IEV number 151-11-26]


    electrical installation
    assembly of associated electric equipment having co-ordinated characteristics to fulfil specific purposes
    [IEV number 826-10-01]

    one apparatus or a set of devices and/or apparatuses associated in a given location to fulfil specified purposes, including all means for their satisfactory operation
    [IEV number 151-11-26]


    installation électrique, f
    ensemble de matériels électriques associés ayant des caractéristiques coordonnées en vue d’une application donnée
    [IEV number 826-10-01]

    installation, f
    appareil unique ou ensemble de dispositifs ou d’appareils associés en vue d’une application déterminée et situés en un emplacement donné, y compris les moyens nécessaires à leur fonctionnement correct
    [IEV number 151-11-26]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    In water installations, harmonics are mainly generated by Variable Speed Drives, Ozone generators and UV lamps, which should all be carefully managed.

    Применение в электроустановках систем водоснабжения приводов с регулируемой частотой вращения, генераторов озона и УФ-ламп приводит к загрязнению электросети гармоническими составляющими, которые нужно тщательно отфильтровывать.
    [Перевод Интент]

    11.1 Стандарт распространяется на проектирование, монтаж и проверку электроустановок следующих объектов:
    a) жилых зданий;
    b) торговых предприятий;
    c) общественных зданий;
    d) производственных зданий;
    e) сельскохозяйственных и садоводческих строений;
    f) сборных зданий;
    g) жилых автофургонов, стоянок для них и аналогичных участков;
    h) строительных площадок, выставок, ярмарок и других временных сооружений;
    i) пристаней для малых судов, используемых на досуге;
    j) наружного освещения и установок аналогичного назначения (кроме перечисления е) в подразделе 11.3);
    k) медицинских учреждений;
    i) подвижных или транспортируемых средств;
    m) фотоэлектрических систем;
    n) низковольтных генераторных установок.
    Примечание — Под терминами «здание», «предприятие», «строение», «сооружение», «учреждение» понимают также земельные участки и все, что на них находится.

    электроустановки потребителя, расположенные вне зданий

    [ ГОСТ Р 50571. 1- 2009 ( МЭК 60364-1: 2005)]

    По условиям электробезопасности электроустановки классифицируются следующим образом:

    • электроустановки напряжением до 1 кВ с заземленной нейтралью
    • электроустановки напряжением до 1 кВ с изолированной нейтралью
    • электроустановки напряжением выше 1 кВ в сетях с эффективно заземленной нейтралью (с большими токами замыкания на землю)
    • электроустановки напряжением выше 1 кВ в сетях с изолированной нейтралью (с малыми токами замыкания на землю).


    • электроустановки

    Близкие понятия

    • электроустановка здания
    • электроустановка квартиры
    • электроустановка объекта
    • электроустановка потребителя
    • электроустановка промышленного предприятия
    • электроустановки жилых и общественных зданий


    • включение электроустановки
    • заземление электроустановки
    • зануление электроустановки
    • защита электроустановки от перенапряжений
    • монтаж электроустановки
    • обслуживание электроустановки
    • организация эксплуатации электроустановки
    • присоединение электроустановки к электрической сети
    • проектирование электроустановки
    • сертификация электроустановки
    • создание электроустановки
    • техническое освидетельствование текущего состояния электроустановки
    • устройство электроустановки
    • эксплуатация электроустановки


    • электрическая установка


    • electrical installation
    • establishment
    • facility
    • installation
    • plant


    • elektrische Anlage, f


    • installation électrique, f

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > installation

  • 10

    1. приработка оборудования
    2. ввод в эксплуатацию

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > breaking-in

  • 11

    1. ввод в эксплуатацию

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > breakingin

  • 12
    bringing into service

    1. ввод в эксплуатацию

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > bringing into service

  • 13

    1. совершение какого-либо действия
    2. комитет
    3. комиссия
    4. комиссионное вознаграждение
    5. ввод в эксплуатацию

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    Комиссия по фитосанитарным мерам, основанная в соответствии со статьёй XI (МККЗР) (МККЗР, 1997).
    [Mеждународные стандарты по фитосанитарным мерам МСФМ № 5. Глоссарий фитосанитарных терминов]


    • защита растений


    • commission


    • commission

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > commission

  • 14
    going into operation

    1. ввод в эксплуатацию

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > going into operation

  • 15

    1. осуществление системы автоматизации подстанции
    2. внедрение (в практику)
    3. ввод в эксплуатацию

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > implementation

  • 16
    putting into operation

    1. ввод в эксплуатацию

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > putting into operation

  • 17
    start up

    1. начальные действия
    2. ввод в эксплуатацию

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    начальные действия
    установка (диска, экрана) в исходное состояние

    [Е.С.Алексеев, А.А.Мячев. Англо-русский толковый словарь по системотехнике ЭВМ. Москва 1993]


    • информационные технологии в целом


    • установка (диска, экрана) в исходное состояние


    • disk, screen
    • start up

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > start up

  • 18

    1. пуск
    2. ввод в эксплуатацию

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > start-up

  • 19
    start-up service

    1. ввод в эксплуатацию

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > start-up service

  • 20

    1. ввод в эксплуатацию

    ввод в эксплуатацию
    Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
    Примечание — Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
    [ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]


    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service

    Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.

    CPCS — Critical Power & Cooling Services
    [Schneider Electric]

    Putting into operation vs. Commissioning

    What is the difference in the use of terms «commissioning» and «putting into operation»?
    Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?

    I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.

    Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.

    This is commissioning.

    You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.

    That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
    [ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]


    • система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники


    • BIS
    • breaking-in
    • breakingin
    • bringing into service
    • commission
    • commissioning
    • going into operation
    • implementation
    • installation
    • putting into operation
    • start up
    • start-up
    • start-up service
    • startup

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > startup

  • simply put

    In clearer, more direct, or more easily understandable terms. Used when discussing a complicated topic or situation. A: «What the heck is a cholecystectomy?» B: «Simply put, it’s the surgical removal of the gallbladder, something we do here at the hospital everyday. We’ll take good care of your husband.» A: «Simply put, he’s a fool, and he never deserved you.» B: «Well, don’t mince words, Mom.»

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    See also:

    • put simply
    • to put it simply
    • what the heck
    • What the heck!
    • go off topic
    • get off topic
    • drop the topic
    • a heck of a
    • heck of a
    • be off topic

    simply put — перевод на русский

    Simply put, this is your convenient way of bending Buddha’s teachings to suit the world?

    Проще говоря, ты пытаешься приспособить учения Будды к своим мирским нуждам?

    Genesis, simply put, is life from lifelessness.

    Генезис, проще говоря, это жизнь из безжизненности.

    Simply put, ingen is seeking limited partners to defray some of our expensing costs.

    Проще говоря, «ИнДжен» ищет партнеров… которые смогут разделить наши расходы.

    Simply put, taking on a Bajoran officer as an advisor would undermine his authority.

    Проще говоря, назначение баджорского офицера в качестве советника, подорвет его авторитет.

    Simply put, she is my number one reason for living.

    Проще говоря, я живу ради нее.

    Показать ещё примеры для «проще говоря»…

    We’ll simply put that down to enthusiasm.

    — Нет. Мы просто попритушим энтузиазм.

    I simply put forward the possibility, that based on the knowledge that…

    Я просто высказывал предположение, которое основывается на…

    Simply put, they want what it is that only we can provide.

    Все просто: им нужно то, что можем дать только мы.

    So, simply put, the Black Pedals can’t tour without Liam.

    Поэтому, «Черные педали» просто не могут поехать в тур без Лиама.

    Показать ещё примеры для «просто»…

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    проще говоря

    попросту говоря

    иными словами

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    Иначе говоря


    Simply put, businesses that are easily accessed online get more customers.

    Проще говоря, предприятия, к которым легко получить доступ онлайн, получают больше клиентов.

    Simply put, abusers suffer from chronic insecurity.

    Попросту говоря, люди, склонные к насилию, страдают от хронической неуверенности в себе.

    Simply put, supplements are not food.

    Simply put, this small population costs a lot.

    Иными словами, на эту небольшую группу населения тратится немало средств.

    Simply put: comparing good and bad articles.

    Проще говоря: сравнивают между собой хорошие и плохие статьи.

    Simply put, we use technology to reimagine media.

    Проще говоря, мы используем технологии, чтобы изменить представление о медиа.

    Simply put, natural light is sunlight.

    Проще говоря, естественное освещение — это солнечный свет.

    Simply put, exchange rates are prices to buy and sell currency.

    «Проще говоря, обменный курс — это цены на покупку и продажу валюты.

    Simply put, liabilities are what you owe.

    Проще говоря, дебиторская задолженность — это то, что должны вам.

    Simply put: don’t tolerate chronic liars… especially as friends.

    Проще говоря: не миритесь с хроническими лжецами, особенно если они являются вашими друзьями.

    Simply put, this bullying using electronic devices and/or apps.

    Проще говоря, это травля с использованием электронных устройств и/ или приложений.

    Simply put, these people aren’t really your friends.

    Проще говоря, эти люди на самом деле — не ваши друзья.

    Simply put, it is the reason we exist.

    Проще говоря, они являются причиной, по которой мы существуем.

    Simply put, recent knowledge overrides longer-term thinking and memory.

    Проще говоря, недавний опыт и знания как бы перекрывают долгосрочное планирование и память.

    Simply put, our customers want what we have; high-quality graphene.

    Проще говоря, наши клиенты хотят того, что у нас есть, высококачественный графен.

    Simply put, the symbol can outwardly remind nothing that symbolizes.

    Проще говоря, символ может внешне ничем не напоминать то, что символизирует.

    Simply put, they are loans.

    Simply put, helping animals helps people.

    Проще говоря, помогая животным, мы помогаем людям.

    Simply put, self-esteem is how much you like yourself.

    Проще говоря, самоуважение — это то, насколько вы нравитесь себе.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат Simply put

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